path: root/include/llvm/CodeGen/GCMetadata.h
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1 files changed, 48 insertions, 48 deletions
diff --git a/include/llvm/CodeGen/GCMetadata.h b/include/llvm/CodeGen/GCMetadata.h
index 6de69cd..b401068 100644
--- a/include/llvm/CodeGen/GCMetadata.h
+++ b/include/llvm/CodeGen/GCMetadata.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-//===-- GCMetadata.h - Garbage collector metadata -------------------------===//
+//===-- GCMetadata.h - Garbage collector metadata ---------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
// The GCFunctionInfo class logs the data necessary to build a type accurate
// stack map. The code generator outputs:
// - Safe points as specified by the GCStrategy's NeededSafePoints.
// - Stack offsets for GC roots, as specified by calls to llvm.gcroot
@@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ namespace llvm {
class GCStrategy;
class Constant;
class MCSymbol;
namespace GC {
/// PointKind - The type of a collector-safe point.
- ///
+ ///
enum PointKind {
Loop, //< Instr is a loop (backwards branch).
Return, //< Instr is a return instruction.
@@ -53,138 +53,138 @@ namespace llvm {
PostCall //< Instr is the return address of a call.
/// GCPoint - Metadata for a collector-safe point in machine code.
- ///
+ ///
struct GCPoint {
GC::PointKind Kind; //< The kind of the safe point.
MCSymbol *Label; //< A label.
GCPoint(GC::PointKind K, MCSymbol *L) : Kind(K), Label(L) {}
/// GCRoot - Metadata for a pointer to an object managed by the garbage
/// collector.
struct GCRoot {
int Num; //< Usually a frame index.
int StackOffset; //< Offset from the stack pointer.
const Constant *Metadata;//< Metadata straight from the call to llvm.gcroot.
GCRoot(int N, const Constant *MD) : Num(N), StackOffset(-1), Metadata(MD) {}
/// GCFunctionInfo - Garbage collection metadata for a single function.
- ///
+ ///
class GCFunctionInfo {
typedef std::vector<GCPoint>::iterator iterator;
typedef std::vector<GCRoot>::iterator roots_iterator;
typedef std::vector<GCRoot>::const_iterator live_iterator;
const Function &F;
GCStrategy &S;
uint64_t FrameSize;
std::vector<GCRoot> Roots;
std::vector<GCPoint> SafePoints;
// FIXME: Liveness. A 2D BitVector, perhaps?
- //
+ //
// BitVector Liveness;
- //
+ //
// bool islive(int point, int root) =
// Liveness[point * SafePoints.size() + root]
- //
+ //
// The bit vector is the more compact representation where >3.2% of roots
// are live per safe point (1.5% on 64-bit hosts).
GCFunctionInfo(const Function &F, GCStrategy &S);
/// getFunction - Return the function to which this metadata applies.
- ///
+ ///
const Function &getFunction() const { return F; }
/// getStrategy - Return the GC strategy for the function.
- ///
+ ///
GCStrategy &getStrategy() { return S; }
/// addStackRoot - Registers a root that lives on the stack. Num is the
/// stack object ID for the alloca (if the code generator is
// using MachineFrameInfo).
void addStackRoot(int Num, const Constant *Metadata) {
Roots.push_back(GCRoot(Num, Metadata));
/// addSafePoint - Notes the existence of a safe point. Num is the ID of the
- /// label just prior to the safe point (if the code generator is using
+ /// label just prior to the safe point (if the code generator is using
/// MachineModuleInfo).
void addSafePoint(GC::PointKind Kind, MCSymbol *Label) {
SafePoints.push_back(GCPoint(Kind, Label));
/// getFrameSize/setFrameSize - Records the function's frame size.
- ///
+ ///
uint64_t getFrameSize() const { return FrameSize; }
void setFrameSize(uint64_t S) { FrameSize = S; }
/// begin/end - Iterators for safe points.
- ///
+ ///
iterator begin() { return SafePoints.begin(); }
iterator end() { return SafePoints.end(); }
size_t size() const { return SafePoints.size(); }
/// roots_begin/roots_end - Iterators for all roots in the function.
- ///
+ ///
roots_iterator roots_begin() { return Roots.begin(); }
roots_iterator roots_end () { return Roots.end(); }
size_t roots_size() const { return Roots.size(); }
/// live_begin/live_end - Iterators for live roots at a given safe point.
- ///
+ ///
live_iterator live_begin(const iterator &p) { return roots_begin(); }
live_iterator live_end (const iterator &p) { return roots_end(); }
size_t live_size(const iterator &p) const { return roots_size(); }
/// GCModuleInfo - Garbage collection metadata for a whole module.
- ///
+ ///
class GCModuleInfo : public ImmutablePass {
typedef StringMap<GCStrategy*> strategy_map_type;
typedef std::vector<GCStrategy*> list_type;
typedef DenseMap<const Function*,GCFunctionInfo*> finfo_map_type;
strategy_map_type StrategyMap;
list_type StrategyList;
finfo_map_type FInfoMap;
GCStrategy *getOrCreateStrategy(const Module *M, const std::string &Name);
typedef list_type::const_iterator iterator;
static char ID;
/// clear - Resets the pass. The metadata deleter pass calls this.
- ///
+ ///
void clear();
/// begin/end - Iterators for used strategies.
- ///
+ ///
iterator begin() const { return StrategyList.begin(); }
iterator end() const { return StrategyList.end(); }
/// get - Look up function metadata.
- ///
+ ///
GCFunctionInfo &getFunctionInfo(const Function &F);
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