path: root/include/clang/Driver/Driver.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'include/clang/Driver/Driver.h')
1 files changed, 271 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/include/clang/Driver/Driver.h b/include/clang/Driver/Driver.h
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index 0000000..66e3b97
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+++ b/include/clang/Driver/Driver.h
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+//===--- Driver.h - Clang GCC Compatible Driver -----------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h"
+#include "clang/Driver/Phases.h"
+#include "clang/Driver/Util.h"
+#include "llvm/System/Path.h" // FIXME: Kill when CompilationInfo
+ // lands.
+#include <list>
+#include <set>
+#include <string>
+namespace clang {
+namespace driver {
+ class Action;
+ class ArgList;
+ class Compilation;
+ class HostInfo;
+ class InputArgList;
+ class InputInfo;
+ class JobAction;
+ class OptTable;
+ class PipedJob;
+ class ToolChain;
+/// Driver - Encapsulate logic for constructing compilation processes
+/// from a set of gcc-driver-like command line arguments.
+class Driver {
+ OptTable *Opts;
+ Diagnostic &Diags;
+ // Diag - Forwarding function for diagnostics.
+ DiagnosticBuilder Diag(unsigned DiagID) const {
+ return Diags.Report(FullSourceLoc(), DiagID);
+ }
+ // FIXME: Privatize once interface is stable.
+ /// The name the driver was invoked as.
+ std::string Name;
+ /// The path the driver executable was in, as invoked from the
+ /// command line.
+ std::string Dir;
+ /// Default host triple.
+ std::string DefaultHostTriple;
+ /// Default name for linked images (e.g., "a.out").
+ std::string DefaultImageName;
+ /// Host information for the platform the driver is running as. This
+ /// will generally be the actual host platform, but not always.
+ const HostInfo *Host;
+ /// Information about the host which can be overriden by the user.
+ std::string HostBits, HostMachine, HostSystem, HostRelease;
+ /// Whether the driver should follow g++ like behavior.
+ bool CCCIsCXX : 1;
+ /// Echo commands while executing (in -v style).
+ bool CCCEcho : 1;
+ /// Only print tool bindings, don't build any jobs.
+ bool CCCPrintBindings : 1;
+ /// Name to use when calling the generic gcc.
+ std::string CCCGenericGCCName;
+ /// Use the clang compiler where possible.
+ bool CCCUseClang : 1;
+ /// Use clang for handling C++ and Objective-C++ inputs.
+ bool CCCUseClangCXX : 1;
+ /// Use clang as a preprocessor (clang's preprocessor will still be
+ /// used where an integrated CPP would).
+ bool CCCUseClangCPP : 1;
+ /// Use lazy precompiled headers for PCH support.
+ bool CCCUsePCH;
+ /// Only use clang for the given architectures (only used when
+ /// non-empty).
+ std::set<std::string> CCCClangArchs;
+ /// Certain options suppress the 'no input files' warning.
+ bool SuppressMissingInputWarning : 1;
+ std::list<std::string> TempFiles;
+ std::list<std::string> ResultFiles;
+ Driver(const char *_Name, const char *_Dir,
+ const char *_DefaultHostTriple,
+ const char *_DefaultImageName,
+ Diagnostic &_Diags);
+ ~Driver();
+ /// @name Accessors
+ /// @{
+ const OptTable &getOpts() const { return *Opts; }
+ const Diagnostic &getDiags() const { return Diags; }
+ /// @}
+ /// @name Primary Functionality
+ /// @{
+ /// BuildCompilation - Construct a compilation object for a command
+ /// line argument vector.
+ ///
+ /// \return A compilation, or 0 if none was built for the given
+ /// argument vector. A null return value does not necessarily
+ /// indicate an error condition, the diagnostics should be queried
+ /// to determine if an error occurred.
+ Compilation *BuildCompilation(int argc, const char **argv);
+ /// @name Driver Steps
+ /// @{
+ /// ParseArgStrings - Parse the given list of strings into an
+ /// ArgList.
+ InputArgList *ParseArgStrings(const char **ArgBegin, const char **ArgEnd);
+ /// BuildActions - Construct the list of actions to perform for the
+ /// given arguments, which are only done for a single architecture.
+ ///
+ /// \param Args - The input arguments.
+ /// \param Actions - The list to store the resulting actions onto.
+ void BuildActions(const ArgList &Args, ActionList &Actions) const;
+ /// BuildUniversalActions - Construct the list of actions to perform
+ /// for the given arguments, which may require a universal build.
+ ///
+ /// \param Args - The input arguments.
+ /// \param Actions - The list to store the resulting actions onto.
+ void BuildUniversalActions(const ArgList &Args, ActionList &Actions) const;
+ /// BuildJobs - Bind actions to concrete tools and translate
+ /// arguments to form the list of jobs to run.
+ ///
+ /// \arg C - The compilation that is being built.
+ void BuildJobs(Compilation &C) const;
+ /// @}
+ /// @name Helper Methods
+ /// @{
+ /// PrintActions - Print the list of actions.
+ void PrintActions(const Compilation &C) const;
+ /// PrintHelp - Print the help text.
+ ///
+ /// \param ShowHidden - Show hidden options.
+ void PrintHelp(bool ShowHidden) const;
+ /// PrintOptions - Print the list of arguments.
+ void PrintOptions(const ArgList &Args) const;
+ /// PrintVersion - Print the driver version.
+ void PrintVersion(const Compilation &C) const;
+ /// GetFilePath - Lookup \arg Name in the list of file search paths.
+ ///
+ /// \arg TC - The tool chain for additional information on
+ /// directories to search.
+ // FIXME: This should be in CompilationInfo.
+ llvm::sys::Path GetFilePath(const char *Name, const ToolChain &TC) const;
+ /// GetProgramPath - Lookup \arg Name in the list of program search
+ /// paths.
+ ///
+ /// \arg TC - The provided tool chain for additional information on
+ /// directories to search.
+ ///
+ /// \arg WantFile - False when searching for an executable file, otherwise
+ /// true. Defaults to false.
+ // FIXME: This should be in CompilationInfo.
+ llvm::sys::Path GetProgramPath(const char *Name, const ToolChain &TC,
+ bool WantFile = false) const;
+ /// HandleImmediateArgs - Handle any arguments which should be
+ /// treated before building actions or binding tools.
+ ///
+ /// \return Whether any compilation should be built for this
+ /// invocation.
+ bool HandleImmediateArgs(const Compilation &C);
+ /// ConstructAction - Construct the appropriate action to do for
+ /// \arg Phase on the \arg Input, taking in to account arguments
+ /// like -fsyntax-only or --analyze.
+ Action *ConstructPhaseAction(const ArgList &Args, phases::ID Phase,
+ Action *Input) const;
+ /// BuildJobsForAction - Construct the jobs to perform for the
+ /// action \arg A.
+ void BuildJobsForAction(Compilation &C,
+ const Action *A,
+ const ToolChain *TC,
+ bool CanAcceptPipe,
+ bool AtTopLevel,
+ const char *LinkingOutput,
+ InputInfo &Result) const;
+ /// GetNamedOutputPath - Return the name to use for the output of
+ /// the action \arg JA. The result is appended to the compilation's
+ /// list of temporary or result files, as appropriate.
+ ///
+ /// \param C - The compilation.
+ /// \param JA - The action of interest.
+ /// \param BaseInput - The original input file that this action was
+ /// triggered by.
+ /// \param AtTopLevel - Whether this is a "top-level" action.
+ const char *GetNamedOutputPath(Compilation &C,
+ const JobAction &JA,
+ const char *BaseInput,
+ bool AtTopLevel) const;
+ /// GetTemporaryPath - Return the pathname of a temporary file to
+ /// use as part of compilation; the file will have the given suffix.
+ ///
+ /// GCC goes to extra lengths here to be a bit more robust.
+ std::string GetTemporaryPath(const char *Suffix) const;
+ /// GetHostInfo - Construct a new host info object for the given
+ /// host triple.
+ const HostInfo *GetHostInfo(const char *HostTriple) const;
+ /// ShouldUseClangCompilar - Should the clang compiler be used to
+ /// handle this action.
+ bool ShouldUseClangCompiler(const Compilation &C, const JobAction &JA,
+ const std::string &ArchName) const;
+ /// @}
+ /// GetReleaseVersion - Parse (([0-9]+)(.([0-9]+)(.([0-9]+)?))?)? and
+ /// return the grouped values as integers. Numbers which are not
+ /// provided are set to 0.
+ ///
+ /// \return True if the entire string was parsed (9.2), or all
+ /// groups were parsed (10.3.5extrastuff). HadExtra is true if all
+ /// groups were parsed but extra characters remain at the end.
+ static bool GetReleaseVersion(const char *Str, unsigned &Major,
+ unsigned &Minor, unsigned &Micro,
+ bool &HadExtra);
+} // end namespace driver
+} // end namespace clang
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