path: root/include/clang/Checker/PathSensitive/GRExprEngine.h
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 528 deletions
diff --git a/include/clang/Checker/PathSensitive/GRExprEngine.h b/include/clang/Checker/PathSensitive/GRExprEngine.h
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-//===-- GRExprEngine.h - Path-Sensitive Expression-Level Dataflow ---*- C++ -*-=
-// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-// This file defines a meta-engine for path-sensitive dataflow analysis that
-// is built on GRCoreEngine, but provides the boilerplate to execute transfer
-// functions and build the ExplodedGraph at the expression level.
-#include "clang/Checker/PathSensitive/AnalysisManager.h"
-#include "clang/Checker/PathSensitive/GRSubEngine.h"
-#include "clang/Checker/PathSensitive/GRCoreEngine.h"
-#include "clang/Checker/PathSensitive/GRState.h"
-#include "clang/Checker/PathSensitive/GRSimpleAPICheck.h"
-#include "clang/Checker/PathSensitive/GRTransferFuncs.h"
-#include "clang/Checker/BugReporter/BugReporter.h"
-#include "clang/AST/Type.h"
-#include "clang/AST/ExprObjC.h"
-#include "clang/AST/ExprCXX.h"
-namespace clang {
-class AnalysisManager;
-class Checker;
-class ObjCForCollectionStmt;
-class GRExprEngine : public GRSubEngine {
- AnalysisManager &AMgr;
- GRCoreEngine CoreEngine;
- /// G - the simulation graph.
- ExplodedGraph& G;
- /// Builder - The current GRStmtNodeBuilder which is used when building the
- /// nodes for a given statement.
- GRStmtNodeBuilder* Builder;
- /// StateMgr - Object that manages the data for all created states.
- GRStateManager StateMgr;
- /// SymMgr - Object that manages the symbol information.
- SymbolManager& SymMgr;
- /// ValMgr - Object that manages/creates SVals.
- ValueManager &ValMgr;
- /// SVator - SValuator object that creates SVals from expressions.
- SValuator &SVator;
- /// EntryNode - The immediate predecessor node.
- ExplodedNode* EntryNode;
- /// CleanedState - The state for EntryNode "cleaned" of all dead
- /// variables and symbols (as determined by a liveness analysis).
- const GRState* CleanedState;
- /// CurrentStmt - The current block-level statement.
- const Stmt* CurrentStmt;
- // Obj-C Class Identifiers.
- IdentifierInfo* NSExceptionII;
- // Obj-C Selectors.
- Selector* NSExceptionInstanceRaiseSelectors;
- Selector RaiseSel;
- llvm::OwningPtr<GRSimpleAPICheck> BatchAuditor;
- enum CallbackKind {
- PreVisitStmtCallback,
- PostVisitStmtCallback,
- ProcessAssumeCallback,
- EvalRegionChangesCallback
- };
- typedef uint32_t CallbackTag;
- /// GetCallbackTag - Create a tag for a certain kind of callback. The 'Sub'
- /// argument can be used to differentiate callbacks that depend on another
- /// value from a small set of possibilities, such as statement classes.
- static inline CallbackTag GetCallbackTag(CallbackKind K, uint32_t Sub = 0) {
- assert(Sub == ((Sub << 8) >> 8) && "Tag sub-kind must fit into 24 bits");
- return K | (Sub << 8);
- }
- typedef llvm::DenseMap<void *, unsigned> CheckerMap;
- typedef std::vector<std::pair<void *, Checker*> > CheckersOrdered;
- typedef llvm::DenseMap<CallbackTag, CheckersOrdered *> CheckersOrderedCache;
- /// A registration map from checker tag to the index into the
- /// ordered checkers vector.
- CheckerMap CheckerM;
- /// An ordered vector of checkers that are called when evaluating
- /// various expressions and statements.
- CheckersOrdered Checkers;
- /// A map used for caching the checkers that respond to the callback for
- /// a particular callback tag.
- CheckersOrderedCache COCache;
- /// The BugReporter associated with this engine. It is important that
- /// this object be placed at the very end of member variables so that its
- /// destructor is called before the rest of the GRExprEngine is destroyed.
- GRBugReporter BR;
- llvm::OwningPtr<GRTransferFuncs> TF;
- class CallExprWLItem {
- public:
- CallExpr::const_arg_iterator I;
- ExplodedNode *N;
- CallExprWLItem(const CallExpr::const_arg_iterator &i, ExplodedNode *n)
- : I(i), N(n) {}
- };
- GRExprEngine(AnalysisManager &mgr, GRTransferFuncs *tf);
- ~GRExprEngine();
- void ExecuteWorkList(const LocationContext *L, unsigned Steps = 150000) {
- CoreEngine.ExecuteWorkList(L, Steps, 0);
- }
- /// Execute the work list with an initial state. Nodes that reaches the exit
- /// of the function are added into the Dst set, which represent the exit
- /// state of the function call.
- void ExecuteWorkListWithInitialState(const LocationContext *L, unsigned Steps,
- const GRState *InitState,
- ExplodedNodeSet &Dst) {
- CoreEngine.ExecuteWorkListWithInitialState(L, Steps, InitState, Dst);
- }
- /// getContext - Return the ASTContext associated with this analysis.
- ASTContext& getContext() const { return AMgr.getASTContext(); }
- virtual AnalysisManager &getAnalysisManager() { return AMgr; }
- SValuator &getSValuator() { return SVator; }
- GRTransferFuncs& getTF() { return *TF; }
- BugReporter& getBugReporter() { return BR; }
- GRStmtNodeBuilder &getBuilder() { assert(Builder); return *Builder; }
- // FIXME: Remove once GRTransferFuncs is no longer referenced.
- void setTransferFunction(GRTransferFuncs* tf);
- /// ViewGraph - Visualize the ExplodedGraph created by executing the
- /// simulation.
- void ViewGraph(bool trim = false);
- void ViewGraph(ExplodedNode** Beg, ExplodedNode** End);
- /// getInitialState - Return the initial state used for the root vertex
- /// in the ExplodedGraph.
- const GRState* getInitialState(const LocationContext *InitLoc);
- ExplodedGraph& getGraph() { return G; }
- const ExplodedGraph& getGraph() const { return G; }
- template <typename CHECKER>
- void registerCheck(CHECKER *check) {
- unsigned entry = Checkers.size();
- void *tag = CHECKER::getTag();
- Checkers.push_back(std::make_pair(tag, check));
- CheckerM[tag] = entry;
- }
- Checker *lookupChecker(void *tag) const;
- template <typename CHECKER>
- CHECKER *getChecker() const {
- return static_cast<CHECKER*>(lookupChecker(CHECKER::getTag()));
- }
- void AddCheck(GRSimpleAPICheck* A, Stmt::StmtClass C);
- void AddCheck(GRSimpleAPICheck* A);
- /// ProcessStmt - Called by GRCoreEngine. Used to generate new successor
- /// nodes by processing the 'effects' of a block-level statement.
- void ProcessStmt(const CFGElement E, GRStmtNodeBuilder& builder);
- /// ProcessBlockEntrance - Called by GRCoreEngine when start processing
- /// a CFGBlock. This method returns true if the analysis should continue
- /// exploring the given path, and false otherwise.
- bool ProcessBlockEntrance(const CFGBlock* B, const ExplodedNode *Pred,
- GRBlockCounter BC);
- /// ProcessBranch - Called by GRCoreEngine. Used to generate successor
- /// nodes by processing the 'effects' of a branch condition.
- void ProcessBranch(const Stmt* Condition, const Stmt* Term,
- GRBranchNodeBuilder& builder);
- /// ProcessIndirectGoto - Called by GRCoreEngine. Used to generate successor
- /// nodes by processing the 'effects' of a computed goto jump.
- void ProcessIndirectGoto(GRIndirectGotoNodeBuilder& builder);
- /// ProcessSwitch - Called by GRCoreEngine. Used to generate successor
- /// nodes by processing the 'effects' of a switch statement.
- void ProcessSwitch(GRSwitchNodeBuilder& builder);
- /// ProcessEndPath - Called by GRCoreEngine. Used to generate end-of-path
- /// nodes when the control reaches the end of a function.
- void ProcessEndPath(GREndPathNodeBuilder& builder);
- /// Generate the entry node of the callee.
- void ProcessCallEnter(GRCallEnterNodeBuilder &builder);
- /// Generate the first post callsite node.
- void ProcessCallExit(GRCallExitNodeBuilder &builder);
- /// Called by GRCoreEngine when the analysis worklist has terminated.
- void ProcessEndWorklist(bool hasWorkRemaining);
- /// EvalAssume - Callback function invoked by the ConstraintManager when
- /// making assumptions about state values.
- const GRState *ProcessAssume(const GRState *state, SVal cond,bool assumption);
- /// WantsRegionChangeUpdate - Called by GRStateManager to determine if a
- /// region change should trigger a ProcessRegionChanges update.
- bool WantsRegionChangeUpdate(const GRState* state);
- /// ProcessRegionChanges - Called by GRStateManager whenever a change is made
- /// to the store. Used to update checkers that track region values.
- const GRState* ProcessRegionChanges(const GRState *state,
- const MemRegion * const *Begin,
- const MemRegion * const *End);
- virtual GRStateManager& getStateManager() { return StateMgr; }
- StoreManager& getStoreManager() { return StateMgr.getStoreManager(); }
- ConstraintManager& getConstraintManager() {
- return StateMgr.getConstraintManager();
- }
- // FIXME: Remove when we migrate over to just using ValueManager.
- BasicValueFactory& getBasicVals() {
- return StateMgr.getBasicVals();
- }
- const BasicValueFactory& getBasicVals() const {
- return StateMgr.getBasicVals();
- }
- ValueManager &getValueManager() { return ValMgr; }
- const ValueManager &getValueManager() const { return ValMgr; }
- // FIXME: Remove when we migrate over to just using ValueManager.
- SymbolManager& getSymbolManager() { return SymMgr; }
- const SymbolManager& getSymbolManager() const { return SymMgr; }
- // Functions for external checking of whether we have unfinished work
- bool wasBlockAborted() const { return CoreEngine.wasBlockAborted(); }
- bool hasWorkRemaining() const {
- return wasBlockAborted() || CoreEngine.getWorkList()->hasWork();
- }
- const GRCoreEngine &getCoreEngine() const { return CoreEngine; }
- const GRState* GetState(ExplodedNode* N) {
- return N == EntryNode ? CleanedState : N->getState();
- }
- ExplodedNode* MakeNode(ExplodedNodeSet& Dst, const Stmt* S,
- ExplodedNode* Pred, const GRState* St,
- ProgramPoint::Kind K = ProgramPoint::PostStmtKind,
- const void *tag = 0);
- /// CheckerVisit - Dispatcher for performing checker-specific logic
- /// at specific statements.
- void CheckerVisit(const Stmt *S, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst, ExplodedNodeSet &Src,
- CallbackKind Kind);
- bool CheckerEvalCall(const CallExpr *CE,
- ExplodedNodeSet &Dst,
- ExplodedNode *Pred);
- void CheckerEvalNilReceiver(const ObjCMessageExpr *ME,
- ExplodedNodeSet &Dst,
- const GRState *state,
- ExplodedNode *Pred);
- void CheckerVisitBind(const Stmt *StoreE, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst,
- ExplodedNodeSet &Src, SVal location, SVal val,
- bool isPrevisit);
- /// Visit - Transfer function logic for all statements. Dispatches to
- /// other functions that handle specific kinds of statements.
- void Visit(const Stmt* S, ExplodedNode* Pred, ExplodedNodeSet& Dst);
- /// VisitLValue - Evaluate the lvalue of the expression. For example, if Ex is
- /// a DeclRefExpr, it evaluates to the MemRegionVal which represents its
- /// storage location. Note that not all kinds of expressions has lvalue.
- void VisitLValue(const Expr* Ex, ExplodedNode* Pred, ExplodedNodeSet& Dst);
- /// VisitArraySubscriptExpr - Transfer function for array accesses.
- void VisitArraySubscriptExpr(const ArraySubscriptExpr* Ex, ExplodedNode* Pred,
- ExplodedNodeSet& Dst, bool asLValue);
- /// VisitAsmStmt - Transfer function logic for inline asm.
- void VisitAsmStmt(const AsmStmt* A, ExplodedNode* Pred, ExplodedNodeSet& Dst);
- void VisitAsmStmtHelperOutputs(const AsmStmt* A,
- AsmStmt::const_outputs_iterator I,
- AsmStmt::const_outputs_iterator E,
- ExplodedNode* Pred, ExplodedNodeSet& Dst);
- void VisitAsmStmtHelperInputs(const AsmStmt* A,
- AsmStmt::const_inputs_iterator I,
- AsmStmt::const_inputs_iterator E,
- ExplodedNode* Pred, ExplodedNodeSet& Dst);
- /// VisitBlockExpr - Transfer function logic for BlockExprs.
- void VisitBlockExpr(const BlockExpr *BE, ExplodedNode *Pred,
- ExplodedNodeSet &Dst);
- /// VisitBinaryOperator - Transfer function logic for binary operators.
- void VisitBinaryOperator(const BinaryOperator* B, ExplodedNode* Pred,
- ExplodedNodeSet& Dst, bool asLValue);
- /// VisitCall - Transfer function for function calls.
- void VisitCall(const CallExpr* CE, ExplodedNode* Pred,
- CallExpr::const_arg_iterator AI,
- CallExpr::const_arg_iterator AE,
- ExplodedNodeSet& Dst, bool asLValue);
- /// VisitCast - Transfer function logic for all casts (implicit and explicit).
- void VisitCast(const CastExpr *CastE, const Expr *Ex, ExplodedNode *Pred,
- ExplodedNodeSet &Dst, bool asLValue);
- /// VisitCompoundLiteralExpr - Transfer function logic for compound literals.
- void VisitCompoundLiteralExpr(const CompoundLiteralExpr* CL,
- ExplodedNode* Pred, ExplodedNodeSet& Dst,
- bool asLValue);
- /// VisitDeclRefExpr - Transfer function logic for DeclRefExprs.
- void VisitDeclRefExpr(const DeclRefExpr* DR, ExplodedNode* Pred,
- ExplodedNodeSet& Dst, bool asLValue);
- /// VisitBlockDeclRefExpr - Transfer function logic for BlockDeclRefExprs.
- void VisitBlockDeclRefExpr(const BlockDeclRefExpr* DR, ExplodedNode* Pred,
- ExplodedNodeSet& Dst, bool asLValue);
- void VisitCommonDeclRefExpr(const Expr* DR, const NamedDecl *D,
- ExplodedNode* Pred, ExplodedNodeSet& Dst,
- bool asLValue);
- /// VisitDeclStmt - Transfer function logic for DeclStmts.
- void VisitDeclStmt(const DeclStmt* DS, ExplodedNode* Pred,
- ExplodedNodeSet& Dst);
- /// VisitGuardedExpr - Transfer function logic for ?, __builtin_choose
- void VisitGuardedExpr(const Expr* Ex, const Expr* L, const Expr* R,
- ExplodedNode* Pred, ExplodedNodeSet& Dst);
- /// VisitCondInit - Transfer function for handling the initialization
- /// of a condition variable in an IfStmt, SwitchStmt, etc.
- void VisitCondInit(const VarDecl *VD, const Stmt *S, ExplodedNode *Pred,
- ExplodedNodeSet& Dst);
- void VisitInitListExpr(const InitListExpr* E, ExplodedNode* Pred,
- ExplodedNodeSet& Dst);
- /// VisitLogicalExpr - Transfer function logic for '&&', '||'
- void VisitLogicalExpr(const BinaryOperator* B, ExplodedNode* Pred,
- ExplodedNodeSet& Dst);
- /// VisitMemberExpr - Transfer function for member expressions.
- void VisitMemberExpr(const MemberExpr* M, ExplodedNode* Pred,
- ExplodedNodeSet& Dst, bool asLValue);
- /// VisitObjCIvarRefExpr - Transfer function logic for ObjCIvarRefExprs.
- void VisitObjCIvarRefExpr(const ObjCIvarRefExpr* DR, ExplodedNode* Pred,
- ExplodedNodeSet& Dst, bool asLValue);
- /// VisitObjCForCollectionStmt - Transfer function logic for
- /// ObjCForCollectionStmt.
- void VisitObjCForCollectionStmt(const ObjCForCollectionStmt* S,
- ExplodedNode* Pred, ExplodedNodeSet& Dst);
- void VisitObjCForCollectionStmtAux(const ObjCForCollectionStmt* S,
- ExplodedNode* Pred,
- ExplodedNodeSet& Dst, SVal ElementV);
- /// VisitObjCMessageExpr - Transfer function for ObjC message expressions.
- void VisitObjCMessageExpr(const ObjCMessageExpr* ME, ExplodedNode* Pred,
- ExplodedNodeSet& Dst, bool asLValue);
- /// VisitReturnStmt - Transfer function logic for return statements.
- void VisitReturnStmt(const ReturnStmt* R, ExplodedNode* Pred,
- ExplodedNodeSet& Dst);
- /// VisitOffsetOfExpr - Transfer function for offsetof.
- void VisitOffsetOfExpr(const OffsetOfExpr* Ex, ExplodedNode* Pred,
- ExplodedNodeSet& Dst);
- /// VisitSizeOfAlignOfExpr - Transfer function for sizeof.
- void VisitSizeOfAlignOfExpr(const SizeOfAlignOfExpr* Ex, ExplodedNode* Pred,
- ExplodedNodeSet& Dst);
- /// VisitUnaryOperator - Transfer function logic for unary operators.
- void VisitUnaryOperator(const UnaryOperator* B, ExplodedNode* Pred,
- ExplodedNodeSet& Dst, bool asLValue);
- void VisitCXXThisExpr(const CXXThisExpr *TE, ExplodedNode *Pred,
- ExplodedNodeSet & Dst);
- void VisitCXXConstructExpr(const CXXConstructExpr *E, SVal Dest,
- ExplodedNode *Pred,
- ExplodedNodeSet &Dst);
- void VisitCXXMemberCallExpr(const CXXMemberCallExpr *MCE, ExplodedNode *Pred,
- ExplodedNodeSet &Dst);
- void VisitCXXNewExpr(const CXXNewExpr *CNE, ExplodedNode *Pred,
- ExplodedNodeSet &Dst);
- void VisitCXXDeleteExpr(const CXXDeleteExpr *CDE, ExplodedNode *Pred,
- ExplodedNodeSet &Dst);
- void VisitAggExpr(const Expr *E, SVal Dest, ExplodedNode *Pred,
- ExplodedNodeSet &Dst);
- /// Create a C++ temporary object for an rvalue.
- void CreateCXXTemporaryObject(const Expr *Ex, ExplodedNode *Pred,
- ExplodedNodeSet &Dst);
- /// Synthesize CXXThisRegion.
- const CXXThisRegion *getCXXThisRegion(const CXXMethodDecl *MD,
- const StackFrameContext *SFC);
- /// Evaluate arguments with a work list algorithm.
- void EvalArguments(ConstExprIterator AI, ConstExprIterator AE,
- const FunctionProtoType *FnType,
- ExplodedNode *Pred, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst);
- /// EvalEagerlyAssume - Given the nodes in 'Src', eagerly assume symbolic
- /// expressions of the form 'x != 0' and generate new nodes (stored in Dst)
- /// with those assumptions.
- void EvalEagerlyAssume(ExplodedNodeSet& Dst, ExplodedNodeSet& Src,
- const Expr *Ex);
- SVal EvalMinus(SVal X) {
- return X.isValid() ? SVator.EvalMinus(cast<NonLoc>(X)) : X;
- }
- SVal EvalComplement(SVal X) {
- return X.isValid() ? SVator.EvalComplement(cast<NonLoc>(X)) : X;
- }
- SVal EvalBinOp(const GRState *state, BinaryOperator::Opcode op,
- NonLoc L, NonLoc R, QualType T) {
- return SVator.EvalBinOpNN(state, op, L, R, T);
- }
- SVal EvalBinOp(const GRState *state, BinaryOperator::Opcode op,
- NonLoc L, SVal R, QualType T) {
- return R.isValid() ? SVator.EvalBinOpNN(state,op,L, cast<NonLoc>(R), T) : R;
- }
- SVal EvalBinOp(const GRState *ST, BinaryOperator::Opcode Op,
- SVal LHS, SVal RHS, QualType T) {
- return SVator.EvalBinOp(ST, Op, LHS, RHS, T);
- }
- void EvalObjCMessageExpr(ExplodedNodeSet& Dst, const ObjCMessageExpr* ME,
- ExplodedNode* Pred, const GRState *state) {
- assert (Builder && "GRStmtNodeBuilder must be defined.");
- getTF().EvalObjCMessageExpr(Dst, *this, *Builder, ME, Pred, state);
- }
- const GRState* MarkBranch(const GRState* St, const Stmt* Terminator,
- bool branchTaken);
- /// EvalBind - Handle the semantics of binding a value to a specific location.
- /// This method is used by EvalStore, VisitDeclStmt, and others.
- void EvalBind(ExplodedNodeSet& Dst, const Stmt* StoreE, ExplodedNode* Pred,
- const GRState* St, SVal location, SVal Val,
- bool atDeclInit = false);
- // FIXME: 'tag' should be removed, and a LocationContext should be used
- // instead.
- void EvalLoad(ExplodedNodeSet& Dst, const Expr* Ex, ExplodedNode* Pred,
- const GRState* St, SVal location, const void *tag = 0,
- QualType LoadTy = QualType());
- // FIXME: 'tag' should be removed, and a LocationContext should be used
- // instead.
- void EvalStore(ExplodedNodeSet& Dst, const Expr* AssignE, const Expr* StoreE,
- ExplodedNode* Pred, const GRState* St, SVal TargetLV, SVal Val,
- const void *tag = 0);
- void EvalLoadCommon(ExplodedNodeSet& Dst, const Expr* Ex, ExplodedNode* Pred,
- const GRState* St, SVal location, const void *tag,
- QualType LoadTy);
- // FIXME: 'tag' should be removed, and a LocationContext should be used
- // instead.
- void EvalLocation(ExplodedNodeSet &Dst, const Stmt *S, ExplodedNode* Pred,
- const GRState* St, SVal location,
- const void *tag, bool isLoad);
- bool InlineCall(ExplodedNodeSet &Dst, const CallExpr *CE, ExplodedNode *Pred);
-} // end clang namespace
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