path: root/include/clang/Checker/BugReporter/BugReporter.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'include/clang/Checker/BugReporter/BugReporter.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 483 deletions
diff --git a/include/clang/Checker/BugReporter/BugReporter.h b/include/clang/Checker/BugReporter/BugReporter.h
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index 370d965..0000000
--- a/include/clang/Checker/BugReporter/BugReporter.h
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-//===--- BugReporter.h - Generate PathDiagnostics --------------*- C++ -*-===//
-// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-// This file defines BugReporter, a utility class for generating
-// PathDiagnostics for analyses based on GRState.
-#include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
-#include "clang/Checker/PathSensitive/GRState.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/FoldingSet.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/ImmutableList.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/ImmutableSet.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/SmallSet.h"
-#include <list>
-namespace clang {
-class PathDiagnostic;
-class PathDiagnosticPiece;
-class PathDiagnosticClient;
-class ASTContext;
-class Diagnostic;
-class ExplodedNode;
-class ExplodedGraph;
-class BugReporter;
-class BugReporterContext;
-class GRExprEngine;
-class GRState;
-class Stmt;
-class BugType;
-class ParentMap;
-// Interface for individual bug reports.
-class BugReporterVisitor : public llvm::FoldingSetNode {
- virtual ~BugReporterVisitor();
- virtual PathDiagnosticPiece* VisitNode(const ExplodedNode* N,
- const ExplodedNode* PrevN,
- BugReporterContext& BRC) = 0;
- virtual bool isOwnedByReporterContext() { return true; }
- virtual void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID &ID) const = 0;
-// FIXME: Combine this with RangedBugReport and remove RangedBugReport.
-class BugReport : public BugReporterVisitor {
- BugType& BT;
- std::string ShortDescription;
- std::string Description;
- const ExplodedNode *EndNode;
- SourceRange R;
- friend class BugReporter;
- friend class BugReportEquivClass;
- virtual void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID& hash) const {
- hash.AddInteger(getLocation().getRawEncoding());
- hash.AddString(Description);
- }
- class NodeResolver {
- public:
- virtual ~NodeResolver() {}
- virtual const ExplodedNode*
- getOriginalNode(const ExplodedNode* N) = 0;
- };
- BugReport(BugType& bt, llvm::StringRef desc, const ExplodedNode *n)
- : BT(bt), Description(desc), EndNode(n) {}
- BugReport(BugType& bt, llvm::StringRef shortDesc, llvm::StringRef desc,
- const ExplodedNode *n)
- : BT(bt), ShortDescription(shortDesc), Description(desc), EndNode(n) {}
- virtual ~BugReport();
- virtual bool isOwnedByReporterContext() { return false; }
- const BugType& getBugType() const { return BT; }
- BugType& getBugType() { return BT; }
- // FIXME: Perhaps this should be moved into a subclass?
- const ExplodedNode* getEndNode() const { return EndNode; }
- // FIXME: Do we need this? Maybe getLocation() should return a ProgramPoint
- // object.
- // FIXME: If we do need it, we can probably just make it private to
- // BugReporter.
- const Stmt* getStmt() const;
- const llvm::StringRef getDescription() const { return Description; }
- const llvm::StringRef getShortDescription() const {
- return ShortDescription.empty() ? Description : ShortDescription;
- }
- // FIXME: Is this needed?
- virtual std::pair<const char**,const char**> getExtraDescriptiveText() {
- return std::make_pair((const char**)0,(const char**)0);
- }
- // FIXME: Perhaps move this into a subclass.
- virtual PathDiagnosticPiece* getEndPath(BugReporterContext& BRC,
- const ExplodedNode* N);
- /// getLocation - Return the "definitive" location of the reported bug.
- /// While a bug can span an entire path, usually there is a specific
- /// location that can be used to identify where the key issue occured.
- /// This location is used by clients rendering diagnostics.
- virtual SourceLocation getLocation() const;
- /// getRanges - Returns the source ranges associated with this bug.
- virtual void getRanges(const SourceRange*& beg, const SourceRange*& end);
- virtual PathDiagnosticPiece* VisitNode(const ExplodedNode* N,
- const ExplodedNode* PrevN,
- BugReporterContext& BR);
- virtual void registerInitialVisitors(BugReporterContext& BRC,
- const ExplodedNode* N) {}
-// BugTypes (collections of related reports).
-class BugReportEquivClass : public llvm::FoldingSetNode {
- // List of *owned* BugReport objects.
- std::list<BugReport*> Reports;
- friend class BugReporter;
- void AddReport(BugReport* R) { Reports.push_back(R); }
- BugReportEquivClass(BugReport* R) { Reports.push_back(R); }
- ~BugReportEquivClass();
- void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID& ID) const {
- assert(!Reports.empty());
- (*Reports.begin())->Profile(ID);
- }
- class iterator {
- std::list<BugReport*>::iterator impl;
- public:
- iterator(std::list<BugReport*>::iterator i) : impl(i) {}
- iterator& operator++() { ++impl; return *this; }
- bool operator==(const iterator& I) const { return I.impl == impl; }
- bool operator!=(const iterator& I) const { return I.impl != impl; }
- BugReport* operator*() const { return *impl; }
- BugReport* operator->() const { return *impl; }
- };
- class const_iterator {
- std::list<BugReport*>::const_iterator impl;
- public:
- const_iterator(std::list<BugReport*>::const_iterator i) : impl(i) {}
- const_iterator& operator++() { ++impl; return *this; }
- bool operator==(const const_iterator& I) const { return I.impl == impl; }
- bool operator!=(const const_iterator& I) const { return I.impl != impl; }
- const BugReport* operator*() const { return *impl; }
- const BugReport* operator->() const { return *impl; }
- };
- iterator begin() { return iterator(Reports.begin()); }
- iterator end() { return iterator(Reports.end()); }
- const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(Reports.begin()); }
- const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(Reports.end()); }
-// Specialized subclasses of BugReport.
-// FIXME: Collapse this with the default BugReport class.
-class RangedBugReport : public BugReport {
- std::vector<SourceRange> Ranges;
- RangedBugReport(BugType& D, llvm::StringRef description, ExplodedNode *n)
- : BugReport(D, description, n) {}
- RangedBugReport(BugType& D, llvm::StringRef shortDescription,
- llvm::StringRef description, ExplodedNode *n)
- : BugReport(D, shortDescription, description, n) {}
- ~RangedBugReport();
- // FIXME: Move this out of line.
- void addRange(SourceRange R) {
- assert(R.isValid());
- Ranges.push_back(R);
- }
- // FIXME: Move this out of line.
- void getRanges(const SourceRange*& beg, const SourceRange*& end) {
- if (Ranges.empty()) {
- beg = NULL;
- end = NULL;
- }
- else {
- beg = &Ranges[0];
- end = beg + Ranges.size();
- }
- }
-class EnhancedBugReport : public RangedBugReport {
- typedef void (*VisitorCreator)(BugReporterContext &BRcC, const void *data,
- const ExplodedNode *N);
- typedef std::vector<std::pair<VisitorCreator, const void*> > Creators;
- Creators creators;
- EnhancedBugReport(BugType& D, llvm::StringRef description, ExplodedNode *n)
- : RangedBugReport(D, description, n) {}
- EnhancedBugReport(BugType& D, llvm::StringRef shortDescription,
- llvm::StringRef description, ExplodedNode *n)
- : RangedBugReport(D, shortDescription, description, n) {}
- ~EnhancedBugReport() {}
- void registerInitialVisitors(BugReporterContext& BRC, const ExplodedNode* N) {
- for (Creators::iterator I = creators.begin(), E = creators.end(); I!=E; ++I)
- I->first(BRC, I->second, N);
- }
- void addVisitorCreator(VisitorCreator creator, const void *data) {
- creators.push_back(std::make_pair(creator, data));
- }
-// BugReporter and friends.
-class BugReporterData {
- virtual ~BugReporterData();
- virtual Diagnostic& getDiagnostic() = 0;
- virtual PathDiagnosticClient* getPathDiagnosticClient() = 0;
- virtual ASTContext& getASTContext() = 0;
- virtual SourceManager& getSourceManager() = 0;
-class BugReporter {
- enum Kind { BaseBRKind, GRBugReporterKind };
- typedef llvm::ImmutableSet<BugType*> BugTypesTy;
- BugTypesTy::Factory F;
- BugTypesTy BugTypes;
- const Kind kind;
- BugReporterData& D;
- void FlushReport(BugReportEquivClass& EQ);
- BugReporter(BugReporterData& d, Kind k) : BugTypes(F.GetEmptySet()), kind(k), D(d) {}
- BugReporter(BugReporterData& d) : BugTypes(F.GetEmptySet()), kind(BaseBRKind), D(d) {}
- virtual ~BugReporter();
- void FlushReports();
- Kind getKind() const { return kind; }
- Diagnostic& getDiagnostic() {
- return D.getDiagnostic();
- }
- PathDiagnosticClient* getPathDiagnosticClient() {
- return D.getPathDiagnosticClient();
- }
- typedef BugTypesTy::iterator iterator;
- iterator begin() { return BugTypes.begin(); }
- iterator end() { return BugTypes.end(); }
- ASTContext& getContext() { return D.getASTContext(); }
- SourceManager& getSourceManager() { return D.getSourceManager(); }
- virtual void GeneratePathDiagnostic(PathDiagnostic& PD,
- BugReportEquivClass& EQ) {}
- void Register(BugType *BT);
- void EmitReport(BugReport *R);
- void EmitBasicReport(llvm::StringRef BugName, llvm::StringRef BugStr,
- SourceLocation Loc,
- SourceRange* RangeBeg, unsigned NumRanges);
- void EmitBasicReport(llvm::StringRef BugName, llvm::StringRef BugCategory,
- llvm::StringRef BugStr, SourceLocation Loc,
- SourceRange* RangeBeg, unsigned NumRanges);
- void EmitBasicReport(llvm::StringRef BugName, llvm::StringRef BugStr,
- SourceLocation Loc) {
- EmitBasicReport(BugName, BugStr, Loc, 0, 0);
- }
- void EmitBasicReport(llvm::StringRef BugName, llvm::StringRef BugCategory,
- llvm::StringRef BugStr, SourceLocation Loc) {
- EmitBasicReport(BugName, BugCategory, BugStr, Loc, 0, 0);
- }
- void EmitBasicReport(llvm::StringRef BugName, llvm::StringRef BugStr,
- SourceLocation Loc, SourceRange R) {
- EmitBasicReport(BugName, BugStr, Loc, &R, 1);
- }
- void EmitBasicReport(llvm::StringRef BugName, llvm::StringRef Category,
- llvm::StringRef BugStr, SourceLocation Loc,
- SourceRange R) {
- EmitBasicReport(BugName, Category, BugStr, Loc, &R, 1);
- }
- static bool classof(const BugReporter* R) { return true; }
-// FIXME: Get rid of GRBugReporter. It's the wrong abstraction.
-class GRBugReporter : public BugReporter {
- GRExprEngine& Eng;
- llvm::SmallSet<SymbolRef, 10> NotableSymbols;
- GRBugReporter(BugReporterData& d, GRExprEngine& eng)
- : BugReporter(d, GRBugReporterKind), Eng(eng) {}
- virtual ~GRBugReporter();
- /// getEngine - Return the analysis engine used to analyze a given
- /// function or method.
- GRExprEngine &getEngine() { return Eng; }
- /// getGraph - Get the exploded graph created by the analysis engine
- /// for the analyzed method or function.
- ExplodedGraph &getGraph();
- /// getStateManager - Return the state manager used by the analysis
- /// engine.
- GRStateManager &getStateManager();
- virtual void GeneratePathDiagnostic(PathDiagnostic& PD,
- BugReportEquivClass& R);
- void addNotableSymbol(SymbolRef Sym) {
- NotableSymbols.insert(Sym);
- }
- bool isNotable(SymbolRef Sym) const {
- return (bool) NotableSymbols.count(Sym);
- }
- /// classof - Used by isa<>, cast<>, and dyn_cast<>.
- static bool classof(const BugReporter* R) {
- return R->getKind() == GRBugReporterKind;
- }
-class BugReporterContext {
- GRBugReporter &BR;
- // Not the most efficient data structure, but we use an ImmutableList for the
- // Callbacks because it is safe to make additions to list during iteration.
- llvm::ImmutableList<BugReporterVisitor*>::Factory F;
- llvm::ImmutableList<BugReporterVisitor*> Callbacks;
- llvm::FoldingSet<BugReporterVisitor> CallbacksSet;
- BugReporterContext(GRBugReporter& br) : BR(br), Callbacks(F.GetEmptyList()) {}
- virtual ~BugReporterContext();
- void addVisitor(BugReporterVisitor* visitor);
- typedef llvm::ImmutableList<BugReporterVisitor*>::iterator visitor_iterator;
- visitor_iterator visitor_begin() { return Callbacks.begin(); }
- visitor_iterator visitor_end() { return Callbacks.end(); }
- GRBugReporter& getBugReporter() { return BR; }
- ExplodedGraph &getGraph() { return BR.getGraph(); }
- void addNotableSymbol(SymbolRef Sym) {
- // FIXME: For now forward to GRBugReporter.
- BR.addNotableSymbol(Sym);
- }
- bool isNotable(SymbolRef Sym) const {
- // FIXME: For now forward to GRBugReporter.
- return BR.isNotable(Sym);
- }
- GRStateManager& getStateManager() {
- return BR.getStateManager();
- }
- ValueManager& getValueManager() {
- return getStateManager().getValueManager();
- }
- ASTContext& getASTContext() {
- return BR.getContext();
- }
- SourceManager& getSourceManager() {
- return BR.getSourceManager();
- }
- virtual BugReport::NodeResolver& getNodeResolver() = 0;
-class DiagBugReport : public RangedBugReport {
- std::list<std::string> Strs;
- FullSourceLoc L;
- DiagBugReport(BugType& D, llvm::StringRef desc, FullSourceLoc l) :
- RangedBugReport(D, desc, 0), L(l) {}
- virtual ~DiagBugReport() {}
- // FIXME: Move out-of-line (virtual function).
- SourceLocation getLocation() const { return L; }
- void addString(llvm::StringRef s) { Strs.push_back(s); }
- typedef std::list<std::string>::const_iterator str_iterator;
- str_iterator str_begin() const { return Strs.begin(); }
- str_iterator str_end() const { return Strs.end(); }
-namespace bugreporter {
-const Stmt *GetDerefExpr(const ExplodedNode *N);
-const Stmt *GetDenomExpr(const ExplodedNode *N);
-const Stmt *GetCalleeExpr(const ExplodedNode *N);
-const Stmt *GetRetValExpr(const ExplodedNode *N);
-void registerTrackNullOrUndefValue(BugReporterContext& BRC, const void *stmt,
- const ExplodedNode* N);
-void registerFindLastStore(BugReporterContext& BRC, const void *memregion,
- const ExplodedNode *N);
-void registerNilReceiverVisitor(BugReporterContext &BRC);
-void registerVarDeclsLastStore(BugReporterContext &BRC, const void *stmt,
- const ExplodedNode *N);
-} // end namespace clang::bugreporter
-} // end clang namespace
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