path: root/include/clang/Analysis/CFG.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'include/clang/Analysis/CFG.h')
1 files changed, 350 insertions, 59 deletions
diff --git a/include/clang/Analysis/CFG.h b/include/clang/Analysis/CFG.h
index b7a8e11..b337d74 100644
--- a/include/clang/Analysis/CFG.h
+++ b/include/clang/Analysis/CFG.h
@@ -22,14 +22,21 @@
#include "clang/Analysis/Support/BumpVector.h"
#include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
#include <cassert>
+#include <iterator>
namespace llvm {
class raw_ostream;
namespace clang {
class Decl;
class Stmt;
class Expr;
+ class FieldDecl;
+ class VarDecl;
+ class CXXCtorInitializer;
+ class CXXBaseSpecifier;
+ class CXXBindTemporaryExpr;
class CFG;
class PrinterHelper;
class LangOptions;
@@ -37,19 +44,203 @@ namespace clang {
/// CFGElement - Represents a top-level expression in a basic block.
class CFGElement {
- llvm::PointerIntPair<Stmt *, 2> Data;
- enum Type { StartScope, EndScope };
- explicit CFGElement() {}
- CFGElement(Stmt *S, bool lvalue) : Data(S, lvalue ? 1 : 0) {}
- CFGElement(Stmt *S, Type t) : Data(S, t == StartScope ? 2 : 3) {}
- Stmt *getStmt() const { return Data.getPointer(); }
- bool asLValue() const { return Data.getInt() == 1; }
- bool asStartScope() const { return Data.getInt() == 2; }
- bool asEndScope() const { return Data.getInt() == 3; }
- bool asDtor() const { return Data.getInt() == 4; }
+ enum Kind {
+ // main kind
+ Statement,
+ Initializer,
+ ImplicitDtor,
+ // dtor kind
+ AutomaticObjectDtor,
+ BaseDtor,
+ MemberDtor,
+ TemporaryDtor,
+ DTOR_BEGIN = AutomaticObjectDtor
+ };
+ // The int bits are used to mark the main kind.
+ llvm::PointerIntPair<void *, 2> Data1;
+ // The int bits are used to mark the dtor kind.
+ llvm::PointerIntPair<void *, 2> Data2;
+ CFGElement(void *Ptr, unsigned Int) : Data1(Ptr, Int) {}
+ CFGElement(void *Ptr1, unsigned Int1, void *Ptr2, unsigned Int2)
+ : Data1(Ptr1, Int1), Data2(Ptr2, Int2) {}
+ CFGElement() {}
+ Kind getKind() const { return static_cast<Kind>(Data1.getInt()); }
+ Kind getDtorKind() const {
+ assert(getKind() == ImplicitDtor);
+ return static_cast<Kind>(Data2.getInt() + DTOR_BEGIN);
+ }
+ bool isValid() const { return Data1.getPointer(); }
+ operator bool() const { return isValid(); }
+ template<class ElemTy> ElemTy getAs() const {
+ if (llvm::isa<ElemTy>(this))
+ return *static_cast<const ElemTy*>(this);
+ return ElemTy();
+ }
+ static bool classof(const CFGElement *E) { return true; }
+class CFGStmt : public CFGElement {
+ CFGStmt() {}
+ CFGStmt(Stmt *S) : CFGElement(S, 0) {}
+ Stmt *getStmt() const { return static_cast<Stmt *>(Data1.getPointer()); }
operator Stmt*() const { return getStmt(); }
- operator bool() const { return getStmt() != 0; }
+ static bool classof(const CFGElement *E) {
+ return E->getKind() == Statement;
+ }
+/// CFGInitializer - Represents C++ base or member initializer from
+/// constructor's initialization list.
+class CFGInitializer : public CFGElement {
+ CFGInitializer() {}
+ CFGInitializer(CXXCtorInitializer* I)
+ : CFGElement(I, Initializer) {}
+ CXXCtorInitializer* getInitializer() const {
+ return static_cast<CXXCtorInitializer*>(Data1.getPointer());
+ }
+ operator CXXCtorInitializer*() const { return getInitializer(); }
+ static bool classof(const CFGElement *E) {
+ return E->getKind() == Initializer;
+ }
+/// CFGImplicitDtor - Represents C++ object destructor implicitly generated
+/// by compiler on various occasions.
+class CFGImplicitDtor : public CFGElement {
+ CFGImplicitDtor(unsigned K, void* P, void* S)
+ : CFGElement(P, ImplicitDtor, S, K - DTOR_BEGIN) {}
+ CFGImplicitDtor() {}
+ static bool classof(const CFGElement *E) {
+ return E->getKind() == ImplicitDtor;
+ }
+/// CFGAutomaticObjDtor - Represents C++ object destructor implicitly generated
+/// for automatic object or temporary bound to const reference at the point
+/// of leaving its local scope.
+class CFGAutomaticObjDtor: public CFGImplicitDtor {
+ CFGAutomaticObjDtor() {}
+ CFGAutomaticObjDtor(VarDecl* VD, Stmt* S)
+ : CFGImplicitDtor(AutomaticObjectDtor, VD, S) {}
+ VarDecl* getVarDecl() const {
+ return static_cast<VarDecl*>(Data1.getPointer());
+ }
+ // Get statement end of which triggered the destructor call.
+ Stmt* getTriggerStmt() const {
+ return static_cast<Stmt*>(Data2.getPointer());
+ }
+ static bool classof(const CFGElement *E) {
+ return E->getKind() == ImplicitDtor &&
+ E->getDtorKind() == AutomaticObjectDtor;
+ }
+/// CFGBaseDtor - Represents C++ object destructor implicitly generated for
+/// base object in destructor.
+class CFGBaseDtor : public CFGImplicitDtor {
+ CFGBaseDtor() {}
+ CFGBaseDtor(const CXXBaseSpecifier *BS)
+ : CFGImplicitDtor(BaseDtor, const_cast<CXXBaseSpecifier*>(BS), NULL) {}
+ const CXXBaseSpecifier *getBaseSpecifier() const {
+ return static_cast<const CXXBaseSpecifier*>(Data1.getPointer());
+ }
+ static bool classof(const CFGElement *E) {
+ return E->getKind() == ImplicitDtor && E->getDtorKind() == BaseDtor;
+ }
+/// CFGMemberDtor - Represents C++ object destructor implicitly generated for
+/// member object in destructor.
+class CFGMemberDtor : public CFGImplicitDtor {
+ CFGMemberDtor() {}
+ CFGMemberDtor(FieldDecl *FD)
+ : CFGImplicitDtor(MemberDtor, FD, NULL) {}
+ FieldDecl *getFieldDecl() const {
+ return static_cast<FieldDecl*>(Data1.getPointer());
+ }
+ static bool classof(const CFGElement *E) {
+ return E->getKind() == ImplicitDtor && E->getDtorKind() == MemberDtor;
+ }
+/// CFGTemporaryDtor - Represents C++ object destructor implicitly generated
+/// at the end of full expression for temporary object.
+class CFGTemporaryDtor : public CFGImplicitDtor {
+ CFGTemporaryDtor() {}
+ CFGTemporaryDtor(CXXBindTemporaryExpr *E)
+ : CFGImplicitDtor(TemporaryDtor, E, NULL) {}
+ CXXBindTemporaryExpr *getBindTemporaryExpr() const {
+ return static_cast<CXXBindTemporaryExpr *>(Data1.getPointer());
+ }
+ static bool classof(const CFGElement *E) {
+ return E->getKind() == ImplicitDtor && E->getDtorKind() == TemporaryDtor;
+ }
+/// CFGTerminator - Represents CFGBlock terminator statement.
+/// TemporaryDtorsBranch bit is set to true if the terminator marks a branch
+/// in control flow of destructors of temporaries. In this case terminator
+/// statement is the same statement that branches control flow in evaluation
+/// of matching full expression.
+class CFGTerminator {
+ llvm::PointerIntPair<Stmt *, 1> Data;
+ CFGTerminator() {}
+ CFGTerminator(Stmt *S, bool TemporaryDtorsBranch = false)
+ : Data(S, TemporaryDtorsBranch) {}
+ Stmt *getStmt() { return Data.getPointer(); }
+ const Stmt *getStmt() const { return Data.getPointer(); }
+ bool isTemporaryDtorsBranch() const { return Data.getInt(); }
+ operator Stmt *() { return getStmt(); }
+ operator const Stmt *() const { return getStmt(); }
+ Stmt *operator->() { return getStmt(); }
+ const Stmt *operator->() const { return getStmt(); }
+ Stmt &operator*() { return *getStmt(); }
+ const Stmt &operator*() const { return *getStmt(); }
+ operator bool() const { return getStmt(); }
/// CFGBlock - Represents a single basic block in a source-level CFG.
@@ -77,11 +268,11 @@ public:
/// &&, || expression that uses result of && or ||, RHS
class CFGBlock {
- class StatementList {
+ class ElementList {
typedef BumpVector<CFGElement> ImplTy;
ImplTy Impl;
- StatementList(BumpVectorContext &C) : Impl(C, 4) {}
+ ElementList(BumpVectorContext &C) : Impl(C, 4) {}
typedef std::reverse_iterator<ImplTy::iterator> iterator;
typedef std::reverse_iterator<ImplTy::const_iterator> const_iterator;
@@ -89,6 +280,11 @@ class CFGBlock {
typedef ImplTy::const_iterator const_reverse_iterator;
void push_back(CFGElement e, BumpVectorContext &C) { Impl.push_back(e, C); }
+ reverse_iterator insert(reverse_iterator I, size_t Cnt, CFGElement E,
+ BumpVectorContext& C) {
+ return Impl.insert(I, Cnt, E, C);
+ }
CFGElement front() const { return Impl.back(); }
CFGElement back() const { return Impl.front(); }
@@ -111,7 +307,7 @@ class CFGBlock {
/// Stmts - The set of statements in the basic block.
- StatementList Stmts;
+ ElementList Elements;
/// Label - An (optional) label that prefixes the executable
/// statements in the block. When this variable is non-NULL, it is
@@ -121,7 +317,7 @@ class CFGBlock {
/// Terminator - The terminator for a basic block that
/// indicates the type of control-flow that occurs between a block
/// and its successors.
- Stmt *Terminator;
+ CFGTerminator Terminator;
/// LoopTarget - Some blocks are used to represent the "loop edge" to
/// the start of a loop from within the loop body. This Stmt* will be
@@ -140,33 +336,33 @@ class CFGBlock {
explicit CFGBlock(unsigned blockid, BumpVectorContext &C)
- : Stmts(C), Label(NULL), Terminator(NULL), LoopTarget(NULL),
+ : Elements(C), Label(NULL), Terminator(NULL), LoopTarget(NULL),
BlockID(blockid), Preds(C, 1), Succs(C, 1) {}
~CFGBlock() {}
// Statement iterators
- typedef StatementList::iterator iterator;
- typedef StatementList::const_iterator const_iterator;
- typedef StatementList::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator;
- typedef StatementList::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator;
+ typedef ElementList::iterator iterator;
+ typedef ElementList::const_iterator const_iterator;
+ typedef ElementList::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator;
+ typedef ElementList::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator;
- CFGElement front() const { return Stmts.front(); }
- CFGElement back() const { return Stmts.back(); }
+ CFGElement front() const { return Elements.front(); }
+ CFGElement back() const { return Elements.back(); }
- iterator begin() { return Stmts.begin(); }
- iterator end() { return Stmts.end(); }
- const_iterator begin() const { return Stmts.begin(); }
- const_iterator end() const { return Stmts.end(); }
+ iterator begin() { return Elements.begin(); }
+ iterator end() { return Elements.end(); }
+ const_iterator begin() const { return Elements.begin(); }
+ const_iterator end() const { return Elements.end(); }
- reverse_iterator rbegin() { return Stmts.rbegin(); }
- reverse_iterator rend() { return Stmts.rend(); }
- const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const { return Stmts.rbegin(); }
- const_reverse_iterator rend() const { return Stmts.rend(); }
+ reverse_iterator rbegin() { return Elements.rbegin(); }
+ reverse_iterator rend() { return Elements.rend(); }
+ const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const { return Elements.rbegin(); }
+ const_reverse_iterator rend() const { return Elements.rend(); }
- unsigned size() const { return Stmts.size(); }
- bool empty() const { return Stmts.empty(); }
+ unsigned size() const { return Elements.size(); }
+ bool empty() const { return Elements.empty(); }
- CFGElement operator[](size_t i) const { return Stmts[i]; }
+ CFGElement operator[](size_t i) const { return Elements[i]; }
// CFG iterators
typedef AdjacentBlocks::iterator pred_iterator;
@@ -205,14 +401,67 @@ public:
unsigned pred_size() const { return Preds.size(); }
bool pred_empty() const { return Preds.empty(); }
+ class FilterOptions {
+ public:
+ FilterOptions() {
+ IgnoreDefaultsWithCoveredEnums = 0;
+ }
+ unsigned IgnoreDefaultsWithCoveredEnums : 1;
+ };
+ static bool FilterEdge(const FilterOptions &F, const CFGBlock *Src,
+ const CFGBlock *Dst);
+ template <typename IMPL, bool IsPred>
+ class FilteredCFGBlockIterator {
+ private:
+ IMPL I, E;
+ const FilterOptions F;
+ const CFGBlock *From;
+ public:
+ explicit FilteredCFGBlockIterator(const IMPL &i, const IMPL &e,
+ const CFGBlock *from,
+ const FilterOptions &f)
+ : I(i), E(e), F(f), From(from) {}
+ bool hasMore() const { return I != E; }
+ FilteredCFGBlockIterator &operator++() {
+ do { ++I; } while (hasMore() && Filter(*I));
+ return *this;
+ }
+ const CFGBlock *operator*() const { return *I; }
+ private:
+ bool Filter(const CFGBlock *To) {
+ return IsPred ? FilterEdge(F, To, From) : FilterEdge(F, From, To);
+ }
+ };
+ typedef FilteredCFGBlockIterator<const_pred_iterator, true>
+ filtered_pred_iterator;
+ typedef FilteredCFGBlockIterator<const_succ_iterator, false>
+ filtered_succ_iterator;
+ filtered_pred_iterator filtered_pred_start_end(const FilterOptions &f) const {
+ return filtered_pred_iterator(pred_begin(), pred_end(), this, f);
+ }
+ filtered_succ_iterator filtered_succ_start_end(const FilterOptions &f) const {
+ return filtered_succ_iterator(succ_begin(), succ_end(), this, f);
+ }
// Manipulation of block contents
void setTerminator(Stmt* Statement) { Terminator = Statement; }
void setLabel(Stmt* Statement) { Label = Statement; }
void setLoopTarget(const Stmt *loopTarget) { LoopTarget = loopTarget; }
- Stmt* getTerminator() { return Terminator; }
- const Stmt* getTerminator() const { return Terminator; }
+ CFGTerminator getTerminator() { return Terminator; }
+ const CFGTerminator getTerminator() const { return Terminator; }
Stmt* getTerminatorCondition();
@@ -239,17 +488,39 @@ public:
Succs.push_back(Block, C);
- void appendStmt(Stmt* Statement, BumpVectorContext &C, bool asLValue) {
- Stmts.push_back(CFGElement(Statement, asLValue), C);
- }
- void StartScope(Stmt* S, BumpVectorContext &C) {
- Stmts.push_back(CFGElement(S, CFGElement::StartScope), C);
+ void appendStmt(Stmt* statement, BumpVectorContext &C) {
+ Elements.push_back(CFGStmt(statement), C);
+ }
+ void appendInitializer(CXXCtorInitializer *initializer,
+ BumpVectorContext& C) {
+ Elements.push_back(CFGInitializer(initializer), C);
- void EndScope(Stmt* S, BumpVectorContext &C) {
- Stmts.push_back(CFGElement(S, CFGElement::EndScope), C);
+ void appendBaseDtor(const CXXBaseSpecifier *BS, BumpVectorContext &C) {
+ Elements.push_back(CFGBaseDtor(BS), C);
+ void appendMemberDtor(FieldDecl *FD, BumpVectorContext &C) {
+ Elements.push_back(CFGMemberDtor(FD), C);
+ }
+ void appendTemporaryDtor(CXXBindTemporaryExpr *E, BumpVectorContext &C) {
+ Elements.push_back(CFGTemporaryDtor(E), C);
+ }
+ // Destructors must be inserted in reversed order. So insertion is in two
+ // steps. First we prepare space for some number of elements, then we insert
+ // the elements beginning at the last position in prepared space.
+ iterator beginAutomaticObjDtorsInsert(iterator I, size_t Cnt,
+ BumpVectorContext& C) {
+ return iterator(Elements.insert(I.base(), Cnt, CFGElement(), C));
+ }
+ iterator insertAutomaticObjDtor(iterator I, VarDecl* VD, Stmt* S) {
+ *I = CFGAutomaticObjDtor(VD, S);
+ return ++I;
+ }
/// CFG - Represents a source-level, intra-procedural CFG that represents the
/// control-flow of a Stmt. The Stmt can represent an entire function body,
@@ -264,13 +535,24 @@ public:
// CFG Construction & Manipulation.
+ class BuildOptions {
+ public:
+ bool PruneTriviallyFalseEdges:1;
+ bool AddEHEdges:1;
+ bool AddInitializers:1;
+ bool AddImplicitDtors:1;
+ BuildOptions()
+ : PruneTriviallyFalseEdges(true)
+ , AddEHEdges(false)
+ , AddInitializers(false)
+ , AddImplicitDtors(false) {}
+ };
/// buildCFG - Builds a CFG from an AST. The responsibility to free the
/// constructed CFG belongs to the caller.
static CFG* buildCFG(const Decl *D, Stmt* AST, ASTContext *C,
- bool pruneTriviallyFalseEdges = true,
- bool AddEHEdges = false,
- bool AddScopes = false /* NOT FULLY IMPLEMENTED.
+ BuildOptions BO = BuildOptions());
/// createBlock - Create a new block in the CFG. The CFG owns the block;
/// the caller should not directly free it.
@@ -324,8 +606,10 @@ public:
void VisitBlockStmts(CALLBACK& O) const {
for (const_iterator I=begin(), E=end(); I != E; ++I)
for (CFGBlock::const_iterator BI=(*I)->begin(), BE=(*I)->end();
- BI != BE; ++BI)
- O(*BI);
+ BI != BE; ++BI) {
+ if (CFGStmt S = BI->getAs<CFGStmt>())
+ O(S);
+ }
@@ -340,7 +624,10 @@ public:
operator unsigned() const { assert(Idx >=0); return (unsigned) Idx; }
- bool isBlkExpr(const Stmt* S) { return getBlkExprNum(S); }
+ bool isBlkExpr(const Stmt* S) { return getBlkExprNum(S); }
+ bool isBlkExpr(const Stmt *S) const {
+ return const_cast<CFG*>(this)->isBlkExpr(S);
+ }
BlkExprNumTy getBlkExprNum(const Stmt* S);
unsigned getNumBlkExprs();
@@ -398,18 +685,22 @@ private:
namespace llvm {
-/// Implement simplify_type for CFGElement, so that we can dyn_cast from
-/// CFGElement to a specific Stmt class.
-template <> struct simplify_type<const ::clang::CFGElement> {
- typedef ::clang::Stmt* SimpleType;
- static SimpleType getSimplifiedValue(const ::clang::CFGElement &Val) {
+/// Implement simplify_type for CFGTerminator, so that we can dyn_cast from
+/// CFGTerminator to a specific Stmt class.
+template <> struct simplify_type<const ::clang::CFGTerminator> {
+ typedef const ::clang::Stmt *SimpleType;
+ static SimpleType getSimplifiedValue(const ::clang::CFGTerminator &Val) {
return Val.getStmt();
-template <> struct simplify_type< ::clang::CFGElement>
- : public simplify_type<const ::clang::CFGElement> {};
+template <> struct simplify_type< ::clang::CFGTerminator> {
+ typedef ::clang::Stmt *SimpleType;
+ static SimpleType getSimplifiedValue(const ::clang::CFGTerminator &Val) {
+ return const_cast<SimpleType>(Val.getStmt());
+ }
// Traits for: CFGBlock
template <> struct GraphTraits< ::clang::CFGBlock* > {
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