path: root/include/clang-c
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1 files changed, 694 insertions, 202 deletions
diff --git a/include/clang-c/Index.h b/include/clang-c/Index.h
index f11a9eb..ef17ed1 100644
--- a/include/clang-c/Index.h
+++ b/include/clang-c/Index.h
@@ -34,77 +34,42 @@ extern "C" {
- Clang indeX abstractions. The backing store for the following API's will be
- clangs AST file (currently based on PCH). AST files are created as follows:
- "clang -emit-ast <sourcefile.langsuffix> -o <sourcefile.ast>".
- Naming Conventions: To avoid namespace pollution, data types are prefixed
- with "CX" and functions are prefixed with "clang_".
-typedef void *CXIndex; /* An indexing instance. */
+/** \defgroup CINDEX C Interface to Clang
+ *
+ * The C Interface to Clang provides a relatively small API that exposes
+ * facilities for parsing source code into an abstract syntax tree (AST),
+ * loading already-parsed ASTs, traversing the AST, associating
+ * physical source locations with elements within the AST, and other
+ * facilities that support Clang-based development tools.
+ *
+ * This C interface to Clang will never provide all of the information
+ * representation stored in Clang's C++ AST, nor should it: the intent is to
+ * maintain an API that is relatively stable from one release to the next,
+ * providing only the basic functionality needed to support development tools.
+ *
+ * To avoid namespace pollution, data types are prefixed with "CX" and
+ * functions are prefixed with "clang_".
+ *
+ * @{
+ */
+ * \brief An "index" that consists of a set of translation units that would
+ * typically be linked together into an executable or library.
+ */
+typedef void *CXIndex;
+ * \brief A single translation unit, which resides in an index.
+ */
typedef void *CXTranslationUnit; /* A translation unit instance. */
-typedef void *CXFile; /* A source file */
-typedef void *CXDecl; /* A specific declaration within a translation unit. */
-typedef void *CXStmt; /* A specific statement within a function/method */
-/* Cursors represent declarations, definitions, and references. */
-enum CXCursorKind {
- /* Declarations */
- CXCursor_FirstDecl = 1,
- CXCursor_TypedefDecl = 2,
- CXCursor_StructDecl = 3,
- CXCursor_UnionDecl = 4,
- CXCursor_ClassDecl = 5,
- CXCursor_EnumDecl = 6,
- CXCursor_FieldDecl = 7,
- CXCursor_EnumConstantDecl = 8,
- CXCursor_FunctionDecl = 9,
- CXCursor_VarDecl = 10,
- CXCursor_ParmDecl = 11,
- CXCursor_ObjCInterfaceDecl = 12,
- CXCursor_ObjCCategoryDecl = 13,
- CXCursor_ObjCProtocolDecl = 14,
- CXCursor_ObjCPropertyDecl = 15,
- CXCursor_ObjCIvarDecl = 16,
- CXCursor_ObjCInstanceMethodDecl = 17,
- CXCursor_ObjCClassMethodDecl = 18,
- CXCursor_LastDecl = 18,
- /* Definitions */
- CXCursor_FirstDefn = 32,
- CXCursor_FunctionDefn = 32,
- CXCursor_ObjCClassDefn = 33,
- CXCursor_ObjCCategoryDefn = 34,
- CXCursor_ObjCInstanceMethodDefn = 35,
- CXCursor_ObjCClassMethodDefn = 36,
- CXCursor_LastDefn = 36,
- /* References */
- CXCursor_FirstRef = 40, /* Decl references */
- CXCursor_ObjCSuperClassRef = 40,
- CXCursor_ObjCProtocolRef = 41,
- CXCursor_ObjCClassRef = 42,
- CXCursor_ObjCSelectorRef = 43, /* Expression references */
- CXCursor_ObjCIvarRef = 44,
- CXCursor_VarRef = 45,
- CXCursor_FunctionRef = 46,
- CXCursor_EnumConstantRef = 47,
- CXCursor_MemberRef = 48,
- CXCursor_LastRef = 48,
- /* Error conditions */
- CXCursor_FirstInvalid = 70,
- CXCursor_InvalidFile = 70,
- CXCursor_NoDeclFound = 71,
- CXCursor_NotImplemented = 72,
- CXCursor_LastInvalid = 72
+ * \brief Opaque pointer representing client data that will be passed through
+ * to various callbacks and visitors.
+ */
+typedef void *CXClientData;
* \brief Provides the contents of a file that has not yet been saved to disk.
@@ -133,27 +98,19 @@ struct CXUnsavedFile {
unsigned long Length;
-/* A cursor into the CXTranslationUnit. */
-typedef struct {
- enum CXCursorKind kind;
- CXDecl decl;
- CXStmt stmt; /* expression reference */
- CXDecl referringDecl;
-} CXCursor;
-/* A unique token for looking up "visible" CXDecls from a CXTranslationUnit. */
-typedef struct {
- CXIndex index;
- void *data;
-} CXEntity;
- * For functions returning a string that might or might not need
- * to be internally allocated and freed.
- * Use clang_getCString to access the C string value.
- * Use clang_disposeString to free the value.
- * Treat it as an opaque type.
+ * \defgroup CINDEX_STRING String manipulation routines
+ *
+ * @{
+ */
+ * \brief A character string.
+ *
+ * The \c CXString type is used to return strings from the interface when
+ * the ownership of that string might different from one call to the next.
+ * Use \c clang_getCString() to retrieve the string data and, once finished
+ * with the string data, call \c clang_disposeString() to free the string.
typedef struct {
const char *Spelling;
@@ -162,12 +119,20 @@ typedef struct {
int MustFreeString;
} CXString;
-/* Get C string pointer from a CXString. */
+ * \brief Retrieve the character data associated with the given string.
+ */
CINDEX_LINKAGE const char *clang_getCString(CXString string);
-/* Free CXString. */
+ * \brief Free the given string,
+ */
CINDEX_LINKAGE void clang_disposeString(CXString string);
+ * @}
+ */
* \brief clang_createIndex() provides a shared context for creating
* translation units. It provides two options:
@@ -191,14 +156,16 @@ CINDEX_LINKAGE void clang_disposeString(CXString string);
* TU = clang_createTranslationUnit(Idx, "IndexTest.pch");
* // This will load all the symbols from 'IndexTest.pch'
- * clang_loadTranslationUnit(TU, TranslationUnitVisitor, 0);
+ * clang_visitChildren(clang_getTranslationUnitCursor(TU),
+ * TranslationUnitVisitor, 0);
* clang_disposeTranslationUnit(TU);
* // This will load all the symbols from 'IndexTest.c', excluding symbols
* // from 'IndexTest.pch'.
* char *args[] = { "-Xclang", "-include-pch=IndexTest.pch", 0 };
* TU = clang_createTranslationUnitFromSourceFile(Idx, "IndexTest.c", 2, args);
- * clang_loadTranslationUnit(TU, TranslationUnitVisitor, 0);
+ * clang_visitChildren(clang_getTranslationUnitCursor(TU),
+ * TranslationUnitVisitor, 0);
* clang_disposeTranslationUnit(TU);
* This process of creating the 'pch', loading it separately, and using it (via
@@ -211,7 +178,7 @@ CINDEX_LINKAGE void clang_disposeIndex(CXIndex index);
clang_getTranslationUnitSpelling(CXTranslationUnit CTUnit);
* \brief Request that AST's be generated external for API calls which parse
* source code on the fly, e.g. \see createTranslationUnitFromSourceFile.
@@ -224,7 +191,7 @@ clang_getTranslationUnitSpelling(CXTranslationUnit CTUnit);
CINDEX_LINKAGE void clang_setUseExternalASTGeneration(CXIndex index,
int value);
* \brief Create a translation unit from an AST file (-emit-ast).
CINDEX_LINKAGE CXTranslationUnit clang_createTranslationUnit(
@@ -255,137 +222,632 @@ CINDEX_LINKAGE void clang_disposeTranslationUnit(CXTranslationUnit);
* \param source_filename - The name of the source file to load, or NULL if the
* source file is included in clang_command_line_args.
+ *
+ * \param num_unsaved_files the number of unsaved file entries in \p
+ * unsaved_files.
+ *
+ * \param unsaved_files the files that have not yet been saved to disk
+ * but may be required for code completion, including the contents of
+ * those files.
CINDEX_LINKAGE CXTranslationUnit clang_createTranslationUnitFromSourceFile(
- CXIndex CIdx,
- const char *source_filename,
- int num_clang_command_line_args,
- const char **clang_command_line_args
+ CXIndex CIdx,
+ const char *source_filename,
+ int num_clang_command_line_args,
+ const char **clang_command_line_args,
+ unsigned num_unsaved_files,
+ struct CXUnsavedFile *unsaved_files);
- Usage: clang_loadTranslationUnit(). Will load the toplevel declarations
- within a translation unit, issuing a 'callback' for each one.
- void printObjCInterfaceNames(CXTranslationUnit X, CXCursor C) {
- if (clang_getCursorKind(C) == Cursor_Declaration) {
- CXDecl D = clang_getCursorDecl(C);
- if (clang_getDeclKind(D) == CXDecl_ObjC_interface)
- printf("@interface %s in file %s on line %d column %d\n",
- clang_getDeclSpelling(D), clang_getCursorSource(C),
- clang_getCursorLine(C), clang_getCursorColumn(C));
- }
- }
- static void usage {
- clang_loadTranslationUnit(CXTranslationUnit, printObjCInterfaceNames);
- }
-typedef void *CXClientData;
-typedef void (*CXTranslationUnitIterator)(CXTranslationUnit, CXCursor,
- CXClientData);
-CINDEX_LINKAGE void clang_loadTranslationUnit(CXTranslationUnit,
- CXTranslationUnitIterator,
- CXClientData);
- Usage: clang_loadDeclaration(). Will load the declaration, issuing a
- 'callback' for each declaration/reference within the respective declaration.
- For interface declarations, this will index the super class, protocols,
- ivars, methods, etc. For structure declarations, this will index the fields.
- For functions, this will index the parameters (and body, for function
- definitions), local declarations/references.
- void getInterfaceDetails(CXDecl X, CXCursor C) {
- switch (clang_getCursorKind(C)) {
- case Cursor_ObjC_ClassRef:
- CXDecl SuperClass = clang_getCursorDecl(C);
- case Cursor_ObjC_ProtocolRef:
- CXDecl AdoptsProtocol = clang_getCursorDecl(C);
- case Cursor_Declaration:
- CXDecl AnIvarOrMethod = clang_getCursorDecl(C);
- }
- }
- static void usage() {
- if (clang_getDeclKind(D) == CXDecl_ObjC_interface) {
- clang_loadDeclaration(D, getInterfaceDetails);
- }
- }
-typedef void (*CXDeclIterator)(CXDecl, CXCursor, CXClientData);
-CINDEX_LINKAGE void clang_loadDeclaration(CXDecl, CXDeclIterator, CXClientData);
- * CXFile Operations.
+ * \defgroup CINDEX_FILES File manipulation routines
+ *
+ * @{
+ */
+ * \brief A particular source file that is part of a translation unit.
+ */
+typedef void *CXFile;
+ * \brief Retrieve the complete file and path name of the given file.
CINDEX_LINKAGE const char *clang_getFileName(CXFile SFile);
+ * \brief Retrieve the last modification time of the given file.
+ */
CINDEX_LINKAGE time_t clang_getFileTime(CXFile SFile);
- * CXEntity Operations.
+ * \brief Retrieve a file handle within the given translation unit.
+ *
+ * \param tu the translation unit
+ *
+ * \param file_name the name of the file.
+ *
+ * \returns the file handle for the named file in the translation unit \p tu,
+ * or a NULL file handle if the file was not a part of this translation unit.
+CINDEX_LINKAGE CXFile clang_getFile(CXTranslationUnit tu,
+ const char *file_name);
-/* clang_getDeclaration() maps from a CXEntity to the matching CXDecl (if any)
- * in a specified translation unit. */
-CINDEX_LINKAGE CXDecl clang_getDeclaration(CXEntity, CXTranslationUnit);
+ * @}
+ */
- * CXDecl Operations.
+ * \defgroup CINDEX_LOCATIONS Physical source locations
+ *
+ * Clang represents physical source locations in its abstract syntax tree in
+ * great detail, with file, line, and column information for the majority of
+ * the tokens parsed in the source code. These data types and functions are
+ * used to represent source location information, either for a particular
+ * point in the program or for a range of points in the program, and extract
+ * specific location information from those data types.
+ *
+ * @{
-CINDEX_LINKAGE CXCursor clang_getCursorFromDecl(CXDecl);
-CINDEX_LINKAGE CXEntity clang_getEntityFromDecl(CXIndex, CXDecl);
-CINDEX_LINKAGE CXString clang_getDeclSpelling(CXDecl);
-CINDEX_LINKAGE unsigned clang_getDeclLine(CXDecl);
-CINDEX_LINKAGE unsigned clang_getDeclColumn(CXDecl);
-CINDEX_LINKAGE CXString clang_getDeclUSR(CXDecl);
-CINDEX_LINKAGE const char *clang_getDeclSource(CXDecl); /* deprecate */
-CINDEX_LINKAGE CXFile clang_getDeclSourceFile(CXDecl);
+ * \brief Identifies a specific source location within a translation
+ * unit.
+ *
+ * Use clang_getInstantiationLocation() to map a source location to a
+ * particular file, line, and column.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ void *ptr_data;
+ unsigned int_data;
+} CXSourceLocation;
-typedef struct CXSourceLineColumn {
- unsigned line;
- unsigned column;
-} CXSourceLineColumn;
+ * \brief Identifies a range of source locations in the source code.
+ *
+ * Use clang_getRangeStart() and clang_getRangeEnd() to retrieve the
+ * starting and end locations from a source range, respectively.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ void *ptr_data;
+ unsigned begin_int_data;
+ unsigned end_int_data;
+} CXSourceRange;
+ * \brief Retrieve a NULL (invalid) source location.
+ */
+CINDEX_LINKAGE CXSourceLocation clang_getNullLocation();
+ * \determine Determine whether two source locations, which must refer into
+ * the same translation unit, refer to exactly the same point in the source
+ * code.
+ *
+ * \returns non-zero if the source locations refer to the same location, zero
+ * if they refer to different locations.
+ */
+CINDEX_LINKAGE unsigned clang_equalLocations(CXSourceLocation loc1,
+ CXSourceLocation loc2);
+ * \brief Retrieves the source location associated with a given
+ * file/line/column in a particular translation unit.
+ */
+CINDEX_LINKAGE CXSourceLocation clang_getLocation(CXTranslationUnit tu,
+ CXFile file,
+ unsigned line,
+ unsigned column);
+ * \brief Retrieve a source range given the beginning and ending source
+ * locations.
+ */
+CINDEX_LINKAGE CXSourceRange clang_getRange(CXSourceLocation begin,
+ CXSourceLocation end);
+ * \brief Retrieve the file, line, and column represented by the
+ * given source location.
+ *
+ * \param location the location within a source file that will be
+ * decomposed into its parts.
+ *
+ * \param file if non-NULL, will be set to the file to which the given
+ * source location points.
+ *
+ * \param line if non-NULL, will be set to the line to which the given
+ * source location points.
+ *
+ * \param column if non-NULL, will be set to the column to which the
+ * given source location points.
+ */
+CINDEX_LINKAGE void clang_getInstantiationLocation(CXSourceLocation location,
+ CXFile *file,
+ unsigned *line,
+ unsigned *column);
+ * \brief Retrieve a source location representing the first
+ * character within a source range.
+ */
+CINDEX_LINKAGE CXSourceLocation clang_getRangeStart(CXSourceRange range);
+ * \brief Retrieve a source location representing the last
+ * character within a source range.
+ */
+CINDEX_LINKAGE CXSourceLocation clang_getRangeEnd(CXSourceRange range);
+ * @}
+ */
-typedef struct CXDeclExtent {
- CXSourceLineColumn begin;
- CXSourceLineColumn end;
-} CXSourceExtent;
+ * \brief Describes the kind of entity that a cursor refers to.
+ */
+enum CXCursorKind {
+ /* Declarations */
+ CXCursor_FirstDecl = 1,
+ /**
+ * \brief A declaration whose specific kind is not exposed via this
+ * interface.
+ *
+ * Unexposed declarations have the same operations as any other kind
+ * of declaration; one can extract their location information,
+ * spelling, find their definitions, etc. However, the specific kind
+ * of the declaration is not reported.
+ */
+ CXCursor_UnexposedDecl = 1,
+ /** \brief A C or C++ struct. */
+ CXCursor_StructDecl = 2,
+ /** \brief A C or C++ union. */
+ CXCursor_UnionDecl = 3,
+ /** \brief A C++ class. */
+ CXCursor_ClassDecl = 4,
+ /** \brief An enumeration. */
+ CXCursor_EnumDecl = 5,
+ /**
+ * \brief A field (in C) or non-static data member (in C++) in a
+ * struct, union, or C++ class.
+ */
+ CXCursor_FieldDecl = 6,
+ /** \brief An enumerator constant. */
+ CXCursor_EnumConstantDecl = 7,
+ /** \brief A function. */
+ CXCursor_FunctionDecl = 8,
+ /** \brief A variable. */
+ CXCursor_VarDecl = 9,
+ /** \brief A function or method parameter. */
+ CXCursor_ParmDecl = 10,
+ /** \brief An Objective-C @interface. */
+ CXCursor_ObjCInterfaceDecl = 11,
+ /** \brief An Objective-C @interface for a category. */
+ CXCursor_ObjCCategoryDecl = 12,
+ /** \brief An Objective-C @protocol declaration. */
+ CXCursor_ObjCProtocolDecl = 13,
+ /** \brief An Objective-C @property declaration. */
+ CXCursor_ObjCPropertyDecl = 14,
+ /** \brief An Objective-C instance variable. */
+ CXCursor_ObjCIvarDecl = 15,
+ /** \brief An Objective-C instance method. */
+ CXCursor_ObjCInstanceMethodDecl = 16,
+ /** \brief An Objective-C class method. */
+ CXCursor_ObjCClassMethodDecl = 17,
+ /** \brief An Objective-C @implementation. */
+ CXCursor_ObjCImplementationDecl = 18,
+ /** \brief An Objective-C @implementation for a category. */
+ CXCursor_ObjCCategoryImplDecl = 19,
+ /** \brief A typedef */
+ CXCursor_TypedefDecl = 20,
+ CXCursor_LastDecl = 20,
+ /* References */
+ CXCursor_FirstRef = 40, /* Decl references */
+ CXCursor_ObjCSuperClassRef = 40,
+ CXCursor_ObjCProtocolRef = 41,
+ CXCursor_ObjCClassRef = 42,
+ /**
+ * \brief A reference to a type declaration.
+ *
+ * A type reference occurs anywhere where a type is named but not
+ * declared. For example, given:
+ *
+ * \code
+ * typedef unsigned size_type;
+ * size_type size;
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * The typedef is a declaration of size_type (CXCursor_TypedefDecl),
+ * while the type of the variable "size" is referenced. The cursor
+ * referenced by the type of size is the typedef for size_type.
+ */
+ CXCursor_TypeRef = 43,
+ CXCursor_LastRef = 43,
+ /* Error conditions */
+ CXCursor_FirstInvalid = 70,
+ CXCursor_InvalidFile = 70,
+ CXCursor_NoDeclFound = 71,
+ CXCursor_NotImplemented = 72,
+ CXCursor_LastInvalid = 72,
+ /* Expressions */
+ CXCursor_FirstExpr = 100,
+ /**
+ * \brief An expression whose specific kind is not exposed via this
+ * interface.
+ *
+ * Unexposed expressions have the same operations as any other kind
+ * of expression; one can extract their location information,
+ * spelling, children, etc. However, the specific kind of the
+ * expression is not reported.
+ */
+ CXCursor_UnexposedExpr = 100,
+ /**
+ * \brief An expression that refers to some value declaration, such
+ * as a function, varible, or enumerator.
+ */
+ CXCursor_DeclRefExpr = 101,
+ /**
+ * \brief An expression that refers to a member of a struct, union,
+ * class, Objective-C class, etc.
+ */
+ CXCursor_MemberRefExpr = 102,
+ /** \brief An expression that calls a function. */
+ CXCursor_CallExpr = 103,
+ /** \brief An expression that sends a message to an Objective-C
+ object or class. */
+ CXCursor_ObjCMessageExpr = 104,
+ CXCursor_LastExpr = 104,
+ /* Statements */
+ CXCursor_FirstStmt = 200,
+ /**
+ * \brief A statement whose specific kind is not exposed via this
+ * interface.
+ *
+ * Unexposed statements have the same operations as any other kind of
+ * statement; one can extract their location information, spelling,
+ * children, etc. However, the specific kind of the statement is not
+ * reported.
+ */
+ CXCursor_UnexposedStmt = 200,
+ CXCursor_LastStmt = 200,
+ /**
+ * \brief Cursor that represents the translation unit itself.
+ *
+ * The translation unit cursor exists primarily to act as the root
+ * cursor for traversing the contents of a translation unit.
+ */
+ CXCursor_TranslationUnit = 300
-/* clang_getDeclExtent() returns the physical extent of a declaration. The
- * beginning line/column pair points to the start of the first token in the
- * declaration, and the ending line/column pair points to the last character in
- * the last token of the declaration.
+ * \brief A cursor representing some element in the abstract syntax tree for
+ * a translation unit.
+ *
+ * The cursor abstraction unifies the different kinds of entities in a
+ * program--declaration, statements, expressions, references to declarations,
+ * etc.--under a single "cursor" abstraction with a common set of operations.
+ * Common operation for a cursor include: getting the physical location in
+ * a source file where the cursor points, getting the name associated with a
+ * cursor, and retrieving cursors for any child nodes of a particular cursor.
+ *
+ * Cursors can be produced in two specific ways.
+ * clang_getTranslationUnitCursor() produces a cursor for a translation unit,
+ * from which one can use clang_visitChildren() to explore the rest of the
+ * translation unit. clang_getCursor() maps from a physical source location
+ * to the entity that resides at that location, allowing one to map from the
+ * source code into the AST.
-CINDEX_LINKAGE CXSourceExtent clang_getDeclExtent(CXDecl);
+typedef struct {
+ enum CXCursorKind kind;
+ void *data[3];
+} CXCursor;
- * CXCursor Operations.
+ * \defgroup CINDEX_CURSOR_MANIP Cursor manipulations
+ *
+ * @{
- Usage: clang_getCursor() will translate a source/line/column position
- into an AST cursor (to derive semantic information from the source code).
+ * \brief Retrieve the NULL cursor, which represents no entity.
-CINDEX_LINKAGE CXCursor clang_getCursor(CXTranslationUnit,
- const char *source_name,
- unsigned line, unsigned column);
CINDEX_LINKAGE CXCursor clang_getNullCursor(void);
+ * \brief Retrieve the cursor that represents the given translation unit.
+ *
+ * The translation unit cursor can be used to start traversing the
+ * various declarations within the given translation unit.
+ */
+CINDEX_LINKAGE CXCursor clang_getTranslationUnitCursor(CXTranslationUnit);
+ * \brief Determine whether two cursors are equivalent.
+ */
+CINDEX_LINKAGE unsigned clang_equalCursors(CXCursor, CXCursor);
+ * \brief Retrieve the kind of the given cursor.
+ */
CINDEX_LINKAGE enum CXCursorKind clang_getCursorKind(CXCursor);
+ * \brief Determine whether the given cursor kind represents a declaration.
+ */
CINDEX_LINKAGE unsigned clang_isDeclaration(enum CXCursorKind);
+ * \brief Determine whether the given cursor kind represents a simple
+ * reference.
+ *
+ * Note that other kinds of cursors (such as expressions) can also refer to
+ * other cursors. Use clang_getCursorReferenced() to determine whether a
+ * particular cursor refers to another entity.
+ */
CINDEX_LINKAGE unsigned clang_isReference(enum CXCursorKind);
-CINDEX_LINKAGE unsigned clang_isDefinition(enum CXCursorKind);
+ * \brief Determine whether the given cursor kind represents an expression.
+ */
+CINDEX_LINKAGE unsigned clang_isExpression(enum CXCursorKind);
+ * \brief Determine whether the given cursor kind represents a statement.
+ */
+CINDEX_LINKAGE unsigned clang_isStatement(enum CXCursorKind);
+ * \brief Determine whether the given cursor kind represents an invalid
+ * cursor.
+ */
CINDEX_LINKAGE unsigned clang_isInvalid(enum CXCursorKind);
-CINDEX_LINKAGE unsigned clang_equalCursors(CXCursor, CXCursor);
+ * \brief Determine whether the given cursor kind represents a translation
+ * unit.
+ */
+CINDEX_LINKAGE unsigned clang_isTranslationUnit(enum CXCursorKind);
+ * @}
+ */
+ * \defgroup CINDEX_CURSOR_SOURCE Mapping between cursors and source code
+ *
+ * Cursors represent a location within the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). These
+ * routines help map between cursors and the physical locations where the
+ * described entities occur in the source code. The mapping is provided in
+ * both directions, so one can map from source code to the AST and back.
+ *
+ * @{
+ */
+ * \brief Map a source location to the cursor that describes the entity at that
+ * location in the source code.
+ *
+ * clang_getCursor() maps an arbitrary source location within a translation
+ * unit down to the most specific cursor that describes the entity at that
+ * location. For example, given an expression \c x + y, invoking
+ * clang_getCursor() with a source location pointing to "x" will return the
+ * cursor for "x"; similarly for "y". If the cursor points anywhere between
+ * "x" or "y" (e.g., on the + or the whitespace around it), clang_getCursor()
+ * will return a cursor referring to the "+" expression.
+ *
+ * \returns a cursor representing the entity at the given source location, or
+ * a NULL cursor if no such entity can be found.
+ */
+CINDEX_LINKAGE CXCursor clang_getCursor(CXTranslationUnit, CXSourceLocation);
+ * \brief Retrieve the physical location of the source constructor referenced
+ * by the given cursor.
+ *
+ * The location of a declaration is typically the location of the name of that
+ * declaration, where the name of that declaration would occur if it is
+ * unnamed, or some keyword that introduces that particular declaration.
+ * The location of a reference is where that reference occurs within the
+ * source code.
+ */
+CINDEX_LINKAGE CXSourceLocation clang_getCursorLocation(CXCursor);
+ * \brief Retrieve the physical extent of the source construct referenced by
+ * the given cursor.
+ *
+ * The extent of a cursor starts with the file/line/column pointing at the
+ * first character within the source construct that the cursor refers to and
+ * ends with the last character withinin that source construct. For a
+ * declaration, the extent covers the declaration itself. For a reference,
+ * the extent covers the location of the reference (e.g., where the referenced
+ * entity was actually used).
+ */
+CINDEX_LINKAGE CXSourceRange clang_getCursorExtent(CXCursor);
-CINDEX_LINKAGE unsigned clang_getCursorLine(CXCursor);
-CINDEX_LINKAGE unsigned clang_getCursorColumn(CXCursor);
+ * @}
+ */
+ * \defgroup CINDEX_CURSOR_TRAVERSAL Traversing the AST with cursors
+ *
+ * These routines provide the ability to traverse the abstract syntax tree
+ * using cursors.
+ *
+ * @{
+ */
+ * \brief Describes how the traversal of the children of a particular
+ * cursor should proceed after visiting a particular child cursor.
+ *
+ * A value of this enumeration type should be returned by each
+ * \c CXCursorVisitor to indicate how clang_visitChildren() proceed.
+ */
+enum CXChildVisitResult {
+ /**
+ * \brief Terminates the cursor traversal.
+ */
+ CXChildVisit_Break,
+ /**
+ * \brief Continues the cursor traversal with the next sibling of
+ * the cursor just visited, without visiting its children.
+ */
+ CXChildVisit_Continue,
+ /**
+ * \brief Recursively traverse the children of this cursor, using
+ * the same visitor and client data.
+ */
+ CXChildVisit_Recurse
+ * \brief Visitor invoked for each cursor found by a traversal.
+ *
+ * This visitor function will be invoked for each cursor found by
+ * clang_visitCursorChildren(). Its first argument is the cursor being
+ * visited, its second argument is the parent visitor for that cursor,
+ * and its third argument is the client data provided to
+ * clang_visitCursorChildren().
+ *
+ * The visitor should return one of the \c CXChildVisitResult values
+ * to direct clang_visitCursorChildren().
+ */
+typedef enum CXChildVisitResult (*CXCursorVisitor)(CXCursor cursor,
+ CXCursor parent,
+ CXClientData client_data);
+ * \brief Visit the children of a particular cursor.
+ *
+ * This function visits all the direct children of the given cursor,
+ * invoking the given \p visitor function with the cursors of each
+ * visited child. The traversal may be recursive, if the visitor returns
+ * \c CXChildVisit_Recurse. The traversal may also be ended prematurely, if
+ * the visitor returns \c CXChildVisit_Break.
+ *
+ * \param tu the translation unit into which the cursor refers.
+ *
+ * \param parent the cursor whose child may be visited. All kinds of
+ * cursors can be visited, including invalid visitors (which, by
+ * definition, have no children).
+ *
+ * \param visitor the visitor function that will be invoked for each
+ * child of \p parent.
+ *
+ * \param client_data pointer data supplied by the client, which will
+ * be passed to the visitor each time it is invoked.
+ *
+ * \returns a non-zero value if the traversal was terminated
+ * prematurely by the visitor returning \c CXChildVisit_Break.
+ */
+CINDEX_LINKAGE unsigned clang_visitChildren(CXCursor parent,
+ CXCursorVisitor visitor,
+ CXClientData client_data);
+ * @}
+ */
+ * \defgroup CINDEX_CURSOR_XREF Cross-referencing in the AST
+ *
+ * These routines provide the ability to determine references within and
+ * across translation units, by providing the names of the entities referenced
+ * by cursors, follow reference cursors to the declarations they reference,
+ * and associate declarations with their definitions.
+ *
+ * @{
+ */
+ * \brief Retrieve a Unified Symbol Resolution (USR) for the entity referenced
+ * by the given cursor.
+ *
+ * A Unified Symbol Resolution (USR) is a string that identifies a particular
+ * entity (function, class, variable, etc.) within a program. USRs can be
+ * compared across translation units to determine, e.g., when references in
+ * one translation refer to an entity defined in another translation unit.
+ */
+CINDEX_LINKAGE CXString clang_getCursorUSR(CXCursor);
+ * \brief Retrieve a name for the entity referenced by this cursor.
+ */
CINDEX_LINKAGE CXString clang_getCursorSpelling(CXCursor);
-CINDEX_LINKAGE const char *clang_getCursorSource(CXCursor); /* deprecate */
-CINDEX_LINKAGE CXFile clang_getCursorSourceFile(CXCursor);
+/** \brief For a cursor that is a reference, retrieve a cursor representing the
+ * entity that it references.
+ *
+ * Reference cursors refer to other entities in the AST. For example, an
+ * Objective-C superclass reference cursor refers to an Objective-C class.
+ * This function produces the cursor for the Objective-C class from the
+ * cursor for the superclass reference. If the input cursor is a declaration or
+ * definition, it returns that declaration or definition unchanged.
+ * Othewise, returns the NULL cursor.
+ */
+CINDEX_LINKAGE CXCursor clang_getCursorReferenced(CXCursor);
+ * \brief For a cursor that is either a reference to or a declaration
+ * of some entity, retrieve a cursor that describes the definition of
+ * that entity.
+ *
+ * Some entities can be declared multiple times within a translation
+ * unit, but only one of those declarations can also be a
+ * definition. For example, given:
+ *
+ * \code
+ * int f(int, int);
+ * int g(int x, int y) { return f(x, y); }
+ * int f(int a, int b) { return a + b; }
+ * int f(int, int);
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * there are three declarations of the function "f", but only the
+ * second one is a definition. The clang_getCursorDefinition()
+ * function will take any cursor pointing to a declaration of "f"
+ * (the first or fourth lines of the example) or a cursor referenced
+ * that uses "f" (the call to "f' inside "g") and will return a
+ * declaration cursor pointing to the definition (the second "f"
+ * declaration).
+ *
+ * If given a cursor for which there is no corresponding definition,
+ * e.g., because there is no definition of that entity within this
+ * translation unit, returns a NULL cursor.
+ */
+CINDEX_LINKAGE CXCursor clang_getCursorDefinition(CXCursor);
+ * \brief Determine whether the declaration pointed to by this cursor
+ * is also a definition of that entity.
+ */
+CINDEX_LINKAGE unsigned clang_isCursorDefinition(CXCursor);
+ * @}
+ */
+ * \defgroup CINDEX_DEBUG Debugging facilities
+ *
+ * These routines are used for testing and debugging, only, and should not
+ * be relied upon.
+ *
+ * @{
+ */
/* for debug/testing */
CINDEX_LINKAGE const char *clang_getCursorKindSpelling(enum CXCursorKind Kind);
CINDEX_LINKAGE void clang_getDefinitionSpellingAndExtent(CXCursor,
@@ -396,13 +858,22 @@ CINDEX_LINKAGE void clang_getDefinitionSpellingAndExtent(CXCursor,
unsigned *endLine,
unsigned *endColumn);
- * If CXCursorKind == Cursor_Reference, then this will return the referenced
- * declaration.
- * If CXCursorKind == Cursor_Declaration, then this will return the declaration.
+ * @}
-CINDEX_LINKAGE CXDecl clang_getCursorDecl(CXCursor);
+ * \defgroup CINDEX_CODE_COMPLET Code completion
+ *
+ * Code completion involves taking an (incomplete) source file, along with
+ * knowledge of where the user is actively editing that file, and suggesting
+ * syntactically- and semantically-valid constructs that the user might want to
+ * use at that particular point in the source code. These data structures and
+ * routines provide support for code completion.
+ *
+ * @{
+ */
* \brief A semantic string that describes a code-completion result.
@@ -771,6 +1242,27 @@ CXCodeCompleteResults *clang_codeComplete(CXIndex CIdx,
void clang_disposeCodeCompleteResults(CXCodeCompleteResults *Results);
+ * @}
+ */
+ * \defgroup CINDEX_MISC Miscellaneous utility functions
+ *
+ * @{
+ */
+CINDEX_LINKAGE const char *clang_getClangVersion();
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
#ifdef __cplusplus
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