path: root/gnu/usr.bin/texinfo/info-files/
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+This is Info file, produced by Makeinfo-1.55 from the input
+file texi.texi.
+ This file documents Texinfo, a documentation system that uses a
+single source file to produce both on-line information and a printed
+ Copyright (C) 1988, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 Free Software Foundation,
+ This is the second edition of the Texinfo documentation,
+and is consistent with version 2 of `texinfo.tex'.
+ Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
+manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
+preserved on all copies.
+ Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of
+this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that
+the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
+permission notice identical to this one.
+ Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
+manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified
+versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a
+translation approved by the Free Software Foundation.
+File:, Node: var, Next: file, Prev: samp, Up: Indicating
+ Use the `@var' command to indicate metasyntactic variables. A
+"metasyntactic variable" is something that stands for another piece of
+text. For example, you should use a metasyntactic variable in the
+documentation of a function to describe the arguments that are passed
+to that function.
+ Do not use `@var' for the names of particular variables in
+programming languages. These are specific names from a program, so
+`@code' is correct for them. For example, the Lisp variable
+`texinfo-tex-command' is not a metasyntactic variable; it is properly
+formatted using `@code'.
+ The effect of `@var' in the Info file is to change the case of the
+argument to all upper case; in the printed manual, to italicize it.
+ For example,
+ To delete file @var{filename},
+ type @code{rm @var{filename}}.
+ To delete file FILENAME, type `rm FILENAME'.
+(Note that `@var' may appear inside `@code', `@samp', `@file', etc.)
+ Write a metasyntactic variable all in lower case without spaces, and
+use hyphens to make it more readable. Thus, the Texinfo source for the
+illustration of how to begin a Texinfo manual looks like this:
+ \input texinfo
+ @@setfilename @var{info-file-name}
+ @@settitle @var{name-of-manual}
+This produces:
+ \input texinfo
+ @setfilename INFO-FILE-NAME
+ @settitle NAME-OF-MANUAL
+ In some documentation styles, metasyntactic variables are shown with
+angle brackets, for example:
+ ..., type rm <filename>
+However, that is not the style that Texinfo uses. (You can, of course,
+modify the sources to TeX and the Info formatting commands to output
+the `<...>' format if you wish.)
+File:, Node: file, Next: dfn, Prev: var, Up: Indicating
+ Use the `@file' command to indicate text that is the name of a file,
+buffer, or directory, or is the name of a node in Info. You can also
+use the command for file name suffixes. Do not use `@file' for symbols
+in a programming language; use `@code'.
+ Currently, `@file' is equivalent to `@samp' in its effects. For
+ The @file{.el} files are in
+ the @file{/usr/local/emacs/lisp} directory.
+ The `.el' files are in the `/usr/local/emacs/lisp' directory.
+File:, Node: dfn, Next: cite, Prev: file, Up: Indicating
+ Use the `@dfn' command to identify the introductory or defining use
+of a technical term. Use the command only in passages whose purpose is
+to introduce a term which will be used again or which the reader ought
+to know. Mere passing mention of a term for the first time does not
+deserve `@dfn'. The command generates italics in the printed manual,
+and double quotation marks in the Info file. For example:
+ Getting rid of a file is called @dfn{deleting} it.
+ Getting rid of a file is called "deleting" it.
+ As a general rule, a sentence containing the defining occurrence of a
+term should be a definition of the term. The sentence does not need to
+say explicitly that it is a definition, but it should contain the
+information of a definition--it should make the meaning clear.
+File:, Node: cite, Prev: dfn, Up: Indicating
+ Use the `@cite' command for the name of a book that lacks a
+companion Info file. The command produces italics in the printed
+manual, and quotation marks in the Info file.
+ (If a book is written in Texinfo, it is better to use a cross
+reference command since a reader can easily follow such a reference in
+Info. *Note `@xref': xref.)
+File:, Node: Emphasis, Prev: Indicating, Up: Marking Text
+Emphasizing Text
+ Usually, Texinfo changes the font to mark words in the text
+according to what category the words belong to; an example is the
+`@code' command. Most often, this is the best way to mark words.
+However, sometimes you will want to emphasize text without indicating a
+category. Texinfo has two commands to do this. Also, Texinfo has
+several commands that specify the font in which TeX will typeset text.
+These commands have no affect on Info and only one of them, the `@r'
+command, has any regular use.
+* Menu:
+* emph & strong:: How to emphasize text in Texinfo.
+* Smallcaps:: How to use the small caps font.
+* Fonts:: Various font commands for printed output.
+File:, Node: emph & strong, Next: Smallcaps, Up: Emphasis
+`@emph'{TEXT} and `@strong'{TEXT}
+ The `@emph' and `@strong' commands are for emphasis; `@strong' is
+stronger. In printed output, `@emph' produces *italics* and `@strong'
+produces *bold*.
+ For example,
+ @quotation
+ @strong{Caution:} @code{rm * .[^.]*} removes @emph{all}
+ files in the directory.
+ @end quotation
+ *Caution*: `rm * .[^.]*' removes *all*
+ files in the directory.
+ The `@strong' command is seldom used except to mark what is, in
+effect, a typographical element, such as the word `Caution' in the
+preceding example.
+ In the Info file, both `@emph' and `@strong' put asterisks around
+the text.
+ *Caution:* Do not use `@emph' or `@strong' with the word `Note';
+ Info will mistake the combination for a cross reference. Use a
+ phrase such as *Please note* or *Caution* instead.
+File:, Node: Smallcaps, Next: Fonts, Prev: emph & strong, Up: Emphasis
+`@sc'{TEXT}: The Small Caps Font
+ Use the `@sc' command to set text in the printed output in a small
+caps font and set text in the Info file in upper case letters.
+ Write the text between braces in lower case, like this:
+ The @sc{acm} and @sc{ieee} are technical societies.
+This produces:
+ The ACM and IEEE are technical societies.
+ TeX typesets the small caps font in a manner that prevents the
+letters from `jumping out at you on the page'. This makes small caps
+text easier to read than text in all upper case. The Info formatting
+commands set all small caps text in upper case.
+ If the text between the braces of an `@sc' command is upper case,
+TeX typesets in full-size capitals. Use full-size capitals sparingly.
+ You may also use the small caps font for a jargon word such as ATO
+(a NASA word meaning `abort to orbit').
+ There are subtleties to using the small caps font with a jargon word
+such as CDR, a word used in Lisp programming. In this case, you should
+use the small caps font when the word refers to the second and
+subsequent elements of a list (the CDR of the list), but you should use
+`@code' when the word refers to the Lisp function of the same spelling.
+File:, Node: Fonts, Prev: Smallcaps, Up: Emphasis
+Fonts for Printing, Not Info
+ Texinfo provides four font commands that specify font changes in the
+printed manual but have no effect in the Info file. `@i' requests
+italic font (in some versions of TeX, a slanted font is used), `@b'
+requests bold face, `@t' requests the fixed-width, typewriter-style
+font used by `@code', and `@r' requests a roman font, which is the
+usual font in which text is printed. All four commands apply to an
+argument that follows, surrounded by braces.
+ Only the `@r' command has much use: in example programs, you can use
+the `@r' command to convert code comments from the fixed-width font to
+a roman font. This looks better in printed output.
+ For example,
+ @lisp
+ (+ 2 2) ; @r{Add two plus two.}
+ @end lisp
+ (+ 2 2) ; Add two plus two.
+ If possible, you should avoid using the other three font commands.
+If you need to use one, it probably indicates a gap in the Texinfo
+File:, Node: Quotations and Examples, Next: Lists and Tables, Prev: Marking Text, Up: Top
+Quotations and Examples
+ Quotations and examples are blocks of text consisting of one or more
+whole paragraphs that are set off from the bulk of the text and treated
+differently. They are usually indented.
+ In Texinfo, you always begin a quotation or example by writing an
+@-command at the beginning of a line by itself, and end it by writing
+an `@end' command that is also at the beginning of a line by itself.
+For instance, you begin an example by writing `@example' by itself at
+the beginning of a line and end the example by writing `@end example'
+on a line by itself, at the beginning of that line.
+* Menu:
+* Block Enclosing Commands:: Use different constructs for
+ different purposes.
+* quotation:: How to write a quotation.
+* example:: How to write an example in a fixed-width font.
+* noindent:: How to prevent paragraph indentation.
+* Lisp Example:: How to illustrate Lisp code.
+* smallexample & smalllisp:: Forms for the `@smallbook' option.
+* display:: How to write an example in the current font.
+* format:: How to write an example that does not narrow
+ the margins.
+* exdent:: How to undo the indentation of a line.
+* flushleft & flushright:: How to push text flushleft or flushright.
+* cartouche:: How to draw cartouches around examples.
+File:, Node: Block Enclosing Commands, Next: quotation, Up: Quotations and Examples
+The Block Enclosing Commands
+ Here are commands for quotations and examples:
+ Indicate text that is quoted. The text is filled, indented, and
+ printed in a roman font by default.
+ Illustrate code, commands, and the like. The text is printed in a
+ fixed-width font, and indented but not filled.
+ Illustrate Lisp code. The text is printed in a fixed-width font,
+ and indented but not filled.
+ Illustrate code, commands, and the like. Similar to `@example',
+ except that in TeX this command typesets text in a smaller font
+ for the smaller `@smallbook' format than for the 8.5 by 11 inch
+ format.
+ Illustrate Lisp code. Similar to `@lisp', except that in TeX this
+ command typesets text in a smaller font for the smaller
+ `@smallbook' format than for the 8.5 by 11 inch format.
+ Display illustrative text. The text is indented but not filled,
+ and no font is specified (so, by default, the font is roman).
+ Print illustrative text. The text is not indented and not filled
+ and no font is specified (so, by default, the font is roman).
+ The `@exdent' command is used within the above constructs to undo
+the indentation of a line.
+ The `@flushleft' and `@flushright' commands are used to line up the
+left or right margins of unfilled text.
+ The `@noindent' command may be used after one of the above
+constructs to prevent the following text from being indented as a new
+ You can use the `@cartouche' command within one of the above
+constructs to highlight the example or quotation by drawing a box with
+rounded corners around it. (The `@cartouche' command affects only the
+printed manual; it has no effect in the Info file; see *Note Drawing
+Cartouches Around Examples: cartouche.)
+File:, Node: quotation, Next: example, Prev: Block Enclosing Commands, Up: Quotations and Examples
+ The text of a quotation is processed normally except that:
+ * the margins are closer to the center of the page, so the whole of
+ the quotation is indented;
+ * the first lines of paragraphs are indented no more than other
+ lines;
+ * in the printed output, interparagraph spacing is reduced.
+ This is an example of text written between an `@quotation' command
+ and an `@end quotation' command. An `@quotation' command is most
+ often used to indicate text that is excerpted from another (real
+ or hypothetical) printed work.
+ Write an `@quotation' command as text on a line by itself. This
+line will disappear from the output. Mark the end of the quotation
+with a line beginning with and containing only `@end quotation'. The
+`@end quotation' line will likewise disappear from the output. Thus,
+the following,
+ @quotation
+ This is
+ a foo.
+ @end quotation
+ This is a foo.
+File:, Node: example, Next: noindent, Prev: quotation, Up: Quotations and Examples
+ The `@example' command is used to indicate an example that is not
+part of the running text, such as computer input or output.
+ This is an example of text written between an
+ `@example' command
+ and an `@end example' command.
+ The text is indented but not filled.
+ In the printed manual, the text is typeset in a
+ fixed-width font, and extra spaces and blank lines are
+ significant. In the Info file, an analogous result is
+ obtained by indenting each line with five spaces.
+ Write an `@example' command at the beginning of a line by itself.
+This line will disappear from the output. Mark the end of the example
+with an `@end example' command, also written at the beginning of a line
+by itself. The `@end example' will disappear from the output.
+ For example,
+ @example
+ mv foo bar
+ @end example
+ mv foo bar
+ Since the lines containing `@example' and `@end example' will
+disappear, you should put a blank line before the `@example' and
+another blank line after the `@end example'. (Remember that blank
+lines between the beginning `@example' and the ending `@end example'
+will appear in the output.)
+ *Caution:* Do not use tabs in the lines of an example (or anywhere
+ else in Texinfo, for that matter)! TeX treats tabs as single
+ spaces, and that is not what they look like. This is a problem
+ with TeX. (If necessary, in Emacs, you can use `M-x untabify' to
+ convert tabs in a region to multiple spaces.)
+ Examples are often, logically speaking, "in the middle" of a
+paragraph, and the text continues after an example should not be
+indented. The `@noindent' command prevents a piece of text from being
+indented as if it were a new paragraph. (*Note noindent::.)
+ (The `@code' command is used for examples of code that are embedded
+within sentences, not set off from preceding and following text. *Note
+`@code': code.)
+File:, Node: noindent, Next: Lisp Example, Prev: example, Up: Quotations and Examples
+ An example or other inclusion can break a paragraph into segments.
+Ordinarily, the formatters indent text that follows an example as a new
+paragraph. However, you can prevent this by writing `@noindent' at the
+beginning of a line by itself preceding the continuation text.
+ For example:
+ @example
+ This is an example
+ @end example
+ @noindent
+ This line is not indented. As you can see, the
+ beginning of the line is fully flush left with the line
+ that follows after it. (This whole example is between
+ @code{@@display} and @code{@@end display}.)
+ This is an example
+ This line is not indented. As you can see, the
+ beginning of the line is fully flush left with the line
+ that follows after it. (This whole example is between
+ `@display' and `@end display'.)
+ To adjust the number of blank lines properly in the Info file output,
+remember that the line containing `@noindent' does not generate a blank
+line, and neither does the `@end example' line.
+ In the Texinfo source file for this manual, each line that says
+`produces' is preceded by a line containing `@noindent'.
+ Do not put braces after an `@noindent' command; they are not
+necessary, since `@noindent' is a command used outside of paragraphs
+(*note Command Syntax::.).
+File:, Node: Lisp Example, Next: smallexample & smalllisp, Prev: noindent, Up: Quotations and Examples
+ The `@lisp' command is used for Lisp code. It is synonymous with
+the `@example' command.
+ This is an example of text written between an
+ `@lisp' command and an `@end lisp' command.
+ Use `@lisp' instead of `@example' so as to preserve information
+regarding the nature of the example. This is useful, for example, if
+you write a function that evaluates only and all the Lisp code in a
+Texinfo file. Then you can use the Texinfo file as a Lisp library.(1)
+ Mark the end of `@lisp' with `@end lisp' on a line by itself.
+ ---------- Footnotes ----------
+ (1) It would be straightforward to extend Texinfo to work in a
+similar fashion for C, FORTRAN, or other languages.
+File:, Node: smallexample & smalllisp, Next: display, Prev: Lisp Example, Up: Quotations and Examples
+`@smallexample' and `@smalllisp'
+ In addition to the regular `@example' and `@lisp' commands, Texinfo
+has two other "example-style" commands. These are the `@smallexample'
+and `@smalllisp' commands. Both these commands are designed for use
+with the `@smallbook' command that causes TeX to produce a printed
+manual in a 7 by 9.25 inch format rather than the regular 8.5 by 11
+inch format.
+ In TeX, the `@smallexample' and `@smalllisp' commands typeset text
+in a smaller font for the smaller `@smallbook' format than for the 8.5
+by 11 inch format. Consequently, many examples containing long lines
+fit in a narrower, `@smallbook' page without needing to be shortened.
+Both commands typeset in the normal font size when you format for the
+8.5 by 11 inch size; indeed, in this situation, the `@smallexample' and
+`@smalllisp' commands are defined to be the `@example' and `@lisp'
+ In Info, the `@smallexample' and `@smalllisp' commands are
+equivalent to the `@example' and `@lisp' commands, and work exactly the
+ Mark the end of `@smallexample' or `@smalllisp' with `@end
+smallexample' or `@end smalllisp', respectively.
+ This is an example of text written between `@smallexample' and
+ `@end smallexample'. In Info and in an 8.5 by 11 inch manual,
+ this text appears in its normal size; but in a 7 by 9.25 inch manual,
+ this text appears in a smaller font.
+ The `@smallexample' and `@smalllisp' commands make it easier to
+prepare smaller format manuals without forcing you to edit examples by
+hand to fit them onto narrower pages.
+ As a general rule, a printed document looks better if you write all
+the examples in a chapter consistently in `@example' or in
+`@smallexample'. Only occasionally should you mix the two formats.
+ *Note Printing "Small" Books: smallbook, for more information about
+the `@smallbook' command.
+File:, Node: display, Next: format, Prev: smallexample & smalllisp, Up: Quotations and Examples
+ The `@display' command begins a kind of example. It is like the
+`@example' command except that, in a printed manual, `@display' does
+not select the fixed-width font. In fact, it does not specify the font
+at all, so that the text appears in the same font it would have
+appeared in without the `@display' command.
+ This is an example of text written between an `@display' command
+ and an `@end display' command. The `@display' command
+ indents the text, but does not fill it.
+File:, Node: format, Next: exdent, Prev: display, Up: Quotations and Examples
+ The `@format' command is similar to `@example' except that, in the
+printed manual, `@format' does not select the fixed-width font and does
+not narrow the margins.
+This is an example of text written between an `@format' command
+and an `@end format' command. As you can see
+from this example,
+the `@format' command does not fill the text.
+File:, Node: exdent, Next: flushleft & flushright, Prev: format, Up: Quotations and Examples
+`@exdent': Undoing a Line's Indentation
+ The `@exdent' command removes any indentation a line might have.
+The command is written at the beginning of a line and applies only to
+the text that follows the command that is on the same line. Do not use
+braces around the text. In a printed manual, the text on an `@exdent'
+line is printed in the roman font.
+ `@exdent' is usually used within examples. Thus,
+ @example
+ This line follows an @@example command.
+ @exdent This line is exdented.
+ This line follows the exdented line.
+ The @@end example comes on the next line.
+ @end group
+ This line follows an @example command.
+This line is exdented.
+ This line follows the exdented line.
+ The @end example comes on the next line.
+ In practice, the `@exdent' command is rarely used. Usually, you
+un-indent text by ending the example and returning the page to its
+normal width.
+File:, Node: flushleft & flushright, Next: cartouche, Prev: exdent, Up: Quotations and Examples
+`@flushleft' and `@flushright'
+ The `@flushleft' and `@flushright' commands line up the ends of
+lines on the left and right margins of a page, but do not fill the
+text. The commands are written on lines of their own, without braces.
+The `@flushleft' and `@flushright' commands are ended by `@end
+flushleft' and `@end flushright' commands on lines of their own.
+ For example,
+ @flushleft
+ This text is
+ written flushleft.
+ @end flushleft
+ This text is
+ written flushleft.
+ Flushright produces the type of indentation often used in the return
+address of letters.
+For example,
+ @flushright
+ Here is an example of text written
+ flushright. The @code{@flushright} command
+ right justifies every line but leaves the
+ left end ragged.
+ @end flushright
+ Here is an example of text written
+ flushright. The `@flushright' command
+ right justifies every line but leaves the
+ left end ragged.
+File:, Node: cartouche, Prev: flushleft & flushright, Up: Quotations and Examples
+Drawing Cartouches Around Examples
+ In a printed manual, the `@cartouche' command draws a box with
+rounded corners around its contents. You can use this command to
+further highlight an example or quotation. For instance, you could
+write a manual in which one type of example is surrounded by a cartouche
+for emphasis.
+ The `@cartouche' command affects only the printed manual; it has no
+effect in the Info file.
+ For example,
+ @example
+ @cartouche
+ % pwd
+ /usr/local/lib/emacs/info
+ @end cartouche
+ @end example
+surrounds the two-line example with a box with rounded corners, in the
+printed manual.
+File:, Node: Lists and Tables, Next: Indices, Prev: Quotations and Examples, Up: Top
+Making Lists and Tables
+ Texinfo has several ways of making lists and two-column tables.
+Lists can be bulleted or numbered, while two-column tables can
+highlight the items in the first column.
+* Menu:
+* Introducing Lists:: Texinfo formats lists for you.
+* itemize:: How to construct a simple list.
+* enumerate:: How to construct a numbered list.
+* Two-column Tables:: How to construct a two-column table.
+File:, Node: Introducing Lists, Next: itemize, Up: Lists and Tables
+Introducing Lists
+ Texinfo automatically indents the text in lists or tables, and
+numbers an enumerated list. This last feature is useful if you modify
+the list, since you do not need to renumber it yourself.
+ Numbered lists and tables begin with the appropriate @-command at the
+beginning of a line, and end with the corresponding `@end' command on a
+line by itself. The table and itemized-list commands also require that
+you write formatting information on the same line as the beginning
+ Begin an enumerated list, for example, with an `@enumerate' command
+and end the list with an `@end enumerate' command. Begin an itemized
+list with an `@itemize' command, followed on the same line by a
+formatting command such as `@bullet', and end the list with an `@end
+itemize' command.
+ Precede each element of a list with an `@item' or `@itemx' command.
+Here is an itemized list of the different kinds of table and lists:
+ * Itemized lists with and without bullets.
+ * Enumerated lists, using numbers or letters.
+ * Two-column tables with highlighting.
+Here is an enumerated list with the same items:
+ 1. Itemized lists with and without bullets.
+ 2. Enumerated lists, using numbers or letters.
+ 3. Two-column tables with highlighting.
+And here is a two-column table with the same items and their @-commands:
+ Itemized lists with and without bullets.
+ Enumerated lists, using numbers or letters.
+ Two-column tables with highlighting.
+File:, Node: itemize, Next: enumerate, Prev: Introducing Lists, Up: Lists and Tables
+Making an Itemized List
+ The `@itemize' command produces sequences of indented paragraphs,
+with a bullet or other mark inside the left margin at the beginning of
+each paragraph for which such a mark is desired.
+ Begin an itemized list by writing `@itemize' at the beginning of a
+line. Follow the command, on the same line, with a character or a
+Texinfo command that generates a mark. Usually, you will write
+`@bullet' after `@itemize', but you can use `@minus', or any character
+or any special symbol that results in a single character in the Info
+file. (When you write `@bullet' or `@minus' after an `@itemize'
+command, you may omit the `{}'.)
+ Write the text of the indented paragraphs themselves after the
+`@itemize', up to another line that says `@end itemize'.
+ Before each paragraph for which a mark in the margin is desired,
+write a line that says just `@item'. Do not write any other text on
+this line.
+ Usually, you should put a blank line before an `@item'. This puts a
+blank line in the Info file. (TeX inserts the proper interline
+whitespace in either case.) Except when the entries are very brief,
+these blank lines make the list look better.
+ Here is an example of the use of `@itemize', followed by the output
+it produces. Note that `@bullet' produces an `*' in Info and a round
+dot in TeX.
+ @itemize @bullet
+ @item
+ Some text for foo.
+ @item
+ Some text
+ for bar.
+ @end itemize
+This produces:
+ * Some text for foo.
+ * Some text for bar.
+ Itemized lists may be embedded within other itemized lists. Here is
+a list marked with dashes embedded in a list marked with bullets:
+ @itemize @bullet
+ @item
+ First item.
+ @itemize @minus
+ @item
+ Inner item.
+ @item
+ Second inner item.
+ @end itemize
+ @item
+ Second outer item.
+ @end itemize
+This produces:
+ * First item.
+ - Inner item.
+ - Second inner item.
+ * Second outer item.
+File:, Node: enumerate, Next: Two-column Tables, Prev: itemize, Up: Lists and Tables
+Making a Numbered or Lettered List
+ `@enumerate' is like `@itemize' except that the marks in the left
+margin contain successive integers or letters. (*Note `@itemize':
+ Write the `@enumerate' command at the beginning of a line. The
+command does not require an argument, but accepts either a number or a
+letter as an option. Without an argument, `@enumerate' starts the list
+with the number 1. With a numeric argument, such as 3, the command
+starts the list with that number. With an upper or lower case letter,
+such as `a' or `A', the command starts the list with that letter.
+ Write the text of the enumerated list in the same way you write an
+itemized list: put `@item' on a line of its own before the start of
+each paragraph that you want enumerated. Do not write any other text on
+the line beginning with `@item'.
+ You should put a blank line between entries in the list. This
+generally makes it easier to read the Info file.
+ Here is an example of `@enumerate' without an argument:
+ @enumerate
+ @item
+ Underlying causes.
+ @item
+ Proximate causes.
+ @end enumerate
+This produces:
+ 1. Underlying causes.
+ 2. Proximate causes.
+ Here is an example with an argument of `3':
+ @enumerate 3
+ @item
+ Predisposing causes.
+ @item
+ Precipitating causes.
+ @item
+ Perpetuating causes.
+ @end enumerate
+This produces:
+ 3. Predisposing causes.
+ 4. Precipitating causes.
+ 5. Perpetuating causes.
+ Here is a brief summary of the alternatives. The summary is
+constructed using `@enumerate' with an argument of `a'.
+ a. `@enumerate'
+ Without an argument, produce a numbered list, starting with the
+ number 1.
+ b. `@enumerate POSITIVE-INTEGER'
+ With a (positive) numeric argument, start a numbered list with that
+ number. You can use this to continue a list that you interrupted
+ with other text.
+ c. `@enumerate UPPER-CASE-LETTER'
+ With an upper case letter as argument, start a list in which each
+ item is marked by a letter, beginning with that upper case letter.
+ d. `@enumerate LOWER-CASE-LETTER'
+ With a lower case letter as argument, start a list in which each
+ item is marked by a letter, beginning with that lower case letter.
+ You can also nest enumerated lists, as in an outline.
+File:, Node: Two-column Tables, Prev: enumerate, Up: Lists and Tables
+Making a Two-column Table
+ `@table' is similar to `@itemize', but the command allows you to
+specify a name or heading line for each item. (*Note `@itemize':
+itemize.) The `@table' command is used to produce two-column tables,
+and is especially useful for glossaries and explanatory exhibits.
+* Menu:
+* table:: How to construct a two-column table.
+* ftable vtable:: How to construct a two-column table
+ with automatic indexing.
+* itemx:: How to put more entries in the first column.
+File:, Node: table, Next: ftable vtable, Up: Two-column Tables
+Using the `@table' Command
+ Use the `@table' command to produce two-column tables.
+ Write the `@table' command at the beginning of a line and follow it
+on the same line with an argument that is a Texinfo command such as
+`@code', `@samp', `@var', or `@kbd'. Although these commands are
+usually followed by arguments in braces, in this case you use the
+command name without an argument because `@item' will supply the
+argument. This command will be applied to the text that goes into the
+first column of each item and determines how it will be highlighted.
+For example, `@samp' will cause the text in the first column to be
+highlighted with an `@samp' command.
+ You may also choose to use the `@asis' command as an argument to
+`@table'. `@asis' is a command that does nothing; if you use this
+command after `@table', TeX and the Info formatting commands output the
+first column entries without added highlighting (`as is').
+ (The `@table' command may work with other commands besides those
+listed here. However, you can only use commands that normally take
+arguments in braces.)
+ Begin each table entry with an `@item' command at the beginning of a
+line. Write the first column text on the same line as the `@item'
+command. Write the second column text on the line following the
+`@item' line and on subsequent lines. (You do not need to type
+anything for an empty second column entry.) You may write as many
+lines of supporting text as you wish, even several paragraphs. But
+only text on the same line as the `@item' will be placed in the first
+ Normally, you should put a blank line before an `@item' line. This
+puts a blank like in the Info file. Except when the entries are very
+brief, a blank line looks better.
+ The following table, for example, highlights the text in the first
+column with an `@samp' command:
+ @table @samp
+ @item foo
+ This is the text for
+ @samp{foo}.
+ @item bar
+ Text for @samp{bar}.
+ @end table
+This produces:
+ This is the text for `foo'.
+ Text for `bar'.
+ If you want to list two or more named items with a single block of
+text, use the `@itemx' command. (*Note `@itemx': itemx.)
+File:, Node: ftable vtable, Next: itemx, Prev: table, Up: Two-column Tables
+`@ftable' and `@vtable'
+ The `@ftable' and `@vtable' commands are the same as the `@table'
+command except that `@ftable' automatically enters each of the items in
+the first column of the table into the index of functions and `@vtable'
+automatically enters each of the items in the first column of the table
+into the index of variables. This simplifies the task of creating
+indices. Only the items on the same line as the `@item' commands are
+indexed, and they are indexed in exactly the form that they appear on
+that line. *Note Creating Indices: Indices, for more information about
+ Begin a two-column table using `@ftable' or `@vtable' by writing the
+@-command at the beginning of a line, followed on the same line by an
+argument that is a Texinfo command such as `@code', exactly as you
+would for an `@table' command; and end the table with an `@end ftable'
+or `@end vtable' command on a line by itself.
+File:, Node: itemx, Prev: ftable vtable, Up: Two-column Tables
+ Use the `@itemx' command inside a table when you have two or more
+first column entries for the same item, each of which should appear on
+a line of its own. Use `@itemx' for all but the first entry. The
+`@itemx' command works exactly like `@item' except that it does not
+generate extra vertical space above the first column text.
+ For example,
+ @table @code
+ @item upcase
+ @itemx downcase
+ These two functions accept a character or a string as
+ argument, and return the corresponding upper case (lower
+ case) character or string.
+ @end table
+This produces:
+ These two functions accept a character or a string as argument,
+ and return the corresponding upper case (lower case) character or
+ string.
+(Note also that this example illustrates multi-line supporting text in
+a two-column table.)
+File:, Node: Indices, Next: Insertions, Prev: Lists and Tables, Up: Top
+Creating Indices
+ Using Texinfo, you can generate indices without having to sort and
+collate entries manually. In an index, the entries are listed in
+alphabetical order, together with information on how to find the
+discussion of each entry. In a printed manual, this information
+consists of page numbers. In an Info file, this information is a menu
+entry leading to the first node referenced.
+ Texinfo provides several predefined kinds of index: an index for
+functions, an index for variables, an index for concepts, and so on.
+You can combine indices or use them for other than their canonical
+purpose. If you wish, you can define your own indices.
+* Menu:
+* Index Entries:: Choose different words for index entries.
+* Predefined Indices:: Use different indices for different kinds
+ of entry.
+* Indexing Commands:: How to make an index entry.
+* Combining Indices:: How to combine indices.
+* New Indices:: How to define your own indices.
+File:, Node: Index Entries, Next: Predefined Indices, Up: Indices
+Making Index Entries
+ When you are making index entries, it is good practice to think of
+the different ways people may look for something. Different people *do
+not* think of the same words when they look something up. A helpful
+index will have items indexed under all the different words that people
+may use. For example, one reader may think it obvious that the
+two-letter names for indices should be listed under "Indices,
+two-letter names", since the word "Index" is the general concept. But
+another reader may remember the specific concept of two-letter names
+and search for the entry listed as "Two letter names for indices". A
+good index will have both entries and will help both readers.
+ Like typesetting, the construction of an index is a highly skilled,
+professional art, the subtleties of which are not appreciated until you
+need to do it yourself.
+ *Note Printing Indices & Menus::, for information about printing an
+index at the end of a book or creating an index menu in an Info file.
+File:, Node: Predefined Indices, Next: Indexing Commands, Prev: Index Entries, Up: Indices
+Predefined Indices
+ Texinfo provides six predefined indices:
+ * A "concept index" listing concepts that are discussed.
+ * A "function index" listing functions (such as entry points of
+ libraries).
+ * A "variables index" listing variables (such as global variables of
+ libraries).
+ * A "keystroke index" listing keyboard commands.
+ * A "program index" listing names of programs.
+ * A "data type index" listing data types (such as structures defined
+ in header files).
+Not every manual needs all of these, and most manuals use two or three
+of them. This manual has two indices: a concept index and an @-command
+index (that is actually the function index but is called a command
+index in the chapter heading). Two or more indices can be combined
+into one using the `@synindex' or `@syncodeindex' commands. *Note
+Combining Indices::.
+File:, Node: Indexing Commands, Next: Combining Indices, Prev: Predefined Indices, Up: Indices
+Defining the Entries of an Index
+ The data to make an index come from many individual indexing commands
+scattered throughout the Texinfo source file. Each command says to add
+one entry to a particular index; after formatting, the index will give
+the current page number or node name as the reference.
+ An index entry consists of an indexing command at the beginning of a
+line followed, on the rest of the line, by the entry.
+ For example, this section begins with the following five entries for
+the concept index:
+ @cindex Defining indexing entries
+ @cindex Index entries
+ @cindex Entries for an index
+ @cindex Specifying index entries
+ @cindex Creating index entries
+ Each predefined index has its own indexing command--`@cindex' for
+the concept index, `@findex' for the function index, and so on.
+ The usual convention is to capitalize the first word of each index
+entry, unless that word is the name of a function, variable, or other
+such entity that should not be capitalized. Thus, if you are
+documenting Emacs Lisp, you should usually capitalize entries in the
+concept index, but not those in the function index. However, if your
+concept index entries are consistently short (one or two words each) it
+may look better for each regular entry to start with a lower case
+letter. Whichever convention you adapt, please be consistent!
+ By default, entries for a concept index are printed in a small roman
+font and entries for the other indices are printed in a small `@code'
+font. You may change the way part of an entry is printed with the
+usual Texinfo commands, such as `@file' for file names and `@emph' for
+emphasis (*note Marking Text::.).
+ The six indexing commands for predefined indices are:
+`@cindex CONCEPT'
+ Make an entry in the concept index for CONCEPT.
+`@findex FUNCTION'
+ Make an entry in the function index for FUNCTION.
+`@vindex VARIABLE'
+ Make an entry in the variable index for VARIABLE.
+`@kindex KEYSTROKE'
+ Make an entry in the key index for KEYSTROKE.
+`@pindex PROGRAM'
+ Make an entry in the program index for PROGRAM.
+`@tindex DATA TYPE'
+ Make an entry in the data type index for DATA TYPE.
+ *Caution:* Do not use a colon in an index entry. In Info, a colon
+ separates the menu entry name from the node name. An extra colon
+ confuses Info. *Note The Parts of a Menu: Menu Parts, for more
+ information about the structure of a menu entry.
+ If you write several identical index entries in different places in a
+Texinfo file, the index in the printed manual will list all the pages to
+which those entries refer. However, the index in the Info file will
+list *only* the node that references the *first* of those index
+entries. Therefore, it is best to write indices in which each entry
+refers to only one place in the Texinfo file. Fortunately, this
+constraint is a feature rather than a loss since it means that the index
+will be easy to use. Otherwise, you could create an index that lists
+several pages for one entry and your reader would not know to which page
+to turn. If you have two identical entries for one topic, change the
+topics slightly, or qualify them to indicate the difference.
+ You are not actually required to use the predefined indices for their
+canonical purposes. For example, suppose you wish to index some C
+preprocessor macros. You could put them in the function index along
+with actual functions, just by writing `@findex' commands for them;
+then, when you print the "Function Index" as an unnumbered chapter, you
+could give it the title `Function and Macro Index' and all will be
+consistent for the reader. Or you could put the macros in with the
+data types by writing `@tindex' commands for them, and give that index
+a suitable title so the reader will understand. (*Note Printing
+Indices & Menus::.)
+File:, Node: Combining Indices, Next: New Indices, Prev: Indexing Commands, Up: Indices
+Combining Indices
+ Sometimes you will want to combine two disparate indices such as
+functions and concepts, perhaps because you have few enough of one of
+them that a separate index for them would look silly.
+ You could put functions into the concept index by writing `@cindex'
+commands for them instead of `@findex' commands, and produce a
+consistent manual by printing the concept index with the title
+`Function and Concept Index' and not printing the `Function Index' at
+all; but this is not a robust procedure. It works only if your
+document is never included as part of another document that is designed
+to have a separate function index; if your document were to be included
+with such a document, the functions from your document and those from
+the other would not end up together. Also, to make your function names
+appear in the right font in the concept index, you would need to
+enclose every one of them between the braces of `@code'.
+* Menu:
+* syncodeindex:: How to merge two indices, using `@code'
+ font for the merged-from index.
+* synindex:: How to merge two indices, using the
+ default font of the merged-to index.
+File:, Node: syncodeindex, Next: synindex, Up: Combining Indices
+ When you want to combine functions and concepts into one index, you
+should index the functions with `@findex' and index the concepts with
+`@cindex', and use the `@syncodeindex' command to redirect the function
+index entries into the concept index.
+ The `@syncodeindex' command takes two arguments; they are the name
+of the index to redirect, and the name of the index to redirect it to.
+The template looks like this:
+ @syncodeindex FROM TO
+ For this purpose, the indices are given two-letter names:
+ concept index
+ function index
+ variable index
+ key index
+ program index
+ data type index
+ Write an `@syncodeindex' command before or shortly after the
+end-of-header line at the beginning of a Texinfo file. For example, to
+merge a function index with a concept index, write the following:
+ @syncodeindex fn cp
+This will cause all entries designated for the function index to merge
+in with the concept index instead.
+ To merge both a variables index and a function index into a concept
+index, write the following:
+ @syncodeindex vr cp
+ @syncodeindex fn cp
+ The `@syncodeindex' command puts all the entries from the `from'
+index (the redirected index) into the `@code' font, overriding whatever
+default font is used by the index to which the entries are now
+directed. This way, if you direct function names from a function index
+into a concept index, all the function names are printed in the `@code'
+font as you would expect.
+File:, Node: synindex, Prev: syncodeindex, Up: Combining Indices
+ The `@synindex' command is nearly the same as the `@syncodeindex'
+command, except that it does not put the `from' index entries into the
+`@code' font; rather it puts them in the roman font. Thus, you use
+`@synindex' when you merge a concept index into a function index.
+ *Note Printing Indices & Menus::, for information about printing an
+index at the end of a book or creating an index menu in an Info file.
+File:, Node: New Indices, Prev: Combining Indices, Up: Indices
+Defining New Indices
+ In addition to the predefined indices, you may use the `@defindex'
+and `@defcodeindex' commands to define new indices. These commands
+create new indexing @-commands with which you mark index entries. The
+`@defindex 'command is used like this:
+ @defindex NAME
+ The name of an index should be a two letter word, such as `au'. For
+ @defindex au
+ This defines a new index, called the `au' index. At the same time,
+it creates a new indexing command, `@auindex', that you can use to make
+index entries. Use the new indexing command just as you would use a
+predefined indexing command.
+ For example, here is a section heading followed by a concept index
+entry and two `au' index entries.
+ @section Cognitive Semantics
+ @cindex kinesthetic image schemas
+ @auindex Johnson, Mark
+ @auindex Lakoff, George
+(Evidently, `au' serves here as an abbreviation for "author".) Texinfo
+constructs the new indexing command by concatenating the name of the
+index with `index'; thus, defining an `au' index leads to the automatic
+creation of an `@auindex' command.
+ Use the `@printindex' command to print the index, as you do with the
+predefined indices. For example:
+ @node Author Index, Subject Index, , Top
+ @unnumbered Author Index
+ @printindex au
+ The `@defcodeindex' is like the `@defindex' command, except that, in
+the printed output, it prints entries in an `@code' font instead of a
+roman font. Thus, it parallels the `@findex' command rather than the
+`@cindex' command.
+ You should define new indices within or right after the end-of-header
+line of a Texinfo file, before any `@synindex' or `@syncodeindex'
+commands (*note Header::.).
+File:, Node: Insertions, Next: Glyphs, Prev: Indices, Up: Top
+Special Insertions
+ Texinfo provides several commands for formatting dimensions, for
+inserting single characters that have special meaning in Texinfo, such
+as braces, and for inserting special graphic symbols that do not
+correspond to characters, such as dots and bullets.
+* Menu:
+* Braces Atsigns Periods:: How to insert braces, `@' and periods.
+* dmn:: How to format a dimension.
+* Dots Bullets:: How to insert dots and bullets.
+* TeX and copyright:: How to insert the TeX logo
+ and the copyright symbol.
+* minus:: How to insert a minus sign.
+File:, Node: Braces Atsigns Periods, Next: dmn, Up: Insertions
+Inserting `@', Braces, and Periods
+ `@' and curly braces are special characters in Texinfo. To insert
+these characters so they appear in text, you must put an `@' in front
+of these characters to prevent Texinfo from misinterpreting them.
+ Periods are also special. Depending on whether the period is inside
+or at the end of a sentence, less or more space is inserted after a
+period in a typeset manual. Since it is not always possible for
+Texinfo to determine when a period ends a sentence and when it is used
+in an abbreviation, special commands are needed in some circumstances.
+(Usually, Texinfo can guess how to handle periods, so you do not need
+to use the special commands; you just enter a period as you would if
+you were using a typewriter, which means you put two spaces after the
+period, question mark, or exclamation mark that ends a sentence.)
+ Do not put braces after any of these commands; they are not
+* Menu:
+* Inserting An Atsign::
+* Inserting Braces:: How to insert `{' and `}'
+* Controlling Spacing:: How to insert the right amount of space
+ after punctuation within a sentence.
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