path: root/gnu/usr.bin/perl/BSDPAN/ExtUtils/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gnu/usr.bin/perl/BSDPAN/ExtUtils/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 337 deletions
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/BSDPAN/ExtUtils/ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/BSDPAN/ExtUtils/
deleted file mode 100644
index d9302d0..0000000
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/BSDPAN/ExtUtils/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,337 +0,0 @@
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42)
-# <> wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you
-# can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think
-# this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return. Anton Berezin
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# $FreeBSD$
-package BSDPAN::ExtUtils::Packlist;
-# The pod documentation for this module is at the end of this file.
-use strict;
-use Carp;
-use Fcntl;
-use BSDPAN;
-use BSDPAN::Override;
-sub write {
- my $orig = shift; # original ExtUtils::Packlist::write
- my $him = $_[0]; # ExtUtils::Packlist object
- # If it is a reference to a tied hash, obtain the underlying
- # ExtUtils::Packlist object
- $him = tied(%$him) || $him;
- # call the original write() with all parameters intact
- &$orig;
- # do nothing if p5- port is being built
- return if BSDPAN->builds_port;
- print "FreeBSD: Registering installation in the package database\n";
- my ($pkg_name,$pkg_comment,$pkg_descr) = gather_pkg_info($him);
- my ($ok, $comment_file, $descr_file, $packinglist_file);
- TRY: {
- last TRY unless $pkg_name;
- $comment_file = write_tmp_file($him, $pkg_comment);
- last TRY unless $comment_file;
- my $descr_file = write_tmp_file($him, $pkg_descr);
- last TRY unless $descr_file;
- my @files = sort { $a cmp $b } get_file_list($him);
- my @dirs = sort { length($b) <=> length ($a) }
- get_dir_list($him, @files);
- my @packinglist;
- push @packinglist, "\@name $pkg_name\n", "\@cwd /\n";
- push @packinglist,
- "\@comment This package was generated by BSDPAN\n";
- push @packinglist, "$_\n"
- for @files;
- push @packinglist, "\@unexec rmdir $_ 2>/dev/null || true\n"
- for @dirs;
- my $packinglist_file = write_tmp_file($him, join '', @packinglist);
- last TRY unless $packinglist_file;
- my $contents = `/usr/sbin/pkg_create -O -f $packinglist_file -c $comment_file -d $descr_file $pkg_name`;
- unless (($? >> 8) == 0) {
- warn("pkg_create exited with code " .
- int($? >> 8) . "\n");
- last TRY;
- }
- my $pkg_db_dir = $ENV{PKG_DBDIR} || "/var/db/pkg";
- my $pkg_dir = "$pkg_db_dir/$pkg_name";
- unless (mkdir($pkg_dir, 0777)) {
- warn("Cannot create directory $pkg_dir: $!\n");
- last TRY;
- }
- write_file($him, "$pkg_dir/+CONTENTS", $contents) or last TRY;
- write_file($him, "$pkg_dir/+COMMENT", $pkg_comment) or last TRY;
- write_file($him, "$pkg_dir/+DESC", $pkg_descr) or last TRY;
- $ok = 1;
- }
- unlink $descr_file if $descr_file;
- unlink $comment_file if $comment_file;
- unlink $packinglist_file if $packinglist_file;
-sub write_file {
- my ($him, $pathname, $contents) = @_;
- my $fh = ExtUtils::Packlist::mkfh();
- unless (open($fh, "> $pathname")) {
- carp("Cannot create file $pathname: $!");
- return;
- }
- print $fh $contents;
- close($fh);
- return 1;
-sub write_tmp_file {
- my ($him, $contents) = @_;
- my $fh = ExtUtils::Packlist::mkfh();
- my $cnt = 0;
- my $pathname;
- until (defined(fileno($fh)) || $cnt > 20) {
- my $rnd = int(1000000 * rand);
- my $file = sprintf("packlist.%06d", $rnd);
- if (exists($ENV{PKG_TMPDIR}) &&
- $ENV{PKG_TMPDIR} =~ "^/" &&
- -d $ENV{PKG_TMPDIR}) {
- $pathname = "$ENV{PKG_TMPDIR}/$file";
- sysopen($fh, $pathname, O_WRONLY|O_EXCL|O_CREAT);
- }
- if (!defined(fileno($fh)) &&
- exists($ENV{TMPDIR}) &&
- $ENV{TMPDIR} =~ "^/" &&
- -d $ENV{TMPDIR}) {
- $pathname = "$ENV{TMPDIR}/$file";
- sysopen($fh, $pathname, O_WRONLY|O_EXCL|O_CREAT);
- }
- if (!defined(fileno($fh)) &&
- -d "/var/tmp") {
- $pathname = "/var/tmp/$file";
- sysopen($fh, $pathname, O_WRONLY|O_EXCL|O_CREAT);
- }
- if (!defined(fileno($fh)) &&
- -d "/tmp") {
- $pathname = "/tmp/$file";
- sysopen($fh, $pathname, O_WRONLY|O_EXCL|O_CREAT);
- }
- if (!defined(fileno($fh)) &&
- -d "/usr/tmp") {
- $pathname = "/usr/tmp/$file";
- sysopen($fh, $pathname, O_WRONLY|O_EXCL|O_CREAT);
- }
- $cnt++;
- }
- unless (defined fileno $fh) {
- carp("Can't create temporary file\n");
- return;
- }
- print $fh $contents;
- close($fh);
- return $pathname;
-sub get_file_list {
- my ($him) = @_;
- my @files = ($him->{packfile});
- foreach my $key (keys(%{$him->{data}})) {
- push @files, $key if -f $key;
- }
- return @files;
-sub get_dir_list {
- my ($him,@files) = @_;
- my %alldirs;
- for my $file (@files) {
- $file =~ s|/[^/]+$||;
- $alldirs{$file}++ if -d $file;
- }
- delete $alldirs{'/'};
- return keys %alldirs;
-sub gather_pkg_info {
- my ($him) = @_;
- my ($distname, $version, $main_module) = get_makefile_pieces($him);
- return unless $distname;
- my $pkg_name = "bsdpan-$distname-$version";
- my ($comment, $descr) = get_description($him,$main_module);
- return ($pkg_name,$comment,$descr);
-sub get_makefile_pieces {
- my ($him) = @_;
- my $fh = ExtUtils::Packlist::mkfh();
- unless (open($fh, "< Makefile")) {
- carp("Can't open file Makefile: $!");
- return;
- }
- my ($distname,$version,$main_module);
- while (<$fh>) {
- /^DISTNAME\s*=\s*(\S+)\s*$/ and $distname = $1;
- /^VERSION\s*=\s*(\S+)\s*$/ and $version = $1;
- /^VERSION_FROM\s*=\s*(\S+)\s*$/ and $main_module = $1;
- }
- close($fh);
- $main_module = guess_main_module($him) unless defined $main_module;
- if (defined $distname &&
- defined $version &&
- defined $main_module) {
- return ($distname,$version,$main_module);
- }
-sub guess_main_module {
- my ($him) = @_;
- my @pm;
- for my $key (keys(%{$him->{data}})) {
- push @pm, $key if $key =~ /\.pm$/;
- }
- if (@pm == 0) {
- return undef;
- } elsif (@pm == 1) {
- return $pm[0];
- } else {
- return (sort { length($a) <=> length($b) } @pm)[0];
- }
-sub get_description {
- my ($him,$file) = @_;
- my $fh = ExtUtils::Packlist::mkfh();
- unless (open($fh, "< $file")) {
- carp("Can't open file $file: $!");
- return;
- }
- my ($comment, $descr);
- $descr = '';
- my $state = 'seek-head';
- while (<$fh>) {
- if (/^=head1\s+(.*)$/) {
- if ($1 eq 'NAME') {
- $state = 'get-comment';
- } elsif ($1 eq 'DESCRIPTION') {
- $state = 'get-description';
- } else {
- $state = 'seek-head';
- }
- } elsif ($state eq 'get-comment') {
- next if /^$/;
- next if /^=/;
- $comment = $_;
- $state = 'seek-head';
- } elsif ($state eq 'get-description') {
- next if /^=/;
- next if /^$/ && $descr eq '';
- if (/^$/) {
- $state = 'seek-head';
- } else {
- $descr .= $_;
- }
- }
- }
- close($fh);
- unless ($comment) {
- print "FreeBSD: Cannot determine short module description\n";
- $comment = 'Unknown perl module';
- }
- unless ($descr) {
- print "FreeBSD: Cannot determine module description\n";
- $descr = 'There is no description for the perl module';
- }
- return ($comment,$descr);
- override 'write', \&write;
-=head1 NAME
-BSDPAN::ExtUtils::Packlist - Override ExtUtils::Packlist functionality
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- None
-BSDPAN::ExtUtils::Packlist overrides write() sub of the standard perl
-module ExtUtils::Packlist.
-The overridden write() first calls the original write(). Then,
-if the Perl port build is detected, it returns quietly.
-If, however, the Perl module being built is not a port, write()
-obtains the list of installed files that ExtUtils::Packlist internally
-maintains. Then it tries to deduce the distname, the version, and the
-name of the main F<.pm> file. Then it scans the F<*.pm> files that
-constite the module, trying to find what to use as the module comment
-(short description) and the description.
-After gathering all this information, the overridden write() invokes
-pkg_create(1), hereby registering the module with FreeBSD package
-If any of the above steps is unsuccessful, BSDPAN::ExtUtils::Packlist
-quietly returns, with the result which is equivalent to pre-BSDPAN
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Anton Berezin,
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-perl(1), L<BSDPAN(3)>, L<BSDPAN::Override(3)>, pkg_create(1).
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