path: root/gnu/usr.bin/groff/pic/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gnu/usr.bin/groff/pic/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 730 deletions
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/groff/pic/ b/gnu/usr.bin/groff/pic/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ace459..0000000
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/groff/pic/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,730 +0,0 @@
-.\" -*- nroff -*-
-.\" Like TP, but if specified indent is more than half
-.\" the current line-length - indent, use the default indent. Tp \\n(.$=0:((0\\$1)*2u>(\\n(.lu-\\n(.iu)) .TP
-.el .TP "\\$1"
-.. t .ds tx T\h'-.1667m'\v'.224m'E\v'-.224m'\h'-.125m'X
-.el .ds tx TeX \n(.g .ds ic \/
-.el .ds ic \^
-.\" The BSD man macros can't handle " in arguments to font change macros,
-.\" so use \(ts instead of ". \(ts"
-.TH @G@PIC @MAN1EXT@ "@MDATE@" "Groff Version @VERSION@"
-@g@pic \- compile pictures for troff or TeX
-.B @g@pic
-.B \-nvC
-.I filename
-.B @g@pic
-.B \-t
-.B \-cvzC
-.I filename
-This manual page describes the GNU version of
-.BR pic ,
-which is part of the groff document formatting system.
-.B pic
-compiles descriptions of pictures embedded within
-.B troff
-or \*(tx input files into commands that are understood by \*(tx or
-.BR troff .
-Each picture starts with a line beginning with
-.B .PS
-and ends with a line beginning with
-.BR .PE .
-Anything outside of
-.B .PS
-.B .PE
-is passed through without change.
-It is the user's responsibility to provide appropriate definitions of the
-.B PS
-.B PE
-When the macro package being used does not supply such definitions
-(for example, old versions of \-ms),
-appropriate definitions can be obtained with
-.BR \-mpic :
-these will center each picture.
-Options that do not take arguments may be grouped behind a single
-.BR \- .
-The special option
-.B \-\^\-
-can be used to mark the end of the options.
-A filename of
-.B \-
-refers to the standard input.
-.B \-C
-.B .PS
-.B .PE
-even when followed by a character other than space or newline.
-.B \-n
-Don't use the groff extensions to the troff drawing commands.
-You should use this if you are using a postprocessor that doesn't support
-these extensions.
-The extensions are described in
-.BR groff_out (@MAN5EXT@).
-.B \-n
-option also causes pic
-not to use zero-length lines to draw dots in troff mode.
-.B \-t
-\*(tx mode.
-.B \-c
-Be more compatible with
-.BR tpic .
-.BR \-t .
-Lines beginning with
-.B \e
-are not passed through transparently.
-Lines beginning with
-.B .
-are passed through with the initial
-.B .
-changed to
-.BR \e .
-A line beginning with
-.B .ps
-is given special treatment:
-it takes an optional integer argument specifying
-the line thickness (pen size) in milliinches;
-a missing argument restores the previous line thickness;
-the default line thickness is 8 milliinches.
-The line thickness thus specified takes effect only
-when a non-negative line thickness has not been
-specified by use of the
-.B thickness
-attribute or by setting the
-.B linethick
-.B \-v
-Print the version number.
-.B \-z
-In \*(tx mode draw dots using zero-length lines.
-The following options supported by other versions of
-.B pic
-are ignored:
-.B \-D
-Draw all lines using the \eD escape sequence.
-.B pic
-always does this.
-.BI \-T \ dev
-Generate output for the
-.B troff
-.IR dev .
-This is unnecessary because the
-.B troff
-output generated by
-.B pic
-is device-independent.
-This section describes only the differences between GNU pic and the original
-version of pic.
-Many of these differences also apply to newer versions of Unix pic.
-.SS \*(tx mode
-\*(tx mode is enabled by the
-.B \-t
-In \*(tx mode, pic will define a vbox called
-.B \egraph
-for each picture.
-You must yourself print that vbox using, for example, the command
-Actually, since the vbox has a height of zero this will produce
-slightly more vertical space above the picture than below it;
-\ecenterline{\eraise 1em\ebox\egraph}
-would avoid this.
-You must use a \*(tx driver that supports the
-.B tpic
-specials, version 2.
-Lines beginning with
-.B \e
-are passed through transparently; a
-.B %
-is added to the end of the line to avoid unwanted spaces.
-You can safely use this feature to change fonts or to
-change the value of
-.BR \ebaselineskip .
-Anything else may well produce undesirable results; use at your own risk.
-Lines beginning with a period are not given any special treatment.
-.SS Commands
-\fBfor\fR \fIvariable\fR \fB=\fR \fIexpr1\fR \fBto\fR \fIexpr2\fR \
-[\fBby\fR [\fB*\fR]\fIexpr3\fR] \fBdo\fR \fIX\fR \fIbody\fR \fIX\fR
-.I variable
-.IR expr1 .
-While the value of
-.I variable
-is less than or equal to
-.IR expr2 ,
-.I body
-and increment
-.I variable
-.IR expr3 ;
-.B by
-is not given, increment
-.I variable
-by 1.
-.I expr3
-is prefixed by
-.B *
-.I variable
-will instead be multiplied by
-.IR expr3 .
-.I X
-can be any character not occurring in
-.IR body .
-\fBif\fR \fIexpr\fR \fBthen\fR \fIX\fR \fIif-true\fR \fIX\fR \
-[\fBelse\fR \fIY\fR \fIif-false\fR \fIY\fR]
-.IR expr ;
-if it is non-zero then do
-.IR if-true ,
-otherwise do
-.IR if-false .
-.I X
-can be any character not occurring in
-.IR if-true .
-.I Y
-can be any character not occurring in
-.IR if-false .
-\fBprint\fR \fIarg\fR\|.\|.\|.
-Concatenate the arguments and print as a line on stderr.
-.I arg
-must be an expression, a position, or text.
-This is useful for debugging.
-\fBcommand\fR \fIarg\fR\|.\|.\|.
-Concatenate the arguments
-and pass them through as a line to troff or\*(tx.
-.I arg
-must be an expression, a position, or text.
-This has a similar effect to a line beginning with
-.B .
-.BR \e ,
-but allows the values of variables to be passed through.
-\fBsh\fR \fIX\fR \fIcommand\fR \fIX\fR
-.I command
-to a shell.
-.I X
-can be any character not occurring in
-.IR command .
-\fBcopy\fR \fB"\fIfilename\fB"\fR
-.I filename
-at this point in the file.
-\fBcopy\fR [\fB"\fIfilename\fB"\fR] \fBthru\fR \fIX\fR \fIbody\fR \fIX\fR \
-[\fBuntil\fR \fB"\fIword\*(ic\fB"\fR]
-\fBcopy\fR [\fB"\fIfilename\fB"\fR] \fBthru\fR \fImacro\fR \
-[\fBuntil\fR \fB"\fIword\*(ic\fB"\fR]
-This construct does
-.I body
-once for each line of
-.IR filename ;
-the line is split into blank-delimited words,
-and occurrences of
-.BI $ i
-.IR body ,
-.I i
-between 1 and 9,
-are replaced by the
-.IR i -th
-word of the line.
-.I filename
-is not given, lines are taken from the current input up to
-.BR .PE .
-If an
-.B until
-clause is specified,
-lines will be read only until a line the first word of which is
-.IR word ;
-that line will then be discarded.
-.I X
-can be any character not occurring in
-.IR body .
-For example,
-.ft B
-copy thru % circle at ($1,$2) % until "END"
-1 2
-3 4
-5 6
-is equivalent to
-.ft B
-circle at (1,2)
-circle at (3,4)
-circle at (5,6)
-The commands to be performed for each line can also be taken
-from a macro defined earlier by giving the name of the macro
-as the argument to
-.BR thru .
-.B reset
-\fBreset\fI variable1\fB,\fI variable2 .\^.\^.
-Reset pre-defined variables
-.IR variable1 ,
-.I variable2
-\&.\^.\^. to their default values.
-If no arguments are given, reset all pre-defined variables
-to their default values.
-Note that assigning a value to
-.B scale
-also causes all pre-defined variables that control dimensions
-to be reset to their default values times the new value of scale.
-\fBplot\fR \fIexpr\fR [\fB"\fItext\*(ic\fB"\fR]
-This is a text object which is constructed by using
-.I text
-as a format string for sprintf
-with an argument of
-.IR expr .
-.I text
-is omitted a format string of
-.B "\(ts%g\(ts"
-is used.
-Attributes can be specified in the same way as for a normal text
-Be very careful that you specify an appropriate format string;
-pic does only very limited checking of the string.
-This is deprecated in favour of
-.BR sprintf .
-.IB variable := expr
-This is similar to
-.B =
-.I variable
-must already be defined,
-and the value of
-.I variable
-will be changed only in the innermost block in which it is defined.
-(By contrast,
-.B =
-defines the variable in the current block if it is not already defined there,
-and then changes the value in the current block.)
-Arguments of the form
-.IR X\ anything\ X
-are also allowed to be of the form
-.BI {\ anything\ }
-In this case
-.I anything
-can contain balanced occurrences of
-.B {
-.BR } .
-Strings may contain
-.I X
-or imbalanced occurrences of
-.B {
-.BR } .
-.SS Expressions
-The syntax for expressions has been significantly extended:
-.IB x\ ^\ y
-.BI sin( x )
-.BI cos( x )
-.BI atan2( y , \ x )
-.BI log( x )
-(base 10)
-.BI exp( x )
-(base 10, ie 10\v'-.4m'\fIx\*(ic\fR\v'.4m')
-.BI sqrt( x )
-.BI int( x )
-.B rand()
-(return a random number between 0 and 1)
-.BI rand( x )
-(return a random number between 1 and
-.IR x ;
-.BI max( e1 , \ e2 )
-.BI min( e1 , \ e2 )
-.BI ! e
-\fIe1\fB && \fIe2\fR
-\fIe1\fB || \fIe2\fR
-\fIe1\fB == \fIe2\fR
-\fIe1\fB != \fIe2\fR
-\fIe1\fB >= \fIe2\fR
-\fIe1\fB > \fIe2\fR
-\fIe1\fB <= \fIe2\fR
-\fIe1\fB < \fIe2\fR
-\fB"\fIstr1\*(ic\fB" == "\fIstr2\*(ic\fB"\fR
-\fB"\fIstr1\*(ic\fB" != "\fIstr2\*(ic\fB"\fR
-String comparison expressions must be parenthesised in some contexts
-to avoid ambiguity.
-.SS Other Changes
-A bare expression,
-.IR expr ,
-is acceptable as an attribute;
-it is equivalent to
-.IR dir\ expr ,
-.I dir
-is the current direction.
-For example
-.B line 2i
-means draw a line 2 inches long in the current direction.
-The maximum width and height of the picture are taken from the variables
-.B maxpswid
-.BR maxpsht .
-Initially these have values 8.5 and 11.
-Scientific notation is allowed for numbers.
-For example
-x = 5e\-2
-Text attributes can be compounded.
-For example,
-"foo" above ljust
-is legal.
-There is no limit to the depth to which blocks can be examined.
-For example,
-[A: [B: [C: box ]]] with .A.B.C.sw at 1,2
-circle at last [\^].A.B.C
-is acceptable.
-Arcs now have compass points
-determined by the circle of which the arc is a part.
-Circles and arcs can be dotted or dashed.
-In \*(tx mode splines can be dotted or dashed.
-Boxes can have rounded corners.
-.B rad
-attribute specifies the radius of the quarter-circles at each corner.
-If no
-.B rad
-.B diam
-attribute is given, a radius of
-.B boxrad
-is used.
-.B boxrad
-has a value of 0.
-A box with rounded corners can be dotted or dashed.
-.B .PS
-line can have a second argument specifying a maximum height for
-the picture.
-If the width of zero is specified the width will be ignored in computing
-the scaling factor for the picture.
-Note that GNU pic will always scale a picture by the same amount
-vertically as horizontally.
-This is different from the
-2.0 pic which may scale a picture by a
-different amount vertically than horizontally if a height is
-Each text object has an invisible box associated with it.
-The compass points of a text object are determined by this box.
-The implicit motion associated with the object is also determined
-by this box.
-The dimensions of this box are taken from the width and height attributes;
-if the width attribute is not supplied then the width will be taken to be
-.BR textwid ;
-if the height attribute is not supplied then the height will be taken to be
-the number of text strings associated with the object
-.BR textht .
-.B textwid
-.B textht
-have a value of 0.
-In places where a quoted text string can be used,
-an expression of the form
-.BI sprintf(\(ts format \(ts,\ arg ,\fR.\|.\|.\fB)
-can also be used;
-this will produce the arguments formatted according to
-.IR format ,
-which should be a string as described in
-.BR printf (3)
-appropriate for the number of arguments supplied,
-using only the
-.BR e ,
-.BR f ,
-.B g
-.B %
-format characters.
-The thickness of the lines used to draw objects is controlled by the
-.B linethick
-This gives the thickness of lines in points.
-A negative value means use the default thickness:
-in \*(tx output mode, this means use a thickness of 8 milliinches;
-in \*(tx output mode with the
-.B -c
-option, this means use the line thickness specified by
-.B .ps
-in troff output mode, this means use a thickness proportional
-to the pointsize.
-A zero value means draw the thinnest possible line supported by
-the output device.
-Initially it has a value of -1.
-There is also a
-.BR thick [ ness ]
-For example,
-.B circle thickness 1.5
-would draw a circle using a line with a thickness of 1.5 points.
-The thickness of lines is not affected by the
-value of the
-.B scale
-variable, nor by the width or height given in the
-.B .PS
-Boxes (including boxes with rounded corners),
-circles and ellipses can be filled by giving then an attribute of
-.BR fill [ ed ].
-This takes an optional argument of an expression with a value between
-0 and 1; 0 will fill it with white, 1 with black, values in between
-with a proportionally gray shade.
-A value greater than 1 can also be used:
-this means fill with the
-shade of gray that is currently being used for text and lines.
-Normally this will be black, but output devices may provide
-a mechanism for changing this.
-Without an argument, then the value of the variable
-.B fillval
-will be used.
-Initially this has a value of 0.5.
-The invisible attribute does not affect the filling of objects.
-Any text associated with a filled object will be added after the
-object has been filled, so that the text will not be obscured
-by the filling.
-Arrow heads will be drawn as solid triangles if the variable
-.B arrowhead
-is non-zero and either \*(tx mode is enabled or
-.B \-x
-option has been given.
-.B arrowhead
-has a value of 1.
-The troff output of pic is device-independent.
-.B \-T
-option is therefore redundant.
-All numbers are taken to be in inches; numbers are never interpreted
-to be in troff machine units.
-Objects can have an
-.B aligned
-This will only work when the postprocessor is
-.BR grops .
-Any text associated with an object having the
-.B aligned
-attribute will be rotated about the center of the object
-so that it is aligned in the direction from the start point
-to the end point of the object.
-Note that this attribute will have no effect for objects whose start and
-end points are coincident.
-In places where
-.IB n th
-is allowed
-.BI ` expr 'th
-is also allowed.
-Note that
-.B 'th
-is a single token: no space is allowed between the
-.B '
-and the
-.BR th .
-For example,
-for i = 1 to 4 do {
- line from `i'th box.nw to `i+1'th
-.Tp \w'\fB@MACRODIR@/tmac.pic'u+3n
-Example definitions of the
-.B PS
-.B PE
-.BR @g@troff (@MAN1EXT@),
-.BR groff_out (@MAN5EXT@),
-.BR tex (1)
-Tpic: Pic for \*(tx
-AT&T Bell Laboratories, Computing Science Technical Report No.\ 116,
-PIC \(em A Graphics Language for Typesetting.
-(This can be obtained by sending a mail message to
-with a body of `send\ 116\ from\ research/cstr'.)
-Input characters that are illegal for
-.B groff
-(ie those with
-code 0 or between 013 and 037 octal or between 0200 and 0237 octal)
-are rejected even in \*(tx mode.
-The interpretation of
-.B fillval
-is incompatible with the pic in 10th edition Unix,
-which interprets 0 as black and 1 as white.
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