path: root/gnu/usr.bin/groff/doc/
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-.\" Copyright (c) 1986 The Regents of the University of California.
-.\" All rights reserved.
-.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
-.\" provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
-.\" duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation,
-.\" advertising materials, and other materials related to such
-.\" distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed
-.\" by the University of California, Berkeley. The name of the
-.\" University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived
-.\" from this software without specific prior written permission.
-.\" @(#) 6.4 (Berkeley) 7/17/89
-.\" Modified for groff by
-.\"UC 7
-.ll 6.5i 6.5i
-.ds MO @VERSION@ si 3n
-.he 'USING GROFF AND \-ME''%'
-.\"eh 'USD:22-%''Writing Papers with NROFF using \-me'
-.\"oh 'Writing Papers with NROFF using \-me''USD:22-%'
-.ds U \s-1UNIX\s0
-.ds N \s-1NROFF\s0
-.ds T \s-1TROFF\s0
-.ds G \s-1GROFF\s0
-.(l C 14
-.b "Writing Papers with GROFF using \-me"
-.sp 2
-Eric P. Allman*
-*Author's current address:
-Britton Lee, Inc.,
-1919 Addison Suite 105,
-Berkeley, California 94704.
-Project INGRES
-Electronics Research Laboratory
-University of California, Berkeley
-Berkeley, California 94720
-.sp 2
-.i "Modified for \*G by James Clark"
-.sp 4
-This document describes
-the text processing facilities
-available on the \*U\(dg
-\(dg\*U is a trademark
-of AT&T Bell Laboratories
-operating system
-via \*G and the
-macro package.
-It is assumed
-that the reader
-already is generally familiar
-with the \*U operating system
-and a text editor
-such as
-.b ex .
-This is intended to be a casual introduction,
-as such not all material is covered.
-In particular,
-many variations and additional features
-of the \-me macro package
-are not explained.
-For a complete discussion of this
-and other issues,
-The \-me Reference Manual
-The \*N/\*T Reference Manual.
-\*G, a computer program
-that runs on the \*U operating system,
-reads an input file
-prepared by the user
-and outputs a formatted paper
-suitable for publication or framing.
-The input consists of
-.i text ,
-or words to be printed,
-.i requests ,
-which give instructions
-to the \*G program
-telling how to format the printed copy.
-Section 1
-describes the basics
-of text processing.
-Section 2
-describes the basic requests.
-Section 3
-introduces displays.
-such as footnotes,
-are handled in
-section 4.
-The more complex requests
-which are not discussed in section 2
-are covered in section 5.
-section 6
-discusses things you will need
-to know
-if you want to typeset documents.
-If you are a novice,
-you probably won't want to read beyond section 4
-until you have tried some of the basic features out.
-When you have your raw text ready,
-call the \*G formatter by typing
-as a request to the \*U shell:
-groff \-me \-T\c
-.i "type files"
-.i type
-describes the type of
-output device you are using.
-A complete description of options
-to the \*G command can be found in
-.b groff (1).
-The word
-.i argument
-is used in this manual
-to mean a word or number
-which appears on the same line
-as a request
-which modifies the meaning
-of that request.
-For example,
-the request
-spaces one line,
-\&.sp 4
-spaces four lines.
-The number
-.b 4
-is an
-.i argument
-to the
-.b .sp
-which says to space four lines
-instead of one.
-Arguments are separated from the request
-and from each other
-by spaces. 1 "Basics of Text Processing"
-The primary function
-of \*G
-is to
-.i collect
-words from input lines,
-.i fill
-output lines with those words,
-.i justify
-the right hand margin by inserting extra spaces
-in the line,
-and output the result.
-For example,
-the input:
-Now is the time
-for all good men
-to come to the aid
-of their party.
-Four score and seven
-years ago,...
-will be read,
-packed onto output lines,
-and justified
-to produce:
-.(b F
-Now is the time
-for all good men
-to come to the aid
-of their party.
-Four score and seven
-years ago,...
-Sometimes you may want to start a new output line
-even though the line you are on
-is not yet full;
-for example,
-at the end of a paragraph.
-To do this
-you can cause a
-.i break ,
-starts a new output line.
-Some requests
-cause a break automatically,
-as do blank input lines
-and input lines beginning with a space.
-Not all input lines
-are text to be formatted.
-Some of the input lines
-.i requests
-which describe
-how to format the text.
-Requests always have a period
-or an apostrophe
-.q "\|\(aa\|" )
-as the first character
-of the input line.
-The text formatter
-also does more complex things,
-such as automatically numbering pages,
-skipping over page folds,
-putting footnotes in the correct place,
-and so forth.
-I can offer you a few hints
-for preparing text
-for input to \*G.
-keep the input lines short.
-Short input lines are easier to edit,
-and \*G will pack words onto longer lines
-for you anyhow.
-In keeping with this,
-it is helpful
-to begin a new line
-after every period,
-or phrase,
-since common corrections
-are to add or delete sentences
-or phrases.
-do not put spaces at the end of lines,
-since this can sometimes confuse the \*N
-do not hyphenate words at the end of lines
-(except words that should have hyphens in them,
-such as
-.q mother-in-law );
-\*G is smart enough to hyphenate words
-for you as needed,
-but is not smart enough
-to take hyphens out
-and join a word back together.
-words such as
-.q mother-in-law
-should not be broken
-over a line,
-since then you will get a space
-where not wanted,
-such as @-
-.q "mother@\ in@law" . @@
-.hy 14 1 "Basic Requests" 2 "Paragraphs"
-Paragraphs are begun
-by using the
-.b .pp
-For example,
-the input:
-Now is the time for all good men
-to come to the aid of their party.
-Four score and seven years ago,...
-produces a blank line
-followed by an indented first line.
-The result is:
-.(b F
-.ti +\n(piu
-Now is the time for all good men
-to come to the aid of their party.
-Four score and seven years ago,...
-Notice that the sentences
-of the paragraphs
-.i "must not"
-begin with a space,
-since blank lines
-and lines beginning with spaces
-cause a break.
-For example,
-if I had typed:
-Now is the time for all good men
- to come to the aid of their party.
-Four score and seven years ago,...
-The output would be:
-.(b F
-.ti +\n(piu
-Now is the time for all good men
- to come to the aid of their party.
-Four score and seven years ago,...
-A new line begins after the word
-.q men
-because the second line began with a space character.
-There are many
-types of paragraphs,
-which will be described later. 2 "Headers and Footers"
-Arbitrary headers and footers
-can be put
-at the top and bottom
-of every page.
-Two requests
-of the form
-.b .he \ \c
-.i title
-.b .fo \ \c
-.i title
-define the titles to put at the head and the foot
-of every page,
-The titles are called
-.i three-part
-that is,
-there is a left-justified part,
-a centered part,
-and a right-justified part.
-To separate these three parts
-the first character of
-.i title
-(whatever it may be)
-is used as a delimiter.
-Any character may be used,
-and double quote marks
-should be avoided.
-The percent sign
-is replaced by the current page number
-whenever found in the title.
-For example,
-the input:
-\&.he \(aa\(aa%\(aa\(aa
-\&.fo \(aaJane Jones\(aa\(aaMy Book\(aa
-results in the page number
-centered at the top
-of each page,
-.q "Jane Jones"
-in the lower left corner,
-.q "My Book"
-in the lower right corner. 2 "Double Spacing"
-.pp 2
-\*G will double space output text automatically if you
-use the request
-.b ".ls\ 2" ,
-as is done in this section.
-You can revert to single spaced mode
-by typing
-.b ".ls\ 1" . 1 2 "Page Layout"
-A number of requests allow
-you to change the way the printed copy looks,
-sometimes called the
-.i layout
-of the output page.
-Most of these requests adjust the placing
-.q "white space"
-(blank lines or spaces).
-In these explanations,
-characters in italics
-should be replaced with values you wish to use;
-bold characters
-represent characters which should actually be typed.
-.b .bp
-starts a new page.
-The request
-.b .sp \ \c
-.i N
-.i N
-lines of blank space.
-.i N
-can be omitted
-(meaning skip a single line)
-or can be of the form
-.i N \^\c
-.b i
-.i N
-.i N \^\c
-.b c
-.i N
-For example, the input:
-\&.sp 1.5i
-My thoughts on the subject
-leaves one and a half inches of space,
-followed by the line
-.q "My thoughts on the subject" ,
-followed by a single blank line.
-.b .in \ \c
-.i +N
-changes the amount of white space
-on the left of the page
-.i indent ).
-The argument
-.i N
-can be of the form
-.b + \c
-.i N
-(meaning leave
-.i N
-spaces more than you are already leaving),
-.b \- \c
-.i N
-(meaning leave less than you do now),
-or just
-.i N
-(meaning leave exactly
-.i N
-.i N
-can be of the form
-.i N \^\c
-.b i
-.i N \^\c
-.b c
-For example,
-the input:
-initial text
-\&.in 5
-some text
-\&.in +1i
-more text
-\&.in \-2c
-final text
-.q "some text"
-indented exactly five spaces
-from the left margin,
-.q "more text"
-indented five spaces
-plus one inch
-from the left margin
-(fifteen spaces
-on a pica typewriter),
-.q "final text"
-indented five spaces
-plus one inch
-minus two centimeters
-from the margin.
-That is,
-the output is:
-initial text +5
-some text +1i
-more text -2c
-final text
-.b .ti \ \c
-.i +N
-(temporary indent)
-request is used like
-.b .in \ \c
-.i +N
-when the indent
-should apply to one line only,
-after which it should revert
-to the previous indent.
-For example,
-the input:
-\&.in 1i
-\&.ti 0
-Ware, James R. The Best of Confucius,
-Halcyon House, 1950.
-An excellent book containing translations of
-most of Confucius\(aa most delightful sayings.
-A definite must for anyone interested in the early foundations
-of Chinese philosophy.
-produces: 1i+\n($iu
-.ti \n($iu
-Ware, James R. The Best of Confucius,
-Halcyon House, 1950.
-An excellent book containing translations of
-most of Confucius' most delightful sayings.
-A definite must for anyone interested in the early foundations
-of Chinese philosophy.
-Text lines can be centered
-by using the
-.b .ce
-The line after the
-.b .ce
-is centered
-on the page.
-To center more than one line,
-.b .ce \ \c
-.i N
-.i N
-is the number of lines to center),
-followed by the
-.i N
-If you want to center many lines
-but don't want to count them,
-\&.ce 1000
-lines to center
-\&.ce 0
-.b ".ce\ 0"
-request tells \*G to center zero more lines,
-in other words,
-stop centering.
-All of these requests
-cause a break;
-that is,
-they always start
-a new line.
-If you want to start a new line
-without performing any other action,
-.b .br . 1 "Displays"
-Displays are sections of text
-to be set off
-from the body of the paper.
-Major quotes,
-and figures
-are types of displays,
-as are all the examples
-used in this document.
-All displays
-except centered blocks
-are output
-single spaced. 2 "Major Quotes"
-Major quotes
-are quotes which are several lines long,
-and hence are set in from the rest
-of the text
-without quote marks
-around them.
-These can be generated
-using the commands
-.b .(q
-.b .)q
-to surround the quote.
-For example,
-the input:
-As Weizenbaum points out:
-It is said that to explain is to explain away.
-This maxim is nowhere so well fulfilled
-as in the areas of computer programming,...
-generates as output:
-As Weizenbaum points out:
-It is said that to explain is to explain away.
-This maxim is nowhere so well fulfilled
-as in the areas of computer programming,...
-.)q 2 "Lists"
-.i list
-is an indented,
-single spaced,
-unfilled display.
-Lists should be used
-when the material to be printed
-should not be filled and justified
-like normal text,
-such as columns of figures
-or the examples used in this paper.
-Lists are surrounded
-by the requests
-.b .(l
-.b .)l .
-For example,
-Alternatives to avoid deadlock are:
-Lock in a specified order
-Detect deadlock and back out one process
-Lock all resources needed before proceeding
-will produce:
-Alternatives to avoid deadlock are:
-Lock in a specified order
-Detect deadlock and back out one process
-Lock all resources needed before proceeding
-.)l 2 "Keeps"
-.i keep
-is a display of lines
-which are kept on a single page
-if possible.
-An example of where you would use a keep
-might be a diagram.
-Keeps differ from lists
-in that lists may be broken
-over a page boundary
-whereas keeps will not.
-Blocks are the basic kind of keep.
-They begin with the request
-.b .(b
-and end with the request
-.b .)b .
-If there is not room on the current page
-for everything in the block,
-a new page is begun.
-This has the unpleasant effect
-of leaving blank space
-at the bottom of the page.
-When this is not appropriate,
-you can use the alternative,
-.i "floating keeps" .
-.i "Floating keeps"
-move relative to the text.
-they are good for things
-which will be referred to
-by name,
-such as
-.q "See figure 3" .
-A floating keep will appear
-at the bottom of the current page
-if it will fit;
-it will appear at the top
-of the next page.
-Floating keeps begin with the line
-.b .(z
-and end with the line
-.b .)z .
-For an example of a floating keep,
-see figure 1.
-.(z 1i
-.xl -1i
-Text of keep to be floated.
-Figure 1. Example of a Floating Keep.
-Figure 1. Example of a Floating Keep.
-.b .hl
-request is used
-to draw a horizontal line
-so that the figure
-stands out from the text. 2 "Fancier Displays"
-Keeps and lists are normally collected in
-.i nofill
-so that they are good for tables and such.
-If you want a display
-in fill mode
-(for text),
-.b ".(l\ F"
-(Throughout this section,
-comments applied to
-.b .(l
-also apply to
-.b .(b
-.b .(z ).
-This kind of display
-will be indented from both margins.
-For example,
-the input:
-\&.(l F
-And now boys and girls,
-a newer, bigger, better toy than ever before!
-Be the first on your block to have your own computer!
-Yes kids, you too can have one of these modern
-data processing devices.
-You too can produce beautifully formatted papers
-without even batting an eye!
-will be output as:
-.(b F
-And now boys and girls,
-a newer, bigger, better toy than ever before!
-Be the first on your block to have your own computer!
-Yes kids, you too can have one of these modern
-data processing devices.
-You too can produce beautifully formatted papers
-without even batting an eye!
-Lists and blocks are also normally indented
-(floating keeps are normally left justified).
-To get a left-justified list,
-.b ".(l\ L" .
-To get a list centered
-.b ".(l C" .
-For example,
-to get a filled,
-left justified list, enter:
-\&.(l L F
-text of block
-The input:
-first line of unfilled display
-more lines
-produces the indented text:
-first line of unfilled display
-more lines
-Typing the character
-.b L
-after the
-.b .(l
-request produces the left justified result:
-.(b L
-first line of unfilled display
-more lines
-.b C
-instead of
-.b L
-produces the line-at-a-time centered output:
-.(b C
-first line of unfilled display
-more lines
-Sometimes it may be
-that you want to center several lines
-as a group,
-rather than centering them
-one line at a time.
-To do this
-use centered blocks,
-which are surrounded by the requests
-.b .(c
-.b .)c .
-All the lines are centered as a unit,
-such that the longest line is centered
-and the rest are
-lined up around that line.
-Notice that lines
-do not move
-relative to each other
-using centered blocks,
-whereas they do
-using the
-.b C
-argument to keeps.
-Centered blocks are
-.i not
-and may be used
-in conjunction
-with keeps.
-For example,
-to center a group of lines
-as a unit
-and keep them
-on one page,
-\&.(b L
-first line of unfilled display
-more lines
-to produce:
-.(b L
-first line of unfilled display
-more lines
-If the block requests
-.b .(b
-.b .)b )
-had been omitted
-the result would have been the same,
-but with no guarantee
-that the lines of the centered block
-would have all been on one page.
-Note the use of the
-.b L
-argument to
-.b .(b ;
-this causes the centered block
-to center within the entire line
-rather than within the line
-minus the indent.
-the center requests
-be nested
-.i inside
-the keep requests. 1 "Annotations"
-There are a number of requests
-to save text
-for later printing.
-.i Footnotes
-are printed at the bottom of the current page.
-.i "Delayed text"
-is intended to be a variant form
-of footnote;
-the text is printed only
-when explicitly called for,
-such as at the end of each chapter.
-.i Indexes
-are a type of delayed text
-having a tag
-(usually the page number)
-attached to each entry
-after a row of dots.
-Indexes are also saved
-until called for explicitly. 2 "Footnotes"
-Footnotes begin with the request
-.b .(f
-and end with the request
-.b .)f .
-The current footnote number is maintained
-and can be used by typing \e**,
-to produce a footnote number\**.
-\**Like this.
-The number is automatically incremented
-after every footnote.
-For example,
-the input:
-A man who is not upright
-and at the same time is presumptuous;
-one who is not diligent and at the same time is ignorant;
-one who is untruthful and at the same time is incompetent;
-such men I do not count among acquaintances.\e**
-\e**James R. Ware,
-The Best of Confucius,
-Halcyon House, 1950.
-Page 77.
-generates the result:
-A man who is not upright
-and at the same time is presumptuous;
-one who is not diligent and at the same time is ignorant;
-one who is untruthful and at the same time is incompetent;
-such men I do not count among acquaintances.\**
-\**James R. Ware,
-The Best of Confucius,
-Halcyon House, 1950.
-Page 77.
-It is important
-that the footnote
-.i inside
-the quote,
-so that you can be sure
-that the footnote
-will appear
-on the same page
-as the quote. 2 "Delayed Text"
-Delayed text
-is very similar to a footnote
-except that it is printed
-when called for explicitly.
-This allows a list of
-references to
-(for example)
-at the end of each chapter,
-as is the convention in some disciplines.
-.b \e*#
-on delayed text
-instead of
-.b \e**
-as on footnotes.
-If you are using delayed text
-as your standard reference mechanism,
-you can still use footnotes,
-except that you may want to reference them
-with special characters*
-*Such as an asterisk.
-rather than numbers. 2 "Indexes"
-.q index
-(actually more like a table of contents,
-since the entries are not sorted alphabetically)
-resembles delayed text,
-in that it is saved until called for.
-each entry has the page number
-(or some other tag)
-appended to the last line
-of the index entry
-after a row of dots.
-Index entries begin with the request
-.b .(x
-and end with
-.b .)x .
-.b .)x
-request may have a argument,
-which is the value to print
-as the
-.q "page number" .
-It defaults to the current page number.
-If the page number given is an underscore
-.q _ )
-no page number
-or line of dots
-is printed at all.
-To get the line of dots
-without a page number,
-.b ".)x """"" ,
-which specifies an explicitly null page number.
-.b .xp
-request prints the index.
-For example,
-the input:
-Sealing wax
-Cabbages and kings
-\&.)x _
-Why the sea is boiling hot
-\&.)x 2.5a
-Whether pigs have wings
-\&.)x ""
-This is a terribly long index entry, such as might be used
-for a list of illustrations, tables, or figures; I expect it to
-take at least two lines.
-Sealing wax
-Cabbages and kings
-.)x _
-Why the sea is boiling hot
-.)x 2.5a
-Whether pigs have wings
-.)x ""
-This is a terribly long index entry, such as might be used
-for a list of illustrations, tables, or figures; I expect it to
-take at least two lines.
-.b .(x
-request may have a single character
-specifying the
-.q name
-of the index;
-the normal index is
-.b x .
-.q indices
-may be maintained simultaneously
-(such as a list of tables, table of contents, etc.).
-Notice that the index must be printed
-at the
-.i end
-of the paper,
-rather than at the beginning
-where it will probably appear
-(as a table of contents);
-the pages may have to be physically rearranged
-after printing. 1 "Fancier Features"
-A large number of fancier requests
-notably requests to provide other sorts of paragraphs,
-numbered sections of the form
-.b 1.2.3
-(such as used in this document),
-and multicolumn output. 2 "More Paragraphs"
-Paragraphs generally start with
-a blank line
-and with the first line
-It is possible to get
-left-justified block-style paragraphs
-by using
-.b .lp
-instead of
-.b .pp ,
-as demonstrated by the next paragraph.
-Sometimes you want to use paragraphs
-that have the
-.i body
-and the first line
-(opposite of indented)
-with a label.
-This can be done with the
-.b .ip
-A word specified on the same line as
-.b .ip
-is printed in the margin,
-and the body is lined up
-at a prespecified position
-(normally five spaces).
-For example,
-the input:
-\&.ip one
-This is the first paragraph.
-Notice how the first line
-of the resulting paragraph lines up
-with the other lines in the paragraph.
-\&.ip two
-And here we are at the second paragraph already.
-You may notice that the argument to \c
-.b .ip
-in the margin.
-We can continue text...
-produces as output:
-.ip one
-This is the first paragraph.
-Notice how the first line of the resulting paragraph lines up
-with the other lines in the paragraph.
-.ip two
-And here we are at the second paragraph already.
-You may notice that the argument to
-.b .ip
-in the margin.
-We can continue text without starting a new indented
-by using the
-.b .lp
-If you have spaces in the label of a
-.b .ip
-you must use an
-.q "unpaddable space"
-instead of a regular space.
-This is typed as a backslash character
-.q \e )
-followed by a space.
-For example,
-to print the label
-.q "Part 1" ,
-\&.ip "Part\e 1"
-If a label of an indented paragraph
-(that is, the argument to
-.b .ip )
-is longer than the space allocated for the label,
-.b .ip
-will begin a new line after the label.
-For example,
-the input:
-\&.ip longlabel
-This paragraph had a long label.
-The first character of text on the first line
-will not line up with the text on second and subsequent lines,
-although they will line up with each other.
-will produce:
-.ip longlabel
-This paragraph had a long label.
-The first character of text on the first line
-will not line up with the text on second and subsequent lines,
-although they will line up with each other.
-It is possible to change the size of the label
-by using a second argument
-which is the size of the label.
-For example,
-the above example could be done correctly
-by saying:
-\&.ip longlabel 10
-which will make the paragraph indent
-10 spaces for this paragraph only.
-If you have many paragraphs to indent
-all the same amount,
-use the
-.i "number register"
-.b ii .
-For example, to leave one inch of space
-for the label,
-\&.nr ii 1i
-somewhere before the first call to
-.b .ip .
-Refer to the reference manual
-for more information.
-.b .ip
-is used
-with no argument at all
-no hanging tag will be printed.
-For example,
-the input:
-\&.ip [a]
-This is the first paragraph of the example.
-We have seen this sort of example before.
-This paragraph is lined up with the previous paragraph,
-but it has no tag in the margin.
-produces as output:
-.ip [a]
-This is the first paragraph of the example.
-We have seen this sort of example before.
-This paragraph is lined up with the previous paragraph,
-but it has no tag in the margin.
-A special case of
-.b .ip
-.b .np ,
-which automatically
-numbers paragraphs sequentially from 1.
-The numbering is reset at the next
-.b .pp ,
-.b .lp ,
-.b .sh
-(to be described in the next section)
-For example,
-the input:
-This is the first point.
-This is the second point.
-Points are just regular paragraphs
-which are given sequence numbers automatically
-by the .np request.
-This paragraph will reset numbering by .np.
-For example,
-we have reverted to numbering from one now.
-This is the first point.
-This is the second point.
-Points are just regular paragraphs
-which are given sequence numbers automatically
-by the .np request.
-This paragraph will reset numbering by .np.
-For example,
-we have reverted to numbering from one now.
-.b .bu
-request gives lists of this sort that are identified with
-bullets rather than numbers.
-The paragraphs are also crunched together.
-For example,
-the input:
-\&One egg yolk
-\&One tablespoon cream or top milk
-\&Salt, cayenne, and lemon juice to taste
-\&A generous two tablespoonfuls of butter
-\**By the way,
-if you put the first three ingredients in a a heavy, deep pan
-and whisk the ingredients madly over a medium flame
-(never taking your hand off the handle of the pot)
-until the mixture reaches the consistency of custard
-(just a minute or two),
-then mix in the butter off-heat,
-you will have a wonderful Hollandaise sauce.
-One egg yolk
-One tablespoon cream or top milk
-Salt, cayenne, and lemon juice to taste
-A generous two tablespoonfuls of butter 2 "Section Headings"
-Section numbers
-(such as the ones used in this document)
-can be automatically generated
-using the
-.b .sh
-You must tell
-.b .sh
-.i depth
-of the section number
-and a section title.
-The depth
-specifies how many numbers
-are to appear
-(separated by decimal points)
-in the section number.
-For example,
-the section number
-.b 4.2.5
-has a depth of three.
-Section numbers
-are incremented
-in a fairly intuitive fashion.
-If you add a number
-(increase the depth),
-the new number starts out
-at one.
-If you subtract section numbers
-(or keep the same number)
-the final number is incremented.
-For example,
-the input:
-\&.sh 1 "The Preprocessor"
-\&.sh 2 "Basic Concepts"
-\&.sh 2 "Control Inputs"
-\&.sh 3
-\&.sh 3
-\&.sh 1 "Code Generation"
-\&.sh 3
-produces as output the result:
-1. The Preprocessor
-1.1. Basic Concepts
-1.2. Control Inputs
-2. Code Generation
-You can specify the section number to begin
-by placing the section number after the section title,
-using spaces instead of dots.
-For example,
-the request:
-\&.sh 3 "Another section" 7 3 4
-will begin the section numbered
-.b 7.3.4 ;
-all subsequent
-.b .sh
-requests will number relative to this number.
-There are more complex features
-which will cause each section to be indented
-proportionally to the depth of the section.
-For example, if you enter:
-\&.nr si \c
-.i N
-each section will be indented by an amount
-.i N .
-.i N
-must have a scaling factor attached,
-that is, it must be of the form
-.i Nx ,
-.i x
-is a character telling what units
-.i N
-is in.
-Common values for
-.i x
-.b i
-for inches,
-.b c
-for centimeters,
-.b n
-.i ens
-(the width of a single character).
-For example,
-to indent each section
-one-half inch,
-\&.nr si 0.5i
-After this,
-sections will be indented by
-one-half inch
-per level of depth in the section number.
-For example,
-this document was produced
-using the request
-\&.nr si 3n
-at the beginning of the input file,
-giving three spaces of indent
-per section depth.
-Section headers without automatically generated numbers
-can be done using:
-\&.uh "Title"
-which will do a section heading,
-but will put no number on the section. 2 "Parts of the Basic Paper"
-There are some requests
-which assist in setting up
-.b .tp
-initializes for a title page.
-There are no headers or footers
-on a title page,
-and unlike other pages
-you can space down
-and leave blank space
-at the top.
-For example,
-a typical title page might appear as:
-\&.sp 2i
-\&.(l C
-Frank N. Furter
-.b .+c \ \c
-.i T
-request can be used
-to start chapters.
-Each chapter is automatically numbered
-from one,
-and a heading is printed at the top of each chapter
-with the chapter number
-and the chapter name
-.i T .
-For example,
-to begin a chapter called
-.q Conclusions ,
-use the request:
-which will produce,
-on a new page,
-the lines
-.(b C
-with appropriate spacing for a thesis.
-Also, the header is moved to the foot of the page
-on the first page of a chapter.
-Although the
-.b .+c
-request was not designed to work only with the
-.b .th
-it is tuned for the format acceptable
-for a PhD thesis
-at Berkeley.
-If the
-title parameter
-.i T
-is omitted from the
-.b .+c
-the result is a chapter with no heading.
-This can also be used at the beginning
-of a paper;
-for example,
-.b .+c
-was used to generate page one
-of this document.
-papers traditionally have the abstract,
-table of contents,
-and so forth at the front of the paper,
-it is more convenient to format
-and print them last
-when using \*G.
-This is so that index entries
-can be collected and then printed
-for the table of contents
-(or whatever).
-At the end of the paper,
-issue the
-.b ".++ P"
-which begins the preliminary part
-of the paper.
-After issuing this request,
-.b .+c
-request will begin a preliminary section
-of the paper.
-Most notably,
-this prints the page number
-restarted from one
-in lower case Roman numbers.
-.b .+c
-may be used repeatedly
-to begin different parts of the
-front material
-for example,
-the abstract,
-the table of contents,
-list of illustrations,
-The request
-.b ".++ B"
-may also be used
-to begin the bibliographic section
-at the end of the paper.
-For example,
-the paper might appear
-as outlined in figure 2.
-(In this figure,
-comments begin with the sequence
-.b \e" .)
-.if t .in 0.5i
-.if t .ta 2i
-.if n .ta 3i
-\&.th \e" set for thesis mode
-\&.fo \(aa\(aaDRAFT\(aa\(aa \e" define footer for each page
-\&.tp \e" begin title page
-\&.(l C \e" center a large block
-Frank Furter
-\&.)l \e" end centered part
-\&.+c INTRODUCTION \e" begin chapter named "INTRODUCTION"
-\&.(x t \e" make an entry into index `t'
-\&.)x \e" end of index entry
-text of chapter one
-\&.+c "NEXT CHAPTER" \e" begin another chapter
-\&.(x t \e" enter into index `t' again
-Next Chapter
-text of chapter two
-\&.(x t
-text of chapter three
-\&.++ B \e" begin bibliographic information
-\&.+c BIBLIOGRAPHY \e" begin another `chapter'
-\&.(x t
-text of bibliography
-\&.++ P \e" begin preliminary material
-\&.xp t \e" print index `t' collected above
-\&.+c PREFACE \e" begin another preliminary section
-text of preface
-.sp 2 0
-Figure 2. Outline of a Sample Paper
-.)z 2 "Equations and Tables"
-Two special \*U programs exist
-to format special types of material.
-.b Eqn
-sets equations.
-.b Tbl
-arranges to print
-extremely pretty tables
-in a variety of formats.
-This document will only describe
-the embellishments
-to the standard features;
-consult the reference manuals
-for those processors
-for a description of their use.
-.b eqn
-program is described fully
-in the document
-Typesetting Mathematics \- User's Guide
-by Brian W. Kernighan
-and Lorinda L. Cherry.
-Equations are centered,
-and are kept on one page.
-They are introduced by the
-.b .EQ
-request and terminated by the
-.b .EN
-.b .EQ
-request may take an
-equation number as an
-optional argument,
-which is printed vertically centered
-on the right hand side
-of the equation.
-If the equation becomes too long
-it should be split
-between two lines.
-To do this, type:
-\&.EQ (eq 34)
-text of equation 34
-\&.EN C
-continuation of equation 34
-.b C
-on the
-.b .EN
-specifies that the equation
-will be continued.
-.b tbl
-program produces tables.
-It is fully described
-(including numerous examples)
-in the document
-Tbl \- A Program to Format Tables
-by M. E. Lesk.
-Tables begin with the
-.b .TS
-and end with the
-.b .TE
-Tables are normally kept on a single page.
-If you have a table which is too big
-to fit on a single page,
-so that you know it will extend
-to several pages,
-begin the table with the request
-.b ".TS\ H"
-and put the request
-.b .TH
-after the part of the table
-which you want
-duplicated at the top of every page
-that the table is printed on.
-For example, a table definition
-for a long table might look like:
-.ds TA \|\h'.4n'\v'-.2n'\s-4\zT\s0\v'.2n'\h'-.4n'\(ci\|
-.if n .ds TA \ \o'-T'\ \"
-\&.TS H
-c s s
-n n n.
-text of the table
-.pp 2 "Two Column Output"
-You can get two column output
-by using the request
-.b .2c .
-This causes everything after it
-to be output in two-column form.
-The request
-.b .bc
-will start a new column;
-it differs from
-.b .bp
-in that
-.b .bp
-may leave a totally blank column
-when it starts a new page.
-To revert to single column output,
-.b .1c . 2 "Defining Macros"
-.i macro
-is a collection of requests and text
-which may be used
-by stating a simple request.
-Macros begin with the line
-.b ".de" \ \c
-.i xx
-.i xx
-is the name of the macro to be defined)
-and end with the line consisting of two dots.
-After defining the macro,
-stating the line
-.b . \c
-.i xx
-is the same as stating all the other lines.
-For example,
-to define a macro
-that spaces 3 lines
-and then centers the next input line,
-\&.de SS
-\&.sp 3
-and use it by typing:
-\&Title Line
-(beginning of text)
-Macro names may be one or two characters.
-In order to avoid conflicts
-with names in \-me,
-always use upper case letters as names.
-The only names to avoid are
-.b TS ,
-.b TH ,
-.b TE ,
-.b EQ ,
-.b EN . 2 "Annotations Inside Keeps"
-Sometimes you may want to put
-a footnote
-or index entry inside a keep.
-For example,
-if you want to maintain a
-.q "list of figures"
-you will want to do something like:
-text of figure
-Figure 5.
-\&.(x f
-Figure 5
-which you may hope
-will give you a figure
-with a label
-and an entry in the index
-.b f
-(presumably a list of figures index).
-index entry
-is read and interpreted
-when the keep is read,
-not when it is printed,
-so the page number in the index is likely to be wrong.
-The solution is to use the magic string
-.b \e!
-at the beginning of all the lines dealing with the index.
-In other words,
-you should use:
-Text of figure
-Figure 5.
-\e!.(x f
-\e!Figure 5
-which will defer the processing of the index
-until the figure is output.
-This will guarantee
-that the page number in the index
-is correct.
-The same comments apply
-.b .(b
-.b .)b )
-as well. 1 "\*T and the Photosetter"
-With a little care,
-you can prepare
-documents that
-will print nicely
-on either a regular terminal
-or when phototypeset
-using the \*T formatting program. 2 "Fonts"
-.i font
-is a style of type.
-There are three fonts
-that are available simultaneously,
-Times Roman,
-Times Italic,
-and Times Bold,
-plus the special math font.
-The normal font is Roman.
-There are ways of switching between fonts.
-The requests
-.b .r ,
-.b .i ,
-.b .b ,
-.b .bi
-switch to Roman,
-and bold-italic fonts respectively.
-You can set a single word
-in some font
-by typing (for example):
-\&.i word
-which will set
-.i word
-in italics
-but does not affect the surrounding text.
-Notice that if you are setting more than one word
-in whatever font,
-you must surround that word with double quote marks
-so that it will appear to the \*G processor as a single word.
-The quote marks will not appear in the formatted text.
-If you do want a quote mark to appear,
-you should quote the entire string
-(even if a single word),
-and use
-.i two
-quote marks where you want one to appear.
-For example,
-if you want to produce the text:
-.i """Master Control\|"""
-in italics, you must type:
-\&.i """Master Control\e|"""
-.b \e|
-produces a very narrow space
-so that the
-.q l
-does not overlap the quote sign in \*G,
-like this:
-.i """Master Control"""
-There are also some
-.q pseudo-fonts
-The input:
-\&.u underlined
-\&.bx "words in a box"
-.u underlined
-.bx "words in a box"
-Notice that pseudo font requests
-set only the single parameter in the pseudo font;
-ordinary font requests will begin setting all text
-in the special font
-if you do not provide a parameter.
-No more than one word
-should appear
-with these three font requests
-in the middle of lines.
-This is because
-of the way \*G justifies text.
-For example,
-if you were to issue the requests:
-\&.u "some bold italics"
-\&.bx "words in a box"
-in the middle of a line
-\*G would produce
-.u "some bold italics"
-.bx "words in a box" ,\p
-which I think you will agree does not look good.
-The second parameter
-of all font requests
-is set in the original font.
-For example,
-the font request:
-\&.b bold face
-.q bold
-in bold font,
-but sets
-.q face
-in the font of the surrounding text,
-resulting in:
-.b bold face.
-To set the two words
-.b bold
-.b face
-both in
-.b "bold face" ,
-\&.b "bold face"
-You can mix fonts in a word by using the
-special sequence
-.b \ec
-at the end of a line
-to indicate
-.q "continue text processing" ;
-this allows input lines
-to be joined together
-without a space between them.
-For example, the input:
-\&.u under \ec
-\&.i italics
-.u under \c
-.i italics ,
-but if we had typed:
-\&.u under
-\&.i italics
-the result would have been
-.u under
-.i italics
-as two words. 2 "Point Sizes"
-The phototypesetter
-supports different sizes of type,
-measured in points.
-The default point size
-is 10 points
-for most text,
-8 points for footnotes.
-To change the pointsize,
-\&.sz \c
-.i +N
-.i N
-is the size wanted in points.
-.i "vertical spacing"
-(distance between the bottom of most letters
-.i baseline )
-between adjacent lines)
-is set to be proportional
-to the type size.
-These pointsize changes are
-.i temporary !!!
-For example,
-to reset the pointsize of basic text to twelve point, use:
-\&.nr pp 12
-\&.nr sp 12
-\&.nr tp 12
-to reset the default pointsize of
-section headers,
-and titles respectively.
-If you only want to set the names of sections in a larger pointsize,
-\&.nr sp 11
-alone \*- this sets section titles
-.b "Point Sizes"
-in a larger font than the default.
-A single word or phrase can be set in a smaller pointsize
-than the surrounding text
-using the
-.b .sm
-This is especially convenient for words that are all capitals,
-due to the optical illusion that makes them look even larger
-than they actually are.
-For example:
-\&.sm UNIX
-prints as UNIX
-rather than
-changing point sizes
-on the phototypesetter
-is a slow mechanical operation.
-On laser printers it may require loading new fonts.
-Size changes
-should be considered carefully. 2 "Quotes"
-It is conventional when using
-the typesetter to
-use pairs of grave and acute accents
-to generate double quotes,
-rather than the
-double quote character
-This is because it looks better
-to use grave and acute accents;
-for example, compare
-"quote" to
-You may use the sequences
-.b \e*(lq
-.b \e*(rq
-to stand for the left and right quote
-For example,
-\e*(lqSome things aren\(aat true
-even if they did happen.\e*(rq
-to generate the result:
-.q "Some things aren't true even if they did happen."
-As a shorthand,
-the special font request:
-\&.q "quoted text"
-will generate
-.q "quoted text" .
-Notice that you must surround
-the material to be quoted
-with double quote marks
-if it is more than one word. 0
-.sp 1i
-.b Acknowledgments
-I would like to thank
-Bob Epstein,
-Bill Joy,
-and Larry Rowe
-for having the courage
-to use the \-me macros
-to produce non-trivial papers
-during the development stages;
-Ricki Blau,
-Pamela Humphrey,
-and Jim Joyce
-for their help with the documentation phase;
-peter kessler
-for numerous complaints years after I was
-.q done
-with this project,
-most accompanied by fixes
-(hence forcing me to fix several small bugs);
-and the plethora of people who have contributed ideas
-and have given support for the project.
-.sp 1i
-This document was
-on \*(td
-and applies to the version of the \-me macros
-included with \*G version \*(MO.
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