path: root/gnu/usr.bin/cvs/contrib/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gnu/usr.bin/cvs/contrib/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 403 deletions
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/cvs/contrib/ b/gnu/usr.bin/cvs/contrib/
deleted file mode 100644
index d266957..0000000
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/cvs/contrib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,403 +0,0 @@
-# Support for importing a source collection into CVS.
-# Tries to prevent the user from the most common pitfalls (like creating
-# new top-level repositories or second-level areas accidentally), and
-# cares to do some of the `dirty' work like maintaining the modules
-# database accordingly.
-# Written by Jörg Wunsch, 95/03/07, and placed in the public domain.
-# $FreeBSD$
-require "";
-require "";
-sub scan_opts
- local($status);
- $status = &Getopts("nv");
- $dont_do_it = "-n" if $opt_n;
- if($opt_v) {
- print STDERR '$FreeBSD$' . "\n"; # 'emacs kludge
- exit 0;
- }
- die "usage: $0 [-v] [-n] [moduledir]\n" .
- " -n: don't do any commit, show only\n" .
- " -v: show program version\n"
- unless $status && $#ARGV <= 0;
- if($#ARGV == 0) {
- $moduledir = $ARGV[0];
- shift;
- }
-sub lsdir
- # find all subdirectories under @_
- # ignore all CVS entries, dot entries, and non-directories
- local($base) = @_;
- local(@ls, @rv, $fname);
- opendir(DIR, $base) || die "Cannot find dir $base.\n";
- @ls = readdir(DIR);
- closedir(DIR);
- @rv = ();
- foreach $fname (@ls) {
- next if $fname =~ /^CVS/ || $fname eq "Attic"
- || $fname =~ /^\./ || ! -d "$base/$fname";
- @rv = (@rv, $fname);
- }
- return sort(@rv);
-sub contains
- # look if the first parameter is contained in the list following it
- local($item, @list) = @_;
- local($found, $i);
- $found = 0;
- foreach $i (@list) {
- return 1 if $i eq $item;
- }
- return 0;
-sub term_init
- # first, get some terminal attributes
- # try bold mode first
- $so = `tput md`; $se = `tput me`;
- # if no bold mode available, use standout mode
- if ($so eq "") {
- $so = `tput so`; $se = `tput se`;
- }
- # try if we can underscore
- $us = `tput us`; $ue = `tput ue`;
- # if we don't have it available, or same as bold/standout, disable it
- if ($us eq "" || $us eq $so) {
- $us = $ue = "";
- }
- # look how many columns we've got
- if($ENV{'COLUMNS'} ne "") {
- $columns = $ENV{'COLUMNS'};
- } elsif(-t STDIN) { # if we operate on a terminal...
- local($word, $tmp);
- open(STTY, "stty -a|");
- $_ = <STTY>; # try getting the tty win structure value
- close(STTY);
- chop;
- $columns = 0;
- foreach $word (split) {
- $columns = $tmp if $word eq "columns;"; # the number preceding
- $tmp = $word;
- }
- } else {
- $columns = 80;
- }
- # sanity
- $columns = 80 unless $columns >= 5;
-sub list
- # pretty-print a list
- # imports: global variable $columns
- local(@items) = @_;
- local($longest,$i,$item,$cols,$width);
- # find the longest item
- $longest = 0;
- foreach $item (@items) {
- $i = length($item);
- $longest = $i if $longest < $i;
- }
- $width = $longest + 1;
- $cols = int($columns / $width);
- $i = 0;
- foreach $item (@items) {
- print $item;
- if(++$i == $cols) {
- $i = 0; print "\n";
- } else {
- print ' ' x ($width - length($item));
- }
- }
- print "\n" unless $i == 0;
-sub cvs_init
- # get the CVS repository(s)
- die "You need to have the \$CVSROOT variable set.\n"
- unless $ENV{'CVSROOT'} ne "";
- # get the list of available repositories
- $cvsroot = $ENV{'CVSROOT'};
- $cvsroot = (split(/:/, $cvsroot, 2))[1] if $cvsroot =~ /:/;
- @reps = &lsdir($cvsroot);
-sub lsmodules
- # list all known CVS modules
- local(%rv, $mname, $mpath, $_);
- %rv = ();
- open(CVS, "cvs co -c|");
- while($_ = <CVS>) {
- chop;
- ($mname,$mpath) = split;
- next if $mname eq "";
- $rv{$mname} = $mpath;
- }
- close(CVS);
- return %rv;
-sub checktag
- # check a given string for tag rules
- local($s, $name) = @_;
- local($regexp);
- if($name eq "vendor") { $regexp = '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]*$'; }
- elsif($name eq "release") { $regexp = '^[a-z][a-z0-9_]*$'; }
- else {
- print STDERR "Internal error: unknown tag name $name\n";
- exit(2);
- }
- if($s !~ /$regexp/) {
- print "\a${us}Valid $name tags must match the regexp " .
- "$regexp.${ue}\n";
- return 0;
- }
- if($s =~ /^RELENG/) {
- print "\a${us}Tags must not start with the word \"RELENG\".${ue}\n";
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
-if(! $moduledir) {
- @dirs = &lsdir(".");
- print "${so}Import from which directory?${se}\n";
- @dirs = (@dirs, ".");
- &list(@dirs);
- $moduledir = &Complete("Which? [.]: ", @dirs);
- $moduledir = "." unless $moduledir ne "";
-chdir $moduledir || die "Cannot chdir to $moduledir\n";
-print "${so}Available repositories:${se}\n";
-# the following kludge prevents the Complete package from starting
-# over with the string just selected; Complete should better provide
-# some reinitialize method
-$Complete'return = ""; $Complete'r = 0;
-$selected =
- &Complete("Enter repository (<TAB>=complete, ^D=show): ",
- @reps);
-die "\aYou cannot create new repositories with this script.\n"
- unless &contains($selected, @reps);
-$rep = $selected;
-print "\n${so}Selected repository:${se} ${us}$rep${ue}\n";
-@areas = &lsdir("$cvsroot/$rep");
-print "${so}Existent areas in this repository:${se}\n";
-$Complete'return = ""; $Complete'r = 0;
-$selected =
- &Complete("Enter area name (<TAB>=complete, ^D=show): ",
- @areas);
-print "\a${us}Warning: this will create a new area.${ue}\n"
- unless &contains($selected, @areas);
-$area = "$rep/$selected";
-print "\n${so}[Working on:${se} ${us}$area${ue}${so}]${se}\n";
-%cvsmods = &lsmodules();
-for(;;) {
- $| = 1;
- print "${so}Gimme the module name:${se} ";
- $| = 0;
- $modname = <>;
- chop $modname;
- if ($modname eq "") {
- print "\a${us}You cannot use an empty module name.${ue}\n";
- next;
- }
- last if !$cvsmods{$modname};
- print "\a${us}This module name does already exist; do you intend to\n" .
- "perform a vendor-branch import to the existing sources?${ue}: ";
- $rep = <>;
- if ($rep =~ /\s*[yY]/) {
- ($area,$modpath) = split(/\//,$cvsmods{$modname},2);
- $branchimport = 1;
- last;
- }
- print "${us}Choose another name.${ue}\n";
-if(!$branchimport) {
- for(;;) {
- $| = 1;
- print "${so}Enter the module path:${se} $area/";
- $| = 0;
- $modpath = <>;
- chop $modpath;
- if ($modpath eq "") {
- print "\a${us}You cannot use an empty module path.${ue}\n";
- next;
- }
- last if ! -d "$cvsroot/$area/$modpath";
- print "\a${us}This module path does already exist; " .
- "choose another one.${ue}\n";
- }
- @newdirs = ();
- $dir1 = "$cvsroot/$area";
- $dir2 = "$area";
- @newdirs = (@newdirs, "$dir2") if ! -d $dir1;
- foreach $ele (split(/\//, $modpath)) {
- $dir1 = "$dir1/$ele";
- $dir2 = "$dir2/$ele";
- @newdirs = (@newdirs, "$dir2") if ! -d $dir1;
- }
- print "${so}You're going to create the following new directories:${se}\n";
- &list(@newdirs);
-for(;;) {
- $| = 1;
- print "${so}Enter a \`vendor\' tag (e. g. the authors ID):${se} ";
- $| = 0;
- $vtag = <>;
- chop $vtag;
- last if &checktag($vtag, "vendor");
-for(;;) {
- $| = 1;
- print "${so}Enter a \`release\' tag (e. g. the version #):${se} ";
- $| = 0;
- $rtag = <>;
- chop $rtag;
- last if &checktag($rtag, "release");
-$| = 1;
-print "${so}This is your last chance to interrupt, " .
- "hit <return> to go on:${se} ";
-$| = 0;
-if (!$branchimport) {
- $mod = "";
- foreach $tmp (sort(keys(%cvsmods))) {
- if($tmp gt $modname) {
- $mod = $tmp;
- last;
- }
- }
- if($mod eq "") {
- # we are going to append our module
- $cmd = "\$\na\n";
- } else {
- # we can insert it
- $cmd = "/^${mod}[ \t]/\ni\n";
- }
- print "${so}Checking out the modules database...${se}\n";
- system("cvs co modules") && die "${us}failed.\n${ue}";
- print "${so}Inserting new module...${se}\n";
- open(ED, "|ed modules/modules") || die "${us}Cannot start ed${ue}\n";
- print(ED "${cmd}${modname} " . ' ' x (15 - length($modname)) .
- "$area/${modpath}\n.\nw\nq\n");
- close(ED);
- print "${so}Commiting new modules database...${se}\n";
- system("cvs $dont_do_it commit -m \" " .
- "${modname} --> $area/${modpath}\" modules")
- && die "Commit failed\n";
- # we always release "modules" to prevent duplicate
- system("cvs -Q release -d modules");
-print "${so}Importing source. Enter a commit message in the editor.${se}\n";
-system("cvs $dont_do_it import $area/$modpath $vtag $rtag");
-print "${so}You are done now. Go to a different directory, perform a${se}\n".
- "${us}cvs co ${modname}${ue} ${so}command, and see if your new module" .
- " builds ok.${se}\n";
-print "\nPlease don't forget to edit the parent Makefile to add what you\n".
- "just imported.\n";
-if($dont_do_it) {
-print <<END
-${so}Since you did not allow to commit anything, you'll have${se}
-${so}to remove the edited modules' database yourself.${se}
-${so}To do this, perform a${se}
-${us}cd ${moduledir}; cvs -Q release -d modules${ue}
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