path: root/gnu/lib/libreadline/doc/
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-This is Info file, produced by Makeinfo-1.55 from the
-input file rlman.texinfo.
- This document describes the GNU Readline Library, a utility which
-aids in the consistency of user interface across discrete programs that
-need to provide a command line interface.
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
-manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice pare
-preserved on all copies.
- Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of
-this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that
-the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
-permission notice identical to this one.
- Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
-manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified
-versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a
-translation approved by the Foundation.
-File:, Node: Modifying Text, Next: Utility Functions, Prev: Redisplay, Up: Readline Convenience Functions
-Modifying Text
- - Function: int rl_insert_text (char *text)
- Insert TEXT into the line at the current cursor position.
- - Function: int rl_delete_text (int start, int end)
- Delete the text between START and END in the current line.
- - Function: char * rl_copy_text (int start, int end)
- Return a copy of the text between START and END in the current
- line.
- - Function: int rl_kill_text (int start, int end)
- Copy the text between START and END in the current line to the
- kill ring, appending or prepending to the last kill if the last
- command was a kill command. The text is deleted. If START is
- less than END, the text is appended, otherwise prepended. If the
- last command was not a kill, a new kill ring slot is used.
-File:, Node: Utility Functions, Prev: Modifying Text, Up: Readline Convenience Functions
-Utility Functions
- - Function: int rl_reset_terminal (char *terminal_name)
- Reinitialize Readline's idea of the terminal settings using
- TERMINAL_NAME as the terminal type (e.g., `vt100').
- - Function: int alphabetic (int c)
- Return 1 if C is an alphabetic character.
- - Function: int numeric (int c)
- Return 1 if C is a numeric character.
- - Function: int ding ()
- Ring the terminal bell, obeying the setting of `bell-style'.
- The following are implemented as macros, defined in `chartypes.h'.
- - Function: int uppercase_p (int c)
- Return 1 if C is an uppercase alphabetic character.
- - Function: int lowercase_p (int c)
- Return 1 if C is a lowercase alphabetic character.
- - Function: int digit_p (int c)
- Return 1 if C is a numeric character.
- - Function: int to_upper (int c)
- If C is a lowercase alphabetic character, return the corresponding
- uppercase character.
- - Function: int to_lower (int c)
- If C is an uppercase alphabetic character, return the corresponding
- lowercase character.
- - Function: int digit_value (int c)
- If C is a number, return the value it represents.
-An Example
- Here is a function which changes lowercase characters to their
-uppercase equivalents, and uppercase characters to lowercase. If this
-function was bound to `M-c', then typing `M-c' would change the case of
-the character under point. Typing `M-1 0 M-c' would change the case of
-the following 10 characters, leaving the cursor on the last character
- /* Invert the case of the COUNT following characters. */
- int
- invert_case_line (count, key)
- int count, key;
- {
- register int start, end, i;
- start = rl_point;
- if (rl_point >= rl_end)
- return (0);
- if (count < 0)
- {
- direction = -1;
- count = -count;
- }
- else
- direction = 1;
- /* Find the end of the range to modify. */
- end = start + (count * direction);
- /* Force it to be within range. */
- if (end > rl_end)
- end = rl_end;
- else if (end < 0)
- end = 0;
- if (start == end)
- return (0);
- if (start > end)
- {
- int temp = start;
- start = end;
- end = temp;
- }
- /* Tell readline that we are modifying the line, so it will save
- the undo information. */
- rl_modifying (start, end);
- for (i = start; i != end; i++)
- {
- if (uppercase_p (rl_line_buffer[i]))
- rl_line_buffer[i] = to_lower (rl_line_buffer[i]);
- else if (lowercase_p (rl_line_buffer[i]))
- rl_line_buffer[i] = to_upper (rl_line_buffer[i]);
- }
- /* Move point to on top of the last character changed. */
- rl_point = (direction == 1) ? end - 1 : start;
- return (0);
- }
-File:, Node: Custom Completers, Prev: Readline Convenience Functions, Up: Programming with GNU Readline
-Custom Completers
- Typically, a program that reads commands from the user has a way of
-disambiguating commands and data. If your program is one of these, then
-it can provide completion for commands, data, or both. The following
-sections describe how your program and Readline cooperate to provide
-this service.
-* Menu:
-* How Completing Works:: The logic used to do completion.
-* Completion Functions:: Functions provided by Readline.
-* Completion Variables:: Variables which control completion.
-* A Short Completion Example:: An example of writing completer subroutines.
-File:, Node: How Completing Works, Next: Completion Functions, Up: Custom Completers
-How Completing Works
- In order to complete some text, the full list of possible completions
-must be available. That is, it is not possible to accurately expand a
-partial word without knowing all of the possible words which make sense
-in that context. The Readline library provides the user interface to
-completion, and two of the most common completion functions: filename
-and username. For completing other types of text, you must write your
-own completion function. This section describes exactly what such
-functions must do, and provides an example.
- There are three major functions used to perform completion:
- 1. The user-interface function `rl_complete ()'. This function is
- called with the same arguments as other Readline functions
- intended for interactive use: COUNT and INVOKING_KEY. It
- isolates the word to be completed and calls `completion_matches
- ()' to generate a list of possible completions. It then either
- lists the possible completions, inserts the possible completions,
- or actually performs the completion, depending on which behavior
- is desired.
- 2. The internal function `completion_matches ()' uses your
- "generator" function to generate the list of possible matches, and
- then returns the array of these matches. You should place the
- address of your generator function in
- `rl_completion_entry_function'.
- 3. The generator function is called repeatedly from
- `completion_matches ()', returning a string each time. The
- arguments to the generator function are TEXT and STATE. TEXT is
- the partial word to be completed. STATE is zero the first time
- the function is called, allowing the generator to perform any
- necessary initialization, and a positive non-zero integer for each
- subsequent call. When the generator function returns `(char
- *)NULL' this signals `completion_matches ()' that there are no
- more possibilities left. Usually the generator function computes
- the list of possible completions when STATE is zero, and returns
- them one at a time on subsequent calls. Each string the generator
- function returns as a match must be allocated with `malloc()';
- Readline frees the strings when it has finished with them.
- - Function: int rl_complete (int ignore, int invoking_key)
- Complete the word at or before point. You have supplied the
- function that does the initial simple matching selection algorithm
- (see `completion_matches ()'). The default is to do filename
- completion.
- - Variable: Function * rl_completion_entry_function
- This is a pointer to the generator function for `completion_matches
- ()'. If the value of `rl_completion_entry_function' is `(Function
- *)NULL' then the default filename generator function,
- `filename_entry_function ()', is used.
-File:, Node: Completion Functions, Next: Completion Variables, Prev: How Completing Works, Up: Custom Completers
-Completion Functions
- Here is the complete list of callable completion functions present in
- - Function: int rl_complete_internal (int what_to_do)
- Complete the word at or before point. WHAT_TO_DO says what to do
- with the completion. A value of `?' means list the possible
- completions. `TAB' means do standard completion. `*' means
- insert all of the possible completions. `!' means to display all
- of the possible completions, if there is more than one, as well as
- performing partial completion.
- - Function: int rl_complete (int ignore, int invoking_key)
- Complete the word at or before point. You have supplied the
- function that does the initial simple matching selection algorithm
- (see `completion_matches ()' and `rl_completion_entry_function').
- The default is to do filename completion. This calls
- `rl_complete_internal ()' with an argument depending on
- - Function: int rl_possible_completions (int count, int invoking_key))
- List the possible completions. See description of `rl_complete
- ()'. This calls `rl_complete_internal ()' with an argument of `?'.
- - Function: int rl_insert_completions (int count, int invoking_key))
- Insert the list of possible completions into the line, deleting the
- partially-completed word. See description of `rl_complete ()'.
- This calls `rl_complete_internal ()' with an argument of `*'.
- - Function: char ** completion_matches (char *text, CPFunction
- *entry_func)
- Returns an array of `(char *)' which is a list of completions for
- TEXT. If there are no completions, returns `(char **)NULL'. The
- first entry in the returned array is the substitution for TEXT.
- The remaining entries are the possible completions. The array is
- terminated with a `NULL' pointer.
- ENTRY_FUNC is a function of two args, and returns a `(char *)'.
- The first argument is TEXT. The second is a state argument; it is
- zero on the first call, and non-zero on subsequent calls.
- eNTRY_FUNC returns a `NULL' pointer to the caller when there are
- no more matches.
- - Function: char * filename_completion_function (char *text, int state)
- A generator function for filename completion in the general case.
- Note that completion in Bash is a little different because of all
- the pathnames that must be followed when looking up completions
- for a command. The Bash source is a useful reference for writing
- custom completion functions.
- - Function: char * username_completion_function (char *text, int state)
- A completion generator for usernames. TEXT contains a partial
- username preceded by a random character (usually `~'). As with all
- completion generators, STATE is zero on the first call and non-zero
- for subsequent calls.
-File:, Node: Completion Variables, Next: A Short Completion Example, Prev: Completion Functions, Up: Custom Completers
-Completion Variables
- - Variable: Function * rl_completion_entry_function
- A pointer to the generator function for `completion_matches ()'.
- `NULL' means to use `filename_entry_function ()', the default
- filename completer.
- - Variable: CPPFunction * rl_attempted_completion_function
- A pointer to an alternative function to create matches. The
- function is called with TEXT, START, and END. START and END are
- indices in `rl_line_buffer' saying what the boundaries of TEXT
- are. If this function exists and returns `NULL', or if this
- variable is set to `NULL', then `rl_complete ()' will call the
- value of `rl_completion_entry_function' to generate matches,
- otherwise the array of strings returned will be used.
- - Variable: int rl_completion_query_items
- Up to this many items will be displayed in response to a
- possible-completions call. After that, we ask the user if she is
- sure she wants to see them all. The default value is 100.
- - Variable: char * rl_basic_word_break_characters
- The basic list of characters that signal a break between words for
- the completer routine. The default value of this variable is the
- characters which break words for completion in Bash, i.e., `"
- \t\n\"\\'`@$><=;|&{("'.
- - Variable: char * rl_completer_word_break_characters
- The list of characters that signal a break between words for
- `rl_complete_internal ()'. The default list is the value of
- `rl_basic_word_break_characters'.
- - Variable: char * rl_special_prefixes
- The list of characters that are word break characters, but should
- be left in TEXT when it is passed to the completion function.
- Programs can use this to help determine what kind of completing to
- do. For instance, Bash sets this variable to "$@" so that it can
- complete shell variables and hostnames.
- - Variable: int rl_ignore_completion_duplicates
- If non-zero, then disallow duplicates in the matches. Default is
- 1.
- - Variable: int rl_filename_completion_desired
- Non-zero means that the results of the matches are to be treated as
- filenames. This is *always* zero on entry, and can only be changed
- within a completion entry generator function. If it is set to a
- non-zero value, directory names have a slash appended and Readline
- attempts to quote completed filenames if they contain any embedded
- word break characters.
- - Variable: int rl_filename_quoting_desired
- Non-zero means that the results of the matches are to be quoted
- using double quotes (or an application-specific quoting mechanism)
- if the completed filename contains any characters in
- `rl_completer_word_break_chars'. This is *always* non-zero on
- entry, and can only be changed within a completion entry generator
- function.
- - Variable: Function * rl_ignore_some_completions_function
- This function, if defined, is called by the completer when real
- filename completion is done, after all the matching names have
- been generated. It is passed a `NULL' terminated array of matches.
- The first element (`matches[0]') is the maximal substring common
- to all matches. This function can re-arrange the list of matches
- as required, but each element deleted from the array must be freed.
- - Variable: char * rl_completer_quote_characters
- List of characters which can be used to quote a substring of the
- line. Completion occurs on the entire substring, and within the
- substring `rl_completer_word_break_characters' are treated as any
- other character, unless they also appear within this list.
-File:, Node: A Short Completion Example, Prev: Completion Variables, Up: Custom Completers
-A Short Completion Example
- Here is a small application demonstrating the use of the GNU Readline
-library. It is called `fileman', and the source code resides in
-`examples/fileman.c'. This sample application provides completion of
-command names, line editing features, and access to the history list.
- /* fileman.c -- A tiny application which demonstrates how to use the
- GNU Readline library. This application interactively allows users
- to manipulate files and their modes. */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/file.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include <sys/errno.h>
- #include <readline/readline.h>
- #include <readline/history.h>
- extern char *getwd ();
- extern char *xmalloc ();
- /* The names of functions that actually do the manipulation. */
- int com_list (), com_view (), com_rename (), com_stat (), com_pwd ();
- int com_delete (), com_help (), com_cd (), com_quit ();
- /* A structure which contains information on the commands this program
- can understand. */
- typedef struct {
- char *name; /* User printable name of the function. */
- Function *func; /* Function to call to do the job. */
- char *doc; /* Documentation for this function. */
- COMMAND commands[] = {
- { "cd", com_cd, "Change to directory DIR" },
- { "delete", com_delete, "Delete FILE" },
- { "help", com_help, "Display this text" },
- { "?", com_help, "Synonym for `help'" },
- { "list", com_list, "List files in DIR" },
- { "ls", com_list, "Synonym for `list'" },
- { "pwd", com_pwd, "Print the current working directory" },
- { "quit", com_quit, "Quit using Fileman" },
- { "rename", com_rename, "Rename FILE to NEWNAME" },
- { "stat", com_stat, "Print out statistics on FILE" },
- { "view", com_view, "View the contents of FILE" },
- { (char *)NULL, (Function *)NULL, (char *)NULL }
- };
- /* Forward declarations. */
- char *stripwhite ();
- COMMAND *find_command ();
- /* The name of this program, as taken from argv[0]. */
- char *progname;
- /* When non-zero, this global means the user is done using this program. */
- int done;
- char *
- dupstr (s)
- int s;
- {
- char *r;
- r = xmalloc (strlen (s) + 1);
- strcpy (r, s);
- return (r);
- }
- main (argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- {
- char *line, *s;
- progname = argv[0];
- initialize_readline (); /* Bind our completer. */
- /* Loop reading and executing lines until the user quits. */
- for ( ; done == 0; )
- {
- line = readline ("FileMan: ");
- if (!line)
- break;
- /* Remove leading and trailing whitespace from the line.
- Then, if there is anything left, add it to the history list
- and execute it. */
- s = stripwhite (line);
- if (*s)
- {
- add_history (s);
- execute_line (s);
- }
- free (line);
- }
- exit (0);
- }
- /* Execute a command line. */
- int
- execute_line (line)
- char *line;
- {
- register int i;
- COMMAND *command;
- char *word;
- /* Isolate the command word. */
- i = 0;
- while (line[i] && whitespace (line[i]))
- i++;
- word = line + i;
- while (line[i] && !whitespace (line[i]))
- i++;
- if (line[i])
- line[i++] = '\0';
- command = find_command (word);
- if (!command)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "%s: No such command for FileMan.\n", word);
- return (-1);
- }
- /* Get argument to command, if any. */
- while (whitespace (line[i]))
- i++;
- word = line + i;
- /* Call the function. */
- return ((*(command->func)) (word));
- }
- /* Look up NAME as the name of a command, and return a pointer to that
- command. Return a NULL pointer if NAME isn't a command name. */
- find_command (name)
- char *name;
- {
- register int i;
- for (i = 0; commands[i].name; i++)
- if (strcmp (name, commands[i].name) == 0)
- return (&commands[i]);
- return ((COMMAND *)NULL);
- }
- /* Strip whitespace from the start and end of STRING. Return a pointer
- into STRING. */
- char *
- stripwhite (string)
- char *string;
- {
- register char *s, *t;
- for (s = string; whitespace (*s); s++)
- ;
- if (*s == 0)
- return (s);
- t = s + strlen (s) - 1;
- while (t > s && whitespace (*t))
- t--;
- *++t = '\0';
- return s;
- }
- /* **************************************************************** */
- /* */
- /* Interface to Readline Completion */
- /* */
- /* **************************************************************** */
- char *command_generator ();
- char **fileman_completion ();
- /* Tell the GNU Readline library how to complete. We want to try to complete
- on command names if this is the first word in the line, or on filenames
- if not. */
- initialize_readline ()
- {
- /* Allow conditional parsing of the ~/.inputrc file. */
- rl_readline_name = "FileMan";
- /* Tell the completer that we want a crack first. */
- rl_attempted_completion_function = (CPPFunction *)fileman_completion;
- }
- /* Attempt to complete on the contents of TEXT. START and END show the
- region of TEXT that contains the word to complete. We can use the
- entire line in case we want to do some simple parsing. Return the
- array of matches, or NULL if there aren't any. */
- char **
- fileman_completion (text, start, end)
- char *text;
- int start, end;
- {
- char **matches;
- matches = (char **)NULL;
- /* If this word is at the start of the line, then it is a command
- to complete. Otherwise it is the name of a file in the current
- directory. */
- if (start == 0)
- matches = completion_matches (text, command_generator);
- return (matches);
- }
- /* Generator function for command completion. STATE lets us know whether
- to start from scratch; without any state (i.e. STATE == 0), then we
- start at the top of the list. */
- char *
- command_generator (text, state)
- char *text;
- int state;
- {
- static int list_index, len;
- char *name;
- /* If this is a new word to complete, initialize now. This includes
- saving the length of TEXT for efficiency, and initializing the index
- variable to 0. */
- if (!state)
- {
- list_index = 0;
- len = strlen (text);
- }
- /* Return the next name which partially matches from the command list. */
- while (name = commands[list_index].name)
- {
- list_index++;
- if (strncmp (name, text, len) == 0)
- return (dupstr(name));
- }
- /* If no names matched, then return NULL. */
- return ((char *)NULL);
- }
- /* **************************************************************** */
- /* */
- /* FileMan Commands */
- /* */
- /* **************************************************************** */
- /* String to pass to system (). This is for the LIST, VIEW and RENAME
- commands. */
- static char syscom[1024];
- /* List the file(s) named in arg. */
- com_list (arg)
- char *arg;
- {
- if (!arg)
- arg = "";
- sprintf (syscom, "ls -FClg %s", arg);
- return (system (syscom));
- }
- com_view (arg)
- char *arg;
- {
- if (!valid_argument ("view", arg))
- return 1;
- sprintf (syscom, "more %s", arg);
- return (system (syscom));
- }
- com_rename (arg)
- char *arg;
- {
- too_dangerous ("rename");
- return (1);
- }
- com_stat (arg)
- char *arg;
- {
- struct stat finfo;
- if (!valid_argument ("stat", arg))
- return (1);
- if (stat (arg, &finfo) == -1)
- {
- perror (arg);
- return (1);
- }
- printf ("Statistics for `%s':\n", arg);
- printf ("%s has %d link%s, and is %d byte%s in length.\n", arg,
- finfo.st_nlink,
- (finfo.st_nlink == 1) ? "" : "s",
- finfo.st_size,
- (finfo.st_size == 1) ? "" : "s");
- printf ("Inode Last Change at: %s", ctime (&finfo.st_ctime));
- printf (" Last access at: %s", ctime (&finfo.st_atime));
- printf (" Last modified at: %s", ctime (&finfo.st_mtime));
- return (0);
- }
- com_delete (arg)
- char *arg;
- {
- too_dangerous ("delete");
- return (1);
- }
- /* Print out help for ARG, or for all of the commands if ARG is
- not present. */
- com_help (arg)
- char *arg;
- {
- register int i;
- int printed = 0;
- for (i = 0; commands[i].name; i++)
- {
- if (!*arg || (strcmp (arg, commands[i].name) == 0))
- {
- printf ("%s\t\t%s.\n", commands[i].name, commands[i].doc);
- printed++;
- }
- }
- if (!printed)
- {
- printf ("No commands match `%s'. Possibilties are:\n", arg);
- for (i = 0; commands[i].name; i++)
- {
- /* Print in six columns. */
- if (printed == 6)
- {
- printed = 0;
- printf ("\n");
- }
- printf ("%s\t", commands[i].name);
- printed++;
- }
- if (printed)
- printf ("\n");
- }
- return (0);
- }
- /* Change to the directory ARG. */
- com_cd (arg)
- char *arg;
- {
- if (chdir (arg) == -1)
- {
- perror (arg);
- return 1;
- }
- com_pwd ("");
- return (0);
- }
- /* Print out the current working directory. */
- com_pwd (ignore)
- char *ignore;
- {
- char dir[1024], *s;
- s = getwd (dir);
- if (s == 0)
- {
- printf ("Error getting pwd: %s\n", dir);
- return 1;
- }
- printf ("Current directory is %s\n", dir);
- return 0;
- }
- /* The user wishes to quit using this program. Just set DONE non-zero. */
- com_quit (arg)
- char *arg;
- {
- done = 1;
- return (0);
- }
- /* Function which tells you that you can't do this. */
- too_dangerous (caller)
- char *caller;
- {
- fprintf (stderr,
- "%s: Too dangerous for me to distribute. Write it yourself.\n",
- caller);
- }
- /* Return non-zero if ARG is a valid argument for CALLER, else print
- an error message and return zero. */
- int
- valid_argument (caller, arg)
- char *caller, *arg;
- {
- if (!arg || !*arg)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "%s: Argument required.\n", caller);
- return (0);
- }
- return (1);
- }
-File:, Node: Concept Index, Next: Function and Variable Index, Prev: Programming with GNU Readline, Up: Top
-Concept Index
-* Menu:
-* interaction, readline: Readline Interaction.
-* Kill ring: Readline Killing Commands.
-* Killing text: Readline Killing Commands.
-* readline, function: Basic Behavior.
-* Yanking text: Readline Killing Commands.
-File:, Node: Function and Variable Index, Prev: Concept Index, Up: Top
-Function and Variable Index
-* Menu:
-* $else: Conditional Init Constructs.
-* $endif: Conditional Init Constructs.
-* $if: Conditional Init Constructs.
-* abort (C-g): Miscellaneous Commands.
-* accept-line (Newline, Return): Commands For History.
-* alphabetic: Utility Functions.
-* backward-char (C-b): Commands For Moving.
-* backward-delete-char (Rubout): Commands For Text.
-* backward-kill-line (C-x Rubout): Commands For Killing.
-* backward-kill-word (M-DEL): Commands For Killing.
-* backward-word (M-b): Commands For Moving.
-* beginning-of-history (M-<): Commands For History.
-* beginning-of-line (C-a): Commands For Moving.
-* bell-style: Readline Init Syntax.
-* call-last-kbd-macro (C-x e): Keyboard Macros.
-* capitalize-word (M-c): Commands For Text.
-* clear-screen (C-l): Commands For Moving.
-* comment-begin: Readline Init Syntax.
-* complete (TAB): Commands For Completion.
-* completion-query-items: Readline Init Syntax.
-* completion_matches: Completion Functions.
-* convert-meta: Readline Init Syntax.
-* delete-char (C-d): Commands For Text.
-* delete-horizontal-space (): Commands For Killing.
-* digit-argument (M-0, M-1, ... M-): Numeric Arguments.
-* digit_p: Utility Functions.
-* digit_value: Utility Functions.
-* ding: Utility Functions.
-* do-uppercase-version (M-a, M-b, ...): Miscellaneous Commands.
-* downcase-word (M-l): Commands For Text.
-* dump-functions (): Miscellaneous Commands.
-* editing-mode: Readline Init Syntax.
-* end-kbd-macro (C-x )): Keyboard Macros.
-* end-of-history (M->): Commands For History.
-* end-of-line (C-e): Commands For Moving.
-* expand-tilde: Readline Init Syntax.
-* filename_completion_function: Completion Functions.
-* forward-char (C-f): Commands For Moving.
-* forward-search-history (C-s): Commands For History.
-* forward-word (M-f): Commands For Moving.
-* free_undo_list: Allowing Undoing.
-* history-search-backward (): Commands For History.
-* history-search-forward (): Commands For History.
-* horizontal-scroll-mode: Readline Init Syntax.
-* insert-completions (): Commands For Completion.
-* keymap: Readline Init Syntax.
-* kill-line (C-k): Commands For Killing.
-* kill-whole-line (): Commands For Killing.
-* kill-word (M-d): Commands For Killing.
-* lowercase_p: Utility Functions.
-* mark-modified-lines: Readline Init Syntax.
-* meta-flag: Readline Init Syntax.
-* next-history (C-n): Commands For History.
-* non-incremental-forward-search-history (M-n): Commands For History.
-* non-incremental-reverse-search-history (M-p): Commands For History.
-* numeric: Utility Functions.
-* output-meta: Readline Init Syntax.
-* possible-completions (M-?): Commands For Completion.
-* prefix-meta (ESC): Miscellaneous Commands.
-* previous-history (C-p): Commands For History.
-* quoted-insert (C-q, C-v): Commands For Text.
-* re-read-init-file (C-x C-r): Miscellaneous Commands.
-* readline: Basic Behavior.
-* redraw-current-line (): Commands For Moving.
-* reverse-search-history (C-r): Commands For History.
-* revert-line (M-r): Miscellaneous Commands.
-* rl_add_defun: Function Naming.
-* rl_add_undo: Allowing Undoing.
-* rl_attempted_completion_function: Completion Variables.
-* rl_basic_word_break_characters: Completion Variables.
-* rl_begin_undo_group: Allowing Undoing.
-* rl_bind_key: Binding Keys.
-* rl_bind_key_in_map: Binding Keys.
-* rl_clear_message: Redisplay.
-* rl_complete: How Completing Works.
-* rl_complete: Completion Functions.
-* rl_completer_quote_characters: Completion Variables.
-* rl_completer_word_break_characters: Completion Variables.
-* rl_complete_internal: Completion Functions.
-* rl_completion_entry_function: Completion Variables.
-* rl_completion_entry_function: How Completing Works.
-* rl_completion_query_items: Completion Variables.
-* rl_copy_keymap: Keymaps.
-* rl_copy_text: Modifying Text.
-* rl_delete_text: Modifying Text.
-* rl_discard_keymap: Keymaps.
-* rl_done: Function Writing.
-* rl_do_undo: Allowing Undoing.
-* rl_end: Function Writing.
-* rl_end_undo_group: Allowing Undoing.
-* rl_filename_completion_desired: Completion Variables.
-* rl_filename_quoting_desired: Completion Variables.
-* rl_forced_update_display: Redisplay.
-* rl_function_of_keyseq: Associating Function Names and Bindings.
-* rl_generic_bind: Binding Keys.
-* rl_get_keymap: Keymaps.
-* rl_get_keymap_by_name: Keymaps.
-* rl_ignore_completion_duplicates: Completion Variables.
-* rl_ignore_some_completions_function: Completion Variables.
-* rl_insert_completions: Completion Functions.
-* rl_insert_text: Modifying Text.
-* rl_instream: Function Writing.
-* rl_invoking_keyseqs: Associating Function Names and Bindings.
-* rl_invoking_keyseqs_in_map: Associating Function Names and Bindings.
-* rl_kill_text: Modifying Text.
-* rl_line_buffer: Function Writing.
-* rl_make_bare_keymap: Keymaps.
-* rl_make_keymap: Keymaps.
-* rl_mark: Function Writing.
-* rl_message: Redisplay.
-* rl_modifying: Allowing Undoing.
-* rl_named_function: Associating Function Names and Bindings.
-* rl_on_new_line: Redisplay.
-* rl_outstream: Function Writing.
-* rl_parse_and_bind: Binding Keys.
-* rl_pending_input: Function Writing.
-* rl_point: Function Writing.
-* rl_possible_completions: Completion Functions.
-* rl_prompt: Function Writing.
-* rl_readline_name: Function Writing.
-* rl_redisplay: Redisplay.
-* rl_reset_line_state: Redisplay.
-* rl_reset_terminal: Utility Functions.
-* rl_set_keymap: Keymaps.
-* rl_special_prefixes: Completion Variables.
-* rl_startup_hook: Function Writing.
-* rl_terminal_name: Function Writing.
-* rl_unbind_key: Binding Keys.
-* rl_unbind_key_in_map: Binding Keys.
-* self-insert (a, b, A, 1, !, ...): Commands For Text.
-* show-all-if-ambiguous: Readline Init Syntax.
-* start-kbd-macro (C-x (): Keyboard Macros.
-* tab-insert (M-TAB): Commands For Text.
-* tilde-expand (M-~): Miscellaneous Commands.
-* to_lower: Utility Functions.
-* to_upper: Utility Functions.
-* transpose-chars (C-t): Commands For Text.
-* transpose-words (M-t): Commands For Text.
-* undo (C-_, C-x C-u): Miscellaneous Commands.
-* universal-argument (): Numeric Arguments.
-* unix-line-discard (C-u): Commands For Killing.
-* unix-word-rubout (C-w): Commands For Killing.
-* upcase-word (M-u): Commands For Text.
-* uppercase_p: Utility Functions.
-* username_completion_function: Completion Functions.
-* yank (C-y): Commands For Killing.
-* yank-last-arg (M-., M-_): Commands For History.
-* yank-nth-arg (M-C-y): Commands For History.
-* yank-pop (M-y): Commands For Killing.
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