path: root/examples
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Diffstat (limited to 'examples')
63 files changed, 3411 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter2/Makefile b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter2/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fc03da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter2/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+##===- examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter2/Makefile -------*- Makefile -*-===##
+# The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+# This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+# License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+# This is the makefile for the Objective Caml kaleidoscope tutorial, chapter 2.
+LEVEL := ../../..
+TOOLNAME := OCaml-Kaleidoscope-Ch2
+UsedComponents := core
+UsedOcamLibs := llvm
+OCAMLCFLAGS += -pp camlp4of
+include $(LEVEL)/bindings/ocaml/Makefile.ocaml
diff --git a/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter2/_tags b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter2/_tags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b9b80b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter2/_tags
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<{lexer,parser}.ml>: use_camlp4, pp(camlp4of)
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index 0000000..4cc2dea
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+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter2/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ * Abstract Syntax Tree (aka Parse Tree)
+ *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+(* expr - Base type for all expression nodes. *)
+type expr =
+ (* variant for numeric literals like "1.0". *)
+ | Number of float
+ (* variant for referencing a variable, like "a". *)
+ | Variable of string
+ (* variant for a binary operator. *)
+ | Binary of char * expr * expr
+ (* variant for function calls. *)
+ | Call of string * expr array
+(* proto - This type represents the "prototype" for a function, which captures
+ * its name, and its argument names (thus implicitly the number of arguments the
+ * function takes). *)
+type proto = Prototype of string * string array
+(* func - This type represents a function definition itself. *)
+type func = Function of proto * expr
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index 0000000..22a9155
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter2/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ * Lexer
+ *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+let rec lex = parser
+ (* Skip any whitespace. *)
+ | [< ' (' ' | '\n' | '\r' | '\t'); stream >] -> lex stream
+ (* identifier: [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9] *)
+ | [< ' ('A' .. 'Z' | 'a' .. 'z' as c); stream >] ->
+ let buffer = Buffer.create 1 in
+ Buffer.add_char buffer c;
+ lex_ident buffer stream
+ (* number: [0-9.]+ *)
+ | [< ' ('0' .. '9' as c); stream >] ->
+ let buffer = Buffer.create 1 in
+ Buffer.add_char buffer c;
+ lex_number buffer stream
+ (* Comment until end of line. *)
+ | [< ' ('#'); stream >] ->
+ lex_comment stream
+ (* Otherwise, just return the character as its ascii value. *)
+ | [< 'c; stream >] ->
+ [< 'Token.Kwd c; lex stream >]
+ (* end of stream. *)
+ | [< >] -> [< >]
+and lex_number buffer = parser
+ | [< ' ('0' .. '9' | '.' as c); stream >] ->
+ Buffer.add_char buffer c;
+ lex_number buffer stream
+ | [< stream=lex >] ->
+ [< 'Token.Number (float_of_string (Buffer.contents buffer)); stream >]
+and lex_ident buffer = parser
+ | [< ' ('A' .. 'Z' | 'a' .. 'z' | '0' .. '9' as c); stream >] ->
+ Buffer.add_char buffer c;
+ lex_ident buffer stream
+ | [< stream=lex >] ->
+ match Buffer.contents buffer with
+ | "def" -> [< 'Token.Def; stream >]
+ | "extern" -> [< 'Token.Extern; stream >]
+ | id -> [< 'Token.Ident id; stream >]
+and lex_comment = parser
+ | [< ' ('\n'); stream=lex >] -> stream
+ | [< 'c; e=lex_comment >] -> e
+ | [< >] -> [< >]
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index 0000000..83d9874
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter2/
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+ * Parser
+ *===---------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+(* binop_precedence - This holds the precedence for each binary operator that is
+ * defined *)
+let binop_precedence:(char, int) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 10
+(* precedence - Get the precedence of the pending binary operator token. *)
+let precedence c = try Hashtbl.find binop_precedence c with Not_found -> -1
+(* primary
+ * ::= identifier
+ * ::= numberexpr
+ * ::= parenexpr *)
+let rec parse_primary = parser
+ (* numberexpr ::= number *)
+ | [< 'Token.Number n >] -> Ast.Number n
+ (* parenexpr ::= '(' expression ')' *)
+ | [< 'Token.Kwd '('; e=parse_expr; 'Token.Kwd ')' ?? "expected ')'" >] -> e
+ (* identifierexpr
+ * ::= identifier
+ * ::= identifier '(' argumentexpr ')' *)
+ | [< 'Token.Ident id; stream >] ->
+ let rec parse_args accumulator = parser
+ | [< e=parse_expr; stream >] ->
+ begin parser
+ | [< 'Token.Kwd ','; e=parse_args (e :: accumulator) >] -> e
+ | [< >] -> e :: accumulator
+ end stream
+ | [< >] -> accumulator
+ in
+ let rec parse_ident id = parser
+ (* Call. *)
+ | [< 'Token.Kwd '(';
+ args=parse_args [];
+ 'Token.Kwd ')' ?? "expected ')'">] ->
+ Ast.Call (id, Array.of_list (List.rev args))
+ (* Simple variable ref. *)
+ | [< >] -> Ast.Variable id
+ in
+ parse_ident id stream
+ | [< >] -> raise (Stream.Error "unknown token when expecting an expression.")
+(* binoprhs
+ * ::= ('+' primary)* *)
+and parse_bin_rhs expr_prec lhs stream =
+ match Stream.peek stream with
+ (* If this is a binop, find its precedence. *)
+ | Some (Token.Kwd c) when Hashtbl.mem binop_precedence c ->
+ let token_prec = precedence c in
+ (* If this is a binop that binds at least as tightly as the current binop,
+ * consume it, otherwise we are done. *)
+ if token_prec < expr_prec then lhs else begin
+ (* Eat the binop. *)
+ Stream.junk stream;
+ (* Parse the primary expression after the binary operator. *)
+ let rhs = parse_primary stream in
+ (* Okay, we know this is a binop. *)
+ let rhs =
+ match Stream.peek stream with
+ | Some (Token.Kwd c2) ->
+ (* If BinOp binds less tightly with rhs than the operator after
+ * rhs, let the pending operator take rhs as its lhs. *)
+ let next_prec = precedence c2 in
+ if token_prec < next_prec
+ then parse_bin_rhs (token_prec + 1) rhs stream
+ else rhs
+ | _ -> rhs
+ in
+ (* Merge lhs/rhs. *)
+ let lhs = Ast.Binary (c, lhs, rhs) in
+ parse_bin_rhs expr_prec lhs stream
+ end
+ | _ -> lhs
+(* expression
+ * ::= primary binoprhs *)
+and parse_expr = parser
+ | [< lhs=parse_primary; stream >] -> parse_bin_rhs 0 lhs stream
+(* prototype
+ * ::= id '(' id* ')' *)
+let parse_prototype =
+ let rec parse_args accumulator = parser
+ | [< 'Token.Ident id; e=parse_args (id::accumulator) >] -> e
+ | [< >] -> accumulator
+ in
+ parser
+ | [< 'Token.Ident id;
+ 'Token.Kwd '(' ?? "expected '(' in prototype";
+ args=parse_args [];
+ 'Token.Kwd ')' ?? "expected ')' in prototype" >] ->
+ (* success. *)
+ Ast.Prototype (id, Array.of_list (List.rev args))
+ | [< >] ->
+ raise (Stream.Error "expected function name in prototype")
+(* definition ::= 'def' prototype expression *)
+let parse_definition = parser
+ | [< 'Token.Def; p=parse_prototype; e=parse_expr >] ->
+ Ast.Function (p, e)
+(* toplevelexpr ::= expression *)
+let parse_toplevel = parser
+ | [< e=parse_expr >] ->
+ (* Make an anonymous proto. *)
+ Ast.Function (Ast.Prototype ("", [||]), e)
+(* external ::= 'extern' prototype *)
+let parse_extern = parser
+ | [< 'Token.Extern; e=parse_prototype >] -> e
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ca782e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter2/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ * Lexer Tokens
+ *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+(* The lexer returns these 'Kwd' if it is an unknown character, otherwise one of
+ * these others for known things. *)
+type token =
+ (* commands *)
+ | Def | Extern
+ (* primary *)
+ | Ident of string | Number of float
+ (* unknown *)
+ | Kwd of char
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01c85bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter2/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ * Top-Level parsing and JIT Driver
+ *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+(* top ::= definition | external | expression | ';' *)
+let rec main_loop stream =
+ match Stream.peek stream with
+ | None -> ()
+ (* ignore top-level semicolons. *)
+ | Some (Token.Kwd ';') ->
+ Stream.junk stream;
+ main_loop stream
+ | Some token ->
+ begin
+ try match token with
+ | Token.Def ->
+ ignore(Parser.parse_definition stream);
+ print_endline "parsed a function definition.";
+ | Token.Extern ->
+ ignore(Parser.parse_extern stream);
+ print_endline "parsed an extern.";
+ | _ ->
+ (* Evaluate a top-level expression into an anonymous function. *)
+ ignore(Parser.parse_toplevel stream);
+ print_endline "parsed a top-level expr";
+ with Stream.Error s ->
+ (* Skip token for error recovery. *)
+ Stream.junk stream;
+ print_endline s;
+ end;
+ print_string "ready> "; flush stdout;
+ main_loop stream
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index 0000000..42b19fe
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+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter2/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ * Main driver code.
+ *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+let main () =
+ (* Install standard binary operators.
+ * 1 is the lowest precedence. *)
+ Hashtbl.add Parser.binop_precedence '<' 10;
+ Hashtbl.add Parser.binop_precedence '+' 20;
+ Hashtbl.add Parser.binop_precedence '-' 20;
+ Hashtbl.add Parser.binop_precedence '*' 40; (* highest. *)
+ (* Prime the first token. *)
+ print_string "ready> "; flush stdout;
+ let stream = Lexer.lex (Stream.of_channel stdin) in
+ (* Run the main "interpreter loop" now. *)
+ Toplevel.main_loop stream;
+main ()
diff --git a/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter3/Makefile b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter3/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fdbcd51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter3/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+##===- examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter3/Makefile -------*- Makefile -*-===##
+# The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+# This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+# License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+# This is the makefile for the Objective Caml kaleidoscope tutorial, chapter 3.
+LEVEL := ../../..
+TOOLNAME := OCaml-Kaleidoscope-Ch3
+UsedComponents := core
+UsedOcamLibs := llvm llvm_analysis
+OCAMLCFLAGS += -pp camlp4of
+ExcludeSources = $(PROJ_SRC_DIR)/
+include $(LEVEL)/bindings/ocaml/Makefile.ocaml
diff --git a/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter3/_tags b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter3/_tags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..990490a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter3/_tags
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<{lexer,parser}.ml>: use_camlp4, pp(camlp4of)
+<*.{byte,native}>: g++, use_llvm, use_llvm_analysis
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4cc2dea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter3/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ * Abstract Syntax Tree (aka Parse Tree)
+ *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+(* expr - Base type for all expression nodes. *)
+type expr =
+ (* variant for numeric literals like "1.0". *)
+ | Number of float
+ (* variant for referencing a variable, like "a". *)
+ | Variable of string
+ (* variant for a binary operator. *)
+ | Binary of char * expr * expr
+ (* variant for function calls. *)
+ | Call of string * expr array
+(* proto - This type represents the "prototype" for a function, which captures
+ * its name, and its argument names (thus implicitly the number of arguments the
+ * function takes). *)
+type proto = Prototype of string * string array
+(* func - This type represents a function definition itself. *)
+type func = Function of proto * expr
diff --git a/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter3/ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter3/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..275cd0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter3/
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+ * Code Generation
+ *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+open Llvm
+exception Error of string
+let context = global_context ()
+let the_module = create_module context "my cool jit"
+let builder = builder context
+let named_values:(string, llvalue) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 10
+let double_type = double_type context
+let rec codegen_expr = function
+ | Ast.Number n -> const_float double_type n
+ | Ast.Variable name ->
+ (try Hashtbl.find named_values name with
+ | Not_found -> raise (Error "unknown variable name"))
+ | Ast.Binary (op, lhs, rhs) ->
+ let lhs_val = codegen_expr lhs in
+ let rhs_val = codegen_expr rhs in
+ begin
+ match op with
+ | '+' -> build_add lhs_val rhs_val "addtmp" builder
+ | '-' -> build_sub lhs_val rhs_val "subtmp" builder
+ | '*' -> build_mul lhs_val rhs_val "multmp" builder
+ | '<' ->
+ (* Convert bool 0/1 to double 0.0 or 1.0 *)
+ let i = build_fcmp Fcmp.Ult lhs_val rhs_val "cmptmp" builder in
+ build_uitofp i double_type "booltmp" builder
+ | _ -> raise (Error "invalid binary operator")
+ end
+ | Ast.Call (callee, args) ->
+ (* Look up the name in the module table. *)
+ let callee =
+ match lookup_function callee the_module with
+ | Some callee -> callee
+ | None -> raise (Error "unknown function referenced")
+ in
+ let params = params callee in
+ (* If argument mismatch error. *)
+ if Array.length params == Array.length args then () else
+ raise (Error "incorrect # arguments passed");
+ let args = codegen_expr args in
+ build_call callee args "calltmp" builder
+let codegen_proto = function
+ | Ast.Prototype (name, args) ->
+ (* Make the function type: double(double,double) etc. *)
+ let doubles = Array.make (Array.length args) double_type in
+ let ft = function_type double_type doubles in
+ let f =
+ match lookup_function name the_module with
+ | None -> declare_function name ft the_module
+ (* If 'f' conflicted, there was already something named 'name'. If it
+ * has a body, don't allow redefinition or reextern. *)
+ | Some f ->
+ (* If 'f' already has a body, reject this. *)
+ if block_begin f <> At_end f then
+ raise (Error "redefinition of function");
+ (* If 'f' took a different number of arguments, reject. *)
+ if element_type (type_of f) <> ft then
+ raise (Error "redefinition of function with different # args");
+ f
+ in
+ (* Set names for all arguments. *)
+ Array.iteri (fun i a ->
+ let n = args.(i) in
+ set_value_name n a;
+ Hashtbl.add named_values n a;
+ ) (params f);
+ f
+let codegen_func = function
+ | Ast.Function (proto, body) ->
+ Hashtbl.clear named_values;
+ let the_function = codegen_proto proto in
+ (* Create a new basic block to start insertion into. *)
+ let bb = append_block context "entry" the_function in
+ position_at_end bb builder;
+ try
+ let ret_val = codegen_expr body in
+ (* Finish off the function. *)
+ let _ = build_ret ret_val builder in
+ (* Validate the generated code, checking for consistency. *)
+ Llvm_analysis.assert_valid_function the_function;
+ the_function
+ with e ->
+ delete_function the_function;
+ raise e
diff --git a/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter3/ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter3/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22a9155
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter3/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ * Lexer
+ *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+let rec lex = parser
+ (* Skip any whitespace. *)
+ | [< ' (' ' | '\n' | '\r' | '\t'); stream >] -> lex stream
+ (* identifier: [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9] *)
+ | [< ' ('A' .. 'Z' | 'a' .. 'z' as c); stream >] ->
+ let buffer = Buffer.create 1 in
+ Buffer.add_char buffer c;
+ lex_ident buffer stream
+ (* number: [0-9.]+ *)
+ | [< ' ('0' .. '9' as c); stream >] ->
+ let buffer = Buffer.create 1 in
+ Buffer.add_char buffer c;
+ lex_number buffer stream
+ (* Comment until end of line. *)
+ | [< ' ('#'); stream >] ->
+ lex_comment stream
+ (* Otherwise, just return the character as its ascii value. *)
+ | [< 'c; stream >] ->
+ [< 'Token.Kwd c; lex stream >]
+ (* end of stream. *)
+ | [< >] -> [< >]
+and lex_number buffer = parser
+ | [< ' ('0' .. '9' | '.' as c); stream >] ->
+ Buffer.add_char buffer c;
+ lex_number buffer stream
+ | [< stream=lex >] ->
+ [< 'Token.Number (float_of_string (Buffer.contents buffer)); stream >]
+and lex_ident buffer = parser
+ | [< ' ('A' .. 'Z' | 'a' .. 'z' | '0' .. '9' as c); stream >] ->
+ Buffer.add_char buffer c;
+ lex_ident buffer stream
+ | [< stream=lex >] ->
+ match Buffer.contents buffer with
+ | "def" -> [< 'Token.Def; stream >]
+ | "extern" -> [< 'Token.Extern; stream >]
+ | id -> [< 'Token.Ident id; stream >]
+and lex_comment = parser
+ | [< ' ('\n'); stream=lex >] -> stream
+ | [< 'c; e=lex_comment >] -> e
+ | [< >] -> [< >]
diff --git a/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter3/ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter3/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b71f5d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter3/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+open Ocamlbuild_plugin;;
+ocaml_lib ~extern:true "llvm";;
+ocaml_lib ~extern:true "llvm_analysis";;
+flag ["link"; "ocaml"; "g++"] (S[A"-cc"; A"g++"]);;
diff --git a/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter3/ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter3/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83d9874
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter3/
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+ * Parser
+ *===---------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+(* binop_precedence - This holds the precedence for each binary operator that is
+ * defined *)
+let binop_precedence:(char, int) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 10
+(* precedence - Get the precedence of the pending binary operator token. *)
+let precedence c = try Hashtbl.find binop_precedence c with Not_found -> -1
+(* primary
+ * ::= identifier
+ * ::= numberexpr
+ * ::= parenexpr *)
+let rec parse_primary = parser
+ (* numberexpr ::= number *)
+ | [< 'Token.Number n >] -> Ast.Number n
+ (* parenexpr ::= '(' expression ')' *)
+ | [< 'Token.Kwd '('; e=parse_expr; 'Token.Kwd ')' ?? "expected ')'" >] -> e
+ (* identifierexpr
+ * ::= identifier
+ * ::= identifier '(' argumentexpr ')' *)
+ | [< 'Token.Ident id; stream >] ->
+ let rec parse_args accumulator = parser
+ | [< e=parse_expr; stream >] ->
+ begin parser
+ | [< 'Token.Kwd ','; e=parse_args (e :: accumulator) >] -> e
+ | [< >] -> e :: accumulator
+ end stream
+ | [< >] -> accumulator
+ in
+ let rec parse_ident id = parser
+ (* Call. *)
+ | [< 'Token.Kwd '(';
+ args=parse_args [];
+ 'Token.Kwd ')' ?? "expected ')'">] ->
+ Ast.Call (id, Array.of_list (List.rev args))
+ (* Simple variable ref. *)
+ | [< >] -> Ast.Variable id
+ in
+ parse_ident id stream
+ | [< >] -> raise (Stream.Error "unknown token when expecting an expression.")
+(* binoprhs
+ * ::= ('+' primary)* *)
+and parse_bin_rhs expr_prec lhs stream =
+ match Stream.peek stream with
+ (* If this is a binop, find its precedence. *)
+ | Some (Token.Kwd c) when Hashtbl.mem binop_precedence c ->
+ let token_prec = precedence c in
+ (* If this is a binop that binds at least as tightly as the current binop,
+ * consume it, otherwise we are done. *)
+ if token_prec < expr_prec then lhs else begin
+ (* Eat the binop. *)
+ Stream.junk stream;
+ (* Parse the primary expression after the binary operator. *)
+ let rhs = parse_primary stream in
+ (* Okay, we know this is a binop. *)
+ let rhs =
+ match Stream.peek stream with
+ | Some (Token.Kwd c2) ->
+ (* If BinOp binds less tightly with rhs than the operator after
+ * rhs, let the pending operator take rhs as its lhs. *)
+ let next_prec = precedence c2 in
+ if token_prec < next_prec
+ then parse_bin_rhs (token_prec + 1) rhs stream
+ else rhs
+ | _ -> rhs
+ in
+ (* Merge lhs/rhs. *)
+ let lhs = Ast.Binary (c, lhs, rhs) in
+ parse_bin_rhs expr_prec lhs stream
+ end
+ | _ -> lhs
+(* expression
+ * ::= primary binoprhs *)
+and parse_expr = parser
+ | [< lhs=parse_primary; stream >] -> parse_bin_rhs 0 lhs stream
+(* prototype
+ * ::= id '(' id* ')' *)
+let parse_prototype =
+ let rec parse_args accumulator = parser
+ | [< 'Token.Ident id; e=parse_args (id::accumulator) >] -> e
+ | [< >] -> accumulator
+ in
+ parser
+ | [< 'Token.Ident id;
+ 'Token.Kwd '(' ?? "expected '(' in prototype";
+ args=parse_args [];
+ 'Token.Kwd ')' ?? "expected ')' in prototype" >] ->
+ (* success. *)
+ Ast.Prototype (id, Array.of_list (List.rev args))
+ | [< >] ->
+ raise (Stream.Error "expected function name in prototype")
+(* definition ::= 'def' prototype expression *)
+let parse_definition = parser
+ | [< 'Token.Def; p=parse_prototype; e=parse_expr >] ->
+ Ast.Function (p, e)
+(* toplevelexpr ::= expression *)
+let parse_toplevel = parser
+ | [< e=parse_expr >] ->
+ (* Make an anonymous proto. *)
+ Ast.Function (Ast.Prototype ("", [||]), e)
+(* external ::= 'extern' prototype *)
+let parse_extern = parser
+ | [< 'Token.Extern; e=parse_prototype >] -> e
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ca782e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter3/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ * Lexer Tokens
+ *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+(* The lexer returns these 'Kwd' if it is an unknown character, otherwise one of
+ * these others for known things. *)
+type token =
+ (* commands *)
+ | Def | Extern
+ (* primary *)
+ | Ident of string | Number of float
+ (* unknown *)
+ | Kwd of char
diff --git a/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter3/ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter3/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1bf5d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter3/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ * Top-Level parsing and JIT Driver
+ *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+open Llvm
+(* top ::= definition | external | expression | ';' *)
+let rec main_loop stream =
+ match Stream.peek stream with
+ | None -> ()
+ (* ignore top-level semicolons. *)
+ | Some (Token.Kwd ';') ->
+ Stream.junk stream;
+ main_loop stream
+ | Some token ->
+ begin
+ try match token with
+ | Token.Def ->
+ let e = Parser.parse_definition stream in
+ print_endline "parsed a function definition.";
+ dump_value (Codegen.codegen_func e);
+ | Token.Extern ->
+ let e = Parser.parse_extern stream in
+ print_endline "parsed an extern.";
+ dump_value (Codegen.codegen_proto e);
+ | _ ->
+ (* Evaluate a top-level expression into an anonymous function. *)
+ let e = Parser.parse_toplevel stream in
+ print_endline "parsed a top-level expr";
+ dump_value (Codegen.codegen_func e);
+ with Stream.Error s | Codegen.Error s ->
+ (* Skip token for error recovery. *)
+ Stream.junk stream;
+ print_endline s;
+ end;
+ print_string "ready> "; flush stdout;
+ main_loop stream
diff --git a/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter3/ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter3/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73c1a1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter3/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ * Main driver code.
+ *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+open Llvm
+let main () =
+ (* Install standard binary operators.
+ * 1 is the lowest precedence. *)
+ Hashtbl.add Parser.binop_precedence '<' 10;
+ Hashtbl.add Parser.binop_precedence '+' 20;
+ Hashtbl.add Parser.binop_precedence '-' 20;
+ Hashtbl.add Parser.binop_precedence '*' 40; (* highest. *)
+ (* Prime the first token. *)
+ print_string "ready> "; flush stdout;
+ let stream = Lexer.lex (Stream.of_channel stdin) in
+ (* Run the main "interpreter loop" now. *)
+ Toplevel.main_loop stream;
+ (* Print out all the generated code. *)
+ dump_module Codegen.the_module
+main ()
diff --git a/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter4/Makefile b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter4/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9c3f49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter4/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+##===- examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter4/Makefile -------*- Makefile -*-===##
+# The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+# This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+# License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+# This is the makefile for the Objective Caml kaleidoscope tutorial, chapter 4.
+LEVEL := ../../..
+TOOLNAME := OCaml-Kaleidoscope-Ch4
+UsedComponents := core
+UsedOcamLibs := llvm llvm_analysis llvm_executionengine llvm_target \
+ llvm_scalar_opts
+OCAMLCFLAGS += -pp camlp4of
+ExcludeSources = $(PROJ_SRC_DIR)/
+include $(LEVEL)/bindings/ocaml/Makefile.ocaml
diff --git a/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter4/_tags b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter4/_tags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a03dba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter4/_tags
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<{lexer,parser}.ml>: use_camlp4, pp(camlp4of)
+<*.{byte,native}>: g++, use_llvm, use_llvm_analysis
+<*.{byte,native}>: use_llvm_executionengine, use_llvm_target
+<*.{byte,native}>: use_llvm_scalar_opts, use_bindings
diff --git a/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter4/ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter4/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4cc2dea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter4/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ * Abstract Syntax Tree (aka Parse Tree)
+ *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+(* expr - Base type for all expression nodes. *)
+type expr =
+ (* variant for numeric literals like "1.0". *)
+ | Number of float
+ (* variant for referencing a variable, like "a". *)
+ | Variable of string
+ (* variant for a binary operator. *)
+ | Binary of char * expr * expr
+ (* variant for function calls. *)
+ | Call of string * expr array
+(* proto - This type represents the "prototype" for a function, which captures
+ * its name, and its argument names (thus implicitly the number of arguments the
+ * function takes). *)
+type proto = Prototype of string * string array
+(* func - This type represents a function definition itself. *)
+type func = Function of proto * expr
diff --git a/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter4/bindings.c b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter4/bindings.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..053513b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter4/bindings.c
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+/* putchard - putchar that takes a double and returns 0. */
+extern double putchard(double X) {
+ putchar((char)X);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter4/ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter4/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69d0928
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter4/
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+ * Code Generation
+ *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+open Llvm
+exception Error of string
+let context = global_context ()
+let the_module = create_module context "my cool jit"
+let builder = builder context
+let named_values:(string, llvalue) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 10
+let double_type = double_type context
+let rec codegen_expr = function
+ | Ast.Number n -> const_float double_type n
+ | Ast.Variable name ->
+ (try Hashtbl.find named_values name with
+ | Not_found -> raise (Error "unknown variable name"))
+ | Ast.Binary (op, lhs, rhs) ->
+ let lhs_val = codegen_expr lhs in
+ let rhs_val = codegen_expr rhs in
+ begin
+ match op with
+ | '+' -> build_add lhs_val rhs_val "addtmp" builder
+ | '-' -> build_sub lhs_val rhs_val "subtmp" builder
+ | '*' -> build_mul lhs_val rhs_val "multmp" builder
+ | '<' ->
+ (* Convert bool 0/1 to double 0.0 or 1.0 *)
+ let i = build_fcmp Fcmp.Ult lhs_val rhs_val "cmptmp" builder in
+ build_uitofp i double_type "booltmp" builder
+ | _ -> raise (Error "invalid binary operator")
+ end
+ | Ast.Call (callee, args) ->
+ (* Look up the name in the module table. *)
+ let callee =
+ match lookup_function callee the_module with
+ | Some callee -> callee
+ | None -> raise (Error "unknown function referenced")
+ in
+ let params = params callee in
+ (* If argument mismatch error. *)
+ if Array.length params == Array.length args then () else
+ raise (Error "incorrect # arguments passed");
+ let args = codegen_expr args in
+ build_call callee args "calltmp" builder
+let codegen_proto = function
+ | Ast.Prototype (name, args) ->
+ (* Make the function type: double(double,double) etc. *)
+ let doubles = Array.make (Array.length args) double_type in
+ let ft = function_type double_type doubles in
+ let f =
+ match lookup_function name the_module with
+ | None -> declare_function name ft the_module
+ (* If 'f' conflicted, there was already something named 'name'. If it
+ * has a body, don't allow redefinition or reextern. *)
+ | Some f ->
+ (* If 'f' already has a body, reject this. *)
+ if block_begin f <> At_end f then
+ raise (Error "redefinition of function");
+ (* If 'f' took a different number of arguments, reject. *)
+ if element_type (type_of f) <> ft then
+ raise (Error "redefinition of function with different # args");
+ f
+ in
+ (* Set names for all arguments. *)
+ Array.iteri (fun i a ->
+ let n = args.(i) in
+ set_value_name n a;
+ Hashtbl.add named_values n a;
+ ) (params f);
+ f
+let codegen_func the_fpm = function
+ | Ast.Function (proto, body) ->
+ Hashtbl.clear named_values;
+ let the_function = codegen_proto proto in
+ (* Create a new basic block to start insertion into. *)
+ let bb = append_block context "entry" the_function in
+ position_at_end bb builder;
+ try
+ let ret_val = codegen_expr body in
+ (* Finish off the function. *)
+ let _ = build_ret ret_val builder in
+ (* Validate the generated code, checking for consistency. *)
+ Llvm_analysis.assert_valid_function the_function;
+ (* Optimize the function. *)
+ let _ = PassManager.run_function the_function the_fpm in
+ the_function
+ with e ->
+ delete_function the_function;
+ raise e
diff --git a/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter4/ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter4/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22a9155
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter4/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ * Lexer
+ *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+let rec lex = parser
+ (* Skip any whitespace. *)
+ | [< ' (' ' | '\n' | '\r' | '\t'); stream >] -> lex stream
+ (* identifier: [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9] *)
+ | [< ' ('A' .. 'Z' | 'a' .. 'z' as c); stream >] ->
+ let buffer = Buffer.create 1 in
+ Buffer.add_char buffer c;
+ lex_ident buffer stream
+ (* number: [0-9.]+ *)
+ | [< ' ('0' .. '9' as c); stream >] ->
+ let buffer = Buffer.create 1 in
+ Buffer.add_char buffer c;
+ lex_number buffer stream
+ (* Comment until end of line. *)
+ | [< ' ('#'); stream >] ->
+ lex_comment stream
+ (* Otherwise, just return the character as its ascii value. *)
+ | [< 'c; stream >] ->
+ [< 'Token.Kwd c; lex stream >]
+ (* end of stream. *)
+ | [< >] -> [< >]
+and lex_number buffer = parser
+ | [< ' ('0' .. '9' | '.' as c); stream >] ->
+ Buffer.add_char buffer c;
+ lex_number buffer stream
+ | [< stream=lex >] ->
+ [< 'Token.Number (float_of_string (Buffer.contents buffer)); stream >]
+and lex_ident buffer = parser
+ | [< ' ('A' .. 'Z' | 'a' .. 'z' | '0' .. '9' as c); stream >] ->
+ Buffer.add_char buffer c;
+ lex_ident buffer stream
+ | [< stream=lex >] ->
+ match Buffer.contents buffer with
+ | "def" -> [< 'Token.Def; stream >]
+ | "extern" -> [< 'Token.Extern; stream >]
+ | id -> [< 'Token.Ident id; stream >]
+and lex_comment = parser
+ | [< ' ('\n'); stream=lex >] -> stream
+ | [< 'c; e=lex_comment >] -> e
+ | [< >] -> [< >]
diff --git a/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter4/ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter4/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff42664
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter4/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+open Ocamlbuild_plugin;;
+ocaml_lib ~extern:true "llvm";;
+ocaml_lib ~extern:true "llvm_analysis";;
+ocaml_lib ~extern:true "llvm_executionengine";;
+ocaml_lib ~extern:true "llvm_target";;
+ocaml_lib ~extern:true "llvm_scalar_opts";;
+flag ["link"; "ocaml"; "g++"] (S[A"-cc"; A"g++"]);;
+dep ["link"; "ocaml"; "use_bindings"] ["bindings.o"];;
diff --git a/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter4/ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter4/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83d9874
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter4/
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+ * Parser
+ *===---------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+(* binop_precedence - This holds the precedence for each binary operator that is
+ * defined *)
+let binop_precedence:(char, int) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 10
+(* precedence - Get the precedence of the pending binary operator token. *)
+let precedence c = try Hashtbl.find binop_precedence c with Not_found -> -1
+(* primary
+ * ::= identifier
+ * ::= numberexpr
+ * ::= parenexpr *)
+let rec parse_primary = parser
+ (* numberexpr ::= number *)
+ | [< 'Token.Number n >] -> Ast.Number n
+ (* parenexpr ::= '(' expression ')' *)
+ | [< 'Token.Kwd '('; e=parse_expr; 'Token.Kwd ')' ?? "expected ')'" >] -> e
+ (* identifierexpr
+ * ::= identifier
+ * ::= identifier '(' argumentexpr ')' *)
+ | [< 'Token.Ident id; stream >] ->
+ let rec parse_args accumulator = parser
+ | [< e=parse_expr; stream >] ->
+ begin parser
+ | [< 'Token.Kwd ','; e=parse_args (e :: accumulator) >] -> e
+ | [< >] -> e :: accumulator
+ end stream
+ | [< >] -> accumulator
+ in
+ let rec parse_ident id = parser
+ (* Call. *)
+ | [< 'Token.Kwd '(';
+ args=parse_args [];
+ 'Token.Kwd ')' ?? "expected ')'">] ->
+ Ast.Call (id, Array.of_list (List.rev args))
+ (* Simple variable ref. *)
+ | [< >] -> Ast.Variable id
+ in
+ parse_ident id stream
+ | [< >] -> raise (Stream.Error "unknown token when expecting an expression.")
+(* binoprhs
+ * ::= ('+' primary)* *)
+and parse_bin_rhs expr_prec lhs stream =
+ match Stream.peek stream with
+ (* If this is a binop, find its precedence. *)
+ | Some (Token.Kwd c) when Hashtbl.mem binop_precedence c ->
+ let token_prec = precedence c in
+ (* If this is a binop that binds at least as tightly as the current binop,
+ * consume it, otherwise we are done. *)
+ if token_prec < expr_prec then lhs else begin
+ (* Eat the binop. *)
+ Stream.junk stream;
+ (* Parse the primary expression after the binary operator. *)
+ let rhs = parse_primary stream in
+ (* Okay, we know this is a binop. *)
+ let rhs =
+ match Stream.peek stream with
+ | Some (Token.Kwd c2) ->
+ (* If BinOp binds less tightly with rhs than the operator after
+ * rhs, let the pending operator take rhs as its lhs. *)
+ let next_prec = precedence c2 in
+ if token_prec < next_prec
+ then parse_bin_rhs (token_prec + 1) rhs stream
+ else rhs
+ | _ -> rhs
+ in
+ (* Merge lhs/rhs. *)
+ let lhs = Ast.Binary (c, lhs, rhs) in
+ parse_bin_rhs expr_prec lhs stream
+ end
+ | _ -> lhs
+(* expression
+ * ::= primary binoprhs *)
+and parse_expr = parser
+ | [< lhs=parse_primary; stream >] -> parse_bin_rhs 0 lhs stream
+(* prototype
+ * ::= id '(' id* ')' *)
+let parse_prototype =
+ let rec parse_args accumulator = parser
+ | [< 'Token.Ident id; e=parse_args (id::accumulator) >] -> e
+ | [< >] -> accumulator
+ in
+ parser
+ | [< 'Token.Ident id;
+ 'Token.Kwd '(' ?? "expected '(' in prototype";
+ args=parse_args [];
+ 'Token.Kwd ')' ?? "expected ')' in prototype" >] ->
+ (* success. *)
+ Ast.Prototype (id, Array.of_list (List.rev args))
+ | [< >] ->
+ raise (Stream.Error "expected function name in prototype")
+(* definition ::= 'def' prototype expression *)
+let parse_definition = parser
+ | [< 'Token.Def; p=parse_prototype; e=parse_expr >] ->
+ Ast.Function (p, e)
+(* toplevelexpr ::= expression *)
+let parse_toplevel = parser
+ | [< e=parse_expr >] ->
+ (* Make an anonymous proto. *)
+ Ast.Function (Ast.Prototype ("", [||]), e)
+(* external ::= 'extern' prototype *)
+let parse_extern = parser
+ | [< 'Token.Extern; e=parse_prototype >] -> e
diff --git a/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter4/ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter4/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ca782e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter4/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ * Lexer Tokens
+ *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+(* The lexer returns these 'Kwd' if it is an unknown character, otherwise one of
+ * these others for known things. *)
+type token =
+ (* commands *)
+ | Def | Extern
+ (* primary *)
+ | Ident of string | Number of float
+ (* unknown *)
+ | Kwd of char
diff --git a/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter4/ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter4/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01d24ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter4/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ * Top-Level parsing and JIT Driver
+ *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+open Llvm
+open Llvm_executionengine
+(* top ::= definition | external | expression | ';' *)
+let rec main_loop the_fpm the_execution_engine stream =
+ match Stream.peek stream with
+ | None -> ()
+ (* ignore top-level semicolons. *)
+ | Some (Token.Kwd ';') ->
+ Stream.junk stream;
+ main_loop the_fpm the_execution_engine stream
+ | Some token ->
+ begin
+ try match token with
+ | Token.Def ->
+ let e = Parser.parse_definition stream in
+ print_endline "parsed a function definition.";
+ dump_value (Codegen.codegen_func the_fpm e);
+ | Token.Extern ->
+ let e = Parser.parse_extern stream in
+ print_endline "parsed an extern.";
+ dump_value (Codegen.codegen_proto e);
+ | _ ->
+ (* Evaluate a top-level expression into an anonymous function. *)
+ let e = Parser.parse_toplevel stream in
+ print_endline "parsed a top-level expr";
+ let the_function = Codegen.codegen_func the_fpm e in
+ dump_value the_function;
+ (* JIT the function, returning a function pointer. *)
+ let result = ExecutionEngine.run_function the_function [||]
+ the_execution_engine in
+ print_string "Evaluated to ";
+ print_float (GenericValue.as_float Codegen.double_type result);
+ print_newline ();
+ with Stream.Error s | Codegen.Error s ->
+ (* Skip token for error recovery. *)
+ Stream.junk stream;
+ print_endline s;
+ end;
+ print_string "ready> "; flush stdout;
+ main_loop the_fpm the_execution_engine stream
diff --git a/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter4/ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter4/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f9d912
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter4/
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+ * Main driver code.
+ *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+open Llvm
+open Llvm_executionengine
+open Llvm_target
+open Llvm_scalar_opts
+let main () =
+ ignore (initialize_native_target ());
+ (* Install standard binary operators.
+ * 1 is the lowest precedence. *)
+ Hashtbl.add Parser.binop_precedence '<' 10;
+ Hashtbl.add Parser.binop_precedence '+' 20;
+ Hashtbl.add Parser.binop_precedence '-' 20;
+ Hashtbl.add Parser.binop_precedence '*' 40; (* highest. *)
+ (* Prime the first token. *)
+ print_string "ready> "; flush stdout;
+ let stream = Lexer.lex (Stream.of_channel stdin) in
+ (* Create the JIT. *)
+ let the_execution_engine = ExecutionEngine.create Codegen.the_module in
+ let the_fpm = PassManager.create_function Codegen.the_module in
+ (* Set up the optimizer pipeline. Start with registering info about how the
+ * target lays out data structures. *)
+ TargetData.add (ExecutionEngine.target_data the_execution_engine) the_fpm;
+ (* Do simple "peephole" optimizations and bit-twiddling optzn. *)
+ add_instruction_combination the_fpm;
+ (* reassociate expressions. *)
+ add_reassociation the_fpm;
+ (* Eliminate Common SubExpressions. *)
+ add_gvn the_fpm;
+ (* Simplify the control flow graph (deleting unreachable blocks, etc). *)
+ add_cfg_simplification the_fpm;
+ ignore (PassManager.initialize the_fpm);
+ (* Run the main "interpreter loop" now. *)
+ Toplevel.main_loop the_fpm the_execution_engine stream;
+ (* Print out all the generated code. *)
+ dump_module Codegen.the_module
+main ()
diff --git a/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter5/Makefile b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter5/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f31c10d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter5/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+##===- examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter5/Makefile -------*- Makefile -*-===##
+# The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+# This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+# License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+# This is the makefile for the Objective Caml kaleidoscope tutorial, chapter 5.
+LEVEL := ../../..
+TOOLNAME := OCaml-Kaleidoscope-Ch5
+UsedComponents := core
+UsedOcamLibs := llvm llvm_analysis llvm_executionengine llvm_target \
+ llvm_scalar_opts
+OCAMLCFLAGS += -pp camlp4of
+ExcludeSources = $(PROJ_SRC_DIR)/
+include $(LEVEL)/bindings/ocaml/Makefile.ocaml
diff --git a/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter5/_tags b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter5/_tags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a03dba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter5/_tags
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<{lexer,parser}.ml>: use_camlp4, pp(camlp4of)
+<*.{byte,native}>: g++, use_llvm, use_llvm_analysis
+<*.{byte,native}>: use_llvm_executionengine, use_llvm_target
+<*.{byte,native}>: use_llvm_scalar_opts, use_bindings
diff --git a/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter5/ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter5/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a6703d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter5/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ * Abstract Syntax Tree (aka Parse Tree)
+ *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+(* expr - Base type for all expression nodes. *)
+type expr =
+ (* variant for numeric literals like "1.0". *)
+ | Number of float
+ (* variant for referencing a variable, like "a". *)
+ | Variable of string
+ (* variant for a binary operator. *)
+ | Binary of char * expr * expr
+ (* variant for function calls. *)
+ | Call of string * expr array
+ (* variant for if/then/else. *)
+ | If of expr * expr * expr
+ (* variant for for/in. *)
+ | For of string * expr * expr * expr option * expr
+(* proto - This type represents the "prototype" for a function, which captures
+ * its name, and its argument names (thus implicitly the number of arguments the
+ * function takes). *)
+type proto = Prototype of string * string array
+(* func - This type represents a function definition itself. *)
+type func = Function of proto * expr
diff --git a/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter5/bindings.c b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter5/bindings.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..053513b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter5/bindings.c
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+/* putchard - putchar that takes a double and returns 0. */
+extern double putchard(double X) {
+ putchar((char)X);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter5/ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter5/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0db2d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter5/
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+ * Code Generation
+ *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+open Llvm
+exception Error of string
+let context = global_context ()
+let the_module = create_module context "my cool jit"
+let builder = builder context
+let named_values:(string, llvalue) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 10
+let double_type = double_type context
+let rec codegen_expr = function
+ | Ast.Number n -> const_float double_type n
+ | Ast.Variable name ->
+ (try Hashtbl.find named_values name with
+ | Not_found -> raise (Error "unknown variable name"))
+ | Ast.Binary (op, lhs, rhs) ->
+ let lhs_val = codegen_expr lhs in
+ let rhs_val = codegen_expr rhs in
+ begin
+ match op with
+ | '+' -> build_add lhs_val rhs_val "addtmp" builder
+ | '-' -> build_sub lhs_val rhs_val "subtmp" builder
+ | '*' -> build_mul lhs_val rhs_val "multmp" builder
+ | '<' ->
+ (* Convert bool 0/1 to double 0.0 or 1.0 *)
+ let i = build_fcmp Fcmp.Ult lhs_val rhs_val "cmptmp" builder in
+ build_uitofp i double_type "booltmp" builder
+ | _ -> raise (Error "invalid binary operator")
+ end
+ | Ast.Call (callee, args) ->
+ (* Look up the name in the module table. *)
+ let callee =
+ match lookup_function callee the_module with
+ | Some callee -> callee
+ | None -> raise (Error "unknown function referenced")
+ in
+ let params = params callee in
+ (* If argument mismatch error. *)
+ if Array.length params == Array.length args then () else
+ raise (Error "incorrect # arguments passed");
+ let args = codegen_expr args in
+ build_call callee args "calltmp" builder
+ | Ast.If (cond, then_, else_) ->
+ let cond = codegen_expr cond in
+ (* Convert condition to a bool by comparing equal to 0.0 *)
+ let zero = const_float double_type 0.0 in
+ let cond_val = build_fcmp Fcmp.One cond zero "ifcond" builder in
+ (* Grab the first block so that we might later add the conditional branch
+ * to it at the end of the function. *)
+ let start_bb = insertion_block builder in
+ let the_function = block_parent start_bb in
+ let then_bb = append_block context "then" the_function in
+ (* Emit 'then' value. *)
+ position_at_end then_bb builder;
+ let then_val = codegen_expr then_ in
+ (* Codegen of 'then' can change the current block, update then_bb for the
+ * phi. We create a new name because one is used for the phi node, and the
+ * other is used for the conditional branch. *)
+ let new_then_bb = insertion_block builder in
+ (* Emit 'else' value. *)
+ let else_bb = append_block context "else" the_function in
+ position_at_end else_bb builder;
+ let else_val = codegen_expr else_ in
+ (* Codegen of 'else' can change the current block, update else_bb for the
+ * phi. *)
+ let new_else_bb = insertion_block builder in
+ (* Emit merge block. *)
+ let merge_bb = append_block context "ifcont" the_function in
+ position_at_end merge_bb builder;
+ let incoming = [(then_val, new_then_bb); (else_val, new_else_bb)] in
+ let phi = build_phi incoming "iftmp" builder in
+ (* Return to the start block to add the conditional branch. *)
+ position_at_end start_bb builder;
+ ignore (build_cond_br cond_val then_bb else_bb builder);
+ (* Set a unconditional branch at the end of the 'then' block and the
+ * 'else' block to the 'merge' block. *)
+ position_at_end new_then_bb builder; ignore (build_br merge_bb builder);
+ position_at_end new_else_bb builder; ignore (build_br merge_bb builder);
+ (* Finally, set the builder to the end of the merge block. *)
+ position_at_end merge_bb builder;
+ phi
+ | Ast.For (var_name, start, end_, step, body) ->
+ (* Emit the start code first, without 'variable' in scope. *)
+ let start_val = codegen_expr start in
+ (* Make the new basic block for the loop header, inserting after current
+ * block. *)
+ let preheader_bb = insertion_block builder in
+ let the_function = block_parent preheader_bb in
+ let loop_bb = append_block context "loop" the_function in
+ (* Insert an explicit fall through from the current block to the
+ * loop_bb. *)
+ ignore (build_br loop_bb builder);
+ (* Start insertion in loop_bb. *)
+ position_at_end loop_bb builder;
+ (* Start the PHI node with an entry for start. *)
+ let variable = build_phi [(start_val, preheader_bb)] var_name builder in
+ (* Within the loop, the variable is defined equal to the PHI node. If it
+ * shadows an existing variable, we have to restore it, so save it
+ * now. *)
+ let old_val =
+ try Some (Hashtbl.find named_values var_name) with Not_found -> None
+ in
+ Hashtbl.add named_values var_name variable;
+ (* Emit the body of the loop. This, like any other expr, can change the
+ * current BB. Note that we ignore the value computed by the body, but
+ * don't allow an error *)
+ ignore (codegen_expr body);
+ (* Emit the step value. *)
+ let step_val =
+ match step with
+ | Some step -> codegen_expr step
+ (* If not specified, use 1.0. *)
+ | None -> const_float double_type 1.0
+ in
+ let next_var = build_add variable step_val "nextvar" builder in
+ (* Compute the end condition. *)
+ let end_cond = codegen_expr end_ in
+ (* Convert condition to a bool by comparing equal to 0.0. *)
+ let zero = const_float double_type 0.0 in
+ let end_cond = build_fcmp Fcmp.One end_cond zero "loopcond" builder in
+ (* Create the "after loop" block and insert it. *)
+ let loop_end_bb = insertion_block builder in
+ let after_bb = append_block context "afterloop" the_function in
+ (* Insert the conditional branch into the end of loop_end_bb. *)
+ ignore (build_cond_br end_cond loop_bb after_bb builder);
+ (* Any new code will be inserted in after_bb. *)
+ position_at_end after_bb builder;
+ (* Add a new entry to the PHI node for the backedge. *)
+ add_incoming (next_var, loop_end_bb) variable;
+ (* Restore the unshadowed variable. *)
+ begin match old_val with
+ | Some old_val -> Hashtbl.add named_values var_name old_val
+ | None -> ()
+ end;
+ (* for expr always returns 0.0. *)
+ const_null double_type
+let codegen_proto = function
+ | Ast.Prototype (name, args) ->
+ (* Make the function type: double(double,double) etc. *)
+ let doubles = Array.make (Array.length args) double_type in
+ let ft = function_type double_type doubles in
+ let f =
+ match lookup_function name the_module with
+ | None -> declare_function name ft the_module
+ (* If 'f' conflicted, there was already something named 'name'. If it
+ * has a body, don't allow redefinition or reextern. *)
+ | Some f ->
+ (* If 'f' already has a body, reject this. *)
+ if block_begin f <> At_end f then
+ raise (Error "redefinition of function");
+ (* If 'f' took a different number of arguments, reject. *)
+ if element_type (type_of f) <> ft then
+ raise (Error "redefinition of function with different # args");
+ f
+ in
+ (* Set names for all arguments. *)
+ Array.iteri (fun i a ->
+ let n = args.(i) in
+ set_value_name n a;
+ Hashtbl.add named_values n a;
+ ) (params f);
+ f
+let codegen_func the_fpm = function
+ | Ast.Function (proto, body) ->
+ Hashtbl.clear named_values;
+ let the_function = codegen_proto proto in
+ (* Create a new basic block to start insertion into. *)
+ let bb = append_block context "entry" the_function in
+ position_at_end bb builder;
+ try
+ let ret_val = codegen_expr body in
+ (* Finish off the function. *)
+ let _ = build_ret ret_val builder in
+ (* Validate the generated code, checking for consistency. *)
+ Llvm_analysis.assert_valid_function the_function;
+ (* Optimize the function. *)
+ let _ = PassManager.run_function the_function the_fpm in
+ the_function
+ with e ->
+ delete_function the_function;
+ raise e
diff --git a/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter5/ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter5/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8c1d56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter5/
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+ * Lexer
+ *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+let rec lex = parser
+ (* Skip any whitespace. *)
+ | [< ' (' ' | '\n' | '\r' | '\t'); stream >] -> lex stream
+ (* identifier: [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9] *)
+ | [< ' ('A' .. 'Z' | 'a' .. 'z' as c); stream >] ->
+ let buffer = Buffer.create 1 in
+ Buffer.add_char buffer c;
+ lex_ident buffer stream
+ (* number: [0-9.]+ *)
+ | [< ' ('0' .. '9' as c); stream >] ->
+ let buffer = Buffer.create 1 in
+ Buffer.add_char buffer c;
+ lex_number buffer stream
+ (* Comment until end of line. *)
+ | [< ' ('#'); stream >] ->
+ lex_comment stream
+ (* Otherwise, just return the character as its ascii value. *)
+ | [< 'c; stream >] ->
+ [< 'Token.Kwd c; lex stream >]
+ (* end of stream. *)
+ | [< >] -> [< >]
+and lex_number buffer = parser
+ | [< ' ('0' .. '9' | '.' as c); stream >] ->
+ Buffer.add_char buffer c;
+ lex_number buffer stream
+ | [< stream=lex >] ->
+ [< 'Token.Number (float_of_string (Buffer.contents buffer)); stream >]
+and lex_ident buffer = parser
+ | [< ' ('A' .. 'Z' | 'a' .. 'z' | '0' .. '9' as c); stream >] ->
+ Buffer.add_char buffer c;
+ lex_ident buffer stream
+ | [< stream=lex >] ->
+ match Buffer.contents buffer with
+ | "def" -> [< 'Token.Def; stream >]
+ | "extern" -> [< 'Token.Extern; stream >]
+ | "if" -> [< 'Token.If; stream >]
+ | "then" -> [< 'Token.Then; stream >]
+ | "else" -> [< 'Token.Else; stream >]
+ | "for" -> [< 'Token.For; stream >]
+ | "in" -> [< 'Token.In; stream >]
+ | id -> [< 'Token.Ident id; stream >]
+and lex_comment = parser
+ | [< ' ('\n'); stream=lex >] -> stream
+ | [< 'c; e=lex_comment >] -> e
+ | [< >] -> [< >]
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff42664
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter5/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+open Ocamlbuild_plugin;;
+ocaml_lib ~extern:true "llvm";;
+ocaml_lib ~extern:true "llvm_analysis";;
+ocaml_lib ~extern:true "llvm_executionengine";;
+ocaml_lib ~extern:true "llvm_target";;
+ocaml_lib ~extern:true "llvm_scalar_opts";;
+flag ["link"; "ocaml"; "g++"] (S[A"-cc"; A"g++"]);;
+dep ["link"; "ocaml"; "use_bindings"] ["bindings.o"];;
diff --git a/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter5/ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter5/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfb4f16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter5/
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+ * Parser
+ *===---------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+(* binop_precedence - This holds the precedence for each binary operator that is
+ * defined *)
+let binop_precedence:(char, int) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 10
+(* precedence - Get the precedence of the pending binary operator token. *)
+let precedence c = try Hashtbl.find binop_precedence c with Not_found -> -1
+(* primary
+ * ::= identifier
+ * ::= numberexpr
+ * ::= parenexpr
+ * ::= ifexpr
+ * ::= forexpr *)
+let rec parse_primary = parser
+ (* numberexpr ::= number *)
+ | [< 'Token.Number n >] -> Ast.Number n
+ (* parenexpr ::= '(' expression ')' *)
+ | [< 'Token.Kwd '('; e=parse_expr; 'Token.Kwd ')' ?? "expected ')'" >] -> e
+ (* identifierexpr
+ * ::= identifier
+ * ::= identifier '(' argumentexpr ')' *)
+ | [< 'Token.Ident id; stream >] ->
+ let rec parse_args accumulator = parser
+ | [< e=parse_expr; stream >] ->
+ begin parser
+ | [< 'Token.Kwd ','; e=parse_args (e :: accumulator) >] -> e
+ | [< >] -> e :: accumulator
+ end stream
+ | [< >] -> accumulator
+ in
+ let rec parse_ident id = parser
+ (* Call. *)
+ | [< 'Token.Kwd '(';
+ args=parse_args [];
+ 'Token.Kwd ')' ?? "expected ')'">] ->
+ Ast.Call (id, Array.of_list (List.rev args))
+ (* Simple variable ref. *)
+ | [< >] -> Ast.Variable id
+ in
+ parse_ident id stream
+ (* ifexpr ::= 'if' expr 'then' expr 'else' expr *)
+ | [< 'Token.If; c=parse_expr;
+ 'Token.Then ?? "expected 'then'"; t=parse_expr;
+ 'Token.Else ?? "expected 'else'"; e=parse_expr >] ->
+ Ast.If (c, t, e)
+ (* forexpr
+ ::= 'for' identifier '=' expr ',' expr (',' expr)? 'in' expression *)
+ | [< 'Token.For;
+ 'Token.Ident id ?? "expected identifier after for";
+ 'Token.Kwd '=' ?? "expected '=' after for";
+ stream >] ->
+ begin parser
+ | [<
+ start=parse_expr;
+ 'Token.Kwd ',' ?? "expected ',' after for";
+ end_=parse_expr;
+ stream >] ->
+ let step =
+ begin parser
+ | [< 'Token.Kwd ','; step=parse_expr >] -> Some step
+ | [< >] -> None
+ end stream
+ in
+ begin parser
+ | [< 'Token.In; body=parse_expr >] ->
+ Ast.For (id, start, end_, step, body)
+ | [< >] ->
+ raise (Stream.Error "expected 'in' after for")
+ end stream
+ | [< >] ->
+ raise (Stream.Error "expected '=' after for")
+ end stream
+ | [< >] -> raise (Stream.Error "unknown token when expecting an expression.")
+(* binoprhs
+ * ::= ('+' primary)* *)
+and parse_bin_rhs expr_prec lhs stream =
+ match Stream.peek stream with
+ (* If this is a binop, find its precedence. *)
+ | Some (Token.Kwd c) when Hashtbl.mem binop_precedence c ->
+ let token_prec = precedence c in
+ (* If this is a binop that binds at least as tightly as the current binop,
+ * consume it, otherwise we are done. *)
+ if token_prec < expr_prec then lhs else begin
+ (* Eat the binop. *)
+ Stream.junk stream;
+ (* Parse the primary expression after the binary operator. *)
+ let rhs = parse_primary stream in
+ (* Okay, we know this is a binop. *)
+ let rhs =
+ match Stream.peek stream with
+ | Some (Token.Kwd c2) ->
+ (* If BinOp binds less tightly with rhs than the operator after
+ * rhs, let the pending operator take rhs as its lhs. *)
+ let next_prec = precedence c2 in
+ if token_prec < next_prec
+ then parse_bin_rhs (token_prec + 1) rhs stream
+ else rhs
+ | _ -> rhs
+ in
+ (* Merge lhs/rhs. *)
+ let lhs = Ast.Binary (c, lhs, rhs) in
+ parse_bin_rhs expr_prec lhs stream
+ end
+ | _ -> lhs
+(* expression
+ * ::= primary binoprhs *)
+and parse_expr = parser
+ | [< lhs=parse_primary; stream >] -> parse_bin_rhs 0 lhs stream
+(* prototype
+ * ::= id '(' id* ')' *)
+let parse_prototype =
+ let rec parse_args accumulator = parser
+ | [< 'Token.Ident id; e=parse_args (id::accumulator) >] -> e
+ | [< >] -> accumulator
+ in
+ parser
+ | [< 'Token.Ident id;
+ 'Token.Kwd '(' ?? "expected '(' in prototype";
+ args=parse_args [];
+ 'Token.Kwd ')' ?? "expected ')' in prototype" >] ->
+ (* success. *)
+ Ast.Prototype (id, Array.of_list (List.rev args))
+ | [< >] ->
+ raise (Stream.Error "expected function name in prototype")
+(* definition ::= 'def' prototype expression *)
+let parse_definition = parser
+ | [< 'Token.Def; p=parse_prototype; e=parse_expr >] ->
+ Ast.Function (p, e)
+(* toplevelexpr ::= expression *)
+let parse_toplevel = parser
+ | [< e=parse_expr >] ->
+ (* Make an anonymous proto. *)
+ Ast.Function (Ast.Prototype ("", [||]), e)
+(* external ::= 'extern' prototype *)
+let parse_extern = parser
+ | [< 'Token.Extern; e=parse_prototype >] -> e
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5eb502f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter5/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ * Lexer Tokens
+ *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+(* The lexer returns these 'Kwd' if it is an unknown character, otherwise one of
+ * these others for known things. *)
+type token =
+ (* commands *)
+ | Def | Extern
+ (* primary *)
+ | Ident of string | Number of float
+ (* unknown *)
+ | Kwd of char
+ (* control *)
+ | If | Then | Else
+ | For | In
diff --git a/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter5/ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter5/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01d24ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter5/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ * Top-Level parsing and JIT Driver
+ *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+open Llvm
+open Llvm_executionengine
+(* top ::= definition | external | expression | ';' *)
+let rec main_loop the_fpm the_execution_engine stream =
+ match Stream.peek stream with
+ | None -> ()
+ (* ignore top-level semicolons. *)
+ | Some (Token.Kwd ';') ->
+ Stream.junk stream;
+ main_loop the_fpm the_execution_engine stream
+ | Some token ->
+ begin
+ try match token with
+ | Token.Def ->
+ let e = Parser.parse_definition stream in
+ print_endline "parsed a function definition.";
+ dump_value (Codegen.codegen_func the_fpm e);
+ | Token.Extern ->
+ let e = Parser.parse_extern stream in
+ print_endline "parsed an extern.";
+ dump_value (Codegen.codegen_proto e);
+ | _ ->
+ (* Evaluate a top-level expression into an anonymous function. *)
+ let e = Parser.parse_toplevel stream in
+ print_endline "parsed a top-level expr";
+ let the_function = Codegen.codegen_func the_fpm e in
+ dump_value the_function;
+ (* JIT the function, returning a function pointer. *)
+ let result = ExecutionEngine.run_function the_function [||]
+ the_execution_engine in
+ print_string "Evaluated to ";
+ print_float (GenericValue.as_float Codegen.double_type result);
+ print_newline ();
+ with Stream.Error s | Codegen.Error s ->
+ (* Skip token for error recovery. *)
+ Stream.junk stream;
+ print_endline s;
+ end;
+ print_string "ready> "; flush stdout;
+ main_loop the_fpm the_execution_engine stream
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f9d912
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter5/
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+ * Main driver code.
+ *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+open Llvm
+open Llvm_executionengine
+open Llvm_target
+open Llvm_scalar_opts
+let main () =
+ ignore (initialize_native_target ());
+ (* Install standard binary operators.
+ * 1 is the lowest precedence. *)
+ Hashtbl.add Parser.binop_precedence '<' 10;
+ Hashtbl.add Parser.binop_precedence '+' 20;
+ Hashtbl.add Parser.binop_precedence '-' 20;
+ Hashtbl.add Parser.binop_precedence '*' 40; (* highest. *)
+ (* Prime the first token. *)
+ print_string "ready> "; flush stdout;
+ let stream = Lexer.lex (Stream.of_channel stdin) in
+ (* Create the JIT. *)
+ let the_execution_engine = ExecutionEngine.create Codegen.the_module in
+ let the_fpm = PassManager.create_function Codegen.the_module in
+ (* Set up the optimizer pipeline. Start with registering info about how the
+ * target lays out data structures. *)
+ TargetData.add (ExecutionEngine.target_data the_execution_engine) the_fpm;
+ (* Do simple "peephole" optimizations and bit-twiddling optzn. *)
+ add_instruction_combination the_fpm;
+ (* reassociate expressions. *)
+ add_reassociation the_fpm;
+ (* Eliminate Common SubExpressions. *)
+ add_gvn the_fpm;
+ (* Simplify the control flow graph (deleting unreachable blocks, etc). *)
+ add_cfg_simplification the_fpm;
+ ignore (PassManager.initialize the_fpm);
+ (* Run the main "interpreter loop" now. *)
+ Toplevel.main_loop the_fpm the_execution_engine stream;
+ (* Print out all the generated code. *)
+ dump_module Codegen.the_module
+main ()
diff --git a/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter6/Makefile b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter6/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8312138
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter6/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+##===- examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter6/Makefile -------*- Makefile -*-===##
+# The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+# This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+# License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+# This is the makefile for the Objective Caml kaleidoscope tutorial, chapter 6.
+LEVEL := ../../..
+TOOLNAME := OCaml-Kaleidoscope-Ch6
+UsedComponents := core
+UsedOcamLibs := llvm llvm_analysis llvm_executionengine llvm_target \
+ llvm_scalar_opts
+OCAMLCFLAGS += -pp camlp4of
+ExcludeSources = $(PROJ_SRC_DIR)/
+include $(LEVEL)/bindings/ocaml/Makefile.ocaml
diff --git a/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter6/_tags b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter6/_tags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a03dba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter6/_tags
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<{lexer,parser}.ml>: use_camlp4, pp(camlp4of)
+<*.{byte,native}>: g++, use_llvm, use_llvm_analysis
+<*.{byte,native}>: use_llvm_executionengine, use_llvm_target
+<*.{byte,native}>: use_llvm_scalar_opts, use_bindings
diff --git a/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter6/ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter6/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99088cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter6/
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ * Abstract Syntax Tree (aka Parse Tree)
+ *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+(* expr - Base type for all expression nodes. *)
+type expr =
+ (* variant for numeric literals like "1.0". *)
+ | Number of float
+ (* variant for referencing a variable, like "a". *)
+ | Variable of string
+ (* variant for a unary operator. *)
+ | Unary of char * expr
+ (* variant for a binary operator. *)
+ | Binary of char * expr * expr
+ (* variant for function calls. *)
+ | Call of string * expr array
+ (* variant for if/then/else. *)
+ | If of expr * expr * expr
+ (* variant for for/in. *)
+ | For of string * expr * expr * expr option * expr
+(* proto - This type represents the "prototype" for a function, which captures
+ * its name, and its argument names (thus implicitly the number of arguments the
+ * function takes). *)
+type proto =
+ | Prototype of string * string array
+ | BinOpPrototype of string * string array * int
+(* func - This type represents a function definition itself. *)
+type func = Function of proto * expr
diff --git a/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter6/bindings.c b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter6/bindings.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90faed1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter6/bindings.c
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+/* putchard - putchar that takes a double and returns 0. */
+extern double putchard(double X) {
+ putchar((char)X);
+ return 0;
+/* printd - printf that takes a double prints it as "%f\n", returning 0. */
+extern double printd(double X) {
+ printf("%f\n", X);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter6/ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter6/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e00edf2
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+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter6/
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+ * Code Generation
+ *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+open Llvm
+exception Error of string
+let context = global_context ()
+let the_module = create_module context "my cool jit"
+let builder = builder context
+let named_values:(string, llvalue) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 10
+let double_type = double_type context
+let rec codegen_expr = function
+ | Ast.Number n -> const_float double_type n
+ | Ast.Variable name ->
+ (try Hashtbl.find named_values name with
+ | Not_found -> raise (Error "unknown variable name"))
+ | Ast.Unary (op, operand) ->
+ let operand = codegen_expr operand in
+ let callee = "unary" ^ (String.make 1 op) in
+ let callee =
+ match lookup_function callee the_module with
+ | Some callee -> callee
+ | None -> raise (Error "unknown unary operator")
+ in
+ build_call callee [|operand|] "unop" builder
+ | Ast.Binary (op, lhs, rhs) ->
+ let lhs_val = codegen_expr lhs in
+ let rhs_val = codegen_expr rhs in
+ begin
+ match op with
+ | '+' -> build_add lhs_val rhs_val "addtmp" builder
+ | '-' -> build_sub lhs_val rhs_val "subtmp" builder
+ | '*' -> build_mul lhs_val rhs_val "multmp" builder
+ | '<' ->
+ (* Convert bool 0/1 to double 0.0 or 1.0 *)
+ let i = build_fcmp Fcmp.Ult lhs_val rhs_val "cmptmp" builder in
+ build_uitofp i double_type "booltmp" builder
+ | _ ->
+ (* If it wasn't a builtin binary operator, it must be a user defined
+ * one. Emit a call to it. *)
+ let callee = "binary" ^ (String.make 1 op) in
+ let callee =
+ match lookup_function callee the_module with
+ | Some callee -> callee
+ | None -> raise (Error "binary operator not found!")
+ in
+ build_call callee [|lhs_val; rhs_val|] "binop" builder
+ end
+ | Ast.Call (callee, args) ->
+ (* Look up the name in the module table. *)
+ let callee =
+ match lookup_function callee the_module with
+ | Some callee -> callee
+ | None -> raise (Error "unknown function referenced")
+ in
+ let params = params callee in
+ (* If argument mismatch error. *)
+ if Array.length params == Array.length args then () else
+ raise (Error "incorrect # arguments passed");
+ let args = codegen_expr args in
+ build_call callee args "calltmp" builder
+ | Ast.If (cond, then_, else_) ->
+ let cond = codegen_expr cond in
+ (* Convert condition to a bool by comparing equal to 0.0 *)
+ let zero = const_float double_type 0.0 in
+ let cond_val = build_fcmp Fcmp.One cond zero "ifcond" builder in
+ (* Grab the first block so that we might later add the conditional branch
+ * to it at the end of the function. *)
+ let start_bb = insertion_block builder in
+ let the_function = block_parent start_bb in
+ let then_bb = append_block context "then" the_function in
+ (* Emit 'then' value. *)
+ position_at_end then_bb builder;
+ let then_val = codegen_expr then_ in
+ (* Codegen of 'then' can change the current block, update then_bb for the
+ * phi. We create a new name because one is used for the phi node, and the
+ * other is used for the conditional branch. *)
+ let new_then_bb = insertion_block builder in
+ (* Emit 'else' value. *)
+ let else_bb = append_block context "else" the_function in
+ position_at_end else_bb builder;
+ let else_val = codegen_expr else_ in
+ (* Codegen of 'else' can change the current block, update else_bb for the
+ * phi. *)
+ let new_else_bb = insertion_block builder in
+ (* Emit merge block. *)
+ let merge_bb = append_block context "ifcont" the_function in
+ position_at_end merge_bb builder;
+ let incoming = [(then_val, new_then_bb); (else_val, new_else_bb)] in
+ let phi = build_phi incoming "iftmp" builder in
+ (* Return to the start block to add the conditional branch. *)
+ position_at_end start_bb builder;
+ ignore (build_cond_br cond_val then_bb else_bb builder);
+ (* Set a unconditional branch at the end of the 'then' block and the
+ * 'else' block to the 'merge' block. *)
+ position_at_end new_then_bb builder; ignore (build_br merge_bb builder);
+ position_at_end new_else_bb builder; ignore (build_br merge_bb builder);
+ (* Finally, set the builder to the end of the merge block. *)
+ position_at_end merge_bb builder;
+ phi
+ | Ast.For (var_name, start, end_, step, body) ->
+ (* Emit the start code first, without 'variable' in scope. *)
+ let start_val = codegen_expr start in
+ (* Make the new basic block for the loop header, inserting after current
+ * block. *)
+ let preheader_bb = insertion_block builder in
+ let the_function = block_parent preheader_bb in
+ let loop_bb = append_block context "loop" the_function in
+ (* Insert an explicit fall through from the current block to the
+ * loop_bb. *)
+ ignore (build_br loop_bb builder);
+ (* Start insertion in loop_bb. *)
+ position_at_end loop_bb builder;
+ (* Start the PHI node with an entry for start. *)
+ let variable = build_phi [(start_val, preheader_bb)] var_name builder in
+ (* Within the loop, the variable is defined equal to the PHI node. If it
+ * shadows an existing variable, we have to restore it, so save it
+ * now. *)
+ let old_val =
+ try Some (Hashtbl.find named_values var_name) with Not_found -> None
+ in
+ Hashtbl.add named_values var_name variable;
+ (* Emit the body of the loop. This, like any other expr, can change the
+ * current BB. Note that we ignore the value computed by the body, but
+ * don't allow an error *)
+ ignore (codegen_expr body);
+ (* Emit the step value. *)
+ let step_val =
+ match step with
+ | Some step -> codegen_expr step
+ (* If not specified, use 1.0. *)
+ | None -> const_float double_type 1.0
+ in
+ let next_var = build_add variable step_val "nextvar" builder in
+ (* Compute the end condition. *)
+ let end_cond = codegen_expr end_ in
+ (* Convert condition to a bool by comparing equal to 0.0. *)
+ let zero = const_float double_type 0.0 in
+ let end_cond = build_fcmp Fcmp.One end_cond zero "loopcond" builder in
+ (* Create the "after loop" block and insert it. *)
+ let loop_end_bb = insertion_block builder in
+ let after_bb = append_block context "afterloop" the_function in
+ (* Insert the conditional branch into the end of loop_end_bb. *)
+ ignore (build_cond_br end_cond loop_bb after_bb builder);
+ (* Any new code will be inserted in after_bb. *)
+ position_at_end after_bb builder;
+ (* Add a new entry to the PHI node for the backedge. *)
+ add_incoming (next_var, loop_end_bb) variable;
+ (* Restore the unshadowed variable. *)
+ begin match old_val with
+ | Some old_val -> Hashtbl.add named_values var_name old_val
+ | None -> ()
+ end;
+ (* for expr always returns 0.0. *)
+ const_null double_type
+let codegen_proto = function
+ | Ast.Prototype (name, args) | Ast.BinOpPrototype (name, args, _) ->
+ (* Make the function type: double(double,double) etc. *)
+ let doubles = Array.make (Array.length args) double_type in
+ let ft = function_type double_type doubles in
+ let f =
+ match lookup_function name the_module with
+ | None -> declare_function name ft the_module
+ (* If 'f' conflicted, there was already something named 'name'. If it
+ * has a body, don't allow redefinition or reextern. *)
+ | Some f ->
+ (* If 'f' already has a body, reject this. *)
+ if block_begin f <> At_end f then
+ raise (Error "redefinition of function");
+ (* If 'f' took a different number of arguments, reject. *)
+ if element_type (type_of f) <> ft then
+ raise (Error "redefinition of function with different # args");
+ f
+ in
+ (* Set names for all arguments. *)
+ Array.iteri (fun i a ->
+ let n = args.(i) in
+ set_value_name n a;
+ Hashtbl.add named_values n a;
+ ) (params f);
+ f
+let codegen_func the_fpm = function
+ | Ast.Function (proto, body) ->
+ Hashtbl.clear named_values;
+ let the_function = codegen_proto proto in
+ (* If this is an operator, install it. *)
+ begin match proto with
+ | Ast.BinOpPrototype (name, args, prec) ->
+ let op = name.[String.length name - 1] in
+ Hashtbl.add Parser.binop_precedence op prec;
+ | _ -> ()
+ end;
+ (* Create a new basic block to start insertion into. *)
+ let bb = append_block context "entry" the_function in
+ position_at_end bb builder;
+ try
+ let ret_val = codegen_expr body in
+ (* Finish off the function. *)
+ let _ = build_ret ret_val builder in
+ (* Validate the generated code, checking for consistency. *)
+ Llvm_analysis.assert_valid_function the_function;
+ (* Optimize the function. *)
+ let _ = PassManager.run_function the_function the_fpm in
+ the_function
+ with e ->
+ delete_function the_function;
+ raise e
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5fe9da4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter6/
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ * Lexer
+ *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+let rec lex = parser
+ (* Skip any whitespace. *)
+ | [< ' (' ' | '\n' | '\r' | '\t'); stream >] -> lex stream
+ (* identifier: [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9] *)
+ | [< ' ('A' .. 'Z' | 'a' .. 'z' as c); stream >] ->
+ let buffer = Buffer.create 1 in
+ Buffer.add_char buffer c;
+ lex_ident buffer stream
+ (* number: [0-9.]+ *)
+ | [< ' ('0' .. '9' as c); stream >] ->
+ let buffer = Buffer.create 1 in
+ Buffer.add_char buffer c;
+ lex_number buffer stream
+ (* Comment until end of line. *)
+ | [< ' ('#'); stream >] ->
+ lex_comment stream
+ (* Otherwise, just return the character as its ascii value. *)
+ | [< 'c; stream >] ->
+ [< 'Token.Kwd c; lex stream >]
+ (* end of stream. *)
+ | [< >] -> [< >]
+and lex_number buffer = parser
+ | [< ' ('0' .. '9' | '.' as c); stream >] ->
+ Buffer.add_char buffer c;
+ lex_number buffer stream
+ | [< stream=lex >] ->
+ [< 'Token.Number (float_of_string (Buffer.contents buffer)); stream >]
+and lex_ident buffer = parser
+ | [< ' ('A' .. 'Z' | 'a' .. 'z' | '0' .. '9' as c); stream >] ->
+ Buffer.add_char buffer c;
+ lex_ident buffer stream
+ | [< stream=lex >] ->
+ match Buffer.contents buffer with
+ | "def" -> [< 'Token.Def; stream >]
+ | "extern" -> [< 'Token.Extern; stream >]
+ | "if" -> [< 'Token.If; stream >]
+ | "then" -> [< 'Token.Then; stream >]
+ | "else" -> [< 'Token.Else; stream >]
+ | "for" -> [< 'Token.For; stream >]
+ | "in" -> [< 'Token.In; stream >]
+ | "binary" -> [< 'Token.Binary; stream >]
+ | "unary" -> [< 'Token.Unary; stream >]
+ | id -> [< 'Token.Ident id; stream >]
+and lex_comment = parser
+ | [< ' ('\n'); stream=lex >] -> stream
+ | [< 'c; e=lex_comment >] -> e
+ | [< >] -> [< >]
diff --git a/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter6/ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter6/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff42664
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter6/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+open Ocamlbuild_plugin;;
+ocaml_lib ~extern:true "llvm";;
+ocaml_lib ~extern:true "llvm_analysis";;
+ocaml_lib ~extern:true "llvm_executionengine";;
+ocaml_lib ~extern:true "llvm_target";;
+ocaml_lib ~extern:true "llvm_scalar_opts";;
+flag ["link"; "ocaml"; "g++"] (S[A"-cc"; A"g++"]);;
+dep ["link"; "ocaml"; "use_bindings"] ["bindings.o"];;
diff --git a/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter6/ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter6/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da443c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter6/
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+ * Parser
+ *===---------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+(* binop_precedence - This holds the precedence for each binary operator that is
+ * defined *)
+let binop_precedence:(char, int) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 10
+(* precedence - Get the precedence of the pending binary operator token. *)
+let precedence c = try Hashtbl.find binop_precedence c with Not_found -> -1
+(* primary
+ * ::= identifier
+ * ::= numberexpr
+ * ::= parenexpr
+ * ::= ifexpr
+ * ::= forexpr *)
+let rec parse_primary = parser
+ (* numberexpr ::= number *)
+ | [< 'Token.Number n >] -> Ast.Number n
+ (* parenexpr ::= '(' expression ')' *)
+ | [< 'Token.Kwd '('; e=parse_expr; 'Token.Kwd ')' ?? "expected ')'" >] -> e
+ (* identifierexpr
+ * ::= identifier
+ * ::= identifier '(' argumentexpr ')' *)
+ | [< 'Token.Ident id; stream >] ->
+ let rec parse_args accumulator = parser
+ | [< e=parse_expr; stream >] ->
+ begin parser
+ | [< 'Token.Kwd ','; e=parse_args (e :: accumulator) >] -> e
+ | [< >] -> e :: accumulator
+ end stream
+ | [< >] -> accumulator
+ in
+ let rec parse_ident id = parser
+ (* Call. *)
+ | [< 'Token.Kwd '(';
+ args=parse_args [];
+ 'Token.Kwd ')' ?? "expected ')'">] ->
+ Ast.Call (id, Array.of_list (List.rev args))
+ (* Simple variable ref. *)
+ | [< >] -> Ast.Variable id
+ in
+ parse_ident id stream
+ (* ifexpr ::= 'if' expr 'then' expr 'else' expr *)
+ | [< 'Token.If; c=parse_expr;
+ 'Token.Then ?? "expected 'then'"; t=parse_expr;
+ 'Token.Else ?? "expected 'else'"; e=parse_expr >] ->
+ Ast.If (c, t, e)
+ (* forexpr
+ ::= 'for' identifier '=' expr ',' expr (',' expr)? 'in' expression *)
+ | [< 'Token.For;
+ 'Token.Ident id ?? "expected identifier after for";
+ 'Token.Kwd '=' ?? "expected '=' after for";
+ stream >] ->
+ begin parser
+ | [<
+ start=parse_expr;
+ 'Token.Kwd ',' ?? "expected ',' after for";
+ end_=parse_expr;
+ stream >] ->
+ let step =
+ begin parser
+ | [< 'Token.Kwd ','; step=parse_expr >] -> Some step
+ | [< >] -> None
+ end stream
+ in
+ begin parser
+ | [< 'Token.In; body=parse_expr >] ->
+ Ast.For (id, start, end_, step, body)
+ | [< >] ->
+ raise (Stream.Error "expected 'in' after for")
+ end stream
+ | [< >] ->
+ raise (Stream.Error "expected '=' after for")
+ end stream
+ | [< >] -> raise (Stream.Error "unknown token when expecting an expression.")
+(* unary
+ * ::= primary
+ * ::= '!' unary *)
+and parse_unary = parser
+ (* If this is a unary operator, read it. *)
+ | [< 'Token.Kwd op when op != '(' && op != ')'; operand=parse_expr >] ->
+ Ast.Unary (op, operand)
+ (* If the current token is not an operator, it must be a primary expr. *)
+ | [< stream >] -> parse_primary stream
+(* binoprhs
+ * ::= ('+' primary)* *)
+and parse_bin_rhs expr_prec lhs stream =
+ match Stream.peek stream with
+ (* If this is a binop, find its precedence. *)
+ | Some (Token.Kwd c) when Hashtbl.mem binop_precedence c ->
+ let token_prec = precedence c in
+ (* If this is a binop that binds at least as tightly as the current binop,
+ * consume it, otherwise we are done. *)
+ if token_prec < expr_prec then lhs else begin
+ (* Eat the binop. *)
+ Stream.junk stream;
+ (* Parse the unary expression after the binary operator. *)
+ let rhs = parse_unary stream in
+ (* Okay, we know this is a binop. *)
+ let rhs =
+ match Stream.peek stream with
+ | Some (Token.Kwd c2) ->
+ (* If BinOp binds less tightly with rhs than the operator after
+ * rhs, let the pending operator take rhs as its lhs. *)
+ let next_prec = precedence c2 in
+ if token_prec < next_prec
+ then parse_bin_rhs (token_prec + 1) rhs stream
+ else rhs
+ | _ -> rhs
+ in
+ (* Merge lhs/rhs. *)
+ let lhs = Ast.Binary (c, lhs, rhs) in
+ parse_bin_rhs expr_prec lhs stream
+ end
+ | _ -> lhs
+(* expression
+ * ::= primary binoprhs *)
+and parse_expr = parser
+ | [< lhs=parse_unary; stream >] -> parse_bin_rhs 0 lhs stream
+(* prototype
+ * ::= id '(' id* ')'
+ * ::= binary LETTER number? (id, id)
+ * ::= unary LETTER number? (id) *)
+let parse_prototype =
+ let rec parse_args accumulator = parser
+ | [< 'Token.Ident id; e=parse_args (id::accumulator) >] -> e
+ | [< >] -> accumulator
+ in
+ let parse_operator = parser
+ | [< 'Token.Unary >] -> "unary", 1
+ | [< 'Token.Binary >] -> "binary", 2
+ in
+ let parse_binary_precedence = parser
+ | [< 'Token.Number n >] -> int_of_float n
+ | [< >] -> 30
+ in
+ parser
+ | [< 'Token.Ident id;
+ 'Token.Kwd '(' ?? "expected '(' in prototype";
+ args=parse_args [];
+ 'Token.Kwd ')' ?? "expected ')' in prototype" >] ->
+ (* success. *)
+ Ast.Prototype (id, Array.of_list (List.rev args))
+ | [< (prefix, kind)=parse_operator;
+ 'Token.Kwd op ?? "expected an operator";
+ (* Read the precedence if present. *)
+ binary_precedence=parse_binary_precedence;
+ 'Token.Kwd '(' ?? "expected '(' in prototype";
+ args=parse_args [];
+ 'Token.Kwd ')' ?? "expected ')' in prototype" >] ->
+ let name = prefix ^ (String.make 1 op) in
+ let args = Array.of_list (List.rev args) in
+ (* Verify right number of arguments for operator. *)
+ if Array.length args != kind
+ then raise (Stream.Error "invalid number of operands for operator")
+ else
+ if kind == 1 then
+ Ast.Prototype (name, args)
+ else
+ Ast.BinOpPrototype (name, args, binary_precedence)
+ | [< >] ->
+ raise (Stream.Error "expected function name in prototype")
+(* definition ::= 'def' prototype expression *)
+let parse_definition = parser
+ | [< 'Token.Def; p=parse_prototype; e=parse_expr >] ->
+ Ast.Function (p, e)
+(* toplevelexpr ::= expression *)
+let parse_toplevel = parser
+ | [< e=parse_expr >] ->
+ (* Make an anonymous proto. *)
+ Ast.Function (Ast.Prototype ("", [||]), e)
+(* external ::= 'extern' prototype *)
+let parse_extern = parser
+ | [< 'Token.Extern; e=parse_prototype >] -> e
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7a5f95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter6/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ * Lexer Tokens
+ *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+(* The lexer returns these 'Kwd' if it is an unknown character, otherwise one of
+ * these others for known things. *)
+type token =
+ (* commands *)
+ | Def | Extern
+ (* primary *)
+ | Ident of string | Number of float
+ (* unknown *)
+ | Kwd of char
+ (* control *)
+ | If | Then | Else
+ | For | In
+ (* operators *)
+ | Binary | Unary
diff --git a/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter6/ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter6/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01d24ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter6/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ * Top-Level parsing and JIT Driver
+ *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+open Llvm
+open Llvm_executionengine
+(* top ::= definition | external | expression | ';' *)
+let rec main_loop the_fpm the_execution_engine stream =
+ match Stream.peek stream with
+ | None -> ()
+ (* ignore top-level semicolons. *)
+ | Some (Token.Kwd ';') ->
+ Stream.junk stream;
+ main_loop the_fpm the_execution_engine stream
+ | Some token ->
+ begin
+ try match token with
+ | Token.Def ->
+ let e = Parser.parse_definition stream in
+ print_endline "parsed a function definition.";
+ dump_value (Codegen.codegen_func the_fpm e);
+ | Token.Extern ->
+ let e = Parser.parse_extern stream in
+ print_endline "parsed an extern.";
+ dump_value (Codegen.codegen_proto e);
+ | _ ->
+ (* Evaluate a top-level expression into an anonymous function. *)
+ let e = Parser.parse_toplevel stream in
+ print_endline "parsed a top-level expr";
+ let the_function = Codegen.codegen_func the_fpm e in
+ dump_value the_function;
+ (* JIT the function, returning a function pointer. *)
+ let result = ExecutionEngine.run_function the_function [||]
+ the_execution_engine in
+ print_string "Evaluated to ";
+ print_float (GenericValue.as_float Codegen.double_type result);
+ print_newline ();
+ with Stream.Error s | Codegen.Error s ->
+ (* Skip token for error recovery. *)
+ Stream.junk stream;
+ print_endline s;
+ end;
+ print_string "ready> "; flush stdout;
+ main_loop the_fpm the_execution_engine stream
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f9d912
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter6/
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+ * Main driver code.
+ *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+open Llvm
+open Llvm_executionengine
+open Llvm_target
+open Llvm_scalar_opts
+let main () =
+ ignore (initialize_native_target ());
+ (* Install standard binary operators.
+ * 1 is the lowest precedence. *)
+ Hashtbl.add Parser.binop_precedence '<' 10;
+ Hashtbl.add Parser.binop_precedence '+' 20;
+ Hashtbl.add Parser.binop_precedence '-' 20;
+ Hashtbl.add Parser.binop_precedence '*' 40; (* highest. *)
+ (* Prime the first token. *)
+ print_string "ready> "; flush stdout;
+ let stream = Lexer.lex (Stream.of_channel stdin) in
+ (* Create the JIT. *)
+ let the_execution_engine = ExecutionEngine.create Codegen.the_module in
+ let the_fpm = PassManager.create_function Codegen.the_module in
+ (* Set up the optimizer pipeline. Start with registering info about how the
+ * target lays out data structures. *)
+ TargetData.add (ExecutionEngine.target_data the_execution_engine) the_fpm;
+ (* Do simple "peephole" optimizations and bit-twiddling optzn. *)
+ add_instruction_combination the_fpm;
+ (* reassociate expressions. *)
+ add_reassociation the_fpm;
+ (* Eliminate Common SubExpressions. *)
+ add_gvn the_fpm;
+ (* Simplify the control flow graph (deleting unreachable blocks, etc). *)
+ add_cfg_simplification the_fpm;
+ ignore (PassManager.initialize the_fpm);
+ (* Run the main "interpreter loop" now. *)
+ Toplevel.main_loop the_fpm the_execution_engine stream;
+ (* Print out all the generated code. *)
+ dump_module Codegen.the_module
+main ()
diff --git a/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter7/Makefile b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter7/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddf667b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter7/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+##===- examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter7/Makefile -------*- Makefile -*-===##
+# The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+# This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+# License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+# This is the makefile for the Objective Caml kaleidoscope tutorial, chapter 7.
+LEVEL := ../../..
+TOOLNAME := OCaml-Kaleidoscope-Ch7
+UsedComponents := core
+UsedOcamLibs := llvm llvm_analysis llvm_executionengine llvm_target \
+ llvm_scalar_opts
+OCAMLCFLAGS += -pp camlp4of
+ExcludeSources = $(PROJ_SRC_DIR)/
+include $(LEVEL)/bindings/ocaml/Makefile.ocaml
diff --git a/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter7/_tags b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter7/_tags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a03dba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter7/_tags
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<{lexer,parser}.ml>: use_camlp4, pp(camlp4of)
+<*.{byte,native}>: g++, use_llvm, use_llvm_analysis
+<*.{byte,native}>: use_llvm_executionengine, use_llvm_target
+<*.{byte,native}>: use_llvm_scalar_opts, use_bindings
diff --git a/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter7/ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter7/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c699e80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter7/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ * Abstract Syntax Tree (aka Parse Tree)
+ *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+(* expr - Base type for all expression nodes. *)
+type expr =
+ (* variant for numeric literals like "1.0". *)
+ | Number of float
+ (* variant for referencing a variable, like "a". *)
+ | Variable of string
+ (* variant for a unary operator. *)
+ | Unary of char * expr
+ (* variant for a binary operator. *)
+ | Binary of char * expr * expr
+ (* variant for function calls. *)
+ | Call of string * expr array
+ (* variant for if/then/else. *)
+ | If of expr * expr * expr
+ (* variant for for/in. *)
+ | For of string * expr * expr * expr option * expr
+ (* variant for var/in. *)
+ | Var of (string * expr option) array * expr
+(* proto - This type represents the "prototype" for a function, which captures
+ * its name, and its argument names (thus implicitly the number of arguments the
+ * function takes). *)
+type proto =
+ | Prototype of string * string array
+ | BinOpPrototype of string * string array * int
+(* func - This type represents a function definition itself. *)
+type func = Function of proto * expr
diff --git a/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter7/bindings.c b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter7/bindings.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90faed1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter7/bindings.c
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+/* putchard - putchar that takes a double and returns 0. */
+extern double putchard(double X) {
+ putchar((char)X);
+ return 0;
+/* printd - printf that takes a double prints it as "%f\n", returning 0. */
+extern double printd(double X) {
+ printf("%f\n", X);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter7/ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter7/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8fac32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter7/
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+ * Code Generation
+ *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+open Llvm
+exception Error of string
+let context = global_context ()
+let the_module = create_module context "my cool jit"
+let builder = builder context
+let named_values:(string, llvalue) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 10
+let double_type = double_type context
+(* Create an alloca instruction in the entry block of the function. This
+ * is used for mutable variables etc. *)
+let create_entry_block_alloca the_function var_name =
+ let builder = builder_at context (instr_begin (entry_block the_function)) in
+ build_alloca double_type var_name builder
+let rec codegen_expr = function
+ | Ast.Number n -> const_float double_type n
+ | Ast.Variable name ->
+ let v = try Hashtbl.find named_values name with
+ | Not_found -> raise (Error "unknown variable name")
+ in
+ (* Load the value. *)
+ build_load v name builder
+ | Ast.Unary (op, operand) ->
+ let operand = codegen_expr operand in
+ let callee = "unary" ^ (String.make 1 op) in
+ let callee =
+ match lookup_function callee the_module with
+ | Some callee -> callee
+ | None -> raise (Error "unknown unary operator")
+ in
+ build_call callee [|operand|] "unop" builder
+ | Ast.Binary (op, lhs, rhs) ->
+ begin match op with
+ | '=' ->
+ (* Special case '=' because we don't want to emit the LHS as an
+ * expression. *)
+ let name =
+ match lhs with
+ | Ast.Variable name -> name
+ | _ -> raise (Error "destination of '=' must be a variable")
+ in
+ (* Codegen the rhs. *)
+ let val_ = codegen_expr rhs in
+ (* Lookup the name. *)
+ let variable = try Hashtbl.find named_values name with
+ | Not_found -> raise (Error "unknown variable name")
+ in
+ ignore(build_store val_ variable builder);
+ val_
+ | _ ->
+ let lhs_val = codegen_expr lhs in
+ let rhs_val = codegen_expr rhs in
+ begin
+ match op with
+ | '+' -> build_add lhs_val rhs_val "addtmp" builder
+ | '-' -> build_sub lhs_val rhs_val "subtmp" builder
+ | '*' -> build_mul lhs_val rhs_val "multmp" builder
+ | '<' ->
+ (* Convert bool 0/1 to double 0.0 or 1.0 *)
+ let i = build_fcmp Fcmp.Ult lhs_val rhs_val "cmptmp" builder in
+ build_uitofp i double_type "booltmp" builder
+ | _ ->
+ (* If it wasn't a builtin binary operator, it must be a user defined
+ * one. Emit a call to it. *)
+ let callee = "binary" ^ (String.make 1 op) in
+ let callee =
+ match lookup_function callee the_module with
+ | Some callee -> callee
+ | None -> raise (Error "binary operator not found!")
+ in
+ build_call callee [|lhs_val; rhs_val|] "binop" builder
+ end
+ end
+ | Ast.Call (callee, args) ->
+ (* Look up the name in the module table. *)
+ let callee =
+ match lookup_function callee the_module with
+ | Some callee -> callee
+ | None -> raise (Error "unknown function referenced")
+ in
+ let params = params callee in
+ (* If argument mismatch error. *)
+ if Array.length params == Array.length args then () else
+ raise (Error "incorrect # arguments passed");
+ let args = codegen_expr args in
+ build_call callee args "calltmp" builder
+ | Ast.If (cond, then_, else_) ->
+ let cond = codegen_expr cond in
+ (* Convert condition to a bool by comparing equal to 0.0 *)
+ let zero = const_float double_type 0.0 in
+ let cond_val = build_fcmp Fcmp.One cond zero "ifcond" builder in
+ (* Grab the first block so that we might later add the conditional branch
+ * to it at the end of the function. *)
+ let start_bb = insertion_block builder in
+ let the_function = block_parent start_bb in
+ let then_bb = append_block context "then" the_function in
+ (* Emit 'then' value. *)
+ position_at_end then_bb builder;
+ let then_val = codegen_expr then_ in
+ (* Codegen of 'then' can change the current block, update then_bb for the
+ * phi. We create a new name because one is used for the phi node, and the
+ * other is used for the conditional branch. *)
+ let new_then_bb = insertion_block builder in
+ (* Emit 'else' value. *)
+ let else_bb = append_block context "else" the_function in
+ position_at_end else_bb builder;
+ let else_val = codegen_expr else_ in
+ (* Codegen of 'else' can change the current block, update else_bb for the
+ * phi. *)
+ let new_else_bb = insertion_block builder in
+ (* Emit merge block. *)
+ let merge_bb = append_block context "ifcont" the_function in
+ position_at_end merge_bb builder;
+ let incoming = [(then_val, new_then_bb); (else_val, new_else_bb)] in
+ let phi = build_phi incoming "iftmp" builder in
+ (* Return to the start block to add the conditional branch. *)
+ position_at_end start_bb builder;
+ ignore (build_cond_br cond_val then_bb else_bb builder);
+ (* Set a unconditional branch at the end of the 'then' block and the
+ * 'else' block to the 'merge' block. *)
+ position_at_end new_then_bb builder; ignore (build_br merge_bb builder);
+ position_at_end new_else_bb builder; ignore (build_br merge_bb builder);
+ (* Finally, set the builder to the end of the merge block. *)
+ position_at_end merge_bb builder;
+ phi
+ | Ast.For (var_name, start, end_, step, body) ->
+ (* Output this as:
+ * var = alloca double
+ * ...
+ * start = startexpr
+ * store start -> var
+ * goto loop
+ * loop:
+ * ...
+ * bodyexpr
+ * ...
+ * loopend:
+ * step = stepexpr
+ * endcond = endexpr
+ *
+ * curvar = load var
+ * nextvar = curvar + step
+ * store nextvar -> var
+ * br endcond, loop, endloop
+ * outloop: *)
+ let the_function = block_parent (insertion_block builder) in
+ (* Create an alloca for the variable in the entry block. *)
+ let alloca = create_entry_block_alloca the_function var_name in
+ (* Emit the start code first, without 'variable' in scope. *)
+ let start_val = codegen_expr start in
+ (* Store the value into the alloca. *)
+ ignore(build_store start_val alloca builder);
+ (* Make the new basic block for the loop header, inserting after current
+ * block. *)
+ let loop_bb = append_block context "loop" the_function in
+ (* Insert an explicit fall through from the current block to the
+ * loop_bb. *)
+ ignore (build_br loop_bb builder);
+ (* Start insertion in loop_bb. *)
+ position_at_end loop_bb builder;
+ (* Within the loop, the variable is defined equal to the PHI node. If it
+ * shadows an existing variable, we have to restore it, so save it
+ * now. *)
+ let old_val =
+ try Some (Hashtbl.find named_values var_name) with Not_found -> None
+ in
+ Hashtbl.add named_values var_name alloca;
+ (* Emit the body of the loop. This, like any other expr, can change the
+ * current BB. Note that we ignore the value computed by the body, but
+ * don't allow an error *)
+ ignore (codegen_expr body);
+ (* Emit the step value. *)
+ let step_val =
+ match step with
+ | Some step -> codegen_expr step
+ (* If not specified, use 1.0. *)
+ | None -> const_float double_type 1.0
+ in
+ (* Compute the end condition. *)
+ let end_cond = codegen_expr end_ in
+ (* Reload, increment, and restore the alloca. This handles the case where
+ * the body of the loop mutates the variable. *)
+ let cur_var = build_load alloca var_name builder in
+ let next_var = build_add cur_var step_val "nextvar" builder in
+ ignore(build_store next_var alloca builder);
+ (* Convert condition to a bool by comparing equal to 0.0. *)
+ let zero = const_float double_type 0.0 in
+ let end_cond = build_fcmp Fcmp.One end_cond zero "loopcond" builder in
+ (* Create the "after loop" block and insert it. *)
+ let after_bb = append_block context "afterloop" the_function in
+ (* Insert the conditional branch into the end of loop_end_bb. *)
+ ignore (build_cond_br end_cond loop_bb after_bb builder);
+ (* Any new code will be inserted in after_bb. *)
+ position_at_end after_bb builder;
+ (* Restore the unshadowed variable. *)
+ begin match old_val with
+ | Some old_val -> Hashtbl.add named_values var_name old_val
+ | None -> ()
+ end;
+ (* for expr always returns 0.0. *)
+ const_null double_type
+ | Ast.Var (var_names, body) ->
+ let old_bindings = ref [] in
+ let the_function = block_parent (insertion_block builder) in
+ (* Register all variables and emit their initializer. *)
+ Array.iter (fun (var_name, init) ->
+ (* Emit the initializer before adding the variable to scope, this
+ * prevents the initializer from referencing the variable itself, and
+ * permits stuff like this:
+ * var a = 1 in
+ * var a = a in ... # refers to outer 'a'. *)
+ let init_val =
+ match init with
+ | Some init -> codegen_expr init
+ (* If not specified, use 0.0. *)
+ | None -> const_float double_type 0.0
+ in
+ let alloca = create_entry_block_alloca the_function var_name in
+ ignore(build_store init_val alloca builder);
+ (* Remember the old variable binding so that we can restore the binding
+ * when we unrecurse. *)
+ begin
+ try
+ let old_value = Hashtbl.find named_values var_name in
+ old_bindings := (var_name, old_value) :: !old_bindings;
+ with Not_found -> ()
+ end;
+ (* Remember this binding. *)
+ Hashtbl.add named_values var_name alloca;
+ ) var_names;
+ (* Codegen the body, now that all vars are in scope. *)
+ let body_val = codegen_expr body in
+ (* Pop all our variables from scope. *)
+ List.iter (fun (var_name, old_value) ->
+ Hashtbl.add named_values var_name old_value
+ ) !old_bindings;
+ (* Return the body computation. *)
+ body_val
+let codegen_proto = function
+ | Ast.Prototype (name, args) | Ast.BinOpPrototype (name, args, _) ->
+ (* Make the function type: double(double,double) etc. *)
+ let doubles = Array.make (Array.length args) double_type in
+ let ft = function_type double_type doubles in
+ let f =
+ match lookup_function name the_module with
+ | None -> declare_function name ft the_module
+ (* If 'f' conflicted, there was already something named 'name'. If it
+ * has a body, don't allow redefinition or reextern. *)
+ | Some f ->
+ (* If 'f' already has a body, reject this. *)
+ if block_begin f <> At_end f then
+ raise (Error "redefinition of function");
+ (* If 'f' took a different number of arguments, reject. *)
+ if element_type (type_of f) <> ft then
+ raise (Error "redefinition of function with different # args");
+ f
+ in
+ (* Set names for all arguments. *)
+ Array.iteri (fun i a ->
+ let n = args.(i) in
+ set_value_name n a;
+ Hashtbl.add named_values n a;
+ ) (params f);
+ f
+(* Create an alloca for each argument and register the argument in the symbol
+ * table so that references to it will succeed. *)
+let create_argument_allocas the_function proto =
+ let args = match proto with
+ | Ast.Prototype (_, args) | Ast.BinOpPrototype (_, args, _) -> args
+ in
+ Array.iteri (fun i ai ->
+ let var_name = args.(i) in
+ (* Create an alloca for this variable. *)
+ let alloca = create_entry_block_alloca the_function var_name in
+ (* Store the initial value into the alloca. *)
+ ignore(build_store ai alloca builder);
+ (* Add arguments to variable symbol table. *)
+ Hashtbl.add named_values var_name alloca;
+ ) (params the_function)
+let codegen_func the_fpm = function
+ | Ast.Function (proto, body) ->
+ Hashtbl.clear named_values;
+ let the_function = codegen_proto proto in
+ (* If this is an operator, install it. *)
+ begin match proto with
+ | Ast.BinOpPrototype (name, args, prec) ->
+ let op = name.[String.length name - 1] in
+ Hashtbl.add Parser.binop_precedence op prec;
+ | _ -> ()
+ end;
+ (* Create a new basic block to start insertion into. *)
+ let bb = append_block context "entry" the_function in
+ position_at_end bb builder;
+ try
+ (* Add all arguments to the symbol table and create their allocas. *)
+ create_argument_allocas the_function proto;
+ let ret_val = codegen_expr body in
+ (* Finish off the function. *)
+ let _ = build_ret ret_val builder in
+ (* Validate the generated code, checking for consistency. *)
+ Llvm_analysis.assert_valid_function the_function;
+ (* Optimize the function. *)
+ let _ = PassManager.run_function the_function the_fpm in
+ the_function
+ with e ->
+ delete_function the_function;
+ raise e
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index 0000000..922cabf
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+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter7/
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ * Lexer
+ *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+let rec lex = parser
+ (* Skip any whitespace. *)
+ | [< ' (' ' | '\n' | '\r' | '\t'); stream >] -> lex stream
+ (* identifier: [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9] *)
+ | [< ' ('A' .. 'Z' | 'a' .. 'z' as c); stream >] ->
+ let buffer = Buffer.create 1 in
+ Buffer.add_char buffer c;
+ lex_ident buffer stream
+ (* number: [0-9.]+ *)
+ | [< ' ('0' .. '9' as c); stream >] ->
+ let buffer = Buffer.create 1 in
+ Buffer.add_char buffer c;
+ lex_number buffer stream
+ (* Comment until end of line. *)
+ | [< ' ('#'); stream >] ->
+ lex_comment stream
+ (* Otherwise, just return the character as its ascii value. *)
+ | [< 'c; stream >] ->
+ [< 'Token.Kwd c; lex stream >]
+ (* end of stream. *)
+ | [< >] -> [< >]
+and lex_number buffer = parser
+ | [< ' ('0' .. '9' | '.' as c); stream >] ->
+ Buffer.add_char buffer c;
+ lex_number buffer stream
+ | [< stream=lex >] ->
+ [< 'Token.Number (float_of_string (Buffer.contents buffer)); stream >]
+and lex_ident buffer = parser
+ | [< ' ('A' .. 'Z' | 'a' .. 'z' | '0' .. '9' as c); stream >] ->
+ Buffer.add_char buffer c;
+ lex_ident buffer stream
+ | [< stream=lex >] ->
+ match Buffer.contents buffer with
+ | "def" -> [< 'Token.Def; stream >]
+ | "extern" -> [< 'Token.Extern; stream >]
+ | "if" -> [< 'Token.If; stream >]
+ | "then" -> [< 'Token.Then; stream >]
+ | "else" -> [< 'Token.Else; stream >]
+ | "for" -> [< 'Token.For; stream >]
+ | "in" -> [< 'Token.In; stream >]
+ | "binary" -> [< 'Token.Binary; stream >]
+ | "unary" -> [< 'Token.Unary; stream >]
+ | "var" -> [< 'Token.Var; stream >]
+ | id -> [< 'Token.Ident id; stream >]
+and lex_comment = parser
+ | [< ' ('\n'); stream=lex >] -> stream
+ | [< 'c; e=lex_comment >] -> e
+ | [< >] -> [< >]
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+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter7/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+open Ocamlbuild_plugin;;
+ocaml_lib ~extern:true "llvm";;
+ocaml_lib ~extern:true "llvm_analysis";;
+ocaml_lib ~extern:true "llvm_executionengine";;
+ocaml_lib ~extern:true "llvm_target";;
+ocaml_lib ~extern:true "llvm_scalar_opts";;
+flag ["link"; "ocaml"; "g++"] (S[A"-cc"; A"g++"]);;
+dep ["link"; "ocaml"; "use_bindings"] ["bindings.o"];;
diff --git a/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter7/ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter7/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0e7db8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter7/
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+ * Parser
+ *===---------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+(* binop_precedence - This holds the precedence for each binary operator that is
+ * defined *)
+let binop_precedence:(char, int) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 10
+(* precedence - Get the precedence of the pending binary operator token. *)
+let precedence c = try Hashtbl.find binop_precedence c with Not_found -> -1
+(* primary
+ * ::= identifier
+ * ::= numberexpr
+ * ::= parenexpr
+ * ::= ifexpr
+ * ::= forexpr
+ * ::= varexpr *)
+let rec parse_primary = parser
+ (* numberexpr ::= number *)
+ | [< 'Token.Number n >] -> Ast.Number n
+ (* parenexpr ::= '(' expression ')' *)
+ | [< 'Token.Kwd '('; e=parse_expr; 'Token.Kwd ')' ?? "expected ')'" >] -> e
+ (* identifierexpr
+ * ::= identifier
+ * ::= identifier '(' argumentexpr ')' *)
+ | [< 'Token.Ident id; stream >] ->
+ let rec parse_args accumulator = parser
+ | [< e=parse_expr; stream >] ->
+ begin parser
+ | [< 'Token.Kwd ','; e=parse_args (e :: accumulator) >] -> e
+ | [< >] -> e :: accumulator
+ end stream
+ | [< >] -> accumulator
+ in
+ let rec parse_ident id = parser
+ (* Call. *)
+ | [< 'Token.Kwd '(';
+ args=parse_args [];
+ 'Token.Kwd ')' ?? "expected ')'">] ->
+ Ast.Call (id, Array.of_list (List.rev args))
+ (* Simple variable ref. *)
+ | [< >] -> Ast.Variable id
+ in
+ parse_ident id stream
+ (* ifexpr ::= 'if' expr 'then' expr 'else' expr *)
+ | [< 'Token.If; c=parse_expr;
+ 'Token.Then ?? "expected 'then'"; t=parse_expr;
+ 'Token.Else ?? "expected 'else'"; e=parse_expr >] ->
+ Ast.If (c, t, e)
+ (* forexpr
+ ::= 'for' identifier '=' expr ',' expr (',' expr)? 'in' expression *)
+ | [< 'Token.For;
+ 'Token.Ident id ?? "expected identifier after for";
+ 'Token.Kwd '=' ?? "expected '=' after for";
+ stream >] ->
+ begin parser
+ | [<
+ start=parse_expr;
+ 'Token.Kwd ',' ?? "expected ',' after for";
+ end_=parse_expr;
+ stream >] ->
+ let step =
+ begin parser
+ | [< 'Token.Kwd ','; step=parse_expr >] -> Some step
+ | [< >] -> None
+ end stream
+ in
+ begin parser
+ | [< 'Token.In; body=parse_expr >] ->
+ Ast.For (id, start, end_, step, body)
+ | [< >] ->
+ raise (Stream.Error "expected 'in' after for")
+ end stream
+ | [< >] ->
+ raise (Stream.Error "expected '=' after for")
+ end stream
+ (* varexpr
+ * ::= 'var' identifier ('=' expression?
+ * (',' identifier ('=' expression)?)* 'in' expression *)
+ | [< 'Token.Var;
+ (* At least one variable name is required. *)
+ 'Token.Ident id ?? "expected identifier after var";
+ init=parse_var_init;
+ var_names=parse_var_names [(id, init)];
+ (* At this point, we have to have 'in'. *)
+ 'Token.In ?? "expected 'in' keyword after 'var'";
+ body=parse_expr >] ->
+ Ast.Var (Array.of_list (List.rev var_names), body)
+ | [< >] -> raise (Stream.Error "unknown token when expecting an expression.")
+(* unary
+ * ::= primary
+ * ::= '!' unary *)
+and parse_unary = parser
+ (* If this is a unary operator, read it. *)
+ | [< 'Token.Kwd op when op != '(' && op != ')'; operand=parse_expr >] ->
+ Ast.Unary (op, operand)
+ (* If the current token is not an operator, it must be a primary expr. *)
+ | [< stream >] -> parse_primary stream
+(* binoprhs
+ * ::= ('+' primary)* *)
+and parse_bin_rhs expr_prec lhs stream =
+ match Stream.peek stream with
+ (* If this is a binop, find its precedence. *)
+ | Some (Token.Kwd c) when Hashtbl.mem binop_precedence c ->
+ let token_prec = precedence c in
+ (* If this is a binop that binds at least as tightly as the current binop,
+ * consume it, otherwise we are done. *)
+ if token_prec < expr_prec then lhs else begin
+ (* Eat the binop. *)
+ Stream.junk stream;
+ (* Parse the primary expression after the binary operator. *)
+ let rhs = parse_unary stream in
+ (* Okay, we know this is a binop. *)
+ let rhs =
+ match Stream.peek stream with
+ | Some (Token.Kwd c2) ->
+ (* If BinOp binds less tightly with rhs than the operator after
+ * rhs, let the pending operator take rhs as its lhs. *)
+ let next_prec = precedence c2 in
+ if token_prec < next_prec
+ then parse_bin_rhs (token_prec + 1) rhs stream
+ else rhs
+ | _ -> rhs
+ in
+ (* Merge lhs/rhs. *)
+ let lhs = Ast.Binary (c, lhs, rhs) in
+ parse_bin_rhs expr_prec lhs stream
+ end
+ | _ -> lhs
+and parse_var_init = parser
+ (* read in the optional initializer. *)
+ | [< 'Token.Kwd '='; e=parse_expr >] -> Some e
+ | [< >] -> None
+and parse_var_names accumulator = parser
+ | [< 'Token.Kwd ',';
+ 'Token.Ident id ?? "expected identifier list after var";
+ init=parse_var_init;
+ e=parse_var_names ((id, init) :: accumulator) >] -> e
+ | [< >] -> accumulator
+(* expression
+ * ::= primary binoprhs *)
+and parse_expr = parser
+ | [< lhs=parse_unary; stream >] -> parse_bin_rhs 0 lhs stream
+(* prototype
+ * ::= id '(' id* ')'
+ * ::= binary LETTER number? (id, id)
+ * ::= unary LETTER number? (id) *)
+let parse_prototype =
+ let rec parse_args accumulator = parser
+ | [< 'Token.Ident id; e=parse_args (id::accumulator) >] -> e
+ | [< >] -> accumulator
+ in
+ let parse_operator = parser
+ | [< 'Token.Unary >] -> "unary", 1
+ | [< 'Token.Binary >] -> "binary", 2
+ in
+ let parse_binary_precedence = parser
+ | [< 'Token.Number n >] -> int_of_float n
+ | [< >] -> 30
+ in
+ parser
+ | [< 'Token.Ident id;
+ 'Token.Kwd '(' ?? "expected '(' in prototype";
+ args=parse_args [];
+ 'Token.Kwd ')' ?? "expected ')' in prototype" >] ->
+ (* success. *)
+ Ast.Prototype (id, Array.of_list (List.rev args))
+ | [< (prefix, kind)=parse_operator;
+ 'Token.Kwd op ?? "expected an operator";
+ (* Read the precedence if present. *)
+ binary_precedence=parse_binary_precedence;
+ 'Token.Kwd '(' ?? "expected '(' in prototype";
+ args=parse_args [];
+ 'Token.Kwd ')' ?? "expected ')' in prototype" >] ->
+ let name = prefix ^ (String.make 1 op) in
+ let args = Array.of_list (List.rev args) in
+ (* Verify right number of arguments for operator. *)
+ if Array.length args != kind
+ then raise (Stream.Error "invalid number of operands for operator")
+ else
+ if kind == 1 then
+ Ast.Prototype (name, args)
+ else
+ Ast.BinOpPrototype (name, args, binary_precedence)
+ | [< >] ->
+ raise (Stream.Error "expected function name in prototype")
+(* definition ::= 'def' prototype expression *)
+let parse_definition = parser
+ | [< 'Token.Def; p=parse_prototype; e=parse_expr >] ->
+ Ast.Function (p, e)
+(* toplevelexpr ::= expression *)
+let parse_toplevel = parser
+ | [< e=parse_expr >] ->
+ (* Make an anonymous proto. *)
+ Ast.Function (Ast.Prototype ("", [||]), e)
+(* external ::= 'extern' prototype *)
+let parse_extern = parser
+ | [< 'Token.Extern; e=parse_prototype >] -> e
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+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter7/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ * Lexer Tokens
+ *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+(* The lexer returns these 'Kwd' if it is an unknown character, otherwise one of
+ * these others for known things. *)
+type token =
+ (* commands *)
+ | Def | Extern
+ (* primary *)
+ | Ident of string | Number of float
+ (* unknown *)
+ | Kwd of char
+ (* control *)
+ | If | Then | Else
+ | For | In
+ (* operators *)
+ | Binary | Unary
+ (* var definition *)
+ | Var
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+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter7/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ * Top-Level parsing and JIT Driver
+ *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+open Llvm
+open Llvm_executionengine
+(* top ::= definition | external | expression | ';' *)
+let rec main_loop the_fpm the_execution_engine stream =
+ match Stream.peek stream with
+ | None -> ()
+ (* ignore top-level semicolons. *)
+ | Some (Token.Kwd ';') ->
+ Stream.junk stream;
+ main_loop the_fpm the_execution_engine stream
+ | Some token ->
+ begin
+ try match token with
+ | Token.Def ->
+ let e = Parser.parse_definition stream in
+ print_endline "parsed a function definition.";
+ dump_value (Codegen.codegen_func the_fpm e);
+ | Token.Extern ->
+ let e = Parser.parse_extern stream in
+ print_endline "parsed an extern.";
+ dump_value (Codegen.codegen_proto e);
+ | _ ->
+ (* Evaluate a top-level expression into an anonymous function. *)
+ let e = Parser.parse_toplevel stream in
+ print_endline "parsed a top-level expr";
+ let the_function = Codegen.codegen_func the_fpm e in
+ dump_value the_function;
+ (* JIT the function, returning a function pointer. *)
+ let result = ExecutionEngine.run_function the_function [||]
+ the_execution_engine in
+ print_string "Evaluated to ";
+ print_float (GenericValue.as_float Codegen.double_type result);
+ print_newline ();
+ with Stream.Error s | Codegen.Error s ->
+ (* Skip token for error recovery. *)
+ Stream.junk stream;
+ print_endline s;
+ end;
+ print_string "ready> "; flush stdout;
+ main_loop the_fpm the_execution_engine stream
diff --git a/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter7/ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter7/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..babab28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter7/
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+ * Main driver code.
+ *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+open Llvm
+open Llvm_executionengine
+open Llvm_target
+open Llvm_scalar_opts
+let main () =
+ ignore (initialize_native_target ());
+ (* Install standard binary operators.
+ * 1 is the lowest precedence. *)
+ Hashtbl.add Parser.binop_precedence '=' 2;
+ Hashtbl.add Parser.binop_precedence '<' 10;
+ Hashtbl.add Parser.binop_precedence '+' 20;
+ Hashtbl.add Parser.binop_precedence '-' 20;
+ Hashtbl.add Parser.binop_precedence '*' 40; (* highest. *)
+ (* Prime the first token. *)
+ print_string "ready> "; flush stdout;
+ let stream = Lexer.lex (Stream.of_channel stdin) in
+ (* Create the JIT. *)
+ let the_execution_engine = ExecutionEngine.create Codegen.the_module in
+ let the_fpm = PassManager.create_function Codegen.the_module in
+ (* Set up the optimizer pipeline. Start with registering info about how the
+ * target lays out data structures. *)
+ TargetData.add (ExecutionEngine.target_data the_execution_engine) the_fpm;
+ (* Promote allocas to registers. *)
+ add_memory_to_register_promotion the_fpm;
+ (* Do simple "peephole" optimizations and bit-twiddling optzn. *)
+ add_instruction_combination the_fpm;
+ (* reassociate expressions. *)
+ add_reassociation the_fpm;
+ (* Eliminate Common SubExpressions. *)
+ add_gvn the_fpm;
+ (* Simplify the control flow graph (deleting unreachable blocks, etc). *)
+ add_cfg_simplification the_fpm;
+ ignore (PassManager.initialize the_fpm);
+ (* Run the main "interpreter loop" now. *)
+ Toplevel.main_loop the_fpm the_execution_engine stream;
+ (* Print out all the generated code. *)
+ dump_module Codegen.the_module
+main ()
diff --git a/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Makefile b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5342b94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+##===- examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Makefile ----------------*- Makefile -*-===##
+# The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+# This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+# License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+include $(LEVEL)/Makefile.config
+PARALLEL_DIRS:= Chapter2 Chapter3 Chapter4 Chapter5 Chapter6 Chapter7
+include $(LEVEL)/Makefile.common
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