path: root/eBones/lib/libkrb/decomp_ticket.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'eBones/lib/libkrb/decomp_ticket.c')
1 files changed, 123 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/eBones/lib/libkrb/decomp_ticket.c b/eBones/lib/libkrb/decomp_ticket.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..181864c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eBones/lib/libkrb/decomp_ticket.c
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+ * Copyright 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988 by the Massachusetts Institute
+ * of Technology.
+ * For copying and distribution information, please see the file
+ * <Copyright.MIT>.
+ *
+ * from: decomp_ticket.c,v 4.12 89/05/16 18:44:46 jtkohl Exp $
+ * $Id: decomp_ticket.c,v 1.2 1994/07/19 19:25:05 g89r4222 Exp $
+ */
+#ifndef lint
+static char *rcsid =
+"$Id: decomp_ticket.c,v 1.2 1994/07/19 19:25:05 g89r4222 Exp $";
+#endif /* lint */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <des.h>
+#include <krb.h>
+#include <prot.h>
+#include <strings.h>
+ * This routine takes a ticket and pointers to the variables that
+ * should be filled in based on the information in the ticket. It
+ * fills in values for its arguments.
+ *
+ * Note: if the client realm field in the ticket is the null string,
+ * then the "prealm" variable is filled in with the local realm (as
+ * defined by KRB_REALM).
+ *
+ * If the ticket byte order is different than the host's byte order
+ * (as indicated by the byte order bit of the "flags" field), then
+ * the KDC timestamp "time_sec" is byte-swapped. The other fields
+ * potentially affected by byte order, "paddress" and "session" are
+ * not byte-swapped.
+ *
+ * The routine returns KFAILURE if any of the "pname", "pinstance",
+ * or "prealm" fields is too big, otherwise it returns KSUCCESS.
+ *
+ * The corresponding routine to generate tickets is create_ticket.
+ * When changes are made to this routine, the corresponding changes
+ * should also be made to that file.
+ *
+ * See create_ticket.c for the format of the ticket packet.
+ */
+decomp_ticket(tkt, flags, pname, pinstance, prealm, paddress, session,
+ life, time_sec, sname, sinstance, key, key_s)
+ KTEXT tkt; /* The ticket to be decoded */
+ unsigned char *flags; /* Kerberos ticket flags */
+ char *pname; /* Authentication name */
+ char *pinstance; /* Principal's instance */
+ char *prealm; /* Principal's authentication domain */
+ unsigned long *paddress; /* Net address of entity
+ * requesting ticket */
+ C_Block session; /* Session key inserted in ticket */
+ int *life; /* Lifetime of the ticket */
+ unsigned long *time_sec; /* Issue time and date */
+ char *sname; /* Service name */
+ char *sinstance; /* Service instance */
+ C_Block key; /* Service's secret key
+ * (to decrypt the ticket) */
+ Key_schedule key_s; /* The precomputed key schedule */
+ static int tkt_swap_bytes;
+ unsigned char *uptr;
+ char *ptr = (char *)tkt->dat;
+ pcbc_encrypt((C_Block *)tkt->dat,(C_Block *)tkt->dat,(long)tkt->length,
+ key_s,key,DECRYPT);
+#endif /* ! NOENCRYPTION */
+ *flags = *ptr; /* get flags byte */
+ ptr += sizeof(*flags);
+ tkt_swap_bytes = 0;
+ if (HOST_BYTE_ORDER != ((*flags >> K_FLAG_ORDER)& 1))
+ tkt_swap_bytes++;
+ if (strlen(ptr) > ANAME_SZ)
+ return(KFAILURE);
+ (void) strcpy(pname,ptr); /* pname */
+ ptr += strlen(pname) + 1;
+ if (strlen(ptr) > INST_SZ)
+ return(KFAILURE);
+ (void) strcpy(pinstance,ptr); /* instance */
+ ptr += strlen(pinstance) + 1;
+ if (strlen(ptr) > REALM_SZ)
+ return(KFAILURE);
+ (void) strcpy(prealm,ptr); /* realm */
+ ptr += strlen(prealm) + 1;
+ /* temporary hack until realms are dealt with properly */
+ if (*prealm == 0)
+ (void) strcpy(prealm,KRB_REALM);
+ bcopy(ptr,(char *)paddress,4); /* net address */
+ ptr += 4;
+ bcopy(ptr,(char *)session,8); /* session key */
+ ptr+= 8;
+#ifdef notdef /* DONT SWAP SESSION KEY spm 10/22/86 */
+ if (tkt_swap_bytes)
+ swap_C_Block(session);
+ /* get lifetime, being certain we don't get negative lifetimes */
+ uptr = (unsigned char *) ptr++;
+ *life = (int) *uptr;
+ bcopy(ptr,(char *) time_sec,4); /* issue time */
+ ptr += 4;
+ if (tkt_swap_bytes)
+ swap_u_long(*time_sec);
+ (void) strcpy(sname,ptr); /* service name */
+ ptr += 1 + strlen(sname);
+ (void) strcpy(sinstance,ptr); /* instance */
+ ptr += 1 + strlen(sinstance);
+ return(KSUCCESS);
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