path: root/docs/MakefileGuide.rst
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+.. _makefile_guide:
+LLVM Makefile Guide
+.. contents::
+ :local:
+This document provides *usage* information about the LLVM makefile system. While
+loosely patterned after the BSD makefile system, LLVM has taken a departure from
+BSD in order to implement additional features needed by LLVM. Although makefile
+systems, such as ``automake``, were attempted at one point, it has become clear
+that the features needed by LLVM and the ``Makefile`` norm are too great to use
+a more limited tool. Consequently, LLVM requires simply GNU Make 3.79, a widely
+portable makefile processor. LLVM unabashedly makes heavy use of the features of
+GNU Make so the dependency on GNU Make is firm. If you're not familiar with
+``make``, it is recommended that you read the `GNU Makefile Manual
+While this document is rightly part of the `LLVM Programmer's
+Manual <ProgrammersManual.html>`_, it is treated separately here because of the
+volume of content and because it is often an early source of bewilderment for
+new developers.
+General Concepts
+The LLVM Makefile System is the component of LLVM that is responsible for
+building the software, testing it, generating distributions, checking those
+distributions, installing and uninstalling, etc. It consists of a several files
+throughout the source tree. These files and other general concepts are described
+in this section.
+The LLVM Makefile System is quite generous. It not only builds its own software,
+but it can build yours too. Built into the system is knowledge of the
+``llvm/projects`` directory. Any directory under ``projects`` that has both a
+``configure`` script and a ``Makefile`` is assumed to be a project that uses the
+LLVM Makefile system. Building software that uses LLVM does not require the
+LLVM Makefile System nor even placement in the ``llvm/projects``
+directory. However, doing so will allow your project to get up and running
+quickly by utilizing the built-in features that are used to compile LLVM. LLVM
+compiles itself using the same features of the makefile system as used for
+For complete details on setting up your projects configuration, simply mimic the
+``llvm/projects/sample`` project. Or for further details, consult the
+`Projects <Projects.html>`_ page.
+Variable Values
+To use the makefile system, you simply create a file named ``Makefile`` in your
+directory and declare values for certain variables. The variables and values
+that you select determine what the makefile system will do. These variables
+enable rules and processing in the makefile system that automatically Do The
+Right Thing&trade;.
+Including Makefiles
+Setting variables alone is not enough. You must include into your Makefile
+additional files that provide the rules of the LLVM Makefile system. The various
+files involved are described in the sections that follow.
+Each directory to participate in the build needs to have a file named
+``Makefile``. This is the file first read by ``make``. It has three
+#. Settable Variables --- Required that must be set first.
+#. ``include $(LEVEL)/Makefile.common`` --- include the LLVM Makefile system.
+#. Override Variables --- Override variables set by the LLVM Makefile system.
+.. _$(LEVEL)/Makefile.common:
+Every project must have a ``Makefile.common`` file at its top source
+directory. This file serves three purposes:
+#. It includes the project's configuration makefile to obtain values determined
+ by the ``configure`` script. This is done by including the
+ `$(LEVEL)/Makefile.config`_ file.
+#. It specifies any other (static) values that are needed throughout the
+ project. Only values that are used in all or a large proportion of the
+ project's directories should be placed here.
+#. It includes the standard rules for the LLVM Makefile system,
+ `$(LLVM_SRC_ROOT)/Makefile.rules`_. This file is the *guts* of the LLVM
+ ``Makefile`` system.
+.. _$(LEVEL)/Makefile.config:
+Every project must have a ``Makefile.config`` at the top of its *build*
+directory. This file is **generated** by the ``configure`` script from the
+pattern provided by the ```` file located at the top of the
+project's *source* directory. The contents of this file depend largely on what
+configuration items the project uses, however most projects can get what they
+need by just relying on LLVM's configuration found in
+.. _$(LLVM_SRC_ROOT)/Makefile.rules:
+This file, located at ``$(LLVM_SRC_ROOT)/Makefile.rules`` is the heart of the
+LLVM Makefile System. It provides all the logic, dependencies, and rules for
+building the targets supported by the system. What it does largely depends on
+the values of ``make`` `variables`_ that have been set *before*
+``Makefile.rules`` is included.
+User ``Makefile``\s need not have comments in them unless the construction is
+unusual or it does not strictly follow the rules and patterns of the LLVM
+makefile system. Makefile comments are invoked with the pound (``#``) character.
+The ``#`` character and any text following it, to the end of the line, are
+ignored by ``make``.
+This section provides some examples of the different kinds of modules you can
+build with the LLVM makefile system. In general, each directory you provide will
+build a single object although that object may be composed of additionally
+compiled components.
+Only a few variable definitions are needed to build a regular library.
+Normally, the makefile system will build all the software into a single
+``libname.o`` (pre-linked) object. This means the library is not searchable and
+that the distinction between compilation units has been dissolved. Optionally,
+you can ask for a shared library (.so) or archive library (.a) built. Archive
+libraries are the default. For example:
+.. code-block:: makefile
+says to build a library named ``mylib`` with both a shared library
+(````) and an archive library (``mylib.a``) version. The contents of all
+the libraries produced will be the same, they are just constructed differently.
+Note that you normally do not need to specify the sources involved. The LLVM
+Makefile system will infer the source files from the contents of the source
+The ``LOADABLE_MODULE=1`` directive can be used in conjunction with
+``SHARED_LIBRARY=1`` to indicate that the resulting shared library should be
+openable with the ``dlopen`` function and searchable with the ``dlsym`` function
+(or your operating system's equivalents). While this isn't strictly necessary on
+Linux and a few other platforms, it is required on systems like HP-UX and
+Darwin. You should use ``LOADABLE_MODULE`` for any shared library that you
+intend to be loaded into an tool via the ``-load`` option. See the
+`WritingAnLLVMPass.html <WritingAnLLVMPass.html#makefile>`_ document for an
+example of why you might want to do this.
+Bitcode Modules
+In some situations, it is desirable to build a single bitcode module from a
+variety of sources, instead of an archive, shared library, or bitcode
+library. Bitcode modules can be specified in addition to any of the other types
+of libraries by defining the `MODULE_NAME`_ variable. For example:
+.. code-block:: makefile
+ MODULE_NAME = mymod
+will build a module named ``mymod.bc`` from the sources in the directory. This
+module will be an aggregation of all the bitcode modules derived from the
+sources. The example will also build a bitcode archive containing a bitcode
+module for each compiled source file. The difference is subtle, but important
+depending on how the module or library is to be linked.
+Loadable Modules
+In some situations, you need to create a loadable module. Loadable modules can
+be loaded into programs like ``opt`` or ``llc`` to specify additional passes to
+run or targets to support. Loadable modules are also useful for debugging a
+pass or providing a pass with another package if that pass can't be included in
+LLVM provides complete support for building such a module. All you need to do is
+use the ``LOADABLE_MODULE`` variable in your ``Makefile``. For example, to build
+a loadable module named ``MyMod`` that uses the LLVM libraries ``LLVMSupport.a``
+and ``LLVMSystem.a``, you would specify:
+.. code-block:: makefile
+ LINK_COMPONENTS := support system
+Use of the ``LOADABLE_MODULE`` facility implies several things:
+#. There will be no "``lib``" prefix on the module. This differentiates it from
+ a standard shared library of the same name.
+#. The `SHARED_LIBRARY`_ variable is turned on.
+#. The `LINK_LIBS_IN_SHARED`_ variable is turned on.
+A loadable module is loaded by LLVM via the facilities of libtool's libltdl
+library which is part of ``lib/System`` implementation.
+For building executable programs (tools), you must provide the name of the tool
+and the names of the libraries you wish to link with the tool. For example:
+.. code-block:: makefile
+ TOOLNAME = mytool
+ USEDLIBS = mylib
+ LINK_COMPONENTS = support system
+says that we are to build a tool name ``mytool`` and that it requires three
+libraries: ``mylib``, ``LLVMSupport.a`` and ``LLVMSystem.a``.
+Note that two different variables are use to indicate which libraries are
+linked: ``USEDLIBS`` and ``LLVMLIBS``. This distinction is necessary to support
+projects. ``LLVMLIBS`` refers to the LLVM libraries found in the LLVM object
+directory. ``USEDLIBS`` refers to the libraries built by your project. In the
+case of building LLVM tools, ``USEDLIBS`` and ``LLVMLIBS`` can be used
+interchangeably since the "project" is LLVM itself and ``USEDLIBS`` refers to
+the same place as ``LLVMLIBS``.
+Also note that there are two different ways of specifying a library: with a
+``.a`` suffix and without. Without the suffix, the entry refers to the re-linked
+(.o) file which will include *all* symbols of the library. This is
+useful, for example, to include all passes from a library of passes. If the
+``.a`` suffix is used then the library is linked as a searchable library (with
+the ``-l`` option). In this case, only the symbols that are unresolved *at
+that point* will be resolved from the library, if they exist. Other
+(unreferenced) symbols will not be included when the ``.a`` syntax is used. Note
+that in order to use the ``.a`` suffix, the library in question must have been
+built with the ``ARCHIVE_LIBRARY`` option set.
+JIT Tools
+Many tools will want to use the JIT features of LLVM. To do this, you simply
+specify that you want an execution 'engine', and the makefiles will
+automatically link in the appropriate JIT for the host or an interpreter if none
+is available:
+.. code-block:: makefile
+ TOOLNAME = my_jit_tool
+ USEDLIBS = mylib
+Of course, any additional libraries may be listed as other components. To get a
+full understanding of how this changes the linker command, it is recommended
+that you:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ % cd examples/Fibonacci
+ % make VERBOSE=1
+Targets Supported
+This section describes each of the targets that can be built using the LLVM
+Makefile system. Any target can be invoked from any directory but not all are
+applicable to a given directory (e.g. "check", "dist" and "install" will always
+operate as if invoked from the top level directory).
+================= =============== ==================
+Target Name Implied Targets Target Description
+================= =============== ==================
+``all`` \ Compile the software recursively. Default target.
+``all-local`` \ Compile the software in the local directory only.
+``check`` \ Change to the ``test`` directory in a project and run the test suite there.
+``check-local`` \ Run a local test suite. Generally this is only defined in the ``Makefile`` of the project's ``test`` directory.
+``clean`` \ Remove built objects recursively.
+``clean-local`` \ Remove built objects from the local directory only.
+``dist`` ``all`` Prepare a source distribution tarball.
+``dist-check`` ``all`` Prepare a source distribution tarball and check that it builds.
+``dist-clean`` ``clean`` Clean source distribution tarball temporary files.
+``install`` ``all`` Copy built objects to installation directory.
+``preconditions`` ``all`` Check to make sure configuration and makefiles are up to date.
+``printvars`` ``all`` Prints variables defined by the makefile system (for debugging).
+``tags`` \ Make C and C++ tags files for emacs and vi.
+``uninstall`` \ Remove built objects from installation directory.
+================= =============== ==================
+.. _all:
+``all`` (default)
+When you invoke ``make`` with no arguments, you are implicitly instructing it to
+seek the ``all`` target (goal). This target is used for building the software
+recursively and will do different things in different directories. For example,
+in a ``lib`` directory, the ``all`` target will compile source files and
+generate libraries. But, in a ``tools`` directory, it will link libraries and
+generate executables.
+This target is the same as `all`_ but it operates only on the current directory
+instead of recursively.
+This target can be invoked from anywhere within a project's directories but
+always invokes the `check-local`_ target in the project's ``test`` directory, if
+it exists and has a ``Makefile``. A warning is produced otherwise. If
+`TESTSUITE`_ is defined on the ``make`` command line, it will be passed down to
+the invocation of ``make check-local`` in the ``test`` directory. The intended
+usage for this is to assist in running specific suites of tests. If
+``TESTSUITE`` is not set, the implementation of ``check-local`` should run all
+normal tests. It is up to the project to define what different values for
+``TESTSUTE`` will do. See the `Testing Guide <TestingGuide.html>`_ for further
+This target should be implemented by the ``Makefile`` in the project's ``test``
+directory. It is invoked by the ``check`` target elsewhere. Each project is
+free to define the actions of ``check-local`` as appropriate for that
+project. The LLVM project itself uses dejagnu to run a suite of feature and
+regresson tests. Other projects may choose to use dejagnu or any other testing
+This target cleans the build directory, recursively removing all things that the
+Makefile builds. The cleaning rules have been made guarded so they shouldn't go
+awry (via ``rm -f $(UNSET_VARIABLE)/*`` which will attempt to erase the entire
+directory structure.
+This target does the same thing as ``clean`` but only for the current (local)
+This target builds a distribution tarball. It first builds the entire project
+using the ``all`` target and then tars up the necessary files and compresses
+it. The generated tarball is sufficient for a casual source distribution, but
+probably not for a release (see ``dist-check``).
+This target does the same thing as the ``dist`` target but also checks the
+distribution tarball. The check is made by unpacking the tarball to a new
+directory, configuring it, building it, installing it, and then verifying that
+the installation results are correct (by comparing to the original build). This
+target can take a long time to run but should be done before a release goes out
+to make sure that the distributed tarball can actually be built into a working
+This is a special form of the ``clean`` clean target. It performs a normal
+``clean`` but also removes things pertaining to building the distribution.
+This target finalizes shared objects and executables and copies all libraries,
+headers, executables and documentation to the directory given with the
+``--prefix`` option to ``configure``. When completed, the prefix directory will
+have everything needed to **use** LLVM.
+The LLVM makefiles can generate complete **internal** documentation for all the
+classes by using ``doxygen``. By default, this feature is **not** enabled
+because it takes a long time and generates a massive amount of data (>100MB). If
+you want this feature, you must configure LLVM with the --enable-doxygen switch
+and ensure that a modern version of doxygen (1.3.7 or later) is available in
+your ``PATH``. You can download doxygen from `here
+This utility target checks to see if the ``Makefile`` in the object directory is
+older than the ``Makefile`` in the source directory and copies it if so. It also
+reruns the ``configure`` script if that needs to be done and rebuilds the
+``Makefile.config`` file similarly. Users may overload this target to ensure
+that sanity checks are run *before* any building of targets as all the targets
+depend on ``preconditions``.
+This utility target just causes the LLVM makefiles to print out some of the
+makefile variables so that you can double check how things are set.
+This utility target will force a reconfigure of LLVM or your project. It simply
+runs ``$(PROJ_OBJ_ROOT)/config.status --recheck`` to rerun the configuration
+tests and rebuild the configured files. This isn't generally useful as the
+makefiles will reconfigure themselves whenever its necessary.
+.. warning::
+ Use with caution!
+This utility target, only available when ``$(PROJ_OBJ_ROOT)`` is not the same as
+``$(PROJ_SRC_ROOT)``, will completely clean the ``$(PROJ_OBJ_ROOT)`` directory
+by removing its content entirely and reconfiguring the directory. This returns
+the ``$(PROJ_OBJ_ROOT)`` directory to a completely fresh state. All content in
+the directory except configured files and top-level makefiles will be lost.
+This target will generate a ``TAGS`` file in the top-level source directory. It
+is meant for use with emacs, XEmacs, or ViM. The TAGS file provides an index of
+symbol definitions so that the editor can jump you to the definition
+This target is the opposite of the ``install`` target. It removes the header,
+library and executable files from the installation directories. Note that the
+directories themselves are not removed because it is not guaranteed that LLVM is
+the only thing installing there (e.g. ``--prefix=/usr``).
+.. _variables:
+Variables are used to tell the LLVM Makefile System what to do and to obtain
+information from it. Variables are also used internally by the LLVM Makefile
+System. Variable names that contain only the upper case alphabetic letters and
+underscore are intended for use by the end user. All other variables are
+internal to the LLVM Makefile System and should not be relied upon nor
+modified. The sections below describe how to use the LLVM Makefile
+Control Variables
+Variables listed in the table below should be set *before* the inclusion of
+`$(LEVEL)/Makefile.common`_. These variables provide input to the LLVM make
+system that tell it what to do for the current directory.
+ If set to any value, causes an archive (.a) library to be built.
+ Specifies a set of source files that are generated from other source
+ files. These sources will be built before any other target processing to
+ ensure they are present.
+ If set to any value, causes a bitcode library (.bc) to be built.
+ Specifies a set of configuration files to be installed.
+ If set to any value, causes the build to include debugging symbols even in
+ optimized objects, libraries and executables. This alters the flags
+ specified to the compilers and linkers. Debugging isn't fun in an optimized
+ build, but it is possible.
+ Specifies a set of directories, usually children of the current directory,
+ that should also be made using the same goal. These directories will be
+ built serially.
+ If set to any value, causes the makefiles to **not** automatically generate
+ dependencies when running the compiler. Use of this feature is discouraged
+ and it may be removed at a later date.
+ If set to 1, causes the build to generate optimized objects, libraries and
+ executables. This alters the flags specified to the compilers and
+ linkers. Generally debugging won't be a fun experience with an optimized
+ build.
+ If set to 1, causes the build to generate both optimized and profiled
+ objects, libraries and executables. This alters the flags specified to the
+ compilers and linkers to ensure that profile data can be collected from the
+ tools built. Use the ``gprof`` tool to analyze the output from the profiled
+ tools (``gmon.out``).
+ If set to 1, causes the build to disable assertions, even if building a
+ debug or profile build. This will exclude all assertion check code from the
+ build. LLVM will execute faster, but with little help when things go
+ wrong.
+ Specify a set of directories that should be built, but if they fail, it
+ should not cause the build to fail. Note that this should only be used
+ temporarily while code is being written.
+ Specifies the name of a single file that contains a list of the symbols to
+ be exported by the linker. One symbol per line.
+ Specifies a set of symbols to be exported by the linker.
+ Specifies additional files that should be distributed with LLVM. All source
+ files, all built sources, all Makefiles, and most documentation files will
+ be automatically distributed. Use this variable to distribute any files that
+ are not automatically distributed.
+ If set to any value, specifies that when linking executables the makefiles
+ should retain debug symbols in the executable. Normally, symbols are
+ stripped from the executable.
+``LEVEL`` (required)
+ Specify the level of nesting from the top level. This variable must be set
+ in each makefile as it is used to find the top level and thus the other
+ makefiles.
+ Specify the name of the library to be built. (Required For Libraries)
+ When specified for building a tool, the value of this variable will be
+ passed to the ``llvm-config`` tool to generate a link line for the
+ tool. Unlike ``USEDLIBS`` and ``LLVMLIBS``, not all libraries need to be
+ specified. The ``llvm-config`` tool will figure out the library dependencies
+ and add any libraries that are needed. The ``USEDLIBS`` variable can still
+ be used in conjunction with ``LINK_COMPONENTS`` so that additional
+ project-specific libraries can be linked with the LLVM libraries specified
+ By default, shared library linking will ignore any libraries specified with
+ the `LLVMLIBS`_ or `USEDLIBS`_. This prevents shared libs from including
+ things that will be in the LLVM tool the shared library will be loaded
+ into. However, sometimes it is useful to link certain libraries into your
+ shared library and this option enables that feature.
+ Specifies the set of libraries from the LLVM ``$(ObjDir)`` that will be
+ linked into the tool or library.
+ If set to any value, causes the shared library being built to also be a
+ loadable module. Loadable modules can be opened with the dlopen() function
+ and searched with dlsym (or the operating system's equivalent). Note that
+ setting this variable without also setting ``SHARED_LIBRARY`` will have no
+ effect.
+ Specifies the name of a bitcode module to be created. A bitcode module can
+ be specified in conjunction with other kinds of library builds or by
+ itself. It constructs from the sources a single linked bitcode file.
+ Specifies that the build products of the directory should not be installed
+ but should be built even if the ``install`` target is given. This is handy
+ for directories that build libraries or tools that are only used as part of
+ the build process, such as code generators (e.g. ``tblgen``).
+ Specify a set of directories that may be built, if they exist, but its not
+ an error for them not to exist.
+ Specify a set of directories to build recursively and in parallel if the
+ ``-j`` option was used with ``make``.
+ If set to any value, causes a shared library (``.so``) to be built in
+ addition to any other kinds of libraries. Note that this option will cause
+ all source files to be built twice: once with options for position
+ independent code and once without. Use it only where you really need a
+ shared library.
+``SOURCES`` (optional)
+ Specifies the list of source files in the current directory to be
+ built. Source files of any type may be specified (programs, documentation,
+ config files, etc.). If not specified, the makefile system will infer the
+ set of source files from the files present in the current directory.
+ Specifies a set of filename suffixes that occur in suffix match rules. Only
+ set this if your local ``Makefile`` specifies additional suffix match
+ rules.
+ Specifies the name of the LLVM code generation target that the current
+ directory builds. Setting this variable enables additional rules to build
+ ``.inc`` files from ``.td`` files.
+ Specifies the directory of tests to run in ``llvm/test``.
+ Specifies the name of the tool that the current directory should build.
+ Implies ``VERBOSE`` and also tells each tool invoked to be verbose. This is
+ handy when you're trying to see the sub-tools invoked by each tool invoked
+ by the makefile. For example, this will pass ``-v`` to the GCC compilers
+ which causes it to print out the command lines it uses to invoke sub-tools
+ (compiler, assembler, linker).
+ Specifies the list of project libraries that will be linked into the tool or
+ library.
+ Tells the Makefile system to produce detailed output of what it is doing
+ instead of just summary comments. This will generate a LOT of output.
+Override Variables
+Override variables can be used to override the default values provided by the
+LLVM makefile system. These variables can be set in several ways:
+* In the environment (e.g. setenv, export) --- not recommended.
+* On the ``make`` command line --- recommended.
+* On the ``configure`` command line.
+* In the Makefile (only *after* the inclusion of `$(LEVEL)/Makefile.common`_).
+The override variables are given below:
+``AR`` (defaulted)
+ Specifies the path to the ``ar`` tool.
+ The directory into which the products of build rules will be placed. This
+ might be the same as `PROJ_SRC_DIR`_ but typically is not.
+ The directory which contains the source files to be built.
+ If set to 1, build examples in ``examples`` and (if building Clang)
+ ``tools/clang/examples`` directories.
+``BZIP2`` (configured)
+ The path to the ``bzip2`` tool.
+``CC`` (configured)
+ The path to the 'C' compiler.
+ Additional flags to be passed to the 'C' compiler.
+ Specifies the path to the C++ compiler.
+ Additional flags to be passed to the C++ compiler.
+``DATE`` (configured)
+ Specifies the path to the ``date`` program or any program that can generate
+ the current date and time on its standard output.
+``DOT`` (configured)
+ Specifies the path to the ``dot`` tool or ``false`` if there isn't one.
+``ECHO`` (configured)
+ Specifies the path to the ``echo`` tool for printing output.
+``EXEEXT`` (configured)
+ Provides the extension to be used on executables built by the makefiles.
+ The value may be empty on platforms that do not use file extensions for
+ executables (e.g. Unix).
+``INSTALL`` (configured)
+ Specifies the path to the ``install`` tool.
+``LDFLAGS`` (configured)
+ Allows users to specify additional flags to pass to the linker.
+``LIBS`` (configured)
+ The list of libraries that should be linked with each tool.
+``LIBTOOL`` (configured)
+ Specifies the path to the ``libtool`` tool. This tool is renamed ``mklib``
+ by the ``configure`` script.
+``LLVMAS`` (defaulted)
+ Specifies the path to the ``llvm-as`` tool.
+ Specifies the path to the LLVM capable compiler.
+ Specifies the path to the LLVM C++ capable compiler.
+``LLVMGCC`` (defaulted)
+ Specifies the path to the LLVM version of the GCC 'C' Compiler.
+``LLVMGXX`` (defaulted)
+ Specifies the path to the LLVM version of the GCC C++ Compiler.
+``LLVMLD`` (defaulted)
+ Specifies the path to the LLVM bitcode linker tool
+``LLVM_OBJ_ROOT`` (configured)
+ Specifies the top directory into which the output of the build is placed.
+``LLVM_SRC_ROOT`` (configured)
+ Specifies the top directory in which the sources are found.
+``LLVM_TARBALL_NAME`` (configured)
+ Specifies the name of the distribution tarball to create. This is configured
+ from the name of the project and its version number.
+``MKDIR`` (defaulted)
+ Specifies the path to the ``mkdir`` tool that creates directories.
+ If set, specifies the list of tools to build.
+ The options to provide to the linker to specify that a stripped (no symbols)
+ executable should be built.
+``RANLIB`` (defaulted)
+ Specifies the path to the ``ranlib`` tool.
+``RM`` (defaulted)
+ Specifies the path to the ``rm`` tool.
+``SED`` (defaulted)
+ Specifies the path to the ``sed`` tool.
+``SHLIBEXT`` (configured)
+ Provides the filename extension to use for shared libraries.
+``TBLGEN`` (defaulted)
+ Specifies the path to the ``tblgen`` tool.
+``TAR`` (defaulted)
+ Specifies the path to the ``tar`` tool.
+``ZIP`` (defaulted)
+ Specifies the path to the ``zip`` tool.
+Readable Variables
+Variables listed in the table below can be used by the user's Makefile but
+should not be changed. Changing the value will generally cause the build to go
+wrong, so don't do it.
+ The directory into which executables will ultimately be installed. This
+ value is derived from the ``--prefix`` option given to ``configure``.
+ The name of the type of build being performed: Debug, Release, or
+ Profile.
+ The directory into which bitcode libraries will ultimately be installed.
+ This value is derived from the ``--prefix`` option given to ``configure``.
+ Additional flags given to the ``configure`` script when reconfiguring.
+ The *current* directory for which a distribution copy is being made.
+.. _Echo:
+ The LLVM Makefile System output command. This provides the ``llvm[n]``
+ prefix and starts with ``@`` so the command itself is not printed by
+ ``make``.
+ Same as `Echo`_ but without the leading ``@``.
+ The directory into which include files will ultimately be installed. This
+ value is derived from the ``--prefix`` option given to ``configure``.
+ The directory into which native libraries will ultimately be installed.
+ This value is derived from the ``--prefix`` option given to
+ ``configure``.
+ The configuration specific directory into which libraries are placed before
+ installation.
+ Full path of the ``Makefile.config`` file.
+ Full path of the ```` file.
+ The configuration and directory specific directory where build objects
+ (compilation results) are placed.
+ The complete list of sub-directories of the current directory as
+ specified by other variables.
+ The complete list of source files.
+ The directory into which configuration files will ultimately be
+ installed. This value is derived from the ``--prefix`` option given to
+ ``configure``.
+ The configuration specific directory into which executables are placed
+ before they are installed.
+ The top most directory into which the distribution files are copied.
+ Use this as the first thing on your build script lines to enable or disable
+ verbose mode. It expands to either an ``@`` (quiet mode) or nothing (verbose
+ mode).
+Internal Variables
+Variables listed below are used by the LLVM Makefile System and considered
+internal. You should not use these variables under any circumstances.
+.. code-block:: makefile
+ Archive
+ AR.Flags
+ BaseNameSources
+ BCCompile.C
+ BCCompile.CXX
+ BCLinkLib
+ C.Flags
+ Compile.C
+ CompileCommonOpts
+ Compile.CXX
+ ConfigStatusScript
+ ConfigureScript
+ CPP.Flags
+ CPP.Flags
+ CXX.Flags
+ DependFiles
+ DestArchiveLib
+ DestBitcodeLib
+ DestModule
+ DestSharedLib
+ DestTool
+ DistAlways
+ DistCheckDir
+ DistCheckTop
+ DistFiles
+ DistName
+ DistOther
+ DistSources
+ DistSubDirs
+ DistTarBZ2
+ DistTarGZip
+ DistZip
+ ExtraLibs
+ FakeSources
+ INCFiles
+ InternalTargets
+ LD.Flags
+ LibName.A
+ LibName.BC
+ LibName.LA
+ LibName.O
+ LibTool.Flags
+ Link
+ LinkModule
+ LLVMLibDir
+ LLVMLibsOptions
+ LLVMLibsPaths
+ LLVMToolDir
+ LLVMUsedLibs
+ LocalTargets
+ Module
+ ObjectsBC
+ ObjectsLO
+ ObjectsO
+ ObjMakefiles
+ ParallelTargets
+ PreConditions
+ ProjLibsOptions
+ ProjLibsPaths
+ ProjUsedLibs
+ Ranlib
+ RecursiveTargets
+ SrcMakefiles
+ Strip
+ StripWarnMsg
+ TableGen
+ TDFiles
+ ToolBuildPath
+ TopLevelTargets
+ UserTargets
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud