path: root/docs/LibTooling.html
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+ "">
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+<div id="content">
+<p>LibTooling is a library to support writing standalone tools based on
+Clang. This document will provide a basic walkthrough of how to write
+a tool using LibTooling.</p>
+<!-- ======================================================================= -->
+<h2 id="intro">Introduction</h2>
+<!-- ======================================================================= -->
+<p>Tools built with LibTooling, like Clang Plugins, run FrontendActions over
+code. <!-- See FIXME for a tutorial on how to write FrontendActions. -->
+In this tutorial, we'll demonstrate the different ways of running clang's
+SyntaxOnlyAction, which runs a quick syntax check, over a bunch of
+<!-- ======================================================================= -->
+<h2 id="runoncode">Parsing a code snippet in memory.</h2>
+<!-- ======================================================================= -->
+<p>If you ever wanted to run a FrontendAction over some sample code, for example
+to unit test parts of the Clang AST, runToolOnCode is what you looked for. Let
+me give you an example:
+ #include "clang/Tooling/Tooling.h"
+ TEST(runToolOnCode, CanSyntaxCheckCode) {
+ // runToolOnCode returns whether the action was correctly run over the
+ // given code.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(runToolOnCode(new clang::SyntaxOnlyAction, "class X {};"));
+ }
+<!-- ======================================================================= -->
+<h2 id="standalonetool">Writing a standalone tool.</h2>
+<!-- ======================================================================= -->
+<p>Once you unit tested your FrontendAction to the point where it cannot
+possibly break, it's time to create a standalone tool. For a standalone tool
+to run clang, it first needs to figure out what command line arguments to use
+for a specified file. To that end we create a CompilationDatabase.</p>
+<h3 id="compilationdb">Creating a compilation database.</h3>
+<p>CompilationDatabase provides static factory functions to help with parsing
+compile commands from a build directory or the command line. The following code
+allows for both explicit specification of a compile command line, as well as
+retrieving the compile commands lines from a database.
+int main(int argc, const char **argv) {
+ // First, try to create a fixed compile command database from the command line
+ // arguments.
+ llvm::OwningPtr&lt;CompilationDatabase> Compilations(
+ FixedCompilationDatabase::loadFromCommandLine(argc, argv));
+ // Next, use normal llvm command line parsing to get the tool specific
+ // parameters.
+ cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(argc, argv);
+ if (!Compilations) {
+ // In case the user did not specify the compile command line via positional
+ // command line arguments after "--", try to load the compile commands from
+ // a database in the specified build directory or auto-detect it from a
+ // source file.
+ std::string ErrorMessage;
+ if (!BuildPath.empty()) {
+ Compilations.reset(
+ CompilationDatabase::autoDetectFromDirectory(BuildPath, ErrorMessage));
+ } else {
+ Compilations.reset(CompilationDatabase::autoDetectFromSource(
+ SourcePaths[0], ErrorMessage));
+ }
+ // If there is still no valid compile command database, we don't know how
+ // to run the tool.
+ if (!Compilations)
+ llvm::report_fatal_error(ErrorMessage);
+ }
+<h3 id="tool">Creating and running a ClangTool.</h3>
+<p>Once we have a CompilationDatabase, we can create a ClangTool and run our
+FrontendAction over some code. For example, to run the SyntaxOnlyAction over
+the files "" and "" one would write:
+ // A clang tool can run over a number of sources in the same process...
+ std::vector&lt;std::string> Sources;
+ Sources.push_back("");
+ Sources.push_back("");
+ // We hand the CompilationDatabase we created and the sources to run over into
+ // the tool constructor.
+ ClangTool Tool(*Compilations, Sources);
+ // The ClangTool needs a new FrontendAction for each translation unit we run
+ // on. Thus, it takes a FrontendActionFactory as parameter. To create a
+ // FrontendActionFactory from a given FrontendAction type, we call
+ // newFrontendActionFactory&lt;clang::SyntaxOnlyAction>().
+ int result =;clang::SyntaxOnlyAction>());
+<h3 id="main">Putting it together - the first tool.</h3>
+<p>Now we combine the two previous steps into our first real tool. This example
+tool is also checked into the clang tree at tools/clang-check/ClangCheck.cpp.
+#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
+#include "clang/Frontend/FrontendActions.h"
+#include "clang/Tooling/CompilationDatabase.h"
+#include "clang/Tooling/Tooling.h"
+using namespace clang::tooling;
+using namespace llvm;
+cl::opt&lt;std::string> BuildPath(
+ "p",
+ cl::desc("&lt;build-path>"),
+ cl::Optional);
+cl::list&lt;std::string> SourcePaths(
+ cl::Positional,
+ cl::desc("&lt;source0> [... &lt;sourceN>]"),
+ cl::OneOrMore);
+int main(int argc, const char **argv) {
+ llvm::OwningPtr&lt;CompilationDatabase> Compilations(
+ FixedCompilationDatabase::loadFromCommandLine(argc, argv));
+ cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(argc, argv);
+ if (!Compilations) {
+ std::string ErrorMessage;
+ Compilations.reset(
+ !BuildPath.empty() ?
+ CompilationDatabase::autoDetectFromDirectory(BuildPath, ErrorMessage) :
+ CompilationDatabase::autoDetectFromSource(SourcePaths[0], ErrorMessage)
+ );
+ if (!Compilations)
+ llvm::report_fatal_error(ErrorMessage);
+ }
+ ClangTool Tool(*Compilations, SourcePaths);
+ return;clang::SyntaxOnlyAction>());
+<h3 id="running">Running the tool on some code.</h3>
+<p>When you check out and build clang, clang-check is already built and
+available to you in bin/clang-check inside your build directory.</p>
+<p>You can run clang-check on a file in the llvm repository by specifying
+all the needed parameters after a "--" separator:
+ $ cd /path/to/source/llvm
+ $ export BD=/path/to/build/llvm
+ $ $BD/bin/clang-check tools/clang/tools/clang-check/ClangCheck.cpp -- \
+ -Itools/clang/include -I$BD/include -Iinclude -Itools/clang/lib/Headers -c
+<p>As an alternative, you can also configure cmake to output a compile command
+database into its build directory:
+ # Alternatively to calling cmake, use ccmake, toggle to advanced mode and
+ # set the parameter CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS from the UI.
+This creates a file called compile_commands.json in the build directory. Now
+you can run clang-check over files in the project by specifying the build path
+as first argument and some source files as further positional arguments:
+ $ cd /path/to/source/llvm
+ $ export BD=/path/to/build/llvm
+ $ $BD/bin/clang-check -p $BD tools/clang/tools/clang-check/ClangCheck.cpp
+<h3 id="builtin">Builtin includes.</h3>
+<p>Clang tools need their builtin headers and search for them the same way clang
+does. Thus, the default location to look for builtin headers is in a path
+$(dirname /path/to/tool)/../lib/clang/3.2/include relative to the tool
+binary. This works out-of-the-box for tools running from llvm's toplevel
+binary directory after building clang-headers, or if the tool is running
+from the binary directory of a clang install next to the clang binary.</p>
+<p>Tips: if your tool fails to find stddef.h or similar headers, call
+the tool with -v and look at the search paths it looks through.</p>
+<h3 id="linking">Linking.</h3>
+<p>Please note that this presents the linking requirements at the time of this
+writing. For the most up-to-date information, look at one of the tools'
+Makefiles (for example
+<a href="">clang-check/Makefile</a>).
+<p>To link a binary using the tooling infrastructure, link in the following
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