path: root/docs/HowToReleaseLLVM.html
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1 files changed, 458 insertions, 356 deletions
diff --git a/docs/HowToReleaseLLVM.html b/docs/HowToReleaseLLVM.html
index 7663321..f52f326 100644
--- a/docs/HowToReleaseLLVM.html
+++ b/docs/HowToReleaseLLVM.html
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
-<div class="doc_title">How To Release LLVM To The Public</div>
+<h1>How To Release LLVM To The Public</h1>
<li><a href="#introduction">Introduction</a></li>
<li><a href="#criteria">Qualification Criteria</a></li>
@@ -17,495 +17,597 @@
<div class="doc_author">
<p>Written by <a href="">Tanya Lattner</a>,
<a href="">Reid Spencer</a>,
- <a href="">John Criswell</a>
+ <a href="">John Criswell</a>, &amp;
+ <a href="">Bill Wendling</a>
<!-- *********************************************************************** -->
-<div class="doc_section"><a name="introduction">Introduction</a></div>
+<h2><a name="introduction">Introduction</a></h2>
<!-- *********************************************************************** -->
-<div class="doc_text">
- <p>
- This document collects information about successfully releasing LLVM
- (including subprojects llvm-gcc and Clang) to the public.
- It is the release manager's responsibility to ensure that a high quality
- build of LLVM is released.
- </p>
+<p>This document contains information about successfully releasing LLVM &mdash;
+ including subprojects: e.g., <tt>llvm-gcc</tt> and <tt>clang</tt> &mdash; to
+ the public. It is the Release Manager's responsibility to ensure that a high
+ quality build of LLVM is released.</p>
<!-- *********************************************************************** -->
-<div class="doc_section"><a name="process">Release Timeline</a></div>
+<h2><a name="process">Release Timeline</a></h2>
<!-- *********************************************************************** -->
-<div class="doc_text">
- <p>LLVM is released on a time based schedule (currently every 6 months). We
- do not have dot releases because of the nature of LLVM incremental
- development philosophy. The release schedule is roughly as follows:
- </p>
-<li>Set code freeze and branch creation date for 6 months after last code freeze
-date. Announce release schedule to the LLVM community and update the website.</li>
-<li>Create release branch and begin release process. </li>
-<li>Send out pre-release for first round of testing. Testing will last 7-10 days.
-During the first round of testing, regressions should be found and fixed. Patches
-are merged from mainline to the release branch.</li>
-<li>Generate and send out second pre-release. Bugs found during this time will
-not be fixed unless absolutely critical. Bugs introduce by patches merged in
-will be fixed and if so, a 3rd round of testing is needed.</li>
-<li>The release notes should be updated during the first and second round of
-pre-release testing.</li>
-<li>Finally, release!</li>
+<p>LLVM is released on a time based schedule &mdash; roughly every 6 months. We
+ do not normally have dot releases because of the nature of LLVM's incremental
+ development philosophy. That said, the only thing preventing dot releases for
+ critical bug fixes from happening is a lack of resources &mdash; testers,
+ machines, time, etc. And, because of the high quality we desire for LLVM
+ releases, we cannot allow for a truncated form of release qualification.</p>
+<p>The release process is roughly as follows:</p>
+ <li><p>Set code freeze and branch creation date for 6 months after last code
+ freeze date. Announce release schedule to the LLVM community and update
+ the website.</p></li>
+ <li><p>Create release branch and begin release process.</p></li>
+ <li><p>Send out release candidate sources for first round of testing. Testing
+ lasts 7-10 days. During the first round of testing, any regressions found
+ should be fixed. Patches are merged from mainline into the release
+ branch. Also, all features need to be completed during this time. Any
+ features not completed at the end of the first round of testing will be
+ removed or disabled for the release.</p></li>
+ <li><p>Generate and send out the second release candidate sources. Only
+ <em>critial</em> bugs found during this testing phase will be fixed. Any
+ bugs introduced by merged patches will be fixed. If so a third round of
+ testing is needed.</p></li>
+ <li><p>The release notes are updated.</p></li>
+ <li><p>Finally, release!</p></li>
<!-- *********************************************************************** -->
-<div class="doc_section"><a name="process">Release Process</a></div>
+<h2><a name="process">Release Process</a></h2>
<!-- *********************************************************************** -->
-<div class="doc_text">
+ <li><a href="#release-admin">Release Administrative Tasks</a>
- <li><a href="#release-admin">Release Administrative Tasks</a></li>
- <ol>
<li><a href="#branch">Create Release Branch</a></li>
<li><a href="#verchanges">Update Version Numbers</a></li>
- </ol>
- <li><a href="#release-build">Building the Release</a></li>
- <ol>
+ </ol>
+ </li>
+ <li><a href="#release-build">Building the Release</a>
+ <ol>
<li><a href="#dist">Build the LLVM Source Distributions</a></li>
<li><a href="#build">Build LLVM</a></li>
<li><a href="#llvmgccbin">Build the LLVM-GCC Binary Distribution</a></li>
<li><a href="#clangbin">Build the Clang Binary Distribution</a></li>
<li><a href="#target-build">Target Specific Build Details</a></li>
- </ol>
- <li><a href="#release-qualify">Release Qualification Criteria</a></li>
- <ol>
+ </ol>
+ </li>
+ <li><a href="#release-qualify">Release Qualification Criteria</a>
+ <ol>
<li><a href="#llvm-qualify">Qualify LLVM</a></li>
<li><a href="#llvmgcc-qualify">Qualify LLVM-GCC</a></li>
<li><a href="#clang-qualify">Qualify Clang</a></li>
<li><a href="#targets">Specific Target Qualification Details</a></li>
- </ol>
- <li><a href="#commTest">Community Testing</a></li>
- <li><a href="#release-patch">Release Patch Rules</a></li>
- <li><a href="#release-final">Release final tasks</a></li>
- <ol>
+ </ol>
+ </li>
+ <li><a href="#commTest">Community Testing</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#release-patch">Release Patch Rules</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#release-final">Release final tasks</a>
+ <ol>
<li><a href="#updocs">Update Documentation</a></li>
- <li><a href="#tag">Tag the LLVM Release Branch</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#tag">Tag the LLVM Final Release</a></li>
<li><a href="#updemo">Update the LLVM Demo Page</a></li>
<li><a href="#webupdates">Update the LLVM Website</a></li>
<li><a href="#announce">Announce the Release</a></li>
- </ol>
+ </li>
<!-- ======================================================================= -->
-<div class="doc_subsection"><a name="release-admin">
-Release Administrative Tasks</a></div>
-<div class="doc_text">
-This section describes a few administrative tasks that need to be done for the
-release process to begin. Specifically, it involves creating the release branch,
- resetting version numbers, and creating the release tarballs for the release
- team to begin testing.
+<h3><a name="release-admin">Release Administrative Tasks</a></h3>
+<p>This section describes a few administrative tasks that need to be done for
+ the release process to begin. Specifically, it involves:</p>
+ <li>Creating the release branch,</li>
+ <li>Setting version numbers, and</li>
+ <li>Tagging release candidates for the release team to begin testing</li>
<!-- ======================================================================= -->
-<div class="doc_subsubsection"><a name="branch">Create Release Branch</a></div>
-<div class="doc_text">
-<p>Branch the Subversion HEAD using the following procedure:</p>
- <ol>
- <li>
- <p>Verify that the current Subversion HEAD is in decent shape by examining
- nightly tester or buildbot results.</p></li>
- <li>
- <p>Request all developers to refrain from committing. Offenders get commit
- rights taken away (temporarily).</p></li>
- <li>
- <p> Create the release branch for <tt>llvm</tt>, <tt>llvm-gcc4.2</tt>,
- <tt>clang</tt>, and the <tt>test-suite</tt>. The branch name will be
- <tt>release_XX</tt>,where <tt>XX</tt> is the major and minor release numbers.
- <tt>Clang</tt> will have a different release number than <tt>llvm</tt>/
- <tt>llvm-gcc4</tt> since its first release was years later
- (still deciding if this will be true or not). These branches
- can be created without checking out anything from subversion.
- </p>
+<h4><a name="branch">Create Release Branch</a></h4>
+<p>Branch the Subversion trunk using the following procedure:</p>
+ <li><p>Remind developers that the release branching is imminent and to refrain
+ from committing patches that might break the build. E.g., new features,
+ large patches for works in progress, an overhaul of the type system, an
+ exciting new TableGen feature, etc.</p></li>
+ <li><p>Verify that the current Subversion trunk is in decent shape by
+ examining nightly tester and buildbot results.</p></li>
+ <li><p>Create the release branch for <tt>llvm</tt>, <tt>llvm-gcc-4.2</tt>,
+ <tt>clang</tt>, and the <tt>test-suite</tt> from the last known good
+ revision. The branch's name is <tt>release_XY</tt>, where <tt>X</tt> is
+ the major and <tt>Y</tt> the minor release numbers. The branches should be
+ created using the following commands:</p>
- <div class="doc_code">
+<div class="doc_code">
-svn copy \
-svn copy \
-svn copy \
-svn copy \
+$ svn copy \
+$ svn copy \
+$ svn copy \
+$ svn copy \
- </div>
- <li>
- <p>Advise developers they can work on Subversion HEAD again.</p></li>
- <li>
- <p>The Release Manager should switch to the release branch (as all changes
- to the release will now be done in the branch). The easiest way to do this
- is to grab another working copy using the following commands:</p>
+ <li><p>Advise developers that they may now check their patches into the
+ Subversion tree again.</p></li>
+ <li><p>The Release Manager should switch to the release branch, because all
+ changes to the release will now be done in the branch. The easiest way to
+ do this is to grab a working copy using the following commands:</p>
<div class="doc_code">
-svn co<i>XX</i>
-svn co<i>XX</i>
-svn co<i>XX</i>
-svn co<i>XX</i>
+$ svn co<i>XY</i> llvm-<i>X.Y</i>
+$ svn co<i>XY</i> llvm-gcc-4.2-<i>X.Y</i>
+$ svn co<i>XY</i> test-suite-<i>X.Y</i>
+$ svn co<i>XY</i> clang-<i>X.Y</i>
- </ol>
<!-- ======================================================================= -->
-<div class="doc_subsubsection"><a name="verchanges">Update LLVM Version</a></div>
-<div class="doc_text">
- <p>
- After creating the LLVM release branch, update the release branches'
- autoconf/ version from X.Xsvn to just X.X. Update it on mainline
- as well to be the next version (X.X+1svn). Regenerated the configure script
- for both. This must be done for both <tt>llvm</tt> and the
- <tt>test-suite</tt>.
- </p>
- <p>FIXME: Add a note about <tt>clang</tt>.</p>
- <p>In addition, the version number of all the Bugzilla components must be
- updated for the next release.
- </p>
+<h4><a name="verchanges">Update LLVM Version</a></h4>
+<p>After creating the LLVM release branch, update the release branches'
+ <tt>autoconf</tt> and <tt></tt> versions from '<tt>X.Ysvn</tt>'
+ to '<tt>X.Y</tt>'. Update it on mainline as well to be the next version
+ ('<tt>X.Y+1svn</tt>'). Regenerate the configure scripts for both
+ <tt>llvm</tt> and the <tt>test-suite</tt>.</p>
+<p>In addition, the version numbers of all the Bugzilla components must be
+ updated for the next release.</p>
<!-- ======================================================================= -->
-<div class="doc_subsubsection"><a name="dist">Build the LLVM Source Distributions</a></div>
-<div class="doc_text">
- <p>
- Create source distributions for <tt>LLVM</tt>, <tt>LLVM-GCC</tt>,
- <tt>clang</tt>, and the llvm <tt>test-suite</tt> by exporting the source from
- Subversion and archiving it. This can be done with the following commands:
- </p>
+<h4><a name="dist">Build the LLVM Release Candidates</a></h4>
+<p>Create release candidates for <tt>llvm</tt>, <tt>llvm-gcc</tt>,
+ <tt>clang</tt>, and the LLVM <tt>test-suite</tt> by tagging the branch with
+ the respective release candidate number. For instance, to create <b>Release
+ Candidate 1</b> you would issue the following commands:</p>
<div class="doc_code">
-svn export<i>XX</i> llvm-X.X
-svn export<i>XX</i> llvm-gcc4.2-X.X.source
-svn export<i>XX</i> llvm-test-X.X
-svn export<i>XX</i> clang-X.X
-tar -czvf - llvm-X.X | gzip &gt; llvm-X.X.tar.gz
-tar -czvf - llvm-test-X.X | gzip &gt; llvm-test-X.X.tar.gz
-tar -czvf - llvm-gcc4.2-X.X.source | gzip &gt; llvm-gcc-4.2-X.X.source.tar.gz
-tar -czvf - clang-X.X | gzip &gt; clang-X.X.tar.gz
+$ svn mkdir<i>XY</i>
+$ svn copy<i>XY</i> \
+$ svn mkdir<i>XY</i>
+$ svn copy<i>XY</i> \
+$ svn mkdir<i>XY</i>
+$ svn copy<i>XY</i> \
+$ svn mkdir<i>XY</i>
+$ svn copy<i>XY</i> \
+<p>Similarly, <b>Release Candidate 2</b> would be named <tt>RC2</tt> and so
+ on. This keeps a permanent copy of the release candidate around for people to
+ export and build as they wish. The final released sources will be tagged in
+ the <tt>RELEASE_<i>XY</i></tt> directory as <tt>Final</tt>
+ (c.f. <a href="#tag">Tag the LLVM Final Release</a>).</p>
+<p>The Release Manager may supply pre-packaged source tarballs for users. This
+ can be done with the following commands:</p>
+<div class="doc_code">
+$ svn export<i>XY</i>/rc1 llvm-<i>X.Y</i>rc1
+$ svn export<i>XY</i>/rc1 llvm-gcc4.2-<i>X.Y</i>rc1
+$ svn export<i>XY</i>/rc1 llvm-test-<i>X.Y</i>rc1
+$ svn export<i>XY</i>/rc1 clang-<i>X.Y</i>rc1
+$ tar -cvf - llvm-<i>X.Y</i>rc1 | gzip &gt; llvm-<i>X.Y</i>rc1.src.tar.gz
+$ tar -cvf - llvm-test-<i>X.Y</i>rc1 | gzip &gt; llvm-test-<i>X.Y</i>rc1.src.tar.gz
+$ tar -cvf - llvm-gcc4.2-<i>X.Y</i>rc1 | gzip &gt; llvm-gcc-4.2-<i>X.Y</i>rc1.src.tar.gz
+$ tar -cvf - clang-<i>X.Y</i>rc1 | gzip &gt; clang-<i>X.Y</i>rc1.src.tar.gz
<!-- ======================================================================= -->
-<div class="doc_subsection"><a name="release-build">
-Building the Release</a></div>
+<h3><a name="release-build">Building the Release</a></h3>
-<div class="doc_text">
-The build of <tt>llvm</tt>, <tt>llvm-gcc</tt>, and <tt>clang</tt> must be free
-of errors and warnings in both debug, release+asserts, and release builds.
-If all builds are clean, then the release passes build qualification.
-<li>debug: ENABLE_OPTIMIZED=0</li>
-<li>release+asserts: ENABLE_OPTIMIZED=1</li>
+<p>The builds of <tt>llvm</tt>, <tt>llvm-gcc</tt>, and <tt>clang</tt>
+ <em>must</em> be free of errors and warnings in Debug, Release+Asserts, and
+ Release builds. If all builds are clean, then the release passes Build
+ Qualification.</p>
+<p>The <tt>make</tt> options for building the different modes:</p>
+ <tr><th>Mode</th><th>Options</th></tr>
+ <tr align="left"><td>Debug</td><td><tt>ENABLE_OPTIMIZED=0</tt></td></tr>
+ <tr align="left"><td>Release+Asserts</td><td><tt>ENABLE_OPTIMIZED=1</tt></td></tr>
+ <tr align="left"><td>Release</td><td><tt>ENABLE_OPTIMIZED=1 DISABLE_ASSERTIONS=1</tt></td></tr>
<!-- ======================================================================= -->
-<div class="doc_subsubsection"><a name="build">Build LLVM</a></div>
-<div class="doc_text">
- <p>
- Build both debug, release+asserts (optimized), and release versions of
- LLVM on all supported platforms. Direction to build llvm are
- <a href="">here</a>.
- </p>
+<h4><a name="build">Build LLVM</a></h4>
+<p>Build <tt>Debug</tt>, <tt>Release+Asserts</tt>, and <tt>Release</tt> versions
+ of <tt>llvm</tt> on all supported platforms. Directions to build
+ <tt>llvm</tt> are
+ <a href="GettingStarted.html#quickstart">here</a>.</p>
<!-- ======================================================================= -->
-<div class="doc_subsubsection"><a name="llvmgccbin">Build the LLVM GCC Binary Distribution</a></div>
-<div class="doc_text">
- <p>
- Creating the LLVM GCC binary distribution (release/optimized) requires
- performing the following steps for each supported platform:
- </p>
+<h4><a name="llvmgccbin">Build the LLVM GCC Binary Distribution</a></h4>
+<p>Creating the <tt>llvm-gcc</tt> binary distribution (Release/Optimized)
+ requires performing the following steps for each supported platform:</p>
+ <li><p>Build the <tt>llvm-gcc</tt> front-end by following the directions in
+ the <tt>README.LLVM</tt> file. The front-end must be compiled with C, C++,
+ Objective-C (Mac only), Objective-C++ (Mac only), and Fortran
+ support.</p></li>
+ <li><p>Boostrapping must be enabled.</p></li>
+ <li><p>Be sure to build with <tt>LLVM_VERSION_INFO=X.Y</tt>, where <tt>X</tt>
+ is the major and <tt>Y</tt> is the minor release numbers.</p></li>
+ <li><p>Copy the installation directory to a directory named for the specific
+ target. For example on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, the directory would be
+ named <tt>llvm-gcc4.2-2.6-x86-linux-RHEL4</tt>. Archive and compress the
+ new directory.</p></li>
- <ol>
- <li>
- Build the LLVM GCC front-end by following the directions in the README.LLVM
- file. The frontend must be compiled with c, c++, objc (mac only),
- objc++ (mac only) and fortran support. </li>
- <li>Please boostrap as well.</li>
- <li>Be sure to build with LLVM_VERSION_INFO=X.X, where X is the major and
- minor release numbers.
- </li>
- <li>
- Copy the installation directory to a directory named for the specific target.
- For example on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, the directory would be named
- <tt>llvm-gcc4.2-2.6-x86-linux-RHEL4</tt>. Archive and compress the new directory.
- </li>
- </ol>
<!-- ======================================================================= -->
-<div class="doc_subsubsection"><a name="clangbin">Build Clang
-Binary Distribution</a></div>
-<div class="doc_text">
- <p>
- Creating the Clang binary distribution (debug/release/release) requires
- performing the following steps for each supported platform:
- </p>
+<h4><a name="clangbin">Build Clang Binary Distribution</a></h4>
- <ol>
- <li>
- Build clang according to the directions
- <a href="">here</a>.
- </li>
- <li>Build both a debug and release version of clang, but the binary
- will be a release build.</lI>
- <li>
- Package clang (details to follow).
- </li>
- </ol>
+<p>Creating the <tt>clang</tt> binary distribution
+ (Debug/Release+Asserts/Release) requires performing the following steps for
+ each supported platform:</p>
+ <li>Build clang according to the directions
+ <a href="">here</a>.</li>
+ <li>Build both a debug and release version of clang. The binary will be the
+ release build.</lI>
+ <li>Package <tt>clang</tt> (details to follow).</li>
<!-- ======================================================================= -->
-<div class="doc_subsubsection"><a name="target-build">Target Specific Build
-<div class="doc_text">
- <p>
- The table below specifies which compilers are used for each arch/os combination
- when qualifying the build of <tt>llvm</tt>, <tt>llvm-gcc</tt>, <tt>clang.
- </tt></p>
- <p>
- <table>
+<h4><a name="target-build">Target Specific Build Details</a></h4>
+<p>The table below specifies which compilers are used for each Arch/OS
+ combination when qualifying the build of <tt>llvm</tt>, <tt>llvm-gcc</tt>,
+ and <tt>clang</tt>.</p>
<tr><td>x86-32</td><td>Mac OS 10.5</td><td>gcc 4.0.1</td></tr>
<tr><td>x86-32</td><td>Linux</td><td>gcc 4.2.X, gcc 4.3.X</td></tr>
<tr><td>x86-32</td><td>FreeBSD</td><td>gcc 4.2.X</td></tr>
- <tr><td>x86-32</td><td>mingw</td><td>gcc 3.4.5</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>x86-32</td><td>mingw</td><td>gcc 3.4.5</td></tr>
<tr><td>x86-64</td><td>Mac OS 10.5</td><td>gcc 4.0.1</td></tr>
<tr><td>x86-64</td><td>Linux</td><td>gcc 4.2.X, gcc 4.3.X</td></tr>
<tr><td>x86-64</td><td>FreeBSD</td><td>gcc 4.2.X</td></tr>
- </table>
- </p>
<!-- ======================================================================= -->
-<div class="doc_subsection"><a name="release-qualify">
-Building the Release</a></div>
-<div class="doc_text">
- A release is qualified when it has no regressions from the previous
- release (or baseline). Regressions are related to correctness only and not
- performance at this time. <b>Regressions are new failures in the set of tests that
- are used to qualify each product and only include things on the list.
- Ultimately, there is no end to the number of possible bugs in a release. We
- need a very concrete and definitive release criteria that ensures we have
- monotonically improving quality on some metric. The metric we use is
- described below. This doesn't mean that we don't care about other things,
- but this are things that must be satisfied before a release can go out</b>
+<h3><a name="release-qualify">Building the Release</a></h3>
+<p>A release is qualified when it has no regressions from the previous release
+ (or baseline). Regressions are related to correctness first and performance
+ second. (We may tolerate some minor performance regressions if they are
+ deemed necessary for the general quality of the compiler.)</p>
+<p><b>Regressions are new failures in the set of tests that are used to qualify
+ each product and only include things on the list. Every release will have
+ some bugs in it. It is the reality of developing a complex piece of
+ software. We need a very concrete and definitive release criteria that
+ ensures we have monotonically improving quality on some metric. The metric we
+ use is described below. This doesn't mean that we don't care about other
+ criteria, but these are the criteria which we found to be most important and
+ which must be satisfied before a release can go out</b></p>
<!-- ======================================================================= -->
-<div class="doc_subsubsection"><a name="llvm-qualify">Qualify LLVM</a></div>
-<div class="doc_text">
- <p>
- LLVM is qualified when it has a clean dejagnu test run without a frontend and
- it has no regressions when using either <tt>llvm-gcc</tt> or <tt>clang</tt>
- with the <tt>test-suite</tt> from the previous release.
+<h4><a name="llvm-qualify">Qualify LLVM</a></h4>
+<p>LLVM is qualified when it has a clean test run without a front-end. And it
+ has no regressions when using either <tt>llvm-gcc</tt> or <tt>clang</tt> with
+ the <tt>test-suite</tt> from the previous release.</p>
<!-- ======================================================================= -->
-<div class="doc_subsubsection"><a name="llvmgcc-qualify">Qualify LLVM-GCC</a></div>
-<div class="doc_text">
- <p>
- <tt>LLVM-GCC</tt> is qualified when front-end specific tests in the
- <tt>llvm</tt> dejagnu test suite all pass and there are no regressions in
- the <tt>test-suite</tt>.</p>
- <p>We do not use the gcc dejagnu test suite as release criteria.</p>
+<h4><a name="llvmgcc-qualify">Qualify LLVM-GCC</a></h4>
+<p><tt>LLVM-GCC</tt> is qualified when front-end specific tests in the
+ <tt>llvm</tt> regression test suite all pass and there are no regressions in
+ the <tt>test-suite</tt>.</p>
+<p>We do not use the GCC DejaGNU test suite as release criteria.</p>
<!-- ======================================================================= -->
-<div class="doc_subsubsection"><a name="clang-qualify">Qualify Clang</a></div>
-<div class="doc_text">
- <tt>Clang</tt> is qualified when front-end specific tests in the
- <tt>llvm</tt> dejagnu test suite all pass, clang's own test suite passes
- cleanly, and there are no regressions in the <tt>test-suite</tt>.</p>
+<h4><a name="clang-qualify">Qualify Clang</a></h4>
+<p><tt>Clang</tt> is qualified when front-end specific tests in the
+ <tt>llvm</tt> dejagnu test suite all pass, clang's own test suite passes
+ cleanly, and there are no regressions in the <tt>test-suite</tt>.</p>
<!-- ======================================================================= -->
-<div class="doc_subsubsection"><a name="targets">Specific Target
-Qualification Details</a></div>
-<div class="doc_text">
- <p><table>
- <tr><th>Architecture</th><th>OS</th><th>llvm-gcc baseline</th><th>clang baseline
- </th><th>tests</th></tr>
+<h4><a name="targets">Specific Target Qualification Details</a></h4>
+ <tr><th>Architecture</th><th>OS</th><th>llvm-gcc baseline</th><th>clang baseline</th><th>tests</th></tr>
<tr><td>x86-32</td><td>Linux</td><td>last release</td><td>last release</td><td>llvm dejagnu, clang tests, test-suite (including spec)</td></tr>
<tr><td>x86-32</td><td>FreeBSD</td><td>none</td><td>last release</td><td>llvm dejagnu, clang tests, test-suite</td></tr>
<tr><td>x86-32</td><td>mingw</td><td>last release</td><td>none</td><td>QT</td></tr>
<tr><td>x86-64</td><td>Mac OS 10.X</td><td>last release</td><td>last release</td><td>llvm dejagnu, clang tests, test-suite (including spec)</td></tr>
<tr><td>x86-64</td><td>Linux</td><td>last release</td><td>last release</td><td>llvm dejagnu, clang tests, test-suite (including spec)</td></tr>
<tr><td>x86-64</td><td>FreeBSD</td><td>none</td><td>last release</td><td>llvm dejagnu, clang tests, test-suite</td></tr>
- </table></p>
<!-- ======================================================================= -->
-<div class="doc_subsection"><a name="commTest">Community Testing</a></div>
-<div class="doc_text">
- <p>
- Once all testing has been completed and appropriate bugs filed, the pre-release
- tar balls may be put on the website and the LLVM community is notified. Ask that
- all LLVM developers test the release in 2 ways:</p>
- <ol>
- <li>Download llvm-X.X, llvm-test-X.X, and the appropriate llvm-gcc4
- and/or clang binary. Build LLVM.
- Run "make check" and the full llvm-test suite (make TEST=nightly report).</li>
- <li>Download llvm-X.X, llvm-test-X.X, and the llvm-gcc4 and/or clang source.
- Compile everything. Run "make check" and the full llvm-test suite (make TEST=nightly
- report).</li>
- </ol>
- <p>Ask LLVM developers to submit the report and make check results to the list.
- Attempt to verify that there are no regressions from the previous release.
- The results are not used to qualify a release, but to spot other potential
- problems. For unsupported targets, verify that make check at least is
- clean.</p>
+<h3><a name="commTest">Community Testing</a></h3>
+<p>Once all testing has been completed and appropriate bugs filed, the release
+ candidate tarballs are put on the website and the LLVM community is
+ notified. Ask that all LLVM developers test the release in 2 ways:</p>
+ <li>Download <tt>llvm-<i>X.Y</i></tt>, <tt>llvm-test-<i>X.Y</i></tt>, and the
+ appropriate <tt>llvm-gcc</tt> and/or <tt>clang</tt> binary. Build
+ LLVM. Run <tt>make check</tt> and the full LLVM test suite (<tt>make
+ TEST=nightly report</tt>).</li>
+ <li>Download <tt>llvm-<i>X.Y</i></tt>, <tt>llvm-test-<i>X.Y</i></tt>, and the
+ <tt>llvm-gcc</tt> and/or <tt>clang</tt> source. Compile everything. Run
+ <tt>make check</tt> and the full LLVM test suite (<tt>make TEST=nightly
+ report</tt>).</li>
+<p>Ask LLVM developers to submit the test suite report and <tt>make check</tt>
+ results to the list. Verify that there are no regressions from the previous
+ release. The results are not used to qualify a release, but to spot other
+ potential problems. For unsupported targets, verify that <tt>make check</tt>
+ is at least clean.</p>
- <p>During the first round of testing time,
- all regressions must be fixed before the second pre-release is created.</p>
+<p>During the first round of testing, all regressions must be fixed before the
+ second release candidate is tagged.</p>
- <p>If this is the second round of testing, this is only to ensure the bug
- fixes previously merged in have not created new major problems. This is not
- the time to solve additional and unrelated bugs. If no patches are merged in,
- the release is determined to be ready and the release manager may move onto
- the next step.
- </p>
+<p>If this is the second round of testing, the testing is only to ensure that
+ bug fixes previously merged in have not created new major problems. <i>This
+ is not the time to solve additional and unrelated bugs!</i> If no patches are
+ merged in, the release is determined to be ready and the release manager may
+ move onto the next stage.</p>
<!-- ======================================================================= -->
-<div class="doc_subsection"><a name="release-patch">Release Patch Rules
-<div class="doc_text">
- <p>
- Below are the rules regarding patching the release branch.</p>
- <p>
- <li>Patches applied to the release branch are only applied by the release
- manager.</li>
- <li>During the first round of testing, patches that fix regressions or that
- are small and relatively risk free (verified by the appropriate code owner)
- are applied to the branch. Code owners are asked to be very conservative in
- approving patches for the branch and we reserve the right to reject any patch
- that does not fix a regression as previously defined.</li>
- <li>During the remaining rounds of testing, only patches that fix regressions
- may be applied.</li>
- </p>
+<h3><a name="release-patch">Release Patch Rules</a></h3>
+<p>Below are the rules regarding patching the release branch:</p>
+ <li><p>Patches applied to the release branch may only be applied by the
+ release manager.</p></li>
+ <li><p>During the first round of testing, patches that fix regressions or that
+ are small and relatively risk free (verified by the appropriate code
+ owner) are applied to the branch. Code owners are asked to be very
+ conservative in approving patches for the branch. We reserve the right to
+ reject any patch that does not fix a regression as previously
+ defined.</p></li>
+ <li><p>During the remaining rounds of testing, only patches that fix critical
+ regressions may be applied.</p></li>
-<!-- ======================================================================= -->
-<div class="doc_subsection"><a name="release-final">Release Final Tasks
-<div class="doc_text">
- <p>
- The final stages of the release process involving tagging the release branch,
- updating documentation that refers to the release, and updating the demo
- page.</p>
- <p>FIXME: Add a note if anything needs to be done to the clang website.
- Eventually the websites will be merged hopefully.</p>
+<!-- ======================================================================= -->
+<h3><a name="release-final">Release Final Tasks</a></h3>
+<p>The final stages of the release process involves tagging the "final" release
+ branch, updating documentation that refers to the release, and updating the
+ demo page.</p>
<!-- ======================================================================= -->
-<div class="doc_subsubsection"><a name="updocs">Update Documentation</a></div>
-<div class="doc_text">
- <p>
- Review the documentation and ensure that it is up to date. The Release Notes
- must be updated to reflect bug fixes, new known issues, and changes in the
- list of supported platforms. The Getting Started Guide should be updated to
- reflect the new release version number tag avaiable from Subversion and
- changes in basic system requirements. Merge both changes from mainline into
- the release branch.
- </p>
+<h4><a name="updocs">Update Documentation</a></h4>
+<p>Review the documentation and ensure that it is up to date. The "Release
+ Notes" must be updated to reflect new features, bug fixes, new known issues,
+ and changes in the list of supported platforms. The "Getting Started Guide"
+ should be updated to reflect the new release version number tag avaiable from
+ Subversion and changes in basic system requirements. Merge both changes from
+ mainline into the release branch.</p>
<!-- ======================================================================= -->
-<div class="doc_subsubsection"><a name="tag">Tag the Release Branch</a></div>
-<div class="doc_text">
- <p>Tag the release branch using the following procedure:</p>
+<h4><a name="tag">Tag the LLVM Final Release</a></h4>
+<p>Tag the final release sources using the following procedure:</p>
<div class="doc_code">
-svn copy \
-svn copy \
-svn copy \
+$ svn copy \
+$ svn copy \
+$ svn copy \
+$ svn copy \
+<!-- ======================================================================= -->
+<h3><a name="updemo">Update the LLVM Demo Page</a></h3>
+<p>The LLVM demo page must be updated to use the new release. This consists of
+ using the new <tt>llvm-gcc</tt> binary and building LLVM.</p>
<!-- ======================================================================= -->
-<div class="doc_subsection"><a name="updemo">Update the LLVM Demo Page</a></div>
-<div class="doc_text">
- <p>
- The LLVM demo page must be updated to use the new release. This consists of
- using the llvm-gcc binary and building LLVM. Update the website demo page
- configuration to use the new release.</p>
+<h4><a name="webupdates">Update the LLVM Website</a></h4>
+<p>The website must be updated before the release announcement is sent out. Here
+ is what to do:</p>
+ <li>Check out the <tt>www</tt> module from Subversion.</li>
+ <li>Create a new subdirectory <tt>X.Y</tt> in the releases directory.</li>
+ <li>Commit the <tt>llvm</tt>, <tt>test-suite</tt>, <tt>llvm-gcc</tt> source,
+ <tt>clang source</tt>, <tt>clang binaries</tt>, and <tt>llvm-gcc</tt>
+ binaries in this new directory.</li>
+ <li>Copy and commit the <tt>llvm/docs</tt> and <tt>LICENSE.txt</tt> files
+ into this new directory. The docs should be built with
+ <tt>BUILD_FOR_WEBSITE=1</tt>.</li>
+ <li>Commit the <tt>index.html</tt> to the <tt>release/X.Y</tt> directory to
+ redirect (use from previous release.</li>
+ <li>Update the <tt>releases/download.html</tt> file with the new release.</li>
+ <li>Update the <tt>releases/index.html</tt> with the new release and link to
+ release documentation.</li>
+ <li>Finally, update the main page (<tt>index.html</tt> and sidebar) to point
+ to the new release and release announcement. Make sure this all gets
+ committed back into Subversion.</li>
<!-- ======================================================================= -->
-<div class="doc_subsubsection"><a name="webupdates">Update the LLVM Website</a></div>
-<div class="doc_text">
- <p>
- The website must be updated before the release announcement is sent out. Here is
- what to do:</p>
- <ol>
- <li> Check out the <tt>website</tt> module from CVS. </li>
- <li> Create a new subdirectory X.X in the releases directory. </li>
- <li> Commit the <tt>llvm</tt>, <tt>test-suite</tt>, <tt>llvm-gcc</tt> source,
- <tt>clang source</tt>, <tt>clang binaries</tt>,
- and <tt>llvm-gcc</tt> binaries in this new directory. </li>
- <li> Copy and commit the <tt>llvm/docs</tt> and <tt>LICENSE.txt</tt>
- files into this new directory. The docs should be built with BUILD_FOR_WEBSITE=1.</li>
- <li> Commit the index.html to the release/X.X directory to redirect (use from previous
- release. </li>
- <li> Update the <tt>releases/download.html</tt> file with the new release. </li>
- <li>Update the <tt>releases/index.html</tt> with the new release and link to
- release documentation.</li>
- <li> Finally, update the main page (<tt>index.html</tt> and sidebar) to
- point to the new release and release announcement. Make sure this all gets
- committed back into Subversion.</li>
- </ol>
+<h4><a name="announce">Announce the Release</a></h4>
+<p>Have Chris send out the release announcement when everything is finished.</p>
-<!-- ======================================================================= -->
-<div class="doc_subsubsection"><a name="announce">Announce the Release</a></div>
-<div class="doc_text">
- <p>Have Chris send out the release announcement when everything is finished.</p>
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- <a href="">The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure</a>
+ <a href="">The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure</a>
- Last modified: $Date: 2010-07-07 09:48:00 +0200 (Wed, 07 Jul 2010) $
+ Last modified: $Date: 2011-04-23 02:30:22 +0200 (Sat, 23 Apr 2011) $
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