path: root/docs/CodingStandards.rst
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+.. _coding_standards:
+LLVM Coding Standards
+.. contents::
+ :local:
+This document attempts to describe a few coding standards that are being used in
+the LLVM source tree. Although no coding standards should be regarded as
+absolute requirements to be followed in all instances, coding standards are
+particularly important for large-scale code bases that follow a library-based
+design (like LLVM).
+This document intentionally does not prescribe fixed standards for religious
+issues such as brace placement and space usage. For issues like this, follow
+the golden rule:
+.. _Golden Rule:
+ **If you are extending, enhancing, or bug fixing already implemented code,
+ use the style that is already being used so that the source is uniform and
+ easy to follow.**
+Note that some code bases (e.g. ``libc++``) have really good reasons to deviate
+from the coding standards. In the case of ``libc++``, this is because the
+naming and other conventions are dictated by the C++ standard. If you think
+there is a specific good reason to deviate from the standards here, please bring
+it up on the LLVMdev mailing list.
+There are some conventions that are not uniformly followed in the code base
+(e.g. the naming convention). This is because they are relatively new, and a
+lot of code was written before they were put in place. Our long term goal is
+for the entire codebase to follow the convention, but we explicitly *do not*
+want patches that do large-scale reformating of existing code. On the other
+hand, it is reasonable to rename the methods of a class if you're about to
+change it in some other way. Just do the reformating as a separate commit from
+the functionality change.
+The ultimate goal of these guidelines is the increase readability and
+maintainability of our common source base. If you have suggestions for topics to
+be included, please mail them to `Chris <>`_.
+Mechanical Source Issues
+Source Code Formatting
+Comments are one critical part of readability and maintainability. Everyone
+knows they should comment their code, and so should you. When writing comments,
+write them as English prose, which means they should use proper capitalization,
+punctuation, etc. Aim to describe what the code is trying to do and why, not
+*how* it does it at a micro level. Here are a few critical things to document:
+.. _header file comment:
+File Headers
+Every source file should have a header on it that describes the basic purpose of
+the file. If a file does not have a header, it should not be checked into the
+tree. The standard header looks like this:
+.. code-block:: c++
+ //===-- llvm/Instruction.h - Instruction class definition -------*- C++ -*-===//
+ //
+ // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+ //
+ // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+ // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+ //
+ //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ //
+ // This file contains the declaration of the Instruction class, which is the
+ // base class for all of the VM instructions.
+ //
+ //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+A few things to note about this particular format: The "``-*- C++ -*-``" string
+on the first line is there to tell Emacs that the source file is a C++ file, not
+a C file (Emacs assumes ``.h`` files are C files by default).
+.. note::
+ This tag is not necessary in ``.cpp`` files. The name of the file is also
+ on the first line, along with a very short description of the purpose of the
+ file. This is important when printing out code and flipping though lots of
+ pages.
+The next section in the file is a concise note that defines the license that the
+file is released under. This makes it perfectly clear what terms the source
+code can be distributed under and should not be modified in any way.
+The main body of the description does not have to be very long in most cases.
+Here it's only two lines. If an algorithm is being implemented or something
+tricky is going on, a reference to the paper where it is published should be
+included, as well as any notes or *gotchas* in the code to watch out for.
+Class overviews
+Classes are one fundamental part of a good object oriented design. As such, a
+class definition should have a comment block that explains what the class is
+used for and how it works. Every non-trivial class is expected to have a
+``doxygen`` comment block.
+Method information
+Methods defined in a class (as well as any global functions) should also be
+documented properly. A quick note about what it does and a description of the
+borderline behaviour is all that is necessary here (unless something
+particularly tricky or insidious is going on). The hope is that people can
+figure out how to use your interfaces without reading the code itself.
+Good things to talk about here are what happens when something unexpected
+happens: does the method return null? Abort? Format your hard disk?
+Comment Formatting
+In general, prefer C++ style (``//``) comments. They take less space, require
+less typing, don't have nesting problems, etc. There are a few cases when it is
+useful to use C style (``/* */``) comments however:
+#. When writing C code: Obviously if you are writing C code, use C style
+ comments.
+#. When writing a header file that may be ``#include``\d by a C source file.
+#. When writing a source file that is used by a tool that only accepts C style
+ comments.
+To comment out a large block of code, use ``#if 0`` and ``#endif``. These nest
+properly and are better behaved in general than C style comments.
+``#include`` Style
+Immediately after the `header file comment`_ (and include guards if working on a
+header file), the `minimal list of #includes`_ required by the file should be
+listed. We prefer these ``#include``\s to be listed in this order:
+.. _Main Module Header:
+.. _Local/Private Headers:
+#. Main Module Header
+#. Local/Private Headers
+#. ``llvm/*``
+#. ``llvm/Analysis/*``
+#. ``llvm/Assembly/*``
+#. ``llvm/Bitcode/*``
+#. ``llvm/CodeGen/*``
+#. ...
+#. ``llvm/Support/*``
+#. ``llvm/Config/*``
+#. System ``#include``\s
+and each category should be sorted by name.
+The `Main Module Header`_ file applies to ``.cpp`` files which implement an
+interface defined by a ``.h`` file. This ``#include`` should always be included
+**first** regardless of where it lives on the file system. By including a
+header file first in the ``.cpp`` files that implement the interfaces, we ensure
+that the header does not have any hidden dependencies which are not explicitly
+``#include``\d in the header, but should be. It is also a form of documentation
+in the ``.cpp`` file to indicate where the interfaces it implements are defined.
+.. _fit into 80 columns:
+Source Code Width
+Write your code to fit within 80 columns of text. This helps those of us who
+like to print out code and look at your code in an ``xterm`` without resizing
+The longer answer is that there must be some limit to the width of the code in
+order to reasonably allow developers to have multiple files side-by-side in
+windows on a modest display. If you are going to pick a width limit, it is
+somewhat arbitrary but you might as well pick something standard. Going with 90
+columns (for example) instead of 80 columns wouldn't add any significant value
+and would be detrimental to printing out code. Also many other projects have
+standardized on 80 columns, so some people have already configured their editors
+for it (vs something else, like 90 columns).
+This is one of many contentious issues in coding standards, but it is not up for
+Use Spaces Instead of Tabs
+In all cases, prefer spaces to tabs in source files. People have different
+preferred indentation levels, and different styles of indentation that they
+like; this is fine. What isn't fine is that different editors/viewers expand
+tabs out to different tab stops. This can cause your code to look completely
+unreadable, and it is not worth dealing with.
+As always, follow the `Golden Rule`_ above: follow the style of
+existing code if you are modifying and extending it. If you like four spaces of
+indentation, **DO NOT** do that in the middle of a chunk of code with two spaces
+of indentation. Also, do not reindent a whole source file: it makes for
+incredible diffs that are absolutely worthless.
+Indent Code Consistently
+Okay, in your first year of programming you were told that indentation is
+important. If you didn't believe and internalize this then, now is the time.
+Just do it.
+Compiler Issues
+Treat Compiler Warnings Like Errors
+If your code has compiler warnings in it, something is wrong --- you aren't
+casting values correctly, you have "questionable" constructs in your code, or
+you are doing something legitimately wrong. Compiler warnings can cover up
+legitimate errors in output and make dealing with a translation unit difficult.
+It is not possible to prevent all warnings from all compilers, nor is it
+desirable. Instead, pick a standard compiler (like ``gcc``) that provides a
+good thorough set of warnings, and stick to it. At least in the case of
+``gcc``, it is possible to work around any spurious errors by changing the
+syntax of the code slightly. For example, a warning that annoys me occurs when
+I write code like this:
+.. code-block:: c++
+ if (V = getValue()) {
+ ...
+ }
+``gcc`` will warn me that I probably want to use the ``==`` operator, and that I
+probably mistyped it. In most cases, I haven't, and I really don't want the
+spurious errors. To fix this particular problem, I rewrite the code like
+.. code-block:: c++
+ if ((V = getValue())) {
+ ...
+ }
+which shuts ``gcc`` up. Any ``gcc`` warning that annoys you can be fixed by
+massaging the code appropriately.
+Write Portable Code
+In almost all cases, it is possible and within reason to write completely
+portable code. If there are cases where it isn't possible to write portable
+code, isolate it behind a well defined (and well documented) interface.
+In practice, this means that you shouldn't assume much about the host compiler
+(and Visual Studio tends to be the lowest common denominator). If advanced
+features are used, they should only be an implementation detail of a library
+which has a simple exposed API, and preferably be buried in ``libSystem``.
+Do not use RTTI or Exceptions
+In an effort to reduce code and executable size, LLVM does not use RTTI
+(e.g. ``dynamic_cast<>;``) or exceptions. These two language features violate
+the general C++ principle of *"you only pay for what you use"*, causing
+executable bloat even if exceptions are never used in the code base, or if RTTI
+is never used for a class. Because of this, we turn them off globally in the
+That said, LLVM does make extensive use of a hand-rolled form of RTTI that use
+templates like `isa<>, cast<>, and dyn_cast<> <ProgrammersManual.html#isa>`_.
+This form of RTTI is opt-in and can be added to any class. It is also
+substantially more efficient than ``dynamic_cast<>``.
+.. _static constructor:
+Do not use Static Constructors
+Static constructors and destructors (e.g. global variables whose types have a
+constructor or destructor) should not be added to the code base, and should be
+removed wherever possible. Besides `well known problems
+<>`_ where the order of
+initialization is undefined between globals in different source files, the
+entire concept of static constructors is at odds with the common use case of
+LLVM as a library linked into a larger application.
+Consider the use of LLVM as a JIT linked into another application (perhaps for
+`OpenGL, custom languages <>`_, `shaders in movies
+<>`_, etc). Due to the
+design of static constructors, they must be executed at startup time of the
+entire application, regardless of whether or how LLVM is used in that larger
+application. There are two problems with this:
+* The time to run the static constructors impacts startup time of applications
+ --- a critical time for GUI apps, among others.
+* The static constructors cause the app to pull many extra pages of memory off
+ the disk: both the code for the constructor in each ``.o`` file and the small
+ amount of data that gets touched. In addition, touched/dirty pages put more
+ pressure on the VM system on low-memory machines.
+We would really like for there to be zero cost for linking in an additional LLVM
+target or other library into an application, but static constructors violate
+this goal.
+That said, LLVM unfortunately does contain static constructors. It would be a
+`great project <>`_ for someone to purge all static
+constructors from LLVM, and then enable the ``-Wglobal-constructors`` warning
+flag (when building with Clang) to ensure we do not regress in the future.
+Use of ``class`` and ``struct`` Keywords
+In C++, the ``class`` and ``struct`` keywords can be used almost
+interchangeably. The only difference is when they are used to declare a class:
+``class`` makes all members private by default while ``struct`` makes all
+members public by default.
+Unfortunately, not all compilers follow the rules and some will generate
+different symbols based on whether ``class`` or ``struct`` was used to declare
+the symbol. This can lead to problems at link time.
+So, the rule for LLVM is to always use the ``class`` keyword, unless **all**
+members are public and the type is a C++ `POD
+<>`_ type, in which case
+``struct`` is allowed.
+Style Issues
+The High-Level Issues
+A Public Header File **is** a Module
+C++ doesn't do too well in the modularity department. There is no real
+encapsulation or data hiding (unless you use expensive protocol classes), but it
+is what we have to work with. When you write a public header file (in the LLVM
+source tree, they live in the top level "``include``" directory), you are
+defining a module of functionality.
+Ideally, modules should be completely independent of each other, and their
+header files should only ``#include`` the absolute minimum number of headers
+possible. A module is not just a class, a function, or a namespace: it's a
+collection of these that defines an interface. This interface may be several
+functions, classes, or data structures, but the important issue is how they work
+In general, a module should be implemented by one or more ``.cpp`` files. Each
+of these ``.cpp`` files should include the header that defines their interface
+first. This ensures that all of the dependences of the module header have been
+properly added to the module header itself, and are not implicit. System
+headers should be included after user headers for a translation unit.
+.. _minimal list of #includes:
+``#include`` as Little as Possible
+``#include`` hurts compile time performance. Don't do it unless you have to,
+especially in header files.
+But wait! Sometimes you need to have the definition of a class to use it, or to
+inherit from it. In these cases go ahead and ``#include`` that header file. Be
+aware however that there are many cases where you don't need to have the full
+definition of a class. If you are using a pointer or reference to a class, you
+don't need the header file. If you are simply returning a class instance from a
+prototyped function or method, you don't need it. In fact, for most cases, you
+simply don't need the definition of a class. And not ``#include``\ing speeds up
+It is easy to try to go too overboard on this recommendation, however. You
+**must** include all of the header files that you are using --- you can include
+them either directly or indirectly through another header file. To make sure
+that you don't accidentally forget to include a header file in your module
+header, make sure to include your module header **first** in the implementation
+file (as mentioned above). This way there won't be any hidden dependencies that
+you'll find out about later.
+Keep "Internal" Headers Private
+Many modules have a complex implementation that causes them to use more than one
+implementation (``.cpp``) file. It is often tempting to put the internal
+communication interface (helper classes, extra functions, etc) in the public
+module header file. Don't do this!
+If you really need to do something like this, put a private header file in the
+same directory as the source files, and include it locally. This ensures that
+your private interface remains private and undisturbed by outsiders.
+.. note::
+ It's okay to put extra implementation methods in a public class itself. Just
+ make them private (or protected) and all is well.
+.. _early exits:
+Use Early Exits and ``continue`` to Simplify Code
+When reading code, keep in mind how much state and how many previous decisions
+have to be remembered by the reader to understand a block of code. Aim to
+reduce indentation where possible when it doesn't make it more difficult to
+understand the code. One great way to do this is by making use of early exits
+and the ``continue`` keyword in long loops. As an example of using an early
+exit from a function, consider this "bad" code:
+.. code-block:: c++
+ Value *DoSomething(Instruction *I) {
+ if (!isa<TerminatorInst>(I) &&
+ I->hasOneUse() && SomeOtherThing(I)) {
+ ... some long code ....
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+This code has several problems if the body of the ``'if'`` is large. When
+you're looking at the top of the function, it isn't immediately clear that this
+*only* does interesting things with non-terminator instructions, and only
+applies to things with the other predicates. Second, it is relatively difficult
+to describe (in comments) why these predicates are important because the ``if``
+statement makes it difficult to lay out the comments. Third, when you're deep
+within the body of the code, it is indented an extra level. Finally, when
+reading the top of the function, it isn't clear what the result is if the
+predicate isn't true; you have to read to the end of the function to know that
+it returns null.
+It is much preferred to format the code like this:
+.. code-block:: c++
+ Value *DoSomething(Instruction *I) {
+ // Terminators never need 'something' done to them because ...
+ if (isa<TerminatorInst>(I))
+ return 0;
+ // We conservatively avoid transforming instructions with multiple uses
+ // because goats like cheese.
+ if (!I->hasOneUse())
+ return 0;
+ // This is really just here for example.
+ if (!SomeOtherThing(I))
+ return 0;
+ ... some long code ....
+ }
+This fixes these problems. A similar problem frequently happens in ``for``
+loops. A silly example is something like this:
+.. code-block:: c++
+ for (BasicBlock::iterator II = BB->begin(), E = BB->end(); II != E; ++II) {
+ if (BinaryOperator *BO = dyn_cast<BinaryOperator>(II)) {
+ Value *LHS = BO->getOperand(0);
+ Value *RHS = BO->getOperand(1);
+ if (LHS != RHS) {
+ ...
+ }
+ }
+ }
+When you have very, very small loops, this sort of structure is fine. But if it
+exceeds more than 10-15 lines, it becomes difficult for people to read and
+understand at a glance. The problem with this sort of code is that it gets very
+nested very quickly. Meaning that the reader of the code has to keep a lot of
+context in their brain to remember what is going immediately on in the loop,
+because they don't know if/when the ``if`` conditions will have ``else``\s etc.
+It is strongly preferred to structure the loop like this:
+.. code-block:: c++
+ for (BasicBlock::iterator II = BB->begin(), E = BB->end(); II != E; ++II) {
+ BinaryOperator *BO = dyn_cast<BinaryOperator>(II);
+ if (!BO) continue;
+ Value *LHS = BO->getOperand(0);
+ Value *RHS = BO->getOperand(1);
+ if (LHS == RHS) continue;
+ ...
+ }
+This has all the benefits of using early exits for functions: it reduces nesting
+of the loop, it makes it easier to describe why the conditions are true, and it
+makes it obvious to the reader that there is no ``else`` coming up that they
+have to push context into their brain for. If a loop is large, this can be a
+big understandability win.
+Don't use ``else`` after a ``return``
+For similar reasons above (reduction of indentation and easier reading), please
+do not use ``'else'`` or ``'else if'`` after something that interrupts control
+flow --- like ``return``, ``break``, ``continue``, ``goto``, etc. For
+example, this is *bad*:
+.. code-block:: c++
+ case 'J': {
+ if (Signed) {
+ Type = Context.getsigjmp_bufType();
+ if (Type.isNull()) {
+ Error = ASTContext::GE_Missing_sigjmp_buf;
+ return QualType();
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ Type = Context.getjmp_bufType();
+ if (Type.isNull()) {
+ Error = ASTContext::GE_Missing_jmp_buf;
+ return QualType();
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+It is better to write it like this:
+.. code-block:: c++
+ case 'J':
+ if (Signed) {
+ Type = Context.getsigjmp_bufType();
+ if (Type.isNull()) {
+ Error = ASTContext::GE_Missing_sigjmp_buf;
+ return QualType();
+ }
+ } else {
+ Type = Context.getjmp_bufType();
+ if (Type.isNull()) {
+ Error = ASTContext::GE_Missing_jmp_buf;
+ return QualType();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+Or better yet (in this case) as:
+.. code-block:: c++
+ case 'J':
+ if (Signed)
+ Type = Context.getsigjmp_bufType();
+ else
+ Type = Context.getjmp_bufType();
+ if (Type.isNull()) {
+ Error = Signed ? ASTContext::GE_Missing_sigjmp_buf :
+ ASTContext::GE_Missing_jmp_buf;
+ return QualType();
+ }
+ break;
+The idea is to reduce indentation and the amount of code you have to keep track
+of when reading the code.
+Turn Predicate Loops into Predicate Functions
+It is very common to write small loops that just compute a boolean value. There
+are a number of ways that people commonly write these, but an example of this
+sort of thing is:
+.. code-block:: c++
+ bool FoundFoo = false;
+ for (unsigned i = 0, e = BarList.size(); i != e; ++i)
+ if (BarList[i]->isFoo()) {
+ FoundFoo = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (FoundFoo) {
+ ...
+ }
+This sort of code is awkward to write, and is almost always a bad sign. Instead
+of this sort of loop, we strongly prefer to use a predicate function (which may
+be `static`_) that uses `early exits`_ to compute the predicate. We prefer the
+code to be structured like this:
+.. code-block:: c++
+ /// ListContainsFoo - Return true if the specified list has an element that is
+ /// a foo.
+ static bool ListContainsFoo(const std::vector<Bar*> &List) {
+ for (unsigned i = 0, e = List.size(); i != e; ++i)
+ if (List[i]->isFoo())
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ ...
+ if (ListContainsFoo(BarList)) {
+ ...
+ }
+There are many reasons for doing this: it reduces indentation and factors out
+code which can often be shared by other code that checks for the same predicate.
+More importantly, it *forces you to pick a name* for the function, and forces
+you to write a comment for it. In this silly example, this doesn't add much
+value. However, if the condition is complex, this can make it a lot easier for
+the reader to understand the code that queries for this predicate. Instead of
+being faced with the in-line details of how we check to see if the BarList
+contains a foo, we can trust the function name and continue reading with better
+The Low-Level Issues
+Name Types, Functions, Variables, and Enumerators Properly
+Poorly-chosen names can mislead the reader and cause bugs. We cannot stress
+enough how important it is to use *descriptive* names. Pick names that match
+the semantics and role of the underlying entities, within reason. Avoid
+abbreviations unless they are well known. After picking a good name, make sure
+to use consistent capitalization for the name, as inconsistency requires clients
+to either memorize the APIs or to look it up to find the exact spelling.
+In general, names should be in camel case (e.g. ``TextFileReader`` and
+``isLValue()``). Different kinds of declarations have different rules:
+* **Type names** (including classes, structs, enums, typedefs, etc) should be
+ nouns and start with an upper-case letter (e.g. ``TextFileReader``).
+* **Variable names** should be nouns (as they represent state). The name should
+ be camel case, and start with an upper case letter (e.g. ``Leader`` or
+ ``Boats``).
+* **Function names** should be verb phrases (as they represent actions), and
+ command-like function should be imperative. The name should be camel case,
+ and start with a lower case letter (e.g. ``openFile()`` or ``isFoo()``).
+* **Enum declarations** (e.g. ``enum Foo {...}``) are types, so they should
+ follow the naming conventions for types. A common use for enums is as a
+ discriminator for a union, or an indicator of a subclass. When an enum is
+ used for something like this, it should have a ``Kind`` suffix
+ (e.g. ``ValueKind``).
+* **Enumerators** (e.g. ``enum { Foo, Bar }``) and **public member variables**
+ should start with an upper-case letter, just like types. Unless the
+ enumerators are defined in their own small namespace or inside a class,
+ enumerators should have a prefix corresponding to the enum declaration name.
+ For example, ``enum ValueKind { ... };`` may contain enumerators like
+ ``VK_Argument``, ``VK_BasicBlock``, etc. Enumerators that are just
+ convenience constants are exempt from the requirement for a prefix. For
+ instance:
+ .. code-block:: c++
+ enum {
+ MaxSize = 42,
+ Density = 12
+ };
+As an exception, classes that mimic STL classes can have member names in STL's
+style of lower-case words separated by underscores (e.g. ``begin()``,
+``push_back()``, and ``empty()``).
+Here are some examples of good and bad names:
+.. code-block:: c++
+ class VehicleMaker {
+ ...
+ Factory<Tire> F; // Bad -- abbreviation and non-descriptive.
+ Factory<Tire> Factory; // Better.
+ Factory<Tire> TireFactory; // Even better -- if VehicleMaker has more than one
+ // kind of factories.
+ };
+ Vehicle MakeVehicle(VehicleType Type) {
+ VehicleMaker M; // Might be OK if having a short life-span.
+ Tire tmp1 = M.makeTire(); // Bad -- 'tmp1' provides no information.
+ Light headlight = M.makeLight("head"); // Good -- descriptive.
+ ...
+ }
+Assert Liberally
+Use the "``assert``" macro to its fullest. Check all of your preconditions and
+assumptions, you never know when a bug (not necessarily even yours) might be
+caught early by an assertion, which reduces debugging time dramatically. The
+"``<cassert>``" header file is probably already included by the header files you
+are using, so it doesn't cost anything to use it.
+To further assist with debugging, make sure to put some kind of error message in
+the assertion statement, which is printed if the assertion is tripped. This
+helps the poor debugger make sense of why an assertion is being made and
+enforced, and hopefully what to do about it. Here is one complete example:
+.. code-block:: c++
+ inline Value *getOperand(unsigned i) {
+ assert(i < Operands.size() &amp;&amp; "getOperand() out of range!");
+ return Operands[i];
+ }
+Here are more examples:
+.. code-block:: c++
+ assert(Ty->isPointerType() && "Can't allocate a non pointer type!");
+ assert((Opcode == Shl || Opcode == Shr) && "ShiftInst Opcode invalid!");
+ assert(idx < getNumSuccessors() && "Successor # out of range!");
+ assert(V1.getType() == V2.getType() && "Constant types must be identical!");
+ assert(isa<PHINode>(Succ->front()) && "Only works on PHId BBs!");
+You get the idea.
+Please be aware that, when adding assert statements, not all compilers are aware
+of the semantics of the assert. In some places, asserts are used to indicate a
+piece of code that should not be reached. These are typically of the form:
+.. code-block:: c++
+ assert(0 && "Some helpful error message");
+When used in a function that returns a value, they should be followed with a
+return statement and a comment indicating that this line is never reached. This
+will prevent a compiler which is unable to deduce that the assert statement
+never returns from generating a warning.
+.. code-block:: c++
+ assert(0 && "Some helpful error message");
+ return 0;
+Another issue is that values used only by assertions will produce an "unused
+value" warning when assertions are disabled. For example, this code will warn:
+.. code-block:: c++
+ unsigned Size = V.size();
+ assert(Size > 42 && "Vector smaller than it should be");
+ bool NewToSet = Myset.insert(Value);
+ assert(NewToSet && "The value shouldn't be in the set yet");
+These are two interesting different cases. In the first case, the call to
+``V.size()`` is only useful for the assert, and we don't want it executed when
+assertions are disabled. Code like this should move the call into the assert
+itself. In the second case, the side effects of the call must happen whether
+the assert is enabled or not. In this case, the value should be cast to void to
+disable the warning. To be specific, it is preferred to write the code like
+.. code-block:: c++
+ assert(V.size() > 42 && "Vector smaller than it should be");
+ bool NewToSet = Myset.insert(Value); (void)NewToSet;
+ assert(NewToSet && "The value shouldn't be in the set yet");
+Do Not Use ``using namespace std``
+In LLVM, we prefer to explicitly prefix all identifiers from the standard
+namespace with an "``std::``" prefix, rather than rely on "``using namespace
+In header files, adding a ``'using namespace XXX'`` directive pollutes the
+namespace of any source file that ``#include``\s the header. This is clearly a
+bad thing.
+In implementation files (e.g. ``.cpp`` files), the rule is more of a stylistic
+rule, but is still important. Basically, using explicit namespace prefixes
+makes the code **clearer**, because it is immediately obvious what facilities
+are being used and where they are coming from. And **more portable**, because
+namespace clashes cannot occur between LLVM code and other namespaces. The
+portability rule is important because different standard library implementations
+expose different symbols (potentially ones they shouldn't), and future revisions
+to the C++ standard will add more symbols to the ``std`` namespace. As such, we
+never use ``'using namespace std;'`` in LLVM.
+The exception to the general rule (i.e. it's not an exception for the ``std``
+namespace) is for implementation files. For example, all of the code in the
+LLVM project implements code that lives in the 'llvm' namespace. As such, it is
+ok, and actually clearer, for the ``.cpp`` files to have a ``'using namespace
+llvm;'`` directive at the top, after the ``#include``\s. This reduces
+indentation in the body of the file for source editors that indent based on
+braces, and keeps the conceptual context cleaner. The general form of this rule
+is that any ``.cpp`` file that implements code in any namespace may use that
+namespace (and its parents'), but should not use any others.
+Provide a Virtual Method Anchor for Classes in Headers
+If a class is defined in a header file and has a vtable (either it has virtual
+methods or it derives from classes with virtual methods), it must always have at
+least one out-of-line virtual method in the class. Without this, the compiler
+will copy the vtable and RTTI into every ``.o`` file that ``#include``\s the
+header, bloating ``.o`` file sizes and increasing link times.
+Don't evaluate ``end()`` every time through a loop
+Because C++ doesn't have a standard "``foreach``" loop (though it can be
+emulated with macros and may be coming in C++'0x) we end up writing a lot of
+loops that manually iterate from begin to end on a variety of containers or
+through other data structures. One common mistake is to write a loop in this
+.. code-block:: c++
+ BasicBlock *BB = ...
+ for (BasicBlock::iterator I = BB->begin(); I != BB->end(); ++I)
+ ... use I ...
+The problem with this construct is that it evaluates "``BB->end()``" every time
+through the loop. Instead of writing the loop like this, we strongly prefer
+loops to be written so that they evaluate it once before the loop starts. A
+convenient way to do this is like so:
+.. code-block:: c++
+ BasicBlock *BB = ...
+ for (BasicBlock::iterator I = BB->begin(), E = BB->end(); I != E; ++I)
+ ... use I ...
+The observant may quickly point out that these two loops may have different
+semantics: if the container (a basic block in this case) is being mutated, then
+"``BB->end()``" may change its value every time through the loop and the second
+loop may not in fact be correct. If you actually do depend on this behavior,
+please write the loop in the first form and add a comment indicating that you
+did it intentionally.
+Why do we prefer the second form (when correct)? Writing the loop in the first
+form has two problems. First it may be less efficient than evaluating it at the
+start of the loop. In this case, the cost is probably minor --- a few extra
+loads every time through the loop. However, if the base expression is more
+complex, then the cost can rise quickly. I've seen loops where the end
+expression was actually something like: "``SomeMap[x]->end()``" and map lookups
+really aren't cheap. By writing it in the second form consistently, you
+eliminate the issue entirely and don't even have to think about it.
+The second (even bigger) issue is that writing the loop in the first form hints
+to the reader that the loop is mutating the container (a fact that a comment
+would handily confirm!). If you write the loop in the second form, it is
+immediately obvious without even looking at the body of the loop that the
+container isn't being modified, which makes it easier to read the code and
+understand what it does.
+While the second form of the loop is a few extra keystrokes, we do strongly
+prefer it.
+``#include <iostream>`` is Forbidden
+The use of ``#include <iostream>`` in library files is hereby **forbidden**,
+because many common implementations transparently inject a `static constructor`_
+into every translation unit that includes it.
+Note that using the other stream headers (``<sstream>`` for example) is not
+problematic in this regard --- just ``<iostream>``. However, ``raw_ostream``
+provides various APIs that are better performing for almost every use than
+``std::ostream`` style APIs.
+.. note::
+ New code should always use `raw_ostream`_ for writing, or the
+ ``llvm::MemoryBuffer`` API for reading files.
+.. _raw_ostream:
+Use ``raw_ostream``
+LLVM includes a lightweight, simple, and efficient stream implementation in
+``llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h``, which provides all of the common features of
+``std::ostream``. All new code should use ``raw_ostream`` instead of
+Unlike ``std::ostream``, ``raw_ostream`` is not a template and can be forward
+declared as ``class raw_ostream``. Public headers should generally not include
+the ``raw_ostream`` header, but use forward declarations and constant references
+to ``raw_ostream`` instances.
+Avoid ``std::endl``
+The ``std::endl`` modifier, when used with ``iostreams`` outputs a newline to
+the output stream specified. In addition to doing this, however, it also
+flushes the output stream. In other words, these are equivalent:
+.. code-block:: c++
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ std::cout << '\n' << std::flush;
+Most of the time, you probably have no reason to flush the output stream, so
+it's better to use a literal ``'\n'``.
+Microscopic Details
+This section describes preferred low-level formatting guidelines along with
+reasoning on why we prefer them.
+Spaces Before Parentheses
+We prefer to put a space before an open parenthesis only in control flow
+statements, but not in normal function call expressions and function-like
+macros. For example, this is good:
+.. code-block:: c++
+ if (x) ...
+ for (i = 0; i != 100; ++i) ...
+ while (llvm_rocks) ...
+ somefunc(42);
+ assert(3 != 4 && "laws of math are failing me");
+ a = foo(42, 92) + bar(x);
+and this is bad:
+.. code-block:: c++
+ if(x) ...
+ for(i = 0; i != 100; ++i) ...
+ while(llvm_rocks) ...
+ somefunc (42);
+ assert (3 != 4 && "laws of math are failing me");
+ a = foo (42, 92) + bar (x);
+The reason for doing this is not completely arbitrary. This style makes control
+flow operators stand out more, and makes expressions flow better. The function
+call operator binds very tightly as a postfix operator. Putting a space after a
+function name (as in the last example) makes it appear that the code might bind
+the arguments of the left-hand-side of a binary operator with the argument list
+of a function and the name of the right side. More specifically, it is easy to
+misread the "``a``" example as:
+.. code-block:: c++
+ a = foo ((42, 92) + bar) (x);
+when skimming through the code. By avoiding a space in a function, we avoid
+this misinterpretation.
+Prefer Preincrement
+Hard fast rule: Preincrement (``++X``) may be no slower than postincrement
+(``X++``) and could very well be a lot faster than it. Use preincrementation
+whenever possible.
+The semantics of postincrement include making a copy of the value being
+incremented, returning it, and then preincrementing the "work value". For
+primitive types, this isn't a big deal. But for iterators, it can be a huge
+issue (for example, some iterators contains stack and set objects in them...
+copying an iterator could invoke the copy ctor's of these as well). In general,
+get in the habit of always using preincrement, and you won't have a problem.
+Namespace Indentation
+In general, we strive to reduce indentation wherever possible. This is useful
+because we want code to `fit into 80 columns`_ without wrapping horribly, but
+also because it makes it easier to understand the code. Namespaces are a funny
+thing: they are often large, and we often desire to put lots of stuff into them
+(so they can be large). Other times they are tiny, because they just hold an
+enum or something similar. In order to balance this, we use different
+approaches for small versus large namespaces.
+If a namespace definition is small and *easily* fits on a screen (say, less than
+35 lines of code), then you should indent its body. Here's an example:
+.. code-block:: c++
+ namespace llvm {
+ namespace X86 {
+ /// RelocationType - An enum for the x86 relocation codes. Note that
+ /// the terminology here doesn't follow x86 convention - word means
+ /// 32-bit and dword means 64-bit.
+ enum RelocationType {
+ /// reloc_pcrel_word - PC relative relocation, add the relocated value to
+ /// the value already in memory, after we adjust it for where the PC is.
+ reloc_pcrel_word = 0,
+ /// reloc_picrel_word - PIC base relative relocation, add the relocated
+ /// value to the value already in memory, after we adjust it for where the
+ /// PIC base is.
+ reloc_picrel_word = 1,
+ /// reloc_absolute_word, reloc_absolute_dword - Absolute relocation, just
+ /// add the relocated value to the value already in memory.
+ reloc_absolute_word = 2,
+ reloc_absolute_dword = 3
+ };
+ }
+ }
+Since the body is small, indenting adds value because it makes it very clear
+where the namespace starts and ends, and it is easy to take the whole thing in
+in one "gulp" when reading the code. If the blob of code in the namespace is
+larger (as it typically is in a header in the ``llvm`` or ``clang`` namespaces),
+do not indent the code, and add a comment indicating what namespace is being
+closed. For example:
+.. code-block:: c++
+ namespace llvm {
+ namespace knowledge {
+ /// Grokable - This class represents things that Smith can have an intimate
+ /// understanding of and contains the data associated with it.
+ class Grokable {
+ ...
+ public:
+ explicit Grokable() { ... }
+ virtual ~Grokable() = 0;
+ ...
+ };
+ } // end namespace knowledge
+ } // end namespace llvm
+Because the class is large, we don't expect that the reader can easily
+understand the entire concept in a glance, and the end of the file (where the
+namespaces end) may be a long ways away from the place they open. As such,
+indenting the contents of the namespace doesn't add any value, and detracts from
+the readability of the class. In these cases it is best to *not* indent the
+contents of the namespace.
+.. _static:
+Anonymous Namespaces
+After talking about namespaces in general, you may be wondering about anonymous
+namespaces in particular. Anonymous namespaces are a great language feature
+that tells the C++ compiler that the contents of the namespace are only visible
+within the current translation unit, allowing more aggressive optimization and
+eliminating the possibility of symbol name collisions. Anonymous namespaces are
+to C++ as "static" is to C functions and global variables. While "``static``"
+is available in C++, anonymous namespaces are more general: they can make entire
+classes private to a file.
+The problem with anonymous namespaces is that they naturally want to encourage
+indentation of their body, and they reduce locality of reference: if you see a
+random function definition in a C++ file, it is easy to see if it is marked
+static, but seeing if it is in an anonymous namespace requires scanning a big
+chunk of the file.
+Because of this, we have a simple guideline: make anonymous namespaces as small
+as possible, and only use them for class declarations. For example, this is
+.. code-block:: c++
+ namespace {
+ class StringSort {
+ ...
+ public:
+ StringSort(...)
+ bool operator<(const char *RHS) const;
+ };
+ } // end anonymous namespace
+ static void Helper() {
+ ...
+ }
+ bool StringSort::operator<(const char *RHS) const {
+ ...
+ }
+This is bad:
+.. code-block:: c++
+ namespace {
+ class StringSort {
+ ...
+ public:
+ StringSort(...)
+ bool operator<(const char *RHS) const;
+ };
+ void Helper() {
+ ...
+ }
+ bool StringSort::operator<(const char *RHS) const {
+ ...
+ }
+ } // end anonymous namespace
+This is bad specifically because if you're looking at "``Helper``" in the middle
+of a large C++ file, that you have no immediate way to tell if it is local to
+the file. When it is marked static explicitly, this is immediately obvious.
+Also, there is no reason to enclose the definition of "``operator<``" in the
+namespace just because it was declared there.
+See Also
+A lot of these comments and recommendations have been culled for other sources.
+Two particularly important books for our work are:
+#. `Effective C++
+ <>`_
+ by Scott Meyers. Also interesting and useful are "More Effective C++" and
+ "Effective STL" by the same author.
+#. `Large-Scale C++ Software Design
+ <>`_
+ by John Lakos
+If you get some free time, and you haven't read them: do so, you might learn
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