path: root/crypto/heimdal/kadmin/kadmin.cat8
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 121 deletions
diff --git a/crypto/heimdal/kadmin/kadmin.cat8 b/crypto/heimdal/kadmin/kadmin.cat8
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index 2155533..0000000
--- a/crypto/heimdal/kadmin/kadmin.cat8
+++ /dev/null
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-KADMIN(8) NetBSD System Manager's Manual KADMIN(8)
- kkaaddmmiinn - Kerberos administration utility
- kkaaddmmiinn [--pp _s_t_r_i_n_g | ----pprriinncciippaall==_s_t_r_i_n_g] [--KK _s_t_r_i_n_g | ----kkeeyyttaabb==_s_t_r_i_n_g] [--cc
- _f_i_l_e | ----ccoonnffiigg--ffiillee==_f_i_l_e] [--kk _f_i_l_e | ----kkeeyy--ffiillee==_f_i_l_e] [--rr _r_e_a_l_m |
- ----rreeaallmm==_r_e_a_l_m] [--aa _h_o_s_t | ----aaddmmiinn--sseerrvveerr==_h_o_s_t] [--ss _p_o_r_t _n_u_m_b_e_r |
- ----sseerrvveerr--ppoorrtt==_p_o_r_t _n_u_m_b_e_r] [--ll | ----llooccaall] [--hh | ----hheellpp] [--vv | ----vveerrssiioonn]
- [_c_o_m_m_a_n_d]
- The kkaaddmmiinn program is used to make modification to the Kerberos database,
- either remotely via the kadmind(8) daemon, or locally (with the --ll op-
- tion).
- Supported options:
- --pp _s_t_r_i_n_g, ----pprriinncciippaall==_s_t_r_i_n_g
- principal to authenticate as
- --KK _s_t_r_i_n_g, ----kkeeyyttaabb==_s_t_r_i_n_g
- keytab for authentication pricipal
- --cc _f_i_l_e, ----ccoonnffiigg--ffiillee==_f_i_l_e
- location of config file
- --kk _f_i_l_e, ----kkeeyy--ffiillee==_f_i_l_e
- location of master key file
- --rr _r_e_a_l_m, ----rreeaallmm==_r_e_a_l_m
- realm to use
- --aa _h_o_s_t, ----aaddmmiinn--sseerrvveerr==_h_o_s_t
- server to contact
- --ss _p_o_r_t _n_u_m_b_e_r, ----sseerrvveerr--ppoorrtt==_p_o_r_t _n_u_m_b_e_r
- port to use
- --ll, ----llooccaall
- local admin mode
- If no _c_o_m_m_a_n_d is given on the command line, kkaaddmmiinn will prompt for com-
- mands to process. Commands include:
- aadddd [--rr | ----rraannddoomm--kkeeyy] [----rraannddoomm--ppaasssswwoorrdd] [--pp _s_t_r_i_n_g |
- ----ppaasssswwoorrdd==_s_t_r_i_n_g] [----kkeeyy==_s_t_r_i_n_g] [----mmaaxx--ttiicckkeett--lliiffee==_l_i_f_e_t_i_m_e]
- [----mmaaxx--rreenneewwaabbllee--lliiffee==_l_i_f_e_t_i_m_e] [----aattttrriibbuutteess==_a_t_t_r_i_b_u_t_e_s]
- [----eexxppiirraattiioonn--ttiimmee==_t_i_m_e] [----ppww--eexxppiirraattiioonn--ttiimmee==_t_i_m_e] _p_r_i_n_c_i_p_a_l_._._.
- creates a new principal
- ppaasssswwdd [--rr | ----rraannddoomm--kkeeyy] [----rraannddoomm--ppaasssswwoorrdd] [--pp _s_t_r_i_n_g |
- ----ppaasssswwoorrdd==_s_t_r_i_n_g] [----kkeeyy==_s_t_r_i_n_g] _p_r_i_n_c_i_p_a_l_._._.
- changes the password of an existing principal
- ddeelleettee _p_r_i_n_c_i_p_a_l_._._.
- removes a principal
- ddeell__eennccttyyppee _p_r_i_n_c_i_p_a_l _e_n_c_t_y_p_e_s_._._.
- removes some enctypes from a principal, this can be useful
- the service belonging to the principal is known to not handle
- certain enctypes
- eexxtt__kkeeyyttaabb [--kk _s_t_r_i_n_g | ----kkeeyyttaabb==_s_t_r_i_n_g] _p_r_i_n_c_i_p_a_l_._._.
- creates a keytab with the keys of the specified principals
- ggeett [--ll | ----lloonngg] [--ss | ----sshhoorrtt] [--tt | ----tteerrssee] _e_x_p_r_e_s_s_i_o_n_._._.
- lists the principals that match the expressions (which are
- shell glob like), long format gives more information, and
- terse just prints the names
- rreennaammee _f_r_o_m _t_o
- renames a principal
- mmooddiiffyy [--aa _a_t_t_r_i_b_u_t_e_s | ----aattttrriibbuutteess==_a_t_t_r_i_b_u_t_e_s]
- [----mmaaxx--ttiicckkeett--lliiffee==_l_i_f_e_t_i_m_e] [----mmaaxx--rreenneewwaabbllee--lliiffee==_l_i_f_e_t_i_m_e]
- [----eexxppiirraattiioonn--ttiimmee==_t_i_m_e] [----ppww--eexxppiirraattiioonn--ttiimmee==_t_i_m_e]
- [----kkvvnnoo==_n_u_m_b_e_r] _p_r_i_n_c_i_p_a_l
- modifies certain attributes of a principal
- pprriivviilleeggeess
- lists the operations you are allowd to perform
- When running in local mode, the following commands can also be used.
- dduummpp [--dd | ----ddeeccrryypptt] [_d_u_m_p_-_f_i_l_e]
- writes the database in ``human readable'' form to the speci-
- fied file, or standard out
- iinniitt [----rreeaallmm--mmaaxx--ttiicckkeett--lliiffee==_s_t_r_i_n_g]
- [----rreeaallmm--mmaaxx--rreenneewwaabbllee--lliiffee==_s_t_r_i_n_g] _r_e_a_l_m
- initialises the Kerberos database with entries for a new
- realm, it's possible to have more than one realm served by
- one server
- llooaadd _f_i_l_e
- reads a previously dumped database, and re-creates that
- database from scratch
- mmeerrggee _f_i_l_e
- similar to lliisstt but just modifies the database with the en-
- tries in the dump file
- kadmind(8), kdc(8)
- HEIMDAL September 10, 2000 2
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud