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+.ta \n(.luR
+Network Working Group Assar Westerlund
+<draft-ietf-cat-krb5-firewalls.txt> SICS
+Internet-Draft Johan Danielsson
+Expire in six months
+.\" page header, has to be set here so it won't appear on page 1
+.he 'Internet Draft'Kerberos vs firewalls'\*(RH'
+.b "Kerberos vs firewalls"
+.HH 1 "Status of this Memo"
+This document is an Internet-Draft. Internet-Drafts are working
+documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its areas,
+and its working groups. Note that other groups may also distribute
+working documents as Internet-Drafts.
+Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
+and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
+time. It is inappropriate to use Internet- Drafts as reference
+material or to cite them other than as \*(lqwork in progress.\*(rq
+To view the entire list of current Internet-Drafts, please check the
+\*(lq1id-abstracts.txt\*(rq listing contained in the Internet-Drafts
+Shadow Directories on (Africa), (Europe), (Pacific Rim), (US East Coast), or (US West Coast).
+Distribution of this memo is unlimited. Please send comments to the
+<> mailing list.
+.HH 1 "Abstract"
+Kerberos and firewalls both deal with security, but doesn't get along
+very well. This memo discusses ways to use Kerberos in a firewalled
+.HH 1 "Introduction"
+Kohl, J. and Neuman, C., \*(lqThe Kerberos Network Authentication
+Service (V5)\*(rq, RFC 1510, September 1993.
+is a protocol for authenticating parties communicating over insecure
+networks. Firewalling is a technique for achieving an illusion of
+security by putting restrictions on what kinds of packets and how
+these are sent between the internal (so called \*(lqsecure\*(rq)
+network and the global (or \*(lqinsecure\*(rq) Internet. The problems
+with firewalls are many, but to name a few:
+Firewalls usually doesn't allow people to use UDP. The reason for this
+is that UDP is (by firewall advocates) considered insecure. This
+belief is probably based on the fact that many \*(lqinsecure\*(rq
+protocols (like NFS) use UDP. UDP packets are also considered easy to
+Firewalls usually doesn't allow people to connect to arbitrary ports,
+such as the ports used when talking to the KDC.
+In many non-computer organisations, the computer staff isn't what
+you'd call \*(lqwizards\*(rq; a typical case is an academic
+institution, where someone is taking care of the computers part time,
+and is doing research the rest of the time. Adding a complex device
+like a firewall to an environment like this, often leads to poorly run
+systems that is more a hindrance for the legitimate users than to
+possible crackers.
+The easiest way to deal with firewalls is to ignore them, however in
+some cases this just isn't possible. You might have users that are
+stuck behind a firewall, but also has to access your system, or you
+might find yourself behind a firewall, for instance when out
+To make it possible for people to use Kerberos from behind a firewall,
+there are several things to consider.
+Add things to do when stuck behind a firewall, like talking about the
+problem with local staff, making them open some port in the firewall,
+using some other port, or proxy.
+.HH 1 "Firewalls"
+A firewall is usually placed between the \*(lqinside\*(rq and the
+\*(lqoutside\*(rq networks, and is supposed to protect the inside from the
+evils on the outside. There are different kinds of firewalls. The
+main differences are in the way they forward (or doesn't) packets.
+.ip \(bu
+The most straight forward type is the one that just imposes
+restrictions on incoming packets. Such a firewall could be described
+as a router that filters packets that match some criteria.
+.ip \(bu
+They may also \*(lqhide\*(rq some or all addresses on the inside of the
+firewall, replacing the addresses in the outgoing packets with the
+address of the firewall (aka network address translation, or NAT). NAT
+can also be used without any packet filtering, for instance when you
+have more than one host sharing a single address (e.g with a dialed-in
+PPP connection).
+There are also firewalls that does NAT both on the inside and the
+outside (a server on the inside will see this as a connection from the
+.ip \(bu
+A third type is the proxy type firewall, that parses the contents of
+the packets, basically acting as a server to the client, and as a
+client to the server (man-in-the-middle). If Kerberos is to be used
+with this kind of firewall, a protocol module that handles KDC
+requests has to be written\**.
+\**Instead of writing a new module for Kerberos, it can be possible to
+hitch a ride on some other protocol, that's already beeing handled by
+the proxy.
+The last type of firewall might also cause extra trouble when used
+with kerberised versions of protocols that the proxy understands, in
+addition to the ones mentioned below. This is the case with the FTP
+Security Extensions [RFC2228],
+Horowitz, M. and Lunt, S., \*(lqFTP Security Extensions\*(rq, RFC2228,
+October 1997.
+that adds a new set of commands to the FTP protocol [RFC959],
+[RFC959] Postel, J. and Reynolds, J., \*(lqFile Transfer Protocol
+(FTP)\*(rq, RFC 969, October 1985
+for integrity, confidentiality, and privacy protecting commands, and
+data. When transferring data, the FTP protocol uses a separate data
+channel, and an FTP proxy will have to look out for commands that
+start a data transfer. If all commands are encrypted, this is
+impossible. A protocol that doesn't suffer from this is the Telnet
+Authentication Option [RFC1416]
+Borman, D., \*(lqTelnet Authentication Option\*(rq, RFC 1416, February
+that does all
+authentication and encryption in-bound.
+.HH 1 "Scenarios"
+Here the different scenarios we have considered are described, the
+problems they introduce and the proposed ways of solving them.
+Combinations of these can also occur.
+.HH 2 "Client behind firewall"
+This is the most typical and common scenario. First of all the client
+needs some way of communicating with the KDC. This can be done with
+whatever means and is usually much simpler when the KDC is able to
+communicate over TCP.
+Apart from that, the client needs to be sure that the ticket it will
+acquire from the KDC can be used to authenticate to a server outside
+its firewall. For this, it needs to add the address(es) of potential
+firewalls between itself and the KDC/server, to the list of its own
+addresses when requesting the ticket. We are not aware of any
+protocol for determining this set of addresses, thus this will have to
+be manually configured in the client.
+The client could also request a ticket with no addresses. This is not
+a recommended way to solve this problem. The address was put into the
+ticket to make it harder to use a stolen ticket. A ticket without
+addresses will therefore be less \*(lqsecure.\*(rq RFC1510 also says that
+the KDC may refuse to issue, and the server may refuse to accept an
+address-less ticket.
+With the ticket in possession, communication with the kerberised
+server will not need to be any different from communicating between a
+non-kerberised client and server.
+.HH 2 "Kerberised server behind firewall"
+The kerberised server does not talk to the KDC at all, so nothing
+beyond normal firewall-traversal techniques for reaching the server
+itself needs to be applied.
+If the firewall rewrites the clients address, the server will have to
+use some other (possibly firewall specific) protocol to retrieve the
+original address. If this is not possible, the address field will have
+to be ignored. This has the same effect as if there were no addresses
+in the ticket (see the discussion above).
+.HH 2 "KDC behind firewall"
+The KDC is in this respect basically just like any other server.
+.\" .uh "Specification"
+.HH 1 "Security considerations"
+Since the whole network behind a NAT-type firewall looks like one
+computer from the outside, any security added by the addresses in the
+ticket will be lost.
+.HH 1 "References"
+.HH 1 "Authors' Addresses"
+Assar Westerlund
+Swedish Institute of Computer Science
+Box 1263
+S-164 29 KISTA
+Phone: +46-8-7521526
+Fax: +46-8-7517230
+.sp 2
+Johan Danielsson
+Center for Parallel Computers
+Phone: +46-8-7906356
+Fax: +46-8-247784
+EMail: \ No newline at end of file
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