path: root/crypto/heimdal/appl/telnet/telnetd/telnetd.cat8
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1 files changed, 297 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/crypto/heimdal/appl/telnet/telnetd/telnetd.cat8 b/crypto/heimdal/appl/telnet/telnetd/telnetd.cat8
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index 0000000..988bf31
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+++ b/crypto/heimdal/appl/telnet/telnetd/telnetd.cat8
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+TELNETD(8) UNIX System Manager's Manual TELNETD(8)
+ tteellnneettdd - DARPA TELNET protocol server
+ tteellnneettdd [--BBUUhhkkllnn] [--DD _d_e_b_u_g_m_o_d_e] [--SS _t_o_s] [--XX _a_u_t_h_t_y_p_e] [--aa _a_u_t_h_m_o_d_e]
+ [--rr_l_o_w_p_t_y_-_h_i_g_h_p_t_y] [--uu _l_e_n] [--ddeebbuugg] [--LL _/_b_i_n_/_l_o_g_i_n] [_p_o_r_t]
+ The tteellnneettdd command is a server which supports the DARPA standard TELNET
+ virtual terminal protocol. TTeellnneettdd is normally invoked by the internet
+ server (see inetd(8)) for requests to connect to the TELNET port as in-
+ dicated by the _/_e_t_c_/_s_e_r_v_i_c_e_s file (see services(5)). The --ddeebbuugg option
+ may be used to start up tteellnneettdd manually, instead of through inetd(8).
+ If started up this way, _p_o_r_t may be specified to run tteellnneettdd on an alter-
+ nate TCP port number.
+ The tteellnneettdd command accepts the following options:
+ --aa _a_u_t_h_m_o_d_e This option may be used for specifying what mode should be
+ used for authentication. Note that this option is only use-
+ ful if tteellnneettdd has been compiled with support for the
+ AUTHENTICATION option. There are several valid values for
+ _a_u_t_h_m_o_d_e:
+ debug Turns on authentication debugging code.
+ user Only allow connections when the remote user can pro-
+ vide valid authentication information to identify the
+ remote user, and is allowed access to the specified
+ account without providing a password.
+ valid Only allow connections when the remote user can pro-
+ vide valid authentication information to identify the
+ remote user. The login(1) command will provide any
+ additional user verification needed if the remote us-
+ er is not allowed automatic access to the specified
+ account.
+ other Only allow connections that supply some authentica-
+ tion information. This option is currently not sup-
+ ported by any of the existing authentication mecha-
+ nisms, and is thus the same as specifying --aa vvaalliidd.
+ otp Only allow authenticated connections (as with --aa
+ uusseerr) and also logins with one-time passwords (OTPs).
+ This option will call login with an option so that
+ only OTPs are accepted. The user can of course still
+ type secret information at the prompt.
+ none This is the default state. Authentication informa-
+ tion is not required. If no or insufficient authen-
+ tication information is provided, then the login(1)
+ program will provide the necessary user verification.
+ off This disables the authentication code. All user ver-
+ ification will happen through the login(1) program.
+ --BB Ignored.
+ --DD _d_e_b_u_g_m_o_d_e
+ This option may be used for debugging purposes. This allows
+ tteellnneettdd to print out debugging information to the connec-
+ tion, allowing the user to see what tteellnneettdd is doing. There
+ are several possible values for _d_e_b_u_g_m_o_d_e:
+ ooppttiioonnss Prints information about the negotiation of TELNET
+ options.
+ rreeppoorrtt Prints the ooppttiioonnss information, plus some addi-
+ tional information about what processing is going
+ on.
+ nneettddaattaa Displays the data stream received by tteellnneettdd.
+ ppttyyddaattaa Displays data written to the pty.
+ eexxeerrcciissee Has not been implemented yet.
+ --hh Disables the printing of host-specific information before
+ login has been completed.
+ --kk
+ --ll Ignored.
+ --nn Disable TCP keep-alives. Normally tteellnneettdd enables the TCP
+ keep-alive mechanism to probe connections that have been
+ idle for some period of time to determine if the client is
+ still there, so that idle connections from machines that
+ have crashed or can no longer be reached may be cleaned up.
+ --rr _l_o_w_p_t_y_-_h_i_g_h_p_t_y
+ This option is only enabled when tteellnneettdd is compiled for
+ UNICOS. It specifies an inclusive range of pseudo-terminal
+ devices to use. If the system has sysconf variable
+ _SC_CRAY_NPTY configured, the default pty search range is 0
+ to _SC_CRAY_NPTY; otherwise, the default range is 0 to 128.
+ Either _l_o_w_p_t_y or _h_i_g_h_p_t_y may be omitted to allow changing
+ either end of the search range. If _l_o_w_p_t_y is omitted, the -
+ character is still required so that tteellnneettdd can differenti-
+ ate _h_i_g_h_p_t_y from _l_o_w_p_t_y.
+ --SS _t_o_s
+ --uu _l_e_n This option is used to specify the size of the field in the
+ utmp structure that holds the remote host name. If the re-
+ solved host name is longer than _l_e_n, the dotted decimal val-
+ ue will be used instead. This allows hosts with very long
+ host names that overflow this field to still be uniquely
+ identified. Specifying --uu00 indicates that only dotted deci-
+ mal addresses should be put into the _u_t_m_p file.
+ --UU This option causes tteellnneettdd to refuse connections from ad-
+ dresses that cannot be mapped back into a symbolic name via
+ the gethostbyaddr(3) routine.
+ --XX _a_u_t_h_t_y_p_e This option is only valid if tteellnneettdd has been built with
+ support for the authentication option. It disables the use
+ of _a_u_t_h_t_y_p_e authentication, and can be used to temporarily
+ disable a specific authentication type without having to re-
+ compile tteellnneettdd.
+ --LL --ppaatthhnnaammee
+ Specify pathname to an alternative login program.
+ TTeellnneettdd operates by allocating a pseudo-terminal device (see pty(4)) for
+ a client, then creating a login process which has the slave side of the
+ pseudo-terminal as stdin, stdout and stderr. TTeellnneettdd manipulates the mas-
+ ter side of the pseudo-terminal, implementing the TELNET protocol and
+ passing characters between the remote client and the login process.
+ When a TELNET session is started up, tteellnneettdd sends TELNET options to the
+ client side indicating a willingness to do the following TELNET options,
+ which are described in more detail below:
+ The pseudo-terminal allocated to the client is configured to operate in
+ ``cooked'' mode, and with XTABS and CRMOD enabled (see tty(4)).
+ TTeellnneettdd has support for enabling locally the following TELNET options:
+ WILL ECHO When the LINEMODE option is enabled, a WILL ECHO or
+ WONT ECHO will be sent to the client to indicate the
+ current state of terminal echoing. When terminal echo
+ is not desired, a WILL ECHO is sent to indicate that
+ telnetd will take care of echoing any data that needs
+ to be echoed to the terminal, and then nothing is
+ echoed. When terminal echo is desired, a WONT ECHO is
+ sent to indicate that telnetd will not be doing any
+ terminal echoing, so the client should do any terminal
+ echoing that is needed.
+ WILL BINARY Indicates that the client is willing to send a 8 bits
+ of data, rather than the normal 7 bits of the Network
+ Virtual Terminal.
+ WILL SGA Indicates that it will not be sending IAC GA, go
+ ahead, commands.
+ WILL STATUS Indicates a willingness to send the client, upon re-
+ quest, of the current status of all TELNET options.
+ WILL TIMING-MARK Whenever a DO TIMING-MARK command is received, it is
+ always responded to with a WILL TIMING-MARK
+ WILL LOGOUT When a DO LOGOUT is received, a WILL LOGOUT is sent in
+ response, and the TELNET session is shut down.
+ WILL ENCRYPT Only sent if tteellnneettdd is compiled with support for data
+ encryption, and indicates a willingness to decrypt the
+ data stream.
+ TTeellnneettdd has support for enabling remotely the following TELNET options:
+ DO BINARY Sent to indicate that telnetd is willing to receive an
+ 8 bit data stream.
+ DO LFLOW Requests that the client handle flow control charac-
+ ters remotely.
+ DO ECHO This is not really supported, but is sent to identify
+ a 4.2BSD telnet(1) client, which will improperly re-
+ spond with WILL ECHO. If a WILL ECHO is received, a
+ DONT ECHO will be sent in response.
+ DO TERMINAL-TYPE Indicates a desire to be able to request the name of
+ the type of terminal that is attached to the client
+ side of the connection.
+ DO SGA Indicates that it does not need to receive IAC GA, the
+ go ahead command.
+ DO NAWS Requests that the client inform the server when the
+ window (display) size changes.
+ DO TERMINAL-SPEED Indicates a desire to be able to request information
+ about the speed of the serial line to which the client
+ is attached.
+ DO XDISPLOC Indicates a desire to be able to request the name of
+ the X windows display that is associated with the tel-
+ net client.
+ DO NEW-ENVIRON Indicates a desire to be able to request environment
+ variable information, as described in RFC 1572.
+ DO ENVIRON Indicates a desire to be able to request environment
+ variable information, as described in RFC 1408.
+ DO LINEMODE Only sent if tteellnneettdd is compiled with support for
+ linemode, and requests that the client do line by line
+ processing.
+ DO TIMING-MARK Only sent if tteellnneettdd is compiled with support for both
+ linemode and kludge linemode, and the client responded
+ with WONT LINEMODE. If the client responds with WILL
+ TM, the it is assumed that the client supports kludge
+ linemode. Note that the [--kk] option can be used to
+ disable this.
+ DO AUTHENTICATION Only sent if tteellnneettdd is compiled with support for au-
+ thentication, and indicates a willingness to receive
+ authentication information for automatic login.
+ DO ENCRYPT Only sent if tteellnneettdd is compiled with support for data
+ encryption, and indicates a willingness to decrypt the
+ data stream.
+ /etc/services
+ /etc/inittab (UNICOS systems only)
+ /etc/iptos (if supported)
+ telnet(1), login(1)
+ RRFFCC--11007733 Telnet Window Size Option
+ RRFFCC--11007799 Telnet Terminal Speed Option
+ RRFFCC--11009911 Telnet Terminal-Type Option
+ RRFFCC--11009966 Telnet X Display Location Option
+ RRFFCC--11112233 Requirements for Internet Hosts -- Application and Support
+ RRFFCC--11118844 Telnet Linemode Option
+ RRFFCC--11337722 Telnet Remote Flow Control Option
+ RRFFCC--11441166 Telnet Authentication Option
+ RRFFCC--11441111 Telnet Authentication: Kerberos Version 4
+ RRFFCC--11441122 Telnet Authentication: SPX
+ RRFFCC--11557711 Telnet Environment Option Interoperability Issues
+ RRFFCC--11557722 Telnet Environment Option
+ Some TELNET commands are only partially implemented.
+ Because of bugs in the original 4.2 BSD telnet(1), tteellnneettdd performs some
+ dubious protocol exchanges to try to discover if the remote client is, in
+ fact, a 4.2 BSD telnet(1).
+ Binary mode has no common interpretation except between similar operating
+ systems (Unix in this case).
+ The terminal type name received from the remote client is converted to
+ lower case.
+ TTeellnneettdd never sends TELNET IAC GA (go ahead) commands.
+4.2 Berkeley Distribution June 1, 1994 5
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