path: root/crypto/heimdal/appl/telnet/telnet/telnet.cat1
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+TELNET(1) UNIX Reference Manual TELNET(1)
+ tteellnneett - user interface to the TELNET protocol
+ tteellnneett [--7788EEFFKKLLaaccddffrrxx] [--SS _t_o_s] [--XX _a_u_t_h_t_y_p_e] [--ee _e_s_c_a_p_e_c_h_a_r] [--kk _r_e_a_l_m]
+ [--ll _u_s_e_r] [--nn _t_r_a_c_e_f_i_l_e] [_h_o_s_t [port]]
+ The tteellnneett command is used to communicate with another host using the
+ TELNET protocol. If tteellnneett is invoked without the _h_o_s_t argument, it en-
+ ters command mode, indicated by its prompt (tteellnneett>>). In this mode, it
+ accepts and executes the commands listed below. If it is invoked with
+ arguments, it performs an ooppeenn command with those arguments.
+ Options:
+ --88 Specifies an 8-bit data path. This causes an attempt to negoti-
+ ate the TELNET BINARY option on both input and output.
+ --77 Do not try to negotiate TELNET BINARY option.
+ --EE Stops any character from being recognized as an escape character.
+ --FF If Kerberos V5 authentication is being used, the --FF option allows
+ the local credentials to be forwarded to the remote system, in-
+ cluding any credentials that have already been forwarded into the
+ local environment.
+ --KK Specifies no automatic login to the remote system.
+ --LL Specifies an 8-bit data path on output. This causes the BINARY
+ option to be negotiated on output.
+ --SS _t_o_s Sets the IP type-of-service (TOS) option for the telnet connec-
+ tion to the value _t_o_s, which can be a numeric TOS value or, on
+ systems that support it, a symbolic TOS name found in the
+ /etc/iptos file.
+ --XX _a_t_y_p_e
+ Disables the _a_t_y_p_e type of authentication.
+ --aa Attempt automatic login. Currently, this sends the user name via
+ the USER variable of the ENVIRON option if supported by the re-
+ mote system. The name used is that of the current user as re-
+ turned by getlogin(2) if it agrees with the current user ID, oth-
+ erwise it is the name associated with the user ID.
+ --cc Disables the reading of the user's _._t_e_l_n_e_t_r_c file. (See the
+ ttooggggllee sskkiipprrcc command on this man page.)
+ --dd Sets the initial value of the ddeebbuugg toggle to TRUE
+ --ee _e_s_c_a_p_e _c_h_a_r
+ Sets the initial tteellnneett tteellnneett escape character to _e_s_c_a_p_e _c_h_a_r.
+ If _e_s_c_a_p_e _c_h_a_r is omitted, then there will be no escape charac-
+ ter.
+ --ff If Kerberos V5 authentication is being used, the --ff option allows
+ the local credentials to be forwarded to the remote system.
+ --kk _r_e_a_l_m
+ If Kerberos authentication is being used, the --kk option requests
+ that telnet obtain tickets for the remote host in realm realm in-
+ stead of the remote host's realm, as determined by
+ krb_realmofhost(3).
+ --ll _u_s_e_r
+ When connecting to the remote system, if the remote system under-
+ stands the ENVIRON option, then _u_s_e_r will be sent to the remote
+ system as the value for the variable USER. This option implies
+ the --aa option. This option may also be used with the ooppeenn com-
+ mand.
+ --nn _t_r_a_c_e_f_i_l_e
+ Opens _t_r_a_c_e_f_i_l_e for recording trace information. See the sseett
+ ttrraacceeffiillee command below.
+ --rr Specifies a user interface similar to rlogin(1). In this mode,
+ the escape character is set to the tilde (~) character, unless
+ modified by the -e option.
+ --xx Turns on encryption of the data stream if possible. This is cur-
+ rently the default and when it fails a warning is issued.
+ _h_o_s_t Indicates the official name, an alias, or the Internet address of
+ a remote host.
+ _p_o_r_t Indicates a port number (address of an application). If a number
+ is not specified, the default tteellnneett port is used.
+ When in rlogin mode, a line of the form ~. disconnects from the remote
+ host; ~ is the telnet escape character. Similarly, the line ~^Z suspends
+ the telnet session. The line ~^] escapes to the normal telnet escape
+ prompt.
+ Once a connection has been opened, tteellnneett will attempt to enable the
+ TELNET LINEMODE option. If this fails, then tteellnneett will revert to one of
+ two input modes: either ``character at a time'' or ``old line by line''
+ depending on what the remote system supports.
+ When LINEMODE is enabled, character processing is done on the local sys-
+ tem, under the control of the remote system. When input editing or char-
+ acter echoing is to be disabled, the remote system will relay that infor-
+ mation. The remote system will also relay changes to any special charac-
+ ters that happen on the remote system, so that they can take effect on
+ the local system.
+ In ``character at a time'' mode, most text typed is immediately sent to
+ the remote host for processing.
+ In ``old line by line'' mode, all text is echoed locally, and (normally)
+ only completed lines are sent to the remote host. The ``local echo char-
+ acter'' (initially ``^E'') may be used to turn off and on the local echo
+ (this would mostly be used to enter passwords without the password being
+ echoed).
+ If the LINEMODE option is enabled, or if the llooccaallcchhaarrss toggle is TRUE
+ (the default for ``old line by line``; see below), the user's qquuiitt, iinnttrr,
+ and fflluusshh characters are trapped locally, and sent as TELNET protocol se-
+ quences to the remote side. If LINEMODE has ever been enabled, then the
+ user's ssuusspp and eeooff are also sent as TELNET protocol sequences, and qquuiitt
+ is sent as a TELNET ABORT instead of BREAK There are options (see ttooggggllee
+ aauuttoofflluusshh and ttooggggllee aauuttoossyynncchh below) which cause this action to flush
+ subsequent output to the terminal (until the remote host acknowledges the
+ TELNET sequence) and flush previous terminal input (in the case of qquuiitt
+ and iinnttrr).
+ While connected to a remote host, tteellnneett command mode may be entered by
+ typing the tteellnneett ``escape character'' (initially ``^]''). When in com-
+ mand mode, the normal terminal editing conventions are available.
+ The following tteellnneett commands are available. Only enough of each command
+ to uniquely identify it need be typed (this is also true for arguments to
+ the mmooddee, sseett, ttooggggllee, uunnsseett, ssllcc, eennvviirroonn, and ddiissppllaayy commands).
+ aauutthh _a_r_g_u_m_e_n_t _._._.
+ The auth command manipulates the information sent through the
+ TELNET AUTHENTICATE option. Valid arguments for the auth com-
+ mand are as follows:
+ ddiissaabbllee _t_y_p_e Disables the specified type of authentication.
+ To obtain a list of available types, use the
+ aauutthh ddiissaabbllee ?? command.
+ eennaabbllee _t_y_p_e Enables the specified type of authentication.
+ To obtain a list of available types, use the
+ aauutthh eennaabbllee ?? command.
+ ssttaattuuss Lists the current status of the various types of
+ authentication.
+ cclloossee Close a TELNET session and return to command mode.
+ ddiissppllaayy _a_r_g_u_m_e_n_t _._._.
+ Displays all, or some, of the sseett and ttooggggllee values (see be-
+ low).
+ eennccrryypptt _a_r_g_u_m_e_n_t _._._.
+ The encrypt command manipulates the information sent through
+ the TELNET ENCRYPT option.
+ Note: Because of export controls, the TELNET ENCRYPT option
+ is not supported outside of the United States and Canada.
+ Valid arguments for the encrypt command are as follows:
+ ddiissaabbllee _t_y_p_e [iinnppuutt | oouuttppuutt]
+ Disables the specified type of encryption. If
+ you omit the input and output, both input and
+ output are disabled. To obtain a list of avail-
+ able types, use the eennccrryypptt ddiissaabbllee ?? command.
+ eennaabbllee _t_y_p_e [iinnppuutt | oouuttppuutt]
+ Enables the specified type of encryption. If
+ you omit input and output, both input and output
+ are enabled. To obtain a list of available
+ types, use the eennccrryypptt eennaabbllee ?? command.
+ iinnppuutt This is the same as the eennccrryypptt ssttaarrtt iinnppuutt com-
+ mand.
+ --iinnppuutt This is the same as the eennccrryypptt ssttoopp iinnppuutt com-
+ mand.
+ oouuttppuutt This is the same as the eennccrryypptt ssttaarrtt oouuttppuutt
+ command.
+ --oouuttppuutt This is the same as the eennccrryypptt ssttoopp oouuttppuutt com-
+ mand.
+ ssttaarrtt [iinnppuutt | oouuttppuutt]
+ Attempts to start encryption. If you omit iinnppuutt
+ and oouuttppuutt, both input and output are enabled.
+ To obtain a list of available types, use the
+ eennccrryypptt eennaabbllee ?? command.
+ ssttaattuuss Lists the current status of encryption.
+ ssttoopp [iinnppuutt | oouuttppuutt]
+ Stops encryption. If you omit input and output,
+ encryption is on both input and output.
+ ttyyppee _t_y_p_e Sets the default type of encryption to be used
+ with later eennccrryypptt ssttaarrtt or eennccrryypptt ssttoopp com-
+ mands.
+ eennvviirroonn _a_r_g_u_m_e_n_t_s _._._.
+ The eennvviirroonn command is used to manipulate the the variables
+ that my be sent through the TELNET ENVIRON option. The ini-
+ tial set of variables is taken from the users environment,
+ with only the DISPLAY and PRINTER variables being exported by
+ default. The USER variable is also exported if the --aa or --ll
+ options are used.
+ Valid arguments for the eennvviirroonn command are:
+ ddeeffiinnee _v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e _v_a_l_u_e
+ Define the variable _v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e to have a value of
+ _v_a_l_u_e. Any variables defined by this command are
+ automatically exported. The _v_a_l_u_e may be enclosed
+ in single or double quotes so that tabs and spaces
+ may be included.
+ uunnddeeffiinnee _v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e
+ Remove _v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e from the list of environment vari-
+ ables.
+ eexxppoorrtt _v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e
+ Mark the variable _v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e to be exported to the
+ remote side.
+ uunneexxppoorrtt _v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e
+ Mark the variable _v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e to not be exported un-
+ less explicitly asked for by the remote side.
+ lliisstt List the current set of environment variables.
+ Those marked with a ** will be sent automatically,
+ other variables will only be sent if explicitly
+ requested.
+ ?? Prints out help information for the eennvviirroonn com-
+ mand.
+ llooggoouutt Sends the TELNET LOGOUT option to the remote side. This com-
+ mand is similar to a cclloossee command; however, if the remote
+ side does not support the LOGOUT option, nothing happens. If,
+ however, the remote side does support the LOGOUT option, this
+ command should cause the remote side to close the TELNET con-
+ nection. If the remote side also supports the concept of sus-
+ pending a user's session for later reattachment, the logout
+ argument indicates that you should terminate the session imme-
+ diately.
+ mmooddee _t_y_p_e _T_y_p_e is one of several options, depending on the state of the
+ TELNET session. The remote host is asked for permission to go
+ into the requested mode. If the remote host is capable of en-
+ tering that mode, the requested mode will be entered.
+ cchhaarraacctteerr Disable the TELNET LINEMODE option, or, if the
+ remote side does not understand the LINEMODE op-
+ tion, then enter ``character at a time`` mode.
+ lliinnee Enable the TELNET LINEMODE option, or, if the
+ remote side does not understand the LINEMODE op-
+ tion, then attempt to enter ``old-line-by-line``
+ mode.
+ iissiigg (--iissiigg) Attempt to enable (disable) the TRAPSIG mode of
+ the LINEMODE option. This requires that the
+ LINEMODE option be enabled.
+ eeddiitt (--eeddiitt) Attempt to enable (disable) the EDIT mode of the
+ LINEMODE option. This requires that the
+ LINEMODE option be enabled.
+ ssooffttttaabbss (--ssooffttttaabbss)
+ Attempt to enable (disable) the SOFT_TAB mode of
+ the LINEMODE option. This requires that the
+ LINEMODE option be enabled.
+ lliitteecchhoo (--lliitteecchhoo)
+ Attempt to enable (disable) the LIT_ECHO mode of
+ the LINEMODE option. This requires that the
+ LINEMODE option be enabled.
+ ?? Prints out help information for the mmooddee com-
+ mand.
+ ooppeenn _h_o_s_t [--ll _u_s_e_r] [[--]_p_o_r_t]
+ Open a connection to the named host. If no port number is
+ specified, tteellnneett will attempt to contact a TELNET server at
+ the default port. The host specification may be either a host
+ name (see hosts(5)) or an Internet address specified in the
+ ``dot notation'' (see inet(3)). The [--ll] option may be used
+ to specify the user name to be passed to the remote system via
+ the ENVIRON option. When connecting to a non-standard port,
+ tteellnneett omits any automatic initiation of TELNET options. When
+ the port number is preceded by a minus sign, the initial op-
+ tion negotiation is done. After establishing a connection,
+ the file _._t_e_l_n_e_t_r_c in the users home directory is opened.
+ Lines beginning with a # are comment lines. Blank lines are
+ ignored. Lines that begin without white space are the start
+ of a machine entry. The first thing on the line is the name
+ of the machine that is being connected to. The rest of the
+ line, and successive lines that begin with white space are as-
+ sumed to be tteellnneett commands and are processed as if they had
+ been typed in manually to the tteellnneett command prompt.
+ qquuiitt Close any open TELNET session and exit tteellnneett. An end of file
+ (in command mode) will also close a session and exit.
+ sseenndd _a_r_g_u_m_e_n_t_s
+ Sends one or more special character sequences to the remote
+ host. The following are the arguments which may be specified
+ (more than one argument may be specified at a time):
+ aabboorrtt Sends the TELNET ABORT (Abort processes) sequence.
+ aaoo Sends the TELNET AO (Abort Output) sequence, which
+ should cause the remote system to flush all output
+ _f_r_o_m the remote system _t_o the user's terminal.
+ aayytt Sends the TELNET AYT (Are You There) sequence, to
+ which the remote system may or may not choose to re-
+ spond.
+ bbrrkk Sends the TELNET BRK (Break) sequence, which may have
+ significance to the remote system.
+ eecc Sends the TELNET EC (Erase Character) sequence, which
+ should cause the remote system to erase the last char-
+ acter entered.
+ eell Sends the TELNET EL (Erase Line) sequence, which
+ should cause the remote system to erase the line cur-
+ rently being entered.
+ eeooff Sends the TELNET EOF (End Of File) sequence.
+ eeoorr Sends the TELNET EOR (End of Record) sequence.
+ eessccaappee Sends the current tteellnneett escape character (initially
+ ``^'').
+ ggaa Sends the TELNET GA (Go Ahead) sequence, which likely
+ has no significance to the remote system.
+ ggeettssttaattuuss
+ If the remote side supports the TELNET STATUS command,
+ ggeettssttaattuuss will send the subnegotiation to request that
+ the server send its current option status.
+ iipp Sends the TELNET IP (Interrupt Process) sequence,
+ which should cause the remote system to abort the cur-
+ rently running process.
+ nnoopp Sends the TELNET NOP (No OPeration) sequence.
+ ssuusspp Sends the TELNET SUSP (SUSPend process) sequence.
+ ssyynncchh Sends the TELNET SYNCH sequence. This sequence causes
+ the remote system to discard all previously typed (but
+ not yet read) input. This sequence is sent as TCP ur-
+ gent data (and may not work if the remote system is a
+ 4.2BSD system -- if it doesn't work, a lower case
+ ``r'' may be echoed on the terminal).
+ ddoo _c_m_d
+ ddoonntt _c_m_d
+ wwiillll _c_m_d
+ wwoonntt _c_m_d
+ Sends the TELNET DO _c_m_d sequence. _C_m_d can be either a
+ decimal number between 0 and 255, or a symbolic name
+ for a specific TELNET command. _C_m_d can also be either
+ hheellpp or ?? to print out help information, including a
+ list of known symbolic names.
+ ?? Prints out help information for the sseenndd command.
+ sseett _a_r_g_u_m_e_n_t _v_a_l_u_e
+ uunnsseett _a_r_g_u_m_e_n_t _v_a_l_u_e
+ The sseett command will set any one of a number of tteellnneett vari-
+ ables to a specific value or to TRUE. The special value ooffff
+ turns off the function associated with the variable, this is
+ equivalent to using the uunnsseett command. The uunnsseett command will
+ disable or set to FALSE any of the specified functions. The
+ values of variables may be interrogated with the ddiissppllaayy com-
+ mand. The variables which may be set or unset, but not tog-
+ gled, are listed here. In addition, any of the variables for
+ the ttooggggllee command may be explicitly set or unset using the
+ sseett and uunnsseett commands.
+ aayytt If TELNET is in localchars mode, or LINEMODE is en-
+ abled, and the status character is typed, a TELNET AYT
+ sequence (see sseenndd aayytt preceding) is sent to the re-
+ mote host. The initial value for the "Are You There"
+ character is the terminal's status character.
+ eecchhoo This is the value (initially ``^E'') which, when in
+ ``line by line'' mode, toggles between doing local
+ echoing of entered characters (for normal processing),
+ and suppressing echoing of entered characters (for en-
+ tering, say, a password).
+ eeooff If tteellnneett is operating in LINEMODE or ``old line by
+ line'' mode, entering this character as the first
+ character on a line will cause this character to be
+ sent to the remote system. The initial value of the
+ eof character is taken to be the terminal's eeooff char-
+ acter.
+ eerraassee If tteellnneett is in llooccaallcchhaarrss mode (see ttooggggllee llooccaallcchhaarrss
+ below), aanndd if tteellnneett is operating in ``character at a
+ time'' mode, then when this character is typed, a
+ TELNET EC sequence (see sseenndd eecc above) is sent to the
+ remote system. The initial value for the erase char-
+ acter is taken to be the terminal's eerraassee character.
+ eessccaappee This is the tteellnneett escape character (initially ``^['')
+ which causes entry into tteellnneett command mode (when con-
+ nected to a remote system).
+ fflluusshhoouuttppuutt
+ If tteellnneett is in llooccaallcchhaarrss mode (see ttooggggllee llooccaallcchhaarrss
+ below) and the fflluusshhoouuttppuutt character is typed, a
+ TELNET AO sequence (see sseenndd aaoo above) is sent to the
+ remote host. The initial value for the flush charac-
+ ter is taken to be the terminal's fflluusshh character.
+ ffoorrww11
+ ffoorrww22 If TELNET is operating in LINEMODE, these are the
+ characters that, when typed, cause partial lines to be
+ forwarded to the remote system. The initial value for
+ the forwarding characters are taken from the termi-
+ nal's eol and eol2 characters.
+ iinntteerrrruupptt
+ If tteellnneett is in llooccaallcchhaarrss mode (see ttooggggllee llooccaallcchhaarrss
+ below) and the iinntteerrrruupptt character is typed, a TELNET
+ IP sequence (see sseenndd iipp above) is sent to the remote
+ host. The initial value for the interrupt character
+ is taken to be the terminal's iinnttrr character.
+ kkiillll If tteellnneett is in llooccaallcchhaarrss mode (see ttooggggllee llooccaallcchhaarrss
+ below), aanndd if tteellnneett is operating in ``character at a
+ time'' mode, then when this character is typed, a
+ TELNET EL sequence (see sseenndd eell above) is sent to the
+ remote system. The initial value for the kill charac-
+ ter is taken to be the terminal's kkiillll character.
+ llnneexxtt If tteellnneett is operating in LINEMODE or ``old line by
+ line`` mode, then this character is taken to be the
+ terminal's llnneexxtt character. The initial value for the
+ lnext character is taken to be the terminal's llnneexxtt
+ character.
+ qquuiitt If tteellnneett is in llooccaallcchhaarrss mode (see ttooggggllee llooccaallcchhaarrss
+ below) and the qquuiitt character is typed, a TELNET BRK
+ sequence (see sseenndd bbrrkk above) is sent to the remote
+ host. The initial value for the quit character is
+ taken to be the terminal's qquuiitt character.
+ rreepprriinntt
+ If tteellnneett is operating in LINEMODE or ``old line by
+ line`` mode, then this character is taken to be the
+ terminal's rreepprriinntt character. The initial value for
+ the reprint character is taken to be the terminal's
+ rreepprriinntt character.
+ rrllooggiinn This is the rlogin escape character. If set, the nor-
+ mal TELNET escape character is ignored unless it is
+ preceded by this character at the beginning of a line.
+ This character, at the beginning of a line followed by
+ a "." closes the connection; when followed by a ^Z it
+ suspends the telnet command. The initial state is to
+ disable the rlogin escape character.
+ ssttaarrtt If the TELNET TOGGLE-FLOW-CONTROL option has been en-
+ abled, then this character is taken to be the termi-
+ nal's ssttaarrtt character. The initial value for the kill
+ character is taken to be the terminal's ssttaarrtt charac-
+ ter.
+ ssttoopp If the TELNET TOGGLE-FLOW-CONTROL option has been en-
+ abled, then this character is taken to be the termi-
+ nal's ssttoopp character. The initial value for the kill
+ character is taken to be the terminal's ssttoopp charac-
+ ter.
+ ssuusspp If tteellnneett is in llooccaallcchhaarrss mode, or LINEMODE is en-
+ abled, and the ssuussppeenndd character is typed, a TELNET
+ SUSP sequence (see sseenndd ssuusspp above) is sent to the re-
+ mote host. The initial value for the suspend charac-
+ ter is taken to be the terminal's ssuussppeenndd character.
+ ttrraacceeffiillee
+ This is the file to which the output, caused by
+ nneettddaattaa or ooppttiioonn tracing being TRUE, will be written.
+ If it is set to ``--'', then tracing information will
+ be written to standard output (the default).
+ wwoorrddeerraassee
+ If tteellnneett is operating in LINEMODE or ``old line by
+ line`` mode, then this character is taken to be the
+ terminal's wwoorrddeerraassee character. The initial value for
+ the worderase character is taken to be the terminal's
+ wwoorrddeerraassee character.
+ ?? Displays the legal sseett (uunnsseett) commands.
+ ssllcc _s_t_a_t_e The ssllcc command (Set Local Characters) is used to set or
+ change the state of the the special characters when the TELNET
+ LINEMODE option has been enabled. Special characters are
+ characters that get mapped to TELNET commands sequences (like
+ iipp or qquuiitt) or line editing characters (like eerraassee and kkiillll).
+ By default, the local special characters are exported.
+ cchheecckk Verify the current settings for the current spe-
+ cial characters. The remote side is requested to
+ send all the current special character settings,
+ and if there are any discrepancies with the local
+ side, the local side will switch to the remote
+ value.
+ eexxppoorrtt Switch to the local defaults for the special char-
+ acters. The local default characters are those of
+ the local terminal at the time when tteellnneett was
+ started.
+ iimmppoorrtt Switch to the remote defaults for the special
+ characters. The remote default characters are
+ those of the remote system at the time when the
+ TELNET connection was established.
+ ?? Prints out help information for the ssllcc command.
+ ssttaattuuss Show the current status of tteellnneett. This includes the peer one
+ is connected to, as well as the current mode.
+ ttooggggllee _a_r_g_u_m_e_n_t_s _._._.
+ Toggle (between TRUE and FALSE) various flags that control how
+ tteellnneett responds to events. These flags may be set explicitly
+ to TRUE or FALSE using the sseett and uunnsseett commands listed
+ above. More than one argument may be specified. The state of
+ these flags may be interrogated with the ddiissppllaayy command.
+ Valid arguments are:
+ aauutthhddeebbuugg Turns on debugging information for the authenti-
+ cation code.
+ aauuttoofflluusshh If aauuttoofflluusshh and llooccaallcchhaarrss are both TRUE, then
+ when the aaoo, or qquuiitt characters are recognized
+ (and transformed into TELNET sequences; see sseett
+ above for details), tteellnneett refuses to display
+ any data on the user's terminal until the remote
+ system acknowledges (via a TELNET TIMING MARK
+ option) that it has processed those TELNET se-
+ quences. The initial value for this toggle is
+ TRUE if the terminal user had not done an "stty
+ noflsh", otherwise FALSE (see stty(1)).
+ aauuttooddeeccrryypptt When the TELNET ENCRYPT option is negotiated, by
+ default the actual encryption (decryption) of
+ the data stream does not start automatically.
+ The autoencrypt (autodecrypt) command states
+ that encryption of the output (input) stream
+ should be enabled as soon as possible.
+ Note: Because of export controls, the TELNET
+ ENCRYPT option is not supported outside the
+ United States and Canada.
+ aauuttoollooggiinn If the remote side supports the TELNET
+ AUTHENTICATION option TELNET attempts to use it
+ to perform automatic authentication. If the
+ AUTHENTICATION option is not supported, the us-
+ er's login name are propagated through the
+ TELNET ENVIRON option. This command is the same
+ as specifying _a option on the ooppeenn command.
+ aauuttoossyynncchh If aauuttoossyynncchh and llooccaallcchhaarrss are both TRUE, then
+ when either the iinnttrr or qquuiitt characters is typed
+ (see sseett above for descriptions of the iinnttrr and
+ qquuiitt characters), the resulting TELNET sequence
+ sent is followed by the TELNET SYNCH sequence.
+ This procedure sshhoouulldd cause the remote system to
+ begin throwing away all previously typed input
+ until both of the TELNET sequences have been
+ read and acted upon. The initial value of this
+ toggle is FALSE.
+ bbiinnaarryy Enable or disable the TELNET BINARY option on
+ both input and output.
+ iinnbbiinnaarryy Enable or disable the TELNET BINARY option on
+ input.
+ oouuttbbiinnaarryy Enable or disable the TELNET BINARY option on
+ output.
+ ccrrllff If this is TRUE, then carriage returns will be
+ sent as <CR><LF>. If this is FALSE, then car-
+ riage returns will be send as <CR><NUL>. The
+ initial value for this toggle is FALSE.
+ ccrrmmoodd Toggle carriage return mode. When this mode is
+ enabled, most carriage return characters re-
+ ceived from the remote host will be mapped into
+ a carriage return followed by a line feed. This
+ mode does not affect those characters typed by
+ the user, only those received from the remote
+ host. This mode is not very useful unless the
+ remote host only sends carriage return, but nev-
+ er line feed. The initial value for this toggle
+ is FALSE.
+ ddeebbuugg Toggles socket level debugging (useful only to
+ the ssuuppeerr uusseerr). The initial value for this tog-
+ gle is FALSE.
+ eennccddeebbuugg Turns on debugging information for the encryp-
+ tion code.
+ llooccaallcchhaarrss If this is TRUE, then the fflluusshh, iinntteerrrruupptt,
+ qquuiitt, eerraassee, and kkiillll characters (see sseett above)
+ are recognized locally, and transformed into
+ (hopefully) appropriate TELNET control sequences
+ (respectively aaoo, iipp, bbrrkk, eecc, and eell; see sseenndd
+ above). The initial value for this toggle is
+ TRUE in ``old line by line'' mode, and FALSE in
+ ``character at a time'' mode. When the LINEMODE
+ option is enabled, the value of llooccaallcchhaarrss is
+ ignored, and assumed to always be TRUE. If
+ LINEMODE has ever been enabled, then qquuiitt is
+ sent as aabboorrtt, and eeooff and ssuussppeenndd are sent as
+ eeooff and ssuusspp, see sseenndd above).
+ nneettddaattaa Toggles the display of all network data (in hex-
+ adecimal format). The initial value for this
+ toggle is FALSE.
+ ooppttiioonnss Toggles the display of some internal tteellnneett pro-
+ tocol processing (having to do with TELNET op-
+ tions). The initial value for this toggle is
+ pprreettttyydduummpp When the nneettddaattaa toggle is enabled, if
+ pprreettttyydduummpp is enabled the output from the
+ nneettddaattaa command will be formatted in a more user
+ readable format. Spaces are put between each
+ character in the output, and the beginning of
+ any TELNET escape sequence is preceded by a '*'
+ to aid in locating them.
+ sskkiipprrcc When the skiprc toggle is TRUE, TELNET skips the
+ reading of the _._t_e_l_n_e_t_r_c file in the users home
+ directory when connections are opened. The ini-
+ tial value for this toggle is FALSE.
+ tteerrmmddaattaa Toggles the display of all terminal data (in
+ hexadecimal format). The initial value for this
+ toggle is FALSE.
+ vveerrbboossee__eennccrryypptt
+ When the vveerrbboossee__eennccrryypptt toggle is TRUE, TELNET
+ prints out a message each time encryption is en-
+ abled or disabled. The initial value for this
+ toggle is FALSE. Note: Because of export con-
+ trols, data encryption is not supported outside
+ of the United States and Canada.
+ ?? Displays the legal ttooggggllee commands.
+ zz Suspend tteellnneett. This command only works when the user is using
+ the csh(1).
+ !! [_c_o_m_m_a_n_d]
+ Execute a single command in a subshell on the local system.
+ If ccoommmmaanndd is omitted, then an interactive subshell is in-
+ voked.
+ ?? [_c_o_m_m_a_n_d]
+ Get help. With no arguments, tteellnneett prints a help summary.
+ If a command is specified, tteellnneett will print the help informa-
+ tion for just that command.
+ TTeellnneett uses at least the HOME, SHELL, DISPLAY, and TERM environment vari-
+ ables. Other environment variables may be propagated to the other side
+ via the TELNET ENVIRON option.
+ ~/.telnetrc user customized telnet startup values
+ The TTeellnneett command appeared in 4.2BSD.
+ On some remote systems, echo has to be turned off manually when in ``old
+ line by line'' mode.
+ In ``old line by line'' mode or LINEMODE the terminal's eeooff character is
+ only recognized (and sent to the remote system) when it is the first
+ character on a line.
+4.2 Berkeley Distribution June 1, 1994 11
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud