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index 0000000..cb0709e
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+++ b/contrib/tcsh/
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+.\" Copyright (c) 1980, 1990, 1993
+.\" The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
+.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+.\" are met:
+.\" 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+.\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+.\" 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+.\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+.\" documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+.\" 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors
+.\" may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+.\" without specific prior written permission.
+.\" Style notes for the tcsh man page:
+.\" - Tags in lists are bold, except in the FILES section where they are
+.\" italic.
+.\" - References are bold for section headings and environment and shell
+.\" variables and italic for commands (externals, builtins, aliases, and
+.\" editor commands) and arguments to commands.
+.\" - Be careful with the .B and .I macros: they handle only a limited number
+.\" of words. Work around this with \fB and \fI, but only if absolutely
+.\" necessary, because tcsh.man2html uses .B/.I to find name anchors.
+.\" - Indent in multiples of 4, usually 8.
+.\" - Use `', not '' or "", except of course in shell syntax examples.
+.\" '' at the beginning of a line will vanish!
+.\" - Use \-, not -.
+.\" - Include the tilde when naming dot files. `~/.login', not `.login'.
+.\" - Refer to external commands in man page format, e.g., `csh(1)'. However,
+.\" tcsh is `tcsh', not `tcsh(1)', because this is the tcsh man page (and
+.\" see the next note anyway).
+.\" - Say `the shell', not `tcsh', unless distinguishing between tcsh and csh.
+.\" - Say `shell variable'/`environment variable' instead of `variable'
+.\" and `builtin command'/`editor command' instead of `builtin' or `command'
+.\" unless the distinction is absolutely clear from context.
+.\" - Use the simple present tense. `The shell uses', not `The shell will use'.
+.\" - IMPORTANT: Cross-reference as much as possible. Commands, variables,
+.\" etc. in the reference section should be mentioned in the appropriate
+.\" descriptive section, or at least in the reference-section description
+.\" of another command (or whatever) which is mentioned in a description
+.\" section. Remember to note OS-specific things in "OS variant support",
+.\" new features in NEW FEATURES and referenced external commands in SEE
+.\" ALSO.
+.\" - tcsh.man2html depends heavily on the specific nroff commands used in the
+.\" man page when the script was written. Please stick closely to the style
+.\" used here if you can. In particular, please don't use nroff commands
+.\" which aren't already used herein.
+.TH TCSH 1 "14 February 2012" "Astron 6.18.01"
+tcsh \- C shell with file name completion and command line editing
+.B tcsh \fR[\fB\-bcdefFimnqstvVxX\fR] [\fB\-Dname\fR[\fB=value\fR]] [arg ...]
+.B tcsh \-l
+\fItcsh\fR is an enhanced but completely compatible version of the Berkeley
+UNIX C shell, \fIcsh\fR(1).
+It is a command language interpreter usable both as an interactive login
+shell and a shell script command processor.
+It includes a command-line editor (see \fBThe command-line editor\fR),
+programmable word completion (see \fBCompletion and listing\fR),
+spelling correction (see \fBSpelling correction\fR),
+a history mechanism (see \fBHistory substitution\fR),
+job control (see \fBJobs\fR)
+and a C-like syntax.
+The \fBNEW FEATURES\fR section describes major enhancements of \fItcsh\fR
+over \fIcsh\fR(1).
+Throughout this manual, features of
+\fItcsh\fR not found in most \fIcsh\fR(1) implementations
+(specifically, the 4.4BSD \fIcsh\fR)
+are labeled with `(+)', and features which are present in \fIcsh\fR(1)
+but not usually documented are labeled with `(u)'.
+.SS "Argument list processing"
+If the first argument (argument 0) to the shell is `\-' then it is a
+login shell. A login shell can be also specified by invoking the shell with
+the \fB\-l\fR flag as the only argument.
+The rest of the flag arguments are interpreted as follows:
+.TP 4
+.B \-b
+Forces a ``break'' from option processing, causing any
+further shell arguments to be treated as non-option arguments. The remaining
+arguments will not be interpreted as shell options. This may be used to pass
+options to a shell script without confusion or possible subterfuge. The shell
+will not run a set-user ID script without this option.
+.TP 4
+.B \-c
+Commands are read from the following argument (which must be present, and
+must be a single argument),
+stored in the \fBcommand\fR shell variable for reference, and executed.
+Any remaining arguments are placed in the \fBargv\fR shell variable.
+.TP 4
+.B \-d
+The shell loads the directory stack from \fI~/.cshdirs\fR as described under
+\fBStartup and shutdown\fR, whether or not it is a login shell. (+)
+.TP 4
+.B \-D\fIname\fR[=\fIvalue\fR]
+Sets the environment variable \fIname\fR to \fIvalue\fR. (Domain/OS only) (+)
+.TP 4
+.B \-e
+The shell exits if any invoked command terminates abnormally or
+yields a non-zero exit status.
+.TP 4
+.B \-f
+The shell does not load any resource or startup files, or perform any
+command hashing, and thus starts faster.
+.TP 4
+.B \-F
+The shell uses \fIfork\fR(2) instead of \fIvfork\fR(2) to spawn processes. (+)
+.TP 4
+.B \-i
+The shell is interactive and prompts for its top-level input, even if
+it appears to not be a terminal. Shells are interactive without this option if
+their inputs and outputs are terminals.
+.TP 4
+.B \-l
+The shell is a login shell. Applicable only if \fB\-l\fR is the only
+flag specified.
+.TP 4
+.B \-m
+The shell loads \fI~/.tcshrc\fR even if it does not belong to the effective
+user. Newer versions of \fIsu\fR(1) can pass \fB\-m\fR to the shell. (+)
+.TP 4
+.B \-n
+The shell parses commands but does not execute them.
+This aids in debugging shell scripts.
+.TP 4
+.B \-q
+The shell accepts SIGQUIT (see \fBSignal handling\fR) and behaves when
+it is used under a debugger. Job control is disabled. (u)
+.TP 4
+.B \-s
+Command input is taken from the standard input.
+.TP 4
+.B \-t
+The shell reads and executes a single line of input. A `\\' may be used to
+escape the newline at the end of this line and continue onto another line.
+.TP 4
+.B \-v
+Sets the \fBverbose\fR shell variable, so that
+command input is echoed after history substitution.
+.TP 4
+.B \-x
+Sets the \fBecho\fR shell variable, so that commands are echoed
+immediately before execution.
+.TP 4
+.B \-V
+Sets the \fBverbose\fR shell variable even before executing \fI~/.tcshrc\fR.
+.TP 4
+.B \-X
+Is to \fB\-x\fR as \fB\-V\fR is to \fB\-v\fR.
+.TP 4
+.B \-\-help
+Print a help message on the standard output and exit. (+)
+.TP 4
+.B \-\-version
+Print the version/platform/compilation options on the standard output and exit.
+This information is also contained in the \fBversion\fR shell variable. (+)
+After processing of flag arguments, if arguments remain but none of the
+\fB\-c\fR, \fB\-i\fR, \fB\-s\fR, or \fB\-t\fR options were given, the first
+argument is taken as the name of a file of commands, or ``script'', to
+be executed. The shell opens this file and saves its name for possible
+resubstitution by `$0'. Because many systems use either the standard
+version 6 or version 7 shells whose shell scripts are not compatible
+with this shell, the shell uses such a `standard' shell to execute a script
+whose first character is not a `#', i.e., that does not start with a
+Remaining arguments are placed in the \fBargv\fR shell variable.
+.SS "Startup and shutdown"
+A login shell begins by executing commands from the system files
+\fI/etc/csh.cshrc\fR and \fI/etc/csh.login\fR.
+It then executes commands from files in the user's \fBhome\fR directory:
+first \fI~/.tcshrc\fR (+)
+or, if \fI~/.tcshrc\fR is not found, \fI~/.cshrc\fR,
+then \fI~/.history\fR (or the value of the \fBhistfile\fR shell variable),
+then \fI~/.login\fR,
+and finally \fI~/.cshdirs\fR (or the value of the \fBdirsfile\fR shell variable) (+).
+The shell may read \fI/etc/csh.login\fR before instead of after
+\fI/etc/csh.cshrc\fR, and \fI~/.login\fR before instead of after
+\fI~/.tcshrc\fR or \fI~/.cshrc\fR and \fI~/.history\fR, if so compiled;
+see the \fBversion\fR shell variable. (+)
+Non-login shells read only \fI/etc/csh.cshrc\fR and \fI~/.tcshrc\fR
+or \fI~/.cshrc\fR on startup.
+For examples of startup files, please consult
+Commands like \fIstty\fR(1) and \fItset\fR(1),
+which need be run only once per login, usually go in one's \fI~/.login\fR file.
+Users who need to use the same set of files with both \fIcsh\fR(1) and
+\fItcsh\fR can have only a \fI~/.cshrc\fR which checks for the existence of the
+\fBtcsh\fR shell variable (q.v.) before using \fItcsh\fR-specific commands,
+or can have both a \fI~/.cshrc\fR and a \fI~/.tcshrc\fR which \fIsource\fRs
+(see the builtin command) \fI~/.cshrc\fR.
+The rest of this manual uses `\fI~/.tcshrc\fR' to mean `\fI~/.tcshrc\fR or,
+if \fI~/.tcshrc\fR is not found, \fI~/.cshrc\fR'.
+In the normal case, the shell begins reading commands from the terminal,
+prompting with `> '. (Processing of arguments and the use of the shell to
+process files containing command scripts are described later.)
+The shell repeatedly reads a line of command input, breaks it into words,
+places it on the command history list, parses it and executes each command
+in the line.
+One can log out by typing `^D' on an empty line, `logout' or `login' or
+via the shell's autologout mechanism (see the \fBautologout\fR shell variable).
+When a login shell terminates it sets the \fBlogout\fR shell variable to
+`normal' or `automatic' as appropriate, then
+executes commands from the files
+\fI/etc/csh.logout\fR and \fI~/.logout\fR. The shell may drop DTR on logout
+if so compiled; see the \fBversion\fR shell variable.
+The names of the system login and logout files vary from system to system for
+compatibility with different \fIcsh\fR(1) variants; see \fBFILES\fR.
+.SS Editing
+We first describe \fBThe command-line editor\fR.
+The \fBCompletion and listing\fR and \fBSpelling correction\fR sections
+describe two sets of functionality that are implemented as editor commands
+but which deserve their own treatment.
+Finally, \fBEditor commands\fR lists and describes
+the editor commands specific to the shell and their default bindings.
+.SS "The command-line editor (+)"
+Command-line input can be edited using key sequences much like those used in
+GNU Emacs or \fIvi\fR(1).
+The editor is active only when the \fBedit\fR shell variable is set, which
+it is by default in interactive shells.
+The \fIbindkey\fR builtin can display and change key bindings.
+Emacs-style key bindings are used by default
+(unless the shell was compiled otherwise; see the \fBversion\fR shell variable),
+but \fIbindkey\fR can change the key bindings to \fIvi\fR-style bindings en masse.
+The shell always binds the arrow keys (as defined in the \fBTERMCAP\fR
+environment variable) to
+.PD 0
+.RS +4
+.TP 8
+.TP 8
+.TP 8
+.TP 8
+unless doing so would alter another single-character binding.
+One can set the arrow key escape sequences to the empty string with \fIsettc\fR
+to prevent these bindings.
+The ANSI/VT100 sequences for arrow keys are always bound.
+Other key bindings are, for the most part, what Emacs and \fIvi\fR(1)
+users would expect and can easily be displayed by \fIbindkey\fR, so there
+is no need to list them here. Likewise, \fIbindkey\fR can list the editor
+commands with a short description of each.
+Note that editor commands do not have the same notion of a ``word'' as does the
+shell. The editor delimits words with any non-alphanumeric characters not in
+the shell variable \fBwordchars\fR, while the shell recognizes only whitespace
+and some of the characters with special meanings to it, listed under
+\fBLexical structure\fR.
+.SS "Completion and listing (+)"
+The shell is often able to complete words when given a unique abbreviation.
+Type part of a word (for example `ls /usr/lost') and hit the tab key to
+run the \fIcomplete-word\fR editor command.
+The shell completes the filename `/usr/lost' to `/usr/lost+found/',
+replacing the incomplete word with the complete word in the input buffer.
+(Note the terminal `/'; completion adds a `/' to the
+end of completed directories and a space to the end of other completed words,
+to speed typing and provide a visual indicator of successful completion.
+The \fBaddsuffix\fR shell variable can be unset to prevent this.)
+If no match is found (perhaps `/usr/lost+found' doesn't exist),
+the terminal bell rings.
+If the word is already complete (perhaps there is a `/usr/lost' on your
+system, or perhaps you were thinking too far ahead and typed the whole thing)
+a `/' or space is added to the end if it isn't already there.
+Completion works anywhere in the line, not at just the end; completed
+text pushes the rest of the line to the right. Completion in the middle of a word
+often results in leftover characters to the right of the cursor that need
+to be deleted.
+Commands and variables can be completed in much the same way.
+For example, typing `em[tab]' would complete `em' to
+`emacs' if \fIemacs\fR were the only command on your system beginning with `em'.
+Completion can find a command in any directory in \fBpath\fR or if
+given a full pathname.
+Typing `echo $ar[tab]' would complete `$ar' to `$argv'
+if no other variable began with `ar'.
+The shell parses the input buffer to determine whether the word you want to
+complete should be completed as a filename, command or variable.
+The first word in the buffer and the first word following
+`;', `|', `|&', `&&' or `||' is considered to be a command.
+A word beginning with `$' is considered to be a variable.
+Anything else is a filename. An empty line is `completed' as a filename.
+You can list the possible completions of a word at any time by typing `^D'
+to run the \fIdelete-char-or-list-or-eof\fR editor command.
+The shell lists the possible completions using the \fIls\-F\fR builtin (q.v.)
+and reprints the prompt and unfinished command line, for example:
+.IP "" 4
+> ls /usr/l[^D]
+lbin/ lib/ local/ lost+found/
+> ls /usr/l
+If the \fBautolist\fR shell variable is set, the shell lists the remaining
+choices (if any) whenever completion fails:
+.IP "" 4
+> set autolist
+> nm /usr/lib/libt[tab]
+libtermcap.a@ libtermlib.a@
+> nm /usr/lib/libterm
+If \fBautolist\fR is set to `ambiguous', choices are listed only when
+completion fails and adds no new characters to the word being completed.
+A filename to be completed can contain variables, your own or others' home
+directories abbreviated with `~' (see \fBFilename substitution\fR) and
+directory stack entries abbreviated with `='
+(see \fBDirectory stack substitution\fR). For example,
+.IP "" 4
+> ls ~k[^D]
+kahn kas kellogg
+> ls ~ke[tab]
+> ls ~kellogg/
+.IP "" 4
+> set local = /usr/local
+> ls $lo[tab]
+> ls $local/[^D]
+bin/ etc/ lib/ man/ src/
+> ls $local/
+Note that variables can also be expanded explicitly with the
+\fIexpand-variables\fR editor command.
+\fIdelete-char-or-list-or-eof\fR lists at only the end of the line;
+in the middle of a line it deletes the character under the cursor and
+on an empty line it logs one out or, if \fBignoreeof\fR is set, does nothing.
+`M-^D', bound to the editor command \fIlist-choices\fR, lists completion
+possibilities anywhere on a line, and \fIlist-choices\fR (or any one of the
+related editor commands that do or don't delete, list and/or log out,
+listed under \fIdelete-char-or-list-or-eof\fR) can be bound to `^D' with
+the \fIbindkey\fR builtin command if so desired.
+The \fIcomplete-word-fwd\fR and \fIcomplete-word-back\fR editor commands
+(not bound to any keys by default) can be used to cycle up and down through
+the list of possible completions, replacing the current word with the next or
+previous word in the list.
+The shell variable \fBfignore\fR can be set to a list of suffixes to be
+ignored by completion. Consider the following:
+.IP "" 4
+> ls
+Makefile condiments.h~ main.o side.c
+README main.c meal side.o
+condiments.h main.c~
+> set fignore = (.o \\~)
+> emacs ma[^D]
+main.c main.c~ main.o
+> emacs ma[tab]
+> emacs main.c
+`main.c~' and `main.o' are ignored by completion (but not listing),
+because they end in suffixes in \fBfignore\fR.
+Note that a `\\' was needed in front of `~' to prevent it from being
+expanded to \fBhome\fR as described under \fBFilename substitution\fR.
+\fBfignore\fR is ignored if only one completion is possible.
+If the \fBcomplete\fR shell variable is set to `enhance', completion
+1) ignores case and 2) considers periods, hyphens and underscores
+(`.', `\-' and `_') to be word separators and hyphens and underscores to
+be equivalent. If you had the following files
+.IP "" 4
+comp.lang.c comp.lang.perl comp.std.c++
+comp.lang.c++ comp.std.c
+and typed `mail \-f c.l.c[tab]', it would be completed to
+`mail \-f comp.lang.c', and ^D would list `comp.lang.c' and `comp.lang.c++'.
+`mail \-f c..c++[^D]' would list `comp.lang.c++' and `comp.std.c++'. Typing
+`rm a\-\-file[^D]' in the following directory
+.IP "" 4
+A_silly_file a-hyphenated-file another_silly_file
+would list all three files, because case is ignored and hyphens and
+underscores are equivalent. Periods, however, are not equivalent to
+hyphens or underscores.
+If the \fBcomplete\fR shell variable is set to `Enhance', completion
+ignores case and differences between a hyphen and an underscore word
+separator only when the user types a lowercase character or a hyphen.
+Entering an uppercase character or an underscore will not match the
+corresponding lowercase character or hyphen word separator.
+Typing `rm a\-\-file[^D]' in the directory of the previous example would
+still list all three files, but typing `rm A\-\-file' would match only
+`A_silly_file' and typing `rm a__file[^D]' would match just `A_silly_file'
+and `another_silly_file' because the user explicitly used an uppercase
+or an underscore character.
+Completion and listing are affected by several other shell variables:
+\fBrecexact\fR can be set to complete on the shortest possible unique
+match, even if more typing might result in a longer match:
+.IP "" 4
+> ls
+fodder foo food foonly
+> set recexact
+> rm fo[tab]
+just beeps, because `fo' could expand to `fod' or `foo', but if we type
+another `o',
+.IP "" 4
+> rm foo[tab]
+> rm foo
+the completion completes on `foo', even though `food' and `foonly'
+also match.
+\fBautoexpand\fR can be set to run the \fIexpand-history\fR editor command
+before each completion attempt, \fBautocorrect\fR can be set to
+spelling-correct the word to be completed (see \fBSpelling correction\fR)
+before each completion attempt and \fBcorrect\fR can be set to complete
+commands automatically after one hits `return'.
+\fBmatchbeep\fR can be set to make completion beep or not beep in a variety
+of situations, and \fBnobeep\fR can be set to never beep at all.
+\fBnostat\fR can be set to a list of directories and/or patterns that
+match directories to prevent the completion mechanism from \fIstat\fR(2)ing
+those directories.
+\fBlistmax\fR and \fBlistmaxrows\fR can be set to limit the number of items
+and rows (respectively) that are listed without asking first.
+\fBrecognize_only_executables\fR can be set to make the shell list only
+executables when listing commands, but it is quite slow.
+Finally, the \fIcomplete\fR builtin command can be used to tell the shell how
+to complete words other than filenames, commands and variables.
+Completion and listing do not work on glob-patterns (see \fBFilename substitution\fR),
+but the \fIlist-glob\fR and \fIexpand-glob\fR editor commands perform
+equivalent functions for glob-patterns.
+.SS "Spelling correction (+)"
+The shell can sometimes correct the spelling of filenames, commands and variable names
+as well as completing and listing them.
+Individual words can be spelling-corrected with the \fIspell-word\fR
+editor command (usually bound to M-s and M-S)
+and the entire input buffer with \fIspell-line\fR (usually bound to M-$).
+The \fBcorrect\fR shell variable can be set to `cmd' to correct the
+command name or `all' to correct the entire line each time return is typed,
+and \fBautocorrect\fR can be set to correct the word to be completed
+before each completion attempt.
+When spelling correction is invoked in any of these ways and
+the shell thinks that any part of the command line is misspelled,
+it prompts with the corrected line:
+.IP "" 4
+> set correct = cmd
+> lz /usr/bin
+CORRECT>ls /usr/bin (y|n|e|a)?
+One can answer `y' or space to execute the corrected line,
+`e' to leave the uncorrected command in the input buffer,
+`a' to abort the command as if `^C' had been hit, and
+anything else to execute the original line unchanged.
+Spelling correction recognizes user-defined completions (see the
+\fIcomplete\fR builtin command). If an input word in a position for
+which a completion is defined resembles a word in the completion list,
+spelling correction registers a misspelling and suggests the latter
+word as a correction. However, if the input word does not match any of
+the possible completions for that position, spelling correction does
+not register a misspelling.
+Like completion, spelling correction works anywhere in the line,
+pushing the rest of the line to the right and possibly leaving
+extra characters to the right of the cursor.
+Beware: spelling correction is not guaranteed to work the way one intends,
+and is provided mostly as an experimental feature.
+Suggestions and improvements are welcome.
+.SS "Editor commands (+)"
+`bindkey' lists key bindings and `bindkey \-l' lists and briefly describes
+editor commands.
+Only new or especially interesting editor commands are described here.
+See \fIemacs\fR(1) and \fIvi\fR(1) for descriptions of each editor's
+key bindings.
+The character or characters to which each command is bound by default is
+given in parentheses. `^\fIcharacter\fR' means a control character and
+`M-\fIcharacter\fR' a meta character, typed as escape-\fIcharacter\fR
+on terminals without a meta key. Case counts, but commands that are bound
+to letters by default are bound to both lower- and uppercase letters for
+.TP 8
+.B complete-word \fR(tab)
+Completes a word as described under \fBCompletion and listing\fR.
+.TP 8
+.B complete-word-back \fR(not bound)
+Like \fIcomplete-word-fwd\fR, but steps up from the end of the list.
+.TP 8
+.B complete-word-fwd \fR(not bound)
+Replaces the current word with the first word in the list of possible
+completions. May be repeated to step down through the list.
+At the end of the list, beeps and reverts to the incomplete word.
+.TP 8
+.B complete-word-raw \fR(^X-tab)
+Like \fIcomplete-word\fR, but ignores user-defined completions.
+.TP 8
+.B copy-prev-word \fR(M-^_)
+Copies the previous word in the current line into the input buffer.
+See also \fIinsert-last-word\fR.
+.TP 8
+.B dabbrev-expand \fR(M-/)
+Expands the current word to the most recent preceding one for which
+the current is a leading substring, wrapping around the history list
+(once) if necessary.
+Repeating \fIdabbrev-expand\fR without any intervening typing
+changes to the next previous word etc., skipping identical matches
+much like \fIhistory-search-backward\fR does.
+.TP 8
+.B delete-char \fR(not bound)
+Deletes the character under the cursor.
+See also \fIdelete-char-or-list-or-eof\fR.
+.TP 8
+.B delete-char-or-eof \fR(not bound)
+Does \fIdelete-char\fR if there is a character under the cursor
+or \fIend-of-file\fR on an empty line.
+See also \fIdelete-char-or-list-or-eof\fR.
+.TP 8
+.B delete-char-or-list \fR(not bound)
+Does \fIdelete-char\fR if there is a character under the cursor
+or \fIlist-choices\fR at the end of the line.
+See also \fIdelete-char-or-list-or-eof\fR.
+.TP 8
+.B delete-char-or-list-or-eof \fR(^D)
+Does \fIdelete-char\fR if there is a character under the cursor,
+\fIlist-choices\fR at the end of the line
+or \fIend-of-file\fR on an empty line.
+See also those three commands, each of which does only a single action, and
+\fIdelete-char-or-eof\fR, \fIdelete-char-or-list\fR and \fIlist-or-eof\fR,
+each of which does a different two out of the three.
+.TP 8
+.B down-history \fR(down-arrow, ^N)
+Like \fIup-history\fR, but steps down, stopping at the original input line.
+.TP 8
+.B end-of-file \fR(not bound)
+Signals an end of file, causing the shell to exit unless the \fBignoreeof\fR
+shell variable (q.v.) is set to prevent this.
+See also \fIdelete-char-or-list-or-eof\fR.
+.TP 8
+.B expand-history \fR(M-space)
+Expands history substitutions in the current word.
+See \fBHistory substitution\fR.
+See also \fImagic-space\fR, \fItoggle-literal-history\fR and
+the \fBautoexpand\fR shell variable.
+.TP 8
+.B expand-glob \fR(^X-*)
+Expands the glob-pattern to the left of the cursor.
+See \fBFilename substitution\fR.
+.TP 8
+.B expand-line \fR(not bound)
+Like \fIexpand-history\fR, but
+expands history substitutions in each word in the input buffer.
+.TP 8
+.B expand-variables \fR(^X-$)
+Expands the variable to the left of the cursor.
+See \fBVariable substitution\fR.
+.TP 8
+.B history-search-backward \fR(M-p, M-P)
+Searches backwards through the history list for a command beginning with
+the current contents of the input buffer up to the cursor and copies it
+into the input buffer.
+The search string may be a glob-pattern (see \fBFilename substitution\fR)
+containing `*', `?', `[]' or `{}'.
+\fIup-history\fR and \fIdown-history\fR will proceed from the
+appropriate point in the history list.
+Emacs mode only.
+See also \fIhistory-search-forward\fR and \fIi-search-back\fR.
+.TP 8
+.B history-search-forward \fR(M-n, M-N)
+Like \fIhistory-search-backward\fR, but searches forward.
+.TP 8
+.B i-search-back \fR(not bound)
+Searches backward like \fIhistory-search-backward\fR, copies the first match
+into the input buffer with the cursor positioned at the end of the pattern,
+and prompts with `bck: ' and the first match. Additional characters may be
+typed to extend the search, \fIi-search-back\fR may be typed to continue
+searching with the same pattern, wrapping around the history list if
+necessary, (\fIi-search-back\fR must be bound to a
+single character for this to work) or one of the following special characters
+may be typed:
+.RS +8
+.RS +4
+.PD 0
+.TP 8
+Appends the rest of the word under the cursor to the search pattern.
+.TP 8
+delete (or any character bound to \fIbackward-delete-char\fR)
+Undoes the effect of the last character typed and deletes a character
+from the search pattern if appropriate.
+.TP 8
+If the previous search was successful, aborts the entire search.
+If not, goes back to the last successful search.
+.TP 8
+Ends the search, leaving the current line in the input buffer.
+Any other character not bound to \fIself-insert-command\fR terminates the
+search, leaving the current line in the input buffer, and
+is then interpreted as normal input. In particular, a carriage return
+causes the current line to be executed.
+Emacs mode only.
+See also \fIi-search-fwd\fR and \fIhistory-search-backward\fR.
+.TP 8
+.B i-search-fwd \fR(not bound)
+Like \fIi-search-back\fR, but searches forward.
+.TP 8
+.B insert-last-word \fR(M-_)
+Inserts the last word of the previous input line (`!$') into the input buffer.
+See also \fIcopy-prev-word\fR.
+.TP 8
+.B list-choices \fR(M-^D)
+Lists completion possibilities as described under \fBCompletion and listing\fR.
+See also \fIdelete-char-or-list-or-eof\fR and \fIlist-choices-raw\fR.
+.TP 8
+.B list-choices-raw \fR(^X-^D)
+Like \fIlist-choices\fR, but ignores user-defined completions.
+.TP 8
+.B list-glob \fR(^X-g, ^X-G)
+Lists (via the \fIls\-F\fR builtin) matches to the glob-pattern
+(see \fBFilename substitution\fR) to the left of the cursor.
+.TP 8
+.B list-or-eof \fR(not bound)
+Does \fIlist-choices\fR
+or \fIend-of-file\fR on an empty line.
+See also \fIdelete-char-or-list-or-eof\fR.
+.TP 8
+.B magic-space \fR(not bound)
+Expands history substitutions in the current line,
+like \fIexpand-history\fR, and inserts a space.
+\fImagic-space\fR is designed to be bound to the space bar,
+but is not bound by default.
+.TP 8
+.B normalize-command \fR(^X-?)
+Searches for the current word in PATH and, if it is found, replaces it with
+the full path to the executable. Special characters are quoted. Aliases are
+expanded and quoted but commands within aliases are not. This command is
+useful with commands that take commands as arguments, e.g., `dbx' and `sh \-x'.
+.TP 8
+.B normalize-path \fR(^X-n, ^X-N)
+Expands the current word as described under the `expand' setting
+of the \fBsymlinks\fR shell variable.
+.TP 8
+.B overwrite-mode \fR(unbound)
+Toggles between input and overwrite modes.
+.TP 8
+.B run-fg-editor \fR(M-^Z)
+Saves the current input line and
+looks for a stopped job with a name equal to the last component of the
+file name part of the \fBEDITOR\fR or \fBVISUAL\fR environment variables,
+or, if neither is set, `ed' or `vi'.
+If such a job is found, it is restarted as if `fg %\fIjob\fR' had been
+typed. This is used to toggle back and forth between an editor and
+the shell easily. Some people bind this command to `^Z' so they
+can do this even more easily.
+.B run-help \fR(M-h, M-H)
+Searches for documentation on the current command, using the same notion of
+`current command' as the completion routines, and prints it. There is no way
+to use a pager; \fIrun-help\fR is designed for short help files.
+If the special alias \fBhelpcommand\fR is defined, it is run with the
+command name as a sole argument. Else,
+documentation should be in a file named \fIcommand\, \fIcommand\fR.1,
+\fIcommand\fR.6, \fIcommand\fR.8 or \fIcommand\fR, which should be in one
+of the directories listed in the \fBHPATH\fR environment variable.
+If there is more than one help file only the first is printed.
+.TP 8
+.B self-insert-command \fR(text characters)
+In insert mode (the default), inserts the typed character into the input line after the character under the cursor.
+In overwrite mode, replaces the character under the cursor with the typed character.
+The input mode is normally preserved between lines, but the
+\fBinputmode\fR shell variable can be set to `insert' or `overwrite' to put the
+editor in that mode at the beginning of each line.
+See also \fIoverwrite-mode\fR.
+.TP 8
+.B sequence-lead-in \fR(arrow prefix, meta prefix, ^X)
+Indicates that the following characters are part of a
+multi-key sequence. Binding a command to a multi-key sequence really creates
+two bindings: the first character to \fIsequence-lead-in\fR and the
+whole sequence to the command. All sequences beginning with a character
+bound to \fIsequence-lead-in\fR are effectively bound to \fIundefined-key\fR
+unless bound to another command.
+.TP 8
+.B spell-line \fR(M-$)
+Attempts to correct the spelling of each word in the input buffer, like
+\fIspell-word\fR, but ignores words whose first character is one of
+`\-', `!', `^' or `%', or which contain `\\', `*' or `?', to avoid problems
+with switches, substitutions and the like.
+See \fBSpelling correction\fR.
+.TP 8
+.B spell-word \fR(M-s, M-S)
+Attempts to correct the spelling of the current word as described
+under \fBSpelling correction\fR.
+Checks each component of a word which appears to be a pathname.
+.TP 8
+.B toggle-literal-history \fR(M-r, M-R)
+Expands or `unexpands' history substitutions in the input buffer.
+See also \fIexpand-history\fR and the \fBautoexpand\fR shell variable.
+.TP 8
+.B undefined-key \fR(any unbound key)
+.TP 8
+.B up-history \fR(up-arrow, ^P)
+Copies the previous entry in the history list into the input buffer.
+If \fBhistlit\fR is set, uses the literal form of the entry.
+May be repeated to step up through the history list, stopping at the top.
+.TP 8
+.B vi-search-back \fR(?)
+Prompts with `?' for a search string (which may be a glob-pattern, as with
+\fIhistory-search-backward\fR), searches for it and copies it into the
+input buffer. The bell rings if no match is found.
+Hitting return ends the search and leaves the last match in the input
+Hitting escape ends the search and executes the match.
+\fIvi\fR mode only.
+.TP 8
+.B vi-search-fwd \fR(/)
+Like \fIvi-search-back\fR, but searches forward.
+.TP 8
+.B which-command \fR(M-?)
+Does a \fIwhich\fR (see the description of the builtin command) on the
+first word of the input buffer.
+.TP 8
+.B yank-pop \fR(M-y)
+When executed immediately after a \fIyank\fR or another \fIyank-pop\fR,
+replaces the yanked string with the next previous string from the
+killring. This also has the effect of rotating the killring, such that
+this string will be considered the most recently killed by a later
+\fIyank\fR command. Repeating \fIyank-pop\fR will cycle through the
+killring any number of times.
+.SS "Lexical structure"
+The shell splits input lines into words at blanks and tabs. The special
+characters `&', `|', `;', `<', `>', `(', and `)' and the doubled characters
+`&&', `||', `<<' and `>>' are always separate words, whether or not they are
+surrounded by whitespace.
+When the shell's input is not a terminal, the character `#' is taken to begin a
+comment. Each `#' and the rest of the input line on which it appears is
+discarded before further parsing.
+A special character (including a blank or tab) may be prevented from having
+its special meaning, and possibly made part of another word, by preceding it
+with a backslash (`\\') or enclosing it in single (`''), double (`"') or
+backward (``') quotes. When not otherwise quoted a newline preceded by a `\\'
+is equivalent to a blank, but inside quotes this sequence results in a
+Furthermore, all \fBSubstitutions\fR (see below) except \fBHistory substitution\fR
+can be prevented by enclosing the strings (or parts of strings)
+in which they appear with single quotes or by quoting the crucial character(s)
+(e.g., `$' or ``' for \fBVariable substitution\fR or \fBCommand substitution\fR respectively)
+with `\\'. (\fBAlias substitution\fR is no exception: quoting in any way any
+character of a word for which an \fIalias\fR has been defined prevents
+substitution of the alias. The usual way of quoting an alias is to precede it
+with a backslash.) \fBHistory substitution\fR is prevented by
+backslashes but not by single quotes. Strings quoted with double or backward
+quotes undergo \fBVariable substitution\fR and \fBCommand substitution\fR, but other
+substitutions are prevented.
+Text inside single or double quotes becomes a single word (or part of one).
+Metacharacters in these strings, including blanks and tabs, do not form
+separate words. Only in one special case (see \fBCommand substitution\fR
+below) can a double-quoted string yield parts of more than one word;
+single-quoted strings never do. Backward quotes are special: they signal
+\fBCommand substitution\fR (q.v.), which may result in more than one word.
+Quoting complex strings, particularly strings which themselves contain quoting
+characters, can be confusing. Remember that quotes need not be used as they are
+in human writing! It may be easier to quote not an entire string, but only
+those parts of the string which need quoting, using different types of quoting
+to do so if appropriate.
+The \fBbackslash_quote\fR shell variable (q.v.) can be set to make backslashes
+always quote `\\', `'', and `"'. (+) This may make complex quoting tasks
+easier, but it can cause syntax errors in \fIcsh\fR(1) scripts.
+.SS Substitutions
+We now describe the various transformations the shell performs on the input in
+the order in which they occur. We note in passing the data structures involved
+and the commands and variables which affect them. Remember that substitutions
+can be prevented by quoting as described under \fBLexical structure\fR.
+.SS "History substitution"
+Each command, or ``event'', input from the terminal is saved in the history
+list. The previous command is always saved, and the \fBhistory\fR shell
+variable can be set to a number to save that many commands. The \fBhistdup\fR
+shell variable can be set to not save duplicate events or consecutive duplicate
+Saved commands are numbered sequentially from 1 and stamped with the time.
+It is not usually necessary to use event numbers, but the current event number
+can be made part of the prompt by placing an `!' in the \fBprompt\fR shell variable.
+The shell actually saves history in expanded and literal (unexpanded) forms.
+If the \fBhistlit\fR shell variable is set, commands that display and store
+history use the literal form.
+The \fIhistory\fR builtin command can print, store in a file, restore
+and clear the history list at any time,
+and the \fBsavehist\fR and \fBhistfile\fR shell variables can be set to
+store the history list automatically on logout and restore it on login.
+History substitutions introduce words from the history list into the input
+stream, making it easy to repeat commands, repeat arguments of a previous
+command in the current command, or fix spelling mistakes in the previous
+command with little typing and a high degree of confidence.
+History substitutions begin with the character `!'. They may begin anywhere in
+the input stream, but they do not nest. The `!' may be preceded by a `\\' to
+prevent its special meaning; for convenience, a `!' is passed unchanged when it
+is followed by a blank, tab, newline, `=' or `('. History substitutions also
+occur when an input line begins with `^'. This special abbreviation will be
+described later. The characters used to signal history substitution (`!' and
+`^') can be changed by setting the \fBhistchars\fR shell variable. Any input
+line which contains a history substitution is printed before it is executed.
+A history substitution may have an ``event specification'', which indicates
+the event from which words are to be taken, a ``word designator'',
+which selects particular words from the chosen event, and/or a ``modifier'',
+which manipulates the selected words.
+An event specification can be
+.PD 0
+.RS +4
+.TP 8
+.I n
+A number, referring to a particular event
+.TP 8
+An offset, referring to the event \fIn\fR before the current event
+.TP 8
+The current event.
+This should be used carefully in \fIcsh\fR(1), where there is no check for
+recursion. \fItcsh\fR allows 10 levels of recursion. (+)
+.TP 8
+The previous event (equivalent to `\-1')
+.TP 8
+.I s
+The most recent event whose first word begins with the string \fIs\fR
+.TP 8
+The most recent event which contains the string \fIs\fR.
+The second `?' can be omitted if it is immediately followed by a newline.
+For example, consider this bit of someone's history list:
+.IP "" 4
+\ 9 8:30 nroff \-man
+10 8:31 cp
+11 8:36 vi
+12 8:37 diff
+The commands are shown with their event numbers and time stamps.
+The current event, which we haven't typed in yet, is event 13.
+`!11' and `!\-2' refer to event 11.
+`!!' refers to the previous event, 12. `!!' can be abbreviated `!' if it is
+followed by `:' (`:' is described below).
+`!n' refers to event 9, which begins with `n'.
+`!?old?' also refers to event 12, which contains `old'.
+Without word designators or modifiers history references simply expand to the
+entire event, so we might type `!cp' to redo the copy command or `!!|more'
+if the `diff' output scrolled off the top of the screen.
+History references may be insulated from the surrounding text with braces if
+necessary. For example, `!vdoc' would look for a command beginning with
+`vdoc', and, in this example, not find one, but `!{v}doc' would expand
+unambiguously to `vi wumpus.mandoc'.
+Even in braces, history substitutions do not nest.
+(+) While \fIcsh\fR(1) expands, for example, `!3d' to event 3 with the
+letter `d' appended to it, \fItcsh\fR expands it to the last event beginning
+with `3d'; only completely numeric arguments are treated as event numbers.
+This makes it possible to recall events beginning with numbers.
+To expand `!3d' as in \fIcsh\fR(1) say `!{3}d'.
+To select words from an event we can follow the event specification by a `:'
+and a designator for the desired words. The words of an input line are
+numbered from 0, the first (usually command) word being 0, the second word
+(first argument) being 1, etc. The basic word designators are:
+.PD 0
+.RS +4
+.TP 8
+The first (command) word
+.TP 8
+.I n
+The \fIn\fRth argument
+.TP 8
+The first argument, equivalent to `1'
+.TP 8
+The last argument
+.TP 8
+The word matched by an ?\fIs\fR? search
+.TP 8
+.I x\-y
+A range of words
+.TP 8
+.I \-y
+Equivalent to \fI`0\-y'\fR
+.TP 8
+Equivalent to `^\-$', but returns nothing if the event contains only 1 word
+.TP 8
+.I x*
+Equivalent to \fI`x\-$'\fR
+.TP 8
+.I x\-
+Equivalent to \fI`x*'\fR, but omitting the last word (`$')
+Selected words are inserted into the command line separated by single blanks.
+For example, the `diff' command in the previous example might have been
+typed as `diff !!:1.old !!:1' (using `:1' to select the first argument
+from the previous event) or `diff !\-2:2 !\-2:1' to select and swap the
+arguments from the `cp' command. If we didn't care about the order of the
+`diff' we might have said `diff !\-2:1\-2' or simply `diff !\-2:*'.
+The `cp' command might have been written `cp !#:1.old', using `#'
+to refer to the current event.
+`!n:\-' would reuse the first two words from the `nroff' command
+to say `nroff \-man'.
+The `:' separating the event specification from the word designator can be
+omitted if the argument selector begins with a `^', `$', `*', `%' or `\-'.
+For example, our `diff' command might have been `diff !!^.old !!^' or,
+equivalently, `diff !!$.old !!$'. However, if `!!' is abbreviated `!',
+an argument selector beginning with `\-' will be interpreted as an event
+A history reference may have a word designator but no event specification.
+It then references the previous command.
+Continuing our `diff' example, we could have said simply `diff
+!^.old !^' or, to get the arguments in the opposite order, just `diff !*'.
+The word or words in a history reference can be edited, or ``modified'',
+by following it with one or more modifiers, each preceded by a `:':
+.PD 0
+.RS +4
+.TP 8
+Remove a trailing pathname component, leaving the head.
+.TP 8
+Remove all leading pathname components, leaving the tail.
+.TP 8
+Remove a filename extension `.xxx', leaving the root name.
+.TP 8
+Remove all but the extension.
+.TP 8
+Uppercase the first lowercase letter.
+.TP 8
+Lowercase the first uppercase letter.
+.TP 8
+Substitute \fIl\fR for \fIr\fR.
+\fIl\fR is simply a string like \fIr\fR, not a regular expression as in
+the eponymous \fIed\fR(1) command.
+Any character may be used as the delimiter in place of `/';
+a `\\' can be used to quote the delimiter inside \fIl\fR and \fIr\fR.
+The character `&' in the \fIr\fR is replaced by \fIl\fR; `\\' also quotes `&'.
+If \fIl\fR is empty (``''), the \fIl\fR from a previous substitution or the
+\fIs\fR from a previous search or event number in event specification is used.
+The trailing delimiter may be omitted if it is immediately followed by a newline.
+.TP 8
+Repeat the previous substitution.
+.TP 8
+Apply the following modifier once to each word.
+.TP 8
+a (+)
+Apply the following modifier as many times as possible to a single word.
+`a' and `g' can be used together to apply a modifier globally.
+With the `s' modifier, only the patterns contained in the original word are
+substituted, not patterns that contain any substitution result.
+.TP 8
+Print the new command line but do not execute it.
+.TP 8
+Quote the substituted words, preventing further substitutions.
+.TP 8
+Like q, but break into words at blanks, tabs and newlines.
+Modifiers are applied to only the first modifiable word (unless `g' is used).
+It is an error for no word to be modifiable.
+For example, the `diff' command might have been written as `diff
+!#^:r', using `:r' to remove `.old' from the first argument on the same line
+(`!#^'). We could say `echo hello out there', then `echo !*:u' to capitalize
+`hello', `echo !*:au' to say it out loud, or `echo !*:agu' to really shout.
+We might follow `mail \-s "I forgot my password" rot' with `!:s/rot/root' to
+correct the spelling of `root' (but see \fBSpelling correction\fR for a
+different approach).
+There is a special abbreviation for substitutions.
+`^', when it is the first character on an input line, is equivalent to `!:s^'.
+Thus we might have said `^rot^root' to make the spelling correction in the
+previous example.
+This is the only history substitution which does not explicitly begin with `!'.
+(+) In \fIcsh\fR as such, only one modifier may be applied to each history
+or variable expansion. In \fItcsh\fR, more than one may be used, for example
+.IP "" 4
+% mv /usr/man/man1/wumpus.1
+% man !$:t:r
+man wumpus
+In \fIcsh\fR, the result would be `wumpus.1:r'. A substitution followed by a
+colon may need to be insulated from it with braces:
+.IP "" 4
+> mv a.out /usr/games/wumpus
+> setenv PATH !$:h:$PATH
+Bad ! modifier: $.
+> setenv PATH !{\-2$:h}:$PATH
+setenv PATH /usr/games:/bin:/usr/bin:.
+The first attempt would succeed in \fIcsh\fR but fails in \fItcsh\fR,
+because \fItcsh\fR expects another modifier after the second colon
+rather than `$'.
+Finally, history can be accessed through the editor as well as through
+the substitutions just described.
+The \fIup-\fR and \fIdown-history\fR, \fIhistory-search-backward\fR and
+\fI-forward\fR, \fIi-search-back\fR and \fI-fwd\fR,
+\fIvi-search-back\fR and \fI-fwd\fR, \fIcopy-prev-word\fR
+and \fIinsert-last-word\fR editor commands search for
+events in the history list and copy them into the input buffer.
+The \fItoggle-literal-history\fR editor command switches between the
+expanded and literal forms of history lines in the input buffer.
+\fIexpand-history\fR and \fIexpand-line\fR expand history substitutions
+in the current word and in the entire input buffer respectively.
+.SS "Alias substitution"
+The shell maintains a list of aliases which can be set, unset and printed by
+the \fIalias\fR and \fIunalias\fR commands. After a command line is parsed
+into simple commands (see \fBCommands\fR) the first word of each command,
+left-to-right, is checked to see if it has an alias. If so, the first word is
+replaced by the alias. If the alias contains a history reference, it undergoes
+\fBHistory substitution\fR (q.v.) as though the original command were the
+previous input line. If the alias does not contain a history reference, the
+argument list is left untouched.
+Thus if the alias for `ls' were `ls \-l' the command `ls /usr' would become `ls
+\-l /usr', the argument list here being undisturbed. If the alias for `lookup'
+were `grep !^ /etc/passwd' then `lookup bill' would become `grep bill
+/etc/passwd'. Aliases can be used to introduce parser metasyntax. For
+example, `alias print 'pr \e!* | lpr'' defines a ``command'' (`print') which
+\fIpr\fR(1)s its arguments to the line printer.
+Alias substitution is repeated until the first word of the command has no
+alias. If an alias substitution does not change the first word (as in the
+previous example) it is flagged to prevent a loop. Other loops are detected and
+cause an error.
+Some aliases are referred to by the shell; see \fBSpecial aliases\fR.
+.SS "Variable substitution"
+The shell maintains a list of variables, each of which has as value a list of
+zero or more words.
+The values of shell variables can be displayed and changed with the
+\fIset\fR and \fIunset\fR commands.
+The system maintains its own list of ``environment'' variables.
+These can be displayed and changed with \fIprintenv\fR, \fIsetenv\fR and
+(+) Variables may be made read-only with `set \-r' (q.v.).
+Read-only variables may not be modified or unset;
+attempting to do so will cause an error.
+Once made read-only, a variable cannot be made writable,
+so `set \-r' should be used with caution.
+Environment variables cannot be made read-only.
+Some variables are set by the shell or referred to by it.
+For instance, the \fBargv\fR variable is an image of the shell's argument
+list, and words of this variable's value are referred to in special ways.
+Some of the variables referred to by the shell are toggles;
+the shell does not care what their value is, only whether they are set or not.
+For instance, the \fBverbose\fR variable is a toggle which causes command
+input to be echoed. The \fB\-v\fR command line option sets this variable.
+\fBSpecial shell variables\fR lists all variables which are referred to by the shell.
+Other operations treat variables numerically. The `@' command permits numeric
+calculations to be performed and the result assigned to a variable. Variable
+values are, however, always represented as (zero or more) strings. For the
+purposes of numeric operations, the null string is considered to be zero, and
+the second and subsequent words of multi-word values are ignored.
+After the input line is aliased and parsed, and before each command is
+executed, variable substitution is performed keyed by `$' characters. This
+expansion can be prevented by preceding the `$' with a `\e' except within `"'s
+where it \fIalways\fR occurs, and within `''s where it \fInever\fR occurs.
+Strings quoted by ``' are interpreted later (see \fBCommand substitution\fR
+below) so `$' substitution does not occur there until later,
+if at all. A `$' is passed unchanged if followed by a blank, tab, or
+Input/output redirections are recognized before variable expansion, and are
+variable expanded separately. Otherwise, the command name and entire argument
+list are expanded together. It is thus possible for the first (command) word
+(to this point) to generate more than one word, the first of which becomes the
+command name, and the rest of which become arguments.
+Unless enclosed in `"' or given the `:q' modifier the results of variable
+substitution may eventually be command and filename substituted. Within `"', a
+variable whose value consists of multiple words expands to a (portion of a)
+single word, with the words of the variable's value separated by blanks. When
+the `:q' modifier is applied to a substitution the variable will expand to
+multiple words with each word separated by a blank and quoted to prevent later
+command or filename substitution.
+The following metasequences are provided for introducing variable values into
+the shell input. Except as noted, it is an error to reference a variable which
+is not set.
+.PD 0
+.TP 8
+Substitutes the words of the value of variable \fIname\fR, each separated
+by a blank. Braces insulate \fIname\fR from following characters which would
+otherwise be part of it. Shell variables have names consisting of
+letters and digits starting with a letter. The underscore character is
+considered a letter. If \fIname\fR is not a shell variable, but is set in the
+environment, then that value is returned (but some of the other forms
+given below are not available in this case).
+.TP 8
+Substitutes only the selected words from the value of \fIname\fR.
+The \fIselector\fR is subjected to `$' substitution and may consist of
+a single number or two numbers separated by a `\-'.
+The first word of a variable's value is numbered `1'.
+If the first number of a range is omitted it defaults to `1'.
+If the last member of a range is omitted it defaults to `$#\fIname\fR'.
+The \fIselector\fR `*' selects all words.
+It is not an error for a range to be empty if the
+second argument is omitted or in range.
+.TP 8
+Substitutes the name of the file from which command input
+is being read. An error occurs if the name is not known.
+.TP 8
+Equivalent to `$argv[\fInumber\fR]'.
+.TP 8
+Equivalent to `$argv', which is equivalent to `$argv[*]'.
+The `:' modifiers described under \fBHistory substitution\fR, except for `:p',
+can be applied to the substitutions above. More than one may be used. (+)
+Braces may be needed to insulate a variable substitution from a literal colon
+just as with \fBHistory substitution\fR (q.v.); any modifiers must appear
+within the braces.
+The following substitutions can not be modified with `:' modifiers.
+.PD 0
+.TP 8
+Substitutes the string `1' if \fIname\fR is set, `0' if it is not.
+.TP 8
+Substitutes `1' if the current input filename is known, `0' if it is not.
+Always `0' in interactive shells.
+.TP 8
+Substitutes the number of words in \fIname\fR.
+.TP 8
+Equivalent to `$#argv'. (+)
+.TP 8
+Substitutes the number of characters in \fIname\fR. (+)
+.TP 8
+Substitutes the number of characters in $argv[\fInumber\fR]. (+)
+.TP 8
+Equivalent to `$status'. (+)
+.TP 8
+Substitutes the (decimal) process number of the (parent) shell.
+.TP 8
+Substitutes the (decimal) process number of the last
+background process started by this shell. (+)
+.TP 8
+Substitutes the command line of the last command executed. (+)
+.TP 8
+Substitutes a line from the standard input, with no further interpretation
+thereafter. It can be used to read from the keyboard in a shell script.
+(+) While \fIcsh\fR always quotes $<, as if it were equivalent to `$<:q',
+\fItcsh\fR does not. Furthermore, when \fItcsh\fR is waiting for a line to be
+typed the user may type an interrupt to interrupt the sequence into
+which the line is to be substituted, but \fIcsh\fR does not allow this.
+The editor command \fIexpand-variables\fR, normally bound to `^X-$',
+can be used to interactively expand individual variables.
+.SS "Command, filename and directory stack substitution"
+The remaining substitutions are applied selectively to the arguments of builtin
+commands. This means that portions of expressions which are not evaluated are
+not subjected to these expansions. For commands which are not internal to the
+shell, the command name is substituted separately from the argument list. This
+occurs very late, after input-output redirection is performed, and in a child
+of the main shell.
+.SS "Command substitution"
+Command substitution is indicated by a command enclosed in ``'. The output
+from such a command is broken into separate words at blanks, tabs and newlines,
+and null words are discarded. The output is variable and command substituted
+and put in place of the original string.
+Command substitutions inside double
+quotes (`"') retain blanks and tabs; only newlines force new words. The single
+final newline does not force a new word in any case. It is thus possible for a
+command substitution to yield only part of a word, even if the command outputs
+a complete line.
+By default, the shell since version 6.12 replaces all newline and carriage
+return characters in the command by spaces. If this is switched off by
+unsetting \fBcsubstnonl\fR, newlines separate commands as usual.
+.SS "Filename substitution"
+If a word contains any of the characters `*', `?', `[' or `{' or begins with
+the character `~' it is a candidate for filename substitution, also known as
+``globbing''. This word is then regarded as a pattern (``glob-pattern''), and
+replaced with an alphabetically sorted list of file names which match the
+In matching filenames, the character `.' at the beginning of a filename or
+immediately following a `/', as well as the character `/' must be matched
+explicitly (unless either
+.B globdot
+.B globstar
+or both are set(+)). The character `*' matches any string of characters,
+including the null string. The character `?' matches any single character.
+The sequence `[...]' matches any one of the characters enclosed.
+Within `[...]', a pair of
+characters separated by `\-' matches any character lexically between the two.
+(+) Some glob-patterns can be negated:
+The sequence `[^...]' matches any single character \fInot\fR specified by the
+characters and/or ranges of characters in the braces.
+An entire glob-pattern can also be negated with `^':
+.IP "" 4
+> echo *
+bang crash crunch ouch
+> echo ^cr*
+bang ouch
+Glob-patterns which do not use `?', `*', or `[]' or which use `{}' or `~'
+(below) are not negated correctly.
+The metanotation `a{b,c,d}e' is a shorthand for `abe ace ade'.
+Left-to-right order is preserved: `/usr/source/s1/{oldls,ls}.c' expands
+to `/usr/source/s1/oldls.c /usr/source/s1/ls.c'. The results of matches are
+sorted separately at a low level to preserve this order:
+`../{memo,*box}' might expand to `../memo ../box ../mbox'.
+(Note that `memo' was not sorted with the results of matching `*box'.)
+It is not an error when this construct expands to files which do not exist,
+but it is possible to get an error from a command to which the expanded list
+is passed.
+This construct may be nested.
+As a special case the words `{', `}' and `{}' are passed undisturbed.
+The character `~' at the beginning of a filename refers to home directories.
+Standing alone, i.e., `~', it expands to the invoker's home directory as
+reflected in the value of the \fBhome\fR shell variable. When followed by a
+name consisting of letters, digits and `\-' characters the shell searches for a
+user with that name and substitutes their home directory; thus `~ken' might
+expand to `/usr/ken' and `~ken/chmach' to `/usr/ken/chmach'. If the character
+`~' is followed by a character other than a letter or `/' or appears elsewhere
+than at the beginning of a word, it is left undisturbed.
+A command like `setenv MANPATH /usr/man:/usr/local/man:~/lib/man' does not,
+therefore, do home directory substitution as one might hope.
+It is an error for a glob-pattern containing `*', `?', `[' or `~', with or
+without `^', not to match any files. However, only one pattern in a list of
+glob-patterns must match a file (so that, e.g., `rm *.a *.c *.o' would fail
+only if there were no files in the current directory ending in `.a', `.c', or
+`.o'), and if the \fBnonomatch\fR shell variable is set a pattern (or list
+of patterns) which matches nothing is left unchanged rather than causing
+an error.
+The \fBglobstar\fR shell variable can be set to allow `**' or `***' as
+a file glob pattern that matches any string of characters including `/',
+recursively traversing any existing sub-directories. For example,
+`ls **.c' will list all the .c files in the current directory tree.
+If used by itself, it will match match zero or more sub-directories
+(e.g. `ls /usr/include/**/time.h' will list any file named `time.h'
+in the /usr/include directory tree; `ls /usr/include/**time.h' will match
+any file in the /usr/include directory tree ending in `time.h'; and
+`ls /usr/include/**time**.h' will match any .h file with `time' either
+in a subdirectory name or in the filename itself).
+To prevent problems with recursion, the `**' glob-pattern will not
+descend into a symbolic link containing a directory. To override this,
+use `***' (+)
+The \fBnoglob\fR shell variable can be set to prevent filename substitution,
+and the \fIexpand-glob\fR editor command, normally bound to `^X-*', can be
+used to interactively expand individual filename substitutions.
+.SS "Directory stack substitution (+)"
+The directory stack is a list of directories, numbered from zero, used by the
+\fIpushd\fR, \fIpopd\fR and \fIdirs\fR builtin commands (q.v.).
+\fIdirs\fR can print, store in a file, restore and clear the directory stack
+at any time, and the \fBsavedirs\fR and \fBdirsfile\fR shell variables can be set to
+store the directory stack automatically on logout and restore it on login.
+The \fBdirstack\fR shell variable can be examined to see the directory stack and
+set to put arbitrary directories into the directory stack.
+The character `=' followed by one or more digits expands to an entry in
+the directory stack. The special case `=\-' expands to the last directory in
+the stack. For example,
+.IP "" 4
+> dirs \-v
+0 /usr/bin
+1 /usr/spool/uucp
+2 /usr/accts/sys
+> echo =1
+> echo =0/calendar
+> echo =\-
+The \fBnoglob\fR and \fBnonomatch\fR shell variables and the \fIexpand-glob\fR
+editor command apply to directory stack as well as filename substitutions.
+.SS "Other substitutions (+)"
+There are several more transformations involving filenames, not strictly
+related to the above but mentioned here for completeness.
+\fIAny\fR filename may be expanded to a full path when the
+\fBsymlinks\fR variable (q.v.) is set to `expand'.
+Quoting prevents this expansion, and
+the \fInormalize-path\fR editor command does it on demand.
+The \fInormalize-command\fR editor command expands commands in PATH into
+full paths on demand.
+Finally, \fIcd\fR and \fIpushd\fR interpret `\-' as the old working directory
+(equivalent to the shell variable \fBowd\fR).
+This is not a substitution at all, but an abbreviation recognized by only
+those commands. Nonetheless, it too can be prevented by quoting.
+.SS Commands
+The next three sections describe how the shell executes commands and
+deals with their input and output.
+.SS Simple commands, pipelines and sequences
+A simple command is a sequence of words, the first of which specifies the
+command to be executed. A series of simple commands joined by `|' characters
+forms a pipeline. The output of each command in a pipeline is connected to the
+input of the next.
+Simple commands and pipelines may be joined into sequences with `;', and will
+be executed sequentially. Commands and pipelines can also be joined into
+sequences with `||' or `&&', indicating, as in the C language, that the second
+is to be executed only if the first fails or succeeds respectively.
+A simple command, pipeline or sequence may be placed in parentheses, `()',
+to form a simple command, which may in turn be a component of a pipeline or
+sequence. A command, pipeline or sequence can be executed
+without waiting for it to terminate by following it with an `&'.
+.SS "Builtin and non-builtin command execution"
+Builtin commands are executed within the shell. If any component of a
+pipeline except the last is a builtin command, the pipeline is executed
+in a subshell.
+Parenthesized commands are always executed in a subshell.
+.IP "" 4
+(cd; pwd); pwd
+thus prints the \fBhome\fR directory, leaving you where you were
+(printing this after the home directory), while
+.IP "" 4
+cd; pwd
+leaves you in the \fBhome\fR directory. Parenthesized commands are most often
+used to prevent \fIcd\fR from affecting the current shell.
+When a command to be executed is found not to be a builtin command the shell
+attempts to execute the command via \fIexecve\fR(2). Each word in the variable
+\fBpath\fR names a directory in which the shell will look for the
+command. If the shell is not given a \fB\-f\fR option, the shell
+hashes the names in these directories into an internal table so that it will
+try an \fIexecve\fR(2) in only a directory where there is a possibility that the
+command resides there. This greatly speeds command location when a large
+number of directories are present in the search path. This hashing mechanism is
+not used:
+.TP 4
+.B 1.
+If hashing is turned explicitly off via \fIunhash\fR.
+.TP 4
+.B 2.
+If the shell was given a \fB\-f\fR argument.
+.TP 4
+.B 3.
+For each directory component of \fBpath\fR which does not begin with a `/'.
+.TP 4
+.B 4.
+If the command contains a `/'.
+In the above four cases the shell concatenates each component of the path
+vector with the given command name to form a path name of a file which it
+then attempts to execute it. If execution is successful, the search stops.
+If the file has execute permissions but is not an executable to the system
+(i.e., it is neither an executable binary nor a script that specifies its
+interpreter), then it is assumed to be a file containing shell commands and
+a new shell is spawned to read it. The \fIshell\fR special alias may be set
+to specify an interpreter other than the shell itself.
+On systems which do not understand the `#!' script interpreter convention
+the shell may be compiled to emulate it; see the \fBversion\fR shell
+variable. If so, the shell checks the first line of the file to
+see if it is of the form `#!\fIinterpreter\fR \fIarg\fR ...'. If it is,
+the shell starts \fIinterpreter\fR with the given \fIarg\fRs and feeds the
+file to it on standard input.
+.SS Input/output
+The standard input and standard output of a command may be redirected with the
+following syntax:
+.PD 0
+.TP 8
+< \fIname
+Open file \fIname\fR (which is first variable, command and filename
+expanded) as the standard input.
+.TP 8
+<< \fIword
+Read the shell input up to a line which is identical to \fIword\fR. \fIword\fR
+is not subjected to variable, filename or command substitution, and each input
+line is compared to \fIword\fR before any substitutions are done on this input
+line. Unless a quoting `\e', `"', `' or ``' appears in \fIword\fR variable and
+command substitution is performed on the intervening lines, allowing `\e' to
+quote `$', `\e' and ``'. Commands which are substituted have all blanks, tabs,
+and newlines preserved, except for the final newline which is dropped. The
+resultant text is placed in an anonymous temporary file which is given to the
+command as standard input.
+> \fIname
+>! \fIname
+>& \fIname
+.TP 8
+>&! \fIname
+The file \fIname\fR is used as standard output. If the file does not exist
+then it is created; if the file exists, it is truncated, its previous contents
+being lost.
+.RS +8
+If the shell variable \fBnoclobber\fR is set, then the file must not exist or be a
+character special file (e.g., a terminal or `/dev/null') or an error results.
+This helps prevent accidental destruction of files. In this case the `!' forms
+can be used to suppress this check.
+The forms involving `&' route the diagnostic output into the specified file as
+well as the standard output. \fIname\fR is expanded in the same way as `<'
+input filenames are.
+.PD 0
+>> \fIname
+>>& \fIname
+>>! \fIname
+.TP 8
+>>&! \fIname
+Like `>', but appends output to the end of \fIname\fR.
+If the shell variable \fBnoclobber\fR is set, then it is an error for
+the file \fInot\fR to exist, unless one of the `!' forms is given.
+A command receives the environment in which the shell was invoked as modified
+by the input-output parameters and the presence of the command in a pipeline.
+Thus, unlike some previous shells, commands run from a file of shell commands
+have no access to the text of the commands by default; rather they receive the
+original standard input of the shell. The `<<' mechanism should be used to
+present inline data. This permits shell command scripts to function as
+components of pipelines and allows the shell to block read its input. Note
+that the default standard input for a command run detached is \fInot\fR
+the empty file \fI/dev/null\fR, but the original standard input of the shell.
+If this is a terminal and if the process attempts to read from the terminal,
+then the process will block and the user will be notified (see \fBJobs\fR).
+Diagnostic output may be directed through a pipe with the standard output.
+Simply use the form `|&' rather than just `|'.
+The shell cannot presently redirect diagnostic output without also redirecting
+standard output, but `(\fIcommand\fR > \fIoutput-file\fR) >& \fIerror-file\fR'
+is often an acceptable workaround. Either \fIoutput-file\fR or
+\fIerror-file\fR may be `/dev/tty' to send output to the terminal.
+.SS Features
+Having described how the shell accepts, parses and executes
+command lines, we now turn to a variety of its useful features.
+.SS "Control flow"
+The shell contains a number of commands which can be used to regulate the
+flow of control in command files (shell scripts) and (in limited but
+useful ways) from terminal input. These commands all operate by forcing the
+shell to reread or skip in its input and, due to the implementation,
+restrict the placement of some of the commands.
+The \fIforeach\fR, \fIswitch\fR, and \fIwhile\fR statements, as well as the
+\fIif-then-else\fR form of the \fIif\fR statement, require that the major
+keywords appear in a single simple command on an input line as shown below.
+If the shell's input is not seekable, the shell buffers up input whenever
+a loop is being read and performs seeks in this internal buffer to
+accomplish the rereading implied by the loop. (To the extent that this
+allows, backward \fIgoto\fRs will succeed on non-seekable inputs.)
+.SS Expressions
+The \fIif\fR, \fIwhile\fR and \fIexit\fR builtin commands
+use expressions with a common syntax. The expressions can include any
+of the operators described in the next three sections. Note that the \fI@\fR
+builtin command (q.v.) has its own separate syntax.
+.SS "Logical, arithmetical and comparison operators"
+These operators are similar to those of C and have the same precedence.
+They include
+.IP "" 4
+|| && | ^ & == != =~ !~ <= >=
+< > << >> + \- * / % ! ~ ( )
+Here the precedence increases to the right, `==' `!=' `=~' and `!~', `<='
+`>=' `<' and `>', `<<' and `>>', `+' and `\-', `*' `/' and `%' being, in
+groups, at the same level. The `==' `!=' `=~' and `!~' operators compare
+their arguments as strings; all others operate on numbers. The operators
+`=~' and `!~' are like `!=' and `==' except that the right hand side is a
+glob-pattern (see \fBFilename substitution\fR) against which the left hand
+operand is matched. This reduces the need for use of the \fIswitch\fR
+builtin command in shell scripts when all that is really needed is
+pattern matching.
+Null or
+missing arguments are considered `0'. The results of all expressions are
+strings, which represent decimal numbers. It is important to note that
+no two components of an expression can appear in the same word; except
+when adjacent to components of expressions which are syntactically
+significant to the parser (`&' `|' `<' `>' `(' `)') they should be
+surrounded by spaces.
+.SS "Command exit status"
+Commands can be executed in expressions and their exit status
+returned by enclosing them in braces (`{}'). Remember that the braces should
+be separated from the words of the command by spaces. Command executions
+succeed, returning true, i.e., `1', if the command exits with status 0,
+otherwise they fail, returning false, i.e., `0'. If more detailed status
+information is required then the command should be executed outside of an
+expression and the \fBstatus\fR shell variable examined.
+.SS "File inquiry operators"
+Some of these operators perform true/false tests on files and related
+objects. They are of the form \fB\-\fIop file\fR, where \fIop\fR is one of
+.PD 0
+.RS +4
+.TP 4
+.B r
+Read access
+.TP 4
+.B w
+Write access
+.TP 4
+.B x
+Execute access
+.TP 4
+.B X
+Executable in the path or shell builtin, e.g., `\-X ls' and `\-X ls\-F' are
+generally true, but `\-X /bin/ls' is not (+)
+.TP 4
+.B e
+.TP 4
+.B o
+.TP 4
+.B z
+Zero size
+.TP 4
+.B s
+Non-zero size (+)
+.TP 4
+.B f
+Plain file
+.TP 4
+.B d
+.TP 4
+.B l
+Symbolic link (+) *
+.TP 4
+.B b
+Block special file (+)
+.TP 4
+.B c
+Character special file (+)
+.TP 4
+.B p
+Named pipe (fifo) (+) *
+.TP 4
+.B S
+Socket special file (+) *
+.TP 4
+.B u
+Set-user-ID bit is set (+)
+.TP 4
+.B g
+Set-group-ID bit is set (+)
+.TP 4
+.B k
+Sticky bit is set (+)
+.TP 4
+.B t
+\fIfile\fR (which must be a digit) is an open file descriptor
+for a terminal device (+)
+.TP 4
+.B R
+Has been migrated (Convex only) (+)
+.TP 4
+.B L
+Applies subsequent operators in a multiple-operator test to a symbolic link
+rather than to the file to which the link points (+) *
+\fIfile\fR is command and filename expanded and then tested to
+see if it has the specified relationship to the real user. If \fIfile\fR
+does not exist or is inaccessible or, for the operators indicated by `*',
+if the specified file type does not exist on the current system,
+then all enquiries return false, i.e., `0'.
+These operators may be combined for conciseness: `\-\fIxy file\fR' is
+equivalent to `\-\fIx file\fR && \-\fIy file\fR'. (+) For example, `\-fx' is true
+(returns `1') for plain executable files, but not for directories.
+\fBL\fR may be used in a multiple-operator test to apply subsequent operators
+to a symbolic link rather than to the file to which the link points.
+For example, `\-lLo' is true for links owned by the invoking user.
+\fBLr\fR, \fBLw\fR and \fBLx\fR are always true for links and false for
+non-links. \fBL\fR has a different meaning when it is the last operator
+in a multiple-operator test; see below.
+It is possible but not useful, and sometimes misleading, to combine operators
+which expect \fIfile\fR to be a file with operators which do not
+(e.g., \fBX\fR and \fBt\fR). Following \fBL\fR with a non-file operator
+can lead to particularly strange results.
+Other operators return other information, i.e., not just `0' or `1'. (+)
+They have the same format as before; \fIop\fR may be one of
+.PD 0
+.RS +4
+.TP 8
+.B A
+Last file access time, as the number of seconds since the epoch
+.TP 8
+.B A:
+Like \fBA\fR, but in timestamp format, e.g., `Fri May 14 16:36:10 1993'
+.TP 8
+.B M
+Last file modification time
+.TP 8
+.B M:
+Like \fBM\fR, but in timestamp format
+.TP 8
+.B C
+Last inode modification time
+.TP 8
+.B C:
+Like \fBC\fR, but in timestamp format
+.TP 8
+.B D
+Device number
+.TP 8
+.B I
+Inode number
+.TP 8
+.B F
+Composite \fBf\fRile identifier, in the form \fIdevice\fR:\fIinode\fR
+.TP 8
+.B L
+The name of the file pointed to by a symbolic link
+.TP 8
+.B N
+Number of (hard) links
+.TP 8
+.B P
+Permissions, in octal, without leading zero
+.TP 8
+.B P:
+Like \fBP\fR, with leading zero
+.TP 8
+.B P\fImode
+Equivalent to `\-P \fIfile\fR & \fImode\fR', e.g., `\-P22 \fIfile\fR' returns
+`22' if \fIfile\fR is writable by group and other, `20' if by group only,
+and `0' if by neither
+.TP 8
+.B P\fImode\fB:
+Like \fBP\fImode\fR, with leading zero
+.TP 8
+.B U
+Numeric userid
+.TP 8
+.B U:
+Username, or the numeric userid if the username is unknown
+.TP 8
+.B G
+Numeric groupid
+.TP 8
+.B G:
+Groupname, or the numeric groupid if the groupname is unknown
+.TP 8
+.B Z
+Size, in bytes
+Only one of these operators may appear in a multiple-operator test, and it
+must be the last. Note that \fBL\fR has a different meaning at the end of and
+elsewhere in a multiple-operator test. Because `0' is a valid return value
+for many of these operators, they do not return `0' when they fail: most
+return `\-1', and \fBF\fR returns `:'.
+If the shell is compiled with POSIX defined (see the \fBversion\fR shell
+variable), the result of a file inquiry is based on the permission bits of
+the file and not on the result of the \fIaccess\fR(2) system call.
+For example, if one tests a file with \fB\-w\fR whose permissions would
+ordinarily allow writing but which is on a file system mounted read-only,
+the test will succeed in a POSIX shell but fail in a non-POSIX shell.
+File inquiry operators can also be evaluated with the \fIfiletest\fR builtin
+command (q.v.) (+).
+.SS Jobs
+The shell associates a \fIjob\fR with each pipeline. It keeps a table of
+current jobs, printed by the \fIjobs\fR command, and assigns them small integer
+numbers. When a job is started asynchronously with `&', the shell prints a
+line which looks like
+.IP "" 4
+[1] 1234
+indicating that the job which was started asynchronously was job number 1 and
+had one (top-level) process, whose process id was 1234.
+If you are running a job and wish to do something else you may hit the suspend
+key (usually `^Z'),
+which sends a STOP signal to the current job. The shell will then normally
+indicate that the job has been `Suspended' and print another prompt.
+If the \fBlistjobs\fR shell variable is set, all jobs will be listed
+like the \fIjobs\fR builtin command; if it is set to `long' the listing will
+be in long format, like `jobs \-l'.
+You can then manipulate the state of the suspended job.
+You can put it in the
+``background'' with the \fIbg\fR command or run some other commands and
+eventually bring the job back into the ``foreground'' with \fIfg\fR.
+(See also the \fIrun-fg-editor\fR editor command.)
+A `^Z' takes effect immediately and is like an interrupt
+in that pending output and unread input are discarded when it is typed.
+The \fIwait\fR builtin command causes the shell to wait for all background
+jobs to complete.
+The `^]' key sends a delayed suspend signal, which does not generate a STOP
+signal until a program attempts to \fIread\fR(2) it, to the current job.
+This can usefully be typed ahead when you have prepared some commands for a
+job which you wish to stop after it has read them.
+The `^Y' key performs this function in \fIcsh\fR(1); in \fItcsh\fR,
+`^Y' is an editing command. (+)
+A job being run in the background stops if it tries to read from the
+terminal. Background jobs are normally allowed to produce output, but this can
+be disabled by giving the command `stty tostop'. If you set this tty option,
+then background jobs will stop when they try to produce output like they do
+when they try to read input.
+There are several ways to refer to jobs in the shell. The character `%'
+introduces a job name. If you wish to refer to job number 1, you can name it
+as `%1'. Just naming a job brings it to the foreground; thus `%1' is a synonym
+for `fg %1', bringing job 1 back into the foreground. Similarly, saying `%1 &'
+resumes job 1 in the background, just like `bg %1'. A job can also be named
+by an unambiguous prefix of the string typed in to start it: `%ex' would
+normally restart a suspended \fIex\fR(1) job, if there were only one suspended
+job whose name began with the string `ex'. It is also possible to say
+`%?\fIstring\fR' to specify a job whose text contains \fIstring\fR, if there
+is only one such job.
+The shell maintains a notion of the current and previous jobs. In output
+pertaining to jobs, the current job is marked with a `+' and the previous job
+with a `\-'. The abbreviations `%+', `%', and (by analogy with the syntax of
+the \fIhistory\fR mechanism) `%%' all refer to the current job, and `%\-' refers
+to the previous job.
+The job control mechanism requires that the \fIstty\fR(1) option `new' be set
+on some systems. It is an artifact from a `new' implementation of the tty
+driver which allows generation of interrupt characters from the keyboard to
+tell jobs to stop. See \fIstty\fR(1) and the \fIsetty\fR builtin command for
+details on setting options in the new tty driver.
+.SS "Status reporting"
+The shell learns immediately whenever a process changes state. It normally
+informs you whenever a job becomes blocked so that no further progress is
+possible, but only right before it prints a prompt. This is done so that it
+does not otherwise disturb your work. If, however, you set the shell variable
+\fBnotify\fR, the shell will notify you immediately of changes of status in
+background jobs. There is also a shell command \fInotify\fR which marks a
+single process so that its status changes will be immediately reported. By
+default \fInotify\fR marks the current process; simply say `notify' after
+starting a background job to mark it.
+When you try to leave the shell while jobs are stopped, you will be
+warned that `There are suspended jobs.' You may use the \fIjobs\fR command to
+see what they are. If you do this or immediately try to exit again, the shell
+will not warn you a second time, and the suspended jobs will be terminated.
+.SS "Automatic, periodic and timed events (+)"
+There are various ways to run commands and take other actions automatically
+at various times in the ``life cycle'' of the shell. They are summarized here,
+and described in detail under the appropriate \fBBuiltin commands\fR,
+\fBSpecial shell variables\fR and \fBSpecial aliases\fR.
+The \fIsched\fR builtin command puts commands in a scheduled-event list,
+to be executed by the shell at a given time.
+The \fIbeepcmd\fR, \fIcwdcmd\fR, \fIperiodic\fR, \fIprecmd\fR, \fIpostcmd\fR,
+and \fIjobcmd\fR
+\fBSpecial aliases\fR can be set, respectively, to execute commands when the shell wants
+to ring the bell, when the working directory changes, every \fBtperiod\fR
+minutes, before each prompt, before each command gets executed, after each
+command gets executed, and when a job is started or is brought into the
+The \fBautologout\fR shell variable can be set to log out or lock the shell
+after a given number of minutes of inactivity.
+The \fBmail\fR shell variable can be set to check for new mail periodically.
+The \fBprintexitvalue\fR shell variable can be set to print the exit status
+of commands which exit with a status other than zero.
+The \fBrmstar\fR shell variable can be set to ask the user, when `rm *' is
+typed, if that is really what was meant.
+The \fBtime\fR shell variable can be set to execute the \fItime\fR builtin
+command after the completion of any process that takes more than a given
+number of CPU seconds.
+The \fBwatch\fR and \fBwho\fR shell variables can be set to report when
+selected users log in or out, and the \fIlog\fR builtin command reports
+on those users at any time.
+.SS "Native Language System support (+)"
+The shell is eight bit clean
+(if so compiled; see the \fBversion\fR shell variable)
+and thus supports character sets needing this capability.
+NLS support differs depending on whether or not
+the shell was compiled to use the system's NLS (again, see \fBversion\fR).
+In either case, 7-bit ASCII is the default character code
+(e.g., the classification of which characters are printable) and sorting,
+and changing the \fBLANG\fR or \fBLC_CTYPE\fR environment variables
+causes a check for possible changes in these respects.
+When using the system's NLS, the \fIsetlocale\fR(3) function is called
+to determine appropriate character code/classification and sorting
+(e.g., a 'en_CA.UTF-8' would yield "UTF-8" as a character code).
+This function typically examines the \fBLANG\fR and \fBLC_CTYPE\fR
+environment variables; refer to the system documentation for further details.
+When not using the system's NLS, the shell simulates it by assuming that the
+ISO 8859-1 character set is used
+whenever either of the \fBLANG\fR and \fBLC_CTYPE\fR variables are set, regardless of
+their values. Sorting is not affected for the simulated NLS.
+In addition, with both real and simulated NLS, all printable
+characters in the range \e200\-\e377, i.e., those that have
+M-\fIchar\fR bindings, are automatically rebound to \fIself-insert-command\fR.
+The corresponding binding for the escape-\fIchar\fR sequence, if any, is
+left alone.
+These characters are not rebound if the \fBNOREBIND\fR environment variable
+is set. This may be useful for the simulated NLS or a primitive real NLS
+which assumes full ISO 8859-1. Otherwise, all M-\fIchar\fR bindings in the
+range \e240\-\e377 are effectively undone.
+Explicitly rebinding the relevant keys with \fIbindkey\fR
+is of course still possible.
+Unknown characters (i.e., those that are neither printable nor control
+characters) are printed in the format \ennn.
+If the tty is not in 8 bit mode, other 8 bit characters are printed by
+converting them to ASCII and using standout mode. The shell
+never changes the 7/8 bit mode of the tty and tracks user-initiated
+changes of 7/8 bit mode. NLS users (or, for that matter, those who want to
+use a meta key) may need to explicitly set
+the tty in 8 bit mode through the appropriate \fIstty\fR(1)
+command in, e.g., the \fI~/.login\fR file.
+.SS "OS variant support (+)"
+A number of new builtin commands are provided to support features in
+particular operating systems. All are described in detail in the
+\fBBuiltin commands\fR section.
+On systems that support TCF (aix-ibm370, aix-ps2),
+\fIgetspath\fR and \fIsetspath\fR get and set the system execution path,
+\fIgetxvers\fR and \fIsetxvers\fR get and set the experimental version prefix
+and \fImigrate\fR migrates processes between sites. The \fIjobs\fR builtin
+prints the site on which each job is executing.
+Under BS2000, \fIbs2cmd\fR executes commands of the underlying BS2000/OSD
+operating system.
+Under Domain/OS, \fIinlib\fR adds shared libraries to the current environment,
+\fIrootnode\fR changes the rootnode and \fIver\fR changes the systype.
+Under Mach, \fIsetpath\fR is equivalent to Mach's \fIsetpath\fR(1).
+Under Masscomp/RTU and Harris CX/UX, \fIuniverse\fR sets the universe.
+Under Harris CX/UX, \fIucb\fR or \fIatt\fR runs a command under the specified
+Under Convex/OS, \fIwarp\fR prints or sets the universe.
+The \fBVENDOR\fR, \fBOSTYPE\fR and \fBMACHTYPE\fR environment variables
+indicate respectively the vendor, operating system and machine type
+(microprocessor class or machine model) of the
+system on which the shell thinks it is running.
+These are particularly useful when sharing one's home directory between several
+types of machines; one can, for example,
+.IP "" 4
+set path = (~/bin.$MACHTYPE /usr/ucb /bin /usr/bin .)
+in one's \fI~/.login\fR and put executables compiled for each machine in the
+appropriate directory.
+The \fBversion\fR shell
+variable indicates what options were chosen when the shell was compiled.
+Note also the \fInewgrp\fR builtin, the \fBafsuser\fR and
+\fBecho_style\fR shell variables and the system-dependent locations of
+the shell's input files (see \fBFILES\fR).
+.SS "Signal handling"
+Login shells ignore interrupts when reading the file \fI~/.logout\fR.
+The shell ignores quit signals unless started with \fB\-q\fR.
+Login shells catch the terminate signal, but non-login shells inherit the
+terminate behavior from their parents.
+Other signals have the values which the shell inherited from its parent.
+In shell scripts, the shell's handling of interrupt and terminate signals
+can be controlled with \fIonintr\fR, and its handling of hangups can be
+controlled with \fIhup\fR and \fInohup\fR.
+The shell exits on a hangup (see also the \fBlogout\fR shell variable). By
+default, the shell's children do too, but the shell does not send them a
+hangup when it exits. \fIhup\fR arranges for the shell to send a hangup to
+a child when it exits, and \fInohup\fR sets a child to ignore hangups.
+.SS "Terminal management (+)"
+The shell uses three different sets of terminal (``tty'') modes:
+`edit', used when editing, `quote', used when quoting literal characters,
+and `execute', used when executing commands.
+The shell holds some settings in each mode constant, so commands which leave
+the tty in a confused state do not interfere with the shell.
+The shell also matches changes in the speed and padding of the tty.
+The list of tty modes that are kept constant
+can be examined and modified with the \fIsetty\fR builtin.
+Note that although the editor uses CBREAK mode (or its equivalent),
+it takes typed-ahead characters anyway.
+The \fIechotc\fR, \fIsettc\fR and \fItelltc\fR commands can be used to
+manipulate and debug terminal capabilities from the command line.
+On systems that support SIGWINCH or SIGWINDOW, the shell
+adapts to window resizing automatically and adjusts the environment
+variables \fBLINES\fR and \fBCOLUMNS\fR if set. If the environment
+variable \fBTERMCAP\fR contains li# and co# fields, the shell adjusts
+them to reflect the new window size.
+The next sections of this manual describe all of the available
+\fBBuiltin commands\fR, \fBSpecial aliases\fR and
+\fBSpecial shell variables\fR.
+.SS "Builtin commands"
+.TP 8
+.B %\fIjob
+A synonym for the \fIfg\fR builtin command.
+.TP 8
+.B %\fIjob \fB&
+A synonym for the \fIbg\fR builtin command.
+.TP 8
+.B :
+Does nothing, successfully.
+.B @
+.B @ \fIname\fB = \fIexpr
+.B @ \fIname\fR[\fIindex\fR]\fB = \fIexpr
+.B @ \fIname\fB++\fR|\fB--
+.PD 0
+.TP 8
+.B @ \fIname\fR[\fIindex\fR]\fB++\fR|\fB--
+The first form prints the values of all shell variables.
+.RS +8
+The second form assigns the value of \fIexpr\fR to \fIname\fR.
+The third form assigns the value of \fIexpr\fR to the \fIindex\fR'th
+component of \fIname\fR; both \fIname\fR and its \fIindex\fR'th component
+must already exist.
+\fIexpr\fR may contain the operators `*', `+', etc., as in C.
+If \fIexpr\fR contains `<', `>', `&' or `' then at least that part of
+\fIexpr\fR must be placed within `()'.
+Note that the syntax of \fIexpr\fR has nothing to do with that described
+under \fBExpressions\fR.
+The fourth and fifth forms increment (`++') or decrement (`\-\-') \fIname\fR
+or its \fIindex\fR'th component.
+The space between `@' and \fIname\fR is required. The spaces between
+\fIname\fR and `=' and between `=' and \fIexpr\fR are optional. Components of
+\fIexpr\fR must be separated by spaces.
+.TP 8
+.B alias \fR[\fIname \fR[\fIwordlist\fR]]
+Without arguments, prints all aliases.
+With \fIname\fR, prints the alias for name.
+With \fIname\fR and \fIwordlist\fR, assigns
+\fIwordlist\fR as the alias of \fIname\fR.
+\fIwordlist\fR is command and filename substituted.
+\fIname\fR may not be `alias' or `unalias'.
+See also the \fIunalias\fR builtin command.
+.TP 8
+.B alloc
+Shows the amount of dynamic memory acquired, broken down into used and free
+memory. With an argument shows the number of free and used blocks in each size
+category. The categories start at size 8 and double at each step. This
+command's output may vary across system types, because systems other than the VAX
+may use a different memory allocator.
+.TP 8
+.B bg \fR[\fB%\fIjob\fR ...]
+Puts the specified jobs (or, without arguments, the current job)
+into the background, continuing each if it is stopped.
+\fIjob\fR may be a number, a string, `', `%', `+' or `\-' as described
+under \fBJobs\fR.
+.B bindkey \fR[\fB\-l\fR|\fB\-d\fR|\fB\-e\fR|\fB\-v\fR|\fB\-u\fR] (+)
+\fBbindkey \fR[\fB\-a\fR] [\fB\-b\fR] [\fB\-k\fR] [\fB\-r\fR] [\fB\-\-\fR] \fIkey \fR(+)
+.PD 0
+.TP 8
+\fBbindkey \fR[\fB\-a\fR] [\fB\-b\fR] [\fB\-k\fR] [\fB\-c\fR|\fB\-s\fR] [\fB\-\-\fR] \fIkey command \fR(+)
+.\" .B macro can't take too many words, so I used \fB in the previous tags
+Without options, the first form lists all bound keys and the editor command to which each is bound,
+the second form lists the editor command to which \fIkey\fR is bound and
+the third form binds the editor command \fIcommand\fR to \fIkey\fR.
+Options include:
+.PD 0
+.RS +8
+.TP 4
+.B \-l
+Lists all editor commands and a short description of each.
+.TP 4
+.B \-d
+Binds all keys to the standard bindings for the default editor.
+.TP 4
+.B \-e
+Binds all keys to the standard GNU Emacs-like bindings.
+.TP 4
+.B \-v
+Binds all keys to the standard \fIvi\fR(1)-like bindings.
+.TP 4
+.B \-a
+Lists or changes key-bindings in the alternative key map.
+This is the key map used in \fIvi\fR command mode.
+.TP 4
+.B \-b
+\fIkey\fR is interpreted as
+a control character written ^\fIcharacter\fR (e.g., `^A') or
+C-\fIcharacter\fR (e.g., `C-A'),
+a meta character written M-\fIcharacter\fR (e.g., `M-A'),
+a function key written F-\fIstring\fR (e.g., `F-string'),
+or an extended prefix key written X-\fIcharacter\fR (e.g., `X-A').
+.TP 4
+.B \-k
+\fIkey\fR is interpreted as a symbolic arrow key name, which may be one of
+`down', `up', `left' or `right'.
+.TP 4
+.B \-r
+Removes \fIkey\fR's binding.
+Be careful: `bindkey \-r' does \fInot\fR bind \fIkey\fR to
+\fIself-insert-command\fR (q.v.), it unbinds \fIkey\fR completely.
+.TP 4
+.B \-c
+\fIcommand\fR is interpreted as a builtin or external command instead of an
+editor command.
+.TP 4
+.B \-s
+\fIcommand\fR is taken as a literal string and treated as terminal input
+when \fIkey\fR is typed. Bound keys in \fIcommand\fR are themselves
+reinterpreted, and this continues for ten levels of interpretation.
+.TP 4
+.B \-\-
+Forces a break from option processing, so the next word is taken as \fIkey\fR
+even if it begins with '\-'.
+.TP 4
+.B \-u \fR(or any invalid option)
+Prints a usage message.
+\fIkey\fR may be a single character or a string.
+If a command is bound to a string, the first character of the string is bound to
+\fIsequence-lead-in\fR and the entire string is bound to the command.
+Control characters in \fIkey\fR can be literal (they can be typed by preceding
+them with the editor command \fIquoted-insert\fR, normally bound to `^V') or
+written caret-character style, e.g., `^A'. Delete is written `^?'
+(caret-question mark). \fIkey\fR and \fIcommand\fR can contain backslashed
+escape sequences (in the style of System V \fIecho\fR(1)) as follows:
+.RS +4
+.TP 8
+.PD 0
+.B \ea
+.TP 8
+.B \eb
+.TP 8
+.B \ee
+.TP 8
+.B \ef
+Form feed
+.TP 8
+.B \en
+.TP 8
+.B \er
+Carriage return
+.TP 8
+.B \et
+Horizontal tab
+.TP 8
+.B \ev
+Vertical tab
+.TP 8
+.B \e\fInnn
+The ASCII character corresponding to the octal number \fInnn\fR
+`\e' nullifies the special meaning of the following character, if it has
+any, notably `\\' and `^'.
+.TP 8
+.B bs2cmd \fIbs2000-command\fR (+)
+Passes \fIbs2000-command\fR to the BS2000 command interpreter for
+execution. Only non-interactive commands can be executed, and it is
+not possible to execute any command that would overlay the image
+of the current process, like /EXECUTE or /CALL-PROCEDURE. (BS2000 only)
+.TP 8
+.B break
+Causes execution to resume after the \fIend\fR of the nearest
+enclosing \fIforeach\fR or \fIwhile\fR. The remaining commands on the
+current line are executed. Multi-level breaks are thus
+possible by writing them all on one line.
+.TP 8
+.B breaksw
+Causes a break from a \fIswitch\fR, resuming after the \fIendsw\fR.
+.TP 8
+.B builtins \fR(+)
+Prints the names of all builtin commands.
+.TP 8
+.B bye \fR(+)
+A synonym for the \fIlogout\fR builtin command.
+Available only if the shell was so compiled;
+see the \fBversion\fR shell variable.
+.TP 8
+.B case \fIlabel\fB:
+A label in a \fIswitch\fR statement as discussed below.
+.TP 8
+.B cd \fR[\fB\-p\fR] [\fB\-l\fR] [\fB\-n\fR|\fB\-v\fR] [\I--\fR] [\fIname\fR]
+If a directory \fIname\fR is given, changes the shell's working directory
+to \fIname\fR. If not, changes to \fBhome\fR.
+If \fIname\fR is `\-' it is interpreted as the previous working directory
+(see \fBOther substitutions\fR). (+)
+If \fIname\fR is not a subdirectory of the current directory
+(and does not begin with `/', `./' or `../'), each component of the variable
+\fBcdpath\fR is checked to see if it has a subdirectory \fIname\fR. Finally, if
+all else fails but \fIname\fR is a shell variable whose value
+begins with `/', then this is tried to see if it is a directory.
+.RS +8
+With \fB\-p\fR, prints the final directory stack, just like \fIdirs\fR.
+The \fB\-l\fR, \fB\-n\fR and \fB\-v\fR flags have the same effect on \fIcd\fR
+as on \fIdirs\fR, and they imply \fB\-p\fR. (+)
+Using \fB\-\-\fR forces a break from option processing so the next word
+is taken as the directory \fIname\fR even if it begins with '\-'. (+)
+See also the \fBimplicitcd\fR shell variable.
+.TP 8
+.B chdir
+A synonym for the \fIcd\fR builtin command.
+.TP 8
+.B complete \fR[\fIcommand\fR [\fIword\fB/\fIpattern\fB/\fIlist\fR[\fB:\fIselect\fR]\fB/\fR[[\fIsuffix\fR]\fB/\fR] ...]] (+)
+Without arguments, lists all completions.
+With \fIcommand\fR, lists completions for \fIcommand\fR.
+With \fIcommand\fR and \fIword\fR etc., defines completions.
+.RS +8
+\fIcommand\fR may be a full command name or a glob-pattern
+(see \fBFilename substitution\fR). It can begin with `\-' to indicate that
+completion should be used only when \fIcommand\fR is ambiguous.
+\fIword\fR specifies which word relative to the current word
+is to be completed, and may be one of the following:
+.PD 0
+.RS +4
+.TP 4
+.B c
+Current-word completion.
+\fIpattern\fR is a glob-pattern which must match the beginning of the current word on
+the command line. \fIpattern\fR is ignored when completing the current word.
+.TP 4
+.B C
+Like \fBc\fR, but includes \fIpattern\fR when completing the current word.
+.TP 4
+.B n
+Next-word completion.
+\fIpattern\fR is a glob-pattern which must match the beginning of the previous word on
+the command line.
+.TP 4
+.B N
+Like \fBn\fR, but must match the beginning of the word two before the current word.
+.TP 4
+.B p
+Position-dependent completion.
+\fIpattern\fR is a numeric range, with the same syntax used to index shell
+variables, which must include the current word.
+\fIlist\fR, the list of possible completions, may be one of the following:
+.PD 0
+.RS +4
+.TP 8
+.B a
+.TP 8
+.B b
+Bindings (editor commands)
+.TP 8
+.B c
+Commands (builtin or external commands)
+.TP 8
+.B C
+External commands which begin with the supplied path prefix
+.TP 8
+.B d
+.TP 8
+.B D
+Directories which begin with the supplied path prefix
+.TP 8
+.B e
+Environment variables
+.TP 8
+.B f
+.TP 8
+.B F
+Filenames which begin with the supplied path prefix
+.TP 8
+.B g
+.TP 8
+.B j
+.TP 8
+.B l
+.TP 8
+.B n
+.TP 8
+.B s
+Shell variables
+.TP 8
+.B S
+.TP 8
+.B t
+Plain (``text'') files
+.TP 8
+.B T
+Plain (``text'') files which begin with the supplied path prefix
+.TP 8
+.B v
+Any variables
+.TP 8
+.B u
+.TP 8
+.B x
+Like \fBn\fR, but prints \fIselect\fR when \fIlist-choices\fR is used.
+.TP 8
+.B X
+.TP 8
+Words from the variable \fIvar\fR
+.TP 8
+Words from the given list
+.TP 8
+Words from the output of command
+\fIselect\fR is an optional glob-pattern.
+If given, words from only \fIlist\fR that match \fIselect\fR are considered
+and the \fBfignore\fR shell variable is ignored.
+The last three types of completion may not have a \fIselect\fR
+pattern, and \fBx\fR uses \fIselect\fR as an explanatory message when
+the \fIlist-choices\fR editor command is used.
+\fIsuffix\fR is a single character to be appended to a successful
+completion. If null, no character is appended. If omitted (in which
+case the fourth delimiter can also be omitted), a slash is appended to
+directories and a space to other words.
+\fIcommand\fR invoked from `...` version has additional environment
+variable set, the variable name is \%\fBCOMMAND_LINE\fR\% and
+contains (as its name indicates) contents of the current (already
+typed in) command line. One can examine and use contents of the
+\%\fBCOMMAND_LINE\fR\% variable in her custom script to build more
+sophisticated completions (see completion for svn(1) included in
+this package).
+Now for some examples. Some commands take only directories as arguments,
+so there's no point completing plain files.
+.IP "" 4
+> complete cd 'p/1/d/'
+completes only the first word following `cd' (`p/1') with a directory.
+\fBp\fR-type completion can also be used to narrow down command completion:
+.IP "" 4
+> co[^D]
+complete compress
+> complete \-co* 'p/0/(compress)/'
+> co[^D]
+> compress
+This completion completes commands (words in position 0, `p/0')
+which begin with `co' (thus matching `co*') to `compress' (the only
+word in the list).
+The leading `\-' indicates that this completion is to be used with only
+ambiguous commands.
+.IP "" 4
+> complete find 'n/\-user/u/'
+is an example of \fBn\fR-type completion. Any word following `find' and
+immediately following `\-user' is completed from the list of users.
+.IP "" 4
+> complete cc 'c/\-I/d/'
+demonstrates \fBc\fR-type completion. Any word following `cc' and beginning
+with `\-I' is completed as a directory. `\-I' is not taken as part of the
+directory because we used lowercase \fBc\fR.
+Different \fIlist\fRs are useful with different commands.
+.IP "" 4
+> complete alias 'p/1/a/'
+> complete man 'p/*/c/'
+> complete set 'p/1/s/'
+> complete true 'p/1/x:Truth has no options./'
+These complete words following `alias' with aliases, `man' with commands,
+and `set' with shell variables.
+`true' doesn't have any options, so \fBx\fR does nothing when completion
+is attempted and prints `Truth has no options.' when completion choices are listed.
+Note that the \fIman\fR example, and several other examples below, could
+just as well have used 'c/*' or 'n/*' as 'p/*'.
+Words can be completed from a variable evaluated at completion time,
+.IP "" 4
+> complete ftp 'p/1/$hostnames/'
+> set hostnames = (
+> ftp [^D]
+> ftp [^C]
+> set hostnames = (
+> ftp [^D]
+or from a command run at completion time:
+.IP "" 4
+> complete kill 'p/*/`ps | awk \\{print\\ \\$1\\}`/'
+> kill \-9 [^D]
+23113 23377 23380 23406 23429 23529 23530 PID
+Note that the \fIcomplete\fR command does not itself quote its arguments,
+so the braces, space and `$' in `{print $1}' must be quoted explicitly.
+One command can have multiple completions:
+.IP "" 4
+> complete dbx 'p/2/(core)/' 'p/*/c/'
+completes the second argument to `dbx' with the word `core' and all other
+arguments with commands. Note that the positional completion is specified
+before the next-word completion.
+Because completions are evaluated from left to right, if
+the next-word completion were specified first it would always match
+and the positional completion would never be executed. This is a
+common mistake when defining a completion.
+The \fIselect\fR pattern is useful when a command takes files with only
+particular forms as arguments. For example,
+.IP "" 4
+> complete cc 'p/*/f:*.[cao]/'
+completes `cc' arguments to files ending in only `.c', `.a', or `.o'.
+\fIselect\fR can also exclude files, using negation of a glob-pattern as
+described under \fBFilename substitution\fR. One might use
+.IP "" 4
+> complete rm 'p/*/f:^*.{c,h,cc,C,tex,1,man,l,y}/'
+to exclude precious source code from `rm' completion. Of course, one
+could still type excluded names manually or override the completion
+mechanism using the \fIcomplete-word-raw\fR or \fIlist-choices-raw\fR
+editor commands (q.v.).
+The `C', `D', `F' and `T' \fIlist\fRs are like `c', `d', `f' and `t'
+respectively, but they use the \fIselect\fR argument in a different way: to
+restrict completion to files beginning with a particular path prefix. For
+example, the Elm mail program uses `=' as an abbreviation for one's mail
+directory. One might use
+.IP "" 4
+> complete elm c@=@F:$HOME/Mail/@
+to complete `elm \-f =' as if it were `elm \-f ~/Mail/'. Note that we used `@'
+instead of `/' to avoid confusion with the \fIselect\fR argument, and we used
+`$HOME' instead of `~' because home directory substitution works at only the
+beginning of a word.
+\fIsuffix\fR is used to add a nonstandard suffix
+(not space or `/' for directories) to completed words.
+.IP "" 4
+> complete finger 'c/*@/$hostnames/' 'p/1/u/@'
+completes arguments to `finger' from the list of users, appends an `@',
+and then completes after the `@' from the `hostnames' variable. Note
+again the order in which the completions are specified.
+Finally, here's a complex example for inspiration:
+.IP "" 4
+> complete find \\
+\&'n/\-name/f/' 'n/\-newer/f/' 'n/\-{,n}cpio/f/' \e
+\&\'n/\-exec/c/' 'n/\-ok/c/' 'n/\-user/u/' \e
+\&'n/\-group/g/' 'n/\-fstype/(nfs 4.2)/' \e
+\&'n/\-type/(b c d f l p s)/' \e
+\'c/\-/(name newer cpio ncpio exec ok user \e
+group fstype type atime ctime depth inum \e
+ls mtime nogroup nouser perm print prune \e
+size xdev)/' \e
+This completes words following `\-name', `\-newer', `\-cpio' or `ncpio'
+(note the pattern which matches both) to files,
+words following `\-exec' or `\-ok' to commands, words following `user'
+and `group' to users and groups respectively
+and words following `\-fstype' or `\-type' to members of the
+given lists. It also completes the switches themselves from the given list
+(note the use of \fBc\fR-type completion)
+and completes anything not otherwise completed to a directory. Whew.
+Remember that programmed completions are ignored if the word being completed
+is a tilde substitution (beginning with `~') or a variable (beginning with `$').
+\fIcomplete\fR is an experimental feature, and the syntax may change
+in future versions of the shell.
+See also the \fIuncomplete\fR builtin command.
+.TP 8
+.B continue
+Continues execution of the nearest enclosing \fIwhile\fR or \fIforeach\fR.
+The rest of the commands on the current line are executed.
+.TP 8
+.B default:
+Labels the default case in a \fIswitch\fR statement.
+It should come after all \fIcase\fR labels.
+.B dirs \fR[\fB\-l\fR] [\fB\-n\fR|\fB\-v\fR]
+.B dirs \-S\fR|\fB\-L \fR[\fIfilename\fR] (+)
+.PD 0
+.TP 8
+.B dirs \-c \fR(+)
+The first form prints the directory stack. The top of the stack is at the
+left and the first directory in the stack is the current directory.
+With \fB\-l\fR, `~' or `~\fIname\fP' in the output is expanded explicitly
+to \fBhome\fR or the pathname of the home directory for user \fIname\fP. (+)
+With \fB\-n\fR, entries are wrapped before they reach the edge of the screen. (+)
+With \fB\-v\fR, entries are printed one per line, preceded by their stack positions. (+)
+If more than one of \fB\-n\fR or \fB\-v\fR is given, \fB\-v\fR takes precedence.
+\fB\-p\fR is accepted but does nothing.
+.RS +8
+With \fB\-S\fR, the second form saves the directory stack to \fIfilename\fR
+as a series of \fIcd\fR and \fIpushd\fR commands.
+With \fB\-L\fR, the shell sources \fIfilename\fR, which is presumably
+a directory stack file saved by the \fB\-S\fR option or the \fBsavedirs\fR
+In either case, \fBdirsfile\fR is used if \fIfilename\fR is not given and
+\fI~/.cshdirs\fR is used if \fBdirsfile\fR is unset.
+Note that login shells do the equivalent of `dirs \-L' on startup
+and, if \fBsavedirs\fR is set, `dirs \-S' before exiting.
+Because only \fI~/.tcshrc\fR is normally sourced before \fI~/.cshdirs\fR,
+\fBdirsfile\fR should be set in \fI~/.tcshrc\fR rather than \fI~/.login\fR.
+The last form clears the directory stack.
+.TP 8
+.B echo \fR[\fB\-n\fR] \fIword\fR ...
+Writes each \fIword\fR to the shell's standard
+output, separated by spaces and terminated with a newline.
+The \fBecho_style\fR shell variable may be set to emulate (or not) the flags and escape
+sequences of the BSD and/or System V versions of \fIecho\fR; see \fIecho\fR(1).
+.TP 8
+.B echotc \fR[\fB\-sv\fR] \fIarg\fR ... (+)
+Exercises the terminal capabilities (see \fItermcap\fR(5)) in \fIargs\fR.
+For example, 'echotc home' sends the cursor to the home position,
+\&'echotc cm 3 10' sends it to column 3 and row 10, and
+\&'echotc ts 0; echo "This is a test."; echotc fs' prints "This is a test."
+in the status line.
+.RS +8
+If \fIarg\fR is 'baud', 'cols', 'lines', 'meta' or 'tabs', prints the
+value of that capability ("yes" or "no" indicating that the terminal does
+or does not have that capability). One might use this to make the output
+from a shell script less verbose on slow terminals, or limit command
+output to the number of lines on the screen:
+.IP "" 4
+> set history=`echotc lines`
+> @ history\-\-
+Termcap strings may contain wildcards which will not echo correctly.
+One should use double quotes when setting a shell variable to a terminal
+capability string, as in the following example that places the date in
+the status line:
+.IP "" 4
+> set tosl="`echotc ts 0`"
+> set frsl="`echotc fs`"
+> echo \-n "$tosl";date; echo \-n "$frsl"
+With \fB\-s\fR, nonexistent capabilities return the empty string rather
+than causing an error.
+With \fB\-v\fR, messages are verbose.
+.B else
+.B end
+.B endif
+.PD 0
+.TP 8
+.B endsw
+See the description of the \fIforeach\fR, \fIif\fR, \fIswitch\fR, and
+\fIwhile\fR statements below.
+.TP 8
+.B eval \fIarg\fR ...
+Treats the arguments as input to the
+shell and executes the resulting command(s) in the context
+of the current shell. This is usually used to execute commands
+generated as the result of command or variable substitution,
+because parsing occurs before these substitutions.
+See \fItset\fR(1) for a sample use of \fIeval\fR.
+.TP 8
+.B exec \fIcommand\fR
+Executes the specified command in place of the current shell.
+.TP 8
+.B exit \fR[\fIexpr\fR]
+The shell exits either with the value of the specified \fIexpr\fR
+(an expression, as described under \fBExpressions\fR)
+or, without \fIexpr\fR, with the value 0.
+.TP 8
+.B fg \fR[\fB%\fIjob\fR ...]
+Brings the specified jobs (or, without arguments, the current job)
+into the foreground, continuing each if it is stopped.
+\fIjob\fR may be a number, a string, `', `%', `+' or `\-' as described
+under \fBJobs\fR.
+See also the \fIrun-fg-editor\fR editor command.
+.TP 8
+.B filetest \-\fIop file\fR ... (+)
+Applies \fIop\fR (which is a file inquiry operator as described under
+\fBFile inquiry operators\fR) to each \fIfile\fR and returns the results as a
+space-separated list.
+.B foreach \fIname \fB(\fIwordlist\fB)
+.PD 0
+.TP 8
+.B end
+Successively sets the variable \fIname\fR to each member of
+\fIwordlist\fR and executes the sequence of commands between this command
+and the matching \fIend\fR. (Both \fIforeach\fR and \fIend\fR
+must appear alone on separate lines.) The builtin command
+\fIcontinue\fR may be used to continue the loop prematurely and
+the builtin command \fIbreak\fR to terminate it prematurely.
+When this command is read from the terminal, the loop is read once
+prompting with `foreach? ' (or \fBprompt2\fR) before any statements in
+the loop are executed. If you make a mistake typing in a
+loop at the terminal you can rub it out.
+.TP 8
+.B getspath \fR(+)
+Prints the system execution path. (TCF only)
+.TP 8
+.B getxvers \fR(+)
+Prints the experimental version prefix. (TCF only)
+.TP 8
+.B glob \fIwordlist
+Like \fIecho\fR, but the `-n' parameter is not recognized and words are
+delimited by null characters in the output. Useful for
+programs which wish to use the shell to filename expand a list of words.
+.TP 8
+.B goto \fIword
+\fIword\fR is filename and command-substituted to
+yield a string of the form `label'. The shell rewinds its
+input as much as possible, searches for a line of the
+form `label:', possibly preceded by blanks or tabs, and
+continues execution after that line.
+.TP 8
+.B hashstat
+Prints a statistics line indicating how effective the
+internal hash table has been at locating commands (and avoiding
+\fIexec\fR's). An \fIexec\fR is attempted for each component of the
+\fBpath\fR where the hash function indicates a possible hit, and
+in each component which does not begin with a `/'.
+On machines without \fIvfork\fR(2), prints only the number and size of
+hash buckets.
+.B history \fR[\fB\-hTr\fR] [\fIn\fR]
+.B history \-S\fR|\fB\-L|\fB\-M \fR[\fIfilename\fR] (+)
+.PD 0
+.TP 8
+.B history \-c \fR(+)
+The first form prints the history event list.
+If \fIn\fR is given only the \fIn\fR most recent events are printed or saved.
+With \fB\-h\fR, the history list is printed without leading numbers. If
+\fB-T\fR is specified, timestamps are printed also in comment form.
+(This can be used to
+produce files suitable for loading with 'history \-L' or 'source \-h'.)
+With \fB\-r\fR, the order of printing is most recent
+first rather than oldest first.
+.RS +8
+With \fB\-S\fR, the second form saves the history list to \fIfilename\fR.
+If the first word of the \fBsavehist\fR shell variable is set to a
+number, at most that many lines are saved. If the second word of
+\fBsavehist\fR is set to `merge', the history list is merged with the
+existing history file instead of replacing it (if there is one) and
+sorted by time stamp. (+) Merging is intended for an environment like
+the X Window System
+with several shells in simultaneous use. Currently it succeeds
+only when the shells quit nicely one after another.
+With \fB\-L\fR, the shell appends \fIfilename\fR, which is presumably a
+history list saved by the \fB\-S\fR option or the \fBsavehist\fR mechanism,
+to the history list.
+\fB\-M\fR is like \fB\-L\fR, but the contents of \fIfilename\fR are merged
+into the history list and sorted by timestamp.
+In either case, \fBhistfile\fR is used if \fIfilename\fR is not given and
+\fI~/.history\fR is used if \fBhistfile\fR is unset.
+`history \-L' is exactly like 'source \-h' except that it does not require a
+Note that login shells do the equivalent of `history \-L' on startup
+and, if \fBsavehist\fR is set, `history \-S' before exiting.
+Because only \fI~/.tcshrc\fR is normally sourced before \fI~/.history\fR,
+\fBhistfile\fR should be set in \fI~/.tcshrc\fR rather than \fI~/.login\fR.
+If \fBhistlit\fR is set, the first and second forms print and save the literal
+(unexpanded) form of the history list.
+The last form clears the history list.
+.TP 8
+.B hup \fR[\fIcommand\fR] \fR(+)
+With \fIcommand\fR, runs \fIcommand\fR such that it will exit on a hangup
+signal and arranges for the shell to send it a hangup signal when the shell
+Note that commands may set their own response to hangups, overriding \fIhup\fR.
+Without an argument, causes the non-interactive shell only to
+exit on a hangup for the remainder of the script.
+See also \fBSignal handling\fR and the \fInohup\fR builtin command.
+.TP 8
+.B if (\fIexpr\fB) \fIcommand
+If \fIexpr\fR (an expression, as described under \fBExpressions\fR)
+evaluates true, then \fIcommand\fR is executed.
+Variable substitution on \fIcommand\fR happens early, at the same time it
+does for the rest of the \fIif\fR command.
+\fIcommand\fR must be a simple command, not an alias, a pipeline, a command list
+or a parenthesized command list, but it may have arguments.
+Input/output redirection occurs even if \fIexpr\fR is
+false and \fIcommand\fR is thus \fInot\fR executed; this is a bug.
+.B if (\fIexpr\fB) then
+.B else if (\fIexpr2\fB) then
+.B else
+.PD 0
+.TP 8
+.B endif
+If the specified \fIexpr\fR is true then the commands to the
+first \fIelse\fR are executed; otherwise if \fIexpr2\fR is true then
+the commands to the second \fIelse\fR are executed, etc. Any
+number of \fIelse-if\fR pairs are possible; only one \fIendif\fR is
+needed. The \fIelse\fR part is likewise optional. (The words
+\fIelse\fR and \fIendif\fR must appear at the beginning of input lines;
+the \fIif\fR must appear alone on its input line or after an
+.TP 8
+.B inlib \fIshared-library\fR ... (+)
+Adds each \fIshared-library\fR to the current environment. There is no way
+to remove a shared library. (Domain/OS only)
+.TP 8
+.B jobs \fR[\fB\-l\fR]
+Lists the active jobs. With \fB\-l\fR, lists process
+IDs in addition to the normal information. On TCF systems, prints
+the site on which each job is executing.
+.PD 0
+.TP 8
+.B kill \fR[\fB\-s \fIsignal\fR] \fB%\fIjob\fR|\fIpid\fR ...
+.PD 0
+.TP 8
+.B kill \-l
+The first and second forms sends the specified \fIsignal\fR (or, if none
+is given, the TERM (terminate) signal) to the specified jobs or processes.
+\fIjob\fR may be a number, a string, `', `%', `+' or `\-' as described
+under \fBJobs\fR.
+Signals are either given by number or by name (as given in
+\fI/usr/include/signal.h\fR, stripped of the prefix `SIG').
+There is no default \fIjob\fR; saying just `kill' does not send a signal
+to the current job. If the signal being sent is TERM (terminate)
+or HUP (hangup), then the job or process is sent a
+CONT (continue) signal as well.
+The third form lists the signal names.
+.TP 8
+.B limit \fR[\fB\-h\fR] [\fIresource\fR [\fImaximum-use\fR]]
+Limits the consumption by the current process and each
+process it creates to not individually exceed \fImaximum-use\fR on
+the specified \fIresource\fR. If no \fImaximum-use\fR is given, then
+the current limit is printed; if no \fIresource\fR is given, then
+all limitations are given. If the \fB\-h\fR flag is given, the
+hard limits are used instead of the current limits. The
+hard limits impose a ceiling on the values of the current
+limits. Only the super-user may raise the hard limits, but
+a user may lower or raise the current limits within the legal range.
+.RS +8
+Controllable resources currently include (if supported by the OS):
+the maximum number of cpu-seconds to be used by each process
+the largest single file which can be created
+the maximum growth of the data+stack region via sbrk(2) beyond
+the end of the program text
+the maximum size of the automatically-extended stack region
+the size of the largest core dump that will be created
+the maximum amount of physical memory a process
+may have allocated to it at a given time
+the maximum amount of virtual memory a process
+may have allocated to it at a given time (address space)
+the maximum amount of virtual memory a process
+may have allocated to it at a given time
+the maximum amount of memory a process
+may allocate per \fIbrk()\fR system call
+\fIdescriptors\fR or \fIopenfiles\fR
+the maximum number of open files for this process
+the maximum number of threads for this process
+the maximum size which a process may lock into memory using mlock(2)
+the maximum number of simultaneous processes for this user id
+the maximum size of socket buffer usage for this user
+the maximum amount of swap space reserved or used for this user
+the maximum number of locks for this user
+the maximum number of pending signals for this user
+the maximum number of bytes in POSIX mqueues for this user
+the maximum nice priority the user is allowed to raise mapped from [19...-20]
+to [0...39] for this user
+the maximum realtime priority for this user
+the timeout for RT tasks in microseconds for this user.
+\fImaximum-use\fR may be given as a (floating point or
+integer) number followed by a scale factor. For all limits
+other than \fIcputime\fR the default scale is `k' or `kilobytes'
+(1024 bytes); a scale factor of `m' or `megabytes' or `g' or `gigabytes'
+may also be used. For \fIcputime\fR the default scaling is `seconds',
+while `m' for minutes or `h' for hours, or a time of the
+form `mm:ss' giving minutes and seconds may be used.
+If \fImaximum-use\fR is `unlimited',
+then the limitation on the specified \fIresource\fR
+is removed (this is equivalent to the \fIunlimit\fR builtin command).
+For both \fIresource\fR names and scale factors, unambiguous
+prefixes of the names suffice.
+.TP 8
+.B log \fR(+)
+Prints the \fBwatch\fR shell variable and reports on each user indicated
+in \fBwatch\fR who is logged in, regardless of when they last logged in.
+See also \fIwatchlog\fR.
+.TP 8
+.B login
+Terminates a login shell, replacing it with an instance of
+\fI/bin/login\fR. This is one way to log off, included for
+compatibility with \fIsh\fR(1).
+.TP 8
+.B logout
+Terminates a login shell. Especially useful if \fBignoreeof\fR is set.
+.TP 8
+.B ls\-F \fR[\-\fIswitch\fR ...] [\fIfile\fR ...] (+)
+Lists files like `ls \-F', but much faster. It identifies each type of
+special file in the listing with a special character:
+.RS +8
+.PD 0
+.TP 4
+.TP 4
+.TP 4
+Block device
+.TP 4
+Character device
+.TP 4
+Named pipe (systems with named pipes only)
+.TP 4
+Socket (systems with sockets only)
+.TP 4
+Symbolic link (systems with symbolic links only)
+.TP 4
+Hidden directory (AIX only) or context dependent (HP/UX only)
+.TP 4
+Network special (HP/UX only)
+If the \fBlistlinks\fR shell variable is set, symbolic links are identified
+in more detail (on only systems that have them, of course):
+.PD 0
+.TP 4
+Symbolic link to a non-directory
+.TP 4
+Symbolic link to a directory
+.TP 4
+Symbolic link to nowhere
+\fBlistlinks\fR also slows down \fIls\-F\fR and causes partitions holding
+files pointed to by symbolic links to be mounted.
+If the \fBlistflags\fR shell variable is set to `x', `a' or `A', or any
+combination thereof (e.g., `xA'), they are used as flags to \fIls\-F\fR,
+making it act like `ls \-xF', `ls \-Fa', `ls \-FA' or a combination
+(e.g., `ls \-FxA').
+On machines where `ls \-C' is not the default, \fIls\-F\fR acts like `ls \-CF',
+unless \fBlistflags\fR contains an `x', in which case it acts like `ls \-xF'.
+\fIls\-F\fR passes its arguments to \fIls\fR(1) if it is given any switches,
+so `alias ls ls\-F' generally does the right thing.
+The \fBls\-F\fR builtin can list files using different colors depending on the
+filetype or extension. See the \fBcolor\fR shell variable and the
+\fBLS_COLORS\fR environment variable.
+.B migrate \fR[\fB\-\fIsite\fR] \fIpid\fR|\fB%\fIjobid\fR ... (+)
+.PD 0
+.TP 8
+.B migrate \-\fIsite\fR (+)
+The first form migrates the process or job to the site specified or the
+default site determined by the system path.
+The second form is equivalent to `migrate \-\fIsite\fR $$': it migrates the
+current process to the specified site. Migrating the shell
+itself can cause unexpected behavior, because the shell
+does not like to lose its tty. (TCF only)
+.TP 8
+.B newgrp \fR[\fB\-\fR] \fI[group]\fR (+)
+Equivalent to `exec newgrp'; see \fInewgrp\fR(1).
+Available only if the shell was so compiled;
+see the \fBversion\fR shell variable.
+.TP 8
+.B nice \fR[\fB+\fInumber\fR] [\fIcommand\fR]
+Sets the scheduling priority for the shell to \fInumber\fR, or, without
+\fInumber\fR, to 4. With \fIcommand\fR, runs \fIcommand\fR at the appropriate
+The greater the \fInumber\fR, the less cpu
+the process gets. The super-user may specify negative
+priority by using `nice \-number ...'. Command is always
+executed in a sub-shell, and the restrictions placed on
+commands in simple \fIif\fR statements apply.
+.TP 8
+.B nohup \fR[\fIcommand\fR]
+With \fIcommand\fR, runs \fIcommand\fR such that it will ignore hangup signals.
+Note that commands may set their own response to hangups, overriding \fInohup\fR.
+Without an argument, causes the non-interactive shell only to
+ignore hangups for the remainder of the script.
+See also \fBSignal handling\fR and the \fIhup\fR builtin command.
+.TP 8
+.B notify \fR[\fB%\fIjob\fR ...]
+Causes the shell to notify the user asynchronously when the status of any
+of the specified jobs (or, without %\fIjob\fR, the current job) changes,
+instead of waiting until the next prompt as is usual.
+\fIjob\fR may be a number, a string, `', `%', `+' or `\-' as described
+under \fBJobs\fR.
+See also the \fBnotify\fR shell variable.
+.TP 8
+.B onintr \fR[\fB\-\fR|\fIlabel\fR]
+Controls the action of the shell on interrupts. Without arguments,
+restores the default action of the shell on interrupts,
+which is to terminate shell scripts or to return to the
+terminal command input level.
+With `\-', causes all interrupts to be ignored.
+With \fIlabel\fR, causes the shell to execute a `goto \fIlabel\fR'
+when an interrupt is received or a child process terminates because it was
+.IP "" 8
+\fIonintr\fR is ignored if the shell is running detached and in system
+startup files (see \fBFILES\fR), where interrupts are disabled anyway.
+.TP 8
+.B popd \fR[\fB\-p\fR] [\fB\-l\fR] [\fB\-n\fR|\fB\-v\fR] \fR[\fB+\fIn\fR]
+Without arguments, pops the directory stack and returns to the new top directory.
+With a number `+\fIn\fR', discards the \fIn\fR'th entry in the stack.
+.IP "" 8
+Finally, all forms of \fIpopd\fR print the final directory stack,
+just like \fIdirs\fR. The \fBpushdsilent\fR shell variable can be set to
+prevent this and the \fB\-p\fR flag can be given to override \fBpushdsilent\fR.
+The \fB\-l\fR, \fB\-n\fR and \fB\-v\fR flags have the same effect on \fIpopd\fR
+as on \fIdirs\fR. (+)
+.TP 8
+.B printenv \fR[\fIname\fR] (+)
+Prints the names and values of all environment variables or,
+with \fIname\fR, the value of the environment variable \fIname\fR.
+.TP 8
+.B pushd \fR[\fB\-p\fR] [\fB\-l\fR] [\fB\-n\fR|\fB\-v\fR] [\fIname\fR|\fB+\fIn\fR]
+Without arguments, exchanges the top two elements of the directory stack.
+If \fBpushdtohome\fR is set, \fIpushd\fR without arguments does `pushd ~',
+like \fIcd\fR. (+)
+With \fIname\fR, pushes the current working directory onto the directory
+stack and changes to \fIname\fR.
+If \fIname\fR is `\-' it is interpreted as the previous working directory
+(see \fBFilename substitution\fR). (+)
+If \fBdunique\fR is set, \fIpushd\fR removes any instances of \fIname\fR
+from the stack before pushing it onto the stack. (+)
+With a number `+\fIn\fR', rotates the \fIn\fRth element of the
+directory stack around to be the top element and changes to it.
+If \fBdextract\fR is set, however, `pushd +\fIn\fR' extracts the \fIn\fRth
+directory, pushes it onto the top of the stack and changes to it. (+)
+.IP "" 8
+Finally, all forms of \fIpushd\fR print the final directory stack,
+just like \fIdirs\fR. The \fBpushdsilent\fR shell variable can be set to
+prevent this and the \fB\-p\fR flag can be given to override \fBpushdsilent\fR.
+The \fB\-l\fR, \fB\-n\fR and \fB\-v\fR flags have the same effect on \fIpushd\fR
+as on \fIdirs\fR. (+)
+.TP 8
+.B rehash
+Causes the internal hash table of the contents of the
+directories in the \fBpath\fR variable to be recomputed. This is
+needed if the \fBautorehash\fR shell variable is not set and new
+commands are added to directories in \fBpath\fR while you are logged
+in. With \fBautorehash\fR, a new command will be found
+automatically, except in the special case where another command of
+the same name which is located in a different directory already
+exists in the hash table. Also flushes the cache of home directories
+built by tilde expansion.
+.TP 8
+.B repeat \fIcount command
+The specified \fIcommand\fR,
+which is subject to the same restrictions as the \fIcommand\fR
+in the one line \fIif\fR statement above, is executed \fIcount\fR times.
+I/O redirections occur exactly once, even if \fIcount\fR is 0.
+.TP 8
+.B rootnode //\fInodename \fR(+)
+Changes the rootnode to //\fInodename\fR, so that `/' will be interpreted
+as `//\fInodename\fR'. (Domain/OS only)
+.B sched \fR(+)
+.B sched \fR[\fB+\fR]\fIhh:mm command\fR \fR(+)
+.PD 0
+.TP 8
+.B sched \-\fIn\fR (+)
+The first form prints the scheduled-event list.
+The \fBsched\fR shell variable may be set to define the format in which
+the scheduled-event list is printed.
+The second form adds \fIcommand\fR to the scheduled-event list.
+For example,
+.RS +8
+.IP "" 4
+> sched 11:00 echo It\\'s eleven o\\'clock.
+causes the shell to echo `It's eleven o'clock.' at 11 AM.
+The time may be in 12-hour AM/PM format
+.IP "" 4
+> sched 5pm set prompt='[%h] It\\'s after 5; go home: >'
+or may be relative to the current time:
+.IP "" 4
+> sched +2:15 /usr/lib/uucp/uucico \-r1 \-sother
+A relative time specification may not use AM/PM format.
+The third form removes item \fIn\fR from the event list:
+.IP "" 4
+> sched
+ 1 Wed Apr 4 15:42 /usr/lib/uucp/uucico \-r1 \-sother
+ 2 Wed Apr 4 17:00 set prompt=[%h] It's after 5; go home: >
+> sched \-2
+> sched
+ 1 Wed Apr 4 15:42 /usr/lib/uucp/uucico \-r1 \-sother
+A command in the scheduled-event list is executed just before the first
+prompt is printed after the time when the command is scheduled.
+It is possible to miss the exact time when the command is to be run, but
+an overdue command will execute at the next prompt.
+A command which comes due while the shell
+is waiting for user input is executed immediately.
+However, normal operation of an already-running command will not
+be interrupted so that a scheduled-event list element may be run.
+This mechanism is similar to, but not the same as, the \fIat\fR(1)
+command on some Unix systems.
+Its major disadvantage is that it may not run a command at exactly the
+specified time.
+Its major advantage is that because \fIsched\fR runs directly from
+the shell, it has access to shell variables and other structures.
+This provides a mechanism for changing one's working environment
+based on the time of day.
+.B set
+.B set \fIname\fR ...
+.B set \fIname\fR\fB=\fIword\fR ...
+.B set [\-r] [\-f|\-l] \fIname\fR\fB=(\fIwordlist\fB)\fR ... (+)
+.B set \fIname[index]\fR\fB=\fIword\fR ...
+.B set \-r \fR(+)
+.B set \-r \fIname\fR ... (+)
+.PD 0
+.TP 8
+.B set \-r \fIname\fR\fB=\fIword\fR ... (+)
+The first form of the command prints the value of all shell variables.
+Variables which contain more than a single word print as a
+parenthesized word list.
+The second form sets \fIname\fR to the null string.
+The third form sets \fIname\fR to the single \fIword\fR.
+The fourth form sets \fIname\fR to the list of words in
+\fIwordlist\fR. In all cases the value is command and filename expanded.
+If \fB\-r\fR is specified, the value is set read-only. If \fB\-f\fR or
+\fB\-l\fR are specified, set only unique words keeping their order.
+\fB\-f\fR prefers the first occurrence of a word, and \fB\-l\fR the last.
+The fifth form sets the \fIindex\fR'th component of \fIname\fR to \fIword\fR;
+this component must already exist.
+The sixth form lists only the names of all shell variables that are read-only.
+The seventh form makes \fIname\fR read-only, whether or not it has a value.
+The eighth form is the same as the third form, but
+make \fIname\fR read-only at the same time.
+.IP "" 8
+These arguments can be repeated to set and/or make read-only multiple variables
+in a single set command. Note, however, that variable expansion
+happens for all arguments before any setting occurs. Note also that `=' can
+be adjacent to both \fIname\fR and \fIword\fR or separated from both by
+whitespace, but cannot be adjacent to only one or the other.
+See also the \fIunset\fR builtin command.
+.TP 8
+.B setenv \fR[\fIname \fR[\fIvalue\fR]]
+Without arguments, prints the names and values of all environment variables.
+Given \fIname\fR, sets the environment variable \fIname\fR to \fIvalue\fR
+or, without \fIvalue\fR, to the null string.
+.TP 8
+.B setpath \fIpath \fR(+)
+Equivalent to \fIsetpath\fR(1). (Mach only)
+.TP 8
+.B setspath\fR LOCAL|\fIsite\fR|\fIcpu\fR ... (+)
+Sets the system execution path. (TCF only)
+.TP 8
+.B settc \fIcap value \fR(+)
+Tells the shell to believe that the terminal capability \fIcap\fR
+(as defined in \fItermcap\fR(5)) has the value \fIvalue\fR.
+No sanity checking is done.
+Concept terminal users may have to `settc xn no' to get proper
+wrapping at the rightmost column.
+.TP 8
+.B setty \fR[\fB\-d\fR|\fB\-q\fR|\fB\-x\fR] [\fB\-a\fR] [[\fB+\fR|\fB\-\fR]\fImode\fR] (+)
+Controls which tty modes (see \fBTerminal management\fR)
+the shell does not allow to change.
+\fB\-d\fR, \fB\-q\fR or \fB\-x\fR tells \fIsetty\fR to act
+on the `edit', `quote' or `execute' set of tty modes respectively; without
+\fB\-d\fR, \fB\-q\fR or \fB\-x\fR, `execute' is used.
+.IP "" 8
+Without other arguments, \fIsetty\fR lists the modes in the chosen set
+which are fixed on (`+mode') or off (`\-mode').
+The available modes, and thus the display, vary from system to system.
+With \fB\-a\fR, lists all tty modes in the chosen set
+whether or not they are fixed.
+With \fB+\fImode\fR, \fB\-\fImode\fR or \fImode\fR, fixes \fImode\fR on or off
+or removes control from \fImode\fR in the chosen set.
+For example, `setty +echok echoe' fixes `echok' mode on and allows commands
+to turn `echoe' mode on or off, both when the shell is executing commands.
+.TP 8
+.B setxvers\fR [\fIstring\fR] (+)
+Set the experimental version prefix to \fIstring\fR, or removes it
+if \fIstring\fR is omitted. (TCF only)
+.TP 8
+.B shift \fR[\fIvariable\fR]
+Without arguments, discards \fBargv\fR[1] and shifts the members of
+\fBargv\fR to the left. It is an error for \fBargv\fR not to be set or to have
+less than one word as value. With \fIvariable\fR, performs the
+same function on \fIvariable\fR.
+.TP 8
+.B source \fR[\fB\-h\fR] \fIname\fR [\fIargs\fR ...]
+The shell reads and executes commands from \fIname\fR.
+The commands are not placed on the history list.
+If any \fIargs\fR are given, they are placed in \fBargv\fR. (+)
+\fIsource\fR commands may be nested;
+if they are nested too deeply the shell may run out of file descriptors.
+An error in a \fIsource\fR at any level terminates all nested
+\fIsource\fR commands.
+With \fB\-h\fR, commands are placed on the history list instead of being
+executed, much like `history \-L'.
+.TP 8
+.B stop \fB%\fIjob\fR|\fIpid\fR ...
+Stops the specified jobs or processes which are executing in the background.
+\fIjob\fR may be a number, a string, `', `%', `+' or `\-' as described
+under \fBJobs\fR.
+There is no default \fIjob\fR; saying just `stop' does not stop
+the current job.
+.TP 8
+.B suspend
+Causes the shell to stop in its tracks, much as if it had
+been sent a stop signal with \fB^Z\fR. This is most often used to
+stop shells started by \fIsu\fR(1).
+.B switch (\fIstring\fB)
+.B case \fIstr1\fB:
+.PD 0
+.IP "" 4
+.B breaksw
+.B default:
+.IP "" 4
+.B breaksw
+.TP 8
+.B endsw
+Each case label is successively matched, against the
+specified \fIstring\fR which is first command and filename expanded.
+The file metacharacters `*', `?' and `[...]' may be used
+in the case labels, which are variable expanded. If none
+of the labels match before a `default' label is found, then
+the execution begins after the default label. Each case
+label and the default label must appear at the beginning of
+a line. The command \fIbreaksw\fR causes execution to continue
+after the \fIendsw\fR. Otherwise control may fall through case
+labels and default labels as in C. If no label matches and
+there is no default, execution continues after the \fIendsw\fR.
+.TP 8
+.B telltc \fR(+)
+Lists the values of all terminal capabilities (see \fItermcap\fR(5)).
+.TP 8
+.B termname \fR[\fIterminal type\fR] \fR(+)
+Tests if \fIterminal type\fR (or the current value of \fBTERM\fR if no
+\fIterminal type\fR is given) has an entry in the hosts termcap(5) or
+terminfo(5) database. Prints the terminal type to stdout and returns 0
+if an entry is present otherwise returns 1.
+.TP 8
+.B time \fR[\fIcommand\fR]
+Executes \fIcommand\fR (which must be a simple command, not an alias,
+a pipeline, a command list or a parenthesized command list)
+and prints a time summary as described under the \fBtime\fR variable.
+If necessary, an extra shell is created to print the time statistic when
+the command completes.
+Without \fIcommand\fR, prints a time summary for the current shell and its
+.TP 8
+.B umask \fR[\fIvalue\fR]
+Sets the file creation mask to \fIvalue\fR, which is given in octal.
+Common values for the mask are
+002, giving all access to the group and read and execute access to others, and
+022, giving read and execute access to the group and others.
+Without \fIvalue\fR, prints the current file creation mask.
+.TP 8
+.B unalias \fIpattern\fR
+Removes all aliases whose names match \fIpattern\fR.
+`unalias *' thus removes all aliases.
+It is not an error for nothing to be \fIunalias\fRed.
+.TP 8
+.B uncomplete \fIpattern\fR (+)
+Removes all completions whose names match \fIpattern\fR.
+`uncomplete *' thus removes all completions.
+It is not an error for nothing to be \fIuncomplete\fRd.
+.TP 8
+.B unhash
+Disables use of the internal hash table to speed location of
+executed programs.
+.TP 8
+.B universe \fIuniverse\fR (+)
+Sets the universe to \fIuniverse\fR. (Masscomp/RTU only)
+.TP 8
+.B unlimit \fR[\fB\-hf\fR] [\fIresource\fR]
+Removes the limitation on \fIresource\fR or, if no \fIresource\fR is
+specified, all \fIresource\fR limitations.
+With \fB\-h\fR, the corresponding hard limits are removed.
+Only the super-user may do this.
+Note that \fBunlimit\fR may not exit successful, since most systems
+do not allow \fIdescriptors\fR to be unlimited.
+With \fB\-f\fR errors are ignored.
+.TP 8
+.B unset \fIpattern
+Removes all variables whose names match \fIpattern\fR, unless they are read-only.
+`unset *' thus removes all variables unless they are read-only;
+this is a bad idea.
+It is not an error for nothing to be \fIunset\fR.
+.TP 8
+.B unsetenv \fIpattern
+Removes all environment variables whose names match \fIpattern\fR.
+`unsetenv *' thus removes all environment variables;
+this is a bad idea.
+It is not an error for nothing to be \fIunsetenv\fRed.
+.TP 8
+.B ver \fR[\fIsystype\fR [\fIcommand\fR]] (+)
+Without arguments, prints \fBSYSTYPE\fR. With \fIsystype\fR, sets \fBSYSTYPE\fR
+to \fIsystype\fR. With \fIsystype\fR and \fIcommand\fR, executes \fIcommand\fR
+under \fIsystype\fR. \fIsystype\fR may be `bsd4.3' or `sys5.3'.
+(Domain/OS only)
+.TP 8
+.B wait
+The shell waits for all background jobs. If the shell is interactive, an
+interrupt will disrupt the wait and cause the shell to print the names and job
+numbers of all outstanding jobs.
+.TP 8
+.B warp \fIuniverse\fR (+)
+Sets the universe to \fIuniverse\fR. (Convex/OS only)
+.TP 8
+.B watchlog \fR(+)
+An alternate name for the \fIlog\fR builtin command (q.v.).
+Available only if the shell was so compiled;
+see the \fBversion\fR shell variable.
+.TP 8
+.B where \fIcommand\fR (+)
+Reports all known instances of \fIcommand\fR, including aliases, builtins and
+executables in \fBpath\fR.
+.TP 8
+.B which\fR \fIcommand\fR (+)
+Displays the command that will be executed by the shell after substitutions,
+\fBpath\fR searching, etc.
+The builtin command is just like \fIwhich\fR(1), but it correctly reports
+\fItcsh\fR aliases and builtins and is 10 to 100 times faster.
+See also the \fIwhich-command\fR editor command.
+.B while (\fIexpr\fB)\fR
+.PD 0
+.TP 8
+.B end
+Executes the commands between the \fIwhile\fR and the matching \fIend\fR
+while \fIexpr\fR (an expression, as described under \fBExpressions\fR)
+evaluates non-zero.
+\fIwhile\fR and \fIend\fR must appear alone on their input lines.
+\fIbreak\fR and \fIcontinue\fR may be used to terminate or continue the
+loop prematurely.
+If the input is a terminal, the user is prompted the first time
+through the loop as with \fIforeach\fR.
+.SS "Special aliases (+)"
+If set, each of these aliases executes automatically at the indicated time.
+They are all initially undefined.
+.TP 8
+.B beepcmd
+Runs when the shell wants to ring the terminal bell.
+.TP 8
+.B cwdcmd
+Runs after every change of working directory. For example, if the user is
+working on an X window system using \fIxterm\fR(1) and a re-parenting window
+manager that supports title bars such as \fItwm\fR(1) and does
+.RS +8
+.IP "" 4
+> alias cwdcmd 'echo \-n "^[]2;${HOST}:$cwd ^G"'
+then the shell will change the title of the running \fIxterm\fR(1)
+to be the name of the host, a colon, and the full current working directory.
+A fancier way to do that is
+.IP "" 4
+> alias cwdcmd 'echo \-n "^[]2;${HOST}:$cwd^G^[]1;${HOST}^G"'
+This will put the hostname and working directory on the title bar but
+only the hostname in the icon manager menu.
+Note that putting a \fIcd\fR, \fIpushd\fR or \fIpopd\fR in \fIcwdcmd\fR
+may cause an infinite loop. It is the author's opinion that anyone doing
+so will get what they deserve.
+.TP 8
+.B jobcmd
+Runs before each command gets executed, or when the command changes state.
+This is similar to \fIpostcmd\fR, but it does not print builtins.
+.RS +8
+.IP "" 4
+> alias jobcmd 'echo \-n "^[]2\e;\e!#:q^G"'
+then executing \fIvi foo.c\fR will put the command string in the xterm title bar.
+.TP 8
+.B helpcommand
+Invoked by the \fBrun-help\fR editor command. The command name for which help
+is sought is passed as sole argument.
+For example, if one does
+.RS +8
+.IP "" 4
+> alias helpcommand '\e!:1 --help'
+then the help display of the command itself will be invoked, using the GNU
+help calling convention.
+Currently there is no easy way to account for various calling conventions (e.g.,
+the customary Unix `-h'), except by using a table of many commands.
+.TP 8
+.B periodic
+Runs every \fBtperiod\fR minutes. This provides a convenient means for
+checking on common but infrequent changes such as new mail. For example,
+if one does
+.RS +8
+.IP "" 4
+> set tperiod = 30
+> alias periodic checknews
+then the \fIchecknews\fR(1) program runs every 30 minutes.
+If \fIperiodic\fR is set but \fBtperiod\fR is unset or set to 0,
+\fIperiodic\fR behaves like \fIprecmd\fR.
+.TP 8
+.B precmd
+Runs just before each prompt is printed. For example, if one does
+.RS +8
+.IP "" 4
+> alias precmd date
+then \fIdate\fR(1) runs just before the shell prompts for each command.
+There are no limits on what \fIprecmd\fR can be set to do, but discretion
+should be used.
+.TP 8
+.B postcmd
+Runs before each command gets executed.
+.RS +8
+.IP "" 4
+> alias postcmd 'echo \-n "^[]2\e;\e!#:q^G"'
+then executing \fIvi foo.c\fR will put the command string in the xterm title bar.
+.TP 8
+.B shell
+Specifies the interpreter for executable scripts which do not themselves
+specify an interpreter. The first word should be a full path name to the
+desired interpreter (e.g., `/bin/csh' or `/usr/local/bin/tcsh').
+.SS "Special shell variables"
+The variables described in this section have special meaning to the shell.
+The shell sets \fBaddsuffix\fR, \fBargv\fR, \fBautologout\fR, \fBcsubstnonl\fR, \fBcommand\fR, \fBecho_style\fR,
+\fBedit\fR, \fBgid\fR, \fBgroup\fR, \fBhome\fR, \fBloginsh\fR, \fBoid\fR, \fBpath\fR,
+\fBprompt\fR, \fBprompt2\fR, \fBprompt3\fR, \fBshell\fR, \fBshlvl\fR,
+\fBtcsh\fR, \fBterm\fR, \fBtty\fR, \fBuid\fR, \fBuser\fR and \fBversion\fR at
+startup; they do not change thereafter unless changed by the user. The shell
+updates \fBcwd\fR, \fBdirstack\fR, \fBowd\fR and \fBstatus\fR when necessary,
+and sets \fBlogout\fR on logout.
+The shell synchronizes \fBgroup\fR, \fBhome\fR, \fBpath\fR, \fBshlvl\fR,
+\fBterm\fR and \fBuser\fR with the environment variables of the same names:
+whenever the environment variable changes the shell changes the corresponding
+shell variable to match (unless the shell variable is read-only) and vice
+versa. Note that although \fBcwd\fR and \fBPWD\fR have identical meanings, they
+are not synchronized in this manner, and that the shell automatically
+interconverts the different formats of \fBpath\fR and \fBPATH\fR.
+.TP 8
+.B addsuffix \fR(+)
+If set, filename completion adds `/' to the end of directories and a space
+to the end of normal files when they are matched exactly.
+Set by default.
+.TP 8
+.B afsuser \fR(+)
+If set, \fBautologout\fR's autolock feature uses its value instead of
+the local username for kerberos authentication.
+.TP 8
+.B ampm \fR(+)
+If set, all times are shown in 12-hour AM/PM format.
+.TP 8
+.B argv
+The arguments to the shell. Positional parameters are taken from \fBargv\fR,
+i.e., `$1' is replaced by `$argv[1]', etc.
+Set by default, but usually empty in interactive shells.
+.TP 8
+.B autocorrect \fR(+)
+If set, the \fIspell-word\fR editor command is invoked automatically before
+each completion attempt.
+.TP 8
+.B autoexpand \fR(+)
+If set, the \fIexpand-history\fR editor command is invoked automatically
+before each completion attempt. If this is set to \fIonlyhistory\fR, then
+only history will be expanded and a second completion will expand filenames.
+.TP 8
+.B autolist \fR(+)
+If set, possibilities are listed after an ambiguous completion.
+If set to `ambiguous', possibilities are listed only when no new
+characters are added by completion.
+.TP 8
+.B autologout \fR(+)
+The first word is the number of minutes of inactivity before automatic
+logout. The optional second word is the number of minutes of inactivity
+before automatic locking.
+When the shell automatically logs out, it prints `auto-logout', sets the
+variable \fBlogout\fR to `automatic' and exits.
+When the shell automatically locks, the user is required to enter his password
+to continue working. Five incorrect attempts result in automatic logout.
+Set to `60' (automatic logout after 60 minutes, and no locking) by default
+in login and superuser shells, but not if the shell thinks it is running
+under a window system (i.e., the \fBDISPLAY\fR environment variable is set),
+the tty is a pseudo-tty (pty) or the shell was not so compiled (see the
+\fBversion\fR shell variable).
+See also the \fBafsuser\fR and \fBlogout\fR shell variables.
+.TP 8
+.B autorehash \fR(+)
+If set, the internal hash table of the contents of the directories in the
+\fBpath\fR variable will be recomputed if a command is not found in the hash
+table. In addition, the list of available commands will be rebuilt for each
+command completion or spelling correction attempt if set to `complete' or
+`correct' respectively; if set to `always', this will be done for both
+.TP 8
+.B backslash_quote \fR(+)
+If set, backslashes (`\\') always quote `\\', `'', and `"'. This may make
+complex quoting tasks easier, but it can cause syntax errors in \fIcsh\fR(1)
+.TP 8
+.B catalog
+The file name of the message catalog.
+If set, tcsh use `tcsh.${catalog}' as a message catalog instead of
+default `tcsh'.
+.TP 8
+.B cdpath
+A list of directories in which \fIcd\fR should search for
+subdirectories if they aren't found in the current directory.
+.TP 8
+.B color
+If set, it enables color display for the builtin \fBls\-F\fR and it passes
+\fB\-\-color=auto\fR to \fBls\fR. Alternatively, it can be set to only
+\fBls\-F\fR or only \fBls\fR to enable color to only one command. Setting
+it to nothing is equivalent to setting it to \fB(ls\-F ls)\fR.
+.TP 8
+.B colorcat
+If set, it enables color escape sequence for NLS message files.
+And display colorful NLS messages.
+.TP 8
+.B command \fR(+)
+If set, the command which was passed to the shell with the \fB-c\fR flag (q.v.).
+.TP 8
+.B compat_expr \fR(+)
+If set, the shell will evaluate expressions right to left, like the original
+.TP 8
+.B complete \fR(+)
+If set to `igncase', the completion becomes case insensitive.
+If set to `enhance', completion ignores case and considers
+hyphens and underscores to be equivalent; it will also treat
+periods, hyphens and underscores (`.', `\-' and `_') as word
+If set to `Enhance', completion matches uppercase and underscore
+characters explicitly and matches lowercase and hyphens in a
+case-insensivite manner; it will treat periods, hypens and underscores
+as word separators.
+.TP 8
+.B continue \fR(+)
+If set to a list of commands, the shell will continue the listed
+commands, instead of starting a new one.
+.TP 8
+.B continue_args \fR(+)
+Same as continue, but the shell will execute:
+.RS +8
+.IP "" 4
+echo `pwd` $argv > ~/.<cmd>_pause; %<cmd>
+.TP 8
+.B correct \fR(+)
+If set to `cmd', commands are automatically spelling-corrected.
+If set to `complete', commands are automatically completed.
+If set to `all', the entire command line is corrected.
+.TP 8
+.B csubstnonl \fR(+)
+If set, newlines and carriage returns in command substitution are
+replaced by spaces. Set by default.
+.TP 8
+.B cwd
+The full pathname of the current directory.
+See also the \fBdirstack\fR and \fBowd\fR shell variables.
+.TP 8
+.B dextract \fR(+)
+If set, `pushd +\fIn\fR' extracts the \fIn\fRth directory from the directory
+stack rather than rotating it to the top.
+.TP 8
+.B dirsfile \fR(+)
+The default location in which `dirs \-S' and `dirs \-L' look for
+a history file. If unset, \fI~/.cshdirs\fR is used.
+Because only \fI~/.tcshrc\fR is normally sourced before \fI~/.cshdirs\fR,
+\fBdirsfile\fR should be set in \fI~/.tcshrc\fR rather than \fI~/.login\fR.
+.TP 8
+.B dirstack \fR(+)
+An array of all the directories on the directory stack.
+`$dirstack[1]' is the current working directory, `$dirstack[2]'
+the first directory on the stack, etc.
+Note that the current working directory is `$dirstack[1]' but `=0' in
+directory stack substitutions, etc.
+One can change the stack arbitrarily by setting \fBdirstack\fR,
+but the first element (the current working directory) is always correct.
+See also the \fBcwd\fR and \fBowd\fR shell variables.
+.TP 8
+.B dspmbyte \fR(+)
+Has an effect iff 'dspm' is listed as part of the \fBversion\fR shell variable.
+If set to `euc', it enables display and editing EUC-kanji(Japanese) code.
+If set to `sjis', it enables display and editing Shift-JIS(Japanese) code.
+If set to `big5', it enables display and editing Big5(Chinese) code.
+If set to `utf8', it enables display and editing Utf8(Unicode) code.
+If set to the following format, it enables display and editing of original
+multi-byte code format:
+.RS +8
+.IP "" 4
+> set dspmbyte = 0000....(256 bytes)....0000
+The table requires \fBjust\fR 256 bytes. Each character of 256 characters
+corresponds (from left to right) to the ASCII codes 0x00, 0x01, ... 0xff. Each
+.\" (position in this table?)
+is set to number 0,1,2 and 3. Each number has the following meaning:
+ 0 ... not used for multi-byte characters.
+ 1 ... used for the first byte of a multi-byte character.
+ 2 ... used for the second byte of a multi-byte character.
+ 3 ... used for both the first byte and second byte of a multi-byte character.
+.\" SHK: I tried my best to get the following to be grammatically correct.
+.\" However, I still don't understand what's going on here. In the
+.\" following example, there are three bytes, but the text seems to refer to
+.\" each nybble as a character. What's going on here? It this 3-byte code
+.\" in the table? The text above seems to imply that there are 256
+.\" characters/bytes in the table. If I get some more info on this (perhaps
+.\" a complete example), I could fix the text to be grammatically correct.
+.\" ( 1999/09/13)
+ Example:
+If set to `001322', the first character (means 0x00 of the ASCII code) and
+second character (means 0x01 of ASCII code) are set to `0'. Then, it is not
+used for multi-byte characters. The 3rd character (0x02) is set to '1',
+indicating that it is used for the first byte of a multi-byte character.
+The 4th character(0x03) is set '3'. It is used for both the first byte and
+the second byte of a multi-byte character. The 5th and 6th characters
+(0x04,0x05) are set to '2', indicating that they are used for the second
+byte of a multi-byte character.
+The GNU fileutils version of ls cannot display multi-byte
+filenames without the -N ( --literal ) option. If you are using
+this version, set the second word of dspmbyte to "ls". If not, for
+example, "ls-F -l" cannot display multi-byte filenames.
+ Note:
+This variable can only be used if KANJI and DSPMBYTE has been defined at
+compile time.
+.TP 8
+.B dunique \fR(+)
+If set, \fIpushd\fR removes any instances of \fIname\fR
+from the stack before pushing it onto the stack.
+.TP 8
+.B echo
+If set, each command with its arguments is echoed just before it is
+executed. For non-builtin commands all expansions occur before
+echoing. Builtin commands are echoed before command and filename
+substitution, because these substitutions are then done selectively.
+Set by the \fB\-x\fR command line option.
+.TP 8
+.B echo_style \fR(+)
+The style of the \fIecho\fR builtin. May be set to
+.RS +8
+.PD 0
+.TP 8
+Don't echo a newline if the first argument is `\-n'.
+.TP 8
+Recognize backslashed escape sequences in echo strings.
+.TP 8
+Recognize both the `\-n' flag and backslashed escape sequences; the default.
+.TP 8
+Recognize neither.
+Set by default to the local system default. The BSD and System V
+options are described in the \fIecho\fR(1) man pages on the appropriate
+.TP 8
+.B edit \fR(+)
+If set, the command-line editor is used. Set by default in interactive
+.TP 8
+.B ellipsis \fR(+)
+If set, the `%c'/`%.' and `%C' prompt sequences (see the \fBprompt\fR
+shell variable) indicate skipped directories with an ellipsis (`...')
+instead of `/<skipped>'.
+.TP 8
+.B euid \fR(+)
+The user's effective user ID.
+.TP 8
+.B euser \fR(+)
+The first matching passwd entry name corresponding to the effective user ID.
+.TP 8
+.B fignore \fR(+)
+Lists file name suffixes to be ignored by completion.
+.TP 8
+.B filec
+In \fItcsh\fR, completion is always used and this variable is ignored
+by default. If
+.B edit
+is unset, then the traditional \fIcsh\fR completion is used.
+If set in \fIcsh\fR, filename completion is used.
+.TP 8
+.B gid \fR(+)
+The user's real group ID.
+.TP 8
+.B globdot \fR(+)
+If set, wild-card glob patterns will match files and directories beginning
+with `.' except for `.' and `..'
+.TP 8
+.B globstar \fR(+)
+If set, the `**' and `***' file glob patterns will match any string of
+characters including `/' traversing any existing sub-directories. (e.g.
+`ls **.c' will list all the .c files in the current directory tree).
+If used by itself, it will match match zero or more sub-directories
+(e.g. `ls /usr/include/**/time.h' will list any file named `time.h'
+in the /usr/include directory tree; whereas `ls /usr/include/**time.h'
+will match any file in the /usr/include directory tree ending in `time.h').
+To prevent problems with recursion, the `**' glob-pattern will not
+descend into a symbolic link containing a directory. To override this,
+use `***'
+.TP 8
+.B group \fR(+)
+The user's group name.
+.TP 8
+.B highlight
+If set, the incremental search match (in \fIi-search-back\fR and
+\fIi-search-fwd\fR) and the region between the mark and the cursor are
+highlighted in reverse video.
+.IP "" 8
+Highlighting requires more frequent terminal writes, which introduces extra
+overhead. If you care about terminal performance, you may want to leave this
+.TP 8
+.B histchars
+A string value determining the characters used in \fBHistory
+substitution\fR (q.v.). The first character of its value is used as
+the history substitution character, replacing the default character
+`!'. The second character of its value replaces the character `^' in
+quick substitutions.
+.TP 8
+.B histdup \fR(+)
+Controls handling of duplicate entries in the history list. If set to
+`all' only unique history events are entered in the history list. If
+set to `prev' and the last history event is the same as the current
+command, then the current command is not entered in the history. If
+set to `erase' and the same event is found in the history list, that
+old event gets erased and the current one gets inserted. Note that the
+`prev' and `all' options renumber history events so there are no gaps.
+.TP 8
+.B histfile \fR(+)
+The default location in which `history \-S' and `history \-L' look for
+a history file. If unset, \fI~/.history\fR is used. \fBhistfile\fR is
+useful when sharing the same home directory between different machines,
+or when saving separate histories on different terminals. Because only
+\fI~/.tcshrc\fR is normally sourced before \fI~/.history\fR,
+\fBhistfile\fR should be set in \fI~/.tcshrc\fR rather than
+.TP 8
+.B histlit \fR(+)
+If set, builtin and editor commands and the \fBsavehist\fR mechanism
+use the literal (unexpanded) form of lines in the history list. See
+also the \fItoggle-literal-history\fR editor command.
+.TP 8
+.B history
+The first word indicates the number of history events to save. The
+optional second word (+) indicates the format in which history is
+printed; if not given, `%h\\t%T\\t%R\\n' is used. The format sequences
+are described below under \fBprompt\fR; note the variable meaning of
+`%R'. Set to `100' by default.
+.TP 8
+.B home
+Initialized to the home directory of the invoker. The filename
+expansion of `\fI~\fR' refers to this variable.
+.TP 8
+.B ignoreeof
+If set to the empty string or `0' and the input device is a terminal,
+the \fIend-of-file\fR command (usually generated by the user by typing
+`^D' on an empty line) causes the shell to print `Use "exit" to leave
+tcsh.' instead of exiting. This prevents the shell from accidentally
+being killed. Historically this setting exited after 26 successive
+EOF's to avoid infinite loops. If set to a number \fIn\fR, the shell
+ignores \fIn - 1\fR consecutive \fIend-of-file\fRs and exits on the
+\fIn\fRth. (+) If unset, `1' is used, i.e., the shell exits on a
+single `^D'.
+.TP 8
+.B implicitcd \fR(+)
+If set, the shell treats a directory name typed as a command as though
+it were a request to change to that directory. If set to \fIverbose\fR,
+the change of directory is echoed to the standard output. This behavior
+is inhibited in non-interactive shell scripts, or for command strings
+with more than one word. Changing directory takes precedence over
+executing a like-named command, but it is done after alias
+substitutions. Tilde and variable expansions work as expected.
+.TP 8
+.B inputmode \fR(+)
+If set to `insert' or `overwrite', puts the editor into that input mode
+at the beginning of each line.
+.TP 8
+.B killdup \fR(+)
+Controls handling of duplicate entries in the kill ring. If set to
+`all' only unique strings are entered in the kill ring. If set to
+`prev' and the last killed string is the same as the current killed
+string, then the current string is not entered in the ring. If set
+to `erase' and the same string is found in the kill ring, the old
+string is erased and the current one is inserted.
+.TP 8
+.B killring \fR(+)
+Indicates the number of killed strings to keep in memory. Set to `30'
+by default. If unset or set to less than `2', the shell will only
+keep the most recently killed string.
+Strings are put in the killring by the editor commands that delete
+(kill) strings of text, e.g. \fIbackward-delete-word\fR,
+\fIkill-line\fR, etc, as well as the \fIcopy-region-as-kill\fR command.
+The \fIyank\fR editor command will yank the most recently killed string
+into the command-line, while \fIyank-pop\fR (see \fBEditor commands\fR)
+can be used to yank earlier killed strings.
+.TP 8
+.B listflags \fR(+)
+If set to `x', `a' or `A', or any combination thereof (e.g., `xA'), they
+are used as flags to \fIls\-F\fR, making it act like `ls \-xF', `ls
+\-Fa', `ls \-FA' or a combination (e.g., `ls \-FxA'): `a' shows all
+files (even if they start with a `.'), `A' shows all files but `.' and
+`..', and `x' sorts across instead of down. If the second word of
+\fBlistflags\fR is set, it is used as the path to `ls(1)'.
+.TP 8
+.B listjobs \fR(+)
+If set, all jobs are listed when a job is suspended. If set to `long',
+the listing is in long format.
+.TP 8
+.B listlinks \fR(+)
+If set, the \fIls\-F\fR builtin command shows the type of file to which
+each symbolic link points.
+.TP 8
+.B listmax \fR(+)
+The maximum number of items which the \fIlist-choices\fR editor command
+will list without asking first.
+.TP 8
+.B listmaxrows \fR(+)
+The maximum number of rows of items which the \fIlist-choices\fR editor
+command will list without asking first.
+.TP 8
+.B loginsh \fR(+)
+Set by the shell if it is a login shell. Setting or unsetting it
+within a shell has no effect. See also \fBshlvl\fR.
+.TP 8
+.B logout \fR(+)
+Set by the shell to `normal' before a normal logout, `automatic' before
+an automatic logout, and `hangup' if the shell was killed by a hangup
+signal (see \fBSignal handling\fR). See also the \fBautologout\fR
+shell variable.
+.TP 8
+.B mail
+A list of files and directories to check for incoming mail, optionally
+preceded by a numeric word. Before each prompt, if 10 minutes have
+passed since the last check, the shell checks each file and says `You
+have new mail.' (or, if \fBmail\fR contains multiple files, `You have
+new mail in \fIname\fR.') if the filesize is greater than zero in size
+and has a modification time greater than its access time.
+.RS +8
+If you are in a login shell, then no mail file is reported unless it has
+been modified after the time the shell has started up, to prevent
+redundant notifications. Most login programs will tell you whether or not
+you have mail when you log in.
+If a file specified in \fBmail\fR is a directory, the shell will count each
+file within that directory as a separate message, and will report `You have
+\fIn\fR mails.' or `You have \fIn\fR mails in \fIname\fR.' as appropriate.
+This functionality is provided primarily for those systems which store mail
+in this manner, such as the Andrew Mail System.
+If the first word of \fBmail\fR is numeric it is taken as a different mail
+checking interval, in seconds.
+Under very rare circumstances, the shell may report `You have mail.' instead
+of `You have new mail.'
+.TP 8
+.B matchbeep \fR(+)
+If set to `never', completion never beeps.
+If set to `nomatch', it beeps only when there is no match.
+If set to `ambiguous', it beeps when there are multiple matches.
+If set to `notunique', it beeps when there is one exact and other longer matches.
+If unset, `ambiguous' is used.
+.TP 8
+.B nobeep \fR(+)
+If set, beeping is completely disabled.
+See also \fBvisiblebell\fR.
+.TP 8
+.B noclobber
+If set, restrictions are placed on output redirection to insure that files
+are not accidentally destroyed and that `>>' redirections refer to existing
+files, as described in the \fBInput/output\fR section.
+.TP 8
+.B noding
+If set, disable the printing of `DING!' in the \fBprompt\fR time
+specifiers at the change of hour.
+.TP 8
+.B noglob
+If set, \fBFilename substitution\fR and \fBDirectory stack substitution\fR
+(q.v.) are inhibited. This is most useful in shell scripts which do not deal
+with filenames, or after a list of filenames has been obtained and further
+expansions are not desirable.
+.TP 8
+.B nokanji \fR(+)
+If set and the shell supports Kanji (see the \fBversion\fR shell variable),
+it is disabled so that the meta key can be used.
+.TP 8
+.B nonomatch
+If set, a \fBFilename substitution\fR or \fBDirectory stack substitution\fR
+(q.v.) which does not match any
+existing files is left untouched rather than causing an error.
+It is still an error for the substitution to be
+malformed, e.g., `echo [' still gives an error.
+.TP 8
+.B nostat \fR(+)
+A list of directories (or glob-patterns which match directories; see
+\fBFilename substitution\fR) that should not be \fIstat\fR(2)ed during a
+completion operation. This is usually used to exclude directories which
+take too much time to \fIstat\fR(2), for example \fI/afs\fR.
+.TP 8
+.B notify
+If set, the shell announces job completions asynchronously.
+The default is to present job completions just before printing a prompt.
+.TP 8
+.B oid \fR(+)
+The user's real organization ID. (Domain/OS only)
+.TP 8
+.B owd \fR(+)
+The old working directory, equivalent to the `\-' used by \fIcd\fR and \fIpushd\fR.
+See also the \fBcwd\fR and \fBdirstack\fR shell variables.
+.TP 8
+.B padhour
+If set, enable the printing of padding '0' for hours, in 24 and 12 hour
+formats. E.G.: 07:45:42 vs. 7:45:42.
+.TP 8
+.B parseoctal
+To retain compatibily with older versions numeric variables starting with
+0 are not interpreted as octal. Setting this variable enables proper octal
+.TP 8
+.B path
+A list of directories in which to look for executable commands.
+A null word specifies the current directory.
+If there is no \fBpath\fR variable then only full path names will execute.
+\fBpath\fR is set by the shell at startup from the \fBPATH\fR environment
+variable or, if \fBPATH\fR does not exist, to a system-dependent default
+something like `(/usr/local/bin /usr/bsd /bin /usr/bin .)'.
+The shell may put `.' first or last in \fBpath\fR or omit it entirely
+depending on how it was compiled; see the \fBversion\fR shell variable.
+A shell which is given neither the \fB\-c\fR nor the \fB\-t\fR option
+hashes the contents of the directories in \fBpath\fR after
+reading \fI~/.tcshrc\fR and each time \fBpath\fR is reset.
+If one adds a new command to a directory in \fBpath\fR while the shell
+is active, one may need to do a \fIrehash\fR for the shell to find it.
+.TP 8
+.B printexitvalue \fR(+)
+If set and an interactive program exits with a non-zero status, the shell
+prints `Exit \fBstatus\fR'.
+.TP 8
+.B prompt
+The string which is printed before reading each command from the terminal.
+\fBprompt\fR may include any of the following formatting sequences (+), which
+are replaced by the given information:
+.RS +8
+.PD 0
+.TP 4
+The current working directory.
+.TP 4
+The current working directory, but with one's home directory
+represented by `~' and other users' home directories represented by
+`~user' as per \fBFilename substitution\fR. `~user' substitution
+happens only if the shell has already used `~\fIuser\fR' in a pathname
+in the current session.
+.TP 4
+%c[[0]\fIn\fR], %.[[0]\fIn\fR]
+The trailing component of the current working directory, or \fIn\fR
+trailing components if a digit \fIn\fR is given.
+If \fIn\fR begins with `0', the number of skipped components precede
+the trailing component(s) in the format `/<\fIskipped\fR>trailing'.
+If the \fBellipsis\fR shell variable is set, skipped components
+are represented by an ellipsis so the whole becomes `...trailing'.
+`~' substitution is done as in `%~' above, but the `~' component
+is ignored when counting trailing components.
+.TP 4
+Like %c, but without `~' substitution.
+.TP 4
+%h, %!, !
+The current history event number.
+.TP 4
+The full hostname.
+.TP 4
+The hostname up to the first `.'.
+.TP 4
+%S (%s)
+Start (stop) standout mode.
+.TP 4
+%B (%b)
+Start (stop) boldfacing mode.
+.TP 4
+%U (%u)
+Start (stop) underline mode.
+.TP 4
+%t, %@
+The time of day in 12-hour AM/PM format.
+.TP 4
+Like `%t', but in 24-hour format (but see the \fBampm\fR shell variable).
+.TP 4
+The `precise' time of day in 12-hour AM/PM format, with seconds.
+.TP 4
+Like `%p', but in 24-hour format (but see the \fBampm\fR shell variable).
+.TP 4
+\fIc\fR is parsed as in \fIbindkey\fR.
+.TP 4
+\fIc\fR is parsed as in \fIbindkey\fR.
+.TP 4
+A single `%'.
+.TP 4
+The user name.
+.TP 4
+The effective user name.
+.TP 4
+The number of jobs.
+.TP 4
+The weekday in `Day' format.
+.TP 4
+The day in `dd' format.
+.TP 4
+The month in `Mon' format.
+.TP 4
+The month in `mm' format.
+.TP 4
+The year in `yy' format.
+.TP 4
+The year in `yyyy' format.
+.TP 4
+The shell's tty.
+.TP 4
+Clears from the end of the prompt to end of the display or the end of the line.
+.TP 4
+Expands the shell or environment variable name immediately after the `$'.
+.TP 4
+`>' (or the first character of the \fBpromptchars\fR shell variable)
+for normal users, `#' (or the second character of \fBpromptchars\fR)
+for the superuser.
+.TP 4
+Includes \fIstring\fR as a literal escape sequence.
+It should be used only to change terminal attributes and
+should not move the cursor location. This
+cannot be the last sequence in \fBprompt\fR.
+.TP 4
+The return code of the command executed just before the prompt.
+.TP 4
+In \fBprompt2\fR, the status of the parser.
+In \fBprompt3\fR, the corrected string.
+In \fBhistory\fR, the history string.
+`%B', `%S', `%U' and `%{\fIstring\fR%}' are available in only
+eight-bit-clean shells; see the \fBversion\fR shell variable.
+The bold, standout and underline sequences are often used to distinguish a
+superuser shell. For example,
+.IP "" 4
+> set prompt = "%m [%h] %B[%@]%b [%/] you rang? "
+tut [37] \fB[2:54pm]\fR [/usr/accts/sys] you rang? _
+If `%t', `%@', `%T', `%p', or `%P' is used, and \fBnoding\fR is not set,
+then print `DING!' on the change of hour (i.e, `:00' minutes) instead of
+the actual time.
+Set by default to `%# ' in interactive shells.
+.TP 8
+.B prompt2 \fR(+)
+The string with which to prompt in \fIwhile\fR and \fIforeach\fR loops and
+after lines ending in `\\'.
+The same format sequences may be used as in \fBprompt\fR (q.v.);
+note the variable meaning of `%R'.
+Set by default to `%R? ' in interactive shells.
+.TP 8
+.B prompt3 \fR(+)
+The string with which to prompt when confirming automatic spelling correction.
+The same format sequences may be used as in \fBprompt\fR (q.v.);
+note the variable meaning of `%R'.
+Set by default to `CORRECT>%R (y|n|e|a)? ' in interactive shells.
+.TP 8
+.B promptchars \fR(+)
+If set (to a two-character string), the `%#' formatting sequence in the
+\fBprompt\fR shell variable is replaced with the first character for
+normal users and the second character for the superuser.
+.TP 8
+.B pushdtohome \fR(+)
+If set, \fIpushd\fR without arguments does `pushd ~', like \fIcd\fR.
+.TP 8
+.B pushdsilent \fR(+)
+If set, \fIpushd\fR and \fIpopd\fR do not print the directory stack.
+.TP 8
+.B recexact \fR(+)
+If set, completion completes on an exact match even if a longer match is
+.TP 8
+.B recognize_only_executables \fR(+)
+If set, command listing displays only files in the path that are
+executable. Slow.
+.TP 8
+.B rmstar \fR(+)
+If set, the user is prompted before `rm *' is executed.
+.TP 8
+.B rprompt \fR(+)
+The string to print on the right-hand side of the screen (after
+the command input) when the prompt is being displayed on the left.
+It recognizes the same formatting characters as \fBprompt\fR.
+It will automatically disappear and reappear as necessary, to ensure that
+command input isn't obscured, and will appear only if the prompt,
+command input, and itself will fit together on the first line.
+If \fBedit\fR isn't set, then \fBrprompt\fR will be printed after
+the prompt and before the command input.
+.TP 8
+.B savedirs \fR(+)
+If set, the shell does `dirs \-S' before exiting.
+If the first word is set to a number, at most that many directory stack
+entries are saved.
+.TP 8
+.B savehist
+If set, the shell does `history \-S' before exiting.
+If the first word is set to a number, at most that many lines are saved.
+(The number must be less than or equal to \fBhistory\fR.)
+If the second word is set to `merge', the history list is merged with
+the existing history file instead of replacing it (if there is one) and
+sorted by time stamp and the most recent events are retained. (+)
+.TP 8
+.B sched \fR(+)
+The format in which the \fIsched\fR builtin command prints scheduled events;
+if not given, `%h\\t%T\\t%R\\n' is used.
+The format sequences are described above under \fBprompt\fR;
+note the variable meaning of `%R'.
+.TP 8
+.B shell
+The file in which the shell resides. This is used in forking
+shells to interpret files which have execute bits set, but
+which are not executable by the system. (See the description
+of \fBBuiltin and non-builtin command execution\fR.) Initialized to the
+(system-dependent) home of the shell.
+.TP 8
+.B shlvl \fR(+)
+The number of nested shells.
+Reset to 1 in login shells.
+See also \fBloginsh\fR.
+.TP 8
+.B status
+The status returned by the last command, unless the variable
+.B anyerror
+is set, and any error in a pipeline or a backquote expansion will be
+propagated (this is the default
+.B csh
+behavior, and the current
+.B tcsh
+default). If it terminated
+abnormally, then 0200 is added to the status. Builtin commands
+which fail return exit status `1', all other builtin commands
+return status `0'.
+.TP 8
+.B symlinks \fR(+)
+Can be set to several different values to control symbolic link (`symlink')
+.RS +8
+If set to `chase', whenever the current directory changes to a directory
+containing a symbolic link, it is expanded to the real name of the directory
+to which the link points. This does not work for the user's home directory;
+this is a bug.
+If set to `ignore', the shell tries to construct a current directory
+relative to the current directory before the link was crossed.
+This means that \fIcd\fRing through a symbolic link and then `cd ..'ing
+returns one to the original directory. This affects only builtin commands
+and filename completion.
+If set to `expand', the shell tries to fix symbolic links by actually expanding
+arguments which look like path names. This affects any command, not just
+builtins. Unfortunately, this does not work for hard-to-recognize filenames,
+such as those embedded in command options. Expansion may be prevented by
+quoting. While this setting is usually the most convenient, it is sometimes
+misleading and sometimes confusing when it fails to recognize an argument
+which should be expanded. A compromise is to use `ignore' and use the
+editor command \fInormalize-path\fR (bound by default to ^X-n) when necessary.
+Some examples are in order. First, let's set up some play directories:
+.IP "" 4
+> cd /tmp
+> mkdir from from/src to
+> ln \-s from/src to/dst
+Here's the behavior with \fBsymlinks\fR unset,
+.IP "" 4
+> cd /tmp/to/dst; echo $cwd
+> cd ..; echo $cwd
+here's the behavior with \fBsymlinks\fR set to `chase',
+.IP "" 4
+> cd /tmp/to/dst; echo $cwd
+> cd ..; echo $cwd
+here's the behavior with \fBsymlinks\fR set to `ignore',
+.IP "" 4
+> cd /tmp/to/dst; echo $cwd
+> cd ..; echo $cwd
+and here's the behavior with \fBsymlinks\fR set to `expand'.
+.IP "" 4
+> cd /tmp/to/dst; echo $cwd
+> cd ..; echo $cwd
+> cd /tmp/to/dst; echo $cwd
+> cd ".."; echo $cwd
+> /bin/echo ..
+> /bin/echo ".."
+Note that `expand' expansion 1) works just like `ignore' for builtins
+like \fIcd\fR, 2) is prevented by quoting, and 3) happens before
+filenames are passed to non-builtin commands.
+.TP 8
+.B tcsh \fR(+)
+The version number of the shell in the format `R.VV.PP',
+where `R' is the major release number, `VV' the current version
+and `PP' the patchlevel.
+.TP 8
+.B term
+The terminal type. Usually set in \fI~/.login\fR as described under
+\fBStartup and shutdown\fR.
+.TP 8
+.B time
+If set to a number, then the \fItime\fR builtin (q.v.) executes automatically
+after each command which takes more than that many CPU seconds.
+If there is a second word, it is used as a format string for the output
+of the \fItime\fR builtin. (u) The following sequences may be used in the
+format string:
+.RS +8
+.PD 0
+.TP 4
+The time the process spent in user mode in cpu seconds.
+.TP 4
+The time the process spent in kernel mode in cpu seconds.
+.TP 4
+The elapsed (wall clock) time in seconds.
+.TP 4
+The CPU percentage computed as (%U + %S) / %E.
+.TP 4
+Number of times the process was swapped.
+.TP 4
+The average amount in (shared) text space used in Kbytes.
+.TP 4
+The average amount in (unshared) data/stack space used in Kbytes.
+.TP 4
+The total space used (%X + %D) in Kbytes.
+.TP 4
+The maximum memory the process had in use at any time in Kbytes.
+.TP 4
+The number of major page faults (page needed to be brought from disk).
+.TP 4
+The number of minor page faults.
+.TP 4
+The number of input operations.
+.TP 4
+The number of output operations.
+.TP 4
+The number of socket messages received.
+.TP 4
+The number of socket messages sent.
+.TP 4
+The number of signals received.
+.TP 4
+The number of voluntary context switches (waits).
+.TP 4
+The number of involuntary context switches.
+Only the first four sequences are supported on systems without BSD resource
+limit functions.
+The default time format is `%Uu %Ss %E %P %X+%Dk %I+%Oio %Fpf+%Ww' for
+systems that support resource usage reporting and `%Uu %Ss %E %P' for
+systems that do not.
+Under Sequent's DYNIX/ptx, %X, %D, %K, %r and %s are not
+available, but the following additional sequences are:
+.PD 0
+.TP 4
+The number of system calls performed.
+.TP 4
+The number of pages which are zero-filled on demand.
+.TP 4
+The number of times a process's resident set size was increased by the kernel.
+.TP 4
+The number of times a process's resident set size was decreased by the kernel.
+.TP 4
+The number of read system calls performed.
+.TP 4
+The number of write system calls performed.
+.TP 4
+The number of reads from raw disk devices.
+.TP 4
+The number of writes to raw disk devices.
+and the default time format is `%Uu %Ss %E %P %I+%Oio %Fpf+%Ww'.
+Note that the CPU percentage can be higher than 100% on multi-processors.
+.TP 8
+.B tperiod \fR(+)
+The period, in minutes, between executions of the \fIperiodic\fR special alias.
+.TP 8
+.B tty \fR(+)
+The name of the tty, or empty if not attached to one.
+.TP 8
+.B uid \fR(+)
+The user's real user ID.
+.TP 8
+.B user
+The user's login name.
+.TP 8
+.B verbose
+If set, causes the words of each
+command to be printed, after history substitution (if any).
+Set by the \fB\-v\fR command line option.
+.TP 8
+.B version \fR(+)
+The version ID stamp. It contains the shell's version number (see \fBtcsh\fR),
+origin, release date, vendor, operating system and machine (see \fBVENDOR\fR,
+\fBOSTYPE\fR and \fBMACHTYPE\fR) and a comma-separated
+list of options which were set at compile time.
+Options which are set by default in the distribution are noted.
+.RS +8
+.PD 0
+.TP 6
+The shell is eight bit clean; default
+.TP 6
+The shell is not eight bit clean
+.TP 6
+The shell is multibyte encoding clean (like UTF-8)
+.TP 6
+The system's NLS is used; default for systems with NLS
+.TP 6
+Login shells execute \fI/etc/csh.login\fR before instead of after
+\fI/etc/csh.cshrc\fR and \fI~/.login\fR before instead of after
+\fI~/.tcshrc\fR and \fI~/.history\fR.
+.TP 6
+`.' is put last in \fBpath\fR for security; default
+.TP 6
+`.' is omitted from \fBpath\fR for security
+.TP 6
+\fIvi\fR-style editing is the default rather than \fIemacs\fR
+.TP 6
+Login shells drop DTR when exiting
+.TP 6
+\fIbye\fR is a synonym for \fIlogout\fR and \fIlog\fR
+is an alternate name for \fIwatchlog\fR
+.TP 6
+\fBautologout\fR is enabled; default
+.TP 6
+Kanji is used if appropriate according to locale settings,
+unless the \fBnokanji\fR shell variable is set
+.TP 6
+The system's \fImalloc\fR(3) is used
+.TP 6
+The `#!<program> <args>' convention is emulated when executing shell scripts
+.TP 6
+The \fInewgrp\fR builtin is available
+.TP 6
+The shell attempts to set the \fBREMOTEHOST\fR environment variable
+.TP 6
+The shell verifies your password with the kerberos server if local
+authentication fails. The \fBafsuser\fR shell variable or the
+\fBAFSUSER\fR environment variable override your local username if set.
+An administrator may enter additional strings to indicate differences
+in the local version.
+.TP 8
+.B visiblebell \fR(+)
+If set, a screen flash is used rather than the audible bell.
+See also \fBnobeep\fR.
+.TP 8
+.B watch \fR(+)
+A list of user/terminal pairs to watch for logins and logouts.
+If either the user is `any' all terminals are watched for the given user
+and vice versa.
+Setting \fBwatch\fR to `(any any)' watches all users and terminals.
+For example,
+.RS +8
+.IP "" 4
+set watch = (george ttyd1 any console $user any)
+reports activity of the user `george' on ttyd1, any user on the console, and
+oneself (or a trespasser) on any terminal.
+Logins and logouts are checked every 10 minutes by default, but the first
+word of \fBwatch\fR can be set to a number to check every so many minutes.
+For example,
+.IP "" 4
+set watch = (1 any any)
+reports any login/logout once every minute. For the impatient, the \fIlog\fR
+builtin command triggers a \fBwatch\fR report at any time. All current logins
+are reported (as with the \fIlog\fR builtin) when \fBwatch\fR is first set.
+The \fBwho\fR shell variable controls the format of \fBwatch\fR reports.
+.TP 8
+.B who \fR(+)
+The format string for \fBwatch\fR messages. The following sequences
+are replaced by the given information:
+.RS +8
+.PD 0
+.TP 4
+The name of the user who logged in/out.
+.TP 4
+The observed action, i.e., `logged on', `logged off' or `replaced \fIolduser\fR on'.
+.TP 4
+The terminal (tty) on which the user logged in/out.
+.TP 4
+The full hostname of the remote host, or `local' if the login/logout was
+from the local host.
+.TP 4
+The hostname of the remote host up to the first `.'.
+The full name is printed if it is an IP address or an X Window System display.
+%M and %m are available on only systems that store the remote hostname in
+If unset, `%n has %a %l from %m.' is used, or `%n has %a %l.' on systems
+which don't store the remote hostname.
+.TP 8
+.B wordchars \fR(+)
+A list of non-alphanumeric characters to be considered part of a word by the
+\fIforward-word\fR, \fIbackward-word\fR etc., editor commands.
+If unset, `*?_\-.[]~=' is used.
+.TP 8
+.B AFSUSER \fR(+)
+Equivalent to the \fBafsuser\fR shell variable.
+.TP 8
+The number of columns in the terminal. See \fBTerminal management\fR.
+.TP 8
+Used by X Window System (see \fIX\fR(1)).
+If set, the shell does not set \fBautologout\fR (q.v.).
+.TP 8
+The pathname to a default editor.
+See also the \fBVISUAL\fR environment variable
+and the \fIrun-fg-editor\fR editor command.
+.TP 8
+.B GROUP \fR(+)
+Equivalent to the \fBgroup\fR shell variable.
+.TP 8
+Equivalent to the \fBhome\fR shell variable.
+.TP 8
+.B HOST \fR(+)
+Initialized to the name of the machine on which the shell
+is running, as determined by the \fIgethostname\fR(2) system call.
+.TP 8
+Initialized to the type of machine on which the shell
+is running, as determined at compile time. This variable is obsolete and
+will be removed in a future version.
+.TP 8
+.B HPATH \fR(+)
+A colon-separated list of directories in which the \fIrun-help\fR editor
+command looks for command documentation.
+.TP 8
+Gives the preferred character environment.
+See \fBNative Language System support\fR.
+.TP 8
+If set, only ctype character handling is changed.
+See \fBNative Language System support\fR.
+.TP 8
+The number of lines in the terminal. See \fBTerminal management\fR.
+.TP 8
+The format of this variable is reminiscent of the \fBtermcap(5)\fR
+file format; a colon-separated list of expressions of the form
+"\fIxx=string\fR", where "\fIxx\fR" is a two-character variable name. The
+variables with their associated defaults are:
+.RS +8
+.RS +4
+.PD 0
+.TP 12
+no 0
+Normal (non-filename) text
+.TP 12
+fi 0
+Regular file
+.TP 12
+di 01;34
+.TP 12
+ln 01;36
+Symbolic link
+.TP 12
+pi 33
+Named pipe (FIFO)
+.TP 12
+so 01;35
+.TP 12
+do 01;35
+.TP 12
+bd 01;33
+Block device
+.TP 12
+cd 01;32
+Character device
+.TP 12
+ex 01;32
+Executable file
+.TP 12
+mi (none)
+Missing file (defaults to fi)
+.TP 12
+or (none)
+Orphaned symbolic link (defaults to ln)
+.TP 12
+lc ^[[
+Left code
+.TP 12
+rc m
+Right code
+.TP 12
+ec (none)
+End code (replaces lc+no+rc)
+You need to include only the variables you want to change from
+the default.
+File names can also be colorized based on filename extension.
+This is specified in the \fBLS_COLORS\fR variable using the syntax
+\fB"*ext=string"\fR. For example, using ISO 6429 codes, to color
+all C\-language source files blue you would specify \fB"*.c=34"\fR.
+This would color all files ending in \fB.c\fR in blue (34) color.
+Control characters can be written either in C\-style\-escaped
+notation, or in stty\-like ^\-notation. The C\-style notation
+adds \fB^[\fR for Escape, \fB\_\fR for a normal space character,
+and \fB?\fR for Delete. In addition, the \fB^[\fR escape character
+can be used to override the default interpretation of \fB^[\fR,
+\fB^\fR, \fB:\fR and \fB=\fR.
+Each file will be written as \fB<lc>\fR \fB<color-code>\fR
+\fB<rc>\fR \fB<filename>\fR \fB<ec>\fR. If the \fB<ec>\fR
+code is undefined, the sequence \fB<lc>\fR \fB<no>
+\fB<rc>\fR will be used instead. This is generally more convenient
+to use, but less general. The left, right and end codes are
+provided so you don't have to type common parts over and over
+again and to support weird terminals; you will generally not
+need to change them at all unless your terminal does not use
+ISO 6429 color sequences but a different system.
+If your terminal does use ISO 6429 color codes, you can
+compose the type codes (i.e., all except the \fBlc\fR, \fBrc\fR,
+and \fBec\fR codes) from numerical commands separated by semicolons. The
+most common commands are:
+.RS +8
+.PD 0
+.TP 4
+to restore default color
+.TP 4
+for brighter colors
+.TP 4
+for underlined text
+.TP 4
+for flashing text
+.TP 4
+for black foreground
+.TP 4
+for red foreground
+.TP 4
+for green foreground
+.TP 4
+for yellow (or brown) foreground
+.TP 4
+for blue foreground
+.TP 4
+for purple foreground
+.TP 4
+for cyan foreground
+.TP 4
+for white (or gray) foreground
+.TP 4
+for black background
+.TP 4
+for red background
+.TP 4
+for green background
+.TP 4
+for yellow (or brown) background
+.TP 4
+for blue background
+.TP 4
+for purple background
+.TP 4
+for cyan background
+.TP 4
+for white (or gray) background
+Not all commands will work on all systems or display devices.
+A few terminal programs do not recognize the default end code
+properly. If all text gets colorized after you do a directory
+listing, try changing the \fBno\fR and \fBfi\fR codes from 0 to the
+numerical codes for your standard fore- and background colors.
+.TP 8
+The machine type (microprocessor class or machine model), as determined at compile time.
+.TP 8
+If set, printable characters are not rebound to \fIself-insert-command\fR.
+See \fBNative Language System support\fR.
+.TP 8
+.B OSTYPE \fR(+)
+The operating system, as determined at compile time.
+.TP 8
+A colon-separated list of directories in which to look for executables.
+Equivalent to the \fBpath\fR shell variable, but in a different format.
+.TP 8
+.B PWD \fR(+)
+Equivalent to the \fBcwd\fR shell variable, but not synchronized to it;
+updated only after an actual directory change.
+.TP 8
+The host from which the user has logged in remotely, if this is the case and
+the shell is able to determine it. Set only if the shell was so compiled;
+see the \fBversion\fR shell variable.
+.TP 8
+.B SHLVL \fR(+)
+Equivalent to the \fBshlvl\fR shell variable.
+.TP 8
+.B SYSTYPE \fR(+)
+The current system type. (Domain/OS only)
+.TP 8
+Equivalent to the \fBterm\fR shell variable.
+.TP 8
+The terminal capability string. See \fBTerminal management\fR.
+.TP 8
+Equivalent to the \fBuser\fR shell variable.
+.TP 8
+.B VENDOR \fR(+)
+The vendor, as determined at compile time.
+.TP 8
+The pathname to a default full-screen editor.
+See also the \fBEDITOR\fR environment variable
+and the \fIrun-fg-editor\fR editor command.
+.PD 0
+.TP 16
+.I /etc/csh.cshrc
+Read first by every shell.
+ConvexOS, Stellix and Intel use \fI/etc/cshrc\fR and
+NeXTs use \fI/etc/cshrc.std\fR.
+A/UX, AMIX, Cray and IRIX have no equivalent in \fIcsh\fR(1),
+but read this file in \fItcsh\fR anyway.
+Solaris 2.x does not have it either, but \fItcsh\fR reads \fI/etc/.cshrc\fR. (+)
+.TP 16
+.I /etc/csh.login
+Read by login shells after \fI/etc/csh.cshrc\fR.
+ConvexOS, Stellix and Intel use \fI/etc/login\fR,
+NeXTs use \fI/etc/login.std\fR, Solaris 2.x uses \fI/etc/.login\fR and
+A/UX, AMIX, Cray and IRIX use \fI/etc/cshrc\fR.
+.TP 16
+.I ~/.tcshrc \fR(+)
+Read by every shell after \fI/etc/csh.cshrc\fR or its equivalent.
+.TP 16
+.I ~/.cshrc
+Read by every shell, if \fI~/.tcshrc\fR doesn't exist,
+after \fI/etc/csh.cshrc\fR or its equivalent.
+This manual uses `\fI~/.tcshrc\fR' to mean `\fI~/.tcshrc\fR or,
+if \fI~/.tcshrc\fR is not found, \fI~/.cshrc\fR'.
+.TP 16
+.I ~/.history
+Read by login shells after \fI~/.tcshrc\fR
+if \fBsavehist\fR is set, but see also \fBhistfile\fR.
+.TP 16
+.I ~/.login
+Read by login shells after \fI~/.tcshrc\fR or \fI~/.history\fR.
+The shell may be compiled to read \fI~/.login\fR before instead of after
+\fI~/.tcshrc\fR and \fI~/.history\fR; see the \fBversion\fR shell variable.
+.TP 16
+.I ~/.cshdirs \fR(+)
+Read by login shells after \fI~/.login\fR
+if \fBsavedirs\fR is set, but see also \fBdirsfile\fR.
+.TP 16
+.I /etc/csh.logout
+Read by login shells at logout.
+ConvexOS, Stellix and Intel use \fI/etc/logout\fR and
+NeXTs use \fI/etc/logout.std\fR.
+A/UX, AMIX, Cray and IRIX have no equivalent in \fIcsh\fR(1),
+but read this file in \fItcsh\fR anyway.
+Solaris 2.x does not have it either, but \fItcsh\fR reads \fI/etc/.logout\fR. (+)
+.TP 16
+.I ~/.logout
+Read by login shells at logout after \fI/etc/csh.logout\fR or its equivalent.
+.TP 16
+.I /bin/sh
+Used to interpret shell scripts not starting with a `#'.
+.TP 16
+.I /tmp/sh*
+Temporary file for `<<'.
+.TP 16
+.I /etc/passwd
+Source of home directories for `~name' substitutions.
+The order in which startup files are read may differ if the shell was so
+compiled; see \fBStartup and shutdown\fR and the \fBversion\fR shell variable.
+This manual describes \fItcsh\fR as a single entity,
+but experienced \fIcsh\fR(1) users will want to pay special attention to
+\fItcsh\fR's new features.
+A command-line editor, which supports GNU Emacs or \fIvi\fR(1)-style
+key bindings. See \fBThe command-line editor\fR and \fBEditor commands\fR.
+Programmable, interactive word completion and listing.
+See \fBCompletion and listing\fR and the \fIcomplete\fR and \fIuncomplete\fR
+builtin commands.
+\fBSpelling correction\fR (q.v.) of filenames, commands and variables.
+\fBEditor commands\fR (q.v.) which perform other useful functions in the middle of
+typed commands, including documentation lookup (\fIrun-help\fR),
+quick editor restarting (\fIrun-fg-editor\fR) and
+command resolution (\fIwhich-command\fR).
+An enhanced history mechanism. Events in the history list are time-stamped.
+See also the \fIhistory\fR command and its associated shell variables,
+the previously undocumented `#' event specifier and new modifiers
+under \fBHistory substitution\fR,
+the \fI*-history\fR, \fIhistory-search-*\fR, \fIi-search-*\fR, \fIvi-search-*\fR and
+\fItoggle-literal-history\fR editor commands
+and the \fBhistlit\fR shell variable.
+Enhanced directory parsing and directory stack handling.
+See the \fIcd\fR, \fIpushd\fR, \fIpopd\fR and \fIdirs\fR commands and their associated
+shell variables, the description of \fBDirectory stack substitution\fR,
+the \fBdirstack\fR, \fBowd\fR and \fBsymlinks\fR shell variables and
+the \fInormalize-command\fR and \fInormalize-path\fR editor commands.
+Negation in glob-patterns. See \fBFilename substitution\fR.
+New \fBFile inquiry operators\fR (q.v.) and a \fIfiletest\fR
+builtin which uses them.
+A variety of \fBAutomatic, periodic and timed events\fR (q.v.) including
+scheduled events, special aliases, automatic logout and terminal locking,
+command timing and watching for logins and logouts.
+Support for the Native Language System
+(see \fBNative Language System support\fR),
+OS variant features
+(see \fBOS variant support\fR and the \fBecho_style\fR shell variable)
+and system-dependent file locations (see \fBFILES\fR).
+Extensive terminal-management capabilities. See \fBTerminal management\fR.
+New builtin commands including \fIbuiltins\fR, \fIhup\fR, \fIls\-F\fR,
+\fInewgrp\fR, \fIprintenv\fR, \fIwhich\fR and \fIwhere\fR (q.v.).
+New variables that make useful information easily available to the shell.
+See the \fBgid\fR, \fBloginsh\fR, \fBoid\fR, \fBshlvl\fR, \fBtcsh\fR,
+\fBtty\fR, \fBuid\fR and \fBversion\fR shell variables and the \fBHOST\fR,
+\fBREMOTEHOST\fR, \fBVENDOR\fR, \fBOSTYPE\fR and \fBMACHTYPE\fR environment
+A new syntax for including useful information in the prompt string
+(see \fBprompt\fR),
+and special prompts for loops and spelling correction
+(see \fBprompt2\fR and \fBprompt3\fR).
+Read-only variables. See \fBVariable substitution\fR.
+When a suspended command is restarted, the shell prints the directory
+it started in if this is different from the current directory. This can
+be misleading (i.e., wrong) as the job may have changed directories internally.
+Shell builtin functions are not stoppable/restartable. Command sequences
+of the form `a ; b ; c' are also not handled gracefully when stopping is
+attempted. If you suspend `b', the shell will then immediately execute
+`c'. This is especially noticeable if this expansion results from an
+\fIalias\fR. It suffices to place the sequence of commands in ()'s to force it
+to a subshell, i.e., `( a ; b ; c )'.
+Control over tty output after processes are started is primitive; perhaps
+this will inspire someone to work on a good virtual terminal interface.
+In a virtual terminal interface much more interesting things could be
+done with output control.
+Alias substitution is most often used to clumsily simulate shell procedures;
+shell procedures should be provided rather than aliases.
+Control structures should be parsed rather than being recognized as
+built-in commands. This would allow control commands to be placed anywhere,
+to be combined with `|', and to be used with `&' and `;' metasyntax.
+\fIforeach\fR doesn't ignore here documents when looking for its \fIend\fR.
+It should be possible to use the `:' modifiers on the output of command
+The screen update for lines longer than the screen width is very poor
+if the terminal cannot move the cursor up (i.e., terminal type `dumb').
+\fBHPATH\fR and \fBNOREBIND\fR don't need to be environment variables.
+Glob-patterns which do not use `?', `*' or `[]' or which use `{}' or `~'
+are not negated correctly.
+The single-command form of \fIif\fR does output redirection even if
+the expression is false and the command is not executed.
+\fIls\-F\fR includes file identification characters when sorting filenames
+and does not handle control characters in filenames well. It cannot be
+Command substitution supports multiple commands and conditions, but not
+cycles or backward \fIgoto\fRs.
+Report bugs at, preferably with fixes. If you want to
+help maintain and test tcsh, send mail to with the
+text `subscribe tcsh' on a line by itself in the body.
+In 1964, DEC produced the PDP-6. The PDP-10 was a later re-implementation. It
+was re-christened the DECsystem-10 in 1970 or so when DEC brought out the
+second model, the KI10.
+TENEX was created at Bolt, Beranek & Newman (a Cambridge, Massachusetts
+think tank) in
+1972 as an experiment in demand-paged virtual memory operating systems. They
+built a new pager for the DEC PDP-10 and created the OS to go with it. It was
+extremely successful in academia.
+In 1975, DEC brought out a new model of the PDP-10, the KL10; they intended to
+have only a version of TENEX, which they had licensed from BBN, for the new
+box. They called their version TOPS-20 (their capitalization is trademarked).
+A lot of TOPS-10 users (`The OPerating System for PDP-10') objected; thus DEC
+found themselves supporting two incompatible systems on the same hardware--but
+then there were 6 on the PDP-11!
+TENEX, and TOPS-20 to version 3, had command completion
+via a user-code-level subroutine library called ULTCMD. With version 3, DEC
+moved all that capability and more into the monitor (`kernel' for you Unix
+types), accessed by the COMND% JSYS (`Jump to SYStem' instruction, the
+supervisor call mechanism [are my IBM roots also showing?]).
+The creator of tcsh was impressed by this feature and several others of TENEX
+and TOPS-20, and created a version of csh which mimicked them.
+The system limits argument lists to ARG_MAX characters.
+The number of arguments to a command which involves filename expansion is
+limited to 1/6th the number of characters allowed in an argument list.
+Command substitutions may substitute no more characters than are allowed in
+an argument list.
+To detect looping, the shell restricts the number of \fIalias\fR
+substitutions on a single line to 20.
+csh(1), emacs(1), ls(1), newgrp(1), sh(1), setpath(1), stty(1), su(1),
+tset(1), vi(1), x(1), access(2), execve(2), fork(2), killpg(2),
+pipe(2), setrlimit(2), sigvec(2), stat(2), umask(2), vfork(2), wait(2),
+malloc(3), setlocale(3), tty(4), a.out(5), termcap(5), environ(7),
+termio(7), Introduction to the C Shell
+This manual documents tcsh 6.18.01 (Astron) 2012-02-14.
+.PD 0
+.TP 2
+William Joy
+Original author of \fIcsh\fR(1)
+.TP 2
+J.E. Kulp, IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria
+Job control and directory stack features
+.TP 2
+Ken Greer, HP Labs, 1981
+File name completion
+.TP 2
+Mike Ellis, Fairchild, 1983
+Command name recognition/completion
+.TP 2
+Paul Placeway, Ohio State CIS Dept., 1983-1993
+Command line editor, prompt routines, new glob syntax and numerous fixes
+and speedups
+.TP 2
+Karl Kleinpaste, CCI 1983-4
+Special aliases, directory stack extraction stuff, login/logout watch,
+scheduled events, and the idea of the new prompt format
+.TP 2
+Rayan Zachariassen, University of Toronto, 1984
+\fIls\-F\fR and \fIwhich\fR builtins and numerous bug fixes, modifications
+and speedups
+.TP 2
+Chris Kingsley, Caltech
+Fast storage allocator routines
+.TP 2
+Chris Grevstad, TRW, 1987
+Incorporated 4.3BSD \fIcsh\fR into \fItcsh\fR
+.TP 2
+Christos S. Zoulas, Cornell U. EE Dept., 1987-94
+Ports to HPUX, SVR2 and SVR3, a SysV version of getwd.c, SHORT_STRINGS support
+and a new version of sh.glob.c
+.TP 2
+James J Dempsey, BBN, and Paul Placeway, OSU, 1988
+A/UX port
+.TP 2
+Daniel Long, NNSC, 1988
+.TP 2
+Patrick Wolfe, Kuck and Associates, Inc., 1988
+\fIvi\fR mode cleanup
+.TP 2
+David C Lawrence, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1989
+\fBautolist\fR and ambiguous completion listing
+.TP 2
+Alec Wolman, DEC, 1989
+Newlines in the prompt
+.TP 2
+Matt Landau, BBN, 1989
+.TP 2
+Ray Moody, Purdue Physics, 1989
+Magic space bar history expansion
+.TP 2
+Mordechai ????, Intel, 1989
+printprompt() fixes and additions
+.TP 2
+Kazuhiro Honda, Dept. of Computer Science, Keio University, 1989
+Automatic spelling correction and \fBprompt3\fR
+.TP 2
+Per Hedeland, Ellemtel, Sweden, 1990-
+Various bugfixes, improvements and manual updates
+.TP 2
+Hans J. Albertsson (Sun Sweden)
+\fBampm\fR, \fIsettc\fR and \fItelltc\fR
+.TP 2
+Michael Bloom
+Interrupt handling fixes
+.TP 2
+Michael Fine, Digital Equipment Corp
+Extended key support
+.TP 2
+Eric Schnoebelen, Convex, 1990
+Convex support, lots of \fIcsh\fR bug fixes,
+save and restore of directory stack
+.TP 2
+Ron Flax, Apple, 1990
+A/UX 2.0 (re)port
+.TP 2
+Dan Oscarsson, LTH Sweden, 1990
+NLS support and simulated NLS support for non NLS sites, fixes
+.TP 2
+Johan Widen, SICS Sweden, 1990
+\fBshlvl\fR, Mach support, \fIcorrect-line\fR, 8-bit printing
+.TP 2
+Matt Day, Sanyo Icon, 1990
+POSIX termio support, SysV limit fixes
+.TP 2
+Jaap Vermeulen, Sequent, 1990-91
+Vi mode fixes, expand-line, window change fixes, Symmetry port
+.TP 2
+Martin Boyer, Institut de recherche d'Hydro-Quebec, 1991
+\fBautolist\fR beeping options, modified the history search to search for
+the whole string from the beginning of the line to the cursor.
+.TP 2
+Scott Krotz, Motorola, 1991
+Minix port
+.TP 2
+David Dawes, Sydney U. Australia, Physics Dept., 1991
+SVR4 job control fixes
+.TP 2
+Jose Sousa, Interactive Systems Corp., 1991
+Extended \fIvi\fR fixes and \fIvi\fR delete command
+.TP 2
+Marc Horowitz, MIT, 1991
+ANSIfication fixes, new exec hashing code, imake fixes, \fIwhere\fR
+.TP 2
+Bruce Sterling Woodcock,, 1991-1995
+ETA and Pyramid port, Makefile and lint fixes, \fBignoreeof\fR=n addition, and
+various other portability changes and bug fixes
+.TP 2
+Jeff Fink, 1992
+\fIcomplete-word-fwd\fR and \fIcomplete-word-back\fR
+.TP 2
+Harry C. Pulley, 1992
+Coherent port
+.TP 2
+Andy Phillips, Mullard Space Science Lab U.K., 1992
+.TP 2
+Beto Appleton, IBM Corp., 1992
+Walking process group fixes, \fIcsh\fR bug fixes,
+.TP 2
+Scott Bolte, Cray Computer Corp., 1992
+CSOS port
+.TP 2
+Kaveh R. Ghazi, Rutgers University, 1992
+Tek, m88k, Titan and Masscomp ports and fixes. Added autoconf support.
+.TP 2
+Mark Linderman, Cornell University, 1992
+OS/2 port
+.TP 2
+Mika Liljeberg, liljeber@kruuna.Helsinki.FI, 1992
+Linux port
+.TP 2
+Tim P. Starrin, NASA Langley Research Center Operations, 1993
+Read-only variables
+.TP 2
+Dave Schweisguth, Yale University, 1993-4
+New man page and tcsh.man2html
+.TP 2
+Larry Schwimmer, Stanford University, 1993
+AFS and HESIOD patches
+.TP 2
+Luke Mewburn, RMIT University, 1994-6
+Enhanced directory printing in prompt,
+added \fBellipsis\fR and \fBrprompt\fR.
+.TP 2
+Edward Hutchins, Silicon Graphics Inc., 1996
+Added implicit cd.
+.TP 2
+Martin Kraemer, 1997
+Ported to Siemens Nixdorf EBCDIC machine
+.TP 2
+Amol Deshpande, Microsoft, 1997
+Ported to WIN32 (Windows/95 and Windows/NT); wrote all the missing library
+and message catalog code to interface to Windows.
+.TP 2
+Taga Nayuta, 1998
+Color ls additions.
+Bryan Dunlap, Clayton Elwell, Karl Kleinpaste, Bob Manson, Steve Romig,
+Diana Smetters, Bob Sutterfield, Mark Verber, Elizabeth Zwicky and all
+the other people at Ohio State for suggestions and encouragement
+All the people on the net, for putting up with,
+reporting bugs in, and suggesting new additions to each and every version
+Richard M. Alderson III, for writing the `T in tcsh' section
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