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- [Home] WishList
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- _________________________________________________________________
- Surprised by this this a bug?
- (Goal: e.g. distinguish between completely numeric args/names and
- those containing non-numerics)
- % touch 1023 pex103 pex103a 104a z101 16a02 1999 2001 2001_A_Space_Odyssey
- % ls -1 *[^0-9]*
- 104a
- 16a02
- 2001_A_Space_Odyssey
- pex103
- pex103a
- z101
- # (great, looks good to me. Got everything containing a nonnumeric, no more, n
-o less.)
- % foreach p ( 1023 pex103 pex103a 104a z101 16a02 1999 2001 2001_A_Space_Odyss
-ey )
- foreach? if ( $p !~ *[^0-9]* ) echo $p
- foreach? end
- # (no output. Huh?)
- % foreach p ( 1023 pex103 pex103a 104a z101 16a02 1999 2001 2001_A_Space_Odyss
-ey )
- foreach? if ( $p =~ *[^0-9]* ) echo $p
- foreach? end
- 1023 (!)
- pex103
- pex103a
- 104a
- z101
- 16a02
- 1999 (!)
- 2001 (!)
- 2001_A_Space_Odyssey
- # (Huh?)
- The [MAN page description] for =~ and !~ just refer to "(see [Filename
- substitution])', but evidently there is a (unexplained) difference.
- The actual filename globbing looks correct to me, but the pattern
- matching operator behavior is unexpected, if I'm not missing
- something.
- tcsh 6.09.00
- - bhooglan
- _________________________________________________________________
- I'm a long-time faithful user of tcsh, and one thing has always bugged
- me -- the need to type "rehash" at a prompt when adding a new command.
- My suggestions is to change tcsh so before printing "Command not
- found.", it first searches its entire path and rebuilds its hash
- table. Only after doing this, and if the command is still not in the
- path, then print "Command not found.". I realize there are some
- extreme cases in which this is suboptimal, but in most cases with
- normal users this would be a big win, and simplify the manual and
- perhaps even the code.
- _________________________________________________________________
- Wish "tcsh -l" would accept other flags. At least "-c".
- Currently I can't get ssh to have the right environment unless it is a
- login shell. The .ssh/environment doesn't work for me because I login
- to different machines with different environments. One thing to do
- would be to not have the different environment for login compared to
- other shells, but what I would really like is something like...
- ssh remote_application_server "tcsh -l -c application"
- The "ssh -t" doesn't work for me and I don't know why.
- Thanks Tim
- Fix limit vmemoryuse in Linux
- In Linux tcsh is unable to limit vmemoryuse. This is because
- RLIMIT_VMEM isn't defined, instead Linux has RLIMIT_AS which means the
- same. On Google groups I found patches suggested by Komazaki at
- and Ogawa
- Hirofumi suggests a patch at
- None of these patches seems to have been
- included in version 6.12 as 6.12 still has this problem.
- /Henrik??
- New idea: use last line (or n'th line) of output as input to new
- command.
- I often find myself typing something like:
- >locate lshort
- /usr/local/stow/share/texmf/doc/latex/general/lshort.dvi . . .
- /usr/local/store/share/texmf/doc/latex/general/lshort.dvi
- >xdvi /usr/local/store/share/texmf/doc/latex/general/lshort.dvi
- Now the way I accomplish writing the last line, is by moving the mouse
- over the last line, and the copy paste it. It would be very nice, if
- the shell could keep the last n lines of output in a buffer. This way
- one could avoid using the mouse by typing something like:
- >xdvi <M-1>
- which would insert the last line of output, similarly <M-2> could
- insert the second last line of output. (the exact commands used is of
- course configured via bindkey).
- This could save me a couple of times to the mouse everyday -
- The shell does not capture any output from commands it runs, so
- this is really more a feature for the terminal (be it hardware
- or software). --Kim
- Fix memory leak related to aliasrun(). Precmd, Cwdcmd etc. leak
- memory.
- Fix migrate -site $$... Seems to hang... (aix370)
- Fix history in loops.
- New idea: sed operations on variables.
- Lots of people seem to like the idea to be able to do sed type
- operations on shell variables. Maybe we can extend the syntax of the
- variable editing to understand string operations. So I would like to
- be able to use:
-> set a="this is a STRING"
-> echo $a:[3-]
-is is a STRING
-> echo $a:[#]
-> echo $a:[6-7]
-> echo $a:[-2]
-> echo $a:[-20]
-Subscript out of bounds.
-> echo $a:[2-20]
-Subscript out of bounds.
-> echo $a:[1-1]:u$a:[2-].
-This is a string.
- </blockquote>
- Fix pipelines that contain builtins so that they behave correctly.
- I tried to fix that (most of the code is in sh.sem.c, but it works
- only for non POSIX machines cause otherwise the setpgid() I added
- fails).
- Fix the correct code... How to do that involves A.I....
- Rewrite the whole thing. It has taken to much beating over the
- years...
- Add another hook like precmd to be executed after the prompt but
- before the command.
- Add instructions for using configure in the README file.
- Make manual page references links in the HTML version of the manual.
- It is possible to match the words with ([0-9]) after them. Links could
- be using the manual page CGI at
- for content.
- Add OpenBSD?? to the Makefile, etc.
- A Csh compatability mode would be nice: I know tcsh is supposed to be
- fully csh compatible, but csh scripts containing such constructs as
- '$<' , 'if ( -d $file ) cd $file' or any of a great number of other
- valid csh commands, will produce syntax errors or the like with tcsh,
- which is frustrating when writing/maintaining csh scripts which have
- to run on systems with only tcsh and systems with only csh. If such a
- thing exists, I couldn't find it after searching the man page for two
- hours, and it should be better documented
- Add hooks for command completion Either for a dynamically loaded
- library, or a callback to another program that allows another pass to
- complete the command. As a trivial example, the module could duplicate
- the functionality of aliases. A could define sigh, groan,
- cheer, lol, etc to produce output if they weren't actually valid
- commands.
- Properly deal with : in filename substitution
- Given something like
- expand it properly to something like
- It already does this, if you have a file named like that... --Kim
- Directory commands don't handle blanks in filenames. If I have an
- environment variable such as:
-% setenv TOMCAT '/c/Program? Files/Apache? Software Foundation/Tomcat? 5.0'
-and then do the following, setenv complains that it has too many arguments.
-% cd /tmp
-% cd "$TOMCAT"
-setenv: Too many arguments
-% dirs
-/c/Program? Files/Apache? Software Foundation/Tomcat? 5.0 /tmp
-% pushd "$TOMCAT"
-/c/Program? Files/Apache? Software Foundation/Tomcat? 5.0
-setenv: Too many arguments.
-% pushd /tmp
-/tmp /c/Program? Files/Apache? Software Foundation/Tomcat? 5.0
-% pushd
-/c/Program? Files/Apache? Software Foundation/Tomcat? 5.0 /tmp
-setenv: Too many arguments.
- Wish tcsh would feature fc (fix command) as in bash !Wish tcsh would
- featuer fc (fix command) as in bash !
- i wish for read-only CVS access to the sources (as i am on the
- bleeding egde)
- Functions would be useful! As would being able to redirect stderr (or
- other file descriptors) independently of stdout! -- Rohan Talip
- Don't complete commands with non-executable files. For example if I
- have a file called README in a directory in the PATH, and I type R TAB
- tcsh will complete README as a command. But README does not have the x
- bit set, so it's kind of pointless to have that completion.
- --> Setting the shell variable "recognize_only_executables" will give
- you this behavior. --Waz
- If I have in my .tcshrc: complete {cd,pushd} p/1/d/ and I type
- "complete cd" at the shell prompt nothing is printed. It would be nice
- if {cd,pushd} p/1/d/ was printed.
- --> I had programmed this feature a while ago but have not submitted
- it because the implementation is not robust enough to keep TCSH from
- crashing when special characters are part of the pattern. I'll get
- back to it at some point! --Waz
- It would be nice if "set autolist" would be on by default.
- ---
- Unicode (UTF-8) doesn't seem to work. It's not even possible to "make
- catalogs" in unicode environment. Also unicode support (and other
- multibyte encodings) should depend on environment variables
- (LC_CTYPE), not on "set dspmbyte". On unicode terminal translations
- show empty characters instead of messages.
- In addition to message catalogs, there are more problems:
-ipi:~/test/tcsh/bin> ls
-tcsh едц
-ipi:~/test/tcsh/bin> set dspmbyte utf8
-ipi:~/test/tcsh/bin> ls ???
-ls: No match.
- Unicode is used more and more, and is default on many environments, so
- this really should be fixed. --mpaananen
- _________________________________________________________________
- When I have a script called from complete I would like to have the the
- existing text from the command line passed to that script so that it
- can look at all existing words to detemine what it should output as
- the completion list.
- For example:
- complete prog 'n/-x/`myscript`'
- Then when I do this:
- > prog -a A -b B -x <TAB>
- The script would get 'prog -a A -b B -x ' which would allow the script
- to base its -x completions on the options given for -a and -b (or if
- they aren't present give nothing - or a message saying that they are
- required). Setting a temporary environment variable before executing
- the command would also work and would probably be safer.
- Perhaps this info is already available as a special variable that can
- be manually passed to the script: complete prog 'n/-x/`myscript
- $cmd_line`'?
- Update: I looked into this further by actually downloading the code
- and looking through it. It doesn't seem that this information is
- available anywhere, but I did manage to achieve what I wanted by
- adding the following two lines around the call to tw_complete (line
- 278, tw.parse.c 6.12.00):
- added> tsetenv(STRCURRCMDLINE, (Char *)&qline);
- looking = tw_complete(cmd_start, &wordp, &pat, looking, &suf);
- added> Unsetenv(STRCURRCMDLINE);
- And I added a definition for STRCURRCMDLINE to be "CURRCMDLINE".
- This provides the environment variable CURRCMDLINE to any
- script/program running under complete. The only issue I see is picking
- a sufficiently obscure environment variable that noone else is likely
- to use, but have it readable enough to understand what it is for. It
- also shouldn't overwrite an existing ENV variable if it is already in
- use.
- _________________________________________________________________
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- Last edited March 25, 2004 10:27 (diff)
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