path: root/contrib/sendmail/src/sendmail.8
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/sendmail/src/sendmail.8')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 748 deletions
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index 27b44d6..0000000
--- a/contrib/sendmail/src/sendmail.8
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,748 +0,0 @@
-.\" Copyright (c) 1998-2003 Sendmail, Inc. and its suppliers.
-.\" All rights reserved.
-.\" Copyright (c) 1983, 1997 Eric P. Allman. All rights reserved.
-.\" Copyright (c) 1988, 1991, 1993
-.\" The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
-.\" By using this file, you agree to the terms and conditions set
-.\" forth in the LICENSE file which can be found at the top level of
-.\" the sendmail distribution.
-.\" $Id: sendmail.8,v 8.58 2007/08/02 05:42:33 ca Exp $
-.TH SENDMAIL 8 "$Date: 2007/08/02 05:42:33 $"
-\- an electronic mail transport agent
-.B sendmail
-.RI [ flags "] [" "address ..." ]
-.B newaliases
-.B mailq
-.RB [ \-v ]
-.B hoststat
-.B purgestat
-.B smtpd
-.B Sendmail
-sends a message to one or more
-.I recipients,
-routing the message over whatever networks
-are necessary.
-.B Sendmail
-does internetwork forwarding as necessary
-to deliver the message to the correct place.
-.B Sendmail
-is not intended as a user interface routine;
-other programs provide user-friendly
-front ends;
-.B sendmail
-is used only to deliver pre-formatted messages.
-With no flags,
-.B sendmail
-reads its standard input
-up to an end-of-file
-or a line consisting only of a single dot
-and sends a copy of the message found there
-to all of the addresses listed.
-It determines the network(s) to use
-based on the syntax and contents of the addresses.
-Local addresses are looked up in a file
-and aliased appropriately.
-Aliasing can be prevented by preceding the address
-with a backslash.
-Beginning with 8.10, the sender is included in any alias
-expansions, e.g.,
-if `john' sends to `group',
-and `group' includes `john' in the expansion,
-then the letter will also be delivered to `john'.
-.SS Parameters
-.B \-Ac
-Use even if the operation mode does not indicate
-an initial mail submission.
-.B \-Am
-Use even if the operation mode indicates
-an initial mail submission.
-.BI \-B type
-Set the body type to
-.IR type .
-Current legal values are
-.B \-ba
-Go into
-mode. All input lines must end with a CR-LF,
-and all messages will be generated with a CR-LF at the end.
-the ``From:'' and ``Sender:''
-fields are examined for the name of the sender.
-.B \-bd
-Run as a daemon.
-.B Sendmail
-will fork and run in background
-listening on socket 25 for incoming
-This is normally run from
-.B \-bD
-Same as
-.B \-bd
-except runs in foreground.
-.B \-bh
-Print the persistent host status database.
-.B \-bH
-Purge expired entries from the persistent host status database.
-.B \-bi
-Initialize the alias database.
-.B \-bm
-Deliver mail in the usual way (default).
-.B \-bp
-Print a listing of the queue(s).
-.B \-bP
-Print number of entries in the queue(s);
-only available with shared memory support.
-.B \-bs
-Use the
-protocol as described in
-on standard input and output.
-This flag implies all the operations of the
-.B \-ba
-flag that are compatible with
-.B \-bt
-Run in address test mode.
-This mode reads addresses and shows the steps in parsing;
-it is used for debugging configuration tables.
-.B \-bv
-Verify names only \- do not try to collect or deliver a message.
-Verify mode is normally used for validating
-users or mailing lists.
-.BI \-C file
-Use alternate configuration file.
-.B Sendmail
-gives up any enhanced (set-user-ID or set-group-ID) privileges
-if an alternate configuration file is specified.
-.BI "\-D " logfile
-Send debugging output to the indicated log file instead of stdout.
-.BI \-d category . level...
-Set the debugging flag for
-.I category
-.IR level .
-.I Category
-is either an integer or a name specifying the topic, and
-.I level
-an integer specifying the level of debugging output desired.
-Higher levels generally mean more output.
-More than one flag can be specified by separating them with commas.
-A list of numeric debugging categories can be found in the TRACEFLAGS file
-in the sendmail source distribution.
-The option
-.B \-d0.1
-prints the version of
-.B sendmail
-and the options it was compiled with.
-Most other categories are only useful with, and documented in,
-.BR sendmail 's
-source code. 1i
-.BI \-F fullname
-Set the full name of the sender.
-.BI \-f name
-Sets the name of the ``from'' person
-(i.e., the envelope sender of the mail).
-This address may also be used in the From: header
-if that header is missing during initial submission.
-The envelope sender address is used as the recipient
-for delivery status notifications
-and may also appear in a Return-Path: header.
-.B \-f
-should only be used
-by ``trusted'' users
-.IR root ", " daemon ,
-.IR network )
-or if the person you are trying to become
-is the same as the person you are.
-an X-Authentication-Warning header
-will be added to the message.
-.BI \-G
-Relay (gateway) submission of a message,
-e.g., when
-.BR rmail
-.B sendmail .
-.BI \-h N
-Set the hop count to
-.IR N .
-The hop count is incremented every time the mail is
-When it reaches a limit,
-the mail is returned with an error message,
-the victim of an aliasing loop.
-If not specified,
-``Received:'' lines in the message are counted.
-.B \-i
-Ignore dots alone on lines by themselves in incoming messages.
-This should be set if you are reading data from a file.
-.BI "\-L " tag
-Set the identifier used in syslog messages to the supplied
-.IR tag .
-.BI "\-N " dsn
-Set delivery status notification conditions to
-.IR dsn ,
-which can be
-for no notifications
-or a comma separated list of the values
-to be notified if delivery failed,
-to be notified if delivery is delayed, and
-to be notified when the message is successfully delivered.
-.B \-n
-Don't do aliasing.
-\fB\-O\fP \fIoption\fR=\fIvalue\fR
-Set option
-.I option
-to the specified
-.IR value .
-This form uses long names. See below for more details.
-.BI \-o "x value"
-Set option
-.I x
-to the specified
-.IR value .
-This form uses single character names only.
-The short names are not described in this manual page;
-see the
-.I "Sendmail Installation and Operation Guide"
-for details.
-.BI \-p protocol
-Set the name of the protocol used to receive the message.
-This can be a simple protocol name such as ``UUCP''
-or a protocol and hostname, such as ``UUCP:ucbvax''.
-Process saved messages in the queue at given intervals.
-.I time
-is omitted, process the queue once.
-.I Time
-is given as a tagged number,
-being seconds,
-being minutes (default),
-being hours,
-being days,
-being weeks.
-For example,
-would both set the timeout to one hour thirty minutes.
-By default,
-.B sendmail
-will run in the background.
-This option can be used safely with
-.BR \-bd .
-Similar to \fB\-q\fItime\fR,
-except that instead of periodically forking a child to process the queue,
-sendmail forks a single persistent child for each queue
-that alternates between processing the queue and sleeping.
-The sleep time is given as the argument; it defaults to 1 second.
-The process will always sleep at least 5 seconds if the queue was
-empty in the previous queue run.
-Process saved messages in the queue once and do not fork(),
-but run in the foreground.
-Process jobs in queue group called
-.I name
-Limit processed jobs to those containing
-.I substr
-as a substring of the queue id or not when
-.I !
-is specified.
-Limit processed jobs to quarantined jobs containing
-.I substr
-as a substring of the quarantine reason or not when
-.I !
-is specified.
-Limit processed jobs to those containing
-.I substr
-as a substring of one of the recipients or not when
-.I !
-is specified.
-Limit processed jobs to those containing
-.I substr
-as a substring of the sender or not when
-.I !
-is specified.
-Quarantine a normal queue items with the given reason or
-unquarantine quarantined queue items if no reason is given.
-This should only be used with some sort of item matching using
-as described above.
-.BI "\-R " return
-Set the amount of the message to be returned
-if the message bounces.
-.I return
-parameter can be
-to return the entire message or
-to return only the headers.
-In the latter case also local bounces return only the headers.
-.BI \-r name
-An alternate and obsolete form of the
-.B \-f
-.B \-t
-Read message for recipients.
-To:, Cc:, and Bcc: lines will be scanned for recipient addresses.
-The Bcc: line will be deleted before transmission.
-.BI "\-V " envid
-Set the original envelope id.
-This is propagated across SMTP to servers that support DSNs
-and is returned in DSN-compliant error messages.
-.B \-v
-Go into verbose mode.
-Alias expansions will be announced, etc.
-.BI "\-X " logfile
-Log all traffic in and out of mailers in the indicated log file.
-This should only be used as a last resort
-for debugging mailer bugs.
-It will log a lot of data very quickly.
-.B \-\-
-Stop processing command flags and use the rest of the arguments as
-.SS Options
-There are also a number of processing options that may be set.
-Normally these will only be used by a system administrator.
-Options may be set either on the command line
-using the
-.B \-o
-flag (for short names), the
-.B \-O
-flag (for long names),
-or in the configuration file.
-This is a partial list limited to those options that are likely to be useful
-on the command line
-and only shows the long names;
-for a complete list (and details), consult the
-.IR "Sendmail Installation and Operation Guide" .
-The options are:
-.RI AliasFile= file
-Use alternate alias file.
-On mailers that are considered ``expensive'' to connect to,
-don't initiate immediate connection.
-This requires queueing.
-.RI CheckpointInterval= N
-Checkpoint the queue file after every
-.I N
-successful deliveries (default 10).
-This avoids excessive duplicate deliveries
-when sending to long mailing lists
-interrupted by system crashes. 1i
-.RI DeliveryMode= x
-Set the delivery mode to
-.IR x .
-Delivery modes are
-for interactive (synchronous) delivery,
-for background (asynchronous) delivery,
-for queue only \- i.e.,
-actual delivery is done the next time the queue is run, and
-for deferred \- the same as
-except that database lookups for maps which have set the \-D option
-(default for the host map) are avoided.
-.RI ErrorMode= x
-Set error processing to mode
-.IR x .
-Valid modes are
-to mail back the error message,
-to ``write''
-back the error message
-(or mail it back if the sender is not logged in),
-to print the errors on the terminal
-to throw away error messages
-(only exit status is returned),
-to do special processing for the BerkNet.
-If the text of the message is not mailed back
-and if the sender is local to this machine,
-a copy of the message is appended to the file
-.I dead.letter
-in the sender's home directory.
-From lines at the front of messages.
-.RI MaxHopCount= N
-The maximum number of times a message is allowed to ``hop''
-before we decide it is in a loop.
-Do not take dots on a line by themselves
-as a message terminator.
-Send error messages in MIME format.
-If not set, the DSN (Delivery Status Notification) SMTP extension
-is disabled.
-.RI ConnectionCacheTimeout= timeout
-Set connection cache timeout.
-.RI ConnectionCacheSize= N
-Set connection cache size.
-.RI LogLevel= n
-The log level.
-.RI MeToo= False
-Don't send to ``me'' (the sender) if I am in an alias expansion.
-Validate the right hand side of aliases during a
-If set, this message may have
-old style headers.
-If not set,
-this message is guaranteed to have new style headers
-(i.e., commas instead of spaces between addresses).
-If set, an adaptive algorithm is used that will correctly
-determine the header format in most cases.
-.RI QueueDirectory= queuedir
-Select the directory in which to queue messages.
-.RI StatusFile= file
-Save statistics in the named file.
-.RI Timeout.queuereturn= time
-Set the timeout on undelivered messages in the queue to the specified time.
-After delivery has failed
-(e.g., because of a host being down)
-for this amount of time,
-failed messages will be returned to the sender.
-The default is five days.
-.RI UserDatabaseSpec= userdatabase
-If set, a user database is consulted to get forwarding information.
-You can consider this an adjunct to the aliasing mechanism,
-except that the database is intended to be distributed;
-aliases are local to a particular host.
-This may not be available if your sendmail does not have the
-option compiled in.
-Fork each job during queue runs.
-May be convenient on memory-poor machines.
-Strip incoming messages to seven bits.
-.RI EightBitMode= mode
-Set the handling of eight bit input to seven bit destinations to
-.IR mode :
-(mimefy) will convert to seven-bit MIME format,
-(pass) will pass it as eight bits (but violates protocols),
-(strict) will bounce the message.
-.RI MinQueueAge= timeout
-Sets how long a job must ferment in the queue between attempts to send it.
-.RI DefaultCharSet= charset
-Sets the default character set used to label 8-bit data
-that is not otherwise labelled.
-.RI DialDelay= sleeptime
-If opening a connection fails,
-sleep for
-.I sleeptime
-seconds and try again.
-Useful on dial-on-demand sites.
-.RI NoRecipientAction= action
-Set the behaviour when there are no recipient headers (To:, Cc: or
-Bcc:) in the message to
-.IR action :
-leaves the message unchanged,
-adds a To: header with the envelope recipients,
-adds an Apparently-To: header with the envelope recipients,
-adds an empty Bcc: header, and
-adds a header reading
-`To: undisclosed-recipients:;'.
-.RI MaxDaemonChildren= N
-Sets the maximum number of children that an incoming SMTP daemon
-will allow to spawn at any time to
-.IR N .
-.RI ConnectionRateThrottle= N
-Sets the maximum number of connections per second to the SMTP port to
-.IR N .
-In aliases,
-the first character of a name may be
-a vertical bar to cause interpretation of
-the rest of the name as a command
-to pipe the mail to.
-It may be necessary to quote the name
-to keep
-.B sendmail
-from suppressing the blanks from between arguments.
-For example, a common alias is:
-msgs: "|/usr/bin/msgs -s"
-Aliases may also have the syntax
-.RI ``:include: filename ''
-to ask
-.B sendmail
-to read the named file for a list of recipients.
-For example, an alias such as:
-poets: ":include:/usr/local/lib/poets.list"
-would read
-.I /usr/local/lib/poets.list
-for the list of addresses making up the group.
-.B Sendmail
-returns an exit status
-describing what it did.
-The codes are defined in
-.RI < sysexits.h >:
-Successful completion on all addresses.
-User name not recognized.
-Catchall meaning necessary resources
-were not available.
-Syntax error in address.
-Internal software error,
-including bad arguments.
-Temporary operating system error,
-such as
-``cannot fork''.
-Host name not recognized.
-Message could not be sent immediately,
-but was queued.
-If invoked as
-.BR newaliases ,
-.B sendmail
-will rebuild the alias database. If invoked as
-.BR mailq ,
-.B sendmail
-will print the contents of the mail queue.
-If invoked as
-.BR hoststat ,
-.B sendmail
-will print the persistent host status database.
-If invoked as
-.BR purgestat ,
-.B sendmail
-will purge expired entries from the persistent host status database.
-If invoked as
-.BR smtpd ,
-.B sendmail
-will act as a daemon, as if the
-.B \-bd
-option were specified.
-.B sendmail
-often gets blamed for many problems
-that are actually the result of other problems,
-such as overly permissive modes on directories.
-For this reason,
-.B sendmail
-checks the modes on system directories and files
-to determine if they can be trusted.
-Although these checks can be turned off
-and your system security reduced by setting the
-.BR DontBlameSendmail
-the permission problems should be fixed.
-For more information, see:
-Except for the file
-.I /etc/mail/
-itself the following pathnames are all specified in
-.IR /etc/mail/ .
-these values are only approximations.
- /etc/mail/aliases
-raw data for alias names
- /etc/mail/aliases.db
-data base of alias names
- /etc/mail/
-configuration file
- /etc/mail/helpfile
-help file
- /etc/mail/statistics
-collected statistics
- /var/spool/mqueue/*
-temp files
-Internet Request For Comments
-.IR RFC819 ,
-.IR RFC821 ,
-.IR RFC822 .
-.IR "Sendmail Installation and Operation Guide" ,
-No. 8, SMM.
-.B sendmail
-command appeared in
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