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+ <title> libsm : Assert and Abort </title>
+<a href="index.html">Back to libsm overview</a>
+ <h1> libsm : Assert and Abort </h1>
+ <br> $Id: assert.html,v 1.6 2001/08/27 21:47:03 ca Exp $
+<h2> Introduction </h2>
+This package contains abstractions
+for assertion checking and abnormal program termination.
+<h2> Synopsis </h2>
+#include &lt;sm/assert.h&gt;
+** abnormal program termination
+void sm_abort_at(char *filename, int lineno, char *msg);
+typedef void (*SM_ABORT_HANDLER)(char *filename, int lineno, char *msg);
+void sm_abort_sethandler(SM_ABORT_HANDLER);
+void sm_abort(char *fmt, ...)
+** assertion checking
+extern SM_DEBUG_T SmExpensiveRequire;
+extern SM_DEBUG_T SmExpensiveAssert;
+extern SM_DEBUG_T SmExpensiveEnsure;
+<h2> Abnormal Program Termination </h2>
+The functions sm_abort and sm_abort_at are used to report a logic
+bug and terminate the program. They can be invoked directly,
+and they are also used by the assertion checking macros.
+ void sm_abort_at(char *filename, int lineno, char *msg)
+ This is the low level interface for causing abnormal program
+ termination. It is intended to be invoked from a
+ macro, such as the assertion checking macros.
+ If filename != NULL then filename and lineno specify the line
+ of source code on which the logic bug is detected. These
+ arguments are normally either set to __FILE__ and __LINE__
+ from an assertion checking macro, or they are set to NULL and 0.
+ The default action is to print an error message to smioerr
+ using the arguments, and then call abort(). This default
+ behaviour can be changed by calling sm_abort_sethandler.
+ void sm_abort_sethandler(SM_ABORT_HANDLER handler)
+ Install 'handler' as the callback function that is invoked
+ by sm_abort_at. This callback function is passed the same
+ arguments as sm_abort_at, and is expected to log an error
+ message and terminate the program. The callback function should
+ not raise an exception or perform cleanup: see Rationale.
+ sm_abort_sethandler is intended to be called once, from main(),
+ before any additional threads are created: see Rationale.
+ You should not use sm_abort_sethandler to
+ switch back and forth between several handlers;
+ this is particularly dangerous when there are
+ multiple threads, or when you are in a library routine.
+ void sm_abort(char *fmt, ...)
+ This is the high level interface for causing abnormal program
+ termination. It takes printf arguments. There is no need to
+ include a trailing newline in the format string; a trailing newline
+ will be printed if appropriate by the handler function.
+<h2> Assertions </h2>
+ The assertion handling package
+ supports a style of programming in which assertions are used
+ liberally throughout the code, both as a form of documentation,
+ and as a way of detecting bugs in the code by performing runtime checks.
+ There are three kinds of assertion:
+ SM_REQUIRE(expr)
+ This is an assertion used at the beginning of a function
+ to check that the preconditions for calling the function
+ have been satisfied by the caller.
+ SM_ENSURE(expr)
+ This is an assertion used just before returning from a function
+ to check that the function has satisfied all of the postconditions
+ that it is required to satisfy by its contract with the caller.
+ SM_ASSERT(expr)
+ This is an assertion that is used in the middle of a function,
+ to check loop invariants, and for any other kind of check that is
+ not a "require" or "ensure" check.
+ If any of the above assertion macros fail, then sm_abort_at
+ is called. By default, a message is printed to stderr and the
+ program is aborted. For example, if SM_REQUIRE(arg &gt; 0) fails
+ because arg &lt;= 0, then the message
+foo.c:47: SM_REQUIRE(arg &gt; 0) failed
+ is printed to stderr, and abort() is called.
+ You can change this default behaviour using sm_abort_sethandler.
+<h2> How To Disable Assertion Checking At Compile Time </h2>
+ You can use compile time macros to selectively enable or disable
+ each of the three kinds of assertions, for performance reasons.
+ For example, you might want to enable SM_REQUIRE checking
+ (because it finds the most bugs), but disable the other two types.
+ By default, all three types of assertion are enabled.
+ You can selectively disable individual assertion types
+ by setting one or more of the following cpp macros to 0
+ before &lt;sm/assert.h&gt; is included for the first time:
+ Or, you can define SM_CHECK_ALL as 0 to disable all assertion
+ types, then selectively define one or more of SM_CHECK_REQUIRE,
+ SM_CHECK_ENSURE or SM_CHECK_ASSERT as 1. For example,
+ to disable all assertions except for SM_REQUIRE, you can use
+ these C compiler flags:
+ After &lt;sm/assert.h&gt; is included, the macros
+ are each set to either 0 or 1.
+<h2> How To Write Complex or Expensive Assertions </h2>
+ Sometimes an assertion check requires more code than a simple
+ boolean expression.
+ For example, it might require an entire statement block
+ with its own local variables.
+ You can code such assertion checks by making them conditional on
+ and using sm_abort to signal failure.
+ Sometimes an assertion check is significantly more expensive
+ than one or two comparisons.
+ In such cases, it is not uncommon for developers to comment out
+ the assertion once the code is unit tested.
+ Please don't do this: it makes it hard to turn the assertion
+ check back on for the purposes of regression testing.
+ What you should do instead is make the assertion check conditional
+ on one of these predefined debug objects:
+ SmExpensiveRequire<br>
+ SmExpensiveAssert<br>
+ SmExpensiveEnsure
+ By doing this, you bring the cost of the assertion checking code
+ back down to a single comparison, unless expensive assertion checking
+ has been explicitly enabled.
+ By the way, the corresponding debug category names are
+ sm_check_require<br>
+ sm_check_assert<br>
+ sm_check_ensure
+ What activation level should you check for?
+ Higher levels correspond to more expensive assertion checks.
+ Here are some basic guidelines:
+ level 1: &lt; 10 basic C operations<br>
+ level 2: &lt; 100 basic C operations<br>
+ level 3: &lt; 1000 basic C operations<br>
+ ...
+ Here's a contrived example of both techniques:
+w_munge(WIDGET *w)
+ /*
+ ** We run this check at level 3 because we expect to check a few hundred
+ ** table entries.
+ */
+ if (sm_debug_active(&SmExpensiveRequire, 3))
+ {
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i &lt; WIDGET_MAX; ++i)
+ {
+ if (w[i] == NULL)
+ sm_abort("w_munge: NULL entry %d in widget table", i);
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* SM_CHECK_REQUIRE */
+<h2> Other Guidelines </h2>
+ You should resist the urge to write SM_ASSERT(0) when the code has
+ reached an impossible place. It's better to call sm_abort, because
+ then you can generate a better error message. For example,
+switch (foo)
+ ...
+ default:
+ sm_abort("impossible value %d for foo", foo);
+ Note that I did not bother to guard the default clause of the switch
+ statement with #if SM_CHECK_ASSERT ... #endif, because there is
+ probably no performance gain to be had by disabling this particular check.
+ Avoid including code that has side effects inside of assert macros,
+ or inside of SM_CHECK_* guards. You don't want the program to stop
+ working if assertion checking is disabled.
+<h2> Rationale for Logic Bug Handling </h2>
+ When a logic bug is detected, our philosophy is to log an error message
+ and terminate the program, dumping core if possible.
+ It is not a good idea to raise an exception, attempt cleanup,
+ or continue program execution. Here's why.
+ First of all, to facilitate post-mortem analysis, we want to dump core
+ on detecting a logic bug, disturbing the process image as little as
+ possible before dumping core. We don't want to raise an exception
+ and unwind the stack, executing cleanup code, before dumping core,
+ because that would obliterate information we need to analyze the cause
+ of the abort.
+ Second, it is a bad idea to raise an exception on an assertion failure
+ because this places unacceptable restrictions on code that uses
+ the assertion macros.
+ The reason is this: the sendmail code must be written so that
+ anywhere it is possible for an assertion to be raised, the code
+ will catch the exception and clean up if necessary, restoring
+ data structure invariants and freeing resources as required.
+ If an assertion failure was signalled by raising an exception,
+ then every time you added an assertion, you would need to check
+ both the function containing the assertion and its callers to see
+ if any exception handling code needed to be added to clean up properly
+ on assertion failure. That is far too great a burden.
+ It is a bad idea to attempt cleanup upon detecting a logic bug
+ for several reasons:
+<li>If you need to perform cleanup actions in order to preserve the
+ integrity of the data that the program is handling, then the
+ program is not fault tolerant, and needs to be redesigned.
+ There are several reasons why a program might be terminated unexpectedly:
+ the system might crash, the program might receive a signal 9,
+ the program might be terminated by a memory fault (possibly as a
+ side effect of earlier data structure corruption), and the program
+ might detect a logic bug and terminate itself. Note that executing
+ cleanup actions is not feasible in most of the above cases.
+ If the program has a fault tolerant design, then it will not lose
+ data even if the system crashes in the middle of an operation.
+<li>If the cause of the logic bug is earlier data structure corruption,
+ then cleanup actions intended to preserve the integrity of the data
+ that the program is handling might cause more harm than good: they
+ might cause information to be corrupted or lost.
+<li>If the program uses threads, then cleanup is much more problematic.
+ Suppose that thread A is holding some locks, and is in the middle of
+ modifying a shared data structure. The locks are needed because the
+ data structure is currently in an inconsistent state. At this point,
+ a logic bug is detected deep in a library routine called by A.
+ How do we get all of the running threads to stop what they are doing
+ and perform their thread-specific cleanup actions before terminating?
+ We may not be able to get B to clean up and terminate cleanly until
+ A has restored the invariants on the data structure it is modifying
+ and releases its locks. So, we raise an exception and unwind the stack,
+ restoring data structure invariants and releasing locks at each level
+ of abstraction, and performing an orderly shutdown. There are certainly
+ many classes of error conditions for which using the exception mechanism
+ to perform an orderly shutdown is appropriate and feasible, but there
+ are also classes of error conditions for which exception handling and
+ orderly shutdown is dangerous or impossible. The abnormal program
+ termination system is intended for this second class of error conditions.
+ If you want to trigger orderly shutdown, don't call sm_abort:
+ raise an exception instead.
+ Here is a strategy for making sendmail fault tolerant.
+ Sendmail is structured as a collection of processes. The "root" process
+ does as little as possible, except spawn children to do all of the real
+ work, monitor the children, and act as traffic cop.
+ We use exceptions to signal expected but infrequent error conditions,
+ so that the process encountering the exceptional condition can clean up
+ and keep going. (Worker processes are intended to be long lived, in
+ order to minimize forking and increase performance.) But when a bug
+ is detected in a sendmail worker process, the worker process does minimal
+ or no cleanup and then dies. A bug might be detected in several ways:
+ the process might dereference a NULL pointer, receive a signal 11,
+ core dump and die, or an assertion might fail, in which case the process
+ commits suicide. Either way, the root process detects the death of the
+ worker, logs the event, and spawns another worker.
+<h2> Rationale for Naming Conventions </h2>
+ The names "require" and "ensure" come from the writings of Bertrand Meyer,
+ a prominent evangelist for assertion checking who has written a number of
+ papers about the "Design By Contract" programming methodology,
+ and who created the Eiffel programming language.
+ Many other assertion checking packages for C also have "require" and
+ "ensure" assertion types. In short, we are conforming to a de-facto
+ standard.
+ We use the names <tt>SM_REQUIRE</tt>, <tt>SM_ASSERT</tt>
+ and <tt>SM_ENSURE</tt> in preference to to <tt>REQUIRE</tt>,
+ <tt>ASSERT</tt> and <tt>ENSURE</tt> because at least two other
+ open source libraries (libisc and libnana) define <tt>REQUIRE</tt>
+ and <tt>ENSURE</tt> macros, and many libraries define <tt>ASSERT</tt>.
+ We want to avoid name conflicts with other libraries.
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