path: root/contrib/perl5/t/op
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/perl5/t/op')
23 files changed, 640 insertions, 51 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/t/op/array.t b/contrib/perl5/t/op/array.t
index 8dea44d..3409556 100755
--- a/contrib/perl5/t/op/array.t
+++ b/contrib/perl5/t/op/array.t
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-print "1..63\n";
+print "1..65\n";
# @foo, @bar, and @ary are also used from tie-stdarray after tie-ing them
@@ -206,3 +206,8 @@ t("@bar" eq "foo bar"); # 43
t("@bee" eq "foo bar burbl blah"); # 63
+# make sure reification behaves
+my $t = 63;
+sub reify { $_[1] = ++$t; print "@_\n"; }
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/t/op/die_exit.t b/contrib/perl5/t/op/die_exit.t
index ffbb1e0..26b477a 100755
--- a/contrib/perl5/t/op/die_exit.t
+++ b/contrib/perl5/t/op/die_exit.t
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ my %tests = (
15 => [ 255, 1],
16 => [ 255, 256],
# see if implicit close preserves $?
- 17 => [ 42, 42, '{ local *F; open F, q[TEST]; close F } die;'],
+ 17 => [ 0, 512, '{ local *F; open F, q[TEST]; close F } die;'],
my $max = keys %tests;
@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ foreach my $test (1 .. $max) {
? system qq($perl -e "\$! = $bang; \$? = $query; $code" 2> nul)
: system qq($perl -e '\$! = $bang; \$? = $query; $code' 2> /dev/null));
- printf "# 0x%04x 0x%04x 0x%04x\nnot ", $exit, $bang, $query
- unless $exit == (($bang || ($query >> 8) || 255) << 8);
+ printf "# 0x%04x 0x%04x 0x%04x\n", $exit, $bang, $query;
+ print "not " unless $exit == (($bang || ($query >> 8) || 255) << 8);
print "ok $test\n";
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/t/op/eval.t b/contrib/perl5/t/op/eval.t
index 9368281..dc163e9 100755
--- a/contrib/perl5/t/op/eval.t
+++ b/contrib/perl5/t/op/eval.t
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
-# $RCSfile: eval.t,v $$Revision: 4.1 $$Date: 92/08/07 18:27:48 $
-print "1..23\n";
+print "1..36\n";
eval 'print "ok 1\n";';
@@ -79,3 +77,97 @@ eval {
+my $b = 'wrong';
+my $X = sub {
+ my $b = "right";
+ print eval('"$b"') eq $b ? "ok 24\n" : "not ok 24\n";
+# check navigation of multiple eval boundaries to find lexicals
+my $x = 25;
+eval <<'EOT'; die if $@;
+ print "# $x\n"; # clone into eval's pad
+ sub do_eval1 {
+ eval $_[0]; die if $@;
+ }
+do_eval1('print "ok $x\n"');
+do_eval1('eval q[print "ok $x\n"]');
+do_eval1('sub { eval q[print "ok $x\n"] }->()');
+# calls from within eval'' should clone outer lexicals
+eval <<'EOT'; die if $@;
+ sub do_eval2 {
+ eval $_[0]; die if $@;
+ }
+do_eval2('print "ok $x\n"');
+do_eval2('eval q[print "ok $x\n"]');
+do_eval2('sub { eval q[print "ok $x\n"] }->()');
+# calls outside eval'' should NOT clone lexicals from called context
+$main::x = 'ok';
+eval <<'EOT'; die if $@;
+ # $x unbound here
+ sub do_eval3 {
+ eval $_[0]; die if $@;
+ }
+do_eval3('print "$x ' . $x . '\n"');
+do_eval3('eval q[print "$x ' . $x . '\n"]');
+do_eval3('sub { eval q[print "$x ' . $x . '\n"] }->()');
+# can recursive subroutine-call inside eval'' see its own lexicals?
+sub recurse {
+ my $l = shift;
+ if ($l < $x) {
+ ++$l;
+ eval 'print "# level $l\n"; recurse($l);';
+ die if $@;
+ }
+ else {
+ print "ok $l\n";
+ }
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { die "not ok $x\n" if $_[0] =~ /^Deep recurs/ };
+ recurse($x-5);
+# do closures created within eval bind correctly?
+eval <<'EOT';
+ sub create_closure {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return sub {
+ print $self;
+ };
+ }
+create_closure("ok $x\n")->();
+# does lexical search terminate correctly at subroutine boundary?
+$main::r = "ok $x\n";
+sub terminal { eval 'print $r' }
+ my $r = "not ok $x\n";
+ eval 'terminal($r)';
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/t/op/goto.t b/contrib/perl5/t/op/goto.t
index 1b34acd..8096aff 100755
--- a/contrib/perl5/t/op/goto.t
+++ b/contrib/perl5/t/op/goto.t
@@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
-# $RCSfile: goto.t,v $$Revision: 4.1 $$Date: 92/08/07 18:27:56 $
# "This IS structured code. It's just randomly structured."
-print "1..9\n";
+print "1..13\n";
while ($?) {
$foo = 1;
@@ -56,7 +54,7 @@ sub bar {
-print "ok 9\n";
+print "ok 13\n";
@@ -86,5 +84,22 @@ $wherever = NOWHERE;
eval { goto $wherever };
print $@ =~ /Can't find label NOWHERE/ ? "ok 8\n" : "not ok 8\n";
+# see if a modified @_ propagates
+ package Foo;
+ sub DESTROY { my $s = shift; print "ok $s->[0]\n"; }
+ sub show { print "# @_\nnot ok $_[0][0]\n" if @_ != 5; }
+ sub start { push @_, 1, "foo", {}; goto &show; }
+ for (9..11) { start(bless([$_]), 'bar'); }
+sub auto {
+ goto &loadit;
+sub AUTOLOAD { print @_ }
+auto("ok 12\n");
$wherever = FINALE;
goto $wherever;
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/t/op/grep.t b/contrib/perl5/t/op/grep.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..45d0e25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/perl5/t/op/grep.t
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# grep() and map() tests
+print "1..3\n";
+$test = 1;
+sub ok {
+ my ($got,$expect) = @_;
+ print "# expected [$expect], got [$got]\nnot " if $got ne $expect;
+ print "ok $test\n";
+ my @lol = ([qw(a b c)], [], [qw(1 2 3)]);
+ my @mapped = map {scalar @$_} @lol;
+ ok "@mapped", "3 0 3";
+ $test++;
+ my @grepped = grep {scalar @$_} @lol;
+ ok "@grepped", "$lol[0] $lol[2]";
+ $test++;
+ @grepped = grep { $_ } @mapped;
+ ok "@grepped", "3 3";
+ $test++;
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/t/op/local.t b/contrib/perl5/t/op/local.t
index 2f674d1..b478e01 100755
--- a/contrib/perl5/t/op/local.t
+++ b/contrib/perl5/t/op/local.t
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
-# $RCSfile: local.t,v $$Revision: 4.1 $$Date: 92/08/07 18:28:04 $
-print "1..58\n";
+print "1..69\n";
# XXX known to leak scalars
@@ -198,3 +196,42 @@ print +($ENV{_X_} eq 'a') ? "" : "not ", "ok 56\n";
print +($ENV{_Y_} eq 'b') ? "" : "not ", "ok 57\n";
print +($ENV{_Z_} eq 'c') ? "" : "not ", "ok 58\n";
+# does implicit localization in foreach skip magic?
+$_ = "ok 59,ok 60,";
+my $iter = 0;
+while (/(o.+?),/gc) {
+ print "$1\n";
+ foreach (1..1) { $iter++ }
+ if ($iter > 2) { print "not ok 60\n"; last; }
+ package UnderScore;
+ sub TIESCALAR { bless \my $self, shift }
+ sub FETCH { die "read \$_ forbidden" }
+ sub STORE { die "write \$_ forbidden" }
+ tie $_, __PACKAGE__;
+ my $t = 61;
+ my @tests = (
+ "Nesting" => sub { print '#'; for (1..3) { print }
+ print "\n" }, 1,
+ "Reading" => sub { print }, 0,
+ "Matching" => sub { $x = /badness/ }, 0,
+ "Concat" => sub { $_ .= "a" }, 0,
+ "Chop" => sub { chop }, 0,
+ "Filetest" => sub { -x }, 0,
+ "Assignment" => sub { $_ = "Bad" }, 0,
+ # XXX whether next one should fail is debatable
+ "Local \$_" => sub { local $_ = 'ok?'; print }, 0,
+ "for local" => sub { for("#ok?\n"){ print } }, 1,
+ );
+ while ( ($name, $code, $ok) = splice(@tests, 0, 3) ) {
+ print "# Testing $name\n";
+ eval { &$code };
+ print(($ok xor $@) ? "ok $t\n" : "not ok $t\n");
+ ++$t;
+ }
+ untie $_;
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/t/op/misc.t b/contrib/perl5/t/op/misc.t
index 7292ffe..c9050ef 100755
--- a/contrib/perl5/t/op/misc.t
+++ b/contrib/perl5/t/op/misc.t
@@ -36,7 +36,9 @@ for (@prgs){
$status = $?;
$results = `$CAT $tmpfile`;
$results =~ s/\n+$//;
- $results =~ s/syntax error/syntax error/i;
+# bison says 'parse error' instead of 'syntax error',
+# various yaccs may or may not capitalize 'syntax'.
+ $results =~ s/^(syntax|parse) error/syntax error/mig;
$expected =~ s/\n+$//;
if ( $results ne $expected){
print STDERR "PROG: $switch\n$prog\n";
@@ -418,3 +420,29 @@ EXPECT
+ $| = 1;
+ $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
+ eval { print $_[0] };
+ die "bar\n";
+ };
+ warn "foo\n";
+BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at - line 8.
+use strict;
+my $foo = "ZZZ\n";
+END { print $foo }
+eval '
+use strict;
+my $foo = "ZZZ\n";
+END { print $foo }
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/t/op/mkdir.t b/contrib/perl5/t/op/mkdir.t
index 5ba0a0f..acf16c1 100755
--- a/contrib/perl5/t/op/mkdir.t
+++ b/contrib/perl5/t/op/mkdir.t
@@ -15,4 +15,4 @@ print ($! =~ /exist|denied/ ? "ok 3\n" : "# $!\nnot ok 3\n");
print (-d 'blurfl' ? "ok 4\n" : "not ok 4\n");
print (rmdir('blurfl') ? "ok 5\n" : "not ok 5\n");
print (rmdir('blurfl') ? "not ok 6\n" : "ok 6\n");
-print ($! =~ /such|exist/ ? "ok 7\n" : "not ok 7\n");
+print ($! =~ /such|exist|not found/i ? "ok 7\n" : "not ok 7\n");
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/t/op/oct.t b/contrib/perl5/t/op/oct.t
index 24b5c43..6623089 100755
--- a/contrib/perl5/t/op/oct.t
+++ b/contrib/perl5/t/op/oct.t
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
-# $RCSfile: oct.t,v $$Revision: 4.1 $$Date: 92/08/07 18:28:08 $
-print "1..8\n";
+print "1..9\n";
print +(oct('01234') == 01234) ? "ok" : "not ok", " 1\n";
print +(oct('0x1234') == 0x1234) ? "ok" : "not ok", " 2\n";
@@ -12,3 +10,4 @@ print +(oct('x80000000') == 0x80000000) ? "ok" : "not ok", " 5\n";
print +(hex('80000000') == 0x80000000) ? "ok" : "not ok", " 6\n";
print +(oct('1234') == 668) ? "ok" : "not ok", " 7\n";
print +(hex('1234') == 4660) ? "ok" : "not ok", " 8\n";
+print +(hex('0x1234') == 0x1234) ? "ok" : "not ok", " 9\n";
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/t/op/pack.t b/contrib/perl5/t/op/pack.t
index 9b7bc35..902fc28 100755
--- a/contrib/perl5/t/op/pack.t
+++ b/contrib/perl5/t/op/pack.t
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
-# $RCSfile: pack.t,v $$Revision: 4.1 $$Date: 92/08/07 18:28:11 $
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ unshift @INC, '../lib' if -d '../lib';
+ require Config; import Config;
-print "1..60\n";
+print "1..142\n";
$format = "c2 x5 C C x s d i l a6";
# Need the expression in here to force ary[5] to be numeric. This avoids
@@ -31,7 +35,7 @@ print +($x = unpack("%32B69", "\001\002\004\010\020\040\100\200\017")) == 9
? "ok 6\n" : "not ok 6 $x\n";
my $sum = 129; # ASCII
-$sum = 103 if ($^O eq 'os390'); # An EBCDIC variant.
+$sum = 103 if ($Config{ebcdic} eq 'define');
print +($x = unpack("%32B*", "Now is the time for all good blurfl")) == $sum
? "ok 7\n" : "not ok 7 $x\n";
@@ -160,7 +164,12 @@ foreach my $t (@templates) {
# 57..60: uuencode/decode
-$in = join "", map { chr } 0..255;
+# Note that first uuencoding known 'text' data and then checking the
+# binary values of the uuencoded version would not be portable between
+# character sets. Uuencoding is meant for encoding binary data, not
+# text data.
+$in = pack 'C*', 0 .. 255;
# just to be anal, we do some random tr/`/ /
$uu = <<'EOUU';
@@ -199,7 +208,150 @@ EOUU
print "not " unless unpack('u', $uu) eq $in;
print "ok ", $test++, "\n";
-# Note that first uuencoding known 'text' data and then checking the
-# binary values of the uuencoded version would not be portable between
-# character sets. Uuencoding is meant for encoding binary data, not
-# text data.
+# 61..72: test the ascii template types (A, a, Z)
+print "not " unless pack('A*', "foo\0bar\0 ") eq "foo\0bar\0 ";
+print "ok ", $test++, "\n";
+print "not " unless pack('A11', "foo\0bar\0 ") eq "foo\0bar\0 ";
+print "ok ", $test++, "\n";
+print "not " unless unpack('A*', "foo\0bar \0") eq "foo\0bar";
+print "ok ", $test++, "\n";
+print "not " unless unpack('A8', "foo\0bar \0") eq "foo\0bar";
+print "ok ", $test++, "\n";
+print "not " unless pack('a*', "foo\0bar\0 ") eq "foo\0bar\0 ";
+print "ok ", $test++, "\n";
+print "not " unless pack('a11', "foo\0bar\0 ") eq "foo\0bar\0 \0\0";
+print "ok ", $test++, "\n";
+print "not " unless unpack('a*', "foo\0bar \0") eq "foo\0bar \0";
+print "ok ", $test++, "\n";
+print "not " unless unpack('a8', "foo\0bar \0") eq "foo\0bar ";
+print "ok ", $test++, "\n";
+print "not " unless pack('Z*', "foo\0bar\0 ") eq "foo\0bar\0 ";
+print "ok ", $test++, "\n";
+print "not " unless pack('Z11', "foo\0bar\0 ") eq "foo\0bar\0 \0\0";
+print "ok ", $test++, "\n";
+print "not " unless unpack('Z*', "foo\0bar \0") eq "foo";
+print "ok ", $test++, "\n";
+print "not " unless unpack('Z8', "foo\0bar \0") eq "foo";
+print "ok ", $test++, "\n";
+# 73..78: packing native shorts/ints/longs
+# integrated from mainline and don't want to change numbers all the way
+# down. native ints are not supported in _0x so comment out checks
+#print "not " unless length(pack("s!", 0)) == $Config{shortsize};
+print "ok ", $test++, "\n";
+#print "not " unless length(pack("i!", 0)) == $Config{intsize};
+print "ok ", $test++, "\n";
+#print "not " unless length(pack("l!", 0)) == $Config{longsize};
+print "ok ", $test++, "\n";
+#print "not " unless length(pack("s!", 0)) <= length(pack("i!", 0));
+print "ok ", $test++, "\n";
+#print "not " unless length(pack("i!", 0)) <= length(pack("l!", 0));
+print "ok ", $test++, "\n";
+#print "not " unless length(pack("i!", 0)) == length(pack("i", 0));
+print "ok ", $test++, "\n";
+# 79..138: pack <-> unpack bijectionism
+# 79.. 83 c
+foreach my $c (-128, -1, 0, 1, 127) {
+ print "not " unless unpack("c", pack("c", $c)) == $c;
+ print "ok ", $test++, "\n";
+# 84.. 88: C
+foreach my $C (0, 1, 127, 128, 255) {
+ print "not " unless unpack("C", pack("C", $C)) == $C;
+ print "ok ", $test++, "\n";
+# 89.. 93: s
+foreach my $s (-32768, -1, 0, 1, 32767) {
+ print "not " unless unpack("s", pack("s", $s)) == $s;
+ print "ok ", $test++, "\n";
+# 94.. 98: S
+foreach my $S (0, 1, 32767, 32768, 65535) {
+ print "not " unless unpack("S", pack("S", $S)) == $S;
+ print "ok ", $test++, "\n";
+# 99..103: i
+foreach my $i (-2147483648, -1, 0, 1, 2147483647) {
+ print "not " unless unpack("i", pack("i", $i)) == $i;
+ print "ok ", $test++, "\n";
+# 104..108: I
+foreach my $I (0, 1, 2147483647, 2147483648, 4294967295) {
+ print "not " unless unpack("I", pack("I", $I)) == $I;
+ print "ok ", $test++, "\n";
+# 109..113: l
+foreach my $l (-2147483648, -1, 0, 1, 2147483647) {
+ print "not " unless unpack("l", pack("l", $l)) == $l;
+ print "ok ", $test++, "\n";
+# 114..118: L
+foreach my $L (0, 1, 2147483647, 2147483648, 4294967295) {
+ print "not " unless unpack("L", pack("L", $L)) == $L;
+ print "ok ", $test++, "\n";
+# 119..123: n
+foreach my $n (0, 1, 32767, 32768, 65535) {
+ print "not " unless unpack("n", pack("n", $n)) == $n;
+ print "ok ", $test++, "\n";
+# 124..128: v
+foreach my $v (0, 1, 32767, 32768, 65535) {
+ print "not " unless unpack("v", pack("v", $v)) == $v;
+ print "ok ", $test++, "\n";
+# 129..133: N
+foreach my $N (0, 1, 2147483647, 2147483648, 4294967295) {
+ print "not " unless unpack("N", pack("N", $N)) == $N;
+ print "ok ", $test++, "\n";
+# 134..138: V
+foreach my $V (0, 1, 2147483647, 2147483648, 4294967295) {
+ print "not " unless unpack("V", pack("V", $V)) == $V;
+ print "ok ", $test++, "\n";
+# 139..142: pack nvNV byteorders
+print "not " unless pack("n", 0xdead) eq "\xde\xad";
+print "ok ", $test++, "\n";
+print "not " unless pack("v", 0xdead) eq "\xad\xde";
+print "ok ", $test++, "\n";
+print "not " unless pack("N", 0xdeadbeef) eq "\xde\xad\xbe\xef";
+print "ok ", $test++, "\n";
+print "not " unless pack("V", 0xdeadbeef) eq "\xef\xbe\xad\xde";
+print "ok ", $test++, "\n";
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/t/op/pat.t b/contrib/perl5/t/op/pat.t
index 7d4278f..ed8c778 100755
--- a/contrib/perl5/t/op/pat.t
+++ b/contrib/perl5/t/op/pat.t
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# the format supported by op/regexp.t. If you want to add a test
# that does fit that format, add it to op/re_tests, not here.
-print "1..141\n";
+print "1..142\n";
chdir 't' if -d 't';
@@ -595,3 +595,8 @@ print "not " if @_;
print "ok $test\n";
+# see if matching against temporaries (created via pp_helem()) is safe
+{ foo => "ok $test\n".$^X }->{foo} =~ /^(.*)\n/g;
+print "$1\n";
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/t/op/range.t b/contrib/perl5/t/op/range.t
index 7999b86..01f5f70 100755
--- a/contrib/perl5/t/op/range.t
+++ b/contrib/perl5/t/op/range.t
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-print "1..10\n";
+print "1..12\n";
print join(':',1..5) eq '1:2:3:4:5' ? "ok 1\n" : "not ok 1\n";
@@ -46,3 +46,12 @@ foreach ('09'..'08') {
print "not " unless join(",", @y) eq join(",", @x);
print "ok 10\n";
+# check bounds
+@a = 0x7ffffffe..0x7fffffff;
+print "not " unless "@a" eq "2147483646 2147483647";
+print "ok 11\n";
+@a = -0x7fffffff..-0x7ffffffe;
+print "not " unless "@a" eq "-2147483647 -2147483646";
+print "ok 12\n";
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/t/op/re_tests b/contrib/perl5/t/op/re_tests
index a5295f5..3471cc3 100644
--- a/contrib/perl5/t/op/re_tests
+++ b/contrib/perl5/t/op/re_tests
@@ -335,6 +335,9 @@ a(?:b|(c|e){1,2}?|d)+?(.) ace y $1$2 ce
^(a(?(1)\1)){4}$ aaaaaaaaaa y $1 aaaa
^(a(?(1)\1)){4}$ aaaaaaaaa n - -
^(a(?(1)\1)){4}$ aaaaaaaaaaa n - -
+((a{4})+) aaaaaaaaa y $1 aaaaaaaa
+(((aa){2})+) aaaaaaaaaa y $1 aaaaaaaa
+(((a{2}){2})+) aaaaaaaaaa y $1 aaaaaaaa
(?:(f)(o)(o)|(b)(a)(r))* foobar y $1:$2:$3:$4:$5:$6 f:o:o:b:a:r
(?<=a)b ab y $& b
(?<=a)b cb n - -
@@ -483,3 +486,6 @@ b\Z a\nb\n y - -
b\z a\nb\n n - -
b\Z a\nb y - -
b\z a\nb y - -
+(^|x)(c) ca y $2 c
+a*abc?xyz+pqr{3}ab{2,}xy{4,5}pq{0,6}AB{0,}zz x n - -
+round\(((?>[^()]+))\) _I(round(xs * sz),1) y $1 xs * sz
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/t/op/repeat.t b/contrib/perl5/t/op/repeat.t
index 54fa590..f935bf1 100755
--- a/contrib/perl5/t/op/repeat.t
+++ b/contrib/perl5/t/op/repeat.t
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# $RCSfile: repeat.t,v $$Revision: 4.1 $$Date: 92/08/07 18:28:21 $
-print "1..19\n";
+print "1..20\n";
# compile time
@@ -40,3 +40,54 @@ print join(':', () x 4) eq '' ? "ok 16\n" : "not ok 16\n";
print join(':', (9) x 4) eq '9:9:9:9' ? "ok 17\n" : "not ok 17\n";
print join(':', (9,9) x 4) eq '9:9:9:9:9:9:9:9' ? "ok 18\n" : "not ok 18\n";
print join('', (split(//,"123")) x 2) eq '123123' ? "ok 19\n" : "not ok 19\n";
+# The test #20 is actually testing for Digital C compiler optimizer bug.
+# Dec C versions 5.* and 6.0 (used in Digital UNIX and VMS) used
+# to produce (as of December 1998) broken code for util.c:repeatcpy()
+# (a utility function for the 'x' operator) in the case *all* these
+# four conditions held:
+# (1) len == 1
+# (2) "from" had the 8th bit on in its single character
+# (3) count > 7 (the 'x' count > 16)
+# (4) the highest optimization level was used in compilation
+# (which is the default when compiling Perl)
+# The bug looked like this (. being the eight-bit character and ? being \xff):
+# 16 ................
+# 17 .........???????.
+# 18 .........???????..
+# 19 .........???????...
+# 20 .........???????....
+# 21 .........???????.....
+# 22 .........???????......
+# 23 .........???????.......
+# 24 .........???????.???????
+# 25 .........???????.???????.
+# The bug could be (obscurely) avoided by changing "from" to
+# be an unsigned char pointer.
+# The bug was triggered in the "if (len == 1)" branch. The fix
+# was to introduce a new temporary variable. In diff -u format:
+# register char *frombase = from;
+# if (len == 1) {
+#- todo = *from;
+#+ register char c = *from;
+# while (count-- > 0)
+#- *to++ = todo;
+#+ *to++ = c;
+# return;
+# }
+# This obscure bug was not found by the then test suite but instead
+# by while trying to install Digest-MD5-2.00.
+print "\xdd" x 24 eq "\xdd\xdd\xdd\xdd\xdd\xdd\xdd\xdd\xdd\xdd\xdd\xdd\xdd\xdd\xdd\xdd\xdd\xdd\xdd\xdd\xdd\xdd\xdd\xdd" ? "ok 20\n" : "not ok 20\n";
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/t/op/runlevel.t b/contrib/perl5/t/op/runlevel.t
index 307e2a0..bff3c36 100755
--- a/contrib/perl5/t/op/runlevel.t
+++ b/contrib/perl5/t/op/runlevel.t
@@ -315,3 +315,23 @@ main|-|9|main::__ANON__
+package TEST;
+ return bless [qw(foo fee fie foe)], $_[0];
+sub FETCH {
+ my ($s,$i) = @_;
+ if ($i) {
+ goto bbb;
+ }
+ return $s->[$i];
+package main;
+tie my @bar, 'TEST';
+print join('|', @bar[0..3]), "\n";
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/t/op/sort.t b/contrib/perl5/t/op/sort.t
index 70341b9..fdb4e34 100755
--- a/contrib/perl5/t/op/sort.t
+++ b/contrib/perl5/t/op/sort.t
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-# $RCSfile: sort.t,v $$Revision: 4.1 $$Date: 92/08/07 18:28:24 $
+print "1..29\n";
-print "1..21\n";
+# XXX known to leak scalars
sub backwards { $a lt $b ? 1 : $a gt $b ? -1 : 0 }
@@ -125,3 +126,34 @@ eval <<'CODE';
my @result = sort 'one', 'two';
print $@ ? "not ok 21\n# $@" : "ok 21\n";
+ my $sortsub = \&backwards;
+ my $sortglob = *backwards;
+ my $sortglobr = \*backwards;
+ my $sortname = 'backwards';
+ @b = sort $sortsub 4,1,3,2;
+ print ("@b" eq '4 3 2 1' ? "ok 22\n" : "not ok 22 |@b|\n");
+ @b = sort $sortglob 4,1,3,2;
+ print ("@b" eq '4 3 2 1' ? "ok 23\n" : "not ok 23 |@b|\n");
+ @b = sort $sortname 4,1,3,2;
+ print ("@b" eq '4 3 2 1' ? "ok 24\n" : "not ok 24 |@b|\n");
+ @b = sort $sortglobr 4,1,3,2;
+ print ("@b" eq '4 3 2 1' ? "ok 25\n" : "not ok 25 |@b|\n");
+ local $sortsub = \&backwards;
+ local $sortglob = *backwards;
+ local $sortglobr = \*backwards;
+ local $sortname = 'backwards';
+ @b = sort $sortsub 4,1,3,2;
+ print ("@b" eq '4 3 2 1' ? "ok 26\n" : "not ok 26 |@b|\n");
+ @b = sort $sortglob 4,1,3,2;
+ print ("@b" eq '4 3 2 1' ? "ok 27\n" : "not ok 27 |@b|\n");
+ @b = sort $sortname 4,1,3,2;
+ print ("@b" eq '4 3 2 1' ? "ok 28\n" : "not ok 28 |@b|\n");
+ @b = sort $sortglobr 4,1,3,2;
+ print ("@b" eq '4 3 2 1' ? "ok 29\n" : "not ok 29 |@b|\n");
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/t/op/sysio.t b/contrib/perl5/t/op/sysio.t
index 826cf38..22e60e3 100755
--- a/contrib/perl5/t/op/sysio.t
+++ b/contrib/perl5/t/op/sysio.t
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
-print "1..36\n";
+print "1..39\n";
chdir('op') || die "sysio.t: cannot look for myself: $!";
open(I, 'sysio.t') || die "sysio.t: cannot find myself: $!";
-$reopen = ($^O eq 'VMS' || $^O eq 'os2' || $^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq 'dos');
+$reopen = ($^O eq 'VMS' || $^O eq 'os2' || $^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq 'dos' ||
+ $^O eq 'mpeix');
$x = 'abc';
@@ -151,6 +152,21 @@ if ($reopen) { # must close file to update EOF marker for stat
print 'not ' unless (-s $outfile == 7);
print "ok 28\n";
+# with implicit length argument
+print 'not ' unless (syswrite(O, $x) == 3);
+print "ok 29\n";
+# $a still intact
+print 'not ' unless ($x eq "abc");
+print "ok 30\n";
+# $outfile should have grown now
+if ($reopen) { # must close file to update EOF marker for stat
+ close O; open(O, ">>$outfile") || die "sysio.t: cannot write $outfile: $!";
+print 'not ' unless (-s $outfile == 10);
+print "ok 31\n";
open(I, $outfile) || die "sysio.t: cannot read $outfile: $!";
@@ -158,30 +174,30 @@ open(I, $outfile) || die "sysio.t: cannot read $outfile: $!";
$b = 'xyz';
# reading too much only return as much as available
-print 'not ' unless (sysread(I, $b, 100) == 7);
-print "ok 29\n";
+print 'not ' unless (sysread(I, $b, 100) == 10);
+print "ok 32\n";
# this we should have
-print 'not ' unless ($b eq '#!ererl');
-print "ok 30\n";
+print 'not ' unless ($b eq '#!ererlabc');
+print "ok 33\n";
# test sysseek
print 'not ' unless sysseek(I, 2, 0) == 2;
-print "ok 31\n";
+print "ok 34\n";
sysread(I, $b, 3);
print 'not ' unless $b eq 'ere';
-print "ok 32\n";
+print "ok 35\n";
print 'not ' unless sysseek(I, -2, 1) == 3;
-print "ok 33\n";
+print "ok 36\n";
sysread(I, $b, 4);
print 'not ' unless $b eq 'rerl';
-print "ok 34\n";
+print "ok 37\n";
print 'not ' unless sysseek(I, 0, 0) eq '0 but true';
-print "ok 35\n";
+print "ok 38\n";
print 'not ' if defined sysseek(I, -1, 1);
-print "ok 36\n";
+print "ok 39\n";
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/t/op/taint.t b/contrib/perl5/t/op/taint.t
index d2cae8e..379093f 100755
--- a/contrib/perl5/t/op/taint.t
+++ b/contrib/perl5/t/op/taint.t
@@ -366,7 +366,10 @@ else {
test 72, $@ eq '', $@; # NB: This should be allowed
# Try first new style but allow also old style.
- test 73, $!{ENOENT} || $! == 2 || ($Is_Dos && $! == 22); # File not found
+ test 73, $!{ENOENT} ||
+ $! == 2 || # File not found
+ ($Is_Dos && $! == 22) ||
+ ($^O eq 'mint' && $! == 33);
test 74, eval { open FOO, "> $foo" } eq '', 'open for write';
test 75, $@ =~ /^Insecure dependency/, $@;
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/t/op/tie.t b/contrib/perl5/t/op/tie.t
index 77e74db..472a6a7 100755
--- a/contrib/perl5/t/op/tie.t
+++ b/contrib/perl5/t/op/tie.t
@@ -153,3 +153,16 @@ $C = $B = tied %H ;
untie %H;
+# verify no leak when underlying object is selfsame tied variable
+my ($a, $b);
+sub Self::TIEHASH { bless $_[1], $_[0] }
+sub Self::DESTROY { $b = $_[0] + 0; }
+ my %b5;
+ $a = \%b5 + 0;
+ tie %b5, 'Self', \%b5;
+die unless $a == $b;
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/t/op/tiehandle.t b/contrib/perl5/t/op/tiehandle.t
index e3d2472..d7e6a78 100755
--- a/contrib/perl5/t/op/tiehandle.t
+++ b/contrib/perl5/t/op/tiehandle.t
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ sub READ {
sub WRITE {
compare(WRITE => @_);
$data = substr($_[1],$_[3] || 0, $_[2]);
- 4;
+ length($data);
sub CLOSE {
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ package main;
use Symbol;
-print "1..23\n";
+print "1..29\n";
my $fh = gensym;
@@ -132,6 +132,20 @@ $r = syswrite $fh,$buf,4,1;
ok($r == 4);
ok($data eq "wert");
+$buf = "qwerty";
+@expect = (WRITE => $ob, $buf, 4);
+$data = "";
+$r = syswrite $fh,$buf,4;
+ok($r == 4);
+ok($data eq "qwer");
+$buf = "qwerty";
+@expect = (WRITE => $ob, $buf, 6);
+$data = "";
+$r = syswrite $fh,$buf;
+ok($r == 6);
+ok($data eq "qwerty");
@expect = (CLOSE => $ob);
$r = close $fh;
ok($r == 5);
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/t/op/tr.t b/contrib/perl5/t/op/tr.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3503c3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/perl5/t/op/tr.t
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# tr.t
+print "1..4\n";
+$_ = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
+print "not " unless $_ eq "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
+print "ok 1\n";
+print "not " unless $_ eq "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
+print "ok 2\n";
+print "not " unless $_ eq "aBCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYz";
+print "ok 3\n";
+# In EBCDIC 'I' is \xc9 and 'J' is \0xd1, 'i' is \x89 and 'j' is \x91.
+# Yes, discontinuities. Regardless, the \xca in the below should stay
+# untouched (and not became \x8a).
+$_ = "I\xcaJ";
+print "not " unless $_ eq "i\xcaj";
+print "ok 4\n";
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/t/op/undef.t b/contrib/perl5/t/op/undef.t
index 8ab2ec4..5b3c7ef 100755
--- a/contrib/perl5/t/op/undef.t
+++ b/contrib/perl5/t/op/undef.t
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
-# $RCSfile: undef.t,v $$Revision: 4.1 $$Date: 92/08/07 18:28:34 $
-print "1..21\n";
+print "1..23\n";
print defined($a) ? "not ok 1\n" : "ok 1\n";
@@ -54,3 +52,10 @@ sub foo { print "ok 19\n"; }
print defined &foo ? "ok 20\n" : "not ok 20\n";
undef &foo;
print defined(&foo) ? "not ok 21\n" : "ok 21\n";
+eval { undef $1 };
+print $@ =~ /^Modification of a read/ ? "ok 22\n" : "not ok 22\n";
+eval { $1 = undef };
+print $@ =~ /^Modification of a read/ ? "ok 23\n" : "not ok 23\n";
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/t/op/write.t b/contrib/perl5/t/op/write.t
index 705fa79..9918b2f 100755
--- a/contrib/perl5/t/op/write.t
+++ b/contrib/perl5/t/op/write.t
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# $RCSfile: write.t,v $$Revision: 4.1 $$Date: 92/08/07 18:28:38 $
-print "1..5\n";
+print "1..6\n";
my $CAT = ($^O eq 'MSWin32') ? 'type' : 'cat';
@@ -167,3 +167,26 @@ for (0..10) {
print $was1 eq $mustbe ? "ok 4\n" : "not ok 4\n";
print $was2 eq $mustbe ? "ok 5\n" : "not ok 5\n";
+$^A = '';
+# more test
+format OUT3 =
+open(OUT3, '>Op_write.tmp') || die "Can't create Op_write.tmp";
+$foo = 'fit ';
+close OUT3;
+$right =
+if (`$CAT Op_write.tmp` eq $right)
+ { print "ok 6\n"; unlink 'Op_write.tmp'; }
+ { print "not ok 6\n"; }
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