path: root/contrib/perl5/t/op/lex_assign.t
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/perl5/t/op/lex_assign.t')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 325 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/t/op/lex_assign.t b/contrib/perl5/t/op/lex_assign.t
deleted file mode 100755
index d761f73..0000000
--- a/contrib/perl5/t/op/lex_assign.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,325 +0,0 @@
- chdir 't' if -d 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
-umask 0;
-$xref = \ "";
-$runme = ($^O eq 'VMS' ? 'MCR ' : '') . $^X;
-@a = (1..5);
-%h = (1..6);
-$aref = \@a;
-$href = \%h;
-open OP, qq{$runme -le "print 'aaa Ok ok' for 1..100"|};
-$chopit = 'aaaaaa';
-@chopar = (113 .. 119);
-$posstr = '123456';
-$cstr = 'aBcD.eF';
-pos $posstr = 3;
-$nn = $n = 2;
-sub subb {"in s"}
-@simple_input = grep /^\s*\w+\s*\$\w+\s*[#\n]/, @INPUT;
-print "1..", (10 + @INPUT + @simple_input), "\n";
-$ord = 0;
-sub wrn {"@_"}
-# Check correct optimization of ucfirst etc
-my $a = "AB";
-my $b = "\u\L$a";
-print "not " unless $b eq 'Ab';
-print "ok $ord\n";
-# Check correct destruction of objects:
-my $dc = 0;
-sub A::DESTROY {$dc += 1}
-my $b;
-{ my $c = 6; $b = bless \$c, "A"}
-print "not " unless $dc == 0;
-print "ok $ord\n";
-$b = $a+5;
-print "not " unless $dc == 1;
-print "ok $ord\n";
-my $xxx = 'b';
-$xxx = 'c' . ($xxx || 'e');
-print "not " unless $xxx eq 'cb';
-print "ok $ord\n";
-{ # Check calling STORE
- my $sc = 0;
- sub B::TIESCALAR {bless [11], 'B'}
- sub B::FETCH { -(shift->[0]) }
- sub B::STORE { $sc++; my $o = shift; $o->[0] = 17 + shift }
- my $m;
- tie $m, 'B';
- $m = 100;
- $ord++;
- print "not " unless $sc == 1;
- print "ok $ord\n";
- my $t = 11;
- $m = $t + 89;
- $ord++;
- print "not " unless $sc == 2;
- print "ok $ord\n";
- $ord++;
- print "# $m\nnot " unless $m == -117;
- print "ok $ord\n";
- $m += $t;
- $ord++;
- print "not " unless $sc == 3;
- print "ok $ord\n";
- $ord++;
- print "# $m\nnot " unless $m == 89;
- print "ok $ord\n";
-# Chains of assignments
-my ($l1, $l2, $l3, $l4);
-my $zzzz = 12;
-$zzz1 = $l1 = $l2 = $zzz2 = $l3 = $l4 = 1 + $zzzz;
-print "# $zzz1 = $l1 = $l2 = $zzz2 = $l3 = $l4 = 13\nnot "
- unless $zzz1 == 13 and $zzz2 == 13 and $l1 == 13
- and $l2 == 13 and $l3 == 13 and $l4 == 13;
-print "ok $ord\n";
-for (@INPUT) {
- $ord++;
- ($op, undef, $comment) = /^([^\#]+)(\#\s+(.*))?/;
- $comment = $op unless defined $comment;
- chomp;
- $op = "$op==$op" unless $op =~ /==/;
- ($op, $expectop) = $op =~ /(.*)==(.*)/;
- $skip = ($op =~ /^'\?\?\?'/ or $comment =~ /skip\(.*\Q$^O\E.*\)/i)
- ? "skip" : "# '$_'\nnot";
- $integer = ($comment =~ /^i_/) ? "use integer" : '' ;
- (print "#skipping $comment:\nok $ord\n"), next if $skip eq 'skip';
- eval <<EOE;
- local \$SIG{__WARN__} = \\&wrn;
- my \$a = 'fake';
- $integer;
- \$a = $op;
- \$b = $expectop;
- if (\$a ne \$b) {
- print "# \$comment: got `\$a', expected `\$b'\n";
- print "\$skip " if \$a ne \$b or \$skip eq 'skip';
- }
- print "ok \$ord\\n";
- if ($@) {
- if ($@ =~ /is unimplemented/) {
- print "# skipping $comment: unimplemented:\nok $ord\n";
- } else {
- warn $@;
- print "# '$_'\nnot ok $ord\n";
- }
- }
-for (@simple_input) {
- $ord++;
- ($op, undef, $comment) = /^([^\#]+)(\#\s+(.*))?/;
- $comment = $op unless defined $comment;
- chomp;
- ($operator, $variable) = /^\s*(\w+)\s*\$(\w+)/ or warn "misprocessed '$_'\n";
- eval <<EOE;
- local \$SIG{__WARN__} = \\&wrn;
- my \$$variable = "Ac# Ca\\nxxx";
- \$$variable = $operator \$$variable;
- \$toself = \$$variable;
- \$direct = $operator "Ac# Ca\\nxxx";
- print "# \\\$$variable = $operator \\\$$variable\\nnot "
- unless \$toself eq \$direct;
- print "ok \$ord\\n";
- if ($@) {
- if ($@ =~ /is unimplemented/) {
- print "# skipping $comment: unimplemented:\nok $ord\n";
- } elsif ($@ =~ /Can't (modify|take log of 0)/) {
- print "# skipping $comment: syntax not good for selfassign:\nok $ord\n";
- } else {
- warn $@;
- print "# '$_'\nnot ok $ord\n";
- }
- }
-ref $xref # ref
-ref $cstr # ref nonref
-`$runme -e "print qq[1\\n]"` # backtick skip(MSWin32)
-`$undefed` # backtick undef skip(MSWin32)
-<*> # glob
-<OP> # readline
-'faked' # rcatline
-(@z = (1 .. 3)) # aassign
-chop $chopit # chop
-(chop (@x=@chopar)) # schop
-chomp $chopit # chomp
-(chop (@x=@chopar)) # schomp
-pos $posstr # pos
-pos $chopit # pos returns undef
-$nn++==2 # postinc
-$nn++==3 # i_postinc
-$nn--==4 # postdec
-$nn--==3 # i_postdec
-$n ** $n # pow
-$n * $n # multiply
-$n * $n # i_multiply
-$n / $n # divide
-$n / $n # i_divide
-$n % $n # modulo
-$n % $n # i_modulo
-$n x $n # repeat
-$n + $n # add
-$n + $n # i_add
-$n - $n # subtract
-$n - $n # i_subtract
-$n . $n # concat
-$n . $a=='2fake' # concat with self
-"3$a"=='3fake' # concat with self in stringify
-"$n" # stringify
-$n << $n # left_shift
-$n >> $n # right_shift
-$n <=> $n # ncmp
-$n <=> $n # i_ncmp
-$n cmp $n # scmp
-$n & $n # bit_and
-$n ^ $n # bit_xor
-$n | $n # bit_or
--$n # negate
--$n # i_negate
-~$n # complement
-atan2 $n,$n # atan2
-sin $n # sin
-cos $n # cos
-'???' # rand
-exp $n # exp
-log $n # log
-sqrt $n # sqrt
-int $n # int
-hex $n # hex
-oct $n # oct
-abs $n # abs
-length $posstr # length
-substr $posstr, 2, 2 # substr
-vec("abc",2,8) # vec
-index $posstr, 2 # index
-rindex $posstr, 2 # rindex
-sprintf "%i%i", $n, $n # sprintf
-ord $n # ord
-chr $n # chr
-crypt $n, $n # crypt
-ucfirst ($cstr . "a") # ucfirst padtmp
-ucfirst $cstr # ucfirst
-lcfirst $cstr # lcfirst
-uc $cstr # uc
-lc $cstr # lc
-quotemeta $cstr # quotemeta
-@$aref # rv2av
-@$undefed # rv2av undef
-(each %h) % 2 == 1 # each
-values %h # values
-keys %h # keys
-%$href # rv2hv
-pack "C2", $n,$n # pack
-split /a/, "abad" # split
-join "a"; @a # join
-push @a,3==6 # push
-unshift @aaa # unshift
-reverse @a # reverse
-reverse $cstr # reverse - scal
-grep $_, 1,0,2,0,3 # grepwhile
-map "x$_", 1,0,2,0,3 # mapwhile
-subb() # entersub
-caller # caller
-warn "ignore this\n" # warn
-'faked' # die
-open BLAH, "<non-existent" # open
-fileno STDERR # fileno
-umask 0 # umask
-select STDOUT # sselect
-select "","","",0 # select
-getc OP # getc
-'???' # read
-'???' # sysread
-'???' # syswrite
-'???' # send
-'???' # recv
-'???' # tell
-'???' # fcntl
-'???' # ioctl
-'???' # flock
-'???' # accept
-'???' # shutdown
-'???' # ftsize
-'???' # ftmtime
-'???' # ftatime
-'???' # ftctime
-chdir 'non-existent' # chdir
-'???' # chown
-'???' # chroot
-unlink 'non-existent' # unlink
-chmod 'non-existent' # chmod
-utime 'non-existent' # utime
-rename 'non-existent', 'non-existent1' # rename
-link 'non-existent', 'non-existent1' # link
-'???' # symlink
-readlink 'non-existent', 'non-existent1' # readlink
-'???' # mkdir
-'???' # rmdir
-'???' # telldir
-'???' # fork
-'???' # wait
-'???' # waitpid
-system "$runme -e 0" # system skip(VMS)
-'???' # exec
-'???' # kill
-getppid # getppid
-getpgrp # getpgrp
-'???' # setpgrp
-getpriority $$, $$ # getpriority
-'???' # setpriority
-time # time
-localtime $^T # localtime
-gmtime $^T # gmtime
-'???' # sleep: can randomly fail
-'???' # alarm
-'???' # shmget
-'???' # shmctl
-'???' # shmread
-'???' # shmwrite
-'???' # msgget
-'???' # msgctl
-'???' # msgsnd
-'???' # msgrcv
-'???' # semget
-'???' # semctl
-'???' # semop
-'???' # getlogin
-'???' # syscall
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