path: root/contrib/perl5/t/lib/b.t
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/perl5/t/lib/b.t')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 163 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/t/lib/b.t b/contrib/perl5/t/lib/b.t
deleted file mode 100755
index 22156c2..0000000
--- a/contrib/perl5/t/lib/b.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
- chdir 't' if -d 't';
- if ($^O eq 'MacOS') {
- @INC = qw(: ::lib ::macos:lib);
- } else {
- @INC = '.';
- push @INC, '../lib';
- }
-$| = 1;
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use Config;
-print "1..15\n";
-my $test = 1;
-sub ok { print "ok $test\n"; $test++ }
-use B::Deparse;
-my $deparse = B::Deparse->new() or print "not ";
-print "not " if "{\n 1;\n}" ne $deparse->coderef2text(sub {1});
-print "not " if "{\n '???';\n 2;\n}" ne
- $deparse->coderef2text(sub {1;2});
-print "not " if "{\n \$test /= 2 if ++\$test;\n}" ne
- $deparse->coderef2text(sub {++$test and $test/=2;});
-my $a = <<'EOF';
- $test = sub : lvalue {
- my $x;
- }
- ;
-chomp $a;
-print "not " if $deparse->coderef2text(sub{$test = sub : lvalue{my $x}}) ne $a;
-$a =~ s/lvalue/method/;
-print "not " if $deparse->coderef2text(sub{$test = sub : method{my $x}}) ne $a;
-$a =~ s/method/locked method/;
-print "not " if $deparse->coderef2text(sub{$test = sub : method locked {my $x}})
- ne $a;
-my $a;
-my $Is_VMS = $^O eq 'VMS';
-my $Is_MacOS = $^O eq 'MacOS';
-my $path = join " ", map { qq["-I$_"] } @INC;
-my $redir = $Is_MacOS ? "" : "2>&1";
-$a = `$^X $path "-MO=Deparse" -anle 1 $redir`;
-$a =~ s/-e syntax OK\n//g;
-$a =~ s{\\340\\242}{\\s} if (ord("\\") == 224); # EBCDIC, cp 1047 or 037
-$a =~ s{\\274\\242}{\\s} if (ord("\\") == 188); # $^O eq 'posix-bc'
-$b = <<'EOF';
-LINE: while (defined($_ = <ARGV>)) {
- chomp $_;
- @F = split(/\s+/, $_, 0);
- '???';
-print "# [$a]\n\# vs\n# [$b]\nnot " if $a ne $b;
-$a = `$^X $path "-MO=Debug" -e 1 $redir`;
-print "not " unless $a =~
-$a = `$^X $path "-MO=Terse" -e 1 $redir`;
-print "not " unless $a =~
-/\bLISTOP\b.*leave.*\n OP\b.*enter.*\n COP\b.*nextstate.*\n OP\b.*null/s;
-$a = `$^X $path "-MO=Terse" -ane "s/foo/bar/" $redir`;
-$a =~ s/\(0x[^)]+\)//g;
-$a =~ s/\[[^\]]+\]//g;
-$a =~ s/-e syntax OK//;
-$a =~ s/[^a-z ]+//g;
-$a =~ s/\s+/ /g;
-$a =~ s/\b(s|foo|bar|ullsv)\b\s?//g;
-$a =~ s/^\s+//;
-$a =~ s/\s+$//;
-my $is_thread = $Config{use5005threads} && $Config{use5005threads} eq 'define';
-if ($is_thread) {
- $b=<<EOF;
-leave enter nextstate label leaveloop enterloop null and defined null
-threadsv readline gv lineseq nextstate aassign null pushmark split pushre
-threadsv const null pushmark rvav gv nextstate subst const unstack nextstate
-} else {
- $b=<<EOF;
-leave enter nextstate label leaveloop enterloop null and defined null
-null gvsv readline gv lineseq nextstate aassign null pushmark split pushre
-null gvsv const null pushmark rvav gv nextstate subst const unstack nextstate
-$b=~s/\n/ /g;$b=~s/\s+/ /g;
-$b =~ s/\s+$//;
-print "# [$a]\n# vs\n# [$b]\nnot " if $a ne $b;
-chomp($a = `$^X $path "-MB::Stash" "-Mwarnings" -e1`);
-$a = join ',', sort split /,/, $a;
-$a =~ s/-uWin32,// if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
-$a =~ s/-u(Cwd|File|File::Copy|OS2),//g if $^O eq 'os2';
-$a =~ s/-uCwd,// if $^O eq 'cygwin';
-if ($Config{static_ext} eq ' ') {
- $b = '-uCarp,-uCarp::Heavy,-uDB,-uExporter,-uExporter::Heavy,-uattributes,'
- . '-umain,-uwarnings';
- if (ord('A') == 193) { # EBCDIC sort order is qw(a A) not qw(A a)
- $b = join ',', sort split /,/, $b;
- }
- print "# [$a] vs [$b]\nnot " if $a ne $b;
- ok;
-} else {
- print "ok $test # skipped: one or more static extensions\n"; $test++;
-if ($is_thread) {
- print "# use5005threads: test $test skipped\n";
-} else {
- $a = `$^X $path "-MO=Showlex" -e "my %one" $redir`;
- if (ord('A') != 193) { # ASCIIish
- print "# [$a]\nnot " unless $a =~ /sv_undef.*PVNV.*%one.*sv_undef.*HV/s;
- }
- else { # EBCDICish C<1: PVNV (0x1a7ede34) "%\226\225\205">
- print "# [$a]\nnot " unless $a =~ /sv_undef.*PVNV.*%\\[0-9].*sv_undef.*HV/s;
- }
-# Bug 20001204.07
-my $foo = $deparse->coderef2text(sub { { 234; }});
-# Constants don't get optimised here.
-print "not " unless $foo =~ /{.*{.*234;.*}.*}/sm;
-$foo = $deparse->coderef2text(sub { { 234; } continue { 123; } });
-print "not " unless $foo =~ /{.*{.*234;.*}.*continue.*{.*123.*}/sm;
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