path: root/contrib/perl5/pod/perltoot.pod
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-=head1 NAME
-perltoot - Tom's object-oriented tutorial for perl
-Object-oriented programming is a big seller these days. Some managers
-would rather have objects than sliced bread. Why is that? What's so
-special about an object? Just what I<is> an object anyway?
-An object is nothing but a way of tucking away complex behaviours into
-a neat little easy-to-use bundle. (This is what professors call
-abstraction.) Smart people who have nothing to do but sit around for
-weeks on end figuring out really hard problems make these nifty
-objects that even regular people can use. (This is what professors call
-software reuse.) Users (well, programmers) can play with this little
-bundle all they want, but they aren't to open it up and mess with the
-insides. Just like an expensive piece of hardware, the contract says
-that you void the warranty if you muck with the cover. So don't do that.
-The heart of objects is the class, a protected little private namespace
-full of data and functions. A class is a set of related routines that
-addresses some problem area. You can think of it as a user-defined type.
-The Perl package mechanism, also used for more traditional modules,
-is used for class modules as well. Objects "live" in a class, meaning
-that they belong to some package.
-More often than not, the class provides the user with little bundles.
-These bundles are objects. They know whose class they belong to,
-and how to behave. Users ask the class to do something, like "give
-me an object." Or they can ask one of these objects to do something.
-Asking a class to do something for you is calling a I<class method>.
-Asking an object to do something for you is calling an I<object method>.
-Asking either a class (usually) or an object (sometimes) to give you
-back an object is calling a I<constructor>, which is just a
-kind of method.
-That's all well and good, but how is an object different from any other
-Perl data type? Just what is an object I<really>; that is, what's its
-fundamental type? The answer to the first question is easy. An object
-is different from any other data type in Perl in one and only one way:
-you may dereference it using not merely string or numeric subscripts
-as with simple arrays and hashes, but with named subroutine calls.
-In a word, with I<methods>.
-The answer to the second question is that it's a reference, and not just
-any reference, mind you, but one whose referent has been I<bless>()ed
-into a particular class (read: package). What kind of reference? Well,
-the answer to that one is a bit less concrete. That's because in Perl
-the designer of the class can employ any sort of reference they'd like
-as the underlying intrinsic data type. It could be a scalar, an array,
-or a hash reference. It could even be a code reference. But because
-of its inherent flexibility, an object is usually a hash reference.
-=head1 Creating a Class
-Before you create a class, you need to decide what to name it. That's
-because the class (package) name governs the name of the file used to
-house it, just as with regular modules. Then, that class (package)
-should provide one or more ways to generate objects. Finally, it should
-provide mechanisms to allow users of its objects to indirectly manipulate
-these objects from a distance.
-For example, let's make a simple Person class module. It gets stored in
-the file If it were called a Happy::Person class, it would
-be stored in the file Happy/, and its package would become
-Happy::Person instead of just Person. (On a personal computer not
-running Unix or Plan 9, but something like MacOS or VMS, the directory
-separator may be different, but the principle is the same.) Do not assume
-any formal relationship between modules based on their directory names.
-This is merely a grouping convenience, and has no effect on inheritance,
-variable accessibility, or anything else.
-For this module we aren't going to use Exporter, because we're
-a well-behaved class module that doesn't export anything at all.
-In order to manufacture objects, a class needs to have a I<constructor
-method>. A constructor gives you back not just a regular data type,
-but a brand-new object in that class. This magic is taken care of by
-the bless() function, whose sole purpose is to enable its referent to
-be used as an object. Remember: being an object really means nothing
-more than that methods may now be called against it.
-While a constructor may be named anything you'd like, most Perl
-programmers seem to like to call theirs new(). However, new() is not
-a reserved word, and a class is under no obligation to supply such.
-Some programmers have also been known to use a function with
-the same name as the class as the constructor.
-=head2 Object Representation
-By far the most common mechanism used in Perl to represent a Pascal
-record, a C struct, or a C++ class is an anonymous hash. That's because a
-hash has an arbitrary number of data fields, each conveniently accessed by
-an arbitrary name of your own devising.
-If you were just doing a simple
-struct-like emulation, you would likely go about it something like this:
- $rec = {
- name => "Jason",
- age => 23,
- peers => [ "Norbert", "Rhys", "Phineas"],
- };
-If you felt like it, you could add a bit of visual distinction
-by up-casing the hash keys:
- $rec = {
- NAME => "Jason",
- AGE => 23,
- PEERS => [ "Norbert", "Rhys", "Phineas"],
- };
-And so you could get at C<< $rec->{NAME} >> to find "Jason", or
-C<< @{ $rec->{PEERS} } >> to get at "Norbert", "Rhys", and "Phineas".
-(Have you ever noticed how many 23-year-old programmers seem to
-be named "Jason" these days? :-)
-This same model is often used for classes, although it is not considered
-the pinnacle of programming propriety for folks from outside the
-class to come waltzing into an object, brazenly accessing its data
-members directly. Generally speaking, an object should be considered
-an opaque cookie that you use I<object methods> to access. Visually,
-methods look like you're dereffing a reference using a function name
-instead of brackets or braces.
-=head2 Class Interface
-Some languages provide a formal syntactic interface to a class's methods,
-but Perl does not. It relies on you to read the documentation of each
-class. If you try to call an undefined method on an object, Perl won't
-complain, but the program will trigger an exception while it's running.
-Likewise, if you call a method expecting a prime number as its argument
-with a non-prime one instead, you can't expect the compiler to catch this.
-(Well, you can expect it all you like, but it's not going to happen.)
-Let's suppose you have a well-educated user of your Person class,
-someone who has read the docs that explain the prescribed
-interface. Here's how they might use the Person class:
- use Person;
- $him = Person->new();
- $him->name("Jason");
- $him->age(23);
- $him->peers( "Norbert", "Rhys", "Phineas" );
- push @All_Recs, $him; # save object in array for later
- printf "%s is %d years old.\n", $him->name, $him->age;
- print "His peers are: ", join(", ", $him->peers), "\n";
- printf "Last rec's name is %s\n", $All_Recs[-1]->name;
-As you can see, the user of the class doesn't know (or at least, has no
-business paying attention to the fact) that the object has one particular
-implementation or another. The interface to the class and its objects
-is exclusively via methods, and that's all the user of the class should
-ever play with.
-=head2 Constructors and Instance Methods
-Still, I<someone> has to know what's in the object. And that someone is
-the class. It implements methods that the programmer uses to access
-the object. Here's how to implement the Person class using the standard
-hash-ref-as-an-object idiom. We'll make a class method called new() to
-act as the constructor, and three object methods called name(), age(), and
-peers() to get at per-object data hidden away in our anonymous hash.
- package Person;
- use strict;
- ##################################################
- ## the object constructor (simplistic version) ##
- ##################################################
- sub new {
- my $self = {};
- $self->{NAME} = undef;
- $self->{AGE} = undef;
- $self->{PEERS} = [];
- bless($self); # but see below
- return $self;
- }
- ##############################################
- ## methods to access per-object data ##
- ## ##
- ## With args, they set the value. Without ##
- ## any, they only retrieve it/them. ##
- ##############################################
- sub name {
- my $self = shift;
- if (@_) { $self->{NAME} = shift }
- return $self->{NAME};
- }
- sub age {
- my $self = shift;
- if (@_) { $self->{AGE} = shift }
- return $self->{AGE};
- }
- sub peers {
- my $self = shift;
- if (@_) { @{ $self->{PEERS} } = @_ }
- return @{ $self->{PEERS} };
- }
- 1; # so the require or use succeeds
-We've created three methods to access an object's data, name(), age(),
-and peers(). These are all substantially similar. If called with an
-argument, they set the appropriate field; otherwise they return the
-value held by that field, meaning the value of that hash key.
-=head2 Planning for the Future: Better Constructors
-Even though at this point you may not even know what it means, someday
-you're going to worry about inheritance. (You can safely ignore this
-for now and worry about it later if you'd like.) To ensure that this
-all works out smoothly, you must use the double-argument form of bless().
-The second argument is the class into which the referent will be blessed.
-By not assuming our own class as the default second argument and instead
-using the class passed into us, we make our constructor inheritable.
-While we're at it, let's make our constructor a bit more flexible.
-Rather than being uniquely a class method, we'll set it up so that
-it can be called as either a class method I<or> an object
-method. That way you can say:
- $me = Person->new();
- $him = $me->new();
-To do this, all we have to do is check whether what was passed in
-was a reference or not. If so, we were invoked as an object method,
-and we need to extract the package (class) using the ref() function.
-If not, we just use the string passed in as the package name
-for blessing our referent.
- sub new {
- my $proto = shift;
- my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
- my $self = {};
- $self->{NAME} = undef;
- $self->{AGE} = undef;
- $self->{PEERS} = [];
- bless ($self, $class);
- return $self;
- }
-That's about all there is for constructors. These methods bring objects
-to life, returning neat little opaque bundles to the user to be used in
-subsequent method calls.
-=head2 Destructors
-Every story has a beginning and an end. The beginning of the object's
-story is its constructor, explicitly called when the object comes into
-existence. But the ending of its story is the I<destructor>, a method
-implicitly called when an object leaves this life. Any per-object
-clean-up code is placed in the destructor, which must (in Perl) be called
-If constructors can have arbitrary names, then why not destructors?
-Because while a constructor is explicitly called, a destructor is not.
-Destruction happens automatically via Perl's garbage collection (GC)
-system, which is a quick but somewhat lazy reference-based GC system.
-To know what to call, Perl insists that the destructor be named DESTROY.
-Perl's notion of the right time to call a destructor is not well-defined
-currently, which is why your destructors should not rely on when they are
-Why is DESTROY in all caps? Perl on occasion uses purely uppercase
-function names as a convention to indicate that the function will
-be automatically called by Perl in some way. Others that are called
-implicitly include BEGIN, END, AUTOLOAD, plus all methods used by
-tied objects, described in L<perltie>.
-In really good object-oriented programming languages, the user doesn't
-care when the destructor is called. It just happens when it's supposed
-to. In low-level languages without any GC at all, there's no way to
-depend on this happening at the right time, so the programmer must
-explicitly call the destructor to clean up memory and state, crossing
-their fingers that it's the right time to do so. Unlike C++, an
-object destructor is nearly never needed in Perl, and even when it is,
-explicit invocation is uncalled for. In the case of our Person class,
-we don't need a destructor because Perl takes care of simple matters
-like memory deallocation.
-The only situation where Perl's reference-based GC won't work is
-when there's a circularity in the data structure, such as:
- $this->{WHATEVER} = $this;
-In that case, you must delete the self-reference manually if you expect
-your program not to leak memory. While admittedly error-prone, this is
-the best we can do right now. Nonetheless, rest assured that when your
-program is finished, its objects' destructors are all duly called.
-So you are guaranteed that an object I<eventually> gets properly
-destroyed, except in the unique case of a program that never exits.
-(If you're running Perl embedded in another application, this full GC
-pass happens a bit more frequently--whenever a thread shuts down.)
-=head2 Other Object Methods
-The methods we've talked about so far have either been constructors or
-else simple "data methods", interfaces to data stored in the object.
-These are a bit like an object's data members in the C++ world, except
-that strangers don't access them as data. Instead, they should only
-access the object's data indirectly via its methods. This is an
-important rule: in Perl, access to an object's data should I<only>
-be made through methods.
-Perl doesn't impose restrictions on who gets to use which methods.
-The public-versus-private distinction is by convention, not syntax.
-(Well, unless you use the Alias module described below in
-L<Data Members as Variables>.) Occasionally you'll see method names beginning or ending
-with an underscore or two. This marking is a convention indicating
-that the methods are private to that class alone and sometimes to its
-closest acquaintances, its immediate subclasses. But this distinction
-is not enforced by Perl itself. It's up to the programmer to behave.
-There's no reason to limit methods to those that simply access data.
-Methods can do anything at all. The key point is that they're invoked
-against an object or a class. Let's say we'd like object methods that
-do more than fetch or set one particular field.
- sub exclaim {
- my $self = shift;
- return sprintf "Hi, I'm %s, age %d, working with %s",
- $self->{NAME}, $self->{AGE}, join(", ", @{$self->{PEERS}});
- }
-Or maybe even one like this:
- sub happy_birthday {
- my $self = shift;
- return ++$self->{AGE};
- }
-Some might argue that one should go at these this way:
- sub exclaim {
- my $self = shift;
- return sprintf "Hi, I'm %s, age %d, working with %s",
- $self->name, $self->age, join(", ", $self->peers);
- }
- sub happy_birthday {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->age( $self->age() + 1 );
- }
-But since these methods are all executing in the class itself, this
-may not be critical. There are tradeoffs to be made. Using direct
-hash access is faster (about an order of magnitude faster, in fact), and
-it's more convenient when you want to interpolate in strings. But using
-methods (the external interface) internally shields not just the users of
-your class but even you yourself from changes in your data representation.
-=head1 Class Data
-What about "class data", data items common to each object in a class?
-What would you want that for? Well, in your Person class, you might
-like to keep track of the total people alive. How do you implement that?
-You I<could> make it a global variable called $Person::Census. But about
-only reason you'd do that would be if you I<wanted> people to be able to
-get at your class data directly. They could just say $Person::Census
-and play around with it. Maybe this is ok in your design scheme.
-You might even conceivably want to make it an exported variable. To be
-exportable, a variable must be a (package) global. If this were a
-traditional module rather than an object-oriented one, you might do that.
-While this approach is expected in most traditional modules, it's
-generally considered rather poor form in most object modules. In an
-object module, you should set up a protective veil to separate interface
-from implementation. So provide a class method to access class data
-just as you provide object methods to access object data.
-So, you I<could> still keep $Census as a package global and rely upon
-others to honor the contract of the module and therefore not play around
-with its implementation. You could even be supertricky and make $Census a
-tied object as described in L<perltie>, thereby intercepting all accesses.
-But more often than not, you just want to make your class data a
-file-scoped lexical. To do so, simply put this at the top of the file:
- my $Census = 0;
-Even though the scope of a my() normally expires when the block in which
-it was declared is done (in this case the whole file being required or
-used), Perl's deep binding of lexical variables guarantees that the
-variable will not be deallocated, remaining accessible to functions
-declared within that scope. This doesn't work with global variables
-given temporary values via local(), though.
-Irrespective of whether you leave $Census a package global or make
-it instead a file-scoped lexical, you should make these
-changes to your Person::new() constructor:
- sub new {
- my $proto = shift;
- my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
- my $self = {};
- $Census++;
- $self->{NAME} = undef;
- $self->{AGE} = undef;
- $self->{PEERS} = [];
- bless ($self, $class);
- return $self;
- }
- sub population {
- return $Census;
- }
-Now that we've done this, we certainly do need a destructor so that
-when Person is destroyed, the $Census goes down. Here's how
-this could be done:
- sub DESTROY { --$Census }
-Notice how there's no memory to deallocate in the destructor? That's
-something that Perl takes care of for you all by itself.
-Alternatively, you could use the Class::Data::Inheritable module from
-=head2 Accessing Class Data
-It turns out that this is not really a good way to go about handling
-class data. A good scalable rule is that I<you must never reference class
-data directly from an object method>. Otherwise you aren't building a
-scalable, inheritable class. The object must be the rendezvous point
-for all operations, especially from an object method. The globals
-(class data) would in some sense be in the "wrong" package in your
-derived classes. In Perl, methods execute in the context of the class
-they were defined in, I<not> that of the object that triggered them.
-Therefore, namespace visibility of package globals in methods is unrelated
-to inheritance.
-Got that? Maybe not. Ok, let's say that some other class "borrowed"
-(well, inherited) the DESTROY method as it was defined above. When those
-objects are destroyed, the original $Census variable will be altered,
-not the one in the new class's package namespace. Perhaps this is what
-you want, but probably it isn't.
-Here's how to fix this. We'll store a reference to the data in the
-value accessed by the hash key "_CENSUS". Why the underscore? Well,
-mostly because an initial underscore already conveys strong feelings
-of magicalness to a C programmer. It's really just a mnemonic device
-to remind ourselves that this field is special and not to be used as
-a public data member in the same way that NAME, AGE, and PEERS are.
-(Because we've been developing this code under the strict pragma, prior
-to perl version 5.004 we'll have to quote the field name.)
- sub new {
- my $proto = shift;
- my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
- my $self = {};
- $self->{NAME} = undef;
- $self->{AGE} = undef;
- $self->{PEERS} = [];
- # "private" data
- $self->{"_CENSUS"} = \$Census;
- bless ($self, $class);
- ++ ${ $self->{"_CENSUS"} };
- return $self;
- }
- sub population {
- my $self = shift;
- if (ref $self) {
- return ${ $self->{"_CENSUS"} };
- } else {
- return $Census;
- }
- }
- sub DESTROY {
- my $self = shift;
- -- ${ $self->{"_CENSUS"} };
- }
-=head2 Debugging Methods
-It's common for a class to have a debugging mechanism. For example,
-you might want to see when objects are created or destroyed. To do that,
-add a debugging variable as a file-scoped lexical. For this, we'll pull
-in the standard Carp module to emit our warnings and fatal messages.
-That way messages will come out with the caller's filename and
-line number instead of our own; if we wanted them to be from our own
-perspective, we'd just use die() and warn() directly instead of croak()
-and carp() respectively.
- use Carp;
- my $Debugging = 0;
-Now add a new class method to access the variable.
- sub debug {
- my $class = shift;
- if (ref $class) { confess "Class method called as object method" }
- unless (@_ == 1) { confess "usage: CLASSNAME->debug(level)" }
- $Debugging = shift;
- }
-Now fix up DESTROY to murmur a bit as the moribund object expires:
- sub DESTROY {
- my $self = shift;
- if ($Debugging) { carp "Destroying $self " . $self->name }
- -- ${ $self->{"_CENSUS"} };
- }
-One could conceivably make a per-object debug state. That
-way you could call both of these:
- Person->debug(1); # entire class
- $him->debug(1); # just this object
-To do so, we need our debugging method to be a "bimodal" one, one that
-works on both classes I<and> objects. Therefore, adjust the debug()
-and DESTROY methods as follows:
- sub debug {
- my $self = shift;
- confess "usage: thing->debug(level)" unless @_ == 1;
- my $level = shift;
- if (ref($self)) {
- $self->{"_DEBUG"} = $level; # just myself
- } else {
- $Debugging = $level; # whole class
- }
- }
- sub DESTROY {
- my $self = shift;
- if ($Debugging || $self->{"_DEBUG"}) {
- carp "Destroying $self " . $self->name;
- }
- -- ${ $self->{"_CENSUS"} };
- }
-What happens if a derived class (which we'll call Employee) inherits
-methods from this Person base class? Then C<< Employee->debug() >>, when called
-as a class method, manipulates $Person::Debugging not $Employee::Debugging.
-=head2 Class Destructors
-The object destructor handles the death of each distinct object. But sometimes
-you want a bit of cleanup when the entire class is shut down, which
-currently only happens when the program exits. To make such a
-I<class destructor>, create a function in that class's package named
-END. This works just like the END function in traditional modules,
-meaning that it gets called whenever your program exits unless it execs
-or dies of an uncaught signal. For example,
- sub END {
- if ($Debugging) {
- print "All persons are going away now.\n";
- }
- }
-When the program exits, all the class destructors (END functions) are
-be called in the opposite order that they were loaded in (LIFO order).
-=head2 Documenting the Interface
-And there you have it: we've just shown you the I<implementation> of this
-Person class. Its I<interface> would be its documentation. Usually this
-means putting it in pod ("plain old documentation") format right there
-in the same file. In our Person example, we would place the following
-docs anywhere in the file. Even though it looks mostly like
-code, it's not. It's embedded documentation such as would be used by
-the pod2man, pod2html, or pod2text programs. The Perl compiler ignores
-pods entirely, just as the translators ignore code. Here's an example of
-some pods describing the informal interface:
- =head1 NAME
- Person - class to implement people
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- use Person;
- #################
- # class methods #
- #################
- $ob = Person->new;
- $count = Person->population;
- #######################
- # object data methods #
- #######################
- ### get versions ###
- $who = $ob->name;
- $years = $ob->age;
- @pals = $ob->peers;
- ### set versions ###
- $ob->name("Jason");
- $ob->age(23);
- $ob->peers( "Norbert", "Rhys", "Phineas" );
- ########################
- # other object methods #
- ########################
- $phrase = $ob->exclaim;
- $ob->happy_birthday;
- The Person class implements dah dee dah dee dah....
-That's all there is to the matter of interface versus implementation.
-A programmer who opens up the module and plays around with all the private
-little shiny bits that were safely locked up behind the interface contract
-has voided the warranty, and you shouldn't worry about their fate.
-=head1 Aggregation
-Suppose you later want to change the class to implement better names.
-Perhaps you'd like to support both given names (called Christian names,
-irrespective of one's religion) and family names (called surnames), plus
-nicknames and titles. If users of your Person class have been properly
-accessing it through its documented interface, then you can easily change
-the underlying implementation. If they haven't, then they lose and
-it's their fault for breaking the contract and voiding their warranty.
-To do this, we'll make another class, this one called Fullname. What's
-the Fullname class look like? To answer that question, you have to
-first figure out how you want to use it. How about we use it this way:
- $him = Person->new();
- $him->fullname->title("St");
- $him->fullname->christian("Thomas");
- $him->fullname->surname("Aquinas");
- $him->fullname->nickname("Tommy");
- printf "His normal name is %s\n", $him->name;
- printf "But his real name is %s\n", $him->fullname->as_string;
-Ok. To do this, we'll change Person::new() so that it supports
-a full name field this way:
- sub new {
- my $proto = shift;
- my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
- my $self = {};
- $self->{FULLNAME} = Fullname->new();
- $self->{AGE} = undef;
- $self->{PEERS} = [];
- $self->{"_CENSUS"} = \$Census;
- bless ($self, $class);
- ++ ${ $self->{"_CENSUS"} };
- return $self;
- }
- sub fullname {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->{FULLNAME};
- }
-Then to support old code, define Person::name() this way:
- sub name {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->{FULLNAME}->nickname(@_)
- || $self->{FULLNAME}->christian(@_);
- }
-Here's the Fullname class. We'll use the same technique
-of using a hash reference to hold data fields, and methods
-by the appropriate name to access them:
- package Fullname;
- use strict;
- sub new {
- my $proto = shift;
- my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
- my $self = {
- TITLE => undef,
- CHRISTIAN => undef,
- SURNAME => undef,
- NICK => undef,
- };
- bless ($self, $class);
- return $self;
- }
- sub christian {
- my $self = shift;
- if (@_) { $self->{CHRISTIAN} = shift }
- return $self->{CHRISTIAN};
- }
- sub surname {
- my $self = shift;
- if (@_) { $self->{SURNAME} = shift }
- return $self->{SURNAME};
- }
- sub nickname {
- my $self = shift;
- if (@_) { $self->{NICK} = shift }
- return $self->{NICK};
- }
- sub title {
- my $self = shift;
- if (@_) { $self->{TITLE} = shift }
- return $self->{TITLE};
- }
- sub as_string {
- my $self = shift;
- my $name = join(" ", @$self{'CHRISTIAN', 'SURNAME'});
- if ($self->{TITLE}) {
- $name = $self->{TITLE} . " " . $name;
- }
- return $name;
- }
- 1;
-Finally, here's the test program:
- #!/usr/bin/perl -w
- use strict;
- use Person;
- sub END { show_census() }
- sub show_census () {
- printf "Current population: %d\n", Person->population;
- }
- Person->debug(1);
- show_census();
- my $him = Person->new();
- $him->fullname->christian("Thomas");
- $him->fullname->surname("Aquinas");
- $him->fullname->nickname("Tommy");
- $him->fullname->title("St");
- $him->age(1);
- printf "%s is really %s.\n", $him->name, $him->fullname;
- printf "%s's age: %d.\n", $him->name, $him->age;
- $him->happy_birthday;
- printf "%s's age: %d.\n", $him->name, $him->age;
- show_census();
-=head1 Inheritance
-Object-oriented programming systems all support some notion of
-inheritance. Inheritance means allowing one class to piggy-back on
-top of another one so you don't have to write the same code again and
-again. It's about software reuse, and therefore related to Laziness,
-the principal virtue of a programmer. (The import/export mechanisms in
-traditional modules are also a form of code reuse, but a simpler one than
-the true inheritance that you find in object modules.)
-Sometimes the syntax of inheritance is built into the core of the
-language, and sometimes it's not. Perl has no special syntax for
-specifying the class (or classes) to inherit from. Instead, it's all
-strictly in the semantics. Each package can have a variable called @ISA,
-which governs (method) inheritance. If you try to call a method on an
-object or class, and that method is not found in that object's package,
-Perl then looks to @ISA for other packages to go looking through in
-search of the missing method.
-Like the special per-package variables recognized by Exporter (such as
-array I<must> be a package-scoped global and not a file-scoped lexical
-created via my(). Most classes have just one item in their @ISA array.
-In this case, we have what's called "single inheritance", or SI for short.
-Consider this class:
- package Employee;
- use Person;
- @ISA = ("Person");
- 1;
-Not a lot to it, eh? All it's doing so far is loading in another
-class and stating that this one will inherit methods from that
-other class if need be. We have given it none of its own methods.
-We rely upon an Employee to behave just like a Person.
-Setting up an empty class like this is called the "empty subclass test";
-that is, making a derived class that does nothing but inherit from a
-base class. If the original base class has been designed properly,
-then the new derived class can be used as a drop-in replacement for the
-old one. This means you should be able to write a program like this:
- use Employee;
- my $empl = Employee->new();
- $empl->name("Jason");
- $empl->age(23);
- printf "%s is age %d.\n", $empl->name, $empl->age;
-By proper design, we mean always using the two-argument form of bless(),
-avoiding direct access of global data, and not exporting anything. If you
-look back at the Person::new() function we defined above, we were careful
-to do that. There's a bit of package data used in the constructor,
-but the reference to this is stored on the object itself and all other
-methods access package data via that reference, so we should be ok.
-What do we mean by the Person::new() function -- isn't that actually
-a method? Well, in principle, yes. A method is just a function that
-expects as its first argument a class name (package) or object
-(blessed reference). Person::new() is the function that both the
-C<< Person->new() >> method and the C<< Employee->new() >> method end
-up calling. Understand that while a method call looks a lot like a
-function call, they aren't really quite the same, and if you treat them
-as the same, you'll very soon be left with nothing but broken programs.
-First, the actual underlying calling conventions are different: method
-calls get an extra argument. Second, function calls don't do inheritance,
-but methods do.
- Method Call Resulting Function Call
- ----------- ------------------------
- Person->new() Person::new("Person")
- Employee->new() Person::new("Employee")
-So don't use function calls when you mean to call a method.
-If an employee is just a Person, that's not all too very interesting.
-So let's add some other methods. We'll give our employee
-data fields to access their salary, their employee ID, and their
-start date.
-If you're getting a little tired of creating all these nearly identical
-methods just to get at the object's data, do not despair. Later,
-we'll describe several different convenience mechanisms for shortening
-this up. Meanwhile, here's the straight-forward way:
- sub salary {
- my $self = shift;
- if (@_) { $self->{SALARY} = shift }
- return $self->{SALARY};
- }
- sub id_number {
- my $self = shift;
- if (@_) { $self->{ID} = shift }
- return $self->{ID};
- }
- sub start_date {
- my $self = shift;
- if (@_) { $self->{START_DATE} = shift }
- return $self->{START_DATE};
- }
-=head2 Overridden Methods
-What happens when both a derived class and its base class have the same
-method defined? Well, then you get the derived class's version of that
-method. For example, let's say that we want the peers() method called on
-an employee to act a bit differently. Instead of just returning the list
-of peer names, let's return slightly different strings. So doing this:
- $empl->peers("Peter", "Paul", "Mary");
- printf "His peers are: %s\n", join(", ", $empl->peers);
-will produce:
-To do this, merely add this definition into the file:
- sub peers {
- my $self = shift;
- if (@_) { @{ $self->{PEERS} } = @_ }
- return map { "PEON=\U$_" } @{ $self->{PEERS} };
- }
-There, we've just demonstrated the high-falutin' concept known in certain
-circles as I<polymorphism>. We've taken on the form and behaviour of
-an existing object, and then we've altered it to suit our own purposes.
-This is a form of Laziness. (Getting polymorphed is also what happens
-when the wizard decides you'd look better as a frog.)
-Every now and then you'll want to have a method call trigger both its
-derived class (also known as "subclass") version as well as its base class
-(also known as "superclass") version. In practice, constructors and
-destructors are likely to want to do this, and it probably also makes
-sense in the debug() method we showed previously.
-To do this, add this to
- use Carp;
- my $Debugging = 0;
- sub debug {
- my $self = shift;
- confess "usage: thing->debug(level)" unless @_ == 1;
- my $level = shift;
- if (ref($self)) {
- $self->{"_DEBUG"} = $level;
- } else {
- $Debugging = $level; # whole class
- }
- Person::debug($self, $Debugging); # don't really do this
- }
-As you see, we turn around and call the Person package's debug() function.
-But this is far too fragile for good design. What if Person doesn't
-have a debug() function, but is inheriting I<its> debug() method
-from elsewhere? It would have been slightly better to say
- Person->debug($Debugging);
-But even that's got too much hard-coded. It's somewhat better to say
- $self->Person::debug($Debugging);
-Which is a funny way to say to start looking for a debug() method up
-in Person. This strategy is more often seen on overridden object methods
-than on overridden class methods.
-There is still something a bit off here. We've hard-coded our
-superclass's name. This in particular is bad if you change which classes
-you inherit from, or add others. Fortunately, the pseudoclass SUPER
-comes to the rescue here.
- $self->SUPER::debug($Debugging);
-This way it starts looking in my class's @ISA. This only makes sense
-from I<within> a method call, though. Don't try to access anything
-in SUPER:: from anywhere else, because it doesn't exist outside
-an overridden method call.
-Things are getting a bit complicated here. Have we done anything
-we shouldn't? As before, one way to test whether we're designing
-a decent class is via the empty subclass test. Since we already have
-an Employee class that we're trying to check, we'd better get a new
-empty subclass that can derive from Employee. Here's one:
- package Boss;
- use Employee; # :-)
- @ISA = qw(Employee);
-And here's the test program:
- #!/usr/bin/perl -w
- use strict;
- use Boss;
- Boss->debug(1);
- my $boss = Boss->new();
- $boss->fullname->title("Don");
- $boss->fullname->surname("Pichon Alvarez");
- $boss->fullname->christian("Federico Jesus");
- $boss->fullname->nickname("Fred");
- $boss->age(47);
- $boss->peers("Frank", "Felipe", "Faust");
- printf "%s is age %d.\n", $boss->fullname, $boss->age;
- printf "His peers are: %s\n", join(", ", $boss->peers);
-Running it, we see that we're still ok. If you'd like to dump out your
-object in a nice format, somewhat like the way the 'x' command works in
-the debugger, you could use the Data::Dumper module from CPAN this way:
- use Data::Dumper;
- print "Here's the boss:\n";
- print Dumper($boss);
-Which shows us something like this:
- Here's the boss:
- $VAR1 = bless( {
- _CENSUS => \1,
- FULLNAME => bless( {
- TITLE => 'Don',
- SURNAME => 'Pichon Alvarez',
- NICK => 'Fred',
- CHRISTIAN => 'Federico Jesus'
- }, 'Fullname' ),
- AGE => 47,
- PEERS => [
- 'Frank',
- 'Felipe',
- 'Faust'
- ]
- }, 'Boss' );
-Hm.... something's missing there. What about the salary, start date,
-and ID fields? Well, we never set them to anything, even undef, so they
-don't show up in the hash's keys. The Employee class has no new() method
-of its own, and the new() method in Person doesn't know about Employees.
-(Nor should it: proper OO design dictates that a subclass be allowed to
-know about its immediate superclass, but never vice-versa.) So let's
-fix up Employee::new() this way:
- sub new {
- my $proto = shift;
- my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
- my $self = $class->SUPER::new();
- $self->{SALARY} = undef;
- $self->{ID} = undef;
- $self->{START_DATE} = undef;
- bless ($self, $class); # reconsecrate
- return $self;
- }
-Now if you dump out an Employee or Boss object, you'll find
-that new fields show up there now.
-=head2 Multiple Inheritance
-Ok, at the risk of confusing beginners and annoying OO gurus, it's
-time to confess that Perl's object system includes that controversial
-notion known as multiple inheritance, or MI for short. All this means
-is that rather than having just one parent class who in turn might
-itself have a parent class, etc., that you can directly inherit from
-two or more parents. It's true that some uses of MI can get you into
-trouble, although hopefully not quite so much trouble with Perl as with
-dubiously-OO languages like C++.
-The way it works is actually pretty simple: just put more than one package
-name in your @ISA array. When it comes time for Perl to go finding
-methods for your object, it looks at each of these packages in order.
-Well, kinda. It's actually a fully recursive, depth-first order.
-Consider a bunch of @ISA arrays like this:
- @First::ISA = qw( Alpha );
- @Second::ISA = qw( Beta );
- @Third::ISA = qw( First Second );
-If you have an object of class Third:
- my $ob = Third->new();
- $ob->spin();
-How do we find a spin() method (or a new() method for that matter)?
-Because the search is depth-first, classes will be looked up
-in the following order: Third, First, Alpha, Second, and Beta.
-In practice, few class modules have been seen that actually
-make use of MI. One nearly always chooses simple containership of
-one class within another over MI. That's why our Person
-object I<contained> a Fullname object. That doesn't mean
-it I<was> one.
-However, there is one particular area where MI in Perl is rampant:
-borrowing another class's class methods. This is rather common,
-especially with some bundled "objectless" classes,
-like Exporter, DynaLoader, AutoLoader, and SelfLoader. These classes
-do not provide constructors; they exist only so you may inherit their
-class methods. (It's not entirely clear why inheritance was done
-here rather than traditional module importation.)
-For example, here is the POSIX module's @ISA:
- package POSIX;
- @ISA = qw(Exporter DynaLoader);
-The POSIX module isn't really an object module, but then,
-neither are Exporter or DynaLoader. They're just lending their
-classes' behaviours to POSIX.
-Why don't people use MI for object methods much? One reason is that
-it can have complicated side-effects. For one thing, your inheritance
-graph (no longer a tree) might converge back to the same base class.
-Although Perl guards against recursive inheritance, merely having parents
-who are related to each other via a common ancestor, incestuous though
-it sounds, is not forbidden. What if in our Third class shown above we
-wanted its new() method to also call both overridden constructors in its
-two parent classes? The SUPER notation would only find the first one.
-Also, what about if the Alpha and Beta classes both had a common ancestor,
-like Nought? If you kept climbing up the inheritance tree calling
-overridden methods, you'd end up calling Nought::new() twice,
-which might well be a bad idea.
-=head2 UNIVERSAL: The Root of All Objects
-Wouldn't it be convenient if all objects were rooted at some ultimate
-base class? That way you could give every object common methods without
-having to go and add it to each and every @ISA. Well, it turns out that
-you can. You don't see it, but Perl tacitly and irrevocably assumes
-that there's an extra element at the end of @ISA: the class UNIVERSAL.
-In version 5.003, there were no predefined methods there, but you could put
-whatever you felt like into it.
-However, as of version 5.004 (or some subversive releases, like 5.003_08),
-UNIVERSAL has some methods in it already. These are builtin to your Perl
-binary, so they don't take any extra time to load. Predefined methods
-include isa(), can(), and VERSION(). isa() tells you whether an object or
-class "is" another one without having to traverse the hierarchy yourself:
- $has_io = $fd->isa("IO::Handle");
- $itza_handle = IO::Socket->isa("IO::Handle");
-The can() method, called against that object or class, reports back
-whether its string argument is a callable method name in that class.
-In fact, it gives you back a function reference to that method:
- $his_print_method = $obj->can('as_string');
-Finally, the VERSION method checks whether the class (or the object's
-class) has a package global called $VERSION that's high enough, as in:
- Some_Module->VERSION(3.0);
- $his_vers = $ob->VERSION();
-However, we don't usually call VERSION ourselves. (Remember that an all
-uppercase function name is a Perl convention that indicates that the
-function will be automatically used by Perl in some way.) In this case,
-it happens when you say
- use Some_Module 3.0;
-If you wanted to add version checking to your Person class explained
-above, just add this to
- our $VERSION = '1.1';
-and then in could you can say
- use Employee 1.1;
-And it would make sure that you have at least that version number or
-higher available. This is not the same as loading in that exact version
-number. No mechanism currently exists for concurrent installation of
-multiple versions of a module. Lamentably.
-=head1 Alternate Object Representations
-Nothing requires objects to be implemented as hash references. An object
-can be any sort of reference so long as its referent has been suitably
-blessed. That means scalar, array, and code references are also fair
-A scalar would work if the object has only one datum to hold. An array
-would work for most cases, but makes inheritance a bit dodgy because
-you have to invent new indices for the derived classes.
-=head2 Arrays as Objects
-If the user of your class honors the contract and sticks to the advertised
-interface, then you can change its underlying interface if you feel
-like it. Here's another implementation that conforms to the same
-interface specification. This time we'll use an array reference
-instead of a hash reference to represent the object.
- package Person;
- use strict;
- my($NAME, $AGE, $PEERS) = ( 0 .. 2 );
- ############################################
- ## the object constructor (array version) ##
- ############################################
- sub new {
- my $self = [];
- $self->[$NAME] = undef; # this is unnecessary
- $self->[$AGE] = undef; # as is this
- $self->[$PEERS] = []; # but this isn't, really
- bless($self);
- return $self;
- }
- sub name {
- my $self = shift;
- if (@_) { $self->[$NAME] = shift }
- return $self->[$NAME];
- }
- sub age {
- my $self = shift;
- if (@_) { $self->[$AGE] = shift }
- return $self->[$AGE];
- }
- sub peers {
- my $self = shift;
- if (@_) { @{ $self->[$PEERS] } = @_ }
- return @{ $self->[$PEERS] };
- }
- 1; # so the require or use succeeds
-You might guess that the array access would be a lot faster than the
-hash access, but they're actually comparable. The array is a I<little>
-bit faster, but not more than ten or fifteen percent, even when you
-replace the variables above like $AGE with literal numbers, like 1.
-A bigger difference between the two approaches can be found in memory use.
-A hash representation takes up more memory than an array representation
-because you have to allocate memory for the keys as well as for the values.
-However, it really isn't that bad, especially since as of version 5.004,
-memory is only allocated once for a given hash key, no matter how many
-hashes have that key. It's expected that sometime in the future, even
-these differences will fade into obscurity as more efficient underlying
-representations are devised.
-Still, the tiny edge in speed (and somewhat larger one in memory)
-is enough to make some programmers choose an array representation
-for simple classes. There's still a little problem with
-scalability, though, because later in life when you feel
-like creating subclasses, you'll find that hashes just work
-out better.
-=head2 Closures as Objects
-Using a code reference to represent an object offers some fascinating
-possibilities. We can create a new anonymous function (closure) who
-alone in all the world can see the object's data. This is because we
-put the data into an anonymous hash that's lexically visible only to
-the closure we create, bless, and return as the object. This object's
-methods turn around and call the closure as a regular subroutine call,
-passing it the field we want to affect. (Yes,
-the double-function call is slow, but if you wanted fast, you wouldn't
-be using objects at all, eh? :-)
-Use would be similar to before:
- use Person;
- $him = Person->new();
- $him->name("Jason");
- $him->age(23);
- $him->peers( [ "Norbert", "Rhys", "Phineas" ] );
- printf "%s is %d years old.\n", $him->name, $him->age;
- print "His peers are: ", join(", ", @{$him->peers}), "\n";
-but the implementation would be radically, perhaps even sublimely
- package Person;
- sub new {
- my $that = shift;
- my $class = ref($that) || $that;
- my $self = {
- NAME => undef,
- AGE => undef,
- PEERS => [],
- };
- my $closure = sub {
- my $field = shift;
- if (@_) { $self->{$field} = shift }
- return $self->{$field};
- };
- bless($closure, $class);
- return $closure;
- }
- sub name { &{ $_[0] }("NAME", @_[ 1 .. $#_ ] ) }
- sub age { &{ $_[0] }("AGE", @_[ 1 .. $#_ ] ) }
- sub peers { &{ $_[0] }("PEERS", @_[ 1 .. $#_ ] ) }
- 1;
-Because this object is hidden behind a code reference, it's probably a bit
-mysterious to those whose background is more firmly rooted in standard
-procedural or object-based programming languages than in functional
-programming languages whence closures derive. The object
-created and returned by the new() method is itself not a data reference
-as we've seen before. It's an anonymous code reference that has within
-it access to a specific version (lexical binding and instantiation)
-of the object's data, which are stored in the private variable $self.
-Although this is the same function each time, it contains a different
-version of $self.
-When a method like C<$him-E<gt>name("Jason")> is called, its implicit
-zeroth argument is the invoking object--just as it is with all method
-calls. But in this case, it's our code reference (something like a
-function pointer in C++, but with deep binding of lexical variables).
-There's not a lot to be done with a code reference beyond calling it, so
-that's just what we do when we say C<&{$_[0]}>. This is just a regular
-function call, not a method call. The initial argument is the string
-"NAME", and any remaining arguments are whatever had been passed to the
-method itself.
-Once we're executing inside the closure that had been created in new(),
-the $self hash reference suddenly becomes visible. The closure grabs
-its first argument ("NAME" in this case because that's what the name()
-method passed it), and uses that string to subscript into the private
-hash hidden in its unique version of $self.
-Nothing under the sun will allow anyone outside the executing method to
-be able to get at this hidden data. Well, nearly nothing. You I<could>
-single step through the program using the debugger and find out the
-pieces while you're in the method, but everyone else is out of luck.
-There, if that doesn't excite the Scheme folks, then I just don't know
-what will. Translation of this technique into C++, Java, or any other
-braindead-static language is left as a futile exercise for aficionados
-of those camps.
-You could even add a bit of nosiness via the caller() function and
-make the closure refuse to operate unless called via its own package.
-This would no doubt satisfy certain fastidious concerns of programming
-police and related puritans.
-If you were wondering when Hubris, the third principle virtue of a
-programmer, would come into play, here you have it. (More seriously,
-Hubris is just the pride in craftsmanship that comes from having written
-a sound bit of well-designed code.)
-=head1 AUTOLOAD: Proxy Methods
-Autoloading is a way to intercept calls to undefined methods. An autoload
-routine may choose to create a new function on the fly, either loaded
-from disk or perhaps just eval()ed right there. This define-on-the-fly
-strategy is why it's called autoloading.
-But that's only one possible approach. Another one is to just
-have the autoloaded method itself directly provide the
-requested service. When used in this way, you may think
-of autoloaded methods as "proxy" methods.
-When Perl tries to call an undefined function in a particular package
-and that function is not defined, it looks for a function in
-that same package called AUTOLOAD. If one exists, it's called
-with the same arguments as the original function would have had.
-The fully-qualified name of the function is stored in that package's
-global variable $AUTOLOAD. Once called, the function can do anything
-it would like, including defining a new function by the right name, and
-then doing a really fancy kind of C<goto> right to it, erasing itself
-from the call stack.
-What does this have to do with objects? After all, we keep talking about
-functions, not methods. Well, since a method is just a function with
-an extra argument and some fancier semantics about where it's found,
-we can use autoloading for methods, too. Perl doesn't start looking
-for an AUTOLOAD method until it has exhausted the recursive hunt up
-through @ISA, though. Some programmers have even been known to define
-a UNIVERSAL::AUTOLOAD method to trap unresolved method calls to any
-kind of object.
-=head2 Autoloaded Data Methods
-You probably began to get a little suspicious about the duplicated
-code way back earlier when we first showed you the Person class, and
-then later the Employee class. Each method used to access the
-hash fields looked virtually identical. This should have tickled
-that great programming virtue, Impatience, but for the time,
-we let Laziness win out, and so did nothing. Proxy methods can cure
-Instead of writing a new function every time we want a new data field,
-we'll use the autoload mechanism to generate (actually, mimic) methods on
-the fly. To verify that we're accessing a valid member, we will check
-against an C<_permitted> (pronounced "under-permitted") field, which
-is a reference to a file-scoped lexical (like a C file static) hash of permitted fields in this record
-called %fields. Why the underscore? For the same reason as the _CENSUS
-field we once used: as a marker that means "for internal use only".
-Here's what the module initialization code and class
-constructor will look like when taking this approach:
- package Person;
- use Carp;
- our $AUTOLOAD; # it's a package global
- my %fields = (
- name => undef,
- age => undef,
- peers => undef,
- );
- sub new {
- my $that = shift;
- my $class = ref($that) || $that;
- my $self = {
- _permitted => \%fields,
- %fields,
- };
- bless $self, $class;
- return $self;
- }
-If we wanted our record to have default values, we could fill those in
-where current we have C<undef> in the %fields hash.
-Notice how we saved a reference to our class data on the object itself?
-Remember that it's important to access class data through the object
-itself instead of having any method reference %fields directly, or else
-you won't have a decent inheritance.
-The real magic, though, is going to reside in our proxy method, which
-will handle all calls to undefined methods for objects of class Person
-(or subclasses of Person). It has to be called AUTOLOAD. Again, it's
-all caps because it's called for us implicitly by Perl itself, not by
-a user directly.
- sub AUTOLOAD {
- my $self = shift;
- my $type = ref($self)
- or croak "$self is not an object";
- my $name = $AUTOLOAD;
- $name =~ s/.*://; # strip fully-qualified portion
- unless (exists $self->{_permitted}->{$name} ) {
- croak "Can't access `$name' field in class $type";
- }
- if (@_) {
- return $self->{$name} = shift;
- } else {
- return $self->{$name};
- }
- }
-Pretty nifty, eh? All we have to do to add new data fields
-is modify %fields. No new functions need be written.
-I could have avoided the C<_permitted> field entirely, but I
-wanted to demonstrate how to store a reference to class data on the
-object so you wouldn't have to access that class data
-directly from an object method.
-=head2 Inherited Autoloaded Data Methods
-But what about inheritance? Can we define our Employee
-class similarly? Yes, so long as we're careful enough.
-Here's how to be careful:
- package Employee;
- use Person;
- use strict;
- our @ISA = qw(Person);
- my %fields = (
- id => undef,
- salary => undef,
- );
- sub new {
- my $that = shift;
- my $class = ref($that) || $that;
- my $self = bless $that->SUPER::new(), $class;
- my($element);
- foreach $element (keys %fields) {
- $self->{_permitted}->{$element} = $fields{$element};
- }
- @{$self}{keys %fields} = values %fields;
- return $self;
- }
-Once we've done this, we don't even need to have an
-AUTOLOAD function in the Employee package, because
-we'll grab Person's version of that via inheritance,
-and it will all work out just fine.
-=head1 Metaclassical Tools
-Even though proxy methods can provide a more convenient approach to making
-more struct-like classes than tediously coding up data methods as
-functions, it still leaves a bit to be desired. For one thing, it means
-you have to handle bogus calls that you don't mean to trap via your proxy.
-It also means you have to be quite careful when dealing with inheritance,
-as detailed above.
-Perl programmers have responded to this by creating several different
-class construction classes. These metaclasses are classes
-that create other classes. A couple worth looking at are
-Class::Struct and Alias. These and other related metaclasses can be
-found in the modules directory on CPAN.
-=head2 Class::Struct
-One of the older ones is Class::Struct. In fact, its syntax and
-interface were sketched out long before perl5 even solidified into a
-real thing. What it does is provide you a way to "declare" a class
-as having objects whose fields are of a specific type. The function
-that does this is called, not surprisingly enough, struct(). Because
-structures or records are not base types in Perl, each time you want to
-create a class to provide a record-like data object, you yourself have
-to define a new() method, plus separate data-access methods for each of
-that record's fields. You'll quickly become bored with this process.
-The Class::Struct::struct() function alleviates this tedium.
-Here's a simple example of using it:
- use Class::Struct qw(struct);
- use Jobbie; # user-defined; see below
- struct 'Fred' => {
- one => '$',
- many => '@',
- profession => Jobbie, # calls Jobbie->new()
- };
- $ob = Fred->new;
- $ob->one("hmmmm");
- $ob->many(0, "here");
- $ob->many(1, "you");
- $ob->many(2, "go");
- print "Just set: ", $ob->many(2), "\n";
- $ob->profession->salary(10_000);
-You can declare types in the struct to be basic Perl types, or
-user-defined types (classes). User types will be initialized by calling
-that class's new() method.
-Here's a real-world example of using struct generation. Let's say you
-wanted to override Perl's idea of gethostbyname() and gethostbyaddr() so
-that they would return objects that acted like C structures. We don't
-care about high-falutin' OO gunk. All we want is for these objects to
-act like structs in the C sense.
- use Socket;
- use Net::hostent;
- $h = gethostbyname(""); # object return
- printf "'s real name is %s, address %s\n",
- $h->name, inet_ntoa($h->addr);
-Here's how to do this using the Class::Struct module.
-The crux is going to be this call:
- struct 'Net::hostent' => [ # note bracket
- name => '$',
- aliases => '@',
- addrtype => '$',
- 'length' => '$',
- addr_list => '@',
- ];
-Which creates object methods of those names and types.
-It even creates a new() method for us.
-We could also have implemented our object this way:
- struct 'Net::hostent' => { # note brace
- name => '$',
- aliases => '@',
- addrtype => '$',
- 'length' => '$',
- addr_list => '@',
- };
-and then Class::Struct would have used an anonymous hash as the object
-type, instead of an anonymous array. The array is faster and smaller,
-but the hash works out better if you eventually want to do inheritance.
-Since for this struct-like object we aren't planning on inheritance,
-this time we'll opt for better speed and size over better flexibility.
-Here's the whole implementation:
- package Net::hostent;
- use strict;
- use Exporter ();
- our @EXPORT = qw(gethostbyname gethostbyaddr gethost);
- our @EXPORT_OK = qw(
- $h_name @h_aliases
- $h_addrtype $h_length
- @h_addr_list $h_addr
- );
- }
- our @EXPORT_OK;
- # Class::Struct forbids use of @ISA
- sub import { goto &Exporter::import }
- use Class::Struct qw(struct);
- struct 'Net::hostent' => [
- name => '$',
- aliases => '@',
- addrtype => '$',
- 'length' => '$',
- addr_list => '@',
- ];
- sub addr { shift->addr_list->[0] }
- sub populate (@) {
- return unless @_;
- my $hob = new(); # Class::Struct made this!
- $h_name = $hob->[0] = $_[0];
- @h_aliases = @{ $hob->[1] } = split ' ', $_[1];
- $h_addrtype = $hob->[2] = $_[2];
- $h_length = $hob->[3] = $_[3];
- $h_addr = $_[4];
- @h_addr_list = @{ $hob->[4] } = @_[ (4 .. $#_) ];
- return $hob;
- }
- sub gethostbyname ($) { populate(CORE::gethostbyname(shift)) }
- sub gethostbyaddr ($;$) {
- my ($addr, $addrtype);
- $addr = shift;
- require Socket unless @_;
- $addrtype = @_ ? shift : Socket::AF_INET();
- populate(CORE::gethostbyaddr($addr, $addrtype))
- }
- sub gethost($) {
- if ($_[0] =~ /^\d+(?:\.\d+(?:\.\d+(?:\.\d+)?)?)?$/) {
- require Socket;
- &gethostbyaddr(Socket::inet_aton(shift));
- } else {
- &gethostbyname;
- }
- }
- 1;
-We've snuck in quite a fair bit of other concepts besides just dynamic
-class creation, like overriding core functions, import/export bits,
-function prototyping, short-cut function call via C<&whatever>, and
-function replacement with C<goto &whatever>. These all mostly make
-sense from the perspective of a traditional module, but as you can see,
-we can also use them in an object module.
-You can look at other object-based, struct-like overrides of core
-functions in the 5.004 release of Perl in File::stat, Net::hostent,
-Net::netent, Net::protoent, Net::servent, Time::gmtime, Time::localtime,
-User::grent, and User::pwent. These modules have a final component
-that's all lowercase, by convention reserved for compiler pragmas,
-because they affect the compilation and change a builtin function.
-They also have the type names that a C programmer would most expect.
-=head2 Data Members as Variables
-If you're used to C++ objects, then you're accustomed to being able to
-get at an object's data members as simple variables from within a method.
-The Alias module provides for this, as well as a good bit more, such
-as the possibility of private methods that the object can call but folks
-outside the class cannot.
-Here's an example of creating a Person using the Alias module.
-When you update these magical instance variables, you automatically
-update value fields in the hash. Convenient, eh?
- package Person;
- # this is the same as before...
- sub new {
- my $that = shift;
- my $class = ref($that) || $that;
- my $self = {
- NAME => undef,
- AGE => undef,
- PEERS => [],
- };
- bless($self, $class);
- return $self;
- }
- use Alias qw(attr);
- our ($NAME, $AGE, $PEERS);
- sub name {
- my $self = attr shift;
- if (@_) { $NAME = shift; }
- return $NAME;
- }
- sub age {
- my $self = attr shift;
- if (@_) { $AGE = shift; }
- return $AGE;
- }
- sub peers {
- my $self = attr shift;
- if (@_) { @PEERS = @_; }
- return @PEERS;
- }
- sub exclaim {
- my $self = attr shift;
- return sprintf "Hi, I'm %s, age %d, working with %s",
- $NAME, $AGE, join(", ", @PEERS);
- }
- sub happy_birthday {
- my $self = attr shift;
- return ++$AGE;
- }
-The need for the C<our> declaration is because what Alias does
-is play with package globals with the same name as the fields. To use
-globals while C<use strict> is in effect, you have to predeclare them.
-These package variables are localized to the block enclosing the attr()
-call just as if you'd used a local() on them. However, that means that
-they're still considered global variables with temporary values, just
-as with any other local().
-It would be nice to combine Alias with
-something like Class::Struct or Class::MethodMaker.
-=head1 NOTES
-=head2 Object Terminology
-In the various OO literature, it seems that a lot of different words
-are used to describe only a few different concepts. If you're not
-already an object programmer, then you don't need to worry about all
-these fancy words. But if you are, then you might like to know how to
-get at the same concepts in Perl.
-For example, it's common to call an object an I<instance> of a class
-and to call those objects' methods I<instance methods>. Data fields
-peculiar to each object are often called I<instance data> or I<object
-attributes>, and data fields common to all members of that class are
-I<class data>, I<class attributes>, or I<static data members>.
-Also, I<base class>, I<generic class>, and I<superclass> all describe
-the same notion, whereas I<derived class>, I<specific class>, and
-I<subclass> describe the other related one.
-C++ programmers have I<static methods> and I<virtual methods>,
-but Perl only has I<class methods> and I<object methods>.
-Actually, Perl only has methods. Whether a method gets used
-as a class or object method is by usage only. You could accidentally
-call a class method (one expecting a string argument) on an
-object (one expecting a reference), or vice versa.
-From the C++ perspective, all methods in Perl are virtual.
-This, by the way, is why they are never checked for function
-prototypes in the argument list as regular builtin and user-defined
-functions can be.
-Because a class is itself something of an object, Perl's classes can be
-taken as describing both a "class as meta-object" (also called I<object
-factory>) philosophy and the "class as type definition" (I<declaring>
-behaviour, not I<defining> mechanism) idea. C++ supports the latter
-notion, but not the former.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-The following manpages will doubtless provide more
-background for this one:
-L<perlboot> is a kinder, gentler introduction to object-oriented
-L<perltootc> provides more detail on class data.
-Some modules which might prove interesting are Class::Accessor,
-Class::Class, Class::Contract, Class::Data::Inheritable,
-Class::MethodMaker and Tie::SecureHash
-Copyright (c) 1997, 1998 Tom Christiansen
-All rights reserved.
-When included as part of the Standard Version of Perl, or as part of
-its complete documentation whether printed or otherwise, this work
-may be distributed only under the terms of Perl's Artistic License.
-Any distribution of this file or derivatives thereof I<outside>
-of that package require that special arrangements be made with
-copyright holder.
-Irrespective of its distribution, all code examples in this file
-are hereby placed into the public domain. You are permitted and
-encouraged to use this code in your own programs for fun
-or for profit as you see fit. A simple comment in the code giving
-credit would be courteous but is not required.
-=head2 Acknowledgments
-Thanks to
-Larry Wall,
-Roderick Schertler,
-Gurusamy Sarathy,
-Dean Roehrich,
-Raphael Manfredi,
-Brent Halsey,
-Greg Bacon,
-Brad Appleton,
-and many others for their helpful comments.
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