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-=head1 NAME
-perlfaq9 - Networking ($Revision: 1.26 $, $Date: 1999/05/23 16:08:30 $)
-This section deals with questions related to networking, the internet,
-and a few on the web.
-=head2 My CGI script runs from the command line but not the browser. (500 Server Error)
-If you can demonstrate that you've read the following FAQs and that
-your problem isn't something simple that can be easily answered, you'll
-probably receive a courteous and useful reply to your question if you
-post it on comp.infosystems.www.authoring.cgi (if it's something to do
-with HTTP, HTML, or the CGI protocols). Questions that appear to be Perl
-questions but are really CGI ones that are posted to comp.lang.perl.misc
-may not be so well received.
-The useful FAQs and related documents are:
- Web FAQ
- WWW Security FAQ
- HTTP Spec
- HTML Spec
- CGI Spec
- CGI Security FAQ
-=head2 How can I get better error messages from a CGI program?
-Use the CGI::Carp module. It replaces C<warn> and C<die>, plus the
-normal Carp modules C<carp>, C<croak>, and C<confess> functions with
-more verbose and safer versions. It still sends them to the normal
-server error log.
- use CGI::Carp;
- warn "This is a complaint";
- die "But this one is serious";
-The following use of CGI::Carp also redirects errors to a file of your choice,
-placed in a BEGIN block to catch compile-time warnings as well:
- use CGI::Carp qw(carpout);
- open(LOG, ">>/var/local/cgi-logs/mycgi-log")
- or die "Unable to append to mycgi-log: $!\n";
- carpout(*LOG);
- }
-You can even arrange for fatal errors to go back to the client browser,
-which is nice for your own debugging, but might confuse the end user.
- use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
- die "Bad error here";
-Even if the error happens before you get the HTTP header out, the module
-will try to take care of this to avoid the dreaded server 500 errors.
-Normal warnings still go out to the server error log (or wherever
-you've sent them with C<carpout>) with the application name and date
-stamp prepended.
-=head2 How do I remove HTML from a string?
-The most correct way (albeit not the fastest) is to use HTML::Parser
-from CPAN. Another mostly correct
-way is to use HTML::FormatText which not only removes HTML but also
-attempts to do a little simple formatting of the resulting plain text.
-Many folks attempt a simple-minded regular expression approach, like
-C<< s/<.*?>//g >>, but that fails in many cases because the tags
-may continue over line breaks, they may contain quoted angle-brackets,
-or HTML comment may be present. Plus, folks forget to convert
-entities--like C<&lt;> for example.
-Here's one "simple-minded" approach, that works for most files:
- #!/usr/bin/perl -p0777
- s/<(?:[^>'"]*|(['"]).*?\1)*>//gs
-If you want a more complete solution, see the 3-stage striphtml
-program in
-Here are some tricky cases that you should think about when picking
-a solution:
- <IMG SRC = "foo.gif" ALT = "A > B">
- <IMG SRC = "foo.gif"
- ALT = "A > B">
- <!-- <A comment> -->
- <script>if (a<b && a>c)</script>
- <# Just data #>
- <![INCLUDE CDATA [ >>>>>>>>>>>> ]]>
-If HTML comments include other tags, those solutions would also break
-on text like this:
- <!-- This section commented out.
- <B>You can't see me!</B>
- -->
-=head2 How do I extract URLs?
-A quick but imperfect approach is
- #!/usr/bin/perl -n00
- # qxurl -
- print "$2\n" while m{
- < \s*
- A \s+ HREF \s* = \s* (["']) (.*?) \1
- \s* >
- }gsix;
-This version does not adjust relative URLs, understand alternate
-bases, deal with HTML comments, deal with HREF and NAME attributes
-in the same tag, understand extra qualifiers like TARGET, or accept
-URLs themselves as arguments. It also runs about 100x faster than a
-more "complete" solution using the LWP suite of modules, such as the
- program.
-=head2 How do I download a file from the user's machine? How do I open a file on another machine?
-In the context of an HTML form, you can use what's known as
-B<multipart/form-data> encoding. The module (available from
-CPAN) supports this in the start_multipart_form() method, which isn't
-the same as the startform() method.
-=head2 How do I make a pop-up menu in HTML?
-Use the B<< <SELECT> >> and B<< <OPTION> >> tags. The
-module (available from CPAN) supports this widget, as well as many
-others, including some that it cleverly synthesizes on its own.
-=head2 How do I fetch an HTML file?
-One approach, if you have the lynx text-based HTML browser installed
-on your system, is this:
- $html_code = `lynx -source $url`;
- $text_data = `lynx -dump $url`;
-The libwww-perl (LWP) modules from CPAN provide a more powerful way
-to do this. They don't require lynx, but like lynx, can still work
-through proxies:
- # simplest version
- use LWP::Simple;
- $content = get($URL);
- # or print HTML from a URL
- use LWP::Simple;
- getprint "";
- # or print ASCII from HTML from a URL
- # also need HTML-Tree package from CPAN
- use LWP::Simple;
- use HTML::Parser;
- use HTML::FormatText;
- my ($html, $ascii);
- $html = get("");
- defined $html
- or die "Can't fetch HTML from";
- $ascii = HTML::FormatText->new->format(parse_html($html));
- print $ascii;
-=head2 How do I automate an HTML form submission?
-If you're submitting values using the GET method, create a URL and encode
-the form using the C<query_form> method:
- use LWP::Simple;
- use URI::URL;
- my $url = url('');
- $url->query_form(module => 'DB_File', readme => 1);
- $content = get($url);
-If you're using the POST method, create your own user agent and encode
-the content appropriately.
- use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST);
- use LWP::UserAgent;
- $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
- my $req = POST '',
- [ module => 'DB_File', readme => 1 ];
- $content = $ua->request($req)->as_string;
-=head2 How do I decode or create those %-encodings on the web?
-If you are writing a CGI script, you should be using the module
-that comes with perl, or some other equivalent module. The CGI module
-automatically decodes queries for you, and provides an escape()
-function to handle encoding.
-The best source of detailed information on URI encoding is RFC 2396.
-Basically, the following substitutions do it:
- s/([^\w()'*~!.-])/sprintf '%%%02x', $1/eg; # encode
- s/%([A-Fa-f\d]{2})/chr hex $1/eg; # decode
-However, you should only apply them to individual URI components, not
-the entire URI, otherwise you'll lose information and generally mess
-things up. If that didn't explain it, don't worry. Just go read
-section 2 of the RFC, it's probably the best explanation there is.
-RFC 2396 also contains a lot of other useful information, including a
-regexp for breaking any arbitrary URI into components (Appendix B).
-=head2 How do I redirect to another page?
-According to RFC 2616, "Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1", the
-preferred method is to send a C<Location:> header instead of a
-C<Content-Type:> header:
- Location:
-Note that relative URLs in these headers can cause strange effects
-because of "optimizations" that servers do.
- $url = "";
- print "Location: $url\n\n";
- exit;
-To target a particular frame in a frameset, include the "Window-target:"
-in the header.
- print <<EOF;
- Location:
- Window-target: <FrameName>
-To be correct to the spec, each of those virtual newlines should
-really be physical C<"\015\012"> sequences by the time your message is
-received by the client browser. Except for NPH scripts, though, that
-local newline should get translated by your server into standard form,
-so you shouldn't have a problem here, even if you are stuck on MacOS.
-Everybody else probably won't even notice.
-=head2 How do I put a password on my web pages?
-That depends. You'll need to read the documentation for your web
-server, or perhaps check some of the other FAQs referenced above.
-=head2 How do I edit my .htpasswd and .htgroup files with Perl?
-The HTTPD::UserAdmin and HTTPD::GroupAdmin modules provide a
-consistent OO interface to these files, regardless of how they're
-stored. Databases may be text, dbm, Berkley DB or any database with a
-DBI compatible driver. HTTPD::UserAdmin supports files used by the
-`Basic' and `Digest' authentication schemes. Here's an example:
- use HTTPD::UserAdmin ();
- HTTPD::UserAdmin
- ->new(DB => "/foo/.htpasswd")
- ->add($username => $password);
-=head2 How do I make sure users can't enter values into a form that cause my CGI script to do bad things?
-Read the CGI security FAQ, at
- , and the
-Perl/CGI FAQ at
- .
-In brief: use tainting (see L<perlsec>), which makes sure that data
-from outside your script (eg, CGI parameters) are never used in
-C<eval> or C<system> calls. In addition to tainting, never use the
-single-argument form of system() or exec(). Instead, supply the
-command and arguments as a list, which prevents shell globbing.
-=head2 How do I parse a mail header?
-For a quick-and-dirty solution, try this solution derived
-from L<perlfunc/split>:
- $/ = '';
- $header = <MSG>;
- $header =~ s/\n\s+/ /g; # merge continuation lines
- %head = ( UNIX_FROM_LINE, split /^([-\w]+):\s*/m, $header );
-That solution doesn't do well if, for example, you're trying to
-maintain all the Received lines. A more complete approach is to use
-the Mail::Header module from CPAN (part of the MailTools package).
-=head2 How do I decode a CGI form?
-You use a standard module, probably Under no circumstances
-should you attempt to do so by hand!
-You'll see a lot of CGI programs that blindly read from STDIN the number
-of bytes equal to CONTENT_LENGTH for POSTs, or grab QUERY_STRING for
-decoding GETs. These programs are very poorly written. They only work
-sometimes. They typically forget to check the return value of the read()
-system call, which is a cardinal sin. They don't handle HEAD requests.
-They don't handle multipart forms used for file uploads. They don't deal
-with GET/POST combinations where query fields are in more than one place.
-They don't deal with keywords in the query string.
-In short, they're bad hacks. Resist them at all costs. Please do not be
-tempted to reinvent the wheel. Instead, use the or
-(available from CPAN), or if you're trapped in the module-free land
-of perl1 .. perl4, you might look into (available from
- ).
-Make sure you know whether to use a GET or a POST in your form.
-GETs should only be used for something that doesn't update the server.
-Otherwise you can get mangled databases and repeated feedback mail
-messages. The fancy word for this is ``idempotency''. This simply
-means that there should be no difference between making a GET request
-for a particular URL once or multiple times. This is because the
-HTTP protocol definition says that a GET request may be cached by the
-browser, or server, or an intervening proxy. POST requests cannot be
-cached, because each request is independent and matters. Typically,
-POST requests change or depend on state on the server (query or update
-a database, send mail, or purchase a computer).
-=head2 How do I check a valid mail address?
-You can't, at least, not in real time. Bummer, eh?
-Without sending mail to the address and seeing whether there's a human
-on the other hand to answer you, you cannot determine whether a mail
-address is valid. Even if you apply the mail header standard, you
-can have problems, because there are deliverable addresses that aren't
-RFC-822 (the mail header standard) compliant, and addresses that aren't
-deliverable which are compliant.
-Many are tempted to try to eliminate many frequently-invalid
-mail addresses with a simple regex, such as
-C</^[\w.-]+\@(?:[\w-]+\.)+\w+$/>. It's a very bad idea. However,
-this also throws out many valid ones, and says nothing about
-potential deliverability, so it is not suggested. Instead, see
-which actually checks against the full RFC spec (except for nested
-comments), looks for addresses you may not wish to accept mail to
-(say, Bill Clinton or your postmaster), and then makes sure that the
-hostname given can be looked up in the DNS MX records. It's not fast,
-but it works for what it tries to do.
-Our best advice for verifying a person's mail address is to have them
-enter their address twice, just as you normally do to change a password.
-This usually weeds out typos. If both versions match, send
-mail to that address with a personal message that looks somewhat like:
- Dear,
- Please confirm the mail address you gave us Wed May 6 09:38:41
- MDT 1998 by replying to this message. Include the string
- "Rumpelstiltskin" in that reply, but spelled in reverse; that is,
- start with "Nik...". Once this is done, your confirmed address will
- be entered into our records.
-If you get the message back and they've followed your directions,
-you can be reasonably assured that it's real.
-A related strategy that's less open to forgery is to give them a PIN
-(personal ID number). Record the address and PIN (best that it be a
-random one) for later processing. In the mail you send, ask them to
-include the PIN in their reply. But if it bounces, or the message is
-included via a ``vacation'' script, it'll be there anyway. So it's
-best to ask them to mail back a slight alteration of the PIN, such as
-with the characters reversed, one added or subtracted to each digit, etc.
-=head2 How do I decode a MIME/BASE64 string?
-The MIME-Base64 package (available from CPAN) handles this as well as
-the MIME/QP encoding. Decoding BASE64 becomes as simple as:
- use MIME::Base64;
- $decoded = decode_base64($encoded);
-The MIME-Tools package (available from CPAN) supports extraction with
-decoding of BASE64 encoded attachments and content directly from email
-If the string to decode is short (less than 84 bytes long)
-a more direct approach is to use the unpack() function's "u"
-format after minor transliterations:
- tr#A-Za-z0-9+/##cd; # remove non-base64 chars
- tr#A-Za-z0-9+/# -_#; # convert to uuencoded format
- $len = pack("c", 32 + 0.75*length); # compute length byte
- print unpack("u", $len . $_); # uudecode and print
-=head2 How do I return the user's mail address?
-On systems that support getpwuid, the $< variable, and the
-Sys::Hostname module (which is part of the standard perl distribution),
-you can probably try using something like this:
- use Sys::Hostname;
- $address = sprintf('%s@%s', scalar getpwuid($<), hostname);
-Company policies on mail address can mean that this generates addresses
-that the company's mail system will not accept, so you should ask for
-users' mail addresses when this matters. Furthermore, not all systems
-on which Perl runs are so forthcoming with this information as is Unix.
-The Mail::Util module from CPAN (part of the MailTools package) provides a
-mailaddress() function that tries to guess the mail address of the user.
-It makes a more intelligent guess than the code above, using information
-given when the module was installed, but it could still be incorrect.
-Again, the best way is often just to ask the user.
-=head2 How do I send mail?
-Use the C<sendmail> program directly:
- open(SENDMAIL, "|/usr/lib/sendmail -oi -t -odq")
- or die "Can't fork for sendmail: $!\n";
- print SENDMAIL <<"EOF";
- From: User Originating Mail <me\@host>
- To: Final Destination <you\@otherhost>
- Subject: A relevant subject line
- Body of the message goes here after the blank line
- in as many lines as you like.
- close(SENDMAIL) or warn "sendmail didn't close nicely";
-The B<-oi> option prevents sendmail from interpreting a line consisting
-of a single dot as "end of message". The B<-t> option says to use the
-headers to decide who to send the message to, and B<-odq> says to put
-the message into the queue. This last option means your message won't
-be immediately delivered, so leave it out if you want immediate
-Alternate, less convenient approaches include calling mail (sometimes
-called mailx) directly or simply opening up port 25 have having an
-intimate conversation between just you and the remote SMTP daemon,
-probably sendmail.
-Or you might be able use the CPAN module Mail::Mailer:
- use Mail::Mailer;
- $mailer = Mail::Mailer->new();
- $mailer->open({ From => $from_address,
- To => $to_address,
- Subject => $subject,
- })
- or die "Can't open: $!\n";
- print $mailer $body;
- $mailer->close();
-The Mail::Internet module uses Net::SMTP which is less Unix-centric than
-Mail::Mailer, but less reliable. Avoid raw SMTP commands. There
-are many reasons to use a mail transport agent like sendmail. These
-include queueing, MX records, and security.
-=head2 How do I use MIME to make an attachment to a mail message?
-This answer is extracted directly from the MIME::Lite documentation.
-Create a multipart message (i.e., one with attachments).
- use MIME::Lite;
- ### Create a new multipart message:
- $msg = MIME::Lite->new(
- From =>'',
- To =>'',
- Cc =>',',
- Subject =>'A message with 2 parts...',
- Type =>'multipart/mixed'
- );
- ### Add parts (each "attach" has same arguments as "new"):
- $msg->attach(Type =>'TEXT',
- Data =>"Here's the GIF file you wanted"
- );
- $msg->attach(Type =>'image/gif',
- Path =>'aaa000123.gif',
- Filename =>'logo.gif'
- );
- $text = $msg->as_string;
-MIME::Lite also includes a method for sending these things.
- $msg->send;
-This defaults to using L<sendmail(1)> but can be customized to use
-SMTP via L<Net::SMTP>.
-=head2 How do I read mail?
-While you could use the Mail::Folder module from CPAN (part of the
-MailFolder package) or the Mail::Internet module from CPAN (also part
-of the MailTools package), often a module is overkill. Here's a
-mail sorter.
- #!/usr/bin/perl
- # bysub1 - simple sort by subject
- my(@msgs, @sub);
- my $msgno = -1;
- $/ = ''; # paragraph reads
- while (<>) {
- if (/^From/m) {
- /^Subject:\s*(?:Re:\s*)*(.*)/mi;
- $sub[++$msgno] = lc($1) || '';
- }
- $msgs[$msgno] .= $_;
- }
- for my $i (sort { $sub[$a] cmp $sub[$b] || $a <=> $b } (0 .. $#msgs)) {
- print $msgs[$i];
- }
-Or more succinctly,
- #!/usr/bin/perl -n00
- # bysub2 - awkish sort-by-subject
- BEGIN { $msgno = -1 }
- $sub[++$msgno] = (/^Subject:\s*(?:Re:\s*)*(.*)/mi)[0] if /^From/m;
- $msg[$msgno] .= $_;
- END { print @msg[ sort { $sub[$a] cmp $sub[$b] || $a <=> $b } (0 .. $#msg) ] }
-=head2 How do I find out my hostname/domainname/IP address?
-The normal way to find your own hostname is to call the C<`hostname`>
-program. While sometimes expedient, this has some problems, such as
-not knowing whether you've got the canonical name or not. It's one of
-those tradeoffs of convenience versus portability.
-The Sys::Hostname module (part of the standard perl distribution) will
-give you the hostname after which you can find out the IP address
-(assuming you have working DNS) with a gethostbyname() call.
- use Socket;
- use Sys::Hostname;
- my $host = hostname();
- my $addr = inet_ntoa(scalar gethostbyname($host || 'localhost'));
-Probably the simplest way to learn your DNS domain name is to grok
-it out of /etc/resolv.conf, at least under Unix. Of course, this
-assumes several things about your resolv.conf configuration, including
-that it exists.
-(We still need a good DNS domain name-learning method for non-Unix
-=head2 How do I fetch a news article or the active newsgroups?
-Use the Net::NNTP or News::NNTPClient modules, both available from CPAN.
-This can make tasks like fetching the newsgroup list as simple as
- perl -MNews::NNTPClient
- -e 'print News::NNTPClient->new->list("newsgroups")'
-=head2 How do I fetch/put an FTP file?
-LWP::Simple (available from CPAN) can fetch but not put. Net::FTP (also
-available from CPAN) is more complex but can put as well as fetch.
-=head2 How can I do RPC in Perl?
-A DCE::RPC module is being developed (but is not yet available) and
-will be released as part of the DCE-Perl package (available from
-CPAN). The rpcgen suite, available from CPAN/authors/id/JAKE/, is
-an RPC stub generator and includes an RPC::ONC module.
-Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Tom Christiansen and Nathan Torkington.
-All rights reserved.
-When included as part of the Standard Version of Perl, or as part of
-its complete documentation whether printed or otherwise, this work
-may be distributed only under the terms of Perl's Artistic License.
-Any distribution of this file or derivatives thereof I<outside>
-of that package require that special arrangements be made with
-copyright holder.
-Irrespective of its distribution, all code examples in this file
-are hereby placed into the public domain. You are permitted and
-encouraged to use this code in your own programs for fun
-or for profit as you see fit. A simple comment in the code giving
-credit would be courteous but is not required.
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