path: root/contrib/perl5/lib/Net/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 559 deletions
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-package Net::Ping;
-# Author: (Russell Mosemann)
-# Authors of the original pingecho():
-# (Andreas Karrer)
-# (Paul Marquess)
-# Copyright (c) 1996 Russell Mosemann. All rights reserved. This
-# program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
-# under the same terms as Perl itself.
-use 5.005_64;
-require Exporter;
-use strict;
-our(@ISA, @EXPORT, $VERSION, $def_timeout, $def_proto, $max_datasize);
-use FileHandle;
- inet_aton sockaddr_in );
-use Carp;
-@ISA = qw(Exporter);
-@EXPORT = qw(pingecho);
-$VERSION = 2.02;
-# Constants
-$def_timeout = 5; # Default timeout to wait for a reply
-$def_proto = "udp"; # Default protocol to use for pinging
-$max_datasize = 1024; # Maximum data bytes in a packet
-# Description: The pingecho() subroutine is provided for backward
-# compatibility with the original Net::Ping. It accepts a host
-# name/IP and an optional timeout in seconds. Create a tcp ping
-# object and try pinging the host. The result of the ping is returned.
-sub pingecho
- my ($host, # Name or IP number of host to ping
- $timeout # Optional timeout in seconds
- ) = @_;
- my ($p); # A ping object
- $p = Net::Ping->new("tcp", $timeout);
- $p->ping($host); # Going out of scope closes the connection
-# Description: The new() method creates a new ping object. Optional
-# parameters may be specified for the protocol to use, the timeout in
-# seconds and the size in bytes of additional data which should be
-# included in the packet.
-# After the optional parameters are checked, the data is constructed
-# and a socket is opened if appropriate. The object is returned.
-sub new
- my ($this,
- $proto, # Optional protocol to use for pinging
- $timeout, # Optional timeout in seconds
- $data_size # Optional additional bytes of data
- ) = @_;
- my $class = ref($this) || $this;
- my $self = {};
- my ($cnt, # Count through data bytes
- $min_datasize # Minimum data bytes required
- );
- bless($self, $class);
- $proto = $def_proto unless $proto; # Determine the protocol
- croak("Protocol for ping must be \"tcp\", \"udp\" or \"icmp\"")
- unless $proto =~ m/^(tcp|udp|icmp)$/;
- $self->{"proto"} = $proto;
- $timeout = $def_timeout unless $timeout; # Determine the timeout
- croak("Default timeout for ping must be greater than 0 seconds")
- if $timeout <= 0;
- $self->{"timeout"} = $timeout;
- $min_datasize = ($proto eq "udp") ? 1 : 0; # Determine data size
- $data_size = $min_datasize unless defined($data_size) && $proto ne "tcp";
- croak("Data for ping must be from $min_datasize to $max_datasize bytes")
- if ($data_size < $min_datasize) || ($data_size > $max_datasize);
- $data_size-- if $self->{"proto"} eq "udp"; # We provide the first byte
- $self->{"data_size"} = $data_size;
- $self->{"data"} = ""; # Construct data bytes
- for ($cnt = 0; $cnt < $self->{"data_size"}; $cnt++)
- {
- $self->{"data"} .= chr($cnt % 256);
- }
- $self->{"seq"} = 0; # For counting packets
- if ($self->{"proto"} eq "udp") # Open a socket
- {
- $self->{"proto_num"} = (getprotobyname('udp'))[2] ||
- croak("Can't udp protocol by name");
- $self->{"port_num"} = (getservbyname('echo', 'udp'))[2] ||
- croak("Can't get udp echo port by name");
- $self->{"fh"} = FileHandle->new();
- socket($self->{"fh"}, &PF_INET(), &SOCK_DGRAM(),
- $self->{"proto_num"}) ||
- croak("udp socket error - $!");
- }
- elsif ($self->{"proto"} eq "icmp")
- {
- croak("icmp ping requires root privilege") if ($> and $^O ne 'VMS');
- $self->{"proto_num"} = (getprotobyname('icmp'))[2] ||
- croak("Can't get icmp protocol by name");
- $self->{"pid"} = $$ & 0xffff; # Save lower 16 bits of pid
- $self->{"fh"} = FileHandle->new();
- socket($self->{"fh"}, &PF_INET(), &SOCK_RAW(), $self->{"proto_num"}) ||
- croak("icmp socket error - $!");
- }
- elsif ($self->{"proto"} eq "tcp") # Just a file handle for now
- {
- $self->{"proto_num"} = (getprotobyname('tcp'))[2] ||
- croak("Can't get tcp protocol by name");
- $self->{"port_num"} = (getservbyname('echo', 'tcp'))[2] ||
- croak("Can't get tcp echo port by name");
- $self->{"fh"} = FileHandle->new();
- }
- return($self);
-# Description: Ping a host name or IP number with an optional timeout.
-# First lookup the host, and return undef if it is not found. Otherwise
-# perform the specific ping method based on the protocol. Return the
-# result of the ping.
-sub ping
- my ($self,
- $host, # Name or IP number of host to ping
- $timeout # Seconds after which ping times out
- ) = @_;
- my ($ip, # Packed IP number of $host
- $ret # The return value
- );
- croak("Usage: \$p->ping(\$host [, \$timeout])") unless @_ == 2 || @_ == 3;
- $timeout = $self->{"timeout"} unless $timeout;
- croak("Timeout must be greater than 0 seconds") if $timeout <= 0;
- $ip = inet_aton($host);
- return(undef) unless defined($ip); # Does host exist?
- if ($self->{"proto"} eq "udp")
- {
- $ret = $self->ping_udp($ip, $timeout);
- }
- elsif ($self->{"proto"} eq "icmp")
- {
- $ret = $self->ping_icmp($ip, $timeout);
- }
- elsif ($self->{"proto"} eq "tcp")
- {
- $ret = $self->ping_tcp($ip, $timeout);
- }
- else
- {
- croak("Unknown protocol \"$self->{proto}\" in ping()");
- }
- return($ret);
-sub ping_icmp
- my ($self,
- $ip, # Packed IP number of the host
- $timeout # Seconds after which ping times out
- ) = @_;
- my $ICMP_ECHOREPLY = 0; # ICMP packet types
- my $ICMP_ECHO = 8;
- my $icmp_struct = "C2 S3 A"; # Structure of a minimal ICMP packet
- my $subcode = 0; # No ICMP subcode for ECHO and ECHOREPLY
- my $flags = 0; # No special flags when opening a socket
- my $port = 0; # No port with ICMP
- my ($saddr, # sockaddr_in with port and ip
- $checksum, # Checksum of ICMP packet
- $msg, # ICMP packet to send
- $len_msg, # Length of $msg
- $rbits, # Read bits, filehandles for reading
- $nfound, # Number of ready filehandles found
- $finish_time, # Time ping should be finished
- $done, # set to 1 when we are done
- $ret, # Return value
- $recv_msg, # Received message including IP header
- $from_saddr, # sockaddr_in of sender
- $from_port, # Port packet was sent from
- $from_ip, # Packed IP of sender
- $from_type, # ICMP type
- $from_subcode, # ICMP subcode
- $from_chk, # ICMP packet checksum
- $from_pid, # ICMP packet id
- $from_seq, # ICMP packet sequence
- $from_msg # ICMP message
- );
- $self->{"seq"} = ($self->{"seq"} + 1) % 65536; # Increment sequence
- $checksum = 0; # No checksum for starters
- $msg = pack($icmp_struct . $self->{"data_size"}, $ICMP_ECHO, $subcode,
- $checksum, $self->{"pid"}, $self->{"seq"}, $self->{"data"});
- $checksum = Net::Ping->checksum($msg);
- $msg = pack($icmp_struct . $self->{"data_size"}, $ICMP_ECHO, $subcode,
- $checksum, $self->{"pid"}, $self->{"seq"}, $self->{"data"});
- $len_msg = length($msg);
- $saddr = sockaddr_in($port, $ip);
- send($self->{"fh"}, $msg, $flags, $saddr); # Send the message
- $rbits = "";
- vec($rbits, $self->{"fh"}->fileno(), 1) = 1;
- $ret = 0;
- $done = 0;
- $finish_time = time() + $timeout; # Must be done by this time
- while (!$done && $timeout > 0) # Keep trying if we have time
- {
- $nfound = select($rbits, undef, undef, $timeout); # Wait for packet
- $timeout = $finish_time - time(); # Get remaining time
- if (!defined($nfound)) # Hmm, a strange error
- {
- $ret = undef;
- $done = 1;
- }
- elsif ($nfound) # Got a packet from somewhere
- {
- $recv_msg = "";
- $from_saddr = recv($self->{"fh"}, $recv_msg, 1500, $flags);
- ($from_port, $from_ip) = sockaddr_in($from_saddr);
- ($from_type, $from_subcode, $from_chk,
- $from_pid, $from_seq, $from_msg) =
- unpack($icmp_struct . $self->{"data_size"},
- substr($recv_msg, length($recv_msg) - $len_msg,
- $len_msg));
- if (($from_type == $ICMP_ECHOREPLY) &&
- ($from_ip eq $ip) &&
- ($from_pid == $self->{"pid"}) && # Does the packet check out?
- ($from_seq == $self->{"seq"}))
- {
- $ret = 1; # It's a winner
- $done = 1;
- }
- }
- else # Oops, timed out
- {
- $done = 1;
- }
- }
- return($ret)
-# Description: Do a checksum on the message. Basically sum all of
-# the short words and fold the high order bits into the low order bits.
-sub checksum
- my ($class,
- $msg # The message to checksum
- ) = @_;
- my ($len_msg, # Length of the message
- $num_short, # The number of short words in the message
- $short, # One short word
- $chk # The checksum
- );
- $len_msg = length($msg);
- $num_short = int($len_msg / 2);
- $chk = 0;
- foreach $short (unpack("S$num_short", $msg))
- {
- $chk += $short;
- } # Add the odd byte in
- $chk += (unpack("C", substr($msg, $len_msg - 1, 1)) << 8) if $len_msg % 2;
- $chk = ($chk >> 16) + ($chk & 0xffff); # Fold high into low
- return(~(($chk >> 16) + $chk) & 0xffff); # Again and complement
-# Description: Perform a tcp echo ping. Since a tcp connection is
-# host specific, we have to open and close each connection here. We
-# can't just leave a socket open. Because of the robust nature of
-# tcp, it will take a while before it gives up trying to establish a
-# connection. Therefore, we have to set the alarm to break out of the
-# connection sooner if the timeout expires. No data bytes are actually
-# sent since the successful establishment of a connection is proof
-# enough of the reachability of the remote host. Also, tcp is
-# expensive and doesn't need our help to add to the overhead.
-sub ping_tcp
- my ($self,
- $ip, # Packed IP number of the host
- $timeout # Seconds after which ping times out
- ) = @_;
- my ($saddr, # sockaddr_in with port and ip
- $ret # The return value
- );
- socket($self->{"fh"}, &PF_INET(), &SOCK_STREAM(), $self->{"proto_num"}) ||
- croak("tcp socket error - $!");
- $saddr = sockaddr_in($self->{"port_num"}, $ip);
- $SIG{'ALRM'} = sub { die };
- alarm($timeout); # Interrupt connect() if we have to
- $ret = 0; # Default to unreachable
- eval <<'EOM' ;
- return unless connect($self->{"fh"}, $saddr);
- $ret = 1;
- alarm(0);
- $self->{"fh"}->close();
- return($ret);
-# Description: Perform a udp echo ping. Construct a message of
-# at least the one-byte sequence number and any additional data bytes.
-# Send the message out and wait for a message to come back. If we
-# get a message, make sure all of its parts match. If they do, we are
-# done. Otherwise go back and wait for the message until we run out
-# of time. Return the result of our efforts.
-sub ping_udp
- my ($self,
- $ip, # Packed IP number of the host
- $timeout # Seconds after which ping times out
- ) = @_;
- my $flags = 0; # Nothing special on open
- my ($saddr, # sockaddr_in with port and ip
- $ret, # The return value
- $msg, # Message to be echoed
- $finish_time, # Time ping should be finished
- $done, # Set to 1 when we are done pinging
- $rbits, # Read bits, filehandles for reading
- $nfound, # Number of ready filehandles found
- $from_saddr, # sockaddr_in of sender
- $from_msg, # Characters echoed by $host
- $from_port, # Port message was echoed from
- $from_ip # Packed IP number of sender
- );
- $saddr = sockaddr_in($self->{"port_num"}, $ip);
- $self->{"seq"} = ($self->{"seq"} + 1) % 256; # Increment sequence
- $msg = chr($self->{"seq"}) . $self->{"data"}; # Add data if any
- send($self->{"fh"}, $msg, $flags, $saddr); # Send it
- $rbits = "";
- vec($rbits, $self->{"fh"}->fileno(), 1) = 1;
- $ret = 0; # Default to unreachable
- $done = 0;
- $finish_time = time() + $timeout; # Ping needs to be done by then
- while (!$done && $timeout > 0)
- {
- $nfound = select($rbits, undef, undef, $timeout); # Wait for response
- $timeout = $finish_time - time(); # Get remaining time
- if (!defined($nfound)) # Hmm, a strange error
- {
- $ret = undef;
- $done = 1;
- }
- elsif ($nfound) # A packet is waiting
- {
- $from_msg = "";
- $from_saddr = recv($self->{"fh"}, $from_msg, 1500, $flags)
- or last; # For example an unreachable host will make recv() fail.
- ($from_port, $from_ip) = sockaddr_in($from_saddr);
- if (($from_ip eq $ip) && # Does the packet check out?
- ($from_port == $self->{"port_num"}) &&
- ($from_msg eq $msg))
- {
- $ret = 1; # It's a winner
- $done = 1;
- }
- }
- else # Oops, timed out
- {
- $done = 1;
- }
- }
- return($ret);
-# Description: Close the connection unless we are using the tcp
-# protocol, since it will already be closed.
-sub close
- my ($self) = @_;
- $self->{"fh"}->close() unless $self->{"proto"} eq "tcp";
-=head1 NAME
-Net::Ping - check a remote host for reachability
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use Net::Ping;
- $p = Net::Ping->new();
- print "$host is alive.\n" if $p->ping($host);
- $p->close();
- $p = Net::Ping->new("icmp");
- foreach $host (@host_array)
- {
- print "$host is ";
- print "NOT " unless $p->ping($host, 2);
- print "reachable.\n";
- sleep(1);
- }
- $p->close();
- $p = Net::Ping->new("tcp", 2);
- while ($stop_time > time())
- {
- print "$host not reachable ", scalar(localtime()), "\n"
- unless $p->ping($host);
- sleep(300);
- }
- undef($p);
- # For backward compatibility
- print "$host is alive.\n" if pingecho($host);
-This module contains methods to test the reachability of remote
-hosts on a network. A ping object is first created with optional
-parameters, a variable number of hosts may be pinged multiple
-times and then the connection is closed.
-You may choose one of three different protocols to use for the
-ping. The "udp" protocol is the default. Note that a live remote host
-may still fail to be pingable by one or more of these protocols. For
-example, is generally alive but not pingable.
-With the "tcp" protocol the ping() method attempts to establish a
-connection to the remote host's echo port. If the connection is
-successfully established, the remote host is considered reachable. No
-data is actually echoed. This protocol does not require any special
-privileges but has higher overhead than the other two protocols.
-Specifying the "udp" protocol causes the ping() method to send a udp
-packet to the remote host's echo port. If the echoed packet is
-received from the remote host and the received packet contains the
-same data as the packet that was sent, the remote host is considered
-reachable. This protocol does not require any special privileges.
-It should be borne in mind that, for both tcp and udp ping, a host
-will be reported as unreachable if it is not running the
-appropriate echo service. For Unix-like systems see L<inetd(8)> for
-more information.
-If the "icmp" protocol is specified, the ping() method sends an icmp
-echo message to the remote host, which is what the UNIX ping program
-does. If the echoed message is received from the remote host and
-the echoed information is correct, the remote host is considered
-reachable. Specifying the "icmp" protocol requires that the program
-be run as root or that the program be setuid to root.
-=head2 Functions
-=over 4
-=item Net::Ping->new([$proto [, $def_timeout [, $bytes]]]);
-Create a new ping object. All of the parameters are optional. $proto
-specifies the protocol to use when doing a ping. The current choices
-are "tcp", "udp" or "icmp". The default is "udp".
-If a default timeout ($def_timeout) in seconds is provided, it is used
-when a timeout is not given to the ping() method (below). The timeout
-must be greater than 0 and the default, if not specified, is 5 seconds.
-If the number of data bytes ($bytes) is given, that many data bytes
-are included in the ping packet sent to the remote host. The number of
-data bytes is ignored if the protocol is "tcp". The minimum (and
-default) number of data bytes is 1 if the protocol is "udp" and 0
-otherwise. The maximum number of data bytes that can be specified is
-=item $p->ping($host [, $timeout]);
-Ping the remote host and wait for a response. $host can be either the
-hostname or the IP number of the remote host. The optional timeout
-must be greater than 0 seconds and defaults to whatever was specified
-when the ping object was created. If the hostname cannot be found or
-there is a problem with the IP number, undef is returned. Otherwise,
-1 is returned if the host is reachable and 0 if it is not. For all
-practical purposes, undef and 0 and can be treated as the same case.
-=item $p->close();
-Close the network connection for this ping object. The network
-connection is also closed by "undef $p". The network connection is
-automatically closed if the ping object goes out of scope (e.g. $p is
-local to a subroutine and you leave the subroutine).
-=item pingecho($host [, $timeout]);
-To provide backward compatibility with the previous version of
-Net::Ping, a pingecho() subroutine is available with the same
-functionality as before. pingecho() uses the tcp protocol. The
-return values and parameters are the same as described for the ping()
-method. This subroutine is obsolete and may be removed in a future
-version of Net::Ping.
-=head1 WARNING
-pingecho() or a ping object with the tcp protocol use alarm() to
-implement the timeout. So, don't use alarm() in your program while
-you are using pingecho() or a ping object with the tcp protocol. The
-udp and icmp protocols do not use alarm() to implement the timeout.
-=head1 NOTES
-There will be less network overhead (and some efficiency in your
-program) if you specify either the udp or the icmp protocol. The tcp
-protocol will generate 2.5 times or more traffic for each ping than
-either udp or icmp. If many hosts are pinged frequently, you may wish
-to implement a small wait (e.g. 25ms or more) between each ping to
-avoid flooding your network with packets.
-The icmp protocol requires that the program be run as root or that it
-be setuid to root. The tcp and udp protocols do not require special
-privileges, but not all network devices implement the echo protocol
-for tcp or udp.
-Local hosts should normally respond to pings within milliseconds.
-However, on a very congested network it may take up to 3 seconds or
-longer to receive an echo packet from the remote host. If the timeout
-is set too low under these conditions, it will appear that the remote
-host is not reachable (which is almost the truth).
-Reachability doesn't necessarily mean that the remote host is actually
-functioning beyond its ability to echo packets.
-Because of a lack of anything better, this module uses its own
-routines to pack and unpack ICMP packets. It would be better for a
-separate module to be written which understands all of the different
-kinds of ICMP packets.
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