path: root/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/')
1 files changed, 288 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/ b/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eeb0a5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+package ExtUtils::Packlist;
+use strict;
+use Carp qw();
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+$VERSION = '0.03';
+# Used for generating filehandle globs. IO::File might not be available!
+my $fhname = "FH1";
+sub mkfh()
+no strict;
+my $fh = \*{$fhname++};
+use strict;
+sub new($$)
+my ($class, $packfile) = @_;
+$class = ref($class) || $class;
+my %self;
+tie(%self, $class, $packfile);
+return(bless(\%self, $class));
+my ($class, $packfile) = @_;
+my $self = { packfile => $packfile };
+bless($self, $class);
+$self->read($packfile) if (defined($packfile) && -f $packfile);
+sub STORE
+$_[0]->{data}->{$_[1]} = $_[2];
+sub FETCH
+my $reset = scalar(keys(%{$_[0]->{data}}));
+sub CLEAR
+%{$_[0]->{data}} = ();
+sub read($;$)
+my ($self, $packfile) = @_;
+$self = tied(%$self) || $self;
+if (defined($packfile)) { $self->{packfile} = $packfile; }
+else { $packfile = $self->{packfile}; }
+Carp::croak("No packlist filename specified") if (! defined($packfile));
+my $fh = mkfh();
+open($fh, "<$packfile") || Carp::croak("Can't open file $packfile: $!");
+$self->{data} = {};
+my ($line);
+while (defined($line = <$fh>))
+ {
+ chomp $line;
+ my ($key, @kvs) = split(' ', $line);
+ $key =~ s!/\./!/!g; # Some .packlists have spurious '/./' bits in the paths
+ if (! @kvs)
+ {
+ $self->{data}->{$key} = undef;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ my ($data) = {};
+ foreach my $kv (@kvs)
+ {
+ my ($k, $v) = split('=', $kv);
+ $data->{$k} = $v;
+ }
+ $self->{data}->{$key} = $data;
+ }
+ }
+sub write($;$)
+my ($self, $packfile) = @_;
+$self = tied(%$self) || $self;
+if (defined($packfile)) { $self->{packfile} = $packfile; }
+else { $packfile = $self->{packfile}; }
+Carp::croak("No packlist filename specified") if (! defined($packfile));
+my $fh = mkfh();
+open($fh, ">$packfile") || Carp::croak("Can't open file $packfile: $!");
+foreach my $key (sort(keys(%{$self->{data}})))
+ {
+ print $fh ("$key");
+ if (ref($self->{data}->{$key}))
+ {
+ my $data = $self->{data}->{$key};
+ foreach my $k (sort(keys(%$data)))
+ {
+ print $fh (" $k=$data->{$k}");
+ }
+ }
+ print $fh ("\n");
+ }
+sub validate($;$)
+my ($self, $remove) = @_;
+$self = tied(%$self) || $self;
+my @missing;
+foreach my $key (sort(keys(%{$self->{data}})))
+ {
+ if (! -e $key)
+ {
+ push(@missing, $key);
+ delete($self->{data}{$key}) if ($remove);
+ }
+ }
+sub packlist_file($)
+my ($self) = @_;
+$self = tied(%$self) || $self;
+=head1 NAME
+ExtUtils::Packlist - manage .packlist files
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use ExtUtils::Packlist;
+ my ($pl) = ExtUtils::Packlist->new('.packlist');
+ $pl->read('/an/old/.packlist');
+ my @missing_files = $pl->validate();
+ $pl->write('/a/new/.packlist');
+ $pl->{'/some/file/name'}++;
+ or
+ $pl->{'/some/other/file/name'} = { type => 'file',
+ from => '/some/file' };
+ExtUtils::Packlist provides a standard way to manage .packlist files.
+Functions are provided to read and write .packlist files. The original
+.packlist format is a simple list of absolute pathnames, one per line. In
+addition, this package supports an extended format, where as well as a filename
+each line may contain a list of attributes in the form of a space separated
+list of key=value pairs. This is used by the installperl script to
+differentiate between files and links, for example.
+=head1 USAGE
+The hash reference returned by the new() function can be used to examine and
+modify the contents of the .packlist. Items may be added/deleted from the
+.packlist by modifying the hash. If the value associated with a hash key is a
+scalar, the entry written to the .packlist by any subsequent write() will be a
+simple filename. If the value is a hash, the entry written will be the
+filename followed by the key=value pairs from the hash. Reading back the
+.packlist will recreate the original entries.
+=item new()
+This takes an optional parameter, the name of a .packlist. If the file exists,
+it will be opened and the contents of the file will be read. The new() method
+returns a reference to a hash. This hash holds an entry for each line in the
+.packlist. In the case of old-style .packlists, the value associated with each
+key is undef. In the case of new-style .packlists, the value associated with
+each key is a hash containing the key=value pairs following the filename in the
+=item read()
+This takes an optional parameter, the name of the .packlist to be read. If
+no file is specified, the .packlist specified to new() will be read. If the
+.packlist does not exist, Carp::croak will be called.
+=item write()
+This takes an optional parameter, the name of the .packlist to be written. If
+no file is specified, the .packlist specified to new() will be overwritten.
+=item validate()
+This checks that every file listed in the .packlist actually exists. If an
+argument which evaluates to true is given, any missing files will be removed
+from the internal hash. The return value is a list of the missing files, which
+will be empty if they all exist.
+=item packlist_file()
+This returns the name of the associated .packlist file
+=head1 EXAMPLE
+Here's C<modrm>, a little utility to cleanly remove an installed module.
+ #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
+ use strict;
+ use IO::Dir;
+ use ExtUtils::Packlist;
+ use ExtUtils::Installed;
+ sub emptydir($) {
+ my ($dir) = @_;
+ my $dh = IO::Dir->new($dir) || return(0);
+ my @count = $dh->read();
+ $dh->close();
+ return(@count == 2 ? 1 : 0);
+ }
+ # Find all the installed packages
+ print("Finding all installed modules...\n");
+ my $installed = ExtUtils::Installed->new();
+ foreach my $module (grep(!/^Perl$/, $installed->modules())) {
+ my $version = $installed->version($module) || "???";
+ print("Found module $module Version $version\n");
+ print("Do you want to delete $module? [n] ");
+ my $r = <STDIN>; chomp($r);
+ if ($r && $r =~ /^y/i) {
+ # Remove all the files
+ foreach my $file (sort($installed->files($module))) {
+ print("rm $file\n");
+ unlink($file);
+ }
+ my $pf = $installed->packlist($module)->packlist_file();
+ print("rm $pf\n");
+ unlink($pf);
+ foreach my $dir (sort($installed->directory_tree($module))) {
+ if (emptydir($dir)) {
+ print("rmdir $dir\n");
+ rmdir($dir);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Alan Burlison <>
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud