path: root/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2096 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/ b/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/
deleted file mode 100644
index 651ffac..0000000
--- a/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2096 +0,0 @@
-# $FreeBSD$
-BEGIN {require 5.002;} # MakeMaker 5.17 was the last MakeMaker that was compatible with perl5.001m
-package ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
-$VERSION = "5.45";
-$Version_OK = "5.17"; # Makefiles older than $Version_OK will die
- # (Will be checked from MakeMaker version 4.13 onwards)
-($Revision = substr(q$Revision: 1.222 $, 10)) =~ s/\s+$//;
-require Exporter;
-use Config;
-use Carp ();
-#use FileHandle ();
-use vars qw(
- $ISA_TTY $Is_Mac $Is_OS2 $Is_VMS $Revision
- $VERSION $Verbose $Version_OK %Config %Keep_after_flush
- %MM_Sections %Prepend_dot_dot %Recognized_Att_Keys
- @Get_from_Config @MM_Sections @Overridable @Parent
- );
-# use strict;
-# &DynaLoader::mod2fname should be available to miniperl, thus
-# should be a pseudo-builtin (cmp. os2.c).
-#eval {require DynaLoader;};
-# Set up the inheritance before we pull in the MM_* packages, because they
-# import variables and functions from here
-@ISA = qw(Exporter);
-@EXPORT = qw(&WriteMakefile &writeMakefile $Verbose &prompt);
-@EXPORT_OK = qw($VERSION &Version_check &neatvalue &mkbootstrap &mksymlists);
-# Dummy package MM inherits actual methods from OS-specific
-# default packages. We use this intermediate package so
-# MY::XYZ->func() can call MM->func() and get the proper
-# default routine without having to know under what OS
-# it's running.
-@MM::ISA = qw[ExtUtils::MM_Unix ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid ExtUtils::MakeMaker];
-# Setup dummy package:
-# MY exists for overriding methods to be defined within
- package MY;
- @MY::ISA = qw(MM);
-### sub AUTOLOAD { use Devel::Symdump; print Devel::Symdump->rnew->as_string; Carp::confess "hey why? $AUTOLOAD" }
- package MM;
- sub DESTROY {}
-# "predeclare the package: we only load it via AUTOLOAD
-# but we have already mentioned it in @ISA
-package ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid;
-package ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
-# Now we can pull in the friends
-$Is_VMS = $^O eq 'VMS';
-$Is_OS2 = $^O eq 'os2';
-$Is_Mac = $^O eq 'MacOS';
-$Is_Win32 = $^O eq 'MSWin32';
-$Is_Cygwin= $^O eq 'cygwin';
-require ExtUtils::MM_Unix;
-if ($Is_VMS) {
- require ExtUtils::MM_VMS;
- require VMS::Filespec; # is a noop as long as we require it within MM_VMS
-if ($Is_OS2) {
- require ExtUtils::MM_OS2;
-if ($Is_Mac) {
- require ExtUtils::MM_MacOS;
-if ($Is_Win32) {
- require ExtUtils::MM_Win32;
-if ($Is_Cygwin) {
- require ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin;
-# The use of the Version_check target has been dropped between perl
-# 5.5.63 and 5.5.64. We must keep the subroutine for a while so that
-# old Makefiles can satisfy the Version_check target.
-sub Version_check {
- my($checkversion) = @_;
- die "Your Makefile was built with ExtUtils::MakeMaker v $checkversion.
-Current Version is $ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION. There have been considerable
-changes in the meantime.
-Please rerun 'perl Makefile.PL' to regenerate the Makefile.\n"
- if $checkversion < $Version_OK;
- printf STDOUT "%s %s %s %s.\n", "Makefile built with ExtUtils::MakeMaker v",
- $checkversion, "Current Version is", $VERSION
- unless $checkversion == $VERSION;
-sub warnhandler {
- $_[0] =~ /^Use of uninitialized value/ && return;
- $_[0] =~ /used only once/ && return;
- $_[0] =~ /^Subroutine\s+[\w:]+\s+redefined/ && return;
- warn @_;
-sub WriteMakefile {
- Carp::croak "WriteMakefile: Need even number of args" if @_ % 2;
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = \&warnhandler;
- my %att = @_;
- MM->new(\%att)->flush;
-sub prompt ($;$) {
- my($mess,$def)=@_;
- $ISA_TTY = -t STDIN && (-t STDOUT || !(-f STDOUT || -c STDOUT)) ; # Pipe?
- Carp::confess("prompt function called without an argument") unless defined $mess;
- my $dispdef = defined $def ? "[$def] " : " ";
- $def = defined $def ? $def : "";
- my $ans;
- local $|=1;
- print "$mess $dispdef";
- if ($ISA_TTY) {
- chomp($ans = <STDIN>);
- } else {
- print "$def\n";
- }
- return ($ans ne '') ? $ans : $def;
-sub eval_in_subdirs {
- my($self) = @_;
- my($dir);
- use Cwd 'cwd';
- my $pwd = cwd();
- foreach $dir (@{$self->{DIR}}){
- my($abs) = $self->catdir($pwd,$dir);
- $self->eval_in_x($abs);
- }
- chdir $pwd;
-sub eval_in_x {
- my($self,$dir) = @_;
- package main;
- chdir $dir or Carp::carp("Couldn't change to directory $dir: $!");
-# use FileHandle ();
-# my $fh = new FileHandle;
-# $fh->open("Makefile.PL") or Carp::carp("Couldn't open Makefile.PL in $dir");
- local *FH;
- open(FH,"Makefile.PL") or Carp::carp("Couldn't open Makefile.PL in $dir");
-# my $eval = join "", <$fh>;
- my $eval = join "", <FH>;
-# $fh->close;
- close FH;
- eval $eval;
- if ($@) {
-# if ($@ =~ /prerequisites/) {
-# die "MakeMaker WARNING: $@";
-# } else {
-# warn "WARNING from evaluation of $dir/Makefile.PL: $@";
-# }
- warn "WARNING from evaluation of $dir/Makefile.PL: $@";
- }
-sub full_setup {
- $Verbose ||= 0;
- # package name for the classes into which the first object will be blessed
- $PACKNAME = "PACK000";
- @Attrib_help = qw/
- XS_VERSION clean depend dist dynamic_lib linkext macro realclean
- tool_autosplit
- /;
- # IMPORTS is used under OS/2 and Win32
- # @Overridable is close to @MM_Sections but not identical. The
- # order is important. Many subroutines declare macros. These
- # depend on each other. Let's try to collect the macros up front,
- # then pasthru, then the rules.
- # MM_Sections are the sections we have to call explicitly
- # in Overridable we have subroutines that are used indirectly
- @MM_Sections =
- qw(
- post_initialize const_config constants tool_autosplit tool_xsubpp
- tools_other dist macro depend cflags const_loadlibs const_cccmd
- post_constants
- pasthru
- c_o xs_c xs_o top_targets linkext dlsyms dynamic dynamic_bs
- dynamic_lib static static_lib htmlifypods manifypods processPL
- installbin subdirs
- clean realclean dist_basics dist_core dist_dir dist_test dist_ci
- install force perldepend makefile staticmake test ppd
- ); # loses section ordering
- @Overridable = @MM_Sections;
- push @Overridable, qw[
- dir_target libscan makeaperl needs_linking perm_rw perm_rwx
- subdir_x test_via_harness test_via_script
- ];
- push @MM_Sections, qw[
- pm_to_blib selfdocument
- ];
- # Postamble needs to be the last that was always the case
- push @MM_Sections, "postamble";
- push @Overridable, "postamble";
- # All sections are valid keys.
- @Recognized_Att_Keys{@MM_Sections} = (1) x @MM_Sections;
- # we will use all these variables in the Makefile
- @Get_from_Config =
- qw(
- ar cc cccdlflags ccdlflags dlext dlsrc ld lddlflags ldflags libc
- lib_ext obj_ext osname osvers ranlib sitelibexp sitearchexp so
- exe_ext full_ar
- );
- my $item;
- foreach $item (@Attrib_help){
- $Recognized_Att_Keys{$item} = 1;
- }
- foreach $item (@Get_from_Config) {
- $Recognized_Att_Keys{uc $item} = $Config{$item};
- print "Attribute '\U$item\E' => '$Config{$item}'\n"
- if ($Verbose >= 2);
- }
- #
- # When we eval a Makefile.PL in a subdirectory, that one will ask
- # us (the parent) for the values and will prepend "..", so that
- # all files to be installed end up below OUR ./blib
- #
- %Prepend_dot_dot =
- qw(
- );
- my @keep = qw/
- /;
- @Keep_after_flush{@keep} = (1) x @keep;
-sub writeMakefile {
- die <<END;
-The extension you are trying to build apparently is rather old and
-most probably outdated. We detect that from the fact, that a
-subroutine "writeMakefile" is called, and this subroutine is not
-supported anymore since about October 1994.
-Please contact the author or look into CPAN (details about CPAN can be
-found in the FAQ and at http:/ for a more recent version
-of the extension. If you're really desperate, you can try to change
-the subroutine name from writeMakefile to WriteMakefile and rerun
-'perl Makefile.PL', but you're most probably left alone, when you do
-The MakeMaker team
-sub ExtUtils::MakeMaker::new {
- my($class,$self) = @_;
- my($key);
- print STDOUT "MakeMaker (v$VERSION)\n" if $Verbose;
- if (-f "MANIFEST" && ! -f "Makefile"){
- check_manifest();
- }
- $self = {} unless (defined $self);
- check_hints($self);
- my(%initial_att) = %$self; # record initial attributes
- my($prereq);
- foreach $prereq (sort keys %{$self->{PREREQ_PM}}) {
- my $eval = "require $prereq";
- eval $eval;
- if ($@) {
- warn "Warning: prerequisite $prereq failed to load: $@";
- }
- elsif ($prereq->VERSION < $self->{PREREQ_PM}->{$prereq} ){
- warn "Warning: prerequisite $prereq $self->{PREREQ_PM}->{$prereq} not found";
-# Why is/was this 'delete' here? We need PREREQ_PM later to make PPDs.
-# } else {
-# delete $self->{PREREQ_PM}{$prereq};
- }
- }
-# if (@unsatisfied){
-# unless (defined $ExtUtils::MakeMaker::useCPAN) {
-# print qq{MakeMaker WARNING: prerequisites not found (@unsatisfied)
-# Please install these modules first and rerun 'perl Makefile.PL'.\n};
-# if ($ExtUtils::MakeMaker::hasCPAN) {
-# $ExtUtils::MakeMaker::useCPAN = prompt(qq{Should I try to use the CPAN module to fetch them for you?},"yes");
-# } else {
-# print qq{Hint: You may want to install the CPAN module to autofetch the needed modules\n};
-# $ExtUtils::MakeMaker::useCPAN=0;
-# }
-# }
-# if ($ExtUtils::MakeMaker::useCPAN) {
-# require CPAN;
-# CPAN->import(@unsatisfied);
-# } else {
-# die qq{prerequisites not found (@unsatisfied)};
-# }
-# warn qq{WARNING: prerequisites not found (@unsatisfied)};
-# }
- if (defined $self->{CONFIGURE}) {
- if (ref $self->{CONFIGURE} eq 'CODE') {
- $self = { %$self, %{&{$self->{CONFIGURE}}}};
- } else {
- Carp::croak "Attribute 'CONFIGURE' to WriteMakefile() not a code reference\n";
- }
- }
- # This is for old Makefiles written pre 5.00, will go away
- if ( Carp::longmess("") =~ /runsubdirpl/s ){
- Carp::carp("WARNING: Please rerun 'perl Makefile.PL' to regenerate your Makefiles\n");
- }
- my $newclass = ++$PACKNAME;
- local @Parent = @Parent; # Protect against non-local exits
- {
-# no strict;
- print "Blessing Object into class [$newclass]\n" if $Verbose>=2;
- mv_all_methods("MY",$newclass);
- bless $self, $newclass;
- push @Parent, $self;
- @{"$newclass\:\:ISA"} = 'MM';
- }
- if (defined $Parent[-2]){
- $self->{PARENT} = $Parent[-2];
- my $key;
- for $key (keys %Prepend_dot_dot) {
- next unless defined $self->{PARENT}{$key};
- $self->{$key} = $self->{PARENT}{$key};
- # PERL and FULLPERL may be command verbs instead of full
- # file specifications under VMS. If so, don't turn them
- # into a filespec.
- $self->{$key} = $self->catdir("..",$self->{$key})
- unless $self->file_name_is_absolute($self->{$key})
- || ($^O eq 'VMS' and ($key =~ /PERL$/ && $self->{$key} =~ /^[\w\-\$]+$/));
- }
- if ($self->{PARENT}) {
- $self->{PARENT}->{CHILDREN}->{$newclass} = $self;
- foreach my $opt (qw(CAPI POLLUTE)) {
- if (exists $self->{PARENT}->{$opt}
- and not exists $self->{$opt})
- {
- # inherit, but only if already unspecified
- $self->{$opt} = $self->{PARENT}->{$opt};
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- parse_args($self,split(' ', $ENV{PERL_MM_OPT} || ''),@ARGV);
- }
- $self->{NAME} ||= $self->guess_name;
- ($self->{NAME_SYM} = $self->{NAME}) =~ s/\W+/_/g;
- $self->init_main();
- if (! $self->{PERL_SRC} ) {
- my($pthinks) = $self->canonpath($INC{''});
- my($cthinks) = $self->catfile($Config{'archlibexp'},'');
- $pthinks = VMS::Filespec::vmsify($pthinks) if $Is_VMS;
- if ($pthinks ne $cthinks &&
- !($Is_Win32 and lc($pthinks) eq lc($cthinks))) {
- print "Have $pthinks expected $cthinks\n";
- if ($Is_Win32) {
- $pthinks =~ s![/\\]Config\.pm$!!i; $pthinks =~ s!.*[/\\]!!;
- }
- else {
- $pthinks =~ s!/Config\.pm$!!; $pthinks =~ s!.*/!!;
- }
- print STDOUT <<END unless $self->{UNINSTALLED_PERL};
-Your perl and your seem to have different ideas about the architecture
-they are running on.
-Perl thinks: [$pthinks]
-Config says: [$Config{archname}]
-This may or may not cause problems. Please check your installation of perl if you
-have problems building this extension.
- }
- }
- $self->init_dirscan();
- $self->init_others();
- my($argv) = neatvalue(\@ARGV);
- $argv =~ s/^\[/(/;
- $argv =~ s/\]$/)/;
- push @{$self->{RESULT}}, <<END;
-# This Makefile is for the $self->{NAME} extension to perl.
-# It was generated automatically by MakeMaker version
-# $VERSION (Revision: $Revision) from the contents of
-# Makefile.PL. Don't edit this file, edit Makefile.PL instead.
-# MakeMaker ARGV: $argv
-# MakeMaker Parameters:
- foreach $key (sort keys %initial_att){
- my($v) = neatvalue($initial_att{$key});
- $v =~ s/(CODE|HASH|ARRAY|SCALAR)\([\dxa-f]+\)/$1\(...\)/;
- $v =~ tr/\n/ /s;
- push @{$self->{RESULT}}, "# $key => $v";
- }
- # turn the SKIP array into a SKIPHASH hash
- my (%skip,$skip);
- for $skip (@{$self->{SKIP} || []}) {
- $self->{SKIPHASH}{$skip} = 1;
- }
- delete $self->{SKIP}; # free memory
- if ($self->{PARENT}) {
- for (qw/install dist dist_basics dist_core dist_dir dist_test dist_ci/) {
- $self->{SKIPHASH}{$_} = 1;
- }
- }
- # We run all the subdirectories now. They don't have much to query
- # from the parent, but the parent has to query them: if they need linking!
- unless ($self->{NORECURS}) {
- $self->eval_in_subdirs if @{$self->{DIR}};
- }
- my $section;
- foreach $section ( @MM_Sections ){
- print "Processing Makefile '$section' section\n" if ($Verbose >= 2);
- my($skipit) = $self->skipcheck($section);
- if ($skipit){
- push @{$self->{RESULT}}, "\n# --- MakeMaker $section section $skipit.";
- } else {
- my(%a) = %{$self->{$section} || {}};
- push @{$self->{RESULT}}, "\n# --- MakeMaker $section section:";
- push @{$self->{RESULT}}, "# " . join ", ", %a if $Verbose && %a;
- push @{$self->{RESULT}}, $self->nicetext($self->$section( %a ));
- }
- }
- push @{$self->{RESULT}}, "\n# End.";
- $self;
-sub WriteEmptyMakefile {
- if (-f 'Makefile.old') {
- chmod 0666, 'Makefile.old';
- unlink 'Makefile.old' or warn "unlink Makefile.old: $!";
- }
- rename 'Makefile', 'Makefile.old' or warn "rename Makefile Makefile.old: $!"
- if -f 'Makefile';
- open MF, '> Makefile' or die "open Makefile for write: $!";
- print MF <<'EOP';
- close MF or die "close Makefile for write: $!";
-sub check_manifest {
- print STDOUT "Checking if your kit is complete...\n";
- require ExtUtils::Manifest;
- $ExtUtils::Manifest::Quiet=$ExtUtils::Manifest::Quiet=1; #avoid warning
- my(@missed)=ExtUtils::Manifest::manicheck();
- if (@missed){
- print STDOUT "Warning: the following files are missing in your kit:\n";
- print "\t", join "\n\t", @missed;
- print STDOUT "\n";
- print STDOUT "Please inform the author.\n";
- } else {
- print STDOUT "Looks good\n";
- }
-sub parse_args{
- my($self, @args) = @_;
- foreach (@args){
- unless (m/(.*?)=(.*)/){
- help(),exit 1 if m/^help$/;
- ++$Verbose if m/^verb/;
- next;
- }
- my($name, $value) = ($1, $2);
- if ($value =~ m/^~(\w+)?/){ # tilde with optional username
- $value =~ s [^~(\w*)]
- [$1 ?
- ((getpwnam($1))[7] || "~$1") :
- (getpwuid($>))[7]
- ]ex;
- }
- $self->{uc($name)} = $value;
- }
- # catch old-style 'potential_libs' and inform user how to 'upgrade'
- if (defined $self->{potential_libs}){
- my($msg)="'potential_libs' => '$self->{potential_libs}' should be";
- if ($self->{potential_libs}){
- print STDOUT "$msg changed to:\n\t'LIBS' => ['$self->{potential_libs}']\n";
- } else {
- print STDOUT "$msg deleted.\n";
- }
- $self->{LIBS} = [$self->{potential_libs}];
- delete $self->{potential_libs};
- }
- # catch old-style 'ARMAYBE' and inform user how to 'upgrade'
- if (defined $self->{ARMAYBE}){
- my($armaybe) = $self->{ARMAYBE};
- print STDOUT "ARMAYBE => '$armaybe' should be changed to:\n",
- "\t'dynamic_lib' => {ARMAYBE => '$armaybe'}\n";
- my(%dl) = %{$self->{dynamic_lib} || {}};
- $self->{dynamic_lib} = { %dl, ARMAYBE => $armaybe};
- delete $self->{ARMAYBE};
- }
- if (defined $self->{LDTARGET}){
- print STDOUT "LDTARGET should be changed to LDFROM\n";
- $self->{LDFROM} = $self->{LDTARGET};
- delete $self->{LDTARGET};
- }
- # Turn a DIR argument on the command line into an array
- if (defined $self->{DIR} && ref \$self->{DIR} eq 'SCALAR') {
- # So they can choose from the command line, which extensions they want
- # the grep enables them to have some colons too much in case they
- # have to build a list with the shell
- $self->{DIR} = [grep $_, split ":", $self->{DIR}];
- }
- # Turn a INCLUDE_EXT argument on the command line into an array
- if (defined $self->{INCLUDE_EXT} && ref \$self->{INCLUDE_EXT} eq 'SCALAR') {
- $self->{INCLUDE_EXT} = [grep $_, split '\s+', $self->{INCLUDE_EXT}];
- }
- # Turn a EXCLUDE_EXT argument on the command line into an array
- if (defined $self->{EXCLUDE_EXT} && ref \$self->{EXCLUDE_EXT} eq 'SCALAR') {
- $self->{EXCLUDE_EXT} = [grep $_, split '\s+', $self->{EXCLUDE_EXT}];
- }
- my $mmkey;
- foreach $mmkey (sort keys %$self){
- print STDOUT " $mmkey => ", neatvalue($self->{$mmkey}), "\n" if $Verbose;
- print STDOUT "'$mmkey' is not a known MakeMaker parameter name.\n"
- unless exists $Recognized_Att_Keys{$mmkey};
- }
- $| = 1 if $Verbose;
-sub check_hints {
- my($self) = @_;
- # We allow extension-specific hints files.
- return unless -d "hints";
- # First we look for the best hintsfile we have
- my(@goodhints);
- my($hint)="${^O}_$Config{osvers}";
- $hint =~ s/\./_/g;
- $hint =~ s/_$//;
- return unless $hint;
- # Also try without trailing minor version numbers.
- while (1) {
- last if -f "hints/$"; # found
- } continue {
- last unless $hint =~ s/_[^_]*$//; # nothing to cut off
- }
- return unless -f "hints/$"; # really there
- # execute the hintsfile:
-# use FileHandle ();
-# my $fh = new FileHandle;
-# $fh->open("hints/$");
- local *FH;
- open(FH,"hints/$");
-# @goodhints = <$fh>;
- @goodhints = <FH>;
-# $fh->close;
- close FH;
- print STDOUT "Processing hints file hints/$\n";
- eval join('',@goodhints);
- print STDOUT $@ if $@;
-sub mv_all_methods {
- my($from,$to) = @_;
- my($method);
- my($symtab) = \%{"${from}::"};
-# no strict;
- # Here you see the *current* list of methods that are overridable
- # from Makefile.PL via MY:: subroutines. As of VERSION 5.07 I'm
- # still trying to reduce the list to some reasonable minimum --
- # because I want to make it easier for the user. A.K.
- foreach $method (@Overridable) {
- # We cannot say "next" here. Nick might call MY->makeaperl
- # which isn't defined right now
- # Above statement was written at 4.23 time when Tk-b8 was
- # around. As Tk-b9 only builds with 5.002something and MM 5 is
- # standard, we try to enable the next line again. It was
- # commented out until MM 5.23
- next unless defined &{"${from}::$method"};
- *{"${to}::$method"} = \&{"${from}::$method"};
- # delete would do, if we were sure, nobody ever called
- # MY->makeaperl directly
- # delete $symtab->{$method};
- # If we delete a method, then it will be undefined and cannot
- # be called. But as long as we have Makefile.PLs that rely on
- # %MY:: being intact, we have to fill the hole with an
- # inheriting method:
- eval "package MY; sub $method { shift->SUPER::$method(\@_); }";
- }
- # We have to clean out %INC also, because the current directory is
- # changed frequently and Graham Barr prefers to get his version
- # out of a file which is "required" so woudn't get
- # loaded again in another extension requiring a
- # With perl5.002_01 the deletion of entries in %INC caused Tk-b11
- # to core dump in the middle of a require statement. The required
- # file was Tk/ The consequence is, we have to be
- # extremely careful when we try to give perl a reason to reload a
- # library with same name. The workaround prefers to drop nothing
- # from %INC and teach the writers not to use such libraries.
-# my $inc;
-# foreach $inc (keys %INC) {
-# #warn "***$inc*** deleted";
-# delete $INC{$inc};
-# }
-sub skipcheck {
- my($self) = shift;
- my($section) = @_;
- if ($section eq 'dynamic') {
- print STDOUT "Warning (non-fatal): Target 'dynamic' depends on targets ",
- "in skipped section 'dynamic_bs'\n"
- if $self->{SKIPHASH}{dynamic_bs} && $Verbose;
- print STDOUT "Warning (non-fatal): Target 'dynamic' depends on targets ",
- "in skipped section 'dynamic_lib'\n"
- if $self->{SKIPHASH}{dynamic_lib} && $Verbose;
- }
- if ($section eq 'dynamic_lib') {
- print STDOUT "Warning (non-fatal): Target '\$(INST_DYNAMIC)' depends on ",
- "targets in skipped section 'dynamic_bs'\n"
- if $self->{SKIPHASH}{dynamic_bs} && $Verbose;
- }
- if ($section eq 'static') {
- print STDOUT "Warning (non-fatal): Target 'static' depends on targets ",
- "in skipped section 'static_lib'\n"
- if $self->{SKIPHASH}{static_lib} && $Verbose;
- }
- return 'skipped' if $self->{SKIPHASH}{$section};
- return '';
-sub flush {
- my $self = shift;
- my($chunk);
-# use FileHandle ();
-# my $fh = new FileHandle;
- local *FH;
- print STDOUT "Writing $self->{MAKEFILE} for $self->{NAME}\n";
- unlink($self->{MAKEFILE}, "MakeMaker.tmp", $Is_VMS ? 'Descrip.MMS' : '');
-# $fh->open(">MakeMaker.tmp") or die "Unable to open MakeMaker.tmp: $!";
- open(FH,">MakeMaker.tmp") or die "Unable to open MakeMaker.tmp: $!";
- for $chunk (@{$self->{RESULT}}) {
-# print $fh "$chunk\n";
- print FH "$chunk\n";
- }
-# $fh->close;
- close FH;
- my($finalname) = $self->{MAKEFILE};
- rename("MakeMaker.tmp", $finalname);
- chmod 0644, $finalname unless $Is_VMS;
- if ($self->{PARENT}) {
- foreach (keys %$self) { # safe memory
- delete $self->{$_} unless $Keep_after_flush{$_};
- }
- }
- system("$Config::Config{eunicefix} $finalname") unless $Config::Config{eunicefix} eq ":";
-# The following mkbootstrap() is only for installations that are calling
-# the pre-4.1 mkbootstrap() from their old Makefiles. This MakeMaker
-# writes Makefiles, that use ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap directly.
-sub mkbootstrap {
- die <<END;
-!!! Your Makefile has been built such a long time ago, !!!
-!!! that is unlikely to work with current MakeMaker. !!!
-!!! Please rebuild your Makefile !!!
-# Ditto for mksymlists() as of MakeMaker 5.17
-sub mksymlists {
- die <<END;
-!!! Your Makefile has been built such a long time ago, !!!
-!!! that is unlikely to work with current MakeMaker. !!!
-!!! Please rebuild your Makefile !!!
-sub neatvalue {
- my($v) = @_;
- return "undef" unless defined $v;
- my($t) = ref $v;
- return "q[$v]" unless $t;
- if ($t eq 'ARRAY') {
- my(@m, $elem, @neat);
- push @m, "[";
- foreach $elem (@$v) {
- push @neat, "q[$elem]";
- }
- push @m, join ", ", @neat;
- push @m, "]";
- return join "", @m;
- }
- return "$v" unless $t eq 'HASH';
- my(@m, $key, $val);
- while (($key,$val) = each %$v){
- last unless defined $key; # cautious programming in case (undef,undef) is true
- push(@m,"$key=>".neatvalue($val)) ;
- }
- return "{ ".join(', ',@m)." }";
-sub selfdocument {
- my($self) = @_;
- my(@m);
- if ($Verbose){
- push @m, "\n# Full list of MakeMaker attribute values:";
- foreach $key (sort keys %$self){
- next if $key eq 'RESULT' || $key =~ /^[A-Z][a-z]/;
- my($v) = neatvalue($self->{$key});
- $v =~ s/(CODE|HASH|ARRAY|SCALAR)\([\dxa-f]+\)/$1\(...\)/;
- $v =~ tr/\n/ /s;
- push @m, "# $key => $v";
- }
- }
- join "\n", @m;
-package ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
-=head1 NAME
-ExtUtils::MakeMaker - create an extension Makefile
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-C<use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;>
-C<WriteMakefile( ATTRIBUTE =E<gt> VALUE [, ...] );>
-which is really
-This utility is designed to write a Makefile for an extension module
-from a Makefile.PL. It is based on the Makefile.SH model provided by
-Andy Dougherty and the perl5-porters.
-It splits the task of generating the Makefile into several subroutines
-that can be individually overridden. Each subroutine returns the text
-it wishes to have written to the Makefile.
-MakeMaker is object oriented. Each directory below the current
-directory that contains a Makefile.PL. Is treated as a separate
-object. This makes it possible to write an unlimited number of
-Makefiles with a single invocation of WriteMakefile().
-=head2 How To Write A Makefile.PL
-The short answer is: Don't.
- Always begin with h2xs.
- Always begin with h2xs!
-even if you're not building around a header file, and even if you
-don't have an XS component.
-Run h2xs(1) before you start thinking about writing a module. For so
-called pm-only modules that consist of C<*.pm> files only, h2xs has
-the C<-X> switch. This will generate dummy files of all kinds that are
-useful for the module developer.
-The medium answer is:
- use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
- WriteMakefile( NAME => "Foo::Bar" );
-The long answer is the rest of the manpage :-)
-=head2 Default Makefile Behaviour
-The generated Makefile enables the user of the extension to invoke
- perl Makefile.PL # optionally "perl Makefile.PL verbose"
- make
- make test # optionally set TEST_VERBOSE=1
- make install # See below
-The Makefile to be produced may be altered by adding arguments of the
-form C<KEY=VALUE>. E.g.
- perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/tmp/myperl5
-Other interesting targets in the generated Makefile are
- make config # to check if the Makefile is up-to-date
- make clean # delete local temp files (Makefile gets renamed)
- make realclean # delete derived files (including ./blib)
- make ci # check in all the files in the MANIFEST file
- make dist # see below the Distribution Support section
-=head2 make test
-MakeMaker checks for the existence of a file named F<> in the
-current directory and if it exists it adds commands to the test target
-of the generated Makefile that will execute the script with the proper
-set of perl C<-I> options.
-MakeMaker also checks for any files matching glob("t/*.t"). It will
-add commands to the test target of the generated Makefile that execute
-all matching files via the L<Test::Harness> module with the C<-I>
-switches set correctly.
-=head2 make testdb
-A useful variation of the above is the target C<testdb>. It runs the
-test under the Perl debugger (see L<perldebug>). If the file
-F<> exists in the current directory, it is used for the test.
-If you want to debug some other testfile, set C<TEST_FILE> variable
- make testdb TEST_FILE=t/mytest.t
-By default the debugger is called using C<-d> option to perl. If you
-want to specify some other option, set C<TESTDB_SW> variable:
- make testdb TESTDB_SW=-Dx
-=head2 make install
-make alone puts all relevant files into directories that are named by
-to something below ./blib if you are I<not> building below the perl
-source directory. If you I<are> building below the perl source,
-INST_LIB and INST_ARCHLIB default to ../../lib, and INST_SCRIPT is not
-The I<install> target of the generated Makefile copies the files found
-below each of the INST_* directories to their INSTALL*
-counterparts. Which counterparts are chosen depends on the setting of
-INSTALLDIRS according to the following table:
- perl site
-The INSTALL... macros in turn default to their %Config
-($Config{installprivlib}, $Config{installarchlib}, etc.) counterparts.
-You can check the values of these variables on your system with
- perl '-V:install.*'
-And to check the sequence in which the library directories are
-searched by perl, run
- perl -le 'print join $/, @INC'
-=head2 PREFIX and LIB attribute
-PREFIX and LIB can be used to set several INSTALL* attributes in one
-go. The quickest way to install a module in a non-standard place might
- perl Makefile.PL LIB=~/lib
-This will install the module's architecture-independent files into
-~/lib, the architecture-dependent files into ~/lib/$archname.
-Another way to specify many INSTALL directories with a single
-parameter is PREFIX.
- perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=~
-This will replace the string specified by C<$Config{prefix}> in all
-C<$Config{install*}> values.
-Note, that in both cases the tilde expansion is done by MakeMaker, not
-by perl by default, nor by make.
-Conflicts between parameters LIB,
-PREFIX and the various INSTALL* arguments are resolved so that:
-=over 4
-=item *
-setting LIB overrides any setting of INSTALLPRIVLIB, INSTALLARCHLIB,
-INSTALLSITELIB, INSTALLSITEARCH (and they are not affected by PREFIX);
-=item *
-without LIB, setting PREFIX replaces the initial C<$Config{prefix}>
-part of those INSTALL* arguments, even if the latter are explicitly
-set (but are set to still start with C<$Config{prefix}>).
-If the user has superuser privileges, and is not working on AFS
-or relatives, then the defaults for
-and this incantation will be the best:
- perl Makefile.PL; make; make test
- make install
-make install per default writes some documentation of what has been
-done into the file C<$(INSTALLARCHLIB)/perllocal.pod>. This feature
-can be bypassed by calling make pure_install.
-=head2 AFS users
-will have to specify the installation directories as these most
-probably have changed since perl itself has been installed. They will
-have to do this by calling
- perl Makefile.PL INSTALLSITELIB=/afs/here/today \
- INSTALLSCRIPT=/afs/there/now INSTALLMAN3DIR=/afs/for/manpages
- make
-Be careful to repeat this procedure every time you recompile an
-extension, unless you are sure the AFS installation directories are
-still valid.
-=head2 Static Linking of a new Perl Binary
-An extension that is built with the above steps is ready to use on
-systems supporting dynamic loading. On systems that do not support
-dynamic loading, any newly created extension has to be linked together
-with the available resources. MakeMaker supports the linking process
-by creating appropriate targets in the Makefile whenever an extension
-is built. You can invoke the corresponding section of the makefile with
- make perl
-That produces a new perl binary in the current directory with all
-extensions linked in that can be found in INST_ARCHLIB , SITELIBEXP,
-and PERL_ARCHLIB. To do that, MakeMaker writes a new Makefile, on
-UNIX, this is called Makefile.aperl (may be system dependent). If you
-want to force the creation of a new perl, it is recommended, that you
-delete this Makefile.aperl, so the directories are searched-through
-for linkable libraries again.
-The binary can be installed into the directory where perl normally
-resides on your machine with
- make inst_perl
-To produce a perl binary with a different name than C<perl>, either say
- perl Makefile.PL MAP_TARGET=myperl
- make myperl
- make inst_perl
-or say
- perl Makefile.PL
- make myperl MAP_TARGET=myperl
- make inst_perl MAP_TARGET=myperl
-In any case you will be prompted with the correct invocation of the
-C<inst_perl> target that installs the new binary into INSTALLBIN.
-make inst_perl per default writes some documentation of what has been
-done into the file C<$(INSTALLARCHLIB)/perllocal.pod>. This
-can be bypassed by calling make pure_inst_perl.
-Warning: the inst_perl: target will most probably overwrite your
-existing perl binary. Use with care!
-Sometimes you might want to build a statically linked perl although
-your system supports dynamic loading. In this case you may explicitly
-set the linktype with the invocation of the Makefile.PL or make:
- perl Makefile.PL LINKTYPE=static # recommended
- make LINKTYPE=static # works on most systems
-=head2 Determination of Perl Library and Installation Locations
-MakeMaker needs to know, or to guess, where certain things are
-located. Especially INST_LIB and INST_ARCHLIB (where to put the files
-during the make(1) run), PERL_LIB and PERL_ARCHLIB (where to read
-existing modules from), and PERL_INC (header files and C<libperl*.*>).
-Extensions may be built either using the contents of the perl source
-directory tree or from the installed perl library. The recommended way
-is to build extensions after you have run 'make install' on perl
-itself. You can do that in any directory on your hard disk that is not
-below the perl source tree. The support for extensions below the ext
-directory of the perl distribution is only good for the standard
-extensions that come with perl.
-If an extension is being built below the C<ext/> directory of the perl
-source then MakeMaker will set PERL_SRC automatically (e.g.,
-C<../..>). If PERL_SRC is defined and the extension is recognized as
-a standard extension, then other variables default to the following:
-If an extension is being built away from the perl source then MakeMaker
-will leave PERL_SRC undefined and default to using the installed copy
-of the perl library. The other variables default to the following:
- PERL_INC = $archlibexp/CORE
- PERL_LIB = $privlibexp
- PERL_ARCHLIB = $archlibexp
- INST_LIB = ./blib/lib
- INST_ARCHLIB = ./blib/arch
-If perl has not yet been installed then PERL_SRC can be defined on the
-command line as shown in the previous section.
-=head2 Which architecture dependent directory?
-If you don't want to keep the defaults for the INSTALL* macros,
-MakeMaker helps you to minimize the typing needed: the usual
-relationship between INSTALLPRIVLIB and INSTALLARCHLIB is determined
-by Configure at perl compilation time. MakeMaker supports the user who
-then MakeMaker defaults the latter to be the same subdirectory of
-INSTALLPRIVLIB as Configure decided for the counterparts in %Config ,
-otherwise it defaults to INSTALLPRIVLIB. The same relationship holds
-MakeMaker gives you much more freedom than needed to configure
-internal variables and get different results. It is worth to mention,
-that make(1) also lets you configure most of the variables that are
-used in the Makefile. But in the majority of situations this will not
-be necessary, and should only be done if the author of a package
-recommends it (or you know what you're doing).
-=head2 Using Attributes and Parameters
-The following attributes can be specified as arguments to WriteMakefile()
-or as NAME=VALUE pairs on the command line:
-=over 2
-One line description of the module. Will be included in PPD file.
-Name of the file that contains the package description. MakeMaker looks
-for a line in the POD matching /^($package\s-\s)(.*)/. This is typically
-the first line in the "=head1 NAME" section. $2 becomes the abstract.
-=item AUTHOR
-String containing name (and email address) of package author(s). Is used
-in PPD (Perl Package Description) files for PPM (Perl Package Manager).
-Used when creating PPD files for binary packages. It can be set to a
-full or relative path or URL to the binary archive for a particular
-architecture. For example:
- perl Makefile.PL BINARY_LOCATION=x86/Agent.tar.gz
-builds a PPD package that references a binary of the C<Agent> package,
-located in the C<x86> directory relative to the PPD itself.
-=item C
-Ref to array of *.c file names. Initialised from a directory scan
-and the values portion of the XS attribute hash. This is not
-currently used by MakeMaker but may be handy in Makefile.PLs.
-=item CAPI
-[This attribute is obsolete in Perl 5.6. PERL_OBJECT builds are C-compatible
-by default.]
-Switch to force usage of the Perl C API even when compiling for PERL_OBJECT.
-Note that this attribute is passed through to any recursive build,
-but if and only if the submodule's Makefile.PL itself makes no mention
-of the 'CAPI' attribute.
-=item CCFLAGS
-String that will be included in the compiler call command line between
-the arguments INC and OPTIMIZE.
-=item CONFIG
-Arrayref. E.g. [qw(archname manext)] defines ARCHNAME & MANEXT from MakeMaker will add to CONFIG the following values anyway:
-CODE reference. The subroutine should return a hash reference. The
-hash may contain further attributes, e.g. {LIBS =E<gt> ...}, that have to
-be determined by some evaluation method.
-=item DEFINE
-Something like C<"-DHAVE_UNISTD_H">
-=item DIR
-Ref to array of subdirectories containing Makefile.PLs e.g. [ 'sdbm'
-] in ext/SDBM_File
-Your name for distributing the package (by tar file). This defaults to
-NAME above.
-=item DL_FUNCS
-Hashref of symbol names for routines to be made available as universal
-symbols. Each key/value pair consists of the package name and an
-array of routine names in that package. Used only under AIX, OS/2,
-VMS and Win32 at present. The routine names supplied will be expanded
-in the same way as XSUB names are expanded by the XS() macro.
-Defaults to
- {"$(NAME)" => ["boot_$(NAME)" ] }
- {"RPC" => [qw( boot_rpcb rpcb_gettime getnetconfigent )],
- "NetconfigPtr" => [ 'DESTROY'] }
-Please see the L<ExtUtils::Mksymlists> documentation for more information
-about the DL_FUNCS, DL_VARS and FUNCLIST attributes.
-=item DL_VARS
-Array of symbol names for variables to be made available as universal symbols.
-Used only under AIX, OS/2, VMS and Win32 at present. Defaults to [].
-(e.g. [ qw(Foo_version Foo_numstreams Foo_tree ) ])
-Array of extension names to exclude when doing a static build. This
-is ignored if INCLUDE_EXT is present. Consult INCLUDE_EXT for more
-details. (e.g. [ qw( Socket POSIX ) ] )
-This attribute may be most useful when specified as a string on the
-command line: perl Makefile.PL EXCLUDE_EXT='Socket Safe'
-=item EXE_FILES
-Ref to array of executable files. The files will be copied to the
-INST_SCRIPT directory. Make realclean will delete them from there
-The name of the Makefile to be produced. Defaults to the contents of
-MAKEFILE, but can be overridden. This is used for the second Makefile
-that will be produced for the MAP_TARGET.
-Perl binary able to run this extension.
-This provides an alternate means to specify function names to be
-exported from the extension. Its value is a reference to an
-array of function names to be exported by the extension. These
-names are passed through unaltered to the linker options file.
-=item H
-Ref to array of *.h file names. Similar to C.
-Hashref of .pm and .pod files. MakeMaker will default this to all
- .pod and any .pm files that include POD directives. The files listed
-here will be converted to HTML format and installed as was requested
-at Configure time.
-Hashref of pod-containing files. MakeMaker will default this to all
-EXE_FILES files that include POD directives. The files listed
-here will be converted to HTML format and installed as was requested
-at Configure time.
-=item IMPORTS
-This attribute is used to specify names to be imported into the
-extension. It is only used on OS/2 and Win32.
-=item INC
-Include file dirs eg: C<"-I/usr/5include -I/path/to/inc">
-Array of extension names to be included when doing a static build.
-MakeMaker will normally build with all of the installed extensions when
-doing a static build, and that is usually the desired behavior. If
-INCLUDE_EXT is present then MakeMaker will build only with those extensions
-which are explicitly mentioned. (e.g. [ qw( Socket POSIX ) ])
-It is not necessary to mention DynaLoader or the current extension when
-filling in INCLUDE_EXT. If the INCLUDE_EXT is mentioned but is empty then
-only DynaLoader and the current extension will be included in the build.
-This attribute may be most useful when specified as a string on the
-command line: perl Makefile.PL INCLUDE_EXT='POSIX Socket Devel::Peek'
-Used by 'make install', which copies files from INST_ARCHLIB to this
-directory if INSTALLDIRS is set to perl.
-Directory to install binary files (e.g. tkperl) into.
-Determines which of the two sets of installation directories to
-choose: installprivlib and installarchlib versus installsitelib and
-installsitearch. The first pair is chosen with INSTALLDIRS=perl, the
-second with INSTALLDIRS=site. Default is site.
-This directory gets the HTML pages at 'make install' time. Defaults to
-This directory gets the HTML pages at 'make install' time. Defaults to
-This directory gets the HTML pages at 'make install' time. Defaults to
-This directory gets the man pages at 'make install' time. Defaults to
-This directory gets the man pages at 'make install' time. Defaults to
-Used by 'make install', which copies files from INST_LIB to this
-directory if INSTALLDIRS is set to perl.
-Used by 'make install' which copies files from INST_SCRIPT to this
-Used by 'make install', which copies files from INST_ARCHLIB to this
-directory if INSTALLDIRS is set to site (default).
-Used by 'make install', which copies files from INST_LIB to this
-directory if INSTALLDIRS is set to site (default).
-Same as INST_LIB for architecture dependent files.
-=item INST_BIN
-Directory to put real binary files during 'make'. These will be copied
-to INSTALLBIN during 'make install'
-=item INST_EXE
-Old name for INST_SCRIPT. Deprecated. Please use INST_SCRIPT if you
-need to use it.
-Directory to hold the man pages in HTML format at 'make' time
-Directory to hold the man pages in HTML format at 'make' time
-=item INST_LIB
-Directory where we put library files of this extension while building
-Directory to hold the man pages at 'make' time
-Directory to hold the man pages at 'make' time
-Directory, where executable files should be installed during
-'make'. Defaults to "./blib/script", just to have a dummy location during
-testing. make install will copy the files in INST_SCRIPT to
-=item LDFROM
-defaults to "$(OBJECT)" and is used in the ld command to specify
-what files to link/load from (also see dynamic_lib below for how to
-specify ld flags)
-=item LIB
-LIB should only be set at C<perl Makefile.PL> time but is allowed as a
-MakeMaker argument. It has the effect of
-setting both INSTALLPRIVLIB and INSTALLSITELIB to that value regardless any
-explicit setting of those arguments (or of PREFIX).
-INSTALLARCHLIB and INSTALLSITEARCH are set to the corresponding
-architecture subdirectory.
-=item LIBPERL_A
-The filename of the perllibrary that will be used together with this
-extension. Defaults to libperl.a.
-=item LIBS
-An anonymous array of alternative library
-specifications to be searched for (in order) until
-at least one library is found. E.g.
- 'LIBS' => ["-lgdbm", "-ldbm -lfoo", "-L/path -ldbm.nfs"]
-Mind, that any element of the array
-contains a complete set of arguments for the ld
-command. So do not specify
- 'LIBS' => ["-ltcl", "-ltk", "-lX11"]
-See ODBM_File/Makefile.PL for an example, where an array is needed. If
-you specify a scalar as in
- 'LIBS' => "-ltcl -ltk -lX11"
-MakeMaker will turn it into an array with one element.
-'static' or 'dynamic' (default unless usedl=undef in Should only be used to force static linking (also see
-linkext below).
-Boolean which tells MakeMaker, that it should include the rules to
-make a perl. This is handled automatically as a switch by
-MakeMaker. The user normally does not need it.
-The name of the Makefile to be produced.
-=item MAN1PODS
-Hashref of pod-containing files. MakeMaker will default this to all
-EXE_FILES files that include POD directives. The files listed
-here will be converted to man pages and installed as was requested
-at Configure time.
-=item MAN3PODS
-Hashref of .pm and .pod files. MakeMaker will default this to all
- .pod and any .pm files that include POD directives. The files listed
-here will be converted to man pages and installed as was requested
-at Configure time.
-If it is intended, that a new perl binary be produced, this variable
-may hold a name for that binary. Defaults to perl
-If the extension links to a library that it builds set this to the
-name of the library (see SDBM_File)
-=item NAME
-Perl module name for this extension (DBD::Oracle). This will default
-to the directory name but should be explicitly defined in the
-MakeMaker will figure out if an extension contains linkable code
-anywhere down the directory tree, and will set this variable
-accordingly, but you can speed it up a very little bit if you define
-this boolean variable yourself.
-=item NOECHO
-Defaults to C<@>. By setting it to an empty string you can generate a
-Makefile that echos all commands. Mainly used in debugging MakeMaker
-Boolean. Attribute to inhibit descending into subdirectories.
-=item NO_VC
-In general, any generated Makefile checks for the current version of
-MakeMaker and the version the Makefile was built under. If NO_VC is
-set, the version check is neglected. Do not write this into your
-Makefile.PL, use it interactively instead.
-=item OBJECT
-List of object files, defaults to '$(BASEEXT)$(OBJ_EXT)', but can be a long
-string containing all object files, e.g. "tkpBind.o
-tkpButton.o tkpCanvas.o"
-(Where BASEEXT is the last component of NAME, and OBJ_EXT is $Config{obj_ext}.)
-Defaults to C<-O>. Set it to C<-g> to turn debugging on. The flag is
-passed to subdirectory makes.
-=item PERL
-Perl binary for tasks that can be done by miniperl
-The call to the program that is able to compile perlmain.c. Defaults
-to $(CC).
-Same as below, but for architecture dependent files.
-=item PERL_LIB
-Directory containing the Perl library to use.
-defaults to 0. Should be set to TRUE if the extension can work with
-the memory allocation routines substituted by the Perl malloc() subsystem.
-This should be applicable to most extensions with exceptions of those
-=over 4
-=item *
-with bugs in memory allocations which are caught by Perl's malloc();
-=item *
-which interact with the memory allocator in other ways than via
-malloc(), realloc(), free(), calloc(), sbrk() and brk();
-=item *
-which rely on special alignment which is not provided by Perl's malloc().
-B<NOTE.> Negligence to set this flag in I<any one> of loaded extension
-nullifies many advantages of Perl's malloc(), such as better usage of
-system resources, error detection, memory usage reporting, catchable failure
-of memory allocations, etc.
-=item PERL_SRC
-Directory containing the Perl source code (use of this should be
-avoided, it may be undefined)
-=item PERM_RW
-Desired permission for read/writable files. Defaults to C<644>.
-See also L<MM_Unix/perm_rw>.
-=item PERM_RWX
-Desired permission for executable files. Defaults to C<755>.
-See also L<MM_Unix/perm_rwx>.
-=item PL_FILES
-Ref to hash of files to be processed as perl programs. MakeMaker
-will default to any found *.PL file (except Makefile.PL) being keys
-and the basename of the file being the value. E.g.
- {'foobar.PL' => 'foobar'}
-The *.PL files are expected to produce output to the target files
-themselves. If multiple files can be generated from the same *.PL
-file then the value in the hash can be a reference to an array of
-target file names. E.g.
- {'foobar.PL' => ['foobar1','foobar2']}
-=item PM
-Hashref of .pm files and *.pl files to be installed. e.g.
- {'' => '$(INST_LIBDIR)/'}
-By default this will include *.pm and *.pl and the files found in
-the PMLIBDIRS directories. Defining PM in the
-Makefile.PL will override PMLIBDIRS.
-Ref to array of subdirectories containing library files. Defaults to
-[ 'lib', $(BASEEXT) ]. The directories will be scanned and I<any> files
-they contain will be installed in the corresponding location in the
-library. A libscan() method can be used to alter the behaviour.
-Defining PM in the Makefile.PL will override PMLIBDIRS.
-(Where BASEEXT is the last component of NAME.)
-=item PM_FILTER
-A filter program, in the traditional Unix sense (input from stdin, output
-to stdout) that is passed on each .pm file during the build (in the
-pm_to_blib() phase). It is empty by default, meaning no filtering is done.
-Great care is necessary when defining the command if quoting needs to be
-done. For instance, you would need to say:
- {'PM_FILTER' => 'grep -v \\"^\\#\\"'}
-to remove all the leading coments on the fly during the build. The
-extra \\ are necessary, unfortunately, because this variable is interpolated
-within the context of a Perl program built on the command line, and double
-quotes are what is used with the -e switch to build that command line. The
-# is escaped for the Makefile, since what is going to be generated will then
- PM_FILTER = grep -v \"^\#\"
-Without the \\ before the #, we'd have the start of a Makefile comment,
-and the macro would be incorrectly defined.
-=item POLLUTE
-Release 5.005 grandfathered old global symbol names by providing preprocessor
-macros for extension source compatibility. As of release 5.6, these
-preprocessor definitions are not available by default. The POLLUTE flag
-specifies that the old names should still be defined:
- perl Makefile.PL POLLUTE=1
-Please inform the module author if this is necessary to successfully install
-a module under 5.6 or later.
-Name of the executable used to run C<PPM_INSTALL_SCRIPT> below. (e.g. perl)
-Name of the script that gets executed by the Perl Package Manager after
-the installation of a package.
-=item PREFIX
-Can be used to set the three INSTALL* attributes in one go (except for
-probably INSTALLMAN1DIR, if it is not below PREFIX according to
-%Config). They will have PREFIX as a common directory node and will
-branch from that node into lib/, lib/ARCHNAME or whatever Configure
-decided at the build time of your perl (unless you override one of
-them, of course).
-=item PREREQ_PM
-Hashref: Names of modules that need to be available to run this
-extension (e.g. Fcntl for SDBM_File) are the keys of the hash and the
-desired version is the value. If the required version number is 0, we
-only check if any version is installed already.
-=item SKIP
-Arryref. E.g. [qw(name1 name2)] skip (do not write) sections of the
-Makefile. Caution! Do not use the SKIP attribute for the negligible
-speedup. It may seriously damage the resulting Makefile. Only use it
-if you really need it.
-Ref to array of typemap file names. Use this when the typemaps are
-in some directory other than the current directory or when they are
-not named B<typemap>. The last typemap in the list takes
-precedence. A typemap in the current directory has highest
-precedence, even if it isn't listed in TYPEMAPS. The default system
-typemap has lowest precedence.
-=item VERSION
-Your version number for distributing the package. This defaults to
-Instead of specifying the VERSION in the Makefile.PL you can let
-MakeMaker parse a file to determine the version number. The parsing
-routine requires that the file named by VERSION_FROM contains one
-single line to compute the version number. The first line in the file
-that contains the regular expression
- /([\$*])(([\w\:\']*)\bVERSION)\b.*\=/
-will be evaluated with eval() and the value of the named variable
-B<after> the eval() will be assigned to the VERSION attribute of the
-MakeMaker object. The following lines will be parsed o.k.:
- $VERSION = '1.00';
- *VERSION = \'1.01';
- ( $VERSION ) = '$Revision: 1.222 $ ' =~ /\$Revision:\s+([^\s]+)/;
- $FOO::VERSION = '1.10';
- *FOO::VERSION = \'1.11';
- our $VERSION = 1.2.3; # new for perl5.6.0
-but these will fail:
- my $VERSION = '1.01';
- local $VERSION = '1.02';
- local $FOO::VERSION = '1.30';
-(Putting C<my> or C<local> on the preceding line will work o.k.)
-The file named in VERSION_FROM is not added as a dependency to
-Makefile. This is not really correct, but it would be a major pain
-during development to have to rewrite the Makefile for any smallish
-change in that file. If you want to make sure that the Makefile
-contains the correct VERSION macro after any change of the file, you
-would have to do something like
- depend => { Makefile => '$(VERSION_FROM)' }
-See attribute C<depend> below.
-=item XS
-Hashref of .xs files. MakeMaker will default this. e.g.
- {'name_of_file.xs' => 'name_of_file.c'}
-The .c files will automatically be included in the list of files
-deleted by a make clean.
-=item XSOPT
-String of options to pass to xsubpp. This might include C<-C++> or
-C<-extern>. Do not include typemaps here; the TYPEMAP parameter exists for
-that purpose.
-May be set to an empty string, which is identical to C<-prototypes>, or
-C<-noprototypes>. See the xsubpp documentation for details. MakeMaker
-defaults to the empty string.
-Your version number for the .xs file of this package. This defaults
-to the value of the VERSION attribute.
-=head2 Additional lowercase attributes
-can be used to pass parameters to the methods which implement that
-part of the Makefile.
-=over 2
-=item clean
- {FILES => "*.xyz foo"}
-=item depend
-(ANY_TARGET must not be given a double-colon rule by MakeMaker.)
-=item dist
- {TARFLAGS => 'cvfF', COMPRESS => 'gzip', SUFFIX => '.gz',
- SHAR => 'shar -m', DIST_CP => 'ln', ZIP => '/bin/zip',
- ZIPFLAGS => '-rl', DIST_DEFAULT => 'private tardist' }
-If you specify COMPRESS, then SUFFIX should also be altered, as it is
-needed to tell make the target file of the compression. Setting
-DIST_CP to ln can be useful, if you need to preserve the timestamps on
-your files. DIST_CP can take the values 'cp', which copies the file,
-'ln', which links the file, and 'best' which copies symbolic links and
-links the rest. Default is 'best'.
-=item dynamic_lib
- {ARMAYBE => 'ar', OTHERLDFLAGS => '...', INST_DYNAMIC_DEP => '...'}
-=item linkext
- {LINKTYPE => 'static', 'dynamic' or ''}
-NB: Extensions that have nothing but *.pm files had to say
- {LINKTYPE => ''}
-with Pre-5.0 MakeMakers. Since version 5.00 of MakeMaker such a line
-can be deleted safely. MakeMaker recognizes when there's nothing to
-be linked.
-=item macro
-=item realclean
- {FILES => '$(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)/*.xyz'}
-=item test
- {TESTS => 't/*.t'}
-=item tool_autosplit
- {MAXLEN => 8}
-=head2 Overriding MakeMaker Methods
-If you cannot achieve the desired Makefile behaviour by specifying
-attributes you may define private subroutines in the Makefile.PL.
-Each subroutines returns the text it wishes to have written to
-the Makefile. To override a section of the Makefile you can
-either say:
- sub MY::c_o { "new literal text" }
-or you can edit the default by saying something like:
- sub MY::c_o {
- package MY; # so that "SUPER" works right
- my $inherited = shift->SUPER::c_o(@_);
- $inherited =~ s/old text/new text/;
- $inherited;
- }
-If you are running experiments with embedding perl as a library into
-other applications, you might find MakeMaker is not sufficient. You'd
-better have a look at ExtUtils::Embed which is a collection of utilities
-for embedding.
-If you still need a different solution, try to develop another
-subroutine that fits your needs and submit the diffs to
-F<> or F<comp.lang.perl.moderated> as appropriate.
-For a complete description of all MakeMaker methods see L<ExtUtils::MM_Unix>.
-Here is a simple example of how to add a new target to the generated
- sub MY::postamble {
- '
- $(MYEXTLIB): sdbm/Makefile
- cd sdbm && $(MAKE) all
- ';
- }
-=head2 Hintsfile support
- uses the architecture specific information from In addition it evaluates architecture specific hints files
-in a C<hints/> directory. The hints files are expected to be named
-like their counterparts in C<PERL_SRC/hints>, but with an C<.pl> file
-name extension (eg. C<>). They are simply C<eval>ed by
-MakeMaker within the WriteMakefile() subroutine, and can be used to
-execute commands as well as to include special variables. The rules
-which hintsfile is chosen are the same as in Configure.
-The hintsfile is eval()ed immediately after the arguments given to
-WriteMakefile are stuffed into a hash reference $self but before this
-reference becomes blessed. So if you want to do the equivalent to
-override or create an attribute you would say something like
- $self->{LIBS} = ['-ldbm -lucb -lc'];
-=head2 Distribution Support
-For authors of extensions MakeMaker provides several Makefile
-targets. Most of the support comes from the ExtUtils::Manifest module,
-where additional documentation can be found.
-=over 4
-=item make distcheck
-reports which files are below the build directory but not in the
-MANIFEST file and vice versa. (See ExtUtils::Manifest::fullcheck() for
-=item make skipcheck
-reports which files are skipped due to the entries in the
-C<MANIFEST.SKIP> file (See ExtUtils::Manifest::skipcheck() for
-=item make distclean
-does a realclean first and then the distcheck. Note that this is not
-needed to build a new distribution as long as you are sure that the
-MANIFEST file is ok.
-=item make manifest
-rewrites the MANIFEST file, adding all remaining files found (See
-ExtUtils::Manifest::mkmanifest() for details)
-=item make distdir
-Copies all the files that are in the MANIFEST file to a newly created
-directory with the name C<$(DISTNAME)-$(VERSION)>. If that directory
-exists, it will be removed first.
-=item make disttest
-Makes a distdir first, and runs a C<perl Makefile.PL>, a make, and
-a make test in that directory.
-=item make tardist
-First does a distdir. Then a command $(PREOP) which defaults to a null
-command, followed by $(TOUNIX), which defaults to a null command under
-UNIX, and will convert files in distribution directory to UNIX format
-otherwise. Next it runs C<tar> on that directory into a tarfile and
-deletes the directory. Finishes with a command $(POSTOP) which
-defaults to a null command.
-=item make dist
-Defaults to $(DIST_DEFAULT) which in turn defaults to tardist.
-=item make uutardist
-Runs a tardist first and uuencodes the tarfile.
-=item make shdist
-First does a distdir. Then a command $(PREOP) which defaults to a null
-command. Next it runs C<shar> on that directory into a sharfile and
-deletes the intermediate directory again. Finishes with a command
-$(POSTOP) which defaults to a null command. Note: For shdist to work
-properly a C<shar> program that can handle directories is mandatory.
-=item make zipdist
-First does a distdir. Then a command $(PREOP) which defaults to a null
-command. Runs C<$(ZIP) $(ZIPFLAGS)> on that directory into a
-zipfile. Then deletes that directory. Finishes with a command
-$(POSTOP) which defaults to a null command.
-=item make ci
-Does a $(CI) and a $(RCS_LABEL) on all files in the MANIFEST file.
-Customization of the dist targets can be done by specifying a hash
-reference to the dist attribute of the WriteMakefile call. The
-following parameters are recognized:
- CI ('ci -u')
- COMPRESS ('gzip --best')
- POSTOP ('@ :')
- PREOP ('@ :')
- TO_UNIX (depends on the system)
- RCS_LABEL ('rcs -q -Nv$(VERSION_SYM):')
- SHAR ('shar')
- SUFFIX ('.gz')
- TAR ('tar')
- TARFLAGS ('cvf')
- ZIP ('zip')
- ZIPFLAGS ('-r')
-An example:
- WriteMakefile( 'dist' => { COMPRESS=>"bzip2", SUFFIX=>".bz2" })
-=head2 Disabling an extension
-If some events detected in F<Makefile.PL> imply that there is no way
-to create the Module, but this is a normal state of things, then you
-can create a F<Makefile> which does nothing, but succeeds on all the
-"usual" build targets. To do so, use
- ExtUtils::MakeMaker::WriteEmptyMakefile();
-instead of WriteMakefile().
-This may be useful if other modules expect this module to be I<built>
-OK, as opposed to I<work> OK (say, this system-dependent module builds
-in a subdirectory of some other distribution, or is listed as a
-dependency in a CPAN::Bundle, but the functionality is supported by
-different means on the current architecture).
-=over 8
-=item PERL_MM_OPT
-Command line options used by C<MakeMaker-E<gt>new()>, and thus by
-C<WriteMakefile()>. The string is split on whitespace, and the result
-is processed before any actual command line arguments are processed.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-ExtUtils::MM_Unix, ExtUtils::Manifest, ExtUtils::testlib,
-ExtUtils::Install, ExtUtils::Embed
-=head1 AUTHORS
-Andy Dougherty <F<>>, Andreas KE<ouml>nig
-<F<A.Koenig@franz.ww.TU-Berlin.DE>>, Tim Bunce <F<>>.
-VMS support by Charles Bailey <F<>>. OS/2
-support by Ilya Zakharevich <F<>>. Contact the
-makemaker mailing list C<>, if
-you have any questions.
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