path: root/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 437 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/ b/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a8e857..0000000
--- a/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,437 +0,0 @@
-# $FreeBSD$
-package ExtUtils::Install;
-use 5.005_64;
-$VERSION = substr q$Revision: 1.28 $, 10;
-# $Date: 1998/01/25 07:08:24 $
-# $FreeBSD$
-use Exporter;
-use Carp ();
-use Config qw(%Config);
-@ISA = ('Exporter');
-@EXPORT = ('install','uninstall','pm_to_blib', 'install_default');
-$Is_VMS = $^O eq 'VMS';
-my $splitchar = $^O eq 'VMS' ? '|' : ($^O eq 'os2' || $^O eq 'dos') ? ';' : ':';
-my @PERL_ENV_LIB = split $splitchar, defined $ENV{'PERL5LIB'} ? $ENV{'PERL5LIB'} : $ENV{'PERLLIB'} || '';
-my $Inc_uninstall_warn_handler;
-# install relative to here
-use File::Spec;
-sub install_rooted_file {
- if (defined $INSTALL_ROOT) {
- MY->catfile($INSTALL_ROOT, $_[0]);
- } else {
- $_[0];
- }
-sub install_rooted_dir {
- if (defined $INSTALL_ROOT) {
- MY->catdir($INSTALL_ROOT, $_[0]);
- } else {
- $_[0];
- }
-#our(@EXPORT, @ISA, $Is_VMS);
-#use strict;
-sub forceunlink {
- chmod 0666, $_[0];
- unlink $_[0] or Carp::croak("Cannot forceunlink $_[0]: $!")
-sub install {
- my($hash,$verbose,$nonono,$inc_uninstall) = @_;
- $verbose ||= 0;
- $nonono ||= 0;
- use Cwd qw(cwd);
- use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; # to implement a MY class
- use ExtUtils::Packlist;
- use File::Basename qw(dirname);
- use File::Copy qw(copy);
- use File::Find qw(find);
- use File::Path qw(mkpath);
- use File::Compare qw(compare);
- my(%hash) = %$hash;
- my(%pack, $dir, $warn_permissions);
- my($packlist) = ExtUtils::Packlist->new();
- # -w doesn't work reliably on FAT dirs
- $warn_permissions++ if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
- local(*DIR);
- for (qw/read write/) {
- $pack{$_}=$hash{$_};
- delete $hash{$_};
- }
- my($source_dir_or_file);
- foreach $source_dir_or_file (sort keys %hash) {
- #Check if there are files, and if yes, look if the corresponding
- #target directory is writable for us
- opendir DIR, $source_dir_or_file or next;
- for (readdir DIR) {
- next if $_ eq "." || $_ eq ".." || $_ eq ".exists";
- my $targetdir = install_rooted_dir($hash{$source_dir_or_file});
- if (-w $targetdir ||
- mkpath($targetdir)) {
- last;
- } else {
- warn "Warning: You do not have permissions to " .
- "install into $hash{$source_dir_or_file}"
- unless $warn_permissions++;
- }
- }
- closedir DIR;
- }
- my $tmpfile = install_rooted_file($pack{"read"});
- $packlist->read($tmpfile) if (-f $tmpfile);
- my $cwd = cwd();
- my($source);
- MOD_INSTALL: foreach $source (sort keys %hash) {
- #copy the tree to the target directory without altering
- #timestamp and permission and remember for the .packlist
- #file. The packlist file contains the absolute paths of the
- #install locations. AFS users may call this a bug. We'll have
- #to reconsider how to add the means to satisfy AFS users also.
- # FreeBSD also doesn't like this (much). At install time, the
- # ctime should change, even if the file does not.
- #October 1997: we want to install .pm files into archlib if
- #there are any files in arch. So we depend on having ./blib/arch
- #hardcoded here.
- my $targetroot = install_rooted_dir($hash{$source});
- if ($source eq "blib/lib" and
- exists $hash{"blib/arch"} and
- directory_not_empty("blib/arch")) {
- $targetroot = install_rooted_dir($hash{"blib/arch"});
- print "Files found in blib/arch: installing files in blib/lib into architecture dependent library tree\n";
- }
- chdir($source) or next;
- find(sub {
- my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,
- $atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat;
- return unless -f _;
- return if $_ eq ".exists";
- my $targetdir = MY->catdir($targetroot, $File::Find::dir);
- my $origfile = $_;
- my $targetfile = MY->catfile($targetdir, $_);
- my $diff = 0;
- if ( -f $targetfile && -s _ == $size) {
- # We have a good chance, we can skip this one
- $diff = compare($_,$targetfile);
- } else {
- print "$_ differs\n" if $verbose>1;
- $diff++;
- }
- my $diff = 1; # Nasty, lowdown, rotten, scumsucking
- # hack to make FreeBSD _really_ install.
- if ($diff){
- if (-f $targetfile){
- forceunlink($targetfile) unless $nonono;
- } else {
- mkpath($targetdir,0,0755) unless $nonono;
- print "mkpath($targetdir,0,0755)\n" if $verbose>1;
- }
- copy($_,$targetfile) unless $nonono;
- print "Installing $targetfile\n";
- utime($atime,$mtime + $Is_VMS,$targetfile) unless $nonono>1;
- print "utime($atime,$mtime,$targetfile)\n" if $verbose>1;
- $mode = 0444 | ( $mode & 0111 ? 0111 : 0 );
- chmod $mode, $targetfile;
- print "chmod($mode, $targetfile)\n" if $verbose>1;
- } else {
- print "Skipping $targetfile (unchanged)\n" if $verbose;
- }
- if (! defined $inc_uninstall) { # it's called
- } elsif ($inc_uninstall == 0){
- inc_uninstall($_,$File::Find::dir,$verbose,1); # nonono set to 1
- } else {
- inc_uninstall($_,$File::Find::dir,$verbose,0); # nonono set to 0
- }
- $packlist->{$origfile}++;
- }, ".");
- chdir($cwd) or Carp::croak("Couldn't chdir to $cwd: $!");
- }
- if ($pack{'write'}) {
- $dir = install_rooted_dir(dirname($pack{'write'}));
- mkpath($dir,0,0755);
- print "Writing $pack{'write'}\n";
- $packlist->write(install_rooted_file($pack{'write'}));
- }
-sub directory_not_empty ($) {
- my($dir) = @_;
- my $files = 0;
- find(sub {
- return if $_ eq ".exists";
- if (-f) {
- $File::Find::prune++;
- $files = 1;
- }
- }, $dir);
- return $files;
-sub install_default {
- @_ < 2 or die "install_default should be called with 0 or 1 argument";
- my $FULLEXT = @_ ? shift : $ARGV[0];
- defined $FULLEXT or die "Do not know to where to write install log";
- my $INST_LIB = MM->catdir(MM->curdir,"blib","lib");
- my $INST_ARCHLIB = MM->catdir(MM->curdir,"blib","arch");
- my $INST_BIN = MM->catdir(MM->curdir,'blib','bin');
- my $INST_SCRIPT = MM->catdir(MM->curdir,'blib','script');
- my $INST_MAN1DIR = MM->catdir(MM->curdir,'blib','man1');
- my $INST_MAN3DIR = MM->catdir(MM->curdir,'blib','man3');
- install({
- read => "$Config{sitearchexp}/auto/$FULLEXT/.packlist",
- write => "$Config{installsitearch}/auto/$FULLEXT/.packlist",
- $INST_LIB => (directory_not_empty($INST_ARCHLIB)) ?
- $Config{installsitearch} :
- $Config{installsitelib},
- $INST_ARCHLIB => $Config{installsitearch},
- $INST_BIN => $Config{installbin} ,
- $INST_SCRIPT => $Config{installscript},
- $INST_MAN1DIR => $Config{installman1dir},
- $INST_MAN3DIR => $Config{installman3dir},
- },1,0,0);
-sub uninstall {
- use ExtUtils::Packlist;
- my($fil,$verbose,$nonono) = @_;
- die "no packlist file found: $fil" unless -f $fil;
- # my $my_req = $self->catfile(qw(auto ExtUtils Install;
- # require $my_req; # Hairy, but for the first
- my ($packlist) = ExtUtils::Packlist->new($fil);
- foreach (sort(keys(%$packlist))) {
- chomp;
- print "unlink $_\n" if $verbose;
- forceunlink($_) unless $nonono;
- }
- print "unlink $fil\n" if $verbose;
- forceunlink($fil) unless $nonono;
-sub inc_uninstall {
- my($file,$libdir,$verbose,$nonono) = @_;
- my($dir);
- my %seen_dir = ();
- foreach $dir (@INC, @PERL_ENV_LIB, @Config{qw(archlibexp
- privlibexp
- sitearchexp
- sitelibexp)}) {
- next if $dir eq ".";
- next if $seen_dir{$dir}++;
- my($targetfile) = MY->catfile($dir,$libdir,$file);
- next unless -f $targetfile;
- # The reason why we compare file's contents is, that we cannot
- # know, which is the file we just installed (AFS). So we leave
- # an identical file in place
- my $diff = 0;
- if ( -f $targetfile && -s _ == -s $file) {
- # We have a good chance, we can skip this one
- $diff = compare($file,$targetfile);
- } else {
- print "#$file and $targetfile differ\n" if $verbose>1;
- $diff++;
- }
- next unless $diff;
- if ($nonono) {
- if ($verbose) {
- $Inc_uninstall_warn_handler ||= new ExtUtils::Install::Warn;
- $libdir =~ s|^\./||s ; # That's just cosmetics, no need to port. It looks prettier.
- $Inc_uninstall_warn_handler->add("$libdir/$file",$targetfile);
- }
- # if not verbose, we just say nothing
- } else {
- print "Unlinking $targetfile (shadowing?)\n";
- forceunlink($targetfile);
- }
- }
-sub run_filter {
- my ($cmd, $src, $dest) = @_;
- local *SRC, *CMD;
- open(CMD, "|$cmd >$dest") || die "Cannot fork: $!";
- open(SRC, $src) || die "Cannot open $src: $!";
- my $buf;
- my $sz = 1024;
- while (my $len = sysread(SRC, $buf, $sz)) {
- syswrite(CMD, $buf, $len);
- }
- close SRC;
- close CMD or die "Filter command '$cmd' failed for $src";
-sub pm_to_blib {
- my($fromto,$autodir,$pm_filter) = @_;
- use File::Basename qw(dirname);
- use File::Copy qw(copy);
- use File::Path qw(mkpath);
- use File::Compare qw(compare);
- use AutoSplit;
- # my $my_req = $self->catfile(qw(auto ExtUtils Install;
- # require $my_req; # Hairy, but for the first
- if (!ref($fromto) && -r $fromto)
- {
- # Win32 has severe command line length limitations, but
- # can generate temporary files on-the-fly
- # so we pass name of file here - eval it to get hash
- open(FROMTO,"<$fromto") or die "Cannot open $fromto:$!";
- my $str = '$fromto = {qw{'.join('',<FROMTO>).'}}';
- eval $str;
- close(FROMTO);
- }
- mkpath($autodir,0,0755);
- foreach (keys %$fromto) {
- my $dest = $fromto->{$_};
- next if -f $dest && -M $dest < -M $_;
- # When a pm_filter is defined, we need to pre-process the source first
- # to determine whether it has changed or not. Therefore, only perform
- # the comparison check when there's no filter to be ran.
- # -- RAM, 03/01/2001
- my $need_filtering = defined $pm_filter && length $pm_filter && /\.pm$/;
- if (!$need_filtering && 0 == compare($_,$dest)) {
- print "Skip $dest (unchanged)\n";
- next;
- }
- if (-f $dest){
- forceunlink($dest);
- } else {
- mkpath(dirname($dest),0,0755);
- }
- if ($need_filtering) {
- run_filter($pm_filter, $_, $dest);
- print "$pm_filter <$_ >$dest\n";
- } else {
- copy($_,$dest);
- print "cp $_ $dest\n";
- }
- my($mode,$atime,$mtime) = (stat)[2,8,9];
- utime($atime,$mtime+$Is_VMS,$dest);
- chmod(0444 | ( $mode & 0111 ? 0111 : 0 ),$dest);
- next unless /\.pm$/;
- autosplit($dest,$autodir);
- }
-package ExtUtils::Install::Warn;
-sub new { bless {}, shift }
-sub add {
- my($self,$file,$targetfile) = @_;
- push @{$self->{$file}}, $targetfile;
-sub DESTROY {
- unless(defined $INSTALL_ROOT) {
- my $self = shift;
- my($file,$i,$plural);
- foreach $file (sort keys %$self) {
- $plural = @{$self->{$file}} > 1 ? "s" : "";
- print "## Differing version$plural of $file found. You might like to\n";
- for (0..$#{$self->{$file}}) {
- print "rm ", $self->{$file}[$_], "\n";
- $i++;
- }
- }
- $plural = $i>1 ? "all those files" : "this file";
- print "## Running 'make install UNINST=1' will unlink $plural for you.\n";
- }
-=head1 NAME
-ExtUtils::Install - install files from here to there
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-B<use ExtUtils::Install;>
-Both install() and uninstall() are specific to the way
-ExtUtils::MakeMaker handles the installation and deinstallation of
-perl modules. They are not designed as general purpose tools.
-install() takes three arguments. A reference to a hash, a verbose
-switch and a don't-really-do-it switch. The hash ref contains a
-mapping of directories: each key/value pair is a combination of
-directories to be copied. Key is a directory to copy from, value is a
-directory to copy to. The whole tree below the "from" directory will
-be copied preserving timestamps and permissions.
-There are two keys with a special meaning in the hash: "read" and
-"write". After the copying is done, install will write the list of
-target files to the file named by C<$hashref-E<gt>{write}>. If there is
-another file named by C<$hashref-E<gt>{read}>, the contents of this file will
-be merged into the written file. The read and the written file may be
-identical, but on AFS it is quite likely that people are installing to a
-different directory than the one where the files later appear.
-install_default() takes one or less arguments. If no arguments are
-specified, it takes $ARGV[0] as if it was specified as an argument.
-The argument is the value of MakeMaker's C<FULLEXT> key, like F<Tk/Canvas>.
-This function calls install() with the same arguments as the defaults
-the MakeMaker would use.
-The argument-less form is convenient for install scripts like
- perl -MExtUtils::Install -e install_default Tk/Canvas
-Assuming this command is executed in a directory with a populated F<blib>
-directory, it will proceed as if the F<blib> was build by MakeMaker on
-this machine. This is useful for binary distributions.
-uninstall() takes as first argument a file containing filenames to be
-unlinked. The second argument is a verbose switch, the third is a
-no-don't-really-do-it-now switch.
-pm_to_blib() takes a hashref as the first argument and copies all keys
-of the hash to the corresponding values efficiently. Filenames with
-the extension pm are autosplit. Second argument is the autosplit
-directory. If third argument is not empty, it is taken as a filter command
-to be ran on each .pm file, the output of the command being what is finally
-copied, and the source for auto-splitting.
-You can have an environment variable PERL_INSTALL_ROOT set which will
-be prepended as a directory to each installed file (and directory).
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