path: root/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 490 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/ b/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/
deleted file mode 100644
index 98c24ac..0000000
--- a/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,490 +0,0 @@
-# $Id:,v 1.2501 $
-require 5.002;
-package ExtUtils::Embed;
-require Exporter;
-require FileHandle;
-use Config;
-use Getopt::Std;
-use File::Spec;
-#Only when we need them
-#require ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
-#require ExtUtils::Liblist;
-use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT $VERSION
- @Extensions $Verbose $lib_ext
- $opt_o $opt_s
- );
-use strict;
-$VERSION = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision: 1.2505 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
-@ISA = qw(Exporter);
-@EXPORT = qw(&xsinit &ldopts
- &ccopts &ccflags &ccdlflags &perl_inc
- &xsi_header &xsi_protos &xsi_body);
-#let's have Miniperl borrow from us instead
-#require ExtUtils::Miniperl;
-#*canon = \&ExtUtils::Miniperl::canon;
-$Verbose = 0;
-$lib_ext = $Config{lib_ext} || '.a';
-sub is_cmd { $0 eq '-e' }
-sub my_return {
- my $val = shift;
- if(is_cmd) {
- print $val;
- }
- else {
- return $val;
- }
-sub is_perl_object {
- $Config{ccflags} =~ /-DPERL_OBJECT/;
-sub xsinit {
- my($file, $std, $mods) = @_;
- my($fh,@mods,%seen);
- $file ||= "perlxsi.c";
- my $xsinit_proto = "pTHXo";
- if (@_) {
- @mods = @$mods if $mods;
- }
- else {
- getopts('o:s:');
- $file = $opt_o if defined $opt_o;
- $std = $opt_s if defined $opt_s;
- @mods = @ARGV;
- }
- $std = 1 unless scalar @mods;
- if ($file eq "STDOUT") {
- $fh = \*STDOUT;
- }
- else {
- $fh = new FileHandle "> $file";
- }
- push(@mods, static_ext()) if defined $std;
- @mods = grep(!$seen{$_}++, @mods);
- print $fh &xsi_header();
- print $fh "EXTERN_C void xs_init ($xsinit_proto);\n\n";
- print $fh &xsi_protos(@mods);
- print $fh "\nEXTERN_C void\nxs_init($xsinit_proto)\n{\n";
- print $fh &xsi_body(@mods);
- print $fh "}\n";
-sub xsi_header {
- return <<EOF;
-#include <EXTERN.h>
-#include <perl.h>
-sub xsi_protos {
- my(@exts) = @_;
- my(@retval,%seen);
- my $boot_proto = "pTHXo_ CV* cv";
- foreach $_ (@exts){
- my($pname) = canon('/', $_);
- my($mname, $cname);
- ($mname = $pname) =~ s!/!::!g;
- ($cname = $pname) =~ s!/!__!g;
- my($ccode) = "EXTERN_C void boot_${cname} ($boot_proto);\n";
- next if $seen{$ccode}++;
- push(@retval, $ccode);
- }
- return join '', @retval;
-sub xsi_body {
- my(@exts) = @_;
- my($pname,@retval,%seen);
- my($dl) = canon('/','DynaLoader');
- push(@retval, "\tchar *file = __FILE__;\n");
- push(@retval, "\tdXSUB_SYS;\n") if $] > 5.002;
- push(@retval, "\n");
- foreach $_ (@exts){
- my($pname) = canon('/', $_);
- my($mname, $cname, $ccode);
- ($mname = $pname) =~ s!/!::!g;
- ($cname = $pname) =~ s!/!__!g;
- if ($pname eq $dl){
- # Must NOT install 'DynaLoader::boot_DynaLoader' as 'bootstrap'!
- # boot_DynaLoader is called directly in
- $ccode = "\t/* DynaLoader is a special case */\n\tnewXS(\"${mname}::boot_${cname}\", boot_${cname}, file);\n";
- push(@retval, $ccode) unless $seen{$ccode}++;
- } else {
- $ccode = "\tnewXS(\"${mname}::bootstrap\", boot_${cname}, file);\n";
- push(@retval, $ccode) unless $seen{$ccode}++;
- }
- }
- return join '', @retval;
-sub static_ext {
- unless (scalar @Extensions) {
- @Extensions = sort split /\s+/, $Config{static_ext};
- unshift @Extensions, qw(DynaLoader);
- }
- @Extensions;
-sub ldopts {
- require ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
- require ExtUtils::Liblist;
- my($std,$mods,$link_args,$path) = @_;
- my(@mods,@link_args,@argv);
- my($dllib,$config_libs,@potential_libs,@path);
- local($") = ' ' unless $" eq ' ';
- my $MM = bless {} => 'MY';
- if (scalar @_) {
- @link_args = @$link_args if $link_args;
- @mods = @$mods if $mods;
- }
- else {
- @argv = @ARGV;
- #hmm
- while($_ = shift @argv) {
- /^-std$/ && do { $std = 1; next; };
- /^--$/ && do { @link_args = @argv; last; };
- /^-I(.*)/ && do { $path = $1 || shift @argv; next; };
- push(@mods, $_);
- }
- }
- $std = 1 unless scalar @link_args;
- my $sep = $Config{path_sep} || ':';
- @path = $path ? split(/\Q$sep/, $path) : @INC;
- push(@potential_libs, @link_args) if scalar @link_args;
- # makemaker includes std libs on windows by default
- if ($^O ne 'MSWin32' and defined($std)) {
- push(@potential_libs, $Config{perllibs});
- }
- push(@mods, static_ext()) if $std;
- my($mod,@ns,$root,$sub,$extra,$archive,@archives);
- print STDERR "Searching (@path) for archives\n" if $Verbose;
- foreach $mod (@mods) {
- @ns = split(/::|\/|\\/, $mod);
- $sub = $ns[-1];
- $root = $MM->catdir(@ns);
- print STDERR "searching for '$sub${lib_ext}'\n" if $Verbose;
- foreach (@path) {
- next unless -e ($archive = $MM->catdir($_,"auto",$root,"$sub$lib_ext"));
- push @archives, $archive;
- if(-e ($extra = $MM->catdir($_,"auto",$root,"extralibs.ld"))) {
- local(*FH);
- if(open(FH, $extra)) {
- my($libs) = <FH>; chomp $libs;
- push @potential_libs, split /\s+/, $libs;
- }
- else {
- warn "Couldn't open '$extra'";
- }
- }
- last;
- }
- }
- #print STDERR "\@potential_libs = @potential_libs\n";
- my $libperl;
- if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
- $libperl = $Config{libperl};
- }
- else {
- $libperl = (grep(/^-l\w*perl\w*$/, @link_args))[0] || "-lperl";
- }
- my $lpath = File::Spec->catdir($Config{archlibexp}, 'CORE');
- $lpath = qq["$lpath"] if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
- my($extralibs, $bsloadlibs, $ldloadlibs, $ld_run_path) =
- $MM->ext(join ' ', "-L$lpath", $libperl, @potential_libs);
- my $ld_or_bs = $bsloadlibs || $ldloadlibs;
- print STDERR "bs: $bsloadlibs ** ld: $ldloadlibs" if $Verbose;
- my $linkage = "$Config{ccdlflags} $Config{ldflags} @archives $ld_or_bs";
- print STDERR "ldopts: '$linkage'\n" if $Verbose;
- return $linkage if scalar @_;
- my_return("$linkage\n");
-sub ccflags {
- my_return(" $Config{ccflags} ");
-sub ccdlflags {
- my_return(" $Config{ccdlflags} ");
-sub perl_inc {
- my $dir = File::Spec->catdir($Config{archlibexp}, 'CORE');
- $dir = qq["$dir"] if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
- my_return(" -I$dir ");
-sub ccopts {
- ccflags . perl_inc;
-sub canon {
- my($as, @ext) = @_;
- foreach(@ext) {
- # might be X::Y or lib/auto/X/Y/Y.a
- next if s!::!/!g;
- s:^(lib|ext)/(auto/)?::;
- s:/\w+\.\w+$::;
- }
- grep(s:/:$as:, @ext) if ($as ne '/');
- @ext;
-=head1 NAME
-ExtUtils::Embed - Utilities for embedding Perl in C/C++ applications
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- perl -MExtUtils::Embed -e xsinit
- perl -MExtUtils::Embed -e ccopts
- perl -MExtUtils::Embed -e ldopts
-ExtUtils::Embed provides utility functions for embedding a Perl interpreter
-and extensions in your C/C++ applications.
-Typically, an application B<Makefile> will invoke ExtUtils::Embed
-functions while building your application.
-=head1 @EXPORT
-ExtUtils::Embed exports the following functions:
-xsinit(), ldopts(), ccopts(), perl_inc(), ccflags(),
-ccdlflags(), xsi_header(), xsi_protos(), xsi_body()
-=item xsinit()
-Generate C/C++ code for the XS initializer function.
-When invoked as C<`perl -MExtUtils::Embed -e xsinit --`>
-the following options are recognized:
-B<-o> E<lt>output filenameE<gt> (Defaults to B<perlxsi.c>)
-B<-o STDOUT> will print to STDOUT.
-B<-std> (Write code for extensions that are linked with the current Perl.)
-Any additional arguments are expected to be names of modules
-to generate code for.
-When invoked with parameters the following are accepted and optional:
-B<$filename> is equivalent to the B<-o> option.
-B<$std> is boolean, equivalent to the B<-std> option.
-B<[@modules]> is an array ref, same as additional arguments mentioned above.
-=item Examples
- perl -MExtUtils::Embed -e xsinit -- -o xsinit.c Socket
-This will generate code with an B<xs_init> function that glues the perl B<Socket::bootstrap> function
-to the C B<boot_Socket> function and writes it to a file named F<xsinit.c>.
-Note that B<DynaLoader> is a special case where it must call B<boot_DynaLoader> directly.
- perl -MExtUtils::Embed -e xsinit
-This will generate code for linking with B<DynaLoader> and
-each static extension found in B<$Config{static_ext}>.
-The code is written to the default file name B<perlxsi.c>.
- perl -MExtUtils::Embed -e xsinit -- -o xsinit.c -std DBI DBD::Oracle
-Here, code is written for all the currently linked extensions along with code
-for B<DBI> and B<DBD::Oracle>.
-If you have a working B<DynaLoader> then there is rarely any need to statically link in any
-other extensions.
-=item ldopts()
-Output arguments for linking the Perl library and extensions to your
-When invoked as C<`perl -MExtUtils::Embed -e ldopts --`>
-the following options are recognized:
-Output arguments for linking the Perl library and any extensions linked
-with the current Perl.
-B<-I> E<lt>path1:path2E<gt>
-Search path for ModuleName.a archives.
-Default path is B<@INC>.
-Library archives are expected to be found as
-For example, when looking for B<Socket.a> relative to a search path,
-we should find B<auto/Socket/Socket.a>
-When looking for B<DBD::Oracle> relative to a search path,
-we should find B<auto/DBD/Oracle/Oracle.a>
-Keep in mind that you can always supply B</my/own/path/ModuleName.a>
-as an additional linker argument.
-B<--> E<lt>list of linker argsE<gt>
-Additional linker arguments to be considered.
-Any additional arguments found before the B<--> token
-are expected to be names of modules to generate code for.
-When invoked with parameters the following are accepted and optional:
-B<$std> is boolean, equivalent to the B<-std> option.
-B<[@modules]> is equivalent to additional arguments found before the B<--> token.
-B<[@link_args]> is equivalent to arguments found after the B<--> token.
-B<$path> is equivalent to the B<-I> option.
-In addition, when ldopts is called with parameters, it will return the argument string
-rather than print it to STDOUT.
-=item Examples
- perl -MExtUtils::Embed -e ldopts
-This will print arguments for linking with B<libperl.a>, B<DynaLoader> and
-extensions found in B<$Config{static_ext}>. This includes libraries
-found in B<$Config{libs}> and the first ModuleName.a library
-for each extension that is found by searching B<@INC> or the path
-specified by the B<-I> option.
-In addition, when ModuleName.a is found, additional linker arguments
-are picked up from the B<extralibs.ld> file in the same directory.
- perl -MExtUtils::Embed -e ldopts -- -std Socket
-This will do the same as the above example, along with printing additional arguments for linking with the B<Socket> extension.
- perl -MExtUtils::Embed -e ldopts -- DynaLoader
-This will print arguments for linking with just the B<DynaLoader> extension
-and B<libperl.a>.
- perl -MExtUtils::Embed -e ldopts -- -std Msql -- -L/usr/msql/lib -lmsql
-Any arguments after the second '--' token are additional linker
-arguments that will be examined for potential conflict. If there is no
-conflict, the additional arguments will be part of the output.
-=item perl_inc()
-For including perl header files this function simply prints:
- -I$Config{archlibexp}/CORE
-So, rather than having to say:
- perl -MConfig -e 'print "-I$Config{archlibexp}/CORE"'
-Just say:
- perl -MExtUtils::Embed -e perl_inc
-=item ccflags(), ccdlflags()
-These functions simply print $Config{ccflags} and $Config{ccdlflags}
-=item ccopts()
-This function combines perl_inc(), ccflags() and ccdlflags() into one.
-=item xsi_header()
-This function simply returns a string defining the same B<EXTERN_C> macro as
-B<perlmain.c> along with #including B<perl.h> and B<EXTERN.h>.
-=item xsi_protos(@modules)
-This function returns a string of B<boot_$ModuleName> prototypes for each @modules.
-=item xsi_body(@modules)
-This function returns a string of calls to B<newXS()> that glue the module B<bootstrap>
-function to B<boot_ModuleName> for each @modules.
-B<xsinit()> uses the xsi_* functions to generate most of it's code.
-=head1 EXAMPLES
-For examples on how to use B<ExtUtils::Embed> for building C/C++ applications
-with embedded perl, see L<perlembed>.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Doug MacEachern E<lt>F<>E<gt>
-Based on ideas from Tim Bunce E<lt>F<>E<gt> and
-B<> by Andreas Koenig E<lt>F<>E<gt> and Tim Bunce.
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud