path: root/contrib/perl5/lib/
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/perl5/lib/')
1 files changed, 295 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/lib/ b/contrib/perl5/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..666c6ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/perl5/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+package AutoLoader;
+use vars qw(@EXPORT @EXPORT_OK);
+my $is_dosish;
+my $is_vms;
+ require Exporter;
+ @EXPORT = ();
+ $is_dosish = $^O eq 'dos' || $^O eq 'os2' || $^O eq 'MSWin32';
+ $is_vms = $^O eq 'VMS';
+ my $name;
+ # Braces used to preserve $1 et al.
+ {
+ # Try to find the autoloaded file from the package-qualified
+ # name of the sub. e.g., if the sub needed is
+ # Getopt::Long::GetOptions(), then $INC{Getopt/} is
+ # something like '/usr/lib/perl5/Getopt/', and the
+ # autoload file is '/usr/lib/perl5/auto/Getopt/Long/'.
+ #
+ # However, if @INC is a relative path, this might not work. If,
+ # for example, @INC = ('lib'), then $INC{Getopt/} is
+ # 'lib/Getopt/', and we want to require
+ # 'auto/Getopt/Long/' (without the leading 'lib').
+ # In this case, we simple prepend the 'auto/' and let the
+ # C<require> take care of the searching for us.
+ my ($pkg,$func) = $AUTOLOAD =~ /(.*)::([^:]+)$/;
+ $pkg =~ s#::#/#g;
+ if (defined($name=$INC{"$"})) {
+ $name =~ s#^(.*)$pkg\.pm$#$1auto/$pkg/$;
+ # if the file exists, then make sure that it is a
+ # a fully anchored path (i.e either '/usr/lib/auto/foo/',
+ # or './lib/auto/foo/'. This avoids C<require> searching
+ # (and failing) to find the 'lib/auto/foo/' because it
+ # looked for 'lib/lib/auto/foo/', given @INC = ('lib').
+ if (-r $name) {
+ unless ($name =~ m|^/|) {
+ if ($is_dosish) {
+ unless ($name =~ m{^([a-z]:)?[\\/]}i) {
+ $name = "./$name";
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($is_vms) {
+ # XXX todo by VMSmiths
+ $name = "./$name";
+ }
+ else {
+ $name = "./$name";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $name = undef;
+ }
+ }
+ unless (defined $name) {
+ # let C<require> do the searching
+ $name = "auto/$";
+ $name =~ s#::#/#g;
+ }
+ }
+ my $save = $@;
+ eval { local $SIG{__DIE__}; require $name };
+ if ($@) {
+ if (substr($AUTOLOAD,-9) eq '::DESTROY') {
+ *$AUTOLOAD = sub {};
+ } else {
+ # The load might just have failed because the filename was too
+ # long for some old SVR3 systems which treat long names as errors.
+ # If we can succesfully truncate a long name then it's worth a go.
+ # There is a slight risk that we could pick up the wrong file here
+ # but autosplit should have warned about that when splitting.
+ if ($name =~ s/(\w{12,})\.al$/substr($1,0,11).".al"/e){
+ eval {local $SIG{__DIE__};require $name};
+ }
+ if ($@){
+ $@ =~ s/ at .*\n//;
+ my $error = $@;
+ require Carp;
+ Carp::croak($error);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $@ = $save;
+ goto &$AUTOLOAD;
+sub import {
+ my $pkg = shift;
+ my $callpkg = caller;
+ #
+ # Export symbols, but not by accident of inheritance.
+ #
+ Exporter::export $pkg, $callpkg, @_ if $pkg eq 'AutoLoader';
+ #
+ # Try to find the autosplit index file. Eg., if the call package
+ # is POSIX, then $INC{} is something like
+ # '/usr/local/lib/perl5/', and the autosplit index file is in
+ # '/usr/local/lib/perl5/auto/POSIX/autosplit.ix', so we require that.
+ #
+ # However, if @INC is a relative path, this might not work. If,
+ # for example, @INC = ('lib'), then
+ # $INC{} is 'lib/', and we want to require
+ # 'auto/POSIX/autosplit.ix' (without the leading 'lib').
+ #
+ (my $calldir = $callpkg) =~ s#::#/#g;
+ my $path = $INC{$calldir . '.pm'};
+ if (defined($path)) {
+ # Try absolute path name.
+ $path =~ s#^(.*)$calldir\.pm$#$1auto/$calldir/autosplit.ix#;
+ eval { require $path; };
+ # If that failed, try relative path with normal @INC searching.
+ if ($@) {
+ $path ="auto/$calldir/autosplit.ix";
+ eval { require $path; };
+ }
+ if ($@) {
+ my $error = $@;
+ require Carp;
+ Carp::carp($error);
+ }
+ }
+=head1 NAME
+AutoLoader - load subroutines only on demand
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ package Foo;
+ use AutoLoader 'AUTOLOAD'; # import the default AUTOLOAD subroutine
+ package Bar;
+ use AutoLoader; # don't import AUTOLOAD, define our own
+ sub AUTOLOAD {
+ ...
+ $AutoLoader::AUTOLOAD = "...";
+ goto &AutoLoader::AUTOLOAD;
+ }
+The B<AutoLoader> module works with the B<AutoSplit> module and the
+C<__END__> token to defer the loading of some subroutines until they are
+used rather than loading them all at once.
+To use B<AutoLoader>, the author of a module has to place the
+definitions of subroutines to be autoloaded after an C<__END__> token.
+(See L<perldata>.) The B<AutoSplit> module can then be run manually to
+extract the definitions into individual files F<auto/>.
+B<AutoLoader> implements an AUTOLOAD subroutine. When an undefined
+subroutine in is called in a client module of B<AutoLoader>,
+B<AutoLoader>'s AUTOLOAD subroutine attempts to locate the subroutine in a
+file with a name related to the location of the file from which the
+client module was read. As an example, if F<> is located in
+F</usr/local/lib/perl5/>, B<AutoLoader> will look for perl
+subroutines B<POSIX> in F</usr/local/lib/perl5/auto/POSIX/*.al>, where
+the C<.al> file has the same name as the subroutine, sans package. If
+such a file exists, AUTOLOAD will read and evaluate it,
+thus (presumably) defining the needed subroutine. AUTOLOAD will then
+C<goto> the newly defined subroutine.
+Once this process completes for a given funtion, it is defined, so
+future calls to the subroutine will bypass the AUTOLOAD mechanism.
+=head2 Subroutine Stubs
+In order for object method lookup and/or prototype checking to operate
+correctly even when methods have not yet been defined it is necessary to
+"forward declare" each subroutine (as in C<sub NAME;>). See
+L<perlsub/"SYNOPSIS">. Such forward declaration creates "subroutine
+stubs", which are place holders with no code.
+The AutoSplit and B<AutoLoader> modules automate the creation of forward
+declarations. The AutoSplit module creates an 'index' file containing
+forward declarations of all the AutoSplit subroutines. When the
+AutoLoader module is 'use'd it loads these declarations into its callers
+Because of this mechanism it is important that B<AutoLoader> is always
+C<use>d and not C<require>d.
+=head2 Using B<AutoLoader>'s AUTOLOAD Subroutine
+In order to use B<AutoLoader>'s AUTOLOAD subroutine you I<must>
+explicitly import it:
+ use AutoLoader 'AUTOLOAD';
+=head2 Overriding B<AutoLoader>'s AUTOLOAD Subroutine
+Some modules, mainly extensions, provide their own AUTOLOAD subroutines.
+They typically need to check for some special cases (such as constants)
+and then fallback to B<AutoLoader>'s AUTOLOAD for the rest.
+Such modules should I<not> import B<AutoLoader>'s AUTOLOAD subroutine.
+Instead, they should define their own AUTOLOAD subroutines along these
+ use AutoLoader;
+ use Carp;
+ sub AUTOLOAD {
+ my $constname;
+ ($constname = $AUTOLOAD) =~ s/.*:://;
+ my $val = constant($constname, @_ ? $_[0] : 0);
+ if ($! != 0) {
+ if ($! =~ /Invalid/) {
+ $AutoLoader::AUTOLOAD = $AUTOLOAD;
+ goto &AutoLoader::AUTOLOAD;
+ }
+ else {
+ croak "Your vendor has not defined constant $constname";
+ }
+ }
+ *$AUTOLOAD = sub { $val }; # same as: eval "sub $AUTOLOAD { $val }";
+ goto &$AUTOLOAD;
+ }
+If any module's own AUTOLOAD subroutine has no need to fallback to the
+AutoLoader's AUTOLOAD subroutine (because it doesn't have any AutoSplit
+subroutines), then that module should not use B<AutoLoader> at all.
+=head2 Package Lexicals
+Package lexicals declared with C<my> in the main block of a package
+using B<AutoLoader> will not be visible to auto-loaded subroutines, due to
+the fact that the given scope ends at the C<__END__> marker. A module
+using such variables as package globals will not work properly under the
+The C<vars> pragma (see L<perlmod/"vars">) may be used in such
+situations as an alternative to explicitly qualifying all globals with
+the package namespace. Variables pre-declared with this pragma will be
+visible to any autoloaded routines (but will not be invisible outside
+the package, unfortunately).
+=head2 B<AutoLoader> vs. B<SelfLoader>
+The B<AutoLoader> is similar in purpose to B<SelfLoader>: both delay the
+loading of subroutines.
+B<SelfLoader> uses the C<__DATA__> marker rather than C<__END__>.
+While this avoids the use of a hierarchy of disk files and the
+associated open/close for each routine loaded, B<SelfLoader> suffers a
+startup speed disadvantage in the one-time parsing of the lines after
+C<__DATA__>, after which routines are cached. B<SelfLoader> can also
+handle multiple packages in a file.
+B<AutoLoader> only reads code as it is requested, and in many cases
+should be faster, but requires a machanism like B<AutoSplit> be used to
+create the individual files. L<ExtUtils::MakeMaker> will invoke
+B<AutoSplit> automatically if B<AutoLoader> is used in a module source
+=head1 CAVEATS
+AutoLoaders prior to Perl 5.002 had a slightly different interface. Any
+old modules which use B<AutoLoader> should be changed to the new calling
+style. Typically this just means changing a require to a use, adding
+the explicit C<'AUTOLOAD'> import if needed, and removing B<AutoLoader>
+from C<@ISA>.
+On systems with restrictions on file name length, the file corresponding
+to a subroutine may have a shorter name that the routine itself. This
+can lead to conflicting file names. The I<AutoSplit> package warns of
+these potential conflicts when used to split a module.
+AutoLoader may fail to find the autosplit files (or even find the wrong
+ones) in cases where C<@INC> contains relative paths, B<and> the program
+does C<chdir>.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<SelfLoader> - an autoloader that doesn't use external files.
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