path: root/contrib/perl5/installhtml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/perl5/installhtml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 603 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/installhtml b/contrib/perl5/installhtml
deleted file mode 100755
index d437ded..0000000
--- a/contrib/perl5/installhtml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,603 +0,0 @@
-#!./perl -w
-# This file should really be extracted from a .PL file
-use lib 'lib'; # use source library if present
-use Config; # for config options in the makefile
-use Getopt::Long; # for command-line parsing
-use Cwd;
-use Pod::Html;
-=head1 NAME
-installhtml - converts a collection of POD pages to HTML format.
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- installhtml [--help] [--podpath=<name>:...:<name>] [--podroot=<name>]
- [--htmldir=<name>] [--htmlroot=<name>] [--norecurse] [--recurse]
- [--splithead=<name>,...,<name>] [--splititem=<name>,...,<name>]
- [--libpods=<name>,...,<name>] [--verbose]
-I<installhtml> converts a collection of POD pages to a corresponding
-collection of HTML pages. This is primarily used to convert the pod
-pages found in the perl distribution.
-=head1 OPTIONS
-=over 4
-=item B<--help> help
-Displays the usage.
-=item B<--podroot> POD search path base directory
-The base directory to search for all .pod and .pm files to be converted.
-Default is current directory.
-=item B<--podpath> POD search path
-The list of directories to search for .pod and .pm files to be converted.
-Default is `podroot/.'.
-=item B<--recurse> recurse on subdirectories
-Whether or not to convert all .pm and .pod files found in subdirectories
-too. Default is to not recurse.
-=item B<--htmldir> HTML destination directory
-The base directory which all HTML files will be written to. This should
-be a path relative to the filesystem, not the resulting URL.
-=item B<--htmlroot> URL base directory
-The base directory which all resulting HTML files will be visible at in
-a URL. The default is `/'.
-=item B<--splithead> POD files to split on =head directive
-Comma-separated list of pod files to split by the =head directive. The
-.pod suffix is optional. These files should have names specified
-relative to podroot.
-=item B<--splititem> POD files to split on =item directive
-Comma-separated list of all pod files to split by the =item directive.
-The .pod suffix is optional. I<installhtml> does not do the actual
-split, rather it invokes I<splitpod> to do the dirty work. As with
---splithead, these files should have names specified relative to podroot.
-=item B<--splitpod> Directory containing the splitpod program
-The directory containing the splitpod program. The default is `podroot/pod'.
-=item B<--libpods> library PODs for LE<lt>E<gt> links
-Comma-separated list of "library" pod files. This is the same list that
-will be passed to pod2html when any pod is converted.
-=item B<--verbose> verbose output
-=head1 EXAMPLE
-The following command-line is an example of the one we use to convert
-perl documentation:
- ./installhtml --podpath=lib:ext:pod:vms \
- --podroot=/usr/src/perl \
- --htmldir=/perl/nmanual \
- --htmlroot=/perl/nmanual \
- --splithead=pod/perlipc \
- --splititem=pod/perlfunc \
- --libpods=perlfunc,perlguts,perlvar,perlrun,perlop \
- --recurse \
- --verbose
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Chris Hall E<lt>hallc@cs.colorado.eduE<gt>
-=head1 TODO
-$usage =<<END_OF_USAGE;
-Usage: $0 --help --podpath=<name>:...:<name> --podroot=<name>
- --htmldir=<name> --htmlroot=<name> --norecurse --recurse
- --splithead=<name>,...,<name> --splititem=<name>,...,<name>
- --libpods=<name>,...,<name> --verbose
- --help - this message
- --podpath - colon-separated list of directories containing .pod and
- .pm files to be converted (. by default).
- --podroot - filesystem base directory from which all relative paths in
- podpath stem (default is .).
- --htmldir - directory to store resulting html files in relative
- to the filesystem (\$podroot/html by default).
- --htmlroot - http-server base directory from which all relative paths
- in podpath stem (default is /).
- --libpods - comma-separated list of files to search for =item pod
- directives in as targets of C<> and implicit links (empty
- by default).
- --norecurse - don't recurse on those subdirectories listed in podpath.
- (default behavior).
- --recurse - recurse on those subdirectories listed in podpath
- --splithead - comma-separated list of .pod or .pm files to split. will
- split each file into several smaller files at every occurrence
- of a pod =head[1-6] directive.
- --splititem - comma-separated list of .pod or .pm files to split using
- splitpod.
- --splitpod - directory where the program splitpod can be found
- (\$podroot/pod by default).
- --verbose - self-explanatory.
-@libpods = ();
-@podpath = ( "." ); # colon-separated list of directories containing .pod
- # and .pm files to be converted.
-$podroot = "."; # assume the pods we want are here
-$htmldir = ""; # nothing for now...
-$htmlroot = "/"; # default value
-$recurse = 0; # default behavior
-@splithead = (); # don't split any files by default
-@splititem = (); # don't split any files by default
-$splitpod = ""; # nothing for now.
-$verbose = 0; # whether or not to print debugging info
-$pod2html = "pod/pod2html";
-usage("") unless @ARGV;
-# Overcome shell's p1,..,p8 limitation.
-# See vms/descrip_mms.template -> descrip.mms for invokation.
-if ( $^O eq 'VMS' ) { @ARGV = split(/\s+/,$ARGV[0]); }
-# parse the command-line
-$result = GetOptions( qw(
- help
- podpath=s
- podroot=s
- htmldir=s
- htmlroot=s
- libpods=s
- recurse!
- splithead=s
- splititem=s
- splitpod=s
- verbose
-usage("invalid parameters") unless $result;
-# set these variables to appropriate values if the user didn't specify
-# values for them.
-$htmldir = "$htmlroot/html" unless $htmldir;
-$splitpod = "$podroot/pod" unless $splitpod;
-# make sure that the destination directory exists
-(mkdir($htmldir, 0755) ||
- die "$0: cannot make directory $htmldir: $!\n") if ! -d $htmldir;
-# the following array will eventually contain files that are to be
-# ignored in the conversion process. these are files that have been
-# process by splititem or splithead and should not be converted as a
-# result.
-@ignore = ();
-# split pods. its important to do this before convert ANY pods because
-# it may effect some of the links
-@splitdirs = (); # files in these directories won't get an index
-split_on_head($podroot, $htmldir, \@splitdirs, \@ignore, @splithead);
-split_on_item($podroot, \@splitdirs, \@ignore, @splititem);
-# convert the pod pages found in @poddirs
-#warn "converting files\n" if $verbose;
-#warn "\@ignore\t= @ignore\n" if $verbose;
-foreach $dir (@podpath) {
- installdir($dir, $recurse, $podroot, \@splitdirs, \@ignore);
-# now go through and create master indices for each pod we split
-foreach $dir (@splititem) {
- print "creating index $htmldir/$dir.html\n" if $verbose;
- create_index("$htmldir/$dir.html", "$htmldir/$dir");
-foreach $dir (@splithead) {
- $dir .= ".pod" unless $dir =~ /(\.pod|\.pm)$/;
- # let pod2html create the file
- runpod2html($dir, 1);
- # now go through and truncate after the index
- $dir =~ /^(.*?)(\.pod|\.pm)?$/sm;
- $file = "$htmldir/$1";
- print "creating index $file.html\n" if $verbose;
- # read in everything until what would have been the first =head
- # directive, patching the index as we go.
- open(H, "<$file.html") ||
- die "$0: error opening $file.html for input: $!\n";
- $/ = "";
- @data = ();
- while (<H>) {
- last if /NAME=/;
- $_ =~ s{HREF="#(.*)">}{
- my $url = "$file/$1.html" ;
- $url = Pod::Html::relativize_url( $url, "$file.html" )
- if ( ! defined $opt_htmlroot || $opt_htmlroot eq '' ) ;
- "HREF=\"$url\">" ;
- }eg;
- push @data, $_;
- }
- close(H);
- # now rewrite the file
- open(H, ">$file.html") ||
- die "$0: error opening $file.html for output: $!\n";
- print H "@data\n";
- close(H);
-sub usage {
- warn "$0: @_\n" if @_;
- die $usage;
-sub parse_command_line {
- usage() if defined $opt_help;
- $opt_help = ""; # make -w shut up
- # list of directories
- @podpath = split(":", $opt_podpath) if defined $opt_podpath;
- # lists of files
- @splithead = split(",", $opt_splithead) if defined $opt_splithead;
- @splititem = split(",", $opt_splititem) if defined $opt_splititem;
- @libpods = split(",", $opt_libpods) if defined $opt_libpods;
- $htmldir = $opt_htmldir if defined $opt_htmldir;
- $htmlroot = $opt_htmlroot if defined $opt_htmlroot;
- $podroot = $opt_podroot if defined $opt_podroot;
- $splitpod = $opt_splitpod if defined $opt_splitpod;
- $recurse = $opt_recurse if defined $opt_recurse;
- $verbose = $opt_verbose if defined $opt_verbose;
-sub absolute_path {
- my($cwd, $path) = @_;
- return "$cwd/$path" unless $path =~ m:/:;
- # add cwd if path is not already an absolute path
- $path = "$cwd/$path" if (substr($path,0,1) ne '/');
- return $path;
-sub create_index {
- my($html, $dir) = @_;
- my(@files, @filedata, @index, $file);
- my($lcp1,$lcp2);
- # get the list of .html files in this directory
- opendir(DIR, $dir) ||
- die "$0: error opening directory $dir for reading: $!\n";
- @files = sort(grep(/\.html?$/, readdir(DIR)));
- closedir(DIR);
- open(HTML, ">$html") ||
- die "$0: error opening $html for output: $!\n";
- # for each .html file in the directory, extract the index
- # embedded in the file and throw it into the big index.
- print HTML "<DL COMPACT>\n";
- foreach $file (@files) {
- $/ = "";
- open(IN, "<$dir/$file") ||
- die "$0: error opening $dir/$file for input: $!\n";
- @filedata = <IN>;
- close(IN);
- # pull out the NAME section
- ($name) = grep(/NAME=/, @filedata);
- ($lcp1,$lcp2) = ($name =~ m,/H1>\s(\S+)\s[\s-]*(.*?)\s*$,sm);
- if (defined $lcp1 and $lcp1 eq '<P>') { # Uninteresting. Try again.
- ($lcp1,$lcp2) = ($name =~ m,/H1>\s<P>\s(\S+)\s[\s-]*(.*?)\s*$,sm);
- }
- my $url= "$dir/$file" ;
- if ( ! defined $opt_htmlroot || $opt_htmlroot eq '' ) {
- $url = Pod::Html::relativize_url( "$dir/$file", $html ) ;
- }
- print HTML qq(<A HREF="$url">);
- print HTML "<DT>$lcp1</A><DD>$lcp2\n" if defined $lcp1;
-# print HTML qq(<A HREF="$url">$lcp1</A><BR>\n") if defined $lcp1;
- next;
- @index = grep(/<!-- INDEX BEGIN -->.*<!-- INDEX END -->/s,
- @filedata);
- for (@index) {
- s/<!-- INDEX BEGIN -->(\s*<!--)(.*)(-->\s*)<!-- INDEX END -->/$lcp2/s;
- s,#,$dir/$file#,g;
- # print HTML "$_\n";
- print HTML "$_\n<P><HR><P>\n";
- }
- }
- print HTML "</DL>\n";
- close(HTML);
-sub split_on_head {
- my($podroot, $htmldir, $splitdirs, $ignore, @splithead) = @_;
- my($pod, $dirname, $filename);
- # split the files specified in @splithead on =head[1-6] pod directives
- print "splitting files by head.\n" if $verbose && $#splithead >= 0;
- foreach $pod (@splithead) {
- # figure out the directory name and filename
- $pod =~ s,^([^/]*)$,/$1,;
- $pod =~ m,(.*?)/(.*?)(\.pod)?$,;
- $dirname = $1;
- $filename = "$2.pod";
- # since we are splitting this file it shouldn't be converted.
- push(@$ignore, "$podroot/$dirname/$filename");
- # split the pod
- splitpod("$podroot/$dirname/$filename", "$podroot/$dirname", $htmldir,
- $splitdirs);
- }
-sub split_on_item {
- my($podroot, $splitdirs, $ignore, @splititem) = @_;
- my($pwd, $dirname, $filename);
- print "splitting files by item.\n" if $verbose && $#splititem >= 0;
- $pwd = getcwd();
- my $splitter = absolute_path($pwd, "$splitpod/splitpod");
- foreach $pod (@splititem) {
- # figure out the directory to split into
- $pod =~ s,^([^/]*)$,/$1,;
- $pod =~ m,(.*?)/(.*?)(\.pod)?$,;
- $dirname = "$1/$2";
- $filename = "$2.pod";
- # since we are splitting this file it shouldn't be converted.
- push(@$ignore, "$podroot/$dirname.pod");
- # split the pod
- push(@$splitdirs, "$podroot/$dirname");
- if (! -d "$podroot/$dirname") {
- mkdir("$podroot/$dirname", 0755) ||
- die "$0: error creating directory $podroot/$dirname: $!\n";
- }
- chdir("$podroot/$dirname") ||
- die "$0: error changing to directory $podroot/$dirname: $!\n";
- die "$splitter not found. Use '-splitpod dir' option.\n"
- unless -f $splitter;
- system("perl", $splitter, "../$filename") &&
- warn "$0: error running '$splitter ../$filename'"
- ." from $podroot/$dirname";
- }
- chdir($pwd);
-# splitpod - splits a .pod file into several smaller .pod files
-# where a new file is started each time a =head[1-6] pod directive
-# is encountered in the input file.
-sub splitpod {
- my($pod, $poddir, $htmldir, $splitdirs) = @_;
- my(@poddata, @filedata, @heads);
- my($file, $i, $j, $prevsec, $section, $nextsec);
- print "splitting $pod\n" if $verbose;
- # read the file in paragraphs
- $/ = "";
- open(SPLITIN, "<$pod") ||
- die "$0: error opening $pod for input: $!\n";
- @filedata = <SPLITIN>;
- close(SPLITIN) ||
- die "$0: error closing $pod: $!\n";
- # restore the file internally by =head[1-6] sections
- @poddata = ();
- for ($i = 0, $j = -1; $i <= $#filedata; $i++) {
- $j++ if ($filedata[$i] =~ /^\s*=head[1-6]/);
- if ($j >= 0) {
- $poddata[$j] = "" unless defined $poddata[$j];
- $poddata[$j] .= "\n$filedata[$i]" if $j >= 0;
- }
- }
- # create list of =head[1-6] sections so that we can rewrite
- # L<> links as necessary.
- %heads = ();
- foreach $i (0..$#poddata) {
- $heads{htmlize($1)} = 1 if $poddata[$i] =~ /=head[1-6]\s+(.*)/;
- }
- # create a directory of a similar name and store all the
- # files in there
- $pod =~ s,.*/(.*),$1,; # get the last part of the name
- $dir = $pod;
- $dir =~ s/\.pod//g;
- push(@$splitdirs, "$poddir/$dir");
- mkdir("$poddir/$dir", 0755) ||
- die "$0: could not create directory $poddir/$dir: $!\n"
- unless -d "$poddir/$dir";
- $poddata[0] =~ /^\s*=head[1-6]\s+(.*)/;
- $section = "";
- $nextsec = $1;
- # for each section of the file create a separate pod file
- for ($i = 0; $i <= $#poddata; $i++) {
- # determine the "prev" and "next" links
- $prevsec = $section;
- $section = $nextsec;
- if ($i < $#poddata) {
- $poddata[$i+1] =~ /^\s*=head[1-6]\s+(.*)/;
- $nextsec = $1;
- } else {
- $nextsec = "";
- }
- # determine an appropriate filename (this must correspond with
- # what pod2html will try and guess)
- # $poddata[$i] =~ /^\s*=head[1-6]\s+(.*)/;
- $file = "$dir/" . htmlize($section) . ".pod";
- # create the new .pod file
- print "\tcreating $poddir/$file\n" if $verbose;
- open(SPLITOUT, ">$poddir/$file") ||
- die "$0: error opening $poddir/$file for output: $!\n";
- $poddata[$i] =~ s,L<([^<>]*)>,
- defined $heads{htmlize($1)} ? "L<$dir/$1>" : "L<$1>"
- ,ge;
- print SPLITOUT $poddata[$i]."\n\n";
- print SPLITOUT "=over 4\n\n";
- print SPLITOUT "=item *\n\nBack to L<$dir/\"$prevsec\">\n\n" if $prevsec;
- print SPLITOUT "=item *\n\nForward to L<$dir/\"$nextsec\">\n\n" if $nextsec;
- print SPLITOUT "=item *\n\nUp to L<$dir>\n\n";
- print SPLITOUT "=back\n\n";
- close(SPLITOUT) ||
- die "$0: error closing $poddir/$file: $!\n";
- }
-# installdir - takes care of converting the .pod and .pm files in the
-# current directory to .html files and then installing those.
-sub installdir {
- my($dir, $recurse, $podroot, $splitdirs, $ignore) = @_;
- my(@dirlist, @podlist, @pmlist, $doindex);
- @dirlist = (); # directories to recurse on
- @podlist = (); # .pod files to install
- @pmlist = (); # .pm files to install
- # should files in this directory get an index?
- $doindex = (grep($_ eq "$podroot/$dir", @$splitdirs) ? 0 : 1);
- opendir(DIR, "$podroot/$dir")
- || die "$0: error opening directory $podroot/$dir: $!\n";
- # find the directories to recurse on
- @dirlist = map { if ($^O eq 'VMS') {/^(.*)\.dir$/i; "$dir/$1";} else {"$dir/$_";}}
- grep(-d "$podroot/$dir/$_" && !/^\.{1,2}/, readdir(DIR)) if $recurse;
- rewinddir(DIR);
- # find all the .pod files within the directory
- @podlist = map { /^(.*)\.pod$/; "$dir/$1" }
- grep(! -d "$podroot/$dir/$_" && /\.pod$/, readdir(DIR));
- rewinddir(DIR);
- # find all the .pm files within the directory
- @pmlist = map { /^(.*)\.pm$/; "$dir/$1" }
- grep(! -d "$podroot/$dir/$_" && /\.pm$/, readdir(DIR));
- closedir(DIR);
- # recurse on all subdirectories we kept track of
- foreach $dir (@dirlist) {
- installdir($dir, $recurse, $podroot, $splitdirs, $ignore);
- }
- # install all the pods we found
- foreach $pod (@podlist) {
- # check if we should ignore it.
- next if grep($_ eq "$podroot/$pod.pod", @$ignore);
- # check if a .pm files exists too
- if (grep($_ eq "$", @pmlist)) {
- print "$0: Warning both `$podroot/$pod.pod' and "
- . "`$podroot/$' exist, using pod\n";
- push(@ignore, "$");
- }
- runpod2html("$pod.pod", $doindex);
- }
- # install all the .pm files we found
- foreach $pm (@pmlist) {
- # check if we should ignore it.
- next if grep($_ eq "$", @ignore);
- runpod2html("$", $doindex);
- }
-# runpod2html - invokes pod2html to convert a .pod or .pm file to a .html
-# file.
-sub runpod2html {
- my($pod, $doindex) = @_;
- my($html, $i, $dir, @dirs);
- $html = $pod;
- $html =~ s/\.(pod|pm)$/.html/g;
- # make sure the destination directories exist
- @dirs = split("/", $html);
- $dir = "$htmldir/";
- for ($i = 0; $i < $#dirs; $i++) {
- if (! -d "$dir$dirs[$i]") {
- mkdir("$dir$dirs[$i]", 0755) ||
- die "$0: error creating directory $dir$dirs[$i]: $!\n";
- }
- $dir .= "$dirs[$i]/";
- }
- # invoke pod2html
- print "$podroot/$pod => $htmldir/$html\n" if $verbose;
- Pod::Html'pod2html(
- #Pod::Html'pod2html($pod2html,
- "--htmldir=$htmldir",
- "--htmlroot=$htmlroot",
- "--podpath=".join(":", @podpath),
- "--podroot=$podroot", "--netscape",
- "--header",
- ($doindex ? "--index" : "--noindex"),
- "--" . ($recurse ? "" : "no") . "recurse",
- ($#libpods >= 0) ? "--libpods=" . join(":", @libpods) : "",
- "--infile=$podroot/$pod", "--outfile=$htmldir/$html");
- die "$0: error running $pod2html: $!\n" if $?;
-sub htmlize { htmlify(0, @_) }
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