path: root/contrib/perl5/ext/DynaLoader
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/perl5/ext/DynaLoader')
13 files changed, 3063 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/ext/DynaLoader/DynaLoader_pm.PL b/contrib/perl5/ext/DynaLoader/DynaLoader_pm.PL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c41559
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/perl5/ext/DynaLoader/DynaLoader_pm.PL
@@ -0,0 +1,729 @@
+use Config;
+sub to_string {
+ my ($value) = @_;
+ $value =~ s/\\/\\\\'/g;
+ $value =~ s/'/\\'/g;
+ return "'$value'";
+unlink "" if -f "";
+open OUT, ">" or die $!;
+print OUT <<'EOT';
+# Generated from (resolved %Config::Config values)
+package DynaLoader;
+# And Gandalf said: 'Many folk like to know beforehand what is to
+# be set on the table; but those who have laboured to prepare the
+# feast like to keep their secret; for wonder makes the words of
+# praise louder.'
+# (Quote from Tolkien sugested by Anno Siegel.)
+# See pod text at end of file for documentation.
+# See also ext/DynaLoader/README in source tree for other information.
+#, August 1994
+$VERSION = $VERSION = "1.03"; # avoid typo warning
+require AutoLoader;
+*AUTOLOAD = \&AutoLoader::AUTOLOAD;
+# The following require can't be removed during maintenance
+# releases, sadly, because of the risk of buggy code that does
+# require Carp; Carp::croak "..."; without brackets dying
+# if Carp hasn't been loaded in earlier compile time. :-(
+# We'll let those bugs get found on the development track.
+require Carp if $] < 5.00450;
+# enable debug/trace messages from DynaLoader perl code
+$dl_debug = $ENV{PERL_DL_DEBUG} || 0 unless defined $dl_debug;
+# Flags to alter dl_load_file behaviour. Assigned bits:
+# 0x01 make symbols available for linking later dl_load_file's.
+# (only known to work on Solaris 2 using dlopen(RTLD_GLOBAL))
+# (ignored under VMS; effect is built-in to image linking)
+# This is called as a class method $module->dl_load_flags. The
+# definition here will be inherited and result on "default" loading
+# behaviour unless a sub-class of DynaLoader defines its own version.
+sub dl_load_flags { 0x00 }
+# ($dl_dlext, $dlsrc)
+# = @Config::Config{'dlext', 'dlsrc'};
+print OUT " (\$dl_dlext, \$dlsrc) = (",
+ to_string($Config::Config{'dlext'}), ",",
+ to_string($Config::Config{'dlsrc'}), ")\n;" ;
+print OUT <<'EOT';
+# Some systems need special handling to expand file specifications
+# (VMS support by Charles Bailey <bailey@HMIVAX.HUMGEN.UPENN.EDU>)
+# See dl_expandspec() for more details. Should be harmless but
+# inefficient to define on systems that don't need it.
+$do_expand = $Is_VMS = $^O eq 'VMS';
+@dl_require_symbols = (); # names of symbols we need
+@dl_resolve_using = (); # names of files to link with
+@dl_library_path = (); # path to look for files
+@dl_librefs = (); # things we have loaded
+@dl_modules = (); # Modules we have loaded
+# This is a fix to support DLD's unfortunate desire to relink -lc
+@dl_resolve_using = dl_findfile('-lc') if $dlsrc eq "dl_dld.xs";
+# Initialise @dl_library_path with the 'standard' library path
+# for this platform as determined by Configure
+# push(@dl_library_path, split(' ', $Config::Config{'libpth'});
+print OUT "push(\@dl_library_path, split(' ', ",
+ to_string($Config::Config{'libpth'}), "));\n";
+print OUT <<'EOT';
+# Add to @dl_library_path any extra directories we can gather from
+# environment variables. So far LD_LIBRARY_PATH is the only known
+# variable used for this purpose. Others may be added later.
+push(@dl_library_path, split(/:/, $ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH}))
+# No prizes for guessing why we don't say 'bootstrap DynaLoader;' here.
+boot_DynaLoader('DynaLoader') if defined(&boot_DynaLoader);
+if ($dl_debug) {
+ print STDERR " loaded (@INC, @dl_library_path)\n";
+ print STDERR "DynaLoader not linked into this perl\n"
+ unless defined(&boot_DynaLoader);
+1; # End of main code
+sub croak { require Carp; Carp::croak(@_) }
+# The bootstrap function cannot be autoloaded (without complications)
+# so we define it here:
+sub bootstrap {
+ # use local vars to enable $ script to edit values
+ local(@args) = @_;
+ local($module) = $args[0];
+ local(@dirs, $file);
+ unless ($module) {
+ require Carp;
+ Carp::confess("Usage: DynaLoader::bootstrap(module)");
+ }
+ # A common error on platforms which don't support dynamic loading.
+ # Since it's fatal and potentially confusing we give a detailed message.
+ croak("Can't load module $module, dynamic loading not available in this perl.\n".
+ " (You may need to build a new perl executable which either supports\n".
+ " dynamic loading or has the $module module statically linked into it.)\n")
+ unless defined(&dl_load_file);
+ my @modparts = split(/::/,$module);
+ my $modfname = $modparts[-1];
+ # Some systems have restrictions on files names for DLL's etc.
+ # mod2fname returns appropriate file base name (typically truncated)
+ # It may also edit @modparts if required.
+ $modfname = &mod2fname(\@modparts) if defined &mod2fname;
+ my $modpname = join('/',@modparts);
+ print STDERR "DynaLoader::bootstrap for $module ",
+ "(auto/$modpname/$modfname.$dl_dlext)\n" if $dl_debug;
+ foreach (@INC) {
+ chop($_ = VMS::Filespec::unixpath($_)) if $Is_VMS;
+ my $dir = "$_/auto/$modpname";
+ next unless -d $dir; # skip over uninteresting directories
+ # check for common cases to avoid autoload of dl_findfile
+ my $try = "$dir/$modfname.$dl_dlext";
+ last if $file = ($do_expand) ? dl_expandspec($try) : (-f $try && $try);
+ # no luck here, save dir for possible later dl_findfile search
+ push @dirs, $dir;
+ }
+ # last resort, let dl_findfile have a go in all known locations
+ $file = dl_findfile(map("-L$_",@dirs,@INC), $modfname) unless $file;
+ croak("Can't locate loadable object for module $module in \@INC (\@INC contains: @INC)")
+ unless $file; # wording similar to error from 'require'
+ my $bootname = "boot_$module";
+ $bootname =~ s/\W/_/g;
+ @dl_require_symbols = ($bootname);
+ # Execute optional '.bootstrap' perl script for this module.
+ # The .bs file can be used to configure @dl_resolve_using etc to
+ # match the needs of the individual module on this architecture.
+ my $bs = $file;
+ $bs =~ s/(\.\w+)?$/\.bs/; # look for .bs 'beside' the library
+ if (-s $bs) { # only read file if it's not empty
+ print STDERR "BS: $bs ($^O, $dlsrc)\n" if $dl_debug;
+ eval { do $bs; };
+ warn "$bs: $@\n" if $@;
+ }
+ # Many dynamic extension loading problems will appear to come from
+ # this section of code: XYZ failed at line 123 of
+ # Often these errors are actually occurring in the initialisation
+ # C code of the extension XS file. Perl reports the error as being
+ # in this perl code simply because this was the last perl code
+ # it executed.
+ my $libref = dl_load_file($file, $module->dl_load_flags) or
+ croak("Can't load '$file' for module $module: ".dl_error()."\n");
+ push(@dl_librefs,$libref); # record loaded object
+ my @unresolved = dl_undef_symbols();
+ if (@unresolved) {
+ require Carp;
+ Carp::carp("Undefined symbols present after loading $file: @unresolved\n");
+ }
+ my $boot_symbol_ref = dl_find_symbol($libref, $bootname) or
+ croak("Can't find '$bootname' symbol in $file\n");
+ my $xs = dl_install_xsub("${module}::bootstrap", $boot_symbol_ref, $file);
+ push(@dl_modules, $module); # record loaded module
+ # See comment block above
+ &$xs(@args);
+#sub _check_file { # private utility to handle dl_expandspec vs -f tests
+# my($file) = @_;
+# return $file if (!$do_expand && -f $file); # the common case
+# return $file if ( $do_expand && ($file=dl_expandspec($file)));
+# return undef;
+# Let autosplit and the autoloader deal with these functions:
+sub dl_findfile {
+ # Read ext/DynaLoader/DynaLoader.doc for detailed information.
+ # This function does not automatically consider the architecture
+ # or the perl library auto directories.
+ my (@args) = @_;
+ my (@dirs, $dir); # which directories to search
+ my (@found); # full paths to real files we have found
+print OUT ' my $dl_ext= ' . to_string($Config::Config{'dlext'}) .
+ "; # \$Config::Config{'dlext'} suffix for perl extensions\n";
+print OUT ' my $dl_so = ' . to_string($Config::Config{'so'}) .
+ "; # \$Config::Config{'so'} suffix for shared libraries\n";
+print OUT <<'EOT';
+ print STDERR "dl_findfile(@args)\n" if $dl_debug;
+ # accumulate directories but process files as they appear
+ arg: foreach(@args) {
+ # Special fast case: full filepath requires no search
+ if ($Is_VMS && m%[:>/\]]% && -f $_) {
+ push(@found,dl_expandspec(VMS::Filespec::vmsify($_)));
+ last arg unless wantarray;
+ next;
+ }
+ elsif (m:/: && -f $_ && !$do_expand) {
+ push(@found,$_);
+ last arg unless wantarray;
+ next;
+ }
+ # Deal with directories first:
+ # Using a -L prefix is the preferred option (faster and more robust)
+ if (m:^-L:) { s/^-L//; push(@dirs, $_); next; }
+ # Otherwise we try to try to spot directories by a heuristic
+ # (this is a more complicated issue than it first appears)
+ if (m:/: && -d $_) { push(@dirs, $_); next; }
+ # VMS: we may be using native VMS directry syntax instead of
+ # Unix emulation, so check this as well
+ if ($Is_VMS && /[:>\]]/ && -d $_) { push(@dirs, $_); next; }
+ # Only files should get this far...
+ my(@names, $name); # what filenames to look for
+ if (m:-l: ) { # convert -lname to appropriate library name
+ s/-l//;
+ push(@names,"lib$_.$dl_so");
+ push(@names,"lib$_.a");
+ } else { # Umm, a bare name. Try various alternatives:
+ # these should be ordered with the most likely first
+ push(@names,"$_.$dl_ext") unless m/\.$dl_ext$/o;
+ push(@names,"$_.$dl_so") unless m/\.$dl_so$/o;
+ push(@names,"lib$_.$dl_so") unless m:/:;
+ push(@names,"$_.a") if !m/\.a$/ and $dlsrc eq "dl_dld.xs";
+ push(@names, $_);
+ }
+ foreach $dir (@dirs, @dl_library_path) {
+ next unless -d $dir;
+ chop($dir = VMS::Filespec::unixpath($dir)) if $Is_VMS;
+ foreach $name (@names) {
+ my($file) = "$dir/$name";
+ print STDERR " checking in $dir for $name\n" if $dl_debug;
+ $file = ($do_expand) ? dl_expandspec($file) : (-f $file && $file);
+ #$file = _check_file($file);
+ if ($file) {
+ push(@found, $file);
+ next arg; # no need to look any further
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($dl_debug) {
+ foreach(@dirs) {
+ print STDERR " dl_findfile ignored non-existent directory: $_\n" unless -d $_;
+ }
+ print STDERR "dl_findfile found: @found\n";
+ }
+ return $found[0] unless wantarray;
+ @found;
+sub dl_expandspec {
+ my($spec) = @_;
+ # Optional function invoked if sets $do_expand.
+ # Most systems do not require or use this function.
+ # Some systems may implement it in the dl_*.xs file in which case
+ # this autoload version will not be called but is harmless.
+ # This function is designed to deal with systems which treat some
+ # 'filenames' in a special way. For example VMS 'Logical Names'
+ # (something like unix environment variables - but different).
+ # This function should recognise such names and expand them into
+ # full file paths.
+ # Must return undef if $spec is invalid or file does not exist.
+ my $file = $spec; # default output to input
+ if ($Is_VMS) { # dl_expandspec should be defined in dl_vms.xs
+ require Carp;
+ Carp::croak("dl_expandspec: should be defined in XS file!\n");
+ } else {
+ return undef unless -f $file;
+ }
+ print STDERR "dl_expandspec($spec) => $file\n" if $dl_debug;
+ $file;
+sub dl_find_symbol_anywhere
+ my $sym = shift;
+ my $libref;
+ foreach $libref (@dl_librefs) {
+ my $symref = dl_find_symbol($libref,$sym);
+ return $symref if $symref;
+ }
+ return undef;
+=head1 NAME
+DynaLoader - Dynamically load C libraries into Perl code
+dl_error(), dl_findfile(), dl_expandspec(), dl_load_file(), dl_find_symbol(), dl_find_symbol_anywhere(), dl_undef_symbols(), dl_install_xsub(), dl_load_flags(), bootstrap() - routines used by DynaLoader modules
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ package YourPackage;
+ require DynaLoader;
+ @ISA = qw(... DynaLoader ...);
+ bootstrap YourPackage;
+ # optional method for 'global' loading
+ sub dl_load_flags { 0x01 }
+This document defines a standard generic interface to the dynamic
+linking mechanisms available on many platforms. Its primary purpose is
+to implement automatic dynamic loading of Perl modules.
+This document serves as both a specification for anyone wishing to
+implement the DynaLoader for a new platform and as a guide for
+anyone wishing to use the DynaLoader directly in an application.
+The DynaLoader is designed to be a very simple high-level
+interface that is sufficiently general to cover the requirements
+of SunOS, HP-UX, NeXT, Linux, VMS and other platforms.
+It is also hoped that the interface will cover the needs of OS/2, NT
+etc and also allow pseudo-dynamic linking (using C<ld -A> at runtime).
+It must be stressed that the DynaLoader, by itself, is practically
+useless for accessing non-Perl libraries because it provides almost no
+Perl-to-C 'glue'. There is, for example, no mechanism for calling a C
+library function or supplying arguments. A C::DynaLib module
+is available from CPAN sites which performs that function for some
+common system types.
+DynaLoader Interface Summary
+ @dl_library_path
+ @dl_resolve_using
+ @dl_require_symbols
+ $dl_debug
+ @dl_librefs
+ @dl_modules
+ Implemented in:
+ bootstrap($modulename) Perl
+ @filepaths = dl_findfile(@names) Perl
+ $flags = $modulename->dl_load_flags Perl
+ $symref = dl_find_symbol_anywhere($symbol) Perl
+ $libref = dl_load_file($filename, $flags) C
+ $symref = dl_find_symbol($libref, $symbol) C
+ @symbols = dl_undef_symbols() C
+ dl_install_xsub($name, $symref [, $filename]) C
+ $message = dl_error C
+=over 4
+=item @dl_library_path
+The standard/default list of directories in which dl_findfile() will
+search for libraries etc. Directories are searched in order:
+$dl_library_path[0], [1], ... etc
+@dl_library_path is initialised to hold the list of 'normal' directories
+(F</usr/lib>, etc) determined by B<Configure> (C<$Config{'libpth'}>). This should
+ensure portability across a wide range of platforms.
+@dl_library_path should also be initialised with any other directories
+that can be determined from the environment at runtime (such as
+After initialisation @dl_library_path can be manipulated by an
+application using push and unshift before calling dl_findfile().
+Unshift can be used to add directories to the front of the search order
+either to save search time or to override libraries with the same name
+in the 'normal' directories.
+The load function that dl_load_file() calls may require an absolute
+pathname. The dl_findfile() function and @dl_library_path can be
+used to search for and return the absolute pathname for the
+library/object that you wish to load.
+=item @dl_resolve_using
+A list of additional libraries or other shared objects which can be
+used to resolve any undefined symbols that might be generated by a
+later call to load_file().
+This is only required on some platforms which do not handle dependent
+libraries automatically. For example the Socket Perl extension
+library (F<auto/Socket/>) contains references to many socket
+functions which need to be resolved when it's loaded. Most platforms
+will automatically know where to find the 'dependent' library (e.g.,
+F</usr/lib/>). A few platforms need to be told the
+location of the dependent library explicitly. Use @dl_resolve_using
+for this.
+Example usage:
+ @dl_resolve_using = dl_findfile('-lsocket');
+=item @dl_require_symbols
+A list of one or more symbol names that are in the library/object file
+to be dynamically loaded. This is only required on some platforms.
+=item @dl_librefs
+An array of the handles returned by successful calls to dl_load_file(),
+made by bootstrap, in the order in which they were loaded.
+Can be used with dl_find_symbol() to look for a symbol in any of
+the loaded files.
+=item @dl_modules
+An array of module (package) names that have been bootstrap'ed.
+=item dl_error()
+ $message = dl_error();
+Error message text from the last failed DynaLoader function. Note
+that, similar to errno in unix, a successful function call does not
+reset this message.
+Implementations should detect the error as soon as it occurs in any of
+the other functions and save the corresponding message for later
+retrieval. This will avoid problems on some platforms (such as SunOS)
+where the error message is very temporary (e.g., dlerror()).
+=item $dl_debug
+Internal debugging messages are enabled when $dl_debug is set true.
+Currently setting $dl_debug only affects the Perl side of the
+DynaLoader. These messages should help an application developer to
+resolve any DynaLoader usage problems.
+$dl_debug is set to C<$ENV{'PERL_DL_DEBUG'}> if defined.
+For the DynaLoader developer/porter there is a similar debugging
+variable added to the C code (see dlutils.c) and enabled if Perl was
+built with the B<-DDEBUGGING> flag. This can also be set via the
+PERL_DL_DEBUG environment variable. Set to 1 for minimal information or
+higher for more.
+=item dl_findfile()
+ @filepaths = dl_findfile(@names)
+Determine the full paths (including file suffix) of one or more
+loadable files given their generic names and optionally one or more
+directories. Searches directories in @dl_library_path by default and
+returns an empty list if no files were found.
+Names can be specified in a variety of platform independent forms. Any
+names in the form B<-lname> are converted into F<libname.*>, where F<.*> is
+an appropriate suffix for the platform.
+If a name does not already have a suitable prefix and/or suffix then
+the corresponding file will be searched for by trying combinations of
+prefix and suffix appropriate to the platform: "$name.o", "lib$name.*"
+and "$name".
+If any directories are included in @names they are searched before
+@dl_library_path. Directories may be specified as B<-Ldir>. Any other
+names are treated as filenames to be searched for.
+Using arguments of the form C<-Ldir> and C<-lname> is recommended.
+ @dl_resolve_using = dl_findfile(qw(-L/usr/5lib -lposix));
+=item dl_expandspec()
+ $filepath = dl_expandspec($spec)
+Some unusual systems, such as VMS, require special filename handling in
+order to deal with symbolic names for files (i.e., VMS's Logical Names).
+To support these systems a dl_expandspec() function can be implemented
+either in the F<dl_*.xs> file or code can be added to the autoloadable
+dl_expandspec() function in F<>. See F<> for
+more information.
+=item dl_load_file()
+ $libref = dl_load_file($filename, $flags)
+Dynamically load $filename, which must be the path to a shared object
+or library. An opaque 'library reference' is returned as a handle for
+the loaded object. Returns undef on error.
+The $flags argument to alters dl_load_file behaviour.
+Assigned bits:
+ 0x01 make symbols available for linking later dl_load_file's.
+ (only known to work on Solaris 2 using dlopen(RTLD_GLOBAL))
+ (ignored under VMS; this is a normal part of image linking)
+(On systems that provide a handle for the loaded object such as SunOS
+and HPUX, $libref will be that handle. On other systems $libref will
+typically be $filename or a pointer to a buffer containing $filename.
+The application should not examine or alter $libref in any way.)
+This is the function that does the real work. It should use the
+current values of @dl_require_symbols and @dl_resolve_using if required.
+ SunOS: dlopen($filename)
+ HP-UX: shl_load($filename)
+ Linux: dld_create_reference(@dl_require_symbols); dld_link($filename)
+ NeXT: rld_load($filename, @dl_resolve_using)
+ VMS: lib$find_image_symbol($filename,$dl_require_symbols[0])
+(The dlopen() function is also used by Solaris and some versions of
+Linux, and is a common choice when providing a "wrapper" on other
+mechanisms as is done in the OS/2 port.)
+=item dl_loadflags()
+ $flags = dl_loadflags $modulename;
+Designed to be a method call, and to be overridden by a derived class
+(i.e. a class which has DynaLoader in its @ISA). The definition in
+DynaLoader itself returns 0, which produces standard behavior from
+=item dl_find_symbol()
+ $symref = dl_find_symbol($libref, $symbol)
+Return the address of the symbol $symbol or C<undef> if not found. If the
+target system has separate functions to search for symbols of different
+types then dl_find_symbol() should search for function symbols first and
+then other types.
+The exact manner in which the address is returned in $symref is not
+currently defined. The only initial requirement is that $symref can
+be passed to, and understood by, dl_install_xsub().
+ SunOS: dlsym($libref, $symbol)
+ HP-UX: shl_findsym($libref, $symbol)
+ Linux: dld_get_func($symbol) and/or dld_get_symbol($symbol)
+ NeXT: rld_lookup("_$symbol")
+ VMS: lib$find_image_symbol($libref,$symbol)
+=item dl_find_symbol_anywhere()
+ $symref = dl_find_symbol_anywhere($symbol)
+Applies dl_find_symbol() to the members of @dl_librefs and returns
+the first match found.
+=item dl_undef_symbols()
+ @symbols = dl_undef_symbols()
+Return a list of symbol names which remain undefined after load_file().
+Returns C<()> if not known. Don't worry if your platform does not provide
+a mechanism for this. Most do not need it and hence do not provide it,
+they just return an empty list.
+=item dl_install_xsub()
+ dl_install_xsub($perl_name, $symref [, $filename])
+Create a new Perl external subroutine named $perl_name using $symref as
+a pointer to the function which implements the routine. This is simply
+a direct call to newXSUB(). Returns a reference to the installed
+The $filename parameter is used by Perl to identify the source file for
+the function if required by die(), caller() or the debugger. If
+$filename is not defined then "DynaLoader" will be used.
+=item bootstrap()
+This is the normal entry point for automatic dynamic loading in Perl.
+It performs the following actions:
+=over 8
+=item *
+locates an auto/$module directory by searching @INC
+=item *
+uses dl_findfile() to determine the filename to load
+=item *
+sets @dl_require_symbols to C<("boot_$module")>
+=item *
+executes an F<auto/$module/$> file if it exists
+(typically used to add to @dl_resolve_using any files which
+are required to load the module on the current platform)
+=item *
+calls dl_load_flags() to determine how to load the file.
+=item *
+calls dl_load_file() to load the file
+=item *
+calls dl_undef_symbols() and warns if any symbols are undefined
+=item *
+calls dl_find_symbol() for "boot_$module"
+=item *
+calls dl_install_xsub() to install it as "${module}::bootstrap"
+=item *
+calls &{"${module}::bootstrap"} to bootstrap the module (actually
+it uses the function reference returned by dl_install_xsub for speed)
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Tim Bunce, 11 August 1994.
+This interface is based on the work and comments of (in no particular
+order): Larry Wall, Robert Sanders, Dean Roehrich, Jeff Okamoto, Anno
+Siegel, Thomas Neumann, Paul Marquess, Charles Bailey, myself and others.
+Larry Wall designed the elegant inherited bootstrap mechanism and
+implemented the first Perl 5 dynamic loader using it.
+Solaris global loading added by Nick Ing-Simmons with design/coding
+assistance from Tim Bunce, January 1996.
+close OUT or die $!;
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/ext/DynaLoader/Makefile.PL b/contrib/perl5/ext/DynaLoader/Makefile.PL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a75115
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/perl5/ext/DynaLoader/Makefile.PL
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+ NAME => 'DynaLoader',
+ LINKTYPE => 'static',
+ MAN3PODS => ' ', # Pods will be built by installman.
+ SKIP => [qw(dynamic dynamic_lib dynamic_bs)],
+ XSPROTOARG => '-noprototypes', # XXX remove later?
+ VERSION_FROM => 'DynaLoader_pm.PL',
+ PL_FILES => {'DynaLoader_pm.PL'=>''},
+ PM => {'' => '$(INST_LIBDIR)/'},
+ clean => {FILES => 'DynaLoader.c DynaLoader.xs'},
+sub MY::postamble {
+ '
+DynaLoader.xs: $(DLSRC)
+ $(CP) $? $@
+# Perform very simple tests just to check for major gaffs.
+# We can\'t do much more for platforms we are not executing on.
+ for i in dl_*xs; \
+ do $(PERL) -I$(PERL_ARCHLIB) -I$(PERL_LIB) $(XSUBPP) $(XSUBPPARGS) $$i > /dev/null; \
+ done
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/ext/DynaLoader/README b/contrib/perl5/ext/DynaLoader/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0551cf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/perl5/ext/DynaLoader/README
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Perl 5 DynaLoader
+See for detailed specification.
+This module is very similar to the other Perl 5 modules except that
+Configure selects which dl_*.xs file to use.
+After Configure has been run the Makefile.PL will generate a Makefile
+which will run xsubpp on a specific dl_*.xs file and write the output
+to DynaLoader.c
+After that the processing is the same as any other module.
+Note that, to be effective, the DynaLoader module must be _statically_
+linked into perl! Configure should arrange this.
+This interface is based on the work and comments of (in no particular
+order): Larry Wall, Robert Sanders, Dean Roehrich, Jeff Okamoto, Anno
+Siegel, Thomas Neumann, Paul Marquess, Charles Bailey and others.
+The dl_*.xs files should either be named after the dynamic linking
+operating system interface used if that interface is available on more
+than one type of system, e.g.:
+ dlopen for dlopen()/dlsym() type functions (SunOS, BSD)
+ dld for the GNU dld library functions (linux, ?)
+or else the osname, e.g., hpux, next, vms etc.
+Both are determined by Configure and so only those specific names that
+Configure knows/uses will work.
+If porting the DynaLoader to a platform that has a core dynamic linking
+interface similar to an existing generic type, e.g., dlopen or dld,
+please try to port the corresponding dl_*.xs file (using #ifdef's if
+Otherwise, or if that proves too messy, create a new dl_*.xs file named
+after your osname. Configure will give preference to a dl_$osname.xs
+file if one exists.
+The file dl_dlopen.xs is a reference implementation by Paul Marquess
+which is a good place to start if porting from scratch. For more complex
+platforms take a look at dl_dld.xs. The dlutils.c file holds some
+common definitions that are #included into the dl_*.xs files.
+After the initial implementation of a new DynaLoader dl_*.xs file you
+may need to edit or create ext/MODULE/ files (library bootstrap
+files) to reflect the needs of your platform and linking software.
+Refer to, lib/ExtUtils/ and any existing
+ext/MODULE/ files for more information.
+Tim Bunce.
+August 1994
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/ext/DynaLoader/dl_aix.xs b/contrib/perl5/ext/DynaLoader/dl_aix.xs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea50408
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/perl5/ext/DynaLoader/dl_aix.xs
@@ -0,0 +1,670 @@
+/* dl_aix.xs
+ *
+ * Written: 8/31/94 by Wayne Scott (
+ *
+ * All I did was take Jens-Uwe Mager's libdl emulation library for
+ * AIX and merged it with the dl_dlopen.xs file to create a dynamic library
+ * package that works for AIX.
+ *
+ * I did change all malloc's, free's, strdup's, calloc's to use the perl
+ * equilvant. I also removed some stuff we will not need. Call fini()
+ * on statup... It can probably be trimmed more.
+ */
+ * @(#)dlfcn.c 1.5 revision of 93/02/14 20:14:17
+ * This is an unpublished work copyright (c) 1992 Helios Software GmbH
+ * 3000 Hannover 1, Germany
+ */
+#include "EXTERN.h"
+#include "perl.h"
+#include "XSUB.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/ldr.h>
+#include <a.out.h>
+#include <ldfcn.h>
+ * AIX 4.3 does remove some useful definitions from ldfcn.h. Define
+ * these here to compensate for that lossage.
+ */
+#ifndef BEGINNING
+#ifndef FSEEK
+# define FSEEK(ldptr,o,p) fseek(IOPTR(ldptr),(p==BEGINNING)?(OFFSET(ldptr) +o):o,p)
+#ifndef FREAD
+# define FREAD(p,s,n,ldptr) fread(p,s,n,IOPTR(ldptr))
+/* If using PerlIO, redefine these macros from <ldfcn.h> */
+#ifdef USE_PERLIO
+#define FSEEK(ldptr,o,p) PerlIO_seek(IOPTR(ldptr),(p==BEGINNING)?(OFFSET(ldptr)+o):o,p)
+#define FREAD(p,s,n,ldptr) PerlIO_read(IOPTR(ldptr),p,s*n)
+ * We simulate dlopen() et al. through a call to load. Because AIX has
+ * no call to find an exported symbol we read the loader section of the
+ * loaded module and build a list of exported symbols and their virtual
+ * address.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ char *name; /* the symbols's name */
+ void *addr; /* its relocated virtual address */
+} Export, *ExportPtr;
+ * The void * handle returned from dlopen is actually a ModulePtr.
+ */
+typedef struct Module {
+ struct Module *next;
+ char *name; /* module name for refcounting */
+ int refCnt; /* the number of references */
+ void *entry; /* entry point from load */
+ int nExports; /* the number of exports found */
+ ExportPtr exports; /* the array of exports */
+} Module, *ModulePtr;
+ * We keep a list of all loaded modules to be able to call the fini
+ * handlers at atexit() time.
+ */
+static ModulePtr modList;
+ * The last error from one of the dl* routines is kept in static
+ * variables here. Each error is returned only once to the caller.
+ */
+static char errbuf[BUFSIZ];
+static int errvalid;
+static void caterr(char *);
+static int readExports(ModulePtr);
+static void terminate(void);
+static void *findMain(void);
+static char *strerror_failed = "(strerror failed)";
+static char *strerror_r_failed = "(strerror_r failed)";
+char *strerrorcat(char *str, int err) {
+ int strsiz = strlen(str);
+ int msgsiz;
+ char *msg;
+ char *buf = malloc(BUFSIZ);
+ if (buf == 0)
+ return 0;
+ if (strerror_r(err, buf, sizeof(buf)) == 0)
+ msg = buf;
+ else
+ msg = strerror_r_failed;
+ msgsiz = strlen(msg);
+ if (strsiz + msgsiz < BUFSIZ)
+ strcat(str, msg);
+ free(buf);
+ if ((msg = strerror(err)) == 0)
+ msg = strerror_failed;
+ msgsiz = strlen(msg); /* Note msg = buf and free() above. */
+ if (strsiz + msgsiz < BUFSIZ) /* Do not move this after #endif. */
+ strcat(str, msg);
+ return str;
+char *strerrorcpy(char *str, int err) {
+ int msgsiz;
+ char *msg;
+ char *buf = malloc(BUFSIZ);
+ if (buf == 0)
+ return 0;
+ if (strerror_r(err, buf, sizeof(buf)) == 0)
+ msg = buf;
+ else
+ msg = strerror_r_failed;
+ msgsiz = strlen(msg);
+ if (msgsiz < BUFSIZ)
+ strcpy(str, msg);
+ free(buf);
+ if ((msg = strerror(err)) == 0)
+ msg = strerror_failed;
+ msgsiz = strlen(msg); /* Note msg = buf and free() above. */
+ if (msgsiz < BUFSIZ) /* Do not move this after #endif. */
+ strcpy(str, msg);
+ return str;
+void *dlopen(char *path, int mode)
+ register ModulePtr mp;
+ static void *mainModule;
+ /*
+ * Upon the first call register a terminate handler that will
+ * close all libraries. Also get a reference to the main module
+ * for use with loadbind.
+ */
+ if (!mainModule) {
+ if ((mainModule = findMain()) == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ atexit(terminate);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Scan the list of modules if have the module already loaded.
+ */
+ for (mp = modList; mp; mp = mp->next)
+ if (strcmp(mp->name, path) == 0) {
+ mp->refCnt++;
+ return mp;
+ }
+ Newz(1000,mp,1,Module);
+ if (mp == NULL) {
+ errvalid++;
+ strcpy(errbuf, "Newz: ");
+ strerrorcat(errbuf, errno);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if ((mp->name = savepv(path)) == NULL) {
+ errvalid++;
+ strcpy(errbuf, "savepv: ");
+ strerrorcat(errbuf, errno);
+ safefree(mp);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /*
+ * load should be declared load(const char *...). Thus we
+ * cast the path to a normal char *. Ugly.
+ */
+ if ((mp->entry = (void *)load((char *)path, L_NOAUTODEFER, NULL)) == NULL) {
+ safefree(mp->name);
+ safefree(mp);
+ errvalid++;
+ strcpy(errbuf, "dlopen: ");
+ strcat(errbuf, path);
+ strcat(errbuf, ": ");
+ /*
+ * If AIX says the file is not executable, the error
+ * can be further described by querying the loader about
+ * the last error.
+ */
+ if (errno == ENOEXEC) {
+ char *tmp[BUFSIZ/sizeof(char *)];
+ if (loadquery(L_GETMESSAGES, tmp, sizeof(tmp)) == -1)
+ strerrorcpy(errbuf, errno);
+ else {
+ char **p;
+ for (p = tmp; *p; p++)
+ caterr(*p);
+ }
+ } else
+ strerrorcat(errbuf, errno);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ mp->refCnt = 1;
+ mp->next = modList;
+ modList = mp;
+ if (loadbind(0, mainModule, mp->entry) == -1) {
+ dlclose(mp);
+ errvalid++;
+ strcpy(errbuf, "loadbind: ");
+ strerrorcat(errbuf, errno);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (readExports(mp) == -1) {
+ dlclose(mp);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return mp;
+ * Attempt to decipher an AIX loader error message and append it
+ * to our static error message buffer.
+ */
+static void caterr(char *s)
+ register char *p = s;
+ while (*p >= '0' && *p <= '9')
+ p++;
+ switch(atoi(s)) {
+ strcat(errbuf, "to many errors");
+ break;
+ strcat(errbuf, "can't load library");
+ strcat(errbuf, p);
+ break;
+ strcat(errbuf, "can't find symbol");
+ strcat(errbuf, p);
+ break;
+ strcat(errbuf, "bad RLD");
+ strcat(errbuf, p);
+ break;
+ strcat(errbuf, "bad exec format in");
+ strcat(errbuf, p);
+ break;
+ strerrorcat(errbuf, atoi(++p));
+ break;
+ default:
+ strcat(errbuf, s);
+ break;
+ }
+void *dlsym(void *handle, const char *symbol)
+ register ModulePtr mp = (ModulePtr)handle;
+ register ExportPtr ep;
+ register int i;
+ /*
+ * Could speed up search, but I assume that one assigns
+ * the result to function pointers anyways.
+ */
+ for (ep = mp->exports, i = mp->nExports; i; i--, ep++)
+ if (strcmp(ep->name, symbol) == 0)
+ return ep->addr;
+ errvalid++;
+ strcpy(errbuf, "dlsym: undefined symbol ");
+ strcat(errbuf, symbol);
+ return NULL;
+char *dlerror(void)
+ if (errvalid) {
+ errvalid = 0;
+ return errbuf;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+int dlclose(void *handle)
+ register ModulePtr mp = (ModulePtr)handle;
+ int result;
+ register ModulePtr mp1;
+ if (--mp->refCnt > 0)
+ return 0;
+ result = unload(mp->entry);
+ if (result == -1) {
+ errvalid++;
+ strerrorcpy(errbuf, errno);
+ }
+ if (mp->exports) {
+ register ExportPtr ep;
+ register int i;
+ for (ep = mp->exports, i = mp->nExports; i; i--, ep++)
+ if (ep->name)
+ safefree(ep->name);
+ safefree(mp->exports);
+ }
+ if (mp == modList)
+ modList = mp->next;
+ else {
+ for (mp1 = modList; mp1; mp1 = mp1->next)
+ if (mp1->next == mp) {
+ mp1->next = mp->next;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ safefree(mp->name);
+ safefree(mp);
+ return result;
+static void terminate(void)
+ while (modList)
+ dlclose(modList);
+/* Added by Wayne Scott
+ * This is needed because the ldopen system call calls
+ * calloc to allocated a block of date. The ldclose call calls free.
+ * Without this we get this system calloc and perl's free, resulting
+ * in a "Bad free" message. This way we always use perl's malloc.
+ */
+void *calloc(size_t ne, size_t sz)
+ void *out;
+ out = (void *) safemalloc(ne*sz);
+ memzero(out, ne*sz);
+ return(out);
+ * Build the export table from the XCOFF .loader section.
+ */
+static int readExports(ModulePtr mp)
+ LDFILE *ldp = NULL;
+ SCNHDR sh;
+ LDHDR *lhp;
+ char *ldbuf;
+ LDSYM *ls;
+ int i;
+ ExportPtr ep;
+ if ((ldp = ldopen(mp->name, ldp)) == NULL) {
+ struct ld_info *lp;
+ char *buf;
+ int size = 4*1024;
+ if (errno != ENOENT) {
+ errvalid++;
+ strcpy(errbuf, "readExports: ");
+ strerrorcat(errbuf, errno);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /*
+ * The module might be loaded due to the LIBPATH
+ * environment variable. Search for the loaded
+ * module using L_GETINFO.
+ */
+ if ((buf = safemalloc(size)) == NULL) {
+ errvalid++;
+ strcpy(errbuf, "readExports: ");
+ strerrorcat(errbuf, errno);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ while ((i = loadquery(L_GETINFO, buf, size)) == -1 && errno == ENOMEM) {
+ safefree(buf);
+ size += 4*1024;
+ if ((buf = safemalloc(size)) == NULL) {
+ errvalid++;
+ strcpy(errbuf, "readExports: ");
+ strerrorcat(errbuf, errno);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (i == -1) {
+ errvalid++;
+ strcpy(errbuf, "readExports: ");
+ strerrorcat(errbuf, errno);
+ safefree(buf);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Traverse the list of loaded modules. The entry point
+ * returned by load() does actually point to the data
+ * segment origin.
+ */
+ lp = (struct ld_info *)buf;
+ while (lp) {
+ if (lp->ldinfo_dataorg == mp->entry) {
+ ldp = ldopen(lp->ldinfo_filename, ldp);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (lp->ldinfo_next == 0)
+ lp = NULL;
+ else
+ lp = (struct ld_info *)((char *)lp + lp->ldinfo_next);
+ }
+ safefree(buf);
+ if (!ldp) {
+ errvalid++;
+ strcpy(errbuf, "readExports: ");
+ strerrorcat(errbuf, errno);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (TYPE(ldp) != U802TOCMAGIC) {
+ errvalid++;
+ strcpy(errbuf, "readExports: bad magic");
+ while(ldclose(ldp) == FAILURE)
+ ;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (ldnshread(ldp, _LOADER, &sh) != SUCCESS) {
+ errvalid++;
+ strcpy(errbuf, "readExports: cannot read loader section header");
+ while(ldclose(ldp) == FAILURE)
+ ;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /*
+ * We read the complete loader section in one chunk, this makes
+ * finding long symbol names residing in the string table easier.
+ */
+ if ((ldbuf = (char *)safemalloc(sh.s_size)) == NULL) {
+ errvalid++;
+ strcpy(errbuf, "readExports: ");
+ strerrorcat(errbuf, errno);
+ while(ldclose(ldp) == FAILURE)
+ ;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (FSEEK(ldp, sh.s_scnptr, BEGINNING) != OKFSEEK) {
+ errvalid++;
+ strcpy(errbuf, "readExports: cannot seek to loader section");
+ safefree(ldbuf);
+ while(ldclose(ldp) == FAILURE)
+ ;
+ return -1;
+ }
+/* This first case is a hack, since it assumes that the 3rd parameter to
+ FREAD is 1. See the redefinition of FREAD above to see how this works. */
+#ifdef USE_PERLIO
+ if (FREAD(ldbuf, sh.s_size, 1, ldp) != sh.s_size) {
+ if (FREAD(ldbuf, sh.s_size, 1, ldp) != 1) {
+ errvalid++;
+ strcpy(errbuf, "readExports: cannot read loader section");
+ safefree(ldbuf);
+ while(ldclose(ldp) == FAILURE)
+ ;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ lhp = (LDHDR *)ldbuf;
+ ls = (LDSYM *)(ldbuf+LDHDRSZ);
+ /*
+ * Count the number of exports to include in our export table.
+ */
+ for (i = lhp->l_nsyms; i; i--, ls++) {
+ if (!LDR_EXPORT(*ls))
+ continue;
+ mp->nExports++;
+ }
+ Newz(1001, mp->exports, mp->nExports, Export);
+ if (mp->exports == NULL) {
+ errvalid++;
+ strcpy(errbuf, "readExports: ");
+ strerrorcat(errbuf, errno);
+ safefree(ldbuf);
+ while(ldclose(ldp) == FAILURE)
+ ;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Fill in the export table. All entries are relative to
+ * the entry point we got from load.
+ */
+ ep = mp->exports;
+ ls = (LDSYM *)(ldbuf+LDHDRSZ);
+ for (i = lhp->l_nsyms; i; i--, ls++) {
+ char *symname;
+ if (!LDR_EXPORT(*ls))
+ continue;
+ if (ls->l_zeroes == 0)
+ symname = ls->l_offset+lhp->l_stoff+ldbuf;
+ else
+ symname = ls->l_name;
+ ep->name = savepv(symname);
+ ep->addr = (void *)((unsigned long)mp->entry + ls->l_value);
+ ep++;
+ }
+ safefree(ldbuf);
+ while(ldclose(ldp) == FAILURE)
+ ;
+ return 0;
+ * Find the main modules entry point. This is used as export pointer
+ * for loadbind() to be able to resolve references to the main part.
+ */
+static void * findMain(void)
+ struct ld_info *lp;
+ char *buf;
+ int size = 4*1024;
+ int i;
+ void *ret;
+ if ((buf = safemalloc(size)) == NULL) {
+ errvalid++;
+ strcpy(errbuf, "findMain: ");
+ strerrorcat(errbuf, errno);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ while ((i = loadquery(L_GETINFO, buf, size)) == -1 && errno == ENOMEM) {
+ safefree(buf);
+ size += 4*1024;
+ if ((buf = safemalloc(size)) == NULL) {
+ errvalid++;
+ strcpy(errbuf, "findMain: ");
+ strerrorcat(errbuf, errno);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ if (i == -1) {
+ errvalid++;
+ strcpy(errbuf, "findMain: ");
+ strerrorcat(errbuf, errno);
+ safefree(buf);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /*
+ * The first entry is the main module. The entry point
+ * returned by load() does actually point to the data
+ * segment origin.
+ */
+ lp = (struct ld_info *)buf;
+ ret = lp->ldinfo_dataorg;
+ safefree(buf);
+ return ret;
+/* dl_dlopen.xs
+ *
+ * Platform: SunOS/Solaris, possibly others which use dlopen.
+ * Author: Paul Marquess (
+ * Created: 10th July 1994
+ *
+ * Modified:
+ * 15th July 1994 - Added code to explicitly save any error messages.
+ * 3rd August 1994 - Upgraded to v3 spec.
+ * 9th August 1994 - Changed to use IV
+ * 10th August 1994 - Tim Bunce: Added RTLD_LAZY, switchable debugging,
+ * basic FreeBSD support, removed ClearError
+ *
+ */
+/* Porting notes:
+ see dl_dlopen.xs
+#include "dlutils.c" /* SaveError() etc */
+static void
+ (void)dl_generic_private_init();
+MODULE = DynaLoader PACKAGE = DynaLoader
+ (void)dl_private_init();
+void *
+dl_load_file(filename, flags=0)
+ char * filename
+ int flags
+ DLDEBUG(1,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), "dl_load_file(%s,%x):\n", filename,flags));
+ if (flags & 0x01)
+ warn("Can't make loaded symbols global on this platform while loading %s",filename);
+ RETVAL = dlopen(filename, 1) ;
+ DLDEBUG(2,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), " libref=%x\n", RETVAL));
+ ST(0) = sv_newmortal() ;
+ if (RETVAL == NULL)
+ SaveError("%s",dlerror()) ;
+ else
+ sv_setiv( ST(0), (IV)RETVAL);
+void *
+dl_find_symbol(libhandle, symbolname)
+ void * libhandle
+ char * symbolname
+ DLDEBUG(2,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), "dl_find_symbol(handle=%x, symbol=%s)\n",
+ libhandle, symbolname));
+ RETVAL = dlsym(libhandle, symbolname);
+ DLDEBUG(2,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), " symbolref = %x\n", RETVAL));
+ ST(0) = sv_newmortal() ;
+ if (RETVAL == NULL)
+ SaveError("%s",dlerror()) ;
+ else
+ sv_setiv( ST(0), (IV)RETVAL);
+# These functions should not need changing on any platform:
+dl_install_xsub(perl_name, symref, filename="$Package")
+ char * perl_name
+ void * symref
+ char * filename
+ DLDEBUG(2,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), "dl_install_xsub(name=%s, symref=%x)\n",
+ perl_name, symref));
+ ST(0)=sv_2mortal(newRV((SV*)newXS(perl_name, (void(*)())symref, filename)));
+char *
+ RETVAL = LastError ;
+# end.
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/ext/DynaLoader/dl_cygwin32.xs b/contrib/perl5/ext/DynaLoader/dl_cygwin32.xs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b75637
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/perl5/ext/DynaLoader/dl_cygwin32.xs
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+/* dl_cygwin32.xs
+ *
+ * Platform: Win32 (Windows NT/Windows 95)
+ * Author: Wei-Yuen Tan (
+ * Created: A warm day in June, 1995
+ *
+ * Modified:
+ * August 23rd 1995 - rewritten after losing everything when I
+ * wiped off my NT partition (eek!)
+ */
+/* Modified from the original dl_win32.xs to work with cygwin32
+ -John Cerney 3/26/97
+/* Porting notes:
+I merely took Paul's dl_dlopen.xs, took out extraneous stuff and
+replaced the appropriate SunOS calls with the corresponding Win32
+#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
+// Defines from windows needed for this function only. Can't include full
+// Cygwin32 windows headers because of problems with CONTEXT redefinition
+// Removed logic to tell not dynamically load static modules. It is assumed that all
+// modules are dynamically built. This should be similar to the behavoir on sunOS.
+// Leaving in the logic would have required changes to the standard perlmain.c code
+// // Includes call a dll function to initialize it's impure_ptr.
+#include <stdio.h>
+void (*impure_setupptr)(struct _reent *); // pointer to the impure_setup routine
+//#include <windows.h>
+typedef void *HANDLE;
+#define STDCALL __attribute__ ((stdcall))
+typedef int STDCALL (*FARPROC)();
+ char* lpLibFileName,
+ HANDLE hFile,
+ unsigned int dwFlags
+ );
+unsigned int
+ void
+ );
+ HINSTANCE hModule,
+ char* lpProcName
+ );
+#include <string.h>
+#include "EXTERN.h"
+#include "perl.h"
+#include "XSUB.h"
+#include "dlutils.c" /* SaveError() etc */
+static void
+ (void)dl_generic_private_init();
+MODULE = DynaLoader PACKAGE = DynaLoader
+ (void)dl_private_init();
+void *
+ char * filename
+ int flags
+ DLDEBUG(1,fprintf(stderr,"dl_load_file(%s):\n", filename));
+ RETVAL = (void*) LoadLibraryExA(filename, NULL, LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH ) ;
+ DLDEBUG(2,fprintf(stderr," libref=%x\n", RETVAL));
+ ST(0) = sv_newmortal() ;
+ if (RETVAL == NULL){
+ SaveError("%d",GetLastError()) ;
+ }
+ else{
+ // setup the dll's impure_ptr:
+ impure_setupptr = GetProcAddress(RETVAL, "impure_setup");
+ if( impure_setupptr == NULL){
+ printf(
+ "Cygwin32 dynaloader error: could not load impure_setup symbol\n");
+ }
+ else{
+ // setup the DLLs impure_ptr:
+ (*impure_setupptr)(_impure_ptr);
+ sv_setiv( ST(0), (IV)RETVAL);
+ }
+ }
+void *
+dl_find_symbol(libhandle, symbolname)
+ void * libhandle
+ char * symbolname
+ DLDEBUG(2,fprintf(stderr,"dl_find_symbol(handle=%x, symbol=%s)\n",
+ libhandle, symbolname));
+ RETVAL = (void*) GetProcAddress((HINSTANCE) libhandle, symbolname);
+ DLDEBUG(2,fprintf(stderr," symbolref = %x\n", RETVAL));
+ ST(0) = sv_newmortal() ;
+ if (RETVAL == NULL)
+ SaveError("%d",GetLastError()) ;
+ else
+ sv_setiv( ST(0), (IV)RETVAL);
+# These functions should not need changing on any platform:
+dl_install_xsub(perl_name, symref, filename="$Package")
+ char * perl_name
+ void * symref
+ char * filename
+ DLDEBUG(2,fprintf(stderr,"dl_install_xsub(name=%s, symref=%x)\n",
+ perl_name, symref));
+ ST(0)=sv_2mortal(newRV((SV*)newXS(perl_name, (void(*)())symref, filename)));
+char *
+ RETVAL = LastError ;
+# end.
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/ext/DynaLoader/dl_dld.xs b/contrib/perl5/ext/DynaLoader/dl_dld.xs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2443ab0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/perl5/ext/DynaLoader/dl_dld.xs
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+ * Written 3/1/94, Robert Sanders <>
+ *
+ * based upon the file "dl.c", which is
+ * Copyright (c) 1994, Larry Wall
+ *
+ * You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public
+ * License or the Artistic License, as specified in the README file.
+ *
+ * $Date: 1994/03/07 00:21:43 $
+ * $Source: /home/rsanders/src/perl5alpha6/RCS/dld_dl.c,v $
+ * $Revision: 1.4 $
+ * $State: Exp $
+ *
+ * $Log: dld_dl.c,v $
+ * Removed implicit link against libc. 1994/09/14 William Setzer.
+ *
+ * Integrated other DynaLoader changes. 1994/06/08 Tim Bunce.
+ *
+ * rewrote dl_load_file, misc updates. 1994/09/03 William Setzer.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.4 1994/03/07 00:21:43 rsanders
+ * added min symbol count for load_libs and switched order so system libs
+ * are loaded after app-specified libs.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.3 1994/03/05 01:17:26 rsanders
+ * added path searching.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.2 1994/03/05 00:52:39 rsanders
+ * added package-specified libraries.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1 1994/03/05 00:33:40 rsanders
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include "EXTERN.h"
+#include "perl.h"
+#include "XSUB.h"
+#include <dld.h> /* GNU DLD header file */
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "dlutils.c" /* for SaveError() etc */
+static AV *dl_resolve_using = Nullav;
+static AV *dl_require_symbols = Nullav;
+static void
+ int dlderr;
+ dl_generic_private_init();
+ dl_resolve_using = perl_get_av("DynaLoader::dl_resolve_using", 0x4);
+ dl_require_symbols = perl_get_av("DynaLoader::dl_require_symbols", 0x4);
+#ifdef __linux__
+ dlderr = dld_init("/proc/self/exe");
+ if (dlderr) {
+ dlderr = dld_init(dld_find_executable(PL_origargv[0]));
+ if (dlderr) {
+ char *msg = dld_strerror(dlderr);
+ SaveError("dld_init(%s) failed: %s", PL_origargv[0], msg);
+ DLDEBUG(1,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), "%s", LastError));
+ }
+#ifdef __linux__
+ }
+MODULE = DynaLoader PACKAGE = DynaLoader
+ (void)dl_private_init();
+char *
+dl_load_file(filename, flags=0)
+ char * filename
+ int flags
+ int dlderr,x,max;
+ GV *gv;
+ RETVAL = filename;
+ DLDEBUG(1,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), "dl_load_file(%s,%x):\n", filename,flags));
+ if (flags & 0x01)
+ croak("Can't make loaded symbols global on this platform while loading %s",filename);
+ max = AvFILL(dl_require_symbols);
+ for (x = 0; x <= max; x++) {
+ char *sym = SvPVX(*av_fetch(dl_require_symbols, x, 0));
+ DLDEBUG(1,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), "dld_create_ref(%s)\n", sym));
+ if (dlderr = dld_create_reference(sym)) {
+ SaveError("dld_create_reference(%s): %s", sym,
+ dld_strerror(dlderr));
+ goto haverror;
+ }
+ }
+ DLDEBUG(1,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), "dld_link(%s)\n", filename));
+ if (dlderr = dld_link(filename)) {
+ SaveError("dld_link(%s): %s", filename, dld_strerror(dlderr));
+ goto haverror;
+ }
+ max = AvFILL(dl_resolve_using);
+ for (x = 0; x <= max; x++) {
+ char *sym = SvPVX(*av_fetch(dl_resolve_using, x, 0));
+ DLDEBUG(1,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), "dld_link(%s)\n", sym));
+ if (dlderr = dld_link(sym)) {
+ SaveError("dld_link(%s): %s", sym, dld_strerror(dlderr));
+ goto haverror;
+ }
+ }
+ DLDEBUG(2,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), "libref=%s\n", RETVAL));
+ ST(0) = sv_newmortal() ;
+ if (dlderr == 0)
+ sv_setiv(ST(0), (IV)RETVAL);
+void *
+dl_find_symbol(libhandle, symbolname)
+ void * libhandle
+ char * symbolname
+ DLDEBUG(2,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), "dl_find_symbol(handle=%x, symbol=%s)\n",
+ libhandle, symbolname));
+ RETVAL = (void *)dld_get_func(symbolname);
+ /* if RETVAL==NULL we should try looking for a non-function symbol */
+ DLDEBUG(2,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), " symbolref = %x\n", RETVAL));
+ ST(0) = sv_newmortal() ;
+ if (RETVAL == NULL)
+ SaveError("dl_find_symbol: Unable to find '%s' symbol", symbolname) ;
+ else
+ sv_setiv(ST(0), (IV)RETVAL);
+ if (dld_undefined_sym_count) {
+ int x;
+ char **undef_syms = dld_list_undefined_sym();
+ EXTEND(SP, dld_undefined_sym_count);
+ for (x=0; x < dld_undefined_sym_count; x++)
+ PUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv(undef_syms[x]+1, 0)));
+ free(undef_syms);
+ }
+# These functions should not need changing on any platform:
+dl_install_xsub(perl_name, symref, filename="$Package")
+ char * perl_name
+ void * symref
+ char * filename
+ DLDEBUG(2,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), "dl_install_xsub(name=%s, symref=%x)\n",
+ perl_name, symref));
+ ST(0)=sv_2mortal(newRV((SV*)newXS(perl_name, (void(*)())symref, filename)));
+char *
+ RETVAL = LastError ;
+# end.
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/ext/DynaLoader/dl_dlopen.xs b/contrib/perl5/ext/DynaLoader/dl_dlopen.xs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2459205
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/perl5/ext/DynaLoader/dl_dlopen.xs
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+/* dl_dlopen.xs
+ *
+ * Platform: SunOS/Solaris, possibly others which use dlopen.
+ * Author: Paul Marquess (
+ * Created: 10th July 1994
+ *
+ * Modified:
+ * 15th July 1994 - Added code to explicitly save any error messages.
+ * 3rd August 1994 - Upgraded to v3 spec.
+ * 9th August 1994 - Changed to use IV
+ * 10th August 1994 - Tim Bunce: Added RTLD_LAZY, switchable debugging,
+ * basic FreeBSD support, removed ClearError
+ *
+ */
+/* Porting notes:
+ Definition of Sunos dynamic Linking functions
+ =============================================
+ In order to make this implementation easier to understand here is a
+ quick definition of the SunOS Dynamic Linking functions which are
+ used here.
+ dlopen
+ ------
+ void *
+ dlopen(path, mode)
+ char * path;
+ int mode;
+ This function takes the name of a dynamic object file and returns
+ a descriptor which can be used by dlsym later. It returns NULL on
+ error.
+ The mode parameter must be set to 1 for Solaris 1 and to
+ RTLD_LAZY (==2) on Solaris 2.
+ dlsym
+ ------
+ void *
+ dlsym(handle, symbol)
+ void * handle;
+ char * symbol;
+ Takes the handle returned from dlopen and the name of a symbol to
+ get the address of. If the symbol was found a pointer is
+ returned. It returns NULL on error. If DL_PREPEND_UNDERSCORE is
+ defined an underscore will be added to the start of symbol. This
+ is required on some platforms (freebsd).
+ dlerror
+ ------
+ char * dlerror()
+ Returns a null-terminated string which describes the last error
+ that occurred with either dlopen or dlsym. After each call to
+ dlerror the error message will be reset to a null pointer. The
+ SaveError function is used to save the error as soo as it happens.
+ Return Types
+ ============
+ In this implementation the two functions, dl_load_file &
+ dl_find_symbol, return void *. This is because the underlying SunOS
+ dynamic linker calls also return void *. This is not necessarily
+ the case for all architectures. For example, some implementation
+ will want to return a char * for dl_load_file.
+ If void * is not appropriate for your architecture, you will have to
+ change the void * to whatever you require. If you are not certain of
+ how Perl handles C data types, I suggest you start by consulting
+ Dean Roerich's Perl 5 API document. Also, have a look in the typemap
+ file (in the ext directory) for a fairly comprehensive list of types
+ that are already supported. If you are completely stuck, I suggest you
+ post a message to perl5-porters, comp.lang.perl.misc or if you are really
+ desperate to me.
+ Remember when you are making any changes that the return value from
+ dl_load_file is used as a parameter in the dl_find_symbol
+ function. Also the return value from find_symbol is used as a parameter
+ to install_xsub.
+ Dealing with Error Messages
+ ============================
+ In order to make the handling of dynamic linking errors as generic as
+ possible you should store any error messages associated with your
+ implementation with the StoreError function.
+ In the case of SunOS the function dlerror returns the error message
+ associated with the last dynamic link error. As the SunOS dynamic
+ linker functions dlopen & dlsym both return NULL on error every call
+ to a SunOS dynamic link routine is coded like this
+ RETVAL = dlopen(filename, 1) ;
+ if (RETVAL == NULL)
+ SaveError("%s",dlerror()) ;
+ Note that SaveError() takes a printf format string. Use a "%s" as
+ the first parameter if the error may contain and % characters.
+#include "EXTERN.h"
+#include "perl.h"
+#include "XSUB.h"
+#ifdef I_DLFCN
+#include <dlfcn.h> /* the dynamic linker include file for Sunos/Solaris */
+#include <nlist.h>
+#include <link.h>
+#ifndef RTLD_LAZY
+# define RTLD_LAZY 1 /* Solaris 1 */
+#ifndef HAS_DLERROR
+# ifdef __NetBSD__
+# define dlerror() strerror(errno)
+# else
+# define dlerror() "Unknown error - dlerror() not implemented"
+# endif
+#include "dlutils.c" /* SaveError() etc */
+static void
+ (void)dl_generic_private_init();
+MODULE = DynaLoader PACKAGE = DynaLoader
+ (void)dl_private_init();
+void *
+dl_load_file(filename, flags=0)
+ char * filename
+ int flags
+ int mode = RTLD_LAZY;
+#ifdef RTLD_NOW
+ if (dl_nonlazy)
+ mode = RTLD_NOW;
+ if (flags & 0x01)
+ mode |= RTLD_GLOBAL;
+ warn("Can't make loaded symbols global on this platform while loading %s",filename);
+ DLDEBUG(1,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), "dl_load_file(%s,%x):\n", filename,flags));
+ RETVAL = dlopen(filename, mode) ;
+ DLDEBUG(2,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), " libref=%lx\n", (unsigned long) RETVAL));
+ ST(0) = sv_newmortal() ;
+ if (RETVAL == NULL)
+ SaveError("%s",dlerror()) ;
+ else
+ sv_setiv( ST(0), (IV)RETVAL);
+void *
+dl_find_symbol(libhandle, symbolname)
+ void * libhandle
+ char * symbolname
+ symbolname = form("_%s", symbolname);
+ DLDEBUG(2, PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(),
+ "dl_find_symbol(handle=%lx, symbol=%s)\n",
+ (unsigned long) libhandle, symbolname));
+ RETVAL = dlsym(libhandle, symbolname);
+ DLDEBUG(2, PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(),
+ " symbolref = %lx\n", (unsigned long) RETVAL));
+ ST(0) = sv_newmortal() ;
+ if (RETVAL == NULL)
+ SaveError("%s",dlerror()) ;
+ else
+ sv_setiv( ST(0), (IV)RETVAL);
+# These functions should not need changing on any platform:
+dl_install_xsub(perl_name, symref, filename="$Package")
+ char * perl_name
+ void * symref
+ char * filename
+ DLDEBUG(2,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), "dl_install_xsub(name=%s, symref=%lx)\n",
+ perl_name, (unsigned long) symref));
+ ST(0)=sv_2mortal(newRV((SV*)newXS(perl_name, (void(*)_((CV *)))symref, filename)));
+char *
+ RETVAL = LastError ;
+# end.
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/ext/DynaLoader/dl_hpux.xs b/contrib/perl5/ext/DynaLoader/dl_hpux.xs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a82e0ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/perl5/ext/DynaLoader/dl_hpux.xs
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+ * Author: Jeff Okamoto (
+ * Version: 2.1, 1995/1/25
+ */
+/* o Added BIND_VERBOSE to dl_nonlazy condition to add names of missing
+ * symbols to stderr message on fatal error.
+ *
+ * o Added BIND_NONFATAL comment to default condition.
+ *
+ * Chuck Phillips (
+ * Version: 2.2, 1997/5/4 */
+#ifdef __hp9000s300
+#define magic hpux_magic
+#include <dl.h>
+#ifdef __hp9000s300
+#undef magic
+#undef MAGIC
+#include "EXTERN.h"
+#include "perl.h"
+#include "XSUB.h"
+#include "dlutils.c" /* for SaveError() etc */
+static AV *dl_resolve_using = Nullav;
+static void
+ (void)dl_generic_private_init();
+ dl_resolve_using = perl_get_av("DynaLoader::dl_resolve_using", 0x4);
+MODULE = DynaLoader PACKAGE = DynaLoader
+ (void)dl_private_init();
+void *
+dl_load_file(filename, flags=0)
+ char * filename
+ int flags
+ shl_t obj = NULL;
+ int i, max, bind_type;
+ DLDEBUG(1,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), "dl_load_file(%s,%x):\n", filename,flags));
+ if (flags & 0x01)
+ warn("Can't make loaded symbols global on this platform while loading %s",filename);
+ if (dl_nonlazy) {
+ } else {
+ bind_type = BIND_DEFERRED;
+ /* For certain libraries, like DCE, deferred binding often causes run
+ * time problems. Adding BIND_NONFATAL to BIND_IMMEDIATE still allows
+ * unresolved references in situations like this. */
+ }
+ /* BIND_NOSTART removed from bind_type because it causes the shared library's */
+ /* initialisers not to be run. This causes problems with all of the static objects */
+ /* in the library. */
+ if (dl_debug)
+ bind_type |= BIND_VERBOSE;
+#endif /* DEBUGGING */
+ max = AvFILL(dl_resolve_using);
+ for (i = 0; i <= max; i++) {
+ char *sym = SvPVX(*av_fetch(dl_resolve_using, i, 0));
+ DLDEBUG(1,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), "dl_load_file(%s) (dependent)\n", sym));
+ obj = shl_load(sym, bind_type, 0L);
+ if (obj == NULL) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ }
+ DLDEBUG(1,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), "dl_load_file(%s): ", filename));
+ obj = shl_load(filename, bind_type, 0L);
+ DLDEBUG(2,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), " libref=%x\n", obj));
+ ST(0) = sv_newmortal() ;
+ if (obj == NULL)
+ SaveError("%s",Strerror(errno));
+ else
+ sv_setiv( ST(0), (IV)obj);
+void *
+dl_find_symbol(libhandle, symbolname)
+ void * libhandle
+ char * symbolname
+ shl_t obj = (shl_t) libhandle;
+ void *symaddr = NULL;
+ int status;
+#ifdef __hp9000s300
+ symbolname = form("_%s", symbolname);
+ DLDEBUG(2, PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(),
+ "dl_find_symbol(handle=%lx, symbol=%s)\n",
+ (unsigned long) libhandle, symbolname));
+ ST(0) = sv_newmortal() ;
+ errno = 0;
+ status = shl_findsym(&obj, symbolname, TYPE_PROCEDURE, &symaddr);
+ DLDEBUG(2,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), " symbolref(PROCEDURE) = %x\n", symaddr));
+ if (status == -1 && errno == 0) { /* try TYPE_DATA instead */
+ status = shl_findsym(&obj, symbolname, TYPE_DATA, &symaddr);
+ DLDEBUG(2,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), " symbolref(DATA) = %x\n", symaddr));
+ }
+ if (status == -1) {
+ SaveError("%s",(errno) ? Strerror(errno) : "Symbol not found") ;
+ } else {
+ sv_setiv( ST(0), (IV)symaddr);
+ }
+# These functions should not need changing on any platform:
+dl_install_xsub(perl_name, symref, filename="$Package")
+ char * perl_name
+ void * symref
+ char * filename
+ DLDEBUG(2,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), "dl_install_xsub(name=%s, symref=%x)\n",
+ perl_name, symref));
+ ST(0)=sv_2mortal(newRV((SV*)newXS(perl_name, (void(*)())symref, filename)));
+char *
+ RETVAL = LastError ;
+# end.
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/ext/DynaLoader/dl_mpeix.xs b/contrib/perl5/ext/DynaLoader/dl_mpeix.xs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..808c3b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/perl5/ext/DynaLoader/dl_mpeix.xs
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+ * Author: Mark Klein (
+ * Version: 2.1, 1996/07/25
+ * Version: 2.2, 1997/09/25 Mark Bixby (
+ */
+#include "EXTERN.h"
+#include "perl.h"
+#include "XSUB.h"
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+extern void HPGETPROCPLABEL( int parms,
+ char * procname,
+ int * plabel,
+ int * status,
+ char * firstfile,
+ int casesensitive,
+ int symboltype,
+ int * datasize,
+ int position,
+ int searchpath,
+ int binding);
+#pragma intrinsic HPGETPROCPLABEL
+#include "dlutils.c" /* for SaveError() etc */
+typedef struct {
+ char filename[PATH_MAX + 3];
+ } t_mpe_dld, *p_mpe_dld;
+static AV *dl_resolve_using = Nullav;
+static void
+ (void)dl_generic_private_init();
+ dl_resolve_using = perl_get_av("DynaLoader::dl_resolve_using", 0x4);
+MODULE = DynaLoader PACKAGE = DynaLoader
+ (void)dl_private_init();
+void *
+dl_load_file(filename, flags=0)
+ char * filename
+ int flags
+ char buf[PATH_MAX + 3];
+ p_mpe_dld obj = NULL;
+ int i;
+ DLDEBUG(1,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), "dl_load_file(%s,%x):\n", filename,
+ if (flags & 0x01)
+ warn("Can't make loaded symbols global on this platform while loading %s
+ obj = (p_mpe_dld) safemalloc(sizeof(t_mpe_dld));
+ memzero(obj, sizeof(t_mpe_dld));
+ if (filename[0] == '.')
+ {
+ getcwd(buf,sizeof(buf));
+ sprintf(obj->filename,"$%s/%s$",buf,filename);
+ }
+ else
+ sprintf(obj->filename,"$%s$",filename);
+ DLDEBUG(2,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr()," libref=%x\n", obj));
+ ST(0) = sv_newmortal() ;
+ if (obj == NULL)
+ SaveError("%s",Strerror(errno));
+ else
+ sv_setiv( ST(0), (IV)obj);
+void *
+dl_find_symbol(libhandle, symbolname)
+ void * libhandle
+ char * symbolname
+ int datalen;
+ p_mpe_dld obj = (p_mpe_dld) libhandle;
+ char symname[PATH_MAX + 3];
+ void * symaddr = NULL;
+ int status;
+ DLDEBUG(2,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(),"dl_find_symbol(handle=%x, symbol=%s)\n",
+ libhandle, symbolname));
+ ST(0) = sv_newmortal() ;
+ errno = 0;
+ sprintf(symname, "$%s$", symbolname);
+ HPGETPROCPLABEL(8, symname, &symaddr, &status, obj->filename, 1,
+ 0, &datalen, 1, 0, 0);
+ DLDEBUG(2,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr()," symbolref(PROCEDURE) = %x\n", symaddr));
+ if (status != 0) {
+ SaveError("%s",(errno) ? Strerror(errno) : "Symbol not found") ;
+ } else {
+ sv_setiv( ST(0), (IV)symaddr);
+ }
+# These functions should not need changing on any platform:
+dl_install_xsub(perl_name, symref, filename="$Package")
+ char * perl_name
+ void * symref
+ char * filename
+ DLDEBUG(2,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(),"dl_install_xsub(name=%s, symref=%x)\n",
+ perl_name, symref));
+ ST(0)=sv_2mortal(newRV((SV*)newXS(perl_name, (void(*)())symref, filename)));
+char *
+ RETVAL = LastError ;
+# end.
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/ext/DynaLoader/dl_next.xs b/contrib/perl5/ext/DynaLoader/dl_next.xs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b547f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/perl5/ext/DynaLoader/dl_next.xs
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+/* dl_next.xs
+ *
+ * Platform: NeXT NS 3.2
+ * Author: Anno Siegel (siegel@zrz.TU-Berlin.DE)
+ * Based on: dl_dlopen.xs by Paul Marquess
+ * Created: Aug 15th, 1994
+ *
+ */
+ And Gandalf said: 'Many folk like to know beforehand what is to
+ be set on the table; but those who have laboured to prepare the
+ feast like to keep their secret; for wonder makes the words of
+ praise louder.'
+/* Porting notes:
+dl_next.xs is itself a port from dl_dlopen.xs by Paul Marquess. It
+should not be used as a base for further ports though it may be used
+as an example for how dl_dlopen.xs can be ported to other platforms.
+The method used here is just to supply the sun style dlopen etc.
+functions in terms of NeXTs rld_*. The xs code proper is unchanged
+from Paul's original.
+The port could use some streamlining. For one, error handling could
+be simplified.
+Anno Siegel
+/* include these before perl headers */
+#include <mach-o/rld.h>
+#include <streams/streams.h>
+#include "EXTERN.h"
+#include "perl.h"
+#include "XSUB.h"
+#include "dlutils.c" /* SaveError() etc */
+static char * dl_last_error = (char *) 0;
+static AV *dl_resolve_using = Nullav;
+static char *dlerror()
+ return dl_last_error;
+int dlclose(handle) /* stub only */
+void *handle;
+ return 0;
+#import <mach-o/dyld.h>
+enum dyldErrorSource
+ OFImage,
+static void TranslateError
+ (const char *path, enum dyldErrorSource type, int number)
+ char *error;
+ unsigned int index;
+ static char *OFIErrorStrings[] =
+ {
+ "%s(%d): Object Image Load Failure\n",
+ "%s(%d): Object Image Load Success\n",
+ "%s(%d): Not an recognisable object file\n",
+ "%s(%d): No valid architecture\n",
+ "%s(%d): Object image has an invalid format\n",
+ "%s(%d): Invalid access (permissions?)\n",
+ "%s(%d): Unknown error code from NSCreateObjectFileImageFromFile\n",
+ };
+#define NUM_OFI_ERRORS (sizeof(OFIErrorStrings) / sizeof(OFIErrorStrings[0]))
+ switch (type)
+ {
+ case OFImage:
+ index = number;
+ if (index > NUM_OFI_ERRORS - 1)
+ index = NUM_OFI_ERRORS - 1;
+ error = form(OFIErrorStrings[index], path, number);
+ break;
+ default:
+ error = form("%s(%d): Totally unknown error type %d\n",
+ path, number, type);
+ break;
+ }
+ Safefree(dl_last_error);
+ dl_last_error = savepv(error);
+static char *dlopen(char *path, int mode /* mode is ignored */)
+ int dyld_result;
+ NSObjectFileImage ofile;
+ NSModule handle = NULL;
+ dyld_result = NSCreateObjectFileImageFromFile(path, &ofile);
+ if (dyld_result != NSObjectFileImageSuccess)
+ TranslateError(path, OFImage, dyld_result);
+ else
+ {
+ // NSLinkModule will cause the run to abort on any link error's
+ // not very friendly but the error recovery functionality is limited.
+ handle = NSLinkModule(ofile, path, TRUE);
+ }
+ return handle;
+void *
+dlsym(handle, symbol)
+void *handle;
+char *symbol;
+ void *addr;
+ if (NSIsSymbolNameDefined(symbol))
+ addr = NSAddressOfSymbol(NSLookupAndBindSymbol(symbol));
+ else
+ addr = NULL;
+ return addr;
+#else /* NS_TARGET_MAJOR <= 3 */
+static NXStream *OpenError(void)
+ return NXOpenMemory( (char *) 0, 0, NX_WRITEONLY);
+static void TransferError(NXStream *s)
+ char *buffer;
+ int len, maxlen;
+ if ( dl_last_error ) {
+ Safefree(dl_last_error);
+ }
+ NXGetMemoryBuffer(s, &buffer, &len, &maxlen);
+ New(1097, dl_last_error, len, char);
+ strcpy(dl_last_error, buffer);
+static void CloseError(NXStream *s)
+ if ( s ) {
+ NXCloseMemory( s, NX_FREEBUFFER);
+ }
+static char *dlopen(char *path, int mode /* mode is ignored */)
+ int rld_success;
+ NXStream *nxerr;
+ I32 i, psize;
+ char *result;
+ char **p;
+ /* Do not load what is already loaded into this process */
+ if (hv_fetch(dl_loaded_files, path, strlen(path), 0))
+ return path;
+ nxerr = OpenError();
+ psize = AvFILL(dl_resolve_using) + 3;
+ p = (char **) safemalloc(psize * sizeof(char*));
+ p[0] = path;
+ for(i=1; i<psize-1; i++) {
+ p[i] = SvPVx(*av_fetch(dl_resolve_using, i-1, TRUE), PL_na);
+ }
+ p[psize-1] = 0;
+ rld_success = rld_load(nxerr, (struct mach_header **)0, p,
+ (const char *) 0);
+ safefree((char*) p);
+ if (rld_success) {
+ result = path;
+ /* prevent multiple loads of same file into same process */
+ hv_store(dl_loaded_files, path, strlen(path), &PL_sv_yes, 0);
+ } else {
+ TransferError(nxerr);
+ result = (char*) 0;
+ }
+ CloseError(nxerr);
+ return result;
+void *
+dlsym(handle, symbol)
+void *handle;
+char *symbol;
+ NXStream *nxerr = OpenError();
+ unsigned long symref = 0;
+ if (!rld_lookup(nxerr, form("_%s", symbol), &symref))
+ TransferError(nxerr);
+ CloseError(nxerr);
+ return (void*) symref;
+#endif /* NS_TARGET_MAJOR >= 4 */
+/* ----- code from dl_dlopen.xs below here ----- */
+static void
+ (void)dl_generic_private_init();
+ dl_resolve_using = perl_get_av("DynaLoader::dl_resolve_using", 0x4);
+MODULE = DynaLoader PACKAGE = DynaLoader
+ (void)dl_private_init();
+void *
+dl_load_file(filename, flags=0)
+ char * filename
+ int flags
+ int mode = 1;
+ DLDEBUG(1,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), "dl_load_file(%s,%x):\n", filename,flags));
+ if (flags & 0x01)
+ warn("Can't make loaded symbols global on this platform while loading %s",filename);
+ RETVAL = dlopen(filename, mode) ;
+ DLDEBUG(2,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), " libref=%x\n", RETVAL));
+ ST(0) = sv_newmortal() ;
+ if (RETVAL == NULL)
+ SaveError("%s",dlerror()) ;
+ else
+ sv_setiv( ST(0), (IV)RETVAL);
+void *
+dl_find_symbol(libhandle, symbolname)
+ void * libhandle
+ char * symbolname
+ symbolname = form("_%s", symbolname);
+ DLDEBUG(2, PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(),
+ "dl_find_symbol(handle=%lx, symbol=%s)\n",
+ (unsigned long) libhandle, symbolname));
+ RETVAL = dlsym(libhandle, symbolname);
+ DLDEBUG(2, PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(),
+ " symbolref = %lx\n", (unsigned long) RETVAL));
+ ST(0) = sv_newmortal() ;
+ if (RETVAL == NULL)
+ SaveError("%s",dlerror()) ;
+ else
+ sv_setiv( ST(0), (IV)RETVAL);
+# These functions should not need changing on any platform:
+dl_install_xsub(perl_name, symref, filename="$Package")
+ char * perl_name
+ void * symref
+ char * filename
+ DLDEBUG(2,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), "dl_install_xsub(name=%s, symref=%x)\n",
+ perl_name, symref));
+ ST(0)=sv_2mortal(newRV((SV*)newXS(perl_name, (void(*)())symref, filename)));
+char *
+ RETVAL = LastError ;
+# end.
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/ext/DynaLoader/dl_none.xs b/contrib/perl5/ext/DynaLoader/dl_none.xs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a193e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/perl5/ext/DynaLoader/dl_none.xs
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+/* dl_none.xs
+ *
+ * Stubs for platforms that do not support dynamic linking
+ */
+#include "EXTERN.h"
+#include "perl.h"
+#include "XSUB.h"
+MODULE = DynaLoader PACKAGE = DynaLoader
+char *
+ RETVAL = "Not implemented";
+# end.
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/ext/DynaLoader/dl_vms.xs b/contrib/perl5/ext/DynaLoader/dl_vms.xs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..974fd58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/perl5/ext/DynaLoader/dl_vms.xs
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+/* dl_vms.xs
+ *
+ * Platform: OpenVMS, VAX or AXP
+ * Author: Charles Bailey
+ * Revised: 12-Dec-1994
+ *
+ * Implementation Note
+ * This section is added as an aid to users and DynaLoader developers, in
+ * order to clarify the process of dynamic linking under VMS.
+ * dl_vms.xs uses the supported VMS dynamic linking call, which allows
+ * a running program to map an arbitrary file of executable code and call
+ * routines within that file. This is done via the VMS RTL routine
+ * lib$find_image_symbol, whose calling sequence is as follows:
+ * status = lib$find_image_symbol(imgname,symname,symval,defspec);
+ * where
+ * status = a standard VMS status value (unsigned long int)
+ * imgname = a fixed-length string descriptor, passed by
+ * reference, containing the NAME ONLY of the image
+ * file to be mapped. An attempt will be made to
+ * translate this string as a logical name, so it may
+ * not contain any characters which are not allowed in
+ * logical names. If no translation is found, imgname
+ * is used directly as the name of the image file.
+ * symname = a fixed-length string descriptor, passed by
+ * reference, containing the name of the routine
+ * to be located.
+ * symval = an unsigned long int, passed by reference, into
+ * which is written the entry point address of the
+ * routine whose name is specified in symname.
+ * defspec = a fixed-length string descriptor, passed by
+ * reference, containing a default file specification
+ * whichis used to fill in any missing parts of the
+ * image file specification after the imgname argument
+ * is processed.
+ * In order to accommodate the handling of the imgname argument, the routine
+ * dl_expandspec() is provided for use by perl code (e.g. dl_findfile)
+ * which wants to see what image file lib$find_image_symbol would use if
+ * it were passed a given file specification. The file specification passed
+ * to dl_expandspec() and dl_load_file() can be partial or complete, and can
+ * use VMS or Unix syntax; these routines perform the necessary conversions.
+ * In general, writers of perl extensions need only conform to the
+ * procedures set out in the DynaLoader documentation, and let the details
+ * be taken care of by the routines here and in If anyone
+ * comes across any incompatibilities, please let me know. Thanks.
+ *
+ */
+#include "EXTERN.h"
+#include "perl.h"
+#include "XSUB.h"
+#include "dlutils.c" /* dl_debug, LastError; SaveError not used */
+static AV *dl_require_symbols = Nullav;
+/* N.B.:
+ * dl_debug and LastError are static vars; you'll need to deal
+ * with them appropriately if you need context independence
+ */
+#include <descrip.h>
+#include <fscndef.h>
+#include <lib$routines.h>
+#include <rms.h>
+#include <ssdef.h>
+#include <starlet.h>
+typedef unsigned long int vmssts;
+struct libref {
+ struct dsc$descriptor_s name;
+ struct dsc$descriptor_s defspec;
+/* Static data for dl_expand_filespec() - This is static to save
+ * initialization on each call; if you need context-independence,
+ * just make these auto variables in dl_expandspec() and dl_load_file()
+ */
+static char dlesa[NAM$C_MAXRSS], dlrsa[NAM$C_MAXRSS];
+static struct FAB dlfab;
+static struct NAM dlnam;
+/* $PutMsg action routine - records error message in LastError */
+static vmssts
+ struct dsc$descriptor_s * msg;
+ vmssts unused;
+ if (*(msg->dsc$a_pointer) == '%') { /* first line */
+ if (LastError)
+ strncpy((LastError = saferealloc(LastError,msg->dsc$w_length+1)),
+ msg->dsc$a_pointer, msg->dsc$w_length);
+ else
+ strncpy((LastError = safemalloc(msg->dsc$w_length+1)),
+ msg->dsc$a_pointer, msg->dsc$w_length);
+ LastError[msg->dsc$w_length] = '\0';
+ }
+ else { /* continuation line */
+ int errlen = strlen(LastError);
+ LastError = saferealloc(LastError, errlen + msg->dsc$w_length + 2);
+ LastError[errlen] = '\n'; LastError[errlen+1] = '\0';
+ strncat(LastError, msg->dsc$a_pointer, msg->dsc$w_length);
+ LastError[errlen+msg->dsc$w_length+1] = '\0';
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* Use $PutMsg to retrieve error message for failure status code */
+static void
+ vmssts sts;
+ vmssts stv;
+ vmssts vec[3];
+ vec[0] = stv ? 2 : 1;
+ vec[1] = sts; vec[2] = stv;
+ _ckvmssts(sys$putmsg(vec,copy_errmsg,0,0));
+static unsigned int
+findsym_handler(void *sig, void *mech)
+ unsigned long int myvec[8],args, *usig = (unsigned long int *) sig;
+ /* Be paranoid and assume signal vector passed in might be readonly */
+ myvec[0] = args = usig[0] > 10 ? 9 : usig[0] - 1;
+ while (--args) myvec[args] = usig[args];
+ _ckvmssts(sys$putmsg(myvec,copy_errmsg,0,0));
+ DLDEBUG(2,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), "findsym_handler: received\n\t%s\n",LastError));
+ return SS$_CONTINUE;
+/* wrapper for lib$find_image_symbol, so signalled errors can be saved
+ * for dl_error and then returned */
+static unsigned long int
+my_find_image_symbol(struct dsc$descriptor_s *imgname,
+ struct dsc$descriptor_s *symname,
+ void (**entry)(),
+ struct dsc$descriptor_s *defspec)
+ unsigned long int retsts;
+ VAXC$ESTABLISH(findsym_handler);
+ retsts = lib$find_image_symbol(imgname,symname,entry,defspec);
+ return retsts;
+static void
+ dl_generic_private_init();
+ dl_require_symbols = perl_get_av("DynaLoader::dl_require_symbols", 0x4);
+ /* Set up the static control blocks for dl_expand_filespec() */
+ dlfab = cc$rms_fab;
+ dlnam = cc$rms_nam;
+ dlfab.fab$l_nam = &dlnam;
+ dlnam.nam$l_esa = dlesa;
+ dlnam.nam$b_ess = sizeof dlesa;
+ dlnam.nam$l_rsa = dlrsa;
+ dlnam.nam$b_rss = sizeof dlrsa;
+MODULE = DynaLoader PACKAGE = DynaLoader
+ (void)dl_private_init();
+ char * filespec
+ char vmsspec[NAM$C_MAXRSS], defspec[NAM$C_MAXRSS];
+ size_t deflen;
+ vmssts sts;
+ tovmsspec(filespec,vmsspec);
+ dlfab.fab$l_fna = vmsspec;
+ dlfab.fab$b_fns = strlen(vmsspec);
+ dlfab.fab$l_dna = 0;
+ dlfab.fab$b_dns = 0;
+ DLDEBUG(1,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), "dl_expand_filespec(%s):\n",vmsspec));
+ /* On the first pass, just parse the specification string */
+ dlnam.nam$b_nop = NAM$M_SYNCHK;
+ sts = sys$parse(&dlfab);
+ DLDEBUG(2,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), "\tSYNCHK sys$parse = %d\n",sts));
+ if (!(sts & 1)) {
+ dl_set_error(dlfab.fab$l_sts,dlfab.fab$l_stv);
+ ST(0) = &PL_sv_undef;
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Now set up a default spec - everything but the name */
+ deflen = dlnam.nam$l_name - dlesa;
+ memcpy(defspec,dlesa,deflen);
+ memcpy(defspec+deflen,dlnam.nam$l_type,
+ dlnam.nam$b_type + dlnam.nam$b_ver);
+ deflen += dlnam.nam$b_type + dlnam.nam$b_ver;
+ memcpy(vmsspec,dlnam.nam$l_name,dlnam.nam$b_name);
+ DLDEBUG(2,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), "\tsplit filespec: name = %.*s, default = %.*s\n",
+ dlnam.nam$b_name,vmsspec,deflen,defspec));
+ /* . . . and go back to expand it */
+ dlnam.nam$b_nop = 0;
+ dlfab.fab$l_dna = defspec;
+ dlfab.fab$b_dns = deflen;
+ dlfab.fab$b_fns = dlnam.nam$b_name;
+ sts = sys$parse(&dlfab);
+ DLDEBUG(2,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), "\tname/default sys$parse = %d\n",sts));
+ if (!(sts & 1)) {
+ dl_set_error(dlfab.fab$l_sts,dlfab.fab$l_stv);
+ ST(0) = &PL_sv_undef;
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Now find the actual file */
+ sts = sys$search(&dlfab);
+ DLDEBUG(2,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), "\tsys$search = %d\n",sts));
+ if (!(sts & 1)) {
+ dl_set_error(dlfab.fab$l_sts,dlfab.fab$l_stv);
+ ST(0) = &PL_sv_undef;
+ }
+ else {
+ ST(0) = sv_2mortal(newSVpv(dlnam.nam$l_rsa,dlnam.nam$b_rsl));
+ DLDEBUG(1,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), "\tresult = \\%.*s\\\n",
+ dlnam.nam$b_rsl,dlnam.nam$l_rsa));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+dl_load_file(filespec, flags)
+ char * filespec
+ int flags
+ char vmsspec[NAM$C_MAXRSS];
+ SV *reqSV, **reqSVhndl;
+ STRLEN deflen;
+ struct dsc$descriptor_s
+ specdsc = {0, DSC$K_DTYPE_T, DSC$K_CLASS_S, 0},
+ symdsc = {0, DSC$K_DTYPE_T, DSC$K_CLASS_S, 0};
+ struct fscnlst {
+ unsigned short int len;
+ unsigned short int code;
+ char *string;
+ } namlst[2] = {{0,FSCN$_NAME,0},{0,0,0}};
+ struct libref *dlptr;
+ vmssts sts, failed = 0;
+ void (*entry)();
+ DLDEBUG(1,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), "dl_load_file(%s,%x):\n", filespec,flags));
+ specdsc.dsc$a_pointer = tovmsspec(filespec,vmsspec);
+ specdsc.dsc$w_length = strlen(specdsc.dsc$a_pointer);
+ DLDEBUG(2,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), "\tVMS-ified filespec is %s\n",
+ specdsc.dsc$a_pointer));
+ New(1399,dlptr,1,struct libref);
+ dlptr->name.dsc$b_dtype = dlptr->defspec.dsc$b_dtype = DSC$K_DTYPE_T;
+ dlptr->name.dsc$b_class = dlptr->defspec.dsc$b_class = DSC$K_CLASS_S;
+ sts = sys$filescan(&specdsc,namlst,0);
+ DLDEBUG(2,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), "\tsys$filescan: returns %d, name is %.*s\n",
+ sts,namlst[0].len,namlst[0].string));
+ if (!(sts & 1)) {
+ failed = 1;
+ dl_set_error(sts,0);
+ }
+ else {
+ dlptr->name.dsc$w_length = namlst[0].len;
+ dlptr->name.dsc$a_pointer = savepvn(namlst[0].string,namlst[0].len);
+ dlptr->defspec.dsc$w_length = specdsc.dsc$w_length - namlst[0].len;
+ New(1097, dlptr->defspec.dsc$a_pointer, dlptr->defspec.dsc$w_length + 1, char);
+ deflen = namlst[0].string - specdsc.dsc$a_pointer;
+ memcpy(dlptr->defspec.dsc$a_pointer,specdsc.dsc$a_pointer,deflen);
+ memcpy(dlptr->defspec.dsc$a_pointer + deflen,
+ namlst[0].string + namlst[0].len,
+ dlptr->defspec.dsc$w_length - deflen);
+ DLDEBUG(2,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), "\tlibref = name: %s, defspec: %.*s\n",
+ dlptr->name.dsc$a_pointer,
+ dlptr->defspec.dsc$w_length,
+ dlptr->defspec.dsc$a_pointer));
+ if (!(reqSVhndl = av_fetch(dl_require_symbols,0,FALSE)) || !(reqSV = *reqSVhndl)) {
+ DLDEBUG(2,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), "\t@dl_require_symbols empty, returning untested libref\n"));
+ }
+ else {
+ symdsc.dsc$w_length = SvCUR(reqSV);
+ symdsc.dsc$a_pointer = SvPVX(reqSV);
+ DLDEBUG(2,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), "\t$dl_require_symbols[0] = %.*s\n",
+ symdsc.dsc$w_length, symdsc.dsc$a_pointer));
+ sts = my_find_image_symbol(&(dlptr->name),&symdsc,
+ &entry,&(dlptr->defspec));
+ DLDEBUG(2,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), "\tlib$find_image_symbol returns %d\n",sts));
+ if (!(sts&1)) {
+ failed = 1;
+ dl_set_error(sts,0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (failed) {
+ Safefree(dlptr->name.dsc$a_pointer);
+ Safefree(dlptr->defspec.dsc$a_pointer);
+ Safefree(dlptr);
+ ST(0) = &PL_sv_undef;
+ }
+ else {
+ ST(0) = sv_2mortal(newSViv((IV) dlptr));
+ }
+ void * librefptr
+ SV * symname
+ struct libref thislib = *((struct libref *)librefptr);
+ struct dsc$descriptor_s
+ symdsc = {SvCUR(symname),DSC$K_DTYPE_T,DSC$K_CLASS_S,SvPVX(symname)};
+ void (*entry)();
+ vmssts sts;
+ DLDEBUG(1,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), "dl_find_dymbol(%.*s,%.*s):\n",
+ symdsc.dsc$w_length,symdsc.dsc$a_pointer));
+ sts = my_find_image_symbol(&(,&symdsc,
+ &entry,&(thislib.defspec));
+ DLDEBUG(2,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), "\tlib$find_image_symbol returns %d\n",sts));
+ DLDEBUG(2,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), "\tentry point is %d\n",
+ (unsigned long int) entry));
+ if (!(sts & 1)) {
+ /* error message already saved by findsym_handler */
+ ST(0) = &PL_sv_undef;
+ }
+ else ST(0) = sv_2mortal(newSViv((IV) entry));
+# These functions should not need changing on any platform:
+dl_install_xsub(perl_name, symref, filename="$Package")
+ char * perl_name
+ void * symref
+ char * filename
+ DLDEBUG(2,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), "dl_install_xsub(name=%s, symref=%x)\n",
+ perl_name, symref));
+ ST(0)=sv_2mortal(newRV((SV*)newXS(perl_name, (void(*)())symref, filename)));
+char *
+ RETVAL = LastError ;
+# end.
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/ext/DynaLoader/dlutils.c b/contrib/perl5/ext/DynaLoader/dlutils.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfa1f78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/perl5/ext/DynaLoader/dlutils.c
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+/* dlutils.c - handy functions and definitions for dl_*.xs files
+ *
+ * Currently this file is simply #included into dl_*.xs/.c files.
+ * It should really be split into a dlutils.h and dlutils.c
+ *
+ */
+/* pointer to allocated memory for last error message */
+static char *LastError = (char*)NULL;
+/* flag for immediate rather than lazy linking (spots unresolved symbol) */
+static int dl_nonlazy = 0;
+static HV *dl_loaded_files = Nullhv; /* only needed on a few systems */
+static int dl_debug = 0; /* value copied from $DynaLoader::dl_error */
+#define DLDEBUG(level,code) if (dl_debug>=level) { code; }
+#define DLDEBUG(level,code)
+static void
+dl_generic_private_init(CPERLarg) /* called by dl_*.xs dl_private_init() */
+ char *perl_dl_nonlazy;
+ dl_debug = SvIV( perl_get_sv("DynaLoader::dl_debug", 0x04) );
+ if ( (perl_dl_nonlazy = getenv("PERL_DL_NONLAZY")) != NULL )
+ dl_nonlazy = atoi(perl_dl_nonlazy);
+ if (dl_nonlazy)
+ DLDEBUG(1,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), "DynaLoader bind mode is 'non-lazy'\n"));
+ if (!dl_loaded_files)
+ dl_loaded_files = newHV(); /* provide cache for dl_*.xs if needed */
+/* SaveError() takes printf style args and saves the result in LastError */
+static void
+SaveError(CPERLarg_ char* pat, ...)
+ va_list args;
+ char *message;
+ int len;
+ /* This code is based on croak/warn, see mess() in util.c */
+ va_start(args, pat);
+ message = mess(pat, &args);
+ va_end(args);
+ len = strlen(message) + 1 ; /* include terminating null char */
+ /* Allocate some memory for the error message */
+ if (LastError)
+ LastError = (char*)saferealloc(LastError, len) ;
+ else
+ LastError = (char *) safemalloc(len) ;
+ /* Copy message into LastError (including terminating null char) */
+ strncpy(LastError, message, len) ;
+ DLDEBUG(2,PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), "DynaLoader: stored error msg '%s'\n",LastError));
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