path: root/contrib/perl5/eg/g
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/perl5/eg/g')
6 files changed, 0 insertions, 442 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/eg/g/gcp b/contrib/perl5/eg/g/gcp
deleted file mode 100644
index d18b6f6..0000000
--- a/contrib/perl5/eg/g/gcp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-# $RCSfile: gcp,v $$Revision: 4.1 $$Date: 92/08/07 17:20:15 $
-# Here is a script to do global rcps. See man page.
-$#ARGV >= 1 || die "Not enough arguments.\n";
-if ($ARGV[0] eq '-r') {
- $rcp = 'rcp -r';
- shift;
-} else {
- $rcp = 'rcp';
-$args = $rcp;
-$dest = $ARGV[$#ARGV];
-$SIG{'INT'} = 'CONT';
-while ($arg = shift) {
- if ($arg =~ /^([-a-zA-Z0-9_+]+):/) {
- if ($systype && $systype ne $1) {
- die "Can't mix system type specifers ($systype vs $1).\n";
- }
- $#ARGV < 0 || $arg !~ /:$/ || die "No source file specified.\n";
- $systype = $1;
- $args .= " $arg";
- } else {
- if ($#ARGV >= 0) {
- if ($arg =~ /^[\/~]/) {
- $arg =~ /^(.*)\// && ($dir = $1);
- } else {
- if (!$pwd) {
- chop($pwd = `pwd`);
- }
- $dir = $pwd;
- }
- }
- if ($olddir && $dir ne $olddir && $dest =~ /:$/) {
- $args .= " $dest$olddir; $rcp";
- }
- $olddir = $dir;
- $args .= " $arg";
- }
-die "No system type specified.\n" unless $systype;
-$args =~ s/:$/:$olddir/;
-chop($thishost = `hostname`);
-$one_of_these = ":$systype:";
-if ($systype =~ s/\+/[+]/g) {
- $one_of_these =~ s/\+/:/g;
-$one_of_these =~ s/-/:-/g;
-@ARGV = ();
-push(@ARGV,'.grem') if -f '.grem';
-push(@ARGV,'.ghosts') if -f '.ghosts';
-$remainder = '';
-line: while (<>) {
- s/[ \t]*\n//;
- if (!$_ || /^#/) {
- next line;
- }
- if (/^([a-zA-Z_0-9]+)=(.+)/) {
- $name = $1; $repl = $2;
- $repl =~ s/\+/:/g;
- $repl =~ s/-/:-/g;
- $one_of_these =~ s/:$name:/:$repl:/;
- $repl =~ s/:/:-/g;
- $one_of_these =~ s/:-$name:/:-$repl:/g;
- next line;
- }
- @gh = split(' ');
- $host = $gh[0];
- next line if $host eq $thishost; # should handle aliases too
- $wanted = 0;
- foreach $class (@gh) {
- $wanted++ if index($one_of_these,":$class:") >= 0;
- $wanted = -9999 if index($one_of_these,":-$class:") >= 0;
- }
- if ($wanted > 0) {
- ($cmd = $args) =~ s/[ \t]$systype:/ $host:/g;
- print "$cmd\n";
- $result = `$cmd 2>&1`;
- $remainder .= "$host+" if
- $result =~ /Connection timed out|Permission denied/;
- print $result;
- }
-if ($remainder) {
- chop($remainder);
- open(grem,">.grem") || (printf stderr "Can't create .grem: $!\n");
- print grem 'rem=', $remainder, "\n";
- close(grem);
- print 'rem=', $remainder, "\n";
-sub CLEANUP {
- exit;
-sub CONT {
- print "Continuing...\n"; # Just ignore the signal that kills rcp
- $remainder .= "$host+";
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/eg/g/ b/contrib/perl5/eg/g/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1198554..0000000
--- a/contrib/perl5/eg/g/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-.\" $RCSfile:,v $$Revision: 4.1 $$Date: 92/08/07 17:20:17 $
-.TH GCP 1C "13 May 1988"
-gcp \- global file copy
-.B gcp
-file1 file2
-.B gcp
-.B \-r
-] file ... directory
-.I gcp
-works just like rcp(1C) except that you may specify a set of hosts to copy files
-from or to.
-The host sets are defined in the file /etc/ghosts.
-(An individual host name can be used as a set containing one member.)
-You can give a command like
- gcp /etc/motd sun:
-to copy your /etc/motd file to /etc/motd on all the Suns.
-If, on the other hand, you say
- gcp /a/foo /b/bar sun:/tmp
-then your files will be copied to /tmp on all the Suns.
-The general rule is that if you don't specify the destination directory,
-files go to the same directory they are in currently.
-You may specify the union of two or more sets by using + as follows:
- gcp /a/foo /b/bar 750+mc:
-which will copy /a/foo to /a/foo on all 750's and Masscomps, and then copy
-/b/bar to /b/bar on all 750's and Masscomps.
-Commonly used sets should be defined in /etc/ghosts.
-For example, you could add a line that says
- pep=manny+moe+jack
-Another way to do that would be to add the word "pep" after each of the host
- manny sun3 pep
- moe sun3 pep
- jack sun3 pep
-Hosts and sets of host can also be excluded:
- foo=sun-sun2
-Any host so excluded will never be included, even if a subsequent set on the
-line includes it:
- foo=abc+def
- bar=xyz-abc+foo
-comes out to xyz+def.
-You can define private host sets by creating .ghosts in your current directory
-with entries just like /etc/ghosts.
-Also, if there is a file .grem, it defines "rem" to be the remaining hosts
-from the last gsh or gcp that didn't succeed everywhere.
-Interrupting with a SIGINT will cause the rcp to the current host to be skipped
-and execution resumed with the next host.
-To stop completely, send a SIGQUIT.
-All the bugs of rcp, since it calls rcp.
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/eg/g/ged b/contrib/perl5/eg/g/ged
deleted file mode 100644
index 07ac88f..0000000
--- a/contrib/perl5/eg/g/ged
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# $RCSfile: ged,v $$Revision: 4.1 $$Date: 92/08/07 17:20:18 $
-# Does inplace edits on a set of files on a set of machines.
-# Typical invokation:
-# ged vax+sun /etc/passwd
-# s/Freddy/Freddie/;
-# ^D
-$class = shift;
-$files = join(' ',@ARGV);
-die "Usage: ged class files <perlcmds\n" unless $files;
-exec "gsh", $class, "-d", "perl -pi.bak - $files";
-die "Couldn't execute gsh for some reason, stopped";
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/eg/g/ghosts b/contrib/perl5/eg/g/ghosts
deleted file mode 100644
index 96ec771..0000000
--- a/contrib/perl5/eg/g/ghosts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-# This first section gives alternate sets defined in terms of the sets given
-# by the second section. The order is important--all references must be
-# forward references.
-# This second section defines the basic sets. Each host should have a line
-# that specifies which sets it is a member of. Extra sets should be separated
-# by white space. (The first section isn't strictly necessary, since all sets
-# could be defined in the second section, but then it wouldn't be so readable.)
-basvax 8600 src
-cdb0 sun3 sys
-cdb1 sun3 sys
-cdb2 sun3 sys
-chief sun3 src
-tis0 sun3
-manny sun3 sys
-moe sun3 sys
-jack sun3 sys
-disney sun3 sys
-huey sun3 nd
-dewey sun3 nd
-louie sun3 nd
-bizet sun2 src sys
-gif0 mc src
-mc0 mc
-dtv0 mc
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/eg/g/gsh b/contrib/perl5/eg/g/gsh
deleted file mode 100644
index 4bc5d87..0000000
--- a/contrib/perl5/eg/g/gsh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/perl
-# $RCSfile: gsh,v $$Revision: 4.1 $$Date: 92/08/07 17:20:20 $
-# Do rsh globally--see man page
-$SIG{'QUIT'} = 'quit'; # install signal handler for SIGQUIT
-sub getswitches {
- while ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-/) { # parse switches
- $ARGV[0] =~ /^-h/ && ($showhost++,$silent++,shift(@ARGV),next);
- $ARGV[0] =~ /^-s/ && ($silent++,shift(@ARGV),next);
- $ARGV[0] =~ /^-d/ && ($dodist++,shift(@ARGV),next);
- $ARGV[0] =~ /^-n/ && ($n=' -n',shift(@ARGV),next);
- $ARGV[0] =~ /^-l/ && ($l=' -l ' . $ARGV[1],shift(@ARGV),shift(@ARGV),
- next);
- last;
- }
-do getswitches(); # get any switches before class
-$systype = shift; # get name representing set of hosts
-do getswitches(); # same switches allowed after class
-if ($dodist) { # distribute input over all rshes?
- `cat >/tmp/gsh$$`; # get input into a handy place
- $dist = " </tmp/gsh$$"; # each rsh takes input from there
-$cmd = join(' ',@ARGV); # remaining args constitute the command
-$cmd =~ s/'/'"'"'/g; # quote any embedded single quotes
-$one_of_these = ":$systype:"; # prepare to expand "macros"
-$one_of_these =~ s/\+/:/g; # we hope to end up with list of
-$one_of_these =~ s/-/:-/g; # colon separated attributes
-@ARGV = ();
-push(@ARGV,'.grem') if -f '.grem';
-push(@ARGV,'.ghosts') if -f '.ghosts';
-$remainder = '';
-line: while (<>) { # for each line of ghosts
- s/[ \t]*\n//; # trim trailing whitespace
- if (!$_ || /^#/) { # skip blank line or comment
- next line;
- }
- if (/^(\w+)=(.+)/) { # a macro line?
- $name = $1; $repl = $2;
- $repl =~ s/\+/:/g;
- $repl =~ s/-/:-/g;
- $one_of_these =~ s/:$name:/:$repl:/; # do expansion in "wanted" list
- $repl =~ s/:/:-/g;
- $one_of_these =~ s/:-$name:/:-$repl:/;
- next line;
- }
- # we have a normal line
- @attr = split(' '); # a list of attributes to match against
- # which we put into an array
- $host = $attr[0]; # the first attribute is the host name
- if ($showhost) {
- $showhost = "$host:\t";
- }
- $wanted = 0;
- foreach $attr (@attr) { # iterate over attribute array
- $wanted++ if index($one_of_these,":$attr:") >= 0;
- $wanted = -9999 if index($one_of_these,":-$attr:") >= 0;
- }
- if ($wanted > 0) {
- print "rsh $host$l$n '$cmd'\n" unless $silent;
- $SIG{'INT'} = 'DEFAULT';
- if (open(PIPE,"rsh $host$l$n '$cmd'$dist 2>&1|")) { # start an rsh
- $SIG{'INT'} = 'cont';
- for ($iter=0; <PIPE>; $iter++) {
- unless ($iter) {
- $remainder .= "$host+"
- if /Connection timed out|Permission denied/;
- }
- print $showhost,$_;
- }
- close(PIPE);
- } else {
- print "(Can't execute rsh: $!)\n";
- $SIG{'INT'} = 'cont';
- }
- }
-unlink "/tmp/gsh$$" if $dodist;
-if ($remainder) {
- chop($remainder);
- open(grem,">.grem") || (printf stderr "Can't make a .grem file: $!\n");
- print grem 'rem=', $remainder, "\n";
- close(grem);
- print 'rem=', $remainder, "\n";
-# here are a couple of subroutines that serve as signal handlers
-sub cont {
- print "\rContinuing...\n";
- $remainder .= "$host+";
-sub quit {
- $| = 1;
- print "\r";
- $SIG{'INT'} = '';
- kill 2, $$;
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/eg/g/ b/contrib/perl5/eg/g/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2958707..0000000
--- a/contrib/perl5/eg/g/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-.\" $RCSfile:,v $$Revision: 4.1 $$Date: 92/08/07 17:20:22 $
-.TH GSH 8 "13 May 1988"
-gsh \- global shell
-.B gsh
-.I host
-.I command
-.I gsh
-works just like rsh(1C) except that you may specify a set of hosts to execute
-the command on.
-The host sets are defined in the file /etc/ghosts.
-(An individual host name can be used as a set containing one member.)
-You can give a command like
- gsh sun /etc/mungmotd
-to run /etc/mungmotd on all your Suns.
-You may specify the union of two or more sets by using + as follows:
- gsh 750+mc /etc/mungmotd
-which will run mungmotd on all 750's and Masscomps.
-Commonly used sets should be defined in /etc/ghosts.
-For example, you could add a line that says
- pep=manny+moe+jack
-Another way to do that would be to add the word "pep" after each of the host
- manny sun3 pep
- moe sun3 pep
- jack sun3 pep
-Hosts and sets of host can also be excluded:
- foo=sun-sun2
-Any host so excluded will never be included, even if a subsequent set on the
-line includes it:
- foo=abc+def
- bar=xyz-abc+foo
-comes out to xyz+def.
-You can define private host sets by creating .ghosts in your current directory
-with entries just like /etc/ghosts.
-Also, if there is a file .grem, it defines "rem" to be the remaining hosts
-from the last gsh or gcp that didn't succeed everywhere.
-Options include all those defined by rsh, as well as
-.IP "\-d" 8
-Causes gsh to collect input till end of file, and then distribute that input
-to each invokation of rsh.
-.IP "\-h" 8
-Rather than print out the command followed by the output, merely prepends the
-host name to each line of output.
-.IP "\-s" 8
-Do work silently.
-Interrupting with a SIGINT will cause the rsh to the current host to be skipped
-and execution resumed with the next host.
-To stop completely, send a SIGQUIT.
-All the bugs of rsh, since it calls rsh.
-Also, will not properly return data from the remote execution that contains
-null characters.
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