path: root/contrib/nvi/docs/USD.doc/
diff options
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+++ b/contrib/nvi/docs/USD.doc/
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+.\" Copyright (c) 1994
+.\" The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
+.\" Copyright (c) 1994, 1995, 1996
+.\" Keith Bostic. All rights reserved.
+.\" This document may not be republished without written permission from
+.\" Keith Bostic.
+.\" See the LICENSE file for redistribution information.
+.\" @(#)vi.1 8.51 (Berkeley) 10/10/96
+.TH VI 1 "October 10, 1996"
+ex, vi, view \- text editors
+.B ex
+.B -eFRrSsv\c
+] [\c
+.BI -c " cmd"\c
+] [\c
+.BI -t " tag"\c
+] [\c
+.BI -w " size"\c
+] [file ...]
+.B vi
+.B -eFlRrSv\c
+] [\c
+.BI -c " cmd"\c
+] [\c
+.BI -t " tag"\c
+] [\c
+.BI -w " size"\c
+] [file ...]
+.B view
+.B -eFRrSv\c
+] [\c
+.BI -c " cmd"\c
+] [\c
+.BI -t " tag"\c
+] [\c
+.BI -w " size"\c
+] [file ...]
+The vi program is freely redistributable. You are welcome to copy,
+modify and share it with others under the conditions listed in the
+LICENSE file. If any company (not individual!) finds vi sufficiently
+useful that you would have purchased it, or if any company wishes to
+redistribute it, contributions to the authors would be appreciated.
+.I \&Vi
+is a screen oriented text editor.
+.I \&Ex
+is a line-oriented text editor.
+.I \&Ex
+.I \&vi
+are different interfaces to the same program,
+and it is possible to switch back and forth during an edit session.
+.I View
+is the equivalent of using the
+.B \-R
+(read-only) option of
+.IR \&vi .
+This manual page is the one provided with the
+.I nex/nvi
+versions of the
+.I ex/vi
+text editors.
+.I Nex/nvi
+are intended as bug-for-bug compatible replacements for the original
+Fourth Berkeley Software Distribution (4BSD)
+.I \&ex
+.I \&vi
+For the rest of this manual page,
+.I nex/nvi
+is used only when it's necessary to distinguish it from the historic
+implementations of
+.IR ex/vi .
+This manual page is intended for users already familiar with
+.IR ex/vi .
+Anyone else should almost certainly read a good tutorial on the
+editor before this manual page.
+If you're in an unfamiliar environment, and you absolutely have to
+get work done immediately, read the section after the options
+description, entitled ``Fast Startup''.
+It's probably enough to get you going.
+The following options are available:
+.B \-c
+.B cmd
+immediately after starting the edit session.
+Particularly useful for initial positioning in the file, however
+.B cmd
+is not limited to positioning commands.
+This is the POSIX 1003.2 interface for the historic ``+cmd'' syntax.
+.I Nex/nvi
+supports both the old and new syntax.
+.B \-e
+Start editing in ex mode, as if the command name were
+.IR \&ex .
+.B \-F
+Don't copy the entire file when first starting to edit.
+(The default is to make a copy in case someone else modifies
+the file during your edit session.)
+.B \-l
+Start editing with the lisp and showmatch options set.
+.B \-R
+Start editing in read-only mode, as if the command name was
+.IR view ,
+or the
+.B readonly
+option was set.
+.B \-r
+Recover the specified files, or, if no files are specified,
+list the files that could be recovered.
+If no recoverable files by the specified name exist,
+the file is edited as if the
+.B \-r
+option had not been specified.
+.B \-S
+Run with the
+.B secure
+edit option set, disallowing all access to external programs.
+.B \-s
+Enter batch mode; applicable only to
+.I \&ex
+edit sessions.
+Batch mode is useful when running
+.I \&ex
+Prompts, informative messages and other user oriented message
+are turned off,
+and no startup files or environmental variables are read.
+This is the POSIX 1003.2 interface for the historic ``\-'' argument.
+.I \&Nex/nvi
+supports both the old and new syntax.
+.B \-t
+Start editing at the specified tag.
+.IR ctags (1)).
+.B \-w
+Set the initial window size to the specified number of lines.
+.B \-v
+Start editing in vi mode, as if the command name was
+.I \&vi
+.IR view .
+Command input for
+.I ex/vi
+is read from the standard input.
+In the
+.I \&vi
+interface, it is an error if standard input is not a terminal.
+In the
+.I \&ex
+interface, if standard input is not a terminal,
+.I \&ex
+will read commands from it regardless, however, the session will be a
+batch mode session, exactly as if the
+.B \-s
+option had been specified.
+.I Ex/vi
+exits 0 on success, and greater than 0 if an error occurs.
+This section will tell you the minimum amount that you need to
+do simple editing tasks using
+.IR \&vi .
+If you've never used any screen editor before, you're likely to have
+problems even with this simple introduction.
+In that case you should find someone that already knows
+.I \&vi
+and have them walk you through this section.
+.I \&Vi
+is a screen editor.
+This means that it takes up almost the entire screen, displaying part
+of the file on each screen line, except for the last line of the screen.
+The last line of the screen is used for you to give commands to
+.IR \&vi ,
+and for
+.I \&vi
+to give information to you.
+The other fact that you need to understand is that
+.I \&vi
+is a modeful editor, i.e. you are either entering text or you
+are executing commands, and you have to be in the right mode
+to do one or the other.
+You will be in command mode when you first start editing a file.
+There are commands that switch you into input mode.
+There is only one key that takes you out of input mode,
+and that is the <escape> key.
+(Key names are written using less-than and greater-than signs, e.g.
+<escape> means the ``escape'' key, usually labeled ``esc'' on your
+terminal's keyboard.)
+If you're ever confused as to which mode you're in,
+keep entering the <escape> key until
+.I \&vi
+beeps at you.
+.I \&vi
+will beep at you if you try and do something that's not allowed.
+It will also display error messages.)
+To start editing a file, enter the command ``vi file_name<carriage-return>''.
+The command you should enter as soon as you start editing is
+``:set verbose showmode<carriage-return>''.
+This will make the editor give you verbose error messages and display
+the current mode at the bottom of the screen.
+The commands to move around the file are:
+.B h
+Move the cursor left one character.
+.B j
+Move the cursor down one line.
+.B k
+Move the cursor up one line.
+.B l
+Move the cursor right one character.
+.B <cursor-arrows>
+The cursor arrow keys should work, too.
+.B /text<carriage-return>
+Search for the string ``text'' in the file,
+and move the cursor to its first character.
+The commands to enter new text are:
+.B a
+Append new text,
+.I after
+the cursor.
+.B i
+Insert new text,
+.I before
+the cursor.
+.B o
+Open a new line below the line the cursor is on, and start
+entering text.
+.B O
+Open a new line above the line the cursor is on, and start
+entering text.
+.B <escape>
+Once you've entered input mode using the one of the
+.BR \&a ,
+.BR \&i ,
+.BR \&O
+.B \&o
+commands, use
+.B <escape>
+to quit entering text and return to command mode.
+The commands to copy text are:
+.B yy
+Copy the line the cursor is on.
+.B p
+Append the copied line after the line the cursor is on.
+The commands to delete text are:
+.B dd
+Delete the line the cursor is on.
+.B x
+Delete the character the cursor is on.
+The commands to write the file are:
+.B :w<carriage-return>
+Write the file back to the file with the name that you originally used
+as an argument on the
+.I \&vi
+command line.
+.B ":w file_name<carriage-return>"
+Write the file back to the file with the name ``file_name''.
+The commands to quit editing and exit the editor are:
+.B :q<carriage-return>
+Quit editing and leave vi (if you've modified the file, but not
+saved your changes,
+.I \&vi
+will refuse to quit).
+.B :q!<carriage-return>
+Quit, discarding any modifications that you may have made.
+One final caution.
+Unusual characters can take up more than one column on the screen,
+and long lines can take up more than a single screen line.
+The above commands work on ``physical'' characters and lines,
+i.e. they affect the entire line no matter how many screen lines it
+takes up and the entire character no matter how many screen columns
+it takes up.
+The following section describes the commands available in the command
+mode of the
+.I \&vi
+In each entry below, the tag line is a usage synopsis for the command
+.B "[count] <control-A>"
+Search forward
+.I count
+times for the current word.
+.B "[count] <control-B>"
+Page backwards
+.I count
+.B "[count] <control-D>"
+Scroll forward
+.I count
+.B "[count] <control-E>"
+Scroll forward
+.I count
+lines, leaving the current line and column as is, if possible.
+.B "[count] <control-F>"
+Page forward
+.I count
+.B "<control-G>"
+Display the file information.
+.B "<control-H>"
+.B "[count] h"
+Move the cursor back
+.I count
+characters in the current line.
+.B "[count] <control-J>"
+.B "[count] <control-N>"
+.B "[count] j"
+Move the cursor down
+.I count
+lines without changing the current column.
+.B "<control-L>"
+.B "<control-R>"
+Repaint the screen.
+.B "[count] <control-M>"
+.B "[count] +"
+Move the cursor down
+.I count
+lines to the first nonblank character of that line.
+.B "[count] <control-P>"
+.B "[count] k"
+Move the cursor up
+.I count
+lines, without changing the current column.
+.B "<control-T>"
+Return to the most recent tag context.
+.B "<control-U>"
+Scroll backwards
+.I count
+.B "<control-W>"
+Switch to the next lower screen in the window, or, to the first
+screen if there are no lower screens in the window.
+.B "<control-Y>"
+Scroll backwards
+.I count
+lines, leaving the current line and column as is, if possible.
+.B "<control-Z>"
+Suspend the current editor session.
+.B "<escape>"
+.I \&ex
+commands or cancel partial commands.
+.B "<control-]>"
+Push a tag reference onto the tag stack.
+.B "<control-^>"
+Switch to the most recently edited file.
+.B "[count] <space>"
+.B "[count] l"
+Move the cursor forward
+.I count
+characters without changing the current line.
+.B "[count] ! motion shell-argument(s)"
+Replace text with results from a shell command.
+.B "[count] # #|+|-"
+Increment or decrement the cursor number.
+.B "[count] $"
+Move the cursor to the end of a line.
+.B "%"
+Move to the matching character.
+.B "&"
+Repeat the previous substitution command on the current line.
+.B "'<character>"
+.B "`<character>"
+Return to a context marked by the character
+.IR <character> .
+.B "[count] ("
+Back up
+.I count
+.B "[count] )"
+Move forward
+.I count
+.B "[count] ,"
+Reverse find character
+.I count
+.B "[count] -"
+Move to first nonblank of the previous line,
+.I count
+.B "[count] ."
+Repeat the last
+.I \&vi
+command that modified text.
+.B "/RE<carriage-return>"
+.B "/RE/ [offset]<carriage-return>"
+.B "?RE<carriage-return>"
+.B "?RE? [offset]<carriage-return>"
+.B "N"
+.B "n"
+Search forward or backward for a regular expression.
+.B "0"
+Move to the first character in the current line.
+.B ":"
+Execute an ex command.
+.B "[count] ;"
+Repeat the last character find
+.I count
+.B "[count] < motion"
+.B "[count] > motion"
+Shift lines left or right.
+.B "@ buffer"
+Execute a named buffer.
+.B "[count] A"
+Enter input mode, appending the text after the end of the line.
+.B "[count] B"
+Move backwards
+.I count
+.B "[buffer] [count] C"
+Change text from the current position to the end-of-line.
+.B "[buffer] D"
+Delete text from the current position to the end-of-line.
+.B "[count] E"
+Move forward
+.I count
+.B "[count] F <character>"
+.I count
+times backward through the current line for
+.IR <character> .
+.B "[count] G"
+Move to line
+.IR count ,
+or the last line of the file if
+.I count
+not specified.
+.B "[count] H"
+Move to the screen line
+.I "count - 1"
+lines below the top of the screen.
+.B "[count] I"
+Enter input mode, inserting the text at the beginning of the line.
+.B "[count] J"
+Join lines.
+.B "[count] L"
+Move to the screen line
+.I "count - 1"
+lines above the bottom of the screen.
+.B " M"
+Move to the screen line in the middle of the screen.
+.B "[count] O"
+Enter input mode, appending text in a new line above the current line.
+.B "[buffer] P"
+Insert text from a buffer.
+.B "Q"
+.I \&vi
+(or visual) mode and switch to
+.I \&ex
+.B "[count] R"
+Enter input mode, replacing the characters in the current line.
+.B "[buffer] [count] S"
+.I count
+.B "[count] T <character>"
+Search backwards,
+.I count
+through the current line for the character
+.I after
+the specified
+.IR <character> .
+.B "U"
+Restore the current line to its state before the cursor last
+moved to it.
+.B "[count] W"
+Move forward
+.I count
+.B "[buffer] [count] X"
+.I count
+characters before the cursor.
+.B "[buffer] [count] Y"
+Copy (or ``yank'')
+.I count
+lines into the specified buffer.
+.B "ZZ"
+Write the file and exit
+.IR \&vi .
+.B "[count] [["
+Back up
+.I count
+section boundaries.
+.B "[count] ]]"
+Move forward
+.I count
+section boundaries.
+.B "\&^"
+Move to first nonblank character on the current line.
+.B "[count] _"
+Move down
+.I "count - 1"
+lines, to the first nonblank character.
+.B "[count] a"
+Enter input mode, appending the text after the cursor.
+.B "[count] b"
+Move backwards
+.I count
+.B "[buffer] [count] c motion"
+Change a region of text.
+.B "[buffer] [count] d motion"
+Delete a region of text.
+.B "[count] e"
+Move forward
+.I count
+.B "[count] f<character>"
+Search forward,
+.I count
+times, through the rest of the current line for
+.IR <character> .
+.B "[count] i"
+Enter input mode, inserting the text before the cursor.
+.B "m <character>"
+Save the current context (line and column) as
+.IR <character> .
+.B "[count] o"
+Enter input mode, appending text in a new line under the current line.
+.B "[buffer] p"
+Append text from a buffer.
+.B "[count] r <character>"
+.I count
+.B "[buffer] [count] s"
+.I count
+characters in the current line starting with the current character.
+.B "[count] t <character>"
+Search forward,
+.I count
+times, through the current line for the character immediately
+.I before
+.IR <character> .
+.B "u"
+Undo the last change made to the file.
+.B "[count] w"
+Move forward
+.I count
+.B "[buffer] [count] x"
+.I count
+.B "[buffer] [count] y motion"
+Copy (or ``yank'')
+a text region specified by the
+.I count
+and motion into a buffer.
+.B "[count1] z [count2] -|.|+|^|<carriage-return>"
+Redraw, optionally repositioning and resizing the screen.
+.B "[count] {"
+Move backward
+.I count
+.B "[count] |"
+Move to a specific
+.I column
+position on the current line.
+.B "[count] }"
+Move forward
+.I count
+.B "[count] ~"
+Reverse the case of the next
+.I count
+.B "[count] ~ motion"
+Reverse the case of the characters in a text region specified by the
+.I count
+.IR motion .
+.B "<interrupt>"
+Interrupt the current operation.
+The following section describes the commands available in the text
+input mode of the
+.I \&vi
+.B "<nul>"
+Replay the previous input.
+.B "<control-D>"
+Erase to the previous
+.B shiftwidth
+column boundary.
+.B "^<control-D>"
+Erase all of the autoindent characters, and reset the autoindent level.
+.B "0<control-D>"
+Erase all of the autoindent characters.
+.B "<control-T>"
+Insert sufficient
+.I <tab>
+.I <space>
+characters to move forward to the next
+.B shiftwidth
+column boundary.
+.B "<erase>
+.B "<control-H>"
+Erase the last character.
+.B "<literal next>"
+Quote the next character.
+.B "<escape>
+Resolve all text input into the file, and return to command mode.
+.B "<line erase>"
+Erase the current line.
+.B "<control-W>"
+.B "<word erase>"
+Erase the last word.
+The definition of word is dependent on the
+.B altwerase
+.B ttywerase
+.B "<control-X>[0-9A-Fa-f]+"
+Insert a character with the specified hexadecimal value into the text.
+.B "<interrupt>"
+Interrupt text input mode, returning to command mode.
+The following section describes the commands available in the
+.I \&ex
+In each entry below, the tag line is a usage synopsis for the command.
+.B "<end-of-file>"
+Scroll the screen.
+.B "! argument(s)"
+.B "[range]! argument(s)"
+Execute a shell command, or filter lines through a shell command.
+.B \&"
+A comment.
+.B "[range] nu[mber] [count] [flags]"
+.B "[range] # [count] [flags]"
+Display the selected lines, each preceded with its line number.
+.B "@ buffer"
+.B "* buffer"
+Execute a buffer.
+.B "[line] a[ppend][!]"
+The input text is appended after the specified line.
+.B "[range] c[hange][!] [count]"
+The input text replaces the specified range.
+.B "cs[cope] add | find | help | kill | reset"
+Execute a Cscope command.
+.B "[range] d[elete] [buffer] [count] [flags]"
+Delete the lines from the file.
+.B "di[splay] b[uffers] | c[onnections] | s[creens] | t[ags]"
+Display buffers, Cscope connections, screens or tags.
+.B "[Ee][dit][!] [+cmd] [file]"
+.B "[Ee]x[!] [+cmd] [file]"
+Edit a different file.
+.B "exu[sage] [command]"
+Display usage for an
+.I \&ex
+.B "f[ile] [file]"
+Display and optionally change the file name.
+.B "[Ff]g [name]"
+.I \&Vi
+mode only.
+Foreground the specified screen.
+.B "[range] g[lobal] /pattern/ [commands]"
+.B "[range] v /pattern/ [commands]"
+Apply commands to lines matching (or not matching) a pattern.
+.B "he[lp]"
+Display a help message.
+.B "[line] i[nsert][!]"
+The input text is inserted before the specified line.
+.B "[range] j[oin][!] [count] [flags]"
+Join lines of text together.
+.B "[range] l[ist] [count] [flags]"
+Display the lines unambiguously.
+.B "map[!] [lhs rhs]"
+Define or display maps (for
+.I \&vi
+.B "[line] ma[rk] <character>"
+.B "[line] k <character>"
+Mark the line with the mark
+.IR <character> .
+.B "[range] m[ove] line"
+Move the specified lines after the target line.
+.B "mk[exrc][!] file"
+Write the abbreviations, editor options and maps to the specified
+.B "[Nn][ext][!] [file ...]"
+Edit the next file from the argument list.
+.B "[line] o[pen] /pattern/ [flags]"
+Enter open mode.
+.B "pre[serve]"
+Save the file in a form that can later be recovered using the
+.I \&ex
+.B \-r
+.B "[Pp]rev[ious][!]"
+Edit the previous file from the argument list.
+.B "[range] p[rint] [count] [flags]"
+Display the specified lines.
+.B "[line] pu[t] [buffer]"
+Append buffer contents to the current line.
+.B "q[uit][!]"
+End the editing session.
+.B "[line] r[ead][!] [file]"
+Read a file.
+.B "rec[over] file"
+.I file
+if it was previously saved.
+.B "res[ize] [+|-]size"
+.I \&Vi
+mode only.
+Grow or shrink the current screen.
+.B "rew[ind][!]"
+Rewind the argument list.
+.B "se[t] [option[=[value]] ...] [nooption ...] [option? ...] [all]"
+Display or set editor options.
+.B "sh[ell]"
+Run a shell program.
+.B "so[urce] file"
+Read and execute
+.I \&ex
+commands from a file.
+.B "[range] s[ubstitute] [/pattern/replace/] [options] [count] [flags]"
+.B "[range] & [options] [count] [flags]"
+.B "[range] ~ [options] [count] [flags]"
+Make substitutions.
+.B "su[spend][!]"
+.B "st[op][!]"
+.B <suspend>
+Suspend the edit session.
+.B "[Tt]a[g][!] tagstring"
+Edit the file containing the specified tag.
+.B "tagn[ext][!]"
+Edit the file containing the next context for the current tag.
+.B "tagp[op][!] [file | number]"
+Pop to the specified tag in the tags stack.
+.B "tagp[rev][!]"
+Edit the file containing the previous context for the current tag.
+.B "unm[ap][!] lhs"
+Unmap a mapped string.
+.B "ve[rsion]"
+Display the version of the
+.I \&ex/vi
+.B "[line] vi[sual] [type] [count] [flags]"
+.I \&Ex
+mode only.
+.IR \&vi .
+.B "[Vi]i[sual][!] [+cmd] [file]"
+.I \&Vi
+mode only.
+Edit a new file.
+.B "viu[sage] [command]"
+Display usage for a
+.I \&vi
+.B "[range] w[rite][!] [>>] [file]"
+.B "[range] w[rite] [!] [file]"
+.B "[range] wn[!] [>>] [file]"
+.B "[range] wq[!] [>>] [file]"
+Write the file.
+.B "[range] x[it][!] [file]"
+Write the file if it has been modified.
+.B "[range] ya[nk] [buffer] [count]"
+Copy the specified lines to a buffer.
+.B "[line] z [type] [count] [flags]"
+Adjust the window.
+There are a large number of options that may be set (or unset) to
+change the editor's behavior.
+This section describes the options, their abbreviations and their
+default values.
+In each entry below, the first part of the tag line is the full name
+of the option, followed by any equivalent abbreviations.
+The part in square brackets is the default value of the option.
+Most of the options are boolean, i.e. they are either on or off,
+and do not have an associated value.
+Options apply to both
+.I \&ex
+.I \&vi
+modes, unless otherwise specified.
+.B "altwerase [off]"
+.I \&Vi
+Select an alternate word erase algorithm.
+.B "autoindent, ai [off]"
+Automatically indent new lines.
+.B "autoprint, ap [off]"
+.I \&Ex
+Display the current line automatically.
+.B "autowrite, aw [off]"
+Write modified files automatically when changing files.
+.\" I cannot get a double quote to print between the square brackets
+.\" to save my life. The ONLY way I've been able to get this to work
+.\" is with the .tr command. Q"
+.ds ms backup [QQ]
+.B "\*(ms" QQ
+Backup files before they are overwritten.
+.B "beautify, bf [off]"
+Discard control characters.
+.B "cdpath [environment variable CDPATH, or current directory]"
+The directory paths used as path prefixes for the
+.B cd
+.B "cedit [no default]"
+Set the character to edit the colon command-line history.
+.B "columns, co [80]"
+Set the number of columns in the screen.
+.B "comment [off]"
+.I \&Vi
+Skip leading comments in shell, C and C++ language files.
+.B "directory, dir [environment variable TMPDIR, or /tmp]"
+The directory where temporary files are created.
+.B "edcompatible, ed [off]"
+Remember the values of the ``c'' and ``g'' suffices to the
+.B substitute
+commands, instead of initializing them as unset for each new
+.B "errorbells, eb [off]"
+.I \&Ex
+Announce error messages with a bell.
+.B "exrc, ex [off]"
+Read the startup files in the local directory.
+.B "extended [off]"
+Regular expressions are extended (i.e.
+.IR egrep (1)\-\c
+style) expressions.
+.B "filec [no default]"
+Set the character to perform file path completion on the colon
+command line.
+.B "flash [on]"
+Flash the screen instead of beeping the keyboard on error.
+.B "hardtabs, ht [8]"
+Set the spacing between hardware tab settings.
+.B "iclower [off]"
+Makes all Regular Expressions case-insensitive,
+as long as an upper-case letter does not appear in the search string.
+.B "ignorecase, ic [off]"
+Ignore case differences in regular expressions.
+.B "keytime [6]"
+The 10th's of a second
+.I ex/vi
+waits for a subsequent key to complete a key mapping.
+.B "leftright [off]"
+.I \&Vi
+Do left-right scrolling.
+.B "lines, li [24]"
+.I \&Vi
+Set the number of lines in the screen.
+.B "lisp [off]"
+.I \&Vi
+Modify various search commands and options to work with Lisp.
+.I "This option is not yet implemented."
+.B "list [off]"
+Display lines in an unambiguous fashion.
+.B "lock [on]"
+Attempt to get an exclusive lock on any file being edited,
+read or written.
+.B "magic [on]"
+Treat certain characters specially in regular expressions.
+.B "matchtime [7]"
+.I \&Vi
+The 10th's of a second
+.I ex/vi
+pauses on the matching character when the
+.B showmatch
+option is set.
+.B "mesg [on]"
+Permit messages from other users.
+.B "modelines, modeline [off]"
+Read the first and last few lines of each file for
+.I ex
+.I "This option will never be implemented."
+.\" I cannot get a double quote to print between the square brackets
+.\" to save my life. The ONLY way I've been able to get this to work
+.\" is with the .tr command. Q"
+.ds ms noprint [QQ]
+.B "\*(ms" QQ
+Characters that are never handled as printable characters.
+.B "number, nu [off]"
+Precede each line displayed with its current line number.
+.B "octal [off]"
+Display unknown characters as octal numbers, instead of the default
+.B "open [on]"
+.I \&Ex
+If this option is not set, the
+.B open
+.B visual
+commands are disallowed.
+.B "optimize, opt [on]"
+.I \&Vi
+Optimize text throughput to dumb terminals.
+.I "This option is not yet implemented."
+.B "paragraphs, para [IPLPPPQPP LIpplpipbp]"
+.I \&Vi
+Define additional paragraph boundaries for the
+.B \&{
+.B \&}
+.B "path []"
+Define additional directories to search for files being edited.
+.\" I cannot get a double quote to print between the square brackets
+.\" to save my life. The ONLY way I've been able to get this to work
+.\" is with the .tr command. Q"
+.ds ms print [QQ]
+.B "\*(ms" QQ
+Characters that are always handled as printable characters.
+.B "prompt [on]"
+.I \&Ex
+Display a command prompt.
+.B "readonly, ro [off]"
+Mark the file and session as read-only.
+.B "recdir [/var/tmp/vi.recover]"
+The directory where recovery files are stored.
+.B "redraw, re [off]"
+.I \&Vi
+Simulate an intelligent terminal on a dumb one.
+.I "This option is not yet implemented."
+.B "remap [on]"
+Remap keys until resolved.
+.B "report [5]"
+Set the number of lines about which the editor reports changes
+or yanks.
+.B "ruler [off]"
+.I \&Vi
+Display a row/column ruler on the colon command line.
+.B "scroll, scr [window / 2]"
+Set the number of lines scrolled.
+.B "searchincr [off]"
+Makes the
+.B \&/
+.B \&?
+commands incremental.
+.B "sections, sect [NHSHH HUnhsh]"
+.I \&Vi
+Define additional section boundaries for the
+.B \&[[
+.B \&]]
+.B "secure [off]"
+Turns off all access to external programs.
+.B "shell, sh [environment variable SHELL, or /bin/sh]"
+Select the shell used by the editor.
+.\" I cannot get a double quote to print between the square brackets
+.\" to save my life. The ONLY way I've been able to get this to work
+.\" is with the .tr command. Q"
+.ds ms shellmeta [~{[*?$`'Q\e]
+.B "\*(ms" QQ
+Set the meta characters checked to determine if file name expansion
+is necessary.
+.B "shiftwidth, sw [8]"
+Set the autoindent and shift command indentation width.
+.B "showmatch, sm [off]"
+.I \&Vi
+Note matching ``{'' and ``('' for ``}'' and ``)'' characters.
+.B "showmode, smd [off]"
+.I \&Vi
+Display the current editor mode and a ``modified'' flag.
+.B "sidescroll [16]"
+.I \&Vi
+Set the amount a left-right scroll will shift.
+.B "slowopen, slow [off]"
+Delay display updating during text input.
+.I "This option is not yet implemented."
+.B "sourceany [off]"
+Read startup files not owned by the current user.
+.I "This option will never be implemented."
+.B "tabstop, ts [8]"
+This option sets tab widths for the editor display.
+.B "taglength, tl [0]"
+Set the number of significant characters in tag names.
+.B "tags, tag [tags /var/db/libc.tags /sys/kern/tags]"
+Set the list of tags files.
+.B "term, ttytype, tty [environment variable TERM]"
+Set the terminal type.
+.B "terse [off]"
+This option has historically made editor messages less verbose.
+It has no effect in this implementation.
+.B "tildeop [off]"
+Modify the
+.B \&~
+command to take an associated motion.
+.B "timeout, to [on]"
+Time out on keys which may be mapped.
+.B "ttywerase [off]"
+.I \&Vi
+Select an alternate erase algorithm.
+.B "verbose [off]"
+.I \&Vi
+Display an error message for every error.
+.B "w300 [no default]"
+.I \&Vi
+Set the window size if the baud rate is less than 1200 baud.
+.B "w1200 [no default]"
+.I \&Vi
+Set the window size if the baud rate is equal to 1200 baud.
+.B "w9600 [no default]"
+.I \&Vi
+Set the window size if the baud rate is greater than 1200 baud.
+.B "warn [on]"
+.I \&Ex
+This option causes a warning message to the terminal if the file has
+been modified, since it was last written, before a
+.B \&!
+.B "window, w, wi [environment variable LINES]"
+Set the window size for the screen.
+.B "windowname [off]"
+Change the icon/window name to the current file name even if it can't
+be restored on editor exit.
+.B "wraplen, wl [0]"
+.I \&Vi
+Break lines automatically, the specified number of columns from the
+left-hand margin.
+If both the
+.B wraplen
+.B wrapmargin
+edit options are set, the
+.B wrapmargin
+value is used.
+.B "wrapmargin, wm [0]"
+.I \&Vi
+Break lines automatically, the specified number of columns from the
+right-hand margin.
+If both the
+.B wraplen
+.B wrapmargin
+edit options are set, the
+.B wrapmargin
+value is used.
+.B "wrapscan, ws [on]"
+Set searches to wrap around the end or beginning of the file.
+.B "writeany, wa [off]"
+Turn off file-overwriting checks.
+The number of columns on the screen.
+This value overrides any system or terminal specific values.
+If the
+environmental variable is not set when
+.I ex/vi
+runs, or the
+.B columns
+option is explicitly reset by the user,
+.I ex/vi
+enters the value into the environment.
+A list of
+.I \&ex
+startup commands, read if the variable
+is not set.
+The user's home directory, used as the initial directory path
+for the startup ``$\fIHOME\fP/.nexrc'' and ``$\fIHOME\fP/.exrc''
+This value is also used as the default directory for the
+.I \&vi
+.B \&cd
+The number of rows on the screen.
+This value overrides any system or terminal specific values.
+If the
+environmental variable is not set when
+.I ex/vi
+runs, or the
+.B lines
+option is explicitly reset by the user,
+.I ex/vi
+enters the value into the environment.
+A list of
+.I \&ex
+startup commands.
+The user's shell of choice (see also the
+.B shell
+The user's terminal type.
+The default is the type ``unknown''.
+If the
+environmental variable is not set when
+.I ex/vi
+runs, or the
+.B term
+option is explicitly reset by the user,
+.I ex/vi
+enters the value into the environment.
+The location used to stored temporary files (see also the
+.B directory
+edit option).
+.I \&Vi/ex
+uses this signal for periodic backups of file modifications and to
+display ``busy'' messages when operations are likely to take a long time.
+If the current buffer has changed since it was last written in its
+entirety, the editor attempts to save the modified file so it can
+be later recovered.
+See the
+.I \&vi/ex
+Reference manual section entitled ``Recovery'' for more information.
+When an interrupt occurs,
+the current operation is halted,
+and the editor returns to the command level.
+If interrupted during text input,
+the text already input is resolved into the file as if the text
+input had been normally terminated.
+The screen is resized.
+See the
+.I \&vi/ex
+Reference manual section entitled ``Sizing the Screen'' for more information.
+.I \&Vi/ex
+ignores these signals.
+The default user shell.
+System-wide vi startup file.
+Temporary file directory.
+The default recovery file directory.
+1st choice for user's home directory startup file.
+2nd choice for user's home directory startup file.
+1st choice for local directory startup file.
+2nd choice for local directory startup file.
+.IR ctags (1),
+.IR more (3),
+.IR curses (3),
+.IR dbopen (3)
+The ``Vi Quick Reference'' card.
+``An Introduction to Display Editing with Vi'', found in the
+``UNIX User's Manual Supplementary Documents''
+section of both the 4.3BSD and 4.4BSD manual sets.
+This document is the closest thing available to an introduction to the
+.I \&vi
+screen editor.
+``Ex Reference Manual (Version 3.7)'',
+found in the
+``UNIX User's Manual Supplementary Documents''
+section of both the 4.3BSD and 4.4BSD manual sets.
+This document is the final reference for the
+.I \&ex
+editor, as distributed in most historic 4BSD and System V systems.
+``Edit: A tutorial'',
+found in the
+``UNIX User's Manual Supplementary Documents''
+section of the 4.3BSD manual set.
+This document is an introduction to a simple version of the
+.I \&ex
+screen editor.
+``Ex/Vi Reference Manual'',
+found in the
+``UNIX User's Manual Supplementary Documents''
+section of the 4.4BSD manual set.
+This document is the final reference for the
+.I \&nex/nvi
+text editors, as distributed in 4.4BSD and 4.4BSD-Lite.
+.I Roff
+source for all of these documents is distributed with
+.I nex/nvi
+in the
+.I nvi/USD.doc
+directory of the
+.I nex/nvi
+source code.
+The files ``autowrite'', ``input'', ``quoting'' and ``structures''
+found in the
+.I nvi/docs/internals
+directory of the
+.I nex/nvi
+source code.
+.I nex/nvi
+replacements for the
+.I ex/vi
+editor first appeared in 4.4BSD.
+.I \&Nex/nvi
+is close to IEEE Std1003.2 (``POSIX'').
+That document differs from historical
+.I ex/vi
+practice in several places; there are changes to be made on both sides.
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