path: root/contrib/ntp/scripts/stats/README.stats
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-Statistics file formats (README.stats)
-The xntp3 daemon can produce a variety of statistics files which are
-useful for maintenance, evaluation and retrospective calibration
-purposes. See the xntpd.8 man page for instructions on how to configure
-this feature. Since these files can become rather large and cumbersome,
-they are ordinarily reduced to summary form by running the
-shell script once per day, week or month, as appropriate. There are
-three file collections presently defined: peerstats, loopstats and
-clockstats, each of which is described in this note.
-The following data are collected in the peerstats files. The files are
-reduced to summary data using the shell script. See the peer.awk
-script for further information. A line in the file is produced upon
-reception of each valid update from a configured peer.
- 49236 30.756 9474 0.000603 0.37532
- 49236 modified Julian day number
- 30.756 time of day (s) past midnight UTC
- peer identifier (IP address or receiver identifier)
- 9474 peer status word (hex) (see NTP specification)
- 0.000603 offset (s)
- 0.08929 delay (s)
- 0.37532 dispersion (s)
-The following data are collected in the loopstats files. The files are
-reduced to summary data using the shell script. See the loop.awk
-script for further information. A line in the file is produced at each
-valid update of the local clock.
- 49236 11.897 -0.000004 -35.9384 0
- 49236 modified Julian day number
- 11.897 time of day (s) past midnight UTC
- -0.000004 time offset (s)
- -35.9384 frequency offset (ppm)
- 0 phase-lock loop time constant
-The following data are collected in the clockstats files. The files are
-reduced to summary data using the shell script, which also
-updates the ensemble, etf, itf and tdata data files as well. See the
-clock.awk, ensemble.awk, etf.awk, itf.awk and tdta.awk scripts for
-further information. A line in the file is produced at each valid update
-received from a configured radio clock. Data are at present recorded for
-several radios. The first part of each data line is similar for all
-radios, e.g.:
- 49234 60517.826 93 247 16:48:21.814
- 49234 modified Julian day number
- 60517.826 time of day (s) past midnight UTC
- receiver identifier (Spectracom 8170/Netclock-2)
- 93 247 16:48:21.814 timecode (format varies)
-In the case of the Austron GPS receiver, a good deal of additional
-information is extracted from the radio, as described below. The formats
-shown consist of one line with all the fields shown in order. The
-timecode formats specific to each radio follow. See the file
-README.timecodes for detailed information on the timecode formats used
-by these radios.
-Spectracom 8170/Netclock-2 WWVB receiver
- 49234 60517.826 ?A93 247 16:48:21.814
- The '?' and 'A' characters are present only when the receiver is
- unsynchronized; otherwise, they are replaced by space ' ' characters.
-IRIG audio decoder
- 49234 60517.826 247 16:48:21?
- The '?' character is present only when the receiver is unsynchronized.
-Austron 2200A/2201A GPS receiver
- 49234 60580.843 93:247:16:49:24.814?
- The '?' character is present only when the receiver is unsynchronized.
-Depending on the installed options, the Austron 2200A/2201A recognizes a
-number of special commands that report various data items. See the
-refclock_as2201.c source module for a list of the commands used. These
-data are collected only if the following line is included in the
-configuration file ntp.conf:
- fudge flag4 1 # enable extended statistics collection
-The format of each data line returned is summarized in the following
-External time/frequency data (requires input buffer option IN)
-These data determine the deviations of external time/frequency inputs
-relative to receiver oscillator time. The following data are typical
-using an external cesium oscillator PPS and 5-MHz outputs.
- 49234 60580.843 93:247:16:49:24.814 ETF
- -85.9 time interval (ns)
- -89.0 average time interval (ns)
- 4.0 time interval sigma (ns)
- +1.510E-11 time interval rate
- -4.500E-11 deltaf/f
- +1.592E-11 average deltaf/f
- 5.297E-13 sigma deltaf/f
- 500 number of samples
-Model and option identifiers
-These data show the receiver model number and option configuration.
- 49234 60708.848 93:247:16:51:32.817 ID;OPT;VER
- GPS 2201A model ident (must be "GPS 2200A" or "GPS 2201A")
- TTY1 rs232 option present (required)
- TC1 IRIG option present (optional)
- LORAN LORAN assist option present (optional)
- IN input buffer option present (optional)
- OUT1 output buffer option present (required)
- B.00 data processor software version ("B.00" or later)
- B.00 signal processor software version ("B.00" or later)
- 28-Apr-93 software version date ("28-Apr-93" or later)
-Internal time/frequency data
-These data determine the deviations of the receiver oscillator with
-respect to satellite time.
- 49234 60564.846 93:247:16:49:08.816 ITF
- COCO current mode (must be "COCO")
- 0 code coast mode (must be zero)
- +6.6152E-08 code sigma (s)
- -3.5053E-08 code delta t (s)
- -4.0361E-11 deltat/t
- -6.4746E-11 oscillator ageing rate
- 500.00 loop time constant
- 4.984072 electrical tuning (V)
-GPS/LORAN ensemble data (requires LORAN assist option LORAN)
-These data determine the deviations and weights to calculate ensemble
-time from GPS and LORAN data.
- 49234 60596.852 93:247:16:49:40.812 LORAN ENSEMBLE
- +9.06E-08 GPS t (s)
- +3.53E-08 GPS sigma (s)
- .532 GPS weight
- +3.71E-08 LORAN t (s)
- +3.76E-08 LORAN sigma (s)
- .468 LORAN weight
- +6.56E-08 ensemble t
- +6.94E-08 ensemble sigma (s)
-LORAN stationkeeping data (requires LORAN assist option LORAN)
-These data determine which stations of the LORAN chain are being
-tracked, together with individual signal/noise ratios, deviations and
- 49234 60532.850 93:247:16:48:36.820 LORAN TDATA
- M station identifier; data follows
- OK status (must be "OK" for tracking)
- 0 cw flag
- 0 sw flag
- 1162.17 time of arrival
- -4.6 snr (-30.0 if not "OK" status)
- 1.67E-07 2-sample phase-time deviation
- .507 weight (included only if "OK" status)
- W AQ 0 0 3387.80 -31.0 station identifier and data
- X OK 0 0 1740.27 -11.2 2.20E-07 .294 station identifier and data
- Y OK 0 0 2180.71 -4.6 2.68E-07 .198 station identifier and data
- Z CV 0 0 3392.94 -30.0 station identifier and data
-Oscillator status and environment
-These data determine the receiver oscillator type, mode, status and
-environment. Nominal operating conditions are shown below.
- 49234 60628.847 93:247:16:50:12.817 OSC;ET;TEMP
- 1121 Software Control oscillator model and mode (must be
- "Software Control")
- Locked status (must be "Locked")
- 4.979905 electrical tuning (V)
- 44.81 oscillator cavity temperature
-Receiver position, status and offsets
-These data determine the receiver position and elevation, together with
-programmable delay corrections for the antenna cable and receiver.
- 49234 60788.847 93:247:16:52:52.817 POS;PPS;PPSOFF
- +39:40:48.425 receiver latitude (N)
- -075:45:02.392 receiver longitude (E)
- +74.09 receiver elevation (m)
- Stored position status (must be "Stored")
- UTC PPS/PPM alignment (must be "UTC")
- 0 receiver delay (ns) (should be zero for calibrated
- receiver)
- 200 cable delay (ns)
- 0 user time bias (ns) (must be zero)
-Satellite tracking status
-These data determine how many satellites are being tracked. At the
-present state of constellation development, there should be at least
-three visible satellites in view. Much of the time the maximum of
-seven are being tracked; rarely this number drops to two.
- 49234 60612.850 93:247:16:49:56.820 TRSTAT
- 24 T satellite prn and status (T = track, A = acquire)
- 16 A 13 T 20 T 18 T 07 T 12 T list continued
-UTC leap-second information
-These data determine when the next leap second is to occur. The exact
-method to use is obscure.
- 49234 60548.847 93:247:16:48:52.818 UTC
- -1.2107E-08 A0 term (s)
- -1.2790E-13 A1 term (s)
- +9.0000E+00 current leap seconds (s)
- +2.0480E+05 time for leap seconds (s)
- +2.0100E+02 week number for delta leap (weeks)
- +1.9100E+02 week number for future leap (weeks)
- +4.0000E+00 day number for future leap (days)
- +9.0000E+00 future leap seconds (s)
-David L. Mills
-University of Delaware
-23 October 1993
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