path: root/contrib/ntp/html/ntpd.htm
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diff --git a/contrib/ntp/html/ntpd.htm b/contrib/ntp/html/ntpd.htm
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--- a/contrib/ntp/html/ntpd.htm
+++ b/contrib/ntp/html/ntpd.htm
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-<TT>ntpd</TT> - Network Time Protocol (NTP) daemon
-<TT>ntpd</TT> - Network Time Protocol (NTP) daemon
-<TT>ntpd [ -aAbdm ] [ -c <I>conffile</I> ] [ -f <I>driftfile</I> ] [ -g
-] [ -k <I>keyfile</I> ] [ -l <I>logfile</I> ] [ -p <I>pidfile</I> ] [ -r
-<I>broadcastdelay</I> ] [ -s <I>statsdir</I> ] [ -t <I>key</I> ] [ -v
-<I>variable</I> ] [ -V <I>variable</I> ] [ -x ]</TT>
-<TT>ntpd</TT> is an operating system daemon which sets and maintains the
-system time-of-day in synchronism with Internet standard time servers.
-<TT>ntpd</TT> is a complete implementation of the Network Time Protocol
-(NTP) version 4, but also retains compatibility with version 3, as
-defined by RFC-1305, and version 1 and 2, as defined by RFC-1059 and
-RFC-1119, respectively. <TT>ntpd</TT> does most computations in 64-bit
-floating point arithmetic and does relatively clumsy 64-bit fixed point
-operations only when necessary to preserve the unltimate precision,
-about 232 picoseconds. While the ultimate precision, is not achievable
-with ordinary workstations and networks of today, it may be required
-with future nanosecond CPU clocks and gigabit LANs.
-<P>The daemon can operate in any of several modes, including symmetric
-active/passive, client/server broadcast/multicast and manycast. A
+<meta name="generator" content="HTML Tidy, see">
+<title>ntpd - Network Time Protocol (NTP) daemon</title>
+<h3><tt>ntpd</tt> - Network Time Protocol (NTP) daemon</h3>
+<img align="left" src="pic/alice47.gif" alt="gif"><a href=
+"">from <i>Alice's
+Adventures in Wonderland</i>, Lewis Carroll</a>
+<p>The mushroom knows all the command line options.<br clear=
+<tt>ntpd [ -aAbdgLmNPqx ] [ -c <i>conffile</i> ] [ -f <i>
+driftfile</i> ] [ -g ] [ -k <i>keyfile</i> ] [ -l <i>logfile</i> ]
+[ -N high ] [ -p <i>pidfile</i> ] [ -r <i>broadcastdelay</i> ] [ -s
+<i>statsdir</i> ] [ -t <i>key</i> ] [ -v <i>variable</i> ] [ -V <i>
+variable</i> ] [ -x ]</tt>
+The <tt>ntpd</tt> program is an operating system daemon which sets
+and maintains the system time of day in synchronism with Internet
+standard time servers. It is a complete implementation of the
+Network Time Protocol (NTP) version 4, but also retains
+compatibility with version 3, as defined by RFC-1305, and version 1
+and 2, as defined by RFC-1059 and RFC-1119, respectively. <tt>
+ntpd</tt> does most computations in 64-bit floating point
+arithmetic and does relatively clumsy 64-bit fixed point operations
+only when necessary to preserve the ultimate precision, about 232
+picoseconds. While the ultimate precision, is not achievable with
+ordinary workstations and networks of today, it may be required
+with future gigahertz CPU clocks and gigabit LANs.
+<h4>How NTP Operates</h4>
+<p>The <tt>ntpd</tt> program operates by exchanging messages with
+one or more configured servers at designated poll intervals. When
+started, whether for the first or subsequent times, the program
+requires several exahanges from the majority of these servers so
+the signal processing and mitigation algorithms can accumulate and
+groom the data and set the clock. In order to protect the network
+from bursts, the initial poll interval for each server is delayed
+an interval randomized over 0-16s. At the default initial poll
+interval of 64s, several minutes can elapse before the clock is
+set. The initial delay to set the clock can be reduced using the
+<tt>iburst</tt> keyword with the <tt>server</tt> configuration
+command, as described on the <a href="confopt.htm">Configuration
+Options</a> page.</p>
+<p>Most operating systems and hardware of today incorporate a
+time-of-year (TOY) chip to maintain the time during periods when
+the power is off. When the machine is booted, the chip is used to
+initialize the operating system time. After the machine has
+synchronized to a NTP server, the operating system corrects the
+chip from time to time. In case there is no TOY chip or for some
+reason its time is more than 1000s from the server time, <tt>
+ntpd</tt> assumes something must be terribly wrong and the only
+reliable action is for the operator to intervene and set the clock
+by hand. This causes <tt>ntpd</tt> to exit with a panic message to
+the system log. The <tt>-g</tt> option overrides this check and the
+clock will be set to the server time regardless of the chip time.
+However, and to protect against broken hardware, such as when the
+CMOS battery fails or the clock counter becomes defective, once the
+clock has been set, an error greater than 1000s will cause <tt>
+ntpd</tt> to exit anyway.</p>
+<p>Under ordinariy conditions, <tt>ntpd</tt> adjusts the clock in
+small steps so that the timescale is effectively continuous and
+without discontinuities. Under conditions of extreme network
+congestion, the roundtrip delay jitter can exceed three seconds and
+the synchronization distance, which is equal to one-half the
+roundtrip delay plus error budget terms, can become very large. The
+<tt>ntpd</tt> algorithms discard sample offsets exceeding 128 ms,
+unless the interval during which no sample offset is less than 128
+ms exceeds 900s. The first sample after that, no matter what the
+offset, steps the clock to the indicated time. In practice this
+reduces the false alarm rate where the clock is stepped in error to
+a vanishingly low incidence.</p>
+<p>As the result of this behavior, once the clock has been set, it
+very rarely strays more than 128 ms, even under extreme cases of
+network path congestion and jitter. Sometimes, in particular when
+<tt>ntpd</tt> is first started, the error might exceed 128 ms. This
+may on occasion cause the clock to be set backwards if the local
+clock time is more than 128 s in the future relative to the server.
+In some applications, this behavior may be unacceptable. If the
+<tt>-x</tt> option is included on the command line, the clock will
+never be stepped and only slew corrections will be used.</p>
+<p>The issues should be carefully explored before deciding to use
+the <tt>-x</tt> option. The maximum slew rate possible is limited
+to 500 parts-per-million (PPM) as a consequence of the correctness
+principles on which the NTP protocol and algorithm design are
+based. As a result, the local clock can take a long time to
+converge to an acceptable offset, about 2,000 s for each second the
+clock is outside the acceptable range. During this interval the
+local clock will not be consistent with any other network clock and
+the system cannot be used for distributed applications that require
+correctly synchronized network time.</p>
+<p>In spite of the above precautions, sometimes when large
+frequency errors are present the resulting time offsets stray
+outside the 128-ms range and an eventual step or slew time
+correction is required. If following such a correction the
+frequency error is so large that the first sample is outside the
+acceptable range, <tt>ntpd</tt> enters the same state as when the
+<tt>ntp.drift</tt> file is not present. The intent of this behavior
+is to quickly correct the frequency and restore operation to the
+normal tracking mode. In the most extreme cases
+(<tt></tt> comes to mind), there may be occasional
+step/slew corrections and subsequent frequency corrections. It
+helps in these cases to use the <tt>burst</tt> keyword when
+configuring the server.</p>
+<h4>Frequency Discipline</h4>
+<p>The <tt>ntpd</tt> behavior at startup depends on whether the
+frequency file, usually <tt>ntp.drift</tt>, exists. This file
+contains the latest estimate of clock frequency error. When the
+<tt>ntpd</tt> is started and the file does not exist, the <tt>
+ntpd</tt> enters a special mode designed to quickly adapt to the
+particular system clock oscillator time and frequency error. This
+takes approximately 15 minutes, after which the time and frequency
+are set to nominal values and the <tt>ntpd</tt> enters normal mode,
+where the time and frequency are continuously tracked relative to
+the server. After one hour the frequency file is created and the
+current frequency offset written to it. When the <tt>ntpd</tt> is
+started and the file does exist, the <tt>ntpd</tt> frequency is
+initialized from the file and enters normal mode immediately. After
+that the current frequency offset is written to the file at hourly
+<h4>Operating Modes</h4>
+<p><tt>ntpd</tt> can operate in any of several modes, including
+symmetric active/passive, client/server broadcast/multicast and
+manycast, as described in the <a href="assoc.htm">Association
+Management</a> page. It normally operates continuously while
+monitoring for small changes in frequency and trimming the clock
+for the ultimate precision. However, it can operate in a one-time
+mode where the time is set from an external server and frequency is
+set from a previously recorded frequency file. A
broadcast/multicast or manycast client can discover remote servers,
-compute server-client propagation delay correction factors and configure
-itself automatically. This makes it possible to deploy a fleet of
-workstations without specifying configuration details specific to the
-local environment.
+compute server-client propagation delay correction factors and
+configure itself automatically. This makes it possible to deploy a
+fleet of workstations without specifying configuration details
+specific to the local environment.</p>
+<p>By default, <tt>ntpd</tt> runs in continuous mode where each of
+possibly several external servers is polled at intervals determined
+by an intricate state machine. The state machine measures the
+incidental roundtrip delay jitter and oscillator frequency wander
+and determines the best poll interval using a heuristic algorithm.
+Ordinarily, and in most operating environments, the state machine
+will start with 64s intervals and eventually increase in steps to
+1024s. A small amount of random variation is introduced in order to
+avoid bunching at the servers. In addition, should a server become
+unreachable for some time, the poll interval is increased in steps
+to 1024s in order to reduce network overhead.</p>
+<p>In some cases it may not be practical for <tt>ntpd</tt> to run
+continuously. A common workaround has been to run the <tt>
+ntpdate</tt> program from a <tt>cron</tt> job at designated times.
+However, this program does not have the crafted signal processing,
+error checking and mitigation algorithms of <tt>ntpd</tt>. The <tt>
+-q</tt> option is intended for this purpose. Setting this option
+will cause <tt>ntpd</tt> to exit just after setting the clock for
+the first time. The procedure for initially setting the clock is
+the same as in continuous mode; most applications will probably
+want to specify the <tt>iburst</tt> keyword with the <tt>
+server</tt> configuration command. With this keyword a volley of
+messages are exchanged to groom the data and the clock is set in
+about a minute. If nothing is heard after a couple of minutes, the
+daemon times out and exits. After a suitable period of mourning,
+the <tt>ntpdate</tt> program may be retired.</p>
+<p>When kernel support is available to discipline the clock
+frequency, which is the case for stock Solaris, Tru64, Linux and
+FreeBSD, a useful feature is available to discipline the clock
+frequency. First, <tt>ntpd</tt> is run in continuous mode with
+selected servers in order to measure and record the intrinsic clock
+frequency offset in the frequency file. It may take some hours for
+the frequency and offset to settle down. Then the <tt>ntpd</tt> is
+stopped and run in one-time mode as required. At each startup, the
+frequency is read from the file and initializes the kernel
+<h4>Poll Interval Control</h4>
+<p>This version of NTP includes an intricate state machine to
+reduce the network load while maintaining a quality of
+synchronization consistent with the observed jitter and wander.
+There are a number of ways to tailor the operation in order enhance
+accuracy by reducing the interval or to reduce network overhead by
+increasing it. However, the user is advised to carefully consider
+the consequenses of changing the poll adjustment range from the
+default minimum of 64 s to the default maximum of 1,024 s. The
+default minimum can be changed with the <tt>tinker minpoll</tt>
+command to a value not less than 16 s. This value is used for all
+configured associations, unless overriden by the <tt>minpoll</tt>
+option on the configuration command. Note that most device drivers
+will not operate properly if the poll interval is less than 64 s
+and that the broadcast server and manycast client associations will
+also use the default, unless overriden.</p>
+<p>In some cases involving dial up or toll services, it may be
+useful to increase the minimum interval to a few tens of minutes
+and maximum interval to a day or so. Under normal operation
+conditions, once the clock discipline loop has stabilized the
+interval will be increased in steps from the minumum to the
+maximum. However, this assumes the intrinsic clock frequency error
+is small enough for the discipline loop correct it. The capture
+range of the loop is 500 PPM at an interval of 64s decreasing by a
+factor of two for each doubling of interval. At a minimum of 1,024
+s, for example, the capture range is only 31 PPM. If the intrinsic
+error is greater than this, the drift file <tt>ntp.drift</tt> will
+have to be specially tailored to reduce the residual error below
+this limit. Once this is done, the drift file is automatically
+updated once per hour and is available to initialize the frequency
+on subsequent daemon restarts.</p>
+<h4>The huff-n'-puff filter</h4>
+<p>In scenarios where a considerable amount of data are to be
+downloaded or uploaded over telephone modems, timekeeping quality
+can be seriously degraded. This occurs because the differential
+delays on the two directions of transmission can be quite large. In
+many cases the apparent time errors are so large as to exceed the
+step threshold and a step correction can occur during and after the
+data transfer is in progress.</p>
+<p>The huff-n'-puff filter is designed to correct the apparent time
+offset in these cases. It depends on knowledge of the propagation
+delay when no other traffic is present. In common scenarios this
+occurs during other than work hours. The filter maintains a shift
+register that remembers the minimum delay over the most recent
+interval measured usually in hours. Under conditions of severe
+delay, the filter corrects the apparent offset using the sign of
+the offset and the difference between the apparent delay and
+minimum delay. The name of the filter reflects the negative (huff)
+and positive (puff) correction, which depends on the sign of the
+<p>The filter is activated by the <tt>tinker</tt> command and <tt>
+huffpuff</tt> keyword, as described in the <a href="miscopt.htm">
+Miscellaneous Options</a> page.</p>
+<p>If NetInfo support is built into <tt>ntpd</tt>, then <tt>
+ntpd</tt> will attempt to read its configuration from the NetInfo
+if the default ntp.conf file cannot be read and no file is
+specified by the <tt>-c</tt> option.</p>
+<p>Various internal <tt>ntpd</tt> variables can be displayed and
+configuration options altered while the <tt>ntpd</tt> is running
+using the <tt><a href="ntpq.htm">ntpq</a></tt> and <tt><a href=
+"ntpdc.htm">ntpdc</a></tt> utility programs.</p>
+<p>When <tt>ntpd</tt> starts it looks at the value of <tt>
+umask</tt>, and if zero <tt>ntpd</tt> will set the <tt>umask</tt>
+to <tt>022</tt>.</p>
+<h4>Command Line Options</h4>
+<dd>Enable authentication mode (default).</dd>
+<dd>Disable authentication mode.</dd>
+<dd>Synchronize using NTP broadcast messages.</dd>
+<dt><tt>-c <i>conffile</i></tt></dt>
+<dd>Specify the name and path of the configuration file. (Disable
+<dd>Specify debugging mode. This flag may occur multiple times,
+with each occurrence indicating greater detail of display.</dd>
+<dt><tt>-D <i>level</i></tt></dt>
+<dd>Specify debugging level directly.</dd>
+<dt><tt>-f <i>driftfile</i></tt></dt>
+<dd>Specify the name and path of the drift file.</dd>
+<dd>Normally, <tt>ntpd</tt> exits if the offset exceeds the sanity
+limit, which is 1000 s by default. If the sanity limit is set to
+zero, no sanity checking is performed and any offset is acceptable.
+This option overrides the limit and allows the time to be set to
+any value without restriction; however, this can happen only once.
+After that, <tt>ntpd</tt> will exit if the limit is exceeded. This
+option can be used with the <tt>-q</tt> option.</dd>
+<dt><tt>-k <i>keyfile</i></tt></dt>
+<dd>Specify the name and path of the file containing the NTP
+authentication keys.</dd>
+<dt><tt>-l <i>logfile</i></tt></dt>
+<dd>Specify the name and path of the log file. The default is the
+system log facility.</dd>
+<dd>Listen to virtual IPs.</dd>
+<dd>Synchronize using NTP multicast messages on the IP multicast
+group address (requires multicast kernel).</dd>
+<dd>Don't fork.</dd>
+<dt><tt>-N <i>priority</i></tt></dt>
+<dd>To the extent permitted by the operating system, run the <tt>
+ntpd</tt> at a high priority.</dd>
+<dt><tt>-p <i>pidfile</i></tt></dt>
+<dd>Specify the name and path to record the <tt>ntpd</tt>'s process
+<dd>Override the priority limit set by the operating system. Not
+recommended for sissies.</dd>
+<dd>Exit the <tt>ntpd</tt> just after the first time the clock is
+set. This behavior mimics that of the <tt>ntpdate</tt> program,
+which is to be retired. The <tt>-g</tt> and <tt>-x</tt> options can
+be used with this option.</dd>
+<dt><tt>-r <i>broadcastdelay</i></tt></dt>
+<dd>Specify the default propagation delay from the
+broadcast/multicast server and this computer. This is necessary
+only if the delay cannot be computed automatically by the
+<dt><tt>-s <i>statsdir</i></tt></dt>
+<dd>Specify the directory path for files created by the statistics
+<dt><tt>-t <i>key</i></tt></dt>
+<dd>Add a key number to the trusted key list.</dd>
+<dt><tt>-v <i>variable</i></tt></dt>
+<dt><tt>-V <i>variable</i></tt></dt>
+<dd>Add a system variable listed by default.</dd>
+<dd>Normally, the time is slewed if the offset is less than the
+step threshold, which is 128 ms by default, and stepped if above
+the threshold. This option forces the time to be slewed in all
+cases. If the step threshold is set to zero, all offsets are
+stepped, regardless of value and regardless of the <tt>-x</tt>
+option. In general, this is not a good idea, as it bypasses the
+clock state machine which is designed to cope with large time and
+frequency errors Note: Since the slew rate is limited to 0.5 ms/s,
+each second of adjustment requires an amortization interval of 2000
+s. Thus, an adjustment of many seconds can take hours or days to
+amortize. This option can be used with the <tt>-q</tt> option.</dd>
+<h4>The Configuration File</h4>
+<p>Ordinarily, <tt>ntpd</tt> reads the <tt>ntp.conf</tt>
+configuration file at startup time in order to determine the
+synchronization sources and operating modes. It is also possible to
+specify a working, although limited, configuration entirely on the
+command line, obviating the need for a configuration file. This may
+be particularly useful when the local host is to be configured as a
+broadcast/multicast client, with all peers being determined by
+listening to broadcasts at run time.</p>
+<p>Usually, the configuration file is installed in the <tt>
+/etc</tt> directory, but could be installed elsewhere (see the <tt>
+-c <i>conffile</i></tt> command line option). The file format is
+similar to other Unix configuration files - comments begin with a
+<tt>#</tt> character and extend to the end of the line; blank lines
+are ignored.</p>
+<p>Configuration commands consist of an initial keyword followed by
+a list of arguments, some of which may be optional, separated by
+whitespace. Commands may not be continued over multiple lines.
+Arguments may be host names, host addresses written in numeric,
+dotted-quad form, integers, floating point numbers (when specifying
+times in seconds) and text strings. Optional arguments are
+delimited by <tt>[ ]</tt> in the following descriptions, while
+alternatives are separated by <tt>|</tt>. The notation <tt>[ ...
+]</tt> means an optional, indefinite repetition of the last item
+before the <tt>[ ... ]</tt>.</p>
+<p><a href="confopt.htm">Configuration Options</a><br>
+<a href="authopt.htm">Authentication Options</a><br>
+<a href="monopt.htm">Monitoring Options</a><br>
+<a href="accopt.htm">Access Control Options</a><br>
+<a href="clockopt.htm">Reference Clock Options</a><br>
+<a href="miscopt.htm">Miscellaneous Options</a></p>
+<tt>/etc/ntp.conf</tt> - the default name of the configuration file
+<tt>/etc/ntp.drift</tt> - the default name of the drift file <br>
+<tt>/etc/ntp.keys</tt> - the default name of the key file
+<tt>ntpd</tt> has gotten rather fat. While not huge, it has gotten
+larger than might be desirable for an elevated-priority <tt>
+ntpd</tt> running on a workstation, particularly since many of the
+fancy features which consume the space were designed more with a
+busy primary server, rather than a high stratum workstation in
+<a href="index.htm"><img align="left" src="pic/home.gif" alt=
+<address><a href="">David L. Mills
-<P>Ordinarily, <TT>ntpd</TT> reads the <TT>ntp.conf</TT> configuration
-file at startup time in order to determine the synchronization sources
-and operating modes. It is also possible to specify a working, although
-limited, configuration entirely on the command line, obviating the need
-for a configuration file. This may be particularly appropriate when the
-local host is to be configured as a broadcast/multicast client or
-manycast client, with all peers being determined by listening to
-broadcasts at run time.
-<P>If NetInfo support is built into <TT>ntpd</TT>, then <TT>ntpd</TT>
-will attempt to read its configuration from the NetInfo if the default
-ntp.conf file cannot be read and no file is specified by the <TT>-c</TT>
-<P>Various internal <TT>ntpd</TT> variables can be displayed and
-configuration options altered while the daemon is running using the
-<TT><A HREF="ntpq.htm">ntpq</A></TT> and <TT><A
-HREF="ntpdc.htm">ntpdc</A></TT> utility programs.
-<P>When <TT>ntpd</TT> starts it looks at the value of <TT>umask</TT>,
-and if it's zero <TT>ntpd</TT> will set the <TT>umask</TT> to
-<H4>Command Line Options</H4>
-<DD>Enable authentication mode (default).</DD>
-<DD>Disable authentication mode.</DD>
-<DD>Synchronize using NTP broadcast messages.</DD>
-<DT><TT>-c <I>conffile</I></TT></DT>
-<DD>Specify the name and path of the configuration file.</DD>
-<DD>Specify debugging mode. This flag may occur multiple times, with
-each occurrence indicating greater detail of display.</DD>
-<DT><TT>-D <I>level</I></TT></DT>
-<DD>Specify debugging level directly.</DD>
-<DT><TT>-f <I>driftfile</I></TT></DT>
-<DD>Specify the name and path of the drift file.</DD>
-<DD>Normally, the daemon exits if the offset exceeds a 1000-s sanity
-limit. This option overrides this limit and allows the time to be set to
-any value without restriction; however, this can happen only once. After
-that, the daemon will exit of the limit is exceeded.
-<DT><TT>-k <I>keyfile</I></TT></DT>
-<DD>Specify the name and path of the file containing the NTP
-authentication keys.</DD>
-<DT><TT>-l <I>logfile</I></TT></DT>
-<DD>Specify the name and path of the log file. The default is the system
-log facility.</DD>
-<DD>Synchronize using NTP multicast messages on the IP multicast group
-address (requires multicast kernel).</DD>
-<DT><TT>-p <I>pidfile</I></TT></DT>
-<DD>Specify the name and path to record the daemon's process ID.</DD>
-<DD>Override the priority limit set by the operating system. Not
-recommended for sissies.</DD>
-<DT><TT>-r <I>broadcastdelay</I></TT></DT>
-<DD>Specify the default propagation delay from the broadcast/multicast
-server and this computer. This is necessary only if the delay cannot be
-computed automatically by the protocol.</DD>
-<DT><TT>-s <I>statsdir</I></TT></DT>
-<DD>Specify the directory path for files created by the statistics
-<DT><TT>-t <I>key</I></TT></DT>
-<DD>Add a key number to the trusted key list.</DD>
-<DT><TT>-v <I>variable</I></TT></DT>
-<DT><TT>-V <I>variable</I></TT></DT>
-<DD>Add a system variable listed by default.</DD>
-<DD>Ordinarily, if the time is to be adjusted more than 128 ms, it is
-stepped, not gradually slewed. This option forces the time to be slewed
-in all cases. Note: Since the slew rate is limited to 0.5 ms/s, each
-second of adjustment requires an amortization interval of 2000 s. Thus,
-an adjustment of many seconds can take hours or days to amortize.</DD>
-<H4>The Configuration File</H4>
-The <TT>ntpd</TT> configuration file is read at initial startup in order
-to specify the synchronization sources, modes and other related
-information. Usually, it is installed in the <TT>/etc</TT> directory,
-but could be installed elsewhere (see the <TT>-c <I>conffile</I></TT>
-command line option). The file format is similar to other Unix
-configuration files - comments begin with a <TT>#</TT> character and
-extend to the end of the line; blank lines are ignored. Configuration
-commands consist of an initial keyword followed by a list of arguments,
-some of which may be optional, separated by whitespace. Commands may not
-be continued over multiple lines. Arguments may be host names, host
-addresses written in numeric, dotted-quad form, integers, floating
-point numbers (when specifying times in seconds) and text strings.
-Optional arguments are delimited by <TT>[ ]</TT> in the following
-descriptions, while alternatives are separated by <TT>|</TT>. The
-notation <TT>[ ... ]</TT> means an optional, indefinite repetition of
-the last item before the <TT>[ ... ]</TT>.
-<P>See the following pages for configuration and control options. While
-there is a rich set of options available, the only required option is
-one or more <TT>server, peer,</TT> <TT>broadcast</TT> or
-<TT>manycastclient </TT>commands described in the Configuration Options
-page. The <A HREF="notes.htm">Notes on Configuring NTP and Setting up a
-NTP Subnet </A>page contains an extended discussion of these options.
-<P><A HREF="confopt.htm">Configuration Options</A>
-<BR><A HREF="authopt.htm">Authentication Options</A>
-<BR><A HREF="monopt.htm">Monitoring Options</A>
-<BR><A HREF="accopt.htm">Access Control Options</A>
-<BR><A HREF="clockopt.htm">Reference Clock Options</A>
-<BR><A HREF="miscopt.htm">Miscellaneous Options</A>
-<TT>/etc/ntp.conf</TT> - the default name of the configuration file
-<BR><TT>/etc/ntp.drift</TT> - the default name of the drift file
-<BR><TT>/etc/ntp.keys</TT> - the default name of the key file
-<TT>ntpd</TT> has gotten rather fat. While not huge, it has gotten
-larger than might be desireable for an elevated-priority daemon running
-on a workstation, particularly since many of the fancy features which
-consume the space were designed more with a busy primary server, rather
-than a high stratum workstation, in mind.
-<hr><a href=index.htm><img align=left src=pic/home.gif></a><address><a> David L. Mills &lt;;</a>
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud