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- <TITLE>MX4200 Receiver Data Format</TITLE>
-<h1>MX4200 Receiver Data Format</h1>
-<h2>Table of Contents</h2>
- <li><a href="#control">Control Port Sentences</a></li>
- <li><a href="#input">Control Port Input Sentences</a></li>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#input_000">$PMVXG,000</a> Initialization/Mode Control - Part A</li>
- <li><a href="#input_001">$PMVXG,001</a> Initialization/Mode Control - Part B</li>
- <li><a href="#input_007">$PMVXG,007</a> Control Port Configuration</li>
- <li><a href="#input_023">$PMVXG,023</a> Time Recovery Configuration</li>
- <li><a href="#input_gpq">$CDGPQ,YYY</a> Query From a Remote Device / Request to Output a Sentence</li>
- </ul>
- <li><a href="#output">Control Port Output Sentences</a></li>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#output_000">$PMVXG,000</a> Receiver Status</li>
- <li><a href="#output_021">$PMVXG,021</a> Position, Height, Velocity</li>
- <li><a href="#output_022">$PMVXG,022</a> DOPs</li>
- <li><a href="#output_030">$PMVXG,030</a> Software Configuration</li>
- <li><a href="#output_101">$PMVXG,101</a> Control Sentence Accept/Reject</li>
- <li><a href="#output_523">$PMVXG,523</a> Time Recovery Configuration</li>
- <li><a href="#output_830">$PMVXG,830</a> Time Recovery Results</li>
- </ul>
-<h2><a name="control">Control Port Sentences</a></h2>
-<p>The Control (CDU) Port is used to initialize, monitor, and control
-the receiver. The structure of the control port sentences is based on
-the <cite>NMEA-0183</cite> Standard for Interfacing Marine Electronics
-Navigation Devices (version 1.5). For more details, please refer to
-the <cite>NMEA-0183</cite> Specification available from the
-<a href="">National Marine Electronics
-<p>Reserved characters are used to indicate the beginning and the end
-of records in the data stream, and to delimit data fields within a
-sentence. Only printable ASCII characters (Hex 20 through 7F) may be
-used in a sentence. <a href="#table_2">Table 2</a> lists the reserved
-characters and defines their usage. <a href="#table_1">Table 1</a>
-illustrates the general Magnavox proprietary NMEA sentence format.
-<h4><a name="table_1">Table 1. Magnavox Proprietary NMEA Sentence Format</a></h4>
-<table border>
- <tr> <th>Character <th>Meaning
- <tr> <td><code>$</code> <td>Sentence Start Character
- <tr> <td><code>P</code> <td>Special ID (P = Proprietary)
- <tr> <td><code>MVX</code> <td>Originator ID (MVX = Magnavox)
- <tr> <td><code>G</code> <td>Interface ID (G = GPS)
- <tr> <td><code>XXX</code> <td>Sentence Type
- <tr> <td><code>...</code> <td>Data
- <tr> <td><code>*</code> <td>Optional Checksum Field Delimiter
- <tr> <td><code>CK</code> <td>Optional Checksum
-<h4><a name="table_2">Table 2. NMEA Sentence Reserved Characters</a></h4>
-<table border>
- <tr> <th>Character <th>Hex Value <th>Usage
- <tr> <td><code>$</code> <td>24 <td>Start of Sentence Identifier
- <tr> <td><code>{cr}{lf}</code> <td>0D 0A <td>End of Sentence Identifier
- <tr> <td><code>,</code> <td>2C <td>Sentence Delimiter
- <tr> <td><code>*</code> <td>2A <td>Optional Checksum Field Delimiter
-<p>Following the start character <code>$</code>, are five characters
-which constitute the block label of the sentence. For Magnavox
-proprietary sentences, this label is always <code>PMVXG</code>. The
-next field after the block label is the sentence type, consisting of
-three decimal digits.</p>
-<p>The data, delimited by commas, follows the sentence type. Note that
-the receiver uses a free-format parsing algorithm, so you need not send
-the exact number of characters shown in the examples. You will need to
-use the commas to determine how many bytes of data need to be
-<p>The notation <code>CK</code> shown in <a href="#table_1">Table 1</a>
-symbolically indicates the optional checksum in the examples. The
-checksum is computed by exclusive-ORing all of the bytes between the
-<code>$</code> and the <code>*</code> characters. The <code>$</code> ,
-<code>*</code> and the checksum are not included in the checksum
-<p>Checksums are optional for Control Port input sentences, but are
-highly recommended to limit the effects of communication errors.
-Magnavox receivers always generate checksums for Control Port output
-<p>ASCII data characters are transmitted in the following format:</p>
-<table border>
- <tr> <td> Data Bits <td>8 (msb always 0)
- <tr> <td> Parity <td>None
- <tr> <td> Stop Bits <td>1
-<p>NULL fields are fields which do not contain any data. They would
-appear as two commas together in the sentence format, except for the
-final field. Some Magnavox proprietary sentences require that the
-format contain NULL fields. mandatory NULL fields are identified by an
-'*' next to the respective field.</p>
-<h2><a name="input">Control Port Input Sentences</a></h2>
-These are the subset of the MX4200 control port input sentences sent by
-the NTP driver to the GPS receiver.
-<h3><a name="input_000">$PMVXG,000</a></h3>
-<h4>Initialization/Mode Control - Part A</h4>
-Initializes the time, position and antenna height of the MX4200.
-<table border>
- <tr> <th>Field <th>Description <th>Units <th>Format <th>Default <th>Range
- <tr> <td>1 <td>Day <td>&nbsp <td>Int <td>&nbsp <td>1-31
- <tr> <td>2 <td>Month <td>&nbsp <td>Int <td>&nbsp <td>1-12
- <tr> <td>3 <td>Year <td>&nbsp <td>Int <td>&nbsp <td>1991-9999
- <tr> <td>4 <td>GMT Time <td>HHMMSS <td>Int <td>&nbsp <td>000000-235959
- <tr> <td>5 <td>WGS-84 Latitude <td>DDMM.MMMM<td>Float<td>0.0 <td>0 - 8959.9999
- <tr> <td>6 <td>North/South Indicator <td>&nbsp <td>Char <td>N <td>N,S
- <tr> <td>7 <td>WGS-84 Longitude <td>DDDMM.MMMM<td>Float<td>0.0 <td>0 - 17959.9999
- <tr> <td>8 <td>East/West Indicator <td>&nbsp <td>Char <td>E <td>E,W
- <tr> <td>9 <td>Altitude (height above Mean Sea Level) in meters (WGS-84) <td>Meters<td>Float<td>0.0<td>+/-99999.0
- <tr> <td>10 <td>Not Used <td>&nbsp <td>&nbsp <td>&nbsp <td>&nbsp
-<h3><a name="input_001">$PMVXG,001</a></h3>
-<h4>Initialization/Mode Control - Part B</h4>
-Specifies various navigation parameters: Altitude aiding, acceleration
-DOP limits, and satellite elevation limits.
-<table border>
- <tr> <th>Field <th>Description <th>Units <th>Format <th>Default <th>Range
- <tr> <td>*1 <td>Constrain Altitude <td>&nbsp <td>Int <td>1 <td>0=3D Only<br>1=Auto<br>2=2D Only
- <tr> <td>2 <td>Not Used <td>&nbsp <td>&nbsp<td>&nbsp <td>&nbsp
- <tr> <td>*3 <td>Horizontal Acceleration Factor<td>m/sec^2 <td>Float <td>1.0 <td>0.5-10.0
- <tr> <td>*4 <td>Not Used <td>&nbsp <td>&nbsp<td>&nbsp <td>&nbsp
- <tr> <td>*5 <td>VDOP Limit <td>&nbsp <td>Int <td>10 <td>1-9999
- <tr> <td>*6 <td>HDOP Limit <td>&nbsp <td>Int <td>10 <td>1-9999
- <tr> <td>7 <td>Elevation Limit <td>Deg <td>Int <td>5 <td>0-90
- <tr> <td>8 <td>Time Output Mode <td>&nbsp <td>Char <td>U <td>U=UTC<br>L=Local Time
- <tr> <td>9 <td>Local Time Offset <td>HHMM <td>Int <td>0 <td>+/- 0-2359
-<h3><a name="input_007">$PMVXG,007</a></h3>
-<h4>Control Port Output Configuration</h4>
-This message enables or disables output of the specified sentence and
-defines the output rate. The user sends this message for each sentence
-that the receiver is to output.
-<table border>
- <tr> <th>Field <th>Description <th>Units <th>Format <th>Default <th>Range
- <tr> <td>1 <td>Control Port Output Block Label<td>&nbsp<td>Char <td>&nbsp <td>&nbsp
- <tr> <td>2 <td>Clear Current Output List<td>&nbsp<td>Int <td>&nbsp <td>0=No<br>1=Yes
- <tr> <td>3 <td>Add/Delete Sentence from List<td>&nbsp<td>Int <td>&nbsp <td>1=Append<br>2=Delete
- <tr> <td>4 <td>Not Used <td>&nbsp <td>&nbsp <td>&nbsp <td>&nbsp
- <tr> <td>5 <td>Sentence Output Rate <td>Sec <td>Int <td>&nbsp <td>1-9999
- <tr> <td>6 <td># digits of Precision for CGA and GLL sentences<td>&nbsp <td>Int <td>2 <td>2-4
- <tr> <td>7 <td>Not Used <td>&nbsp <td>&nbsp <td>&nbsp <td>&nbsp
- <tr> <td>8 <td>Not Used <td>&nbsp <td>&nbsp <td>&nbsp <td>&nbsp
-<h3><a name="input_023">$PMVXG,023</a></h3>
-<h4>Time Recovery Configuration</h4>
-This message is used to enable/disable the time recovery feature of the
-receiver. The time synchronization for the 1PPS output is specified in
-addition to a user time bias and an error tolerance for a valid pulse.
-This record is accepted in units configured for time recovery. If the
-back panel contains a 1PPS outlet, the receiver is a time recovery
-<table border>
- <tr> <th>Field <th>Description <th>Units <th>Format <th>Default <th>Range
- <tr> <td>*1 <td>Time Recovery Mode <td>&nbsp <td>Char <td>D <td>D=Dynamic<br>S=Static<br>K=Known Position<br>N=No Time Recovery
- <tr> <td>2 <td>Time Synchronization <td>&nbsp <td>Char <td>G <td>U=UTC<br>G=GPS
- <tr> <td>3 <td>Time Mark Mode <td>&nbsp <td>Char <td>A <td>A=Always<br>V=Valid Pulses Only
- <tr> <td>4 <td>Maximum Time Error <td>Nsec <td>Int <td>100 <td>50-1000
- <tr> <td>5 <td>User Time Bias <td>Nsec <td>Int <td>0 <td>+/- 99999
- <tr> <td>6 <td>ASCII Time Message Control<td>&nbsp<td>Int <td>0 <td>0=No Output<br>1=830 to Control Port<br>2=830 to Equipment Port
- <tr> <td>7 <td>Known Pos PRN <td>&nbsp <td>Int <td>0 <td>1-32<br>0=Track All Sats
-<h3><a name="input_gpq">$CDGPQ,YYY</a></h3>
-<h4>Query From a Remote Device / Request to Output a Sentence</h4>
-Enables the controller to request a one-time transmission of a specific
-block label. To output messages at a periodic rate, refer to input
-sentence <a href="#input_007">$PMVXG,007</a>.
-<table border>
- <tr> <th>Field <th>Description <th>Units <th>Format <th>Default <th>Range
- <tr> <td>1:CD <td>ID of Remote Device <td>&nbsp <td>Char <td>&nbsp <td>(See <cite>NMEA-0183</cite>)
- <tr> <td>2:GP <td>GPS <td>&nbsp <td>Char <td>&nbsp <td>(See <cite>NMEA-0183</cite>)
- <tr> <td>3:Q <td>Query <td>&nbsp <td>Char <td>&nbsp <td>(See <cite>NMEA-0183</cite>)
- <tr> <td>4:YYY <td>Label of Desired Sentence<td>&nbsp<td>Char <td>&nbsp <td>Any Valid NMEA or Magnavox Sentence Type
-<h2><a name="output">Control Port Output Sentences</a></h2>
-These are the subset of the MX4200 control port output sentences
-recognized by the NTP driver.
-<h3><a name="output_000">$PMVXG,000</a></h3>
-<h4>Receiver Status</h4>
-Returns the current status of the receiver including the operating
-mode, number of satellites visible, and the number of satellites being
-<table border>
- <tr> <th>Field <th>Description <th>Units <th>Format <th>Range
- <tr> <td>1 <td>Current Receiver Status <td>&nbsp <td>Char <td>ACQ=Reacquisition<br>ALT=Constellation Selection<br>IAC=Initial Acquisition<br>IDL=Idle, No Satellites<br>NAV=Navigating<br>STS=Search The Sky<br>TRK=Tracking
- <tr> <td>2 <td>Number of Satellites that should be Visible <td>&nbsp<td>Int <td>0-12
- <tr> <td>3 <td>Number of Satellites being Tracked <td>&nbsp <td>Int <td>0-12
- <tr> <td>4 <td>Time since Last Navigation <td>HHMM <td>Int <td>0-2359
- <tr> <td>5 <td>Initialization Status <td>&nbsp <td>Int <td>0=Waiting for Initialization<br>1=Initialization Complete
-<h3><a name="output_021">$PMVXG,021</a></h3>
-<h4>Position, Height, Velocity</h4>
-This sentence gives the receiver position, height, navigation mode and
-velocity north/east. <em>This sentence is intended for post analysis
-<table border>
- <tr> <th>Field <th>Description <th>Units <th>Format <th>Range
- <tr> <td>1 <td>UTC Measurement Time <td>Seconds into the week<td>Float<td>0-604800.00
- <tr> <td>2 <td>WGS-84 Latitude <td>DDMM.MMMM<td>Float <td>0-89.9999
- <tr> <td>3 <td>North/South Indicator <td>&nbsp <td>Char <td>N, S
- <tr> <td>4 <td>WGS-84 Longitude <td>DDDMM.MMMM <td>Float <td>0-179.9999
- <tr> <td>5 <td>East/West Indicator <td>&nbsp <td>Char <td>E, W
- <tr> <td>6 <td>Altitude (MSL) <td>Meters <td>Float <td>&nbsp
- <tr> <td>7 <td>Geoidal Height <td>Meters <td>Float <td>&nbsp
- <tr> <td>8 <td>Velocity East <td>M/Sec <td>Float <td>&nbsp
- <tr> <td>9 <td>Velocity North <td>M/Sec <td>Float <td>&nbsp
- <tr> <td>10 <td>Navigation Mode <td>&nbsp <td>Int <td><em>Navigating</em><br>
- 1=Position From a Remote Device<br>
- 2=2D<br>
- 3=3D<br>
- 4=2D differential<br>
- 5=3D differential<br>
- <em>Not Navigating</em><br>
- 51=Too Few Satellites<br>
- 52=DOPs too large<br>
- 53=Position STD too large<br>
- 54=Velocity STD too large<br>
- 55=Too many iterations for velocity<br>
- 56=Too many iterations for position<br>
- 57=3 Sat Startup failed
-<h3><a name="output_022">$PMVXG,022</a></h3>
-This sentence reports the DOP (Dilution Of Precision) values actually
-used in the measurement processing corresponding to the satellites
-listed. The satellites are listed in receiver channel order. Fields
-11-16 are output only on 12-channel receivers.
-<table border>
- <tr> <th>Field <th>Description <th>Units <th>Format <th>Range
- <tr> <td>1 <td>UTC Measurement Time <td>Seconds into the week<td>Float<td>0-604800.00
- <tr> <td>2 <td>East DOP (EDOP) <td>&nbsp <td>Float <td>&nbsp
- <tr> <td>3 <td>North DOP (NDOP) <td>&nbsp <td>Float <td>&nbsp
- <tr> <td>4 <td>Vertical DOP (VDOP) <td>&nbsp <td>Float <td>&nbsp
- <tr> <td>5 <td>PRN on Channel #1 <td>&nbsp <td>Int <td>1-32
- <tr> <td>6 <td>PRN on Channel #2 <td>&nbsp <td>Int <td>1-32
- <tr> <td>7 <td>PRN on Channel #3 <td>&nbsp <td>Int <td>1-32
- <tr> <td>8 <td>PRN on Channel #4 <td>&nbsp <td>Int <td>1-32
- <tr> <td>9 <td>PRN on Channel #5 <td>&nbsp <td>Int <td>1-32
- <tr> <td>10 <td>PRN on Channel #6 <td>&nbsp <td>Int <td>1-32
- <tr> <td>11 <td>PRN on Channel #7 <td>&nbsp <td>Int <td>1-32
- <tr> <td>12 <td>PRN on Channel #8 <td>&nbsp <td>Int <td>1-32
- <tr> <td>13 <td>PRN on Channel #9 <td>&nbsp <td>Int <td>1-32
- <tr> <td>14 <td>PRN on Channel #10 <td>&nbsp <td>Int <td>1-32
- <tr> <td>15 <td>PRN on Channel #11 <td>&nbsp <td>Int <td>1-32
- <tr> <td>16 <td>PRN on Channel #12 <td>&nbsp <td>Int <td>1-32
-<h3><a name="output_030">$PMVXG,030</a></h3>
-<h4>Software Configuration</h4>
-This sentence contains the navigation processor and baseband firmware
-version numbers.
-<table border>
- <tr> <th>Field <th>Description <th>Units <th>Format <th>Range
- <tr> <td>1 <td>Nav Processor Version Number <td>&nbsp <td>Char <td>&nbsp
- <tr> <td>2 <td>Baseband Firmware Version Number <td>&nbsp <td>Char <td>&nbsp
-<h3><a name="output_101">$PMVXG,101</a></h3>
-<h4>Control Sentence Accept/Reject</h4>
-This sentence is returned (on the Control Port) for every
-<strong>$PMVXG</strong> and <strong>$XXGPQ</strong> sentence that is
-<table border>
- <tr> <th>Field <th>Description <th>Units <th>Format <th>Range
- <tr> <td>1 <td>Sentence ID <td>&nbsp <td>Char <td>&nbsp
- <tr> <td>2 <td>Accept/Reject Status <td>&nbsp <td>Int <td>0=Sentence Accepted<br>
- 1=Bad Checksum<br>
- 2=Illegal Value<br>
- 3=Unrecognized ID<br>
- 4=Wrong # of fields<br>
- 5=Required Data Field Missing<br>
- 6=Requested Sentence Unavailable
- <tr> <td>3 <td>Bad Field Index <td>&nbsp <td>Int <td>&nbsp
- <tr> <td>4 <td>Requested Sentence ID (If field #1 = GPQ) <td>&nbsp <td>Char <td>&nbsp
-<h3><a name="output_523">$PMVXG,523</a></h3>
-<h4>Time Recovery Configuration</h4>
-This sentence contains the configuration of the time recovery function
-of the receiver.
-<table border>
- <tr> <th>Field <th>Description <th>Units <th>Format <th>Range
- <tr> <td>1 <td>Time Recovery Mode <td>&nbsp <td>Char <td>D=Dynamic<br>S=Static<br>K=Known Position<br>N=No Time Recovery
- <tr> <td>2 <td>Time Synchronization <td>&nbsp <td>Char <td>U=UTC Time<br>G=GPS Time
- <tr> <td>3 <td>Time Mark Mode <td>&nbsp <td>Char <td>A=Always Output Time Pulse<br>V=Only when Valid
- <tr> <td>4 <td>Maximum Time Error for which a time mark will be considered valid <td>Nsec <td>Int <td>&nbsp
- <tr> <td>5 <td>User Time Bias <td>Nsec <td>Int <td>&nbsp
- <tr> <td>6 <td>Time Message Control <td>&nbsp <td>Int <td>0=No Message<br>1=830 to Control Port<br>2=830 to Equipment Port
- <tr> <td>7 <td>Not Used <td>&nbsp <td>&nbsp <td>&nbsp
-<h3><a name="output_830">$PMVXG,830</a></h3>
-<h4>Time Recovery Results</h4>
-This sentence is output approximately 1 second preceding the 1PPS
-output. It indicates the exact time of the next pulse, whether or not
-the time mark will be valid (based on operator-specified error
-tolerance), the time to which the pulse is synchronized, the receiver
-operating mode, and the time error of the <strong>last</strong> 1PPS
-output. The leap second flag (Field #11) is not output by older
-<table border>
- <tr> <th>Field <th>Description <th>Units <th>Format <th>Range
- <tr> <td>1 <td>Time Mark Valid <td>&nbsp <td>Char <td>T=Valid<br>F=Not Valid
- <tr> <td>2 <td>Year <td>&nbsp <td>Int <td>1993-
- <tr> <td>3 <td>Month <td>&nbsp <td>Int <td>1-12
- <tr> <td>4 <td>Day <td>Nsec <td>Int <td>1-31
- <tr> <td>5 <td>Time <td>HH:MM:SS<td>Int <td>00:00:00-23:59:59
- <tr> <td>6 <td>Time Synchronization <td>&nbsp <td>Char <td>U=UTC<br>G=GPS
- <tr> <td>7 <td>Operating Mode <td>&nbsp <td>Char <td>D=Dynamic<br>S=Static<br>K=Known Position
- <tr> <td>8 <td>Oscillator Offset - estimate of oscillator frequency error <td>PPB <td>Int <td>&nbsp
- <tr> <td>9 <td>Time Mark Error of last pulse <td>Nsec <td>Int <td>&nbsp
- <tr> <td>10 <td>User Time Bias <td>Nsec <td>Int <td>&nbsp
- <tr> <td>11 <td>Leap Second Flag - indicates that a leap second will occur.
- This value is usually zero except during the week
- prior to a leap second occurence, when this value
- will be set to +/-1. A value of +1 indicates
- that GPS time will be 1 second further ahead of
- UTC time.
- <td>&nbsp <td>Int <td>-1,0,1
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud