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-How to Write a Reference Clock Driver
-How to Write a Reference Clock Driver
-<img align=left src=pic/pogo4.gif><a href=>from <i>Pogo</i>, Walt Kelly</a>
-<p>You need a little magic.
-<br clear=left><hr>
-<p>Reference clock support maintains the fiction that the clock is
-actually an ordinary peer in the NTP tradition, but operating at a
-synthetic stratum of zero. The entire suite of algorithms used to filter
-the received data, select the best clocks or peers and combine them to
-produce a local clock correction operate just like ordinary NTP peers.
-In this way, defective clocks can be detected and removed from the peer
-population. As no packets are exchanged with a reference clock; however,
-the transmit, receive and packet procedures are replaced with separate
-code to simulate them.
-<p>Radio and modem reference clocks by convention have addresses in the
-form <tt>127.127.<i>t</i>.<i>u</i></tt>, where <i>t</i> is the clock
-type and <i>u</i> in the range 0-3 is used to distinguish multiple
-instances of clocks of the same type. Most clocks require a serial port
-or special bus peripheral. The particular device is normally specified
-by adding a soft link <tt>/dev/device<i>d</i>d</tt> to the particular
-hardware device involved, where <tt><i>d</i></tt> corresponds to the
-unit number.
-<p>The best way to understand how the clock drivers work is to study the
-<tt>ntp_refclock.c</tt> module and one of the drivers already
-implemented, such as <tt>refclock_wwvb.c</tt>. Routines
-<tt>refclock_transmit()</tt> and <tt>refclock_receive()</tt> maintain
-the peer variables in a state analogous to a network peer and pass
-received data on through the clock filters. Routines
-<tt>refclock_peer()</tt> and <tt>refclock_unpeer()</tt> are called to
-initialize and terminate reference clock associations, should this ever
-be necessary. A set of utility routines is included to open serial
-devices, process sample data, edit input lines to extract embedded
-timestamps and to perform various debugging functions.
-<p>The main interface used by these routines is the
-<tt>refclockproc</tt> structure, which contains for most drivers the
-decimal equivalents of the year, day, month, hour, second and
-millisecond/microsecond decoded from the ASCII timecode. Additional
-information includes the receive timestamp, exception report, statistics
-tallies, etc. The support routines are passed a pointer to the
-<tt>peer</tt> structure, which is used for all peer-specific processing
-and contains a pointer to the <tt>refclockproc</tt> structure, which in
-turn contains a pointer to the unit structure, if used. For legacy
-purposes, a table <tt>typeunit[type][unit]</tt> contains the peer
-structure pointer for each configured clock type and unit.
-<p>The reference clock interface supports auxiliary functions to support
-in-stream timestamping, pulse-per-second (PPS) interfacing and precision
-time kernel support. In most cases the drivers do not need to be aware
-of them, since they are detected at autoconfigure time and loaded
-automatically when the device is opened. These include the
-<tt>tty_clk</tt> and <tt>ppsclock</tt> STREAMS modules and
-<tt>ppsapi</tt> PPS interface described in the <a href="ldisc.htm">Line
-Disciplines and Streams Modules</a> page. The <tt>tty_clk</tt> module
-reduces latency errors due to the operating system and serial port code
-in slower systems. The <tt>ppsclock</tt> module is an interface for the
-PPS signal provided by some radios. The <tt>ppsapi</tt> PPS interface
-replaces the <tt>ppsclock</tt> STREAMS module and is expected to become
-the IETF standard cross-platform interface for PPS signals. In either
-case, the PPS signal can be connected via a level converter/pulse
-generator described in the <a href = "gadget.htm"> Gadget Box PPS Level
-Converter and CHU Modem</a> page.
-<p>By convention, reference clock drivers are named in the form
-<tt>refclock_<i>xxxx</i>.c</tt>, where <i>xxxx</i> is a unique
-string. Each driver is assigned a unique type number, long-form driver
-name, short-form driver name, and device name. The existing assignments
-are in the <a href="refclock.htm"> Reference Clock Drivers</a> page
-and its dependencies. All drivers supported by the particular hardware
-and operating system are automatically detected in the autoconfigure
-phase and conditionally compiled. They are configured when the daemon is
-started according to the configuration file, as described in the <a
-href="config.htm"> Configuration Options </a> page.
-<p>The standard clock driver interface includes a set of common support
-routines some of which do such things as start and stop the device, open
-the serial port, and establish special functions such as PPS signal
-support. Other routines read and write data to the device and process
-time values. Most drivers need only a little customizing code to, for
-instance, transform idiosyncratic timecode formats to standard form,
-poll the device as necessary, and handle exception conditions. A
-standard interface is available for remote debugging and monitoring
-programs, such as <tt>ntpq</tt> and <tt>ntpdc</tt>, as well as
-the <tt>filegen</tt> facility, which can be used to record device
-status on a continuous basis.
-<p>The general organization of a typical clock driver includes a
-receive-interrupt routine to read a timecode from the I/O buffer and
-convert to internal format, generally in days, hours, minutes, seconds
-and fraction. Some timecode formats include provisions for leap-second
-warning and determine the clock hardware and software health. The
-interrupt routine then calls <tt>refclock_process()</tt> with these data
-and the timestamp captured at the on-time character of the timecode.
-This routine saves each sample as received in a circular buffer, which
-can store from a few up to 60 samples, in cases where the timecodes
-arrive one per second.
-<p>The <tt>refclock_transmit()</tt> routine in the interface is called
-by the system at intervals defined by the poll interval in the peer
-structure, generally 64 s. This routine in turn calls the transmit poll
-routine in the driver. In the intended design, the driver calls the
-<tt>refclock_receive()</tt> to process the offset samples that have
-accumulated since the last poll and produce the final offset and
-variance. The samples are processed by recursively discarding median
-outlyers until about 60 percent of samples remain, then averaging the
-surviving samples. When a reference clock must be explicitly polled to
-produce a timecode, the driver can reset the poll interval so that the
-poll routine is called a specified number of times at 1-s intervals.
-<p>The interface code and this documentation have been developed over
-some time and required not a little hard work converting old drivers,
-etc. Should you find success writing a driver for a new radio or modem
-service, please consider contributing it to the common good. Send the
-driver file itself and patches for the other files to Dave Mills
-<h4>Conventions, Fudge Factors and Flags</h4>
-<p>Most drivers support manual or automatic calibration for systematic
-offset bias using values encoded in the <tt>fudge</tt> configuration
-command. By convention, the <tt>time1</tt> value defines the calibration
-offset in seconds. For those drivers that support statistics collection
-using the <tt>filegen</tt> utility and the <tt>clockstats</tt> file, the
-<tt>flag4</tt> switch enables the utility. When a PPS signal is
-available, a special automatic calibration facility is provided. If the
-<tt>flag1</tt> switch is set and the PPS signal is actively disciplining
-the system time, the calibration value is automatically adjusted to
-maintain a residual offset of zero. Should the PPS signal or the prefer
-peer fail, the adjustment is frozen and the remaining drivers continue
-to discipline the system clock with a minimum of residual error.
-<h4>Files Which Need to be Changed</h4>
-<p>A new reference clock implementation needs to supply, in addition to
-the driver itself, several changes to existing files.
-<dd>The reference clock type defines are used in many places. Each
-driver is assigned a unique type number. Unused numbers are clearly
-marked in the list. A unique <tt>REFCLK_<i>xxxx</i></tt>
-identification code should be recorded in the list opposite its assigned
-type number.
-<dd>The <tt>./libntp/clktype</tt> array is used by certain display
-functions. A unique short-form name of the driver should be entered
-together with its assigned identification code.
-<dd>The <tt>clocktypes</tt> array is used for certain control
-message displays functions. It should be initialized with the reference
-clock class assigned to the driver, as per the NTP specification
-RFC-1305. See the <tt>./include/ntp_control.h</tt> header file for
-the assigned classes.
-<dd>This file contains a list of external structure definitions which
-are conditionally defined. A new set of entries should be installed
-similar to those already in the table. The <tt>refclock_conf</tt>
-array is a set of pointers to transfer vectors in the individual
-drivers. The external name of the transfer vector should be initialized
-in correspondence with the type number.
-<dd>This is a configuration file used by the autoconfigure scheme. Add
-two lines in the form:
- /* Define if we have a FOO clock */
- #undef FOO
-<p>where FOO is the define used to cause the driver to be included in
-the distribution.
-<dd>This is a configuration file used by the autoconfigure scheme. Add
-lines similar to the following:
- AC_MSG_CHECKING(FOO clock_description)
- AC_ARG_ENABLE(FOO, [ --enable-FOO clock_description],
- [ntp_ok=$enableval], [ntp_ok=$ntp_eac])
- if test "$ntp_ok" = "yes"; then
- ntp_refclock=yes
- fi
- AC_MSG_RESULT($ntp_ok)
-<p>(Note that <tt>$ntp_eac</tt> is the value from <tt>--
-{dis,en}able-all-clocks</tt> for non-PARSE clocks and
-<tt>$ntp_eacp</tt> is the value from <tt>--{dis,en}able-parse-
-clocks</tt> for PARSE clocks. See the documentation on the autoconf
-and automake tools from the GNU distributions.)
-<dd><p>This is the makefile prototype used by the autoconfigure scheme.
-Add the driver file name to the entries already in the
-<tt>ntpd_SOURCES</tt> list.
-<p>Patches to <tt>automake-1.0</tt> are required for the
-autoconfigure scripts to work properly. The file <tt>automake-
-1.0.patches</tt> can be used for this purpose.
-<dd>Do the following sequence of commands:
- automake
- autoconf
- autoheader
- configure
-<p>or simply run <tt>make</tt>, which will do this command sequence
-<p><h4>Interface Routine Overview</h4>
-<dt><tt>refclock_newpeer</tt> - initialize and start a reference
-<dd>This routine allocates and initializes the interface structure which
-supports a reference clock in the form of an ordinary NTP peer. A
-driver-specific support routine completes the initialization, if used.
-Default peer variables which identify the clock and establish its
-reference ID and stratum are set here. It returns one if success and
-zero if the clock address is invalid or already running, insufficient
-resources are available or the driver declares a bum rap.
-<p><dt><tt>refclock_unpeer</tt> - shut down a clock
-<dd>This routine is used to shut down a clock and return its resources
-to the system.
-<p><dt><tt>refclock_transmit</tt> - simulate the transmit procedure
-<dd>This routine implements the NTP transmit procedure for a reference
-clock. This provides a mechanism to call the driver at the NTP poll
-interval, as well as provides a reachability mechanism to detect a
-broken radio or other madness.
-<p><dt><tt>refclock_sample</tt> - process a pile of samples from the
-<dd>This routine converts the timecode in the form days, hours, minutes,
-seconds, milliseconds/microseconds to internal timestamp format. It then
-calculates the difference from the receive timestamp and assembles the
-samples in a shift register. It implements a recursive median filter to
-suppress spikes in the data, as well as determine a rough dispersion
-estimate. A configuration constant time adjustment
-<tt>fudgetime1</tt> can be added to the final offset to compensate
-for various systematic errors. The routine returns one if success and
-zero if failure due to invalid timecode data or very noisy offsets.
-<p>Note that no provision is included for the year, as provided by some
-(but not all) radio clocks. Ordinarily, the year is implicit in the Unix
-file system and hardware/software clock support, so this is ordinarily
-not a problem. Nevertheless, the absence of the year should be
-considered more a bug than a feature and may be supported in future.
-<p><dt><tt>refclock_receive</tt> - simulate the receive and packet
-<dd>This routine simulates the NTP receive and packet procedures for a
-reference clock. This provides a mechanism in which the ordinary NTP
-filter, selection and combining algorithms can be used to suppress
-misbehaving radios and to mitigate between them when more than one is
-available for backup.
-<p><dt><tt>refclock_gtlin</tt> - groom next input line and extract
-<dd>This routine processes the timecode received from the clock and
-removes the parity bit and control characters. If a timestamp is present
-in the timecode, as produced by the <tt>tty_clk</tt> line
-discipline/streams module, it returns that as the timestamp; otherwise,
-it returns the buffer timestamp. The routine return code is the number
-of characters in the line.
-<p><dt><tt>refclock_open</tt> - open serial port for reference clock
-<dd>This routine opens a serial port for I/O and sets default options.
-It returns the file descriptor if success and zero if failure.
-<p><dt><tt>refclock_ioctl</tt> - set serial port control functions
-<dd>This routine attempts to hide the internal, system-specific details
-of serial ports. It can handle POSIX (<tt>termios</tt>), SYSV
-(<tt>termio</tt>) and BSD (<tt>sgtty</tt>) interfaces with
-varying degrees of success. The routine sets up the <tt>tty_clk,
-chu_clk</tt> and <tt>ppsclock</tt> streams module/line discipline,
-if compiled in the daemon and requested in the call. The routine returns
-one if success and zero if failure.
-<p><dt><tt>refclock_control</tt> - set and/or return clock values
-<dd>This routine is used mainly for debugging. It returns designated
-values from the interface structure that can be displayed using ntpdc
-and the clockstat command. It can also be used to initialize
-configuration variables, such as <tt>fudgetimes, fudgevalues,</tt>
-reference ID and stratum.
-<p><dt><tt>refclock_buginfo</tt> - return debugging info
-<dd>This routine is used mainly for debugging. It returns designated
-values from the interface structure that can be displayed using
-<tt>ntpdc</tt> and the <tt>clkbug</tt> command.
-<hr><a href=index.htm><img align=left src=pic/home.gif></a><address><a> David L. Mills &lt;;</a>
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud