path: root/contrib/ntp/html/driver29.htm
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-<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
- <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
- <title>Trimble Palisade Receiver</title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000FF" vlink="#800080" alink="#FF0000">
-<font size=+2>Trimble Palisade Receiver</font>
-<img SRC="pic/driver29.gif" NOSAVE height=100 width=420></h2>
-<font size=+1>Synopsis</font></h2>
-<div align=right><tt>Address:&nbsp;</tt></div>
-<div align=right><tt>Reference ID:</tt></div>
-<td><a NAME="REFID"></a><b>GPS</b></td>
-<div align=right><tt>Driver ID:</tt></div>
-<div align=right><tt>Serial Port:</tt></div>
-<div align=right><tt><font size=+1>Serial I/O:</font></tt></div>
-<td><b>9600 baud, 8-bits, 1-stop, odd parity</b></td>
-<font size=+1>Description</font></h2>
-The <b>refclock_palisade</b> driver supports <a href="">Trimble
-Navigation's Palisade Smart Antenna GPS receiver</a>.
-<br>Additional software and information about the Palisade GPS is available
-from: <a href=""></a>.
-<br>Latest NTP driver source, executables and documentation is maintained
-<a href=""></a>
-<p>This documentation describes version 7.12 of the GPS Firmware and version
-2.46 (July 15, 1999) and later, of the driver source.
-<font size=+1>Operating System Compatibility</font></h2>
-The Palisade driver has been tested on the following software and hardware
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="23%">Platform</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER>Operating System</td>
-<td>NTP Sources</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="23%">i386 (PC)&nbsp;</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER>Linux</td>
-<td>NTP Distribution</td>
-<td>10 us</td>
-<td>i386 (PC)&nbsp;</td>
-<td>Windows NT</td>
-<td><a href=""></a></td>
-<td>1 ms</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER>Solaris 2.x</td>
-<td>NTP Distribution</td>
-<td>50 us</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="23%">Hewlett-Packard</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER>HPUX 9, 10, 11</td>
-<td><a href=""></a></td>
-<td>50 us</td>
-<td>Free BSD</td>
-<td>NTP Distribution</td>
-<td>20 us</td>
-<font size=+1>GPS Receiver</font></h2>
-The Palisade GPS receiver is an 8-channel smart antenna, housing the GPS
-receiver, antenna and interface in a single unit, and is designed for rooftop
-deployment in static timing applications.
-<p>Palisade generates a PPS synchronized to UTC within +/- 100 ns.&nbsp;
-The Palisade's external event input with 40 nanosecond resolution is utilized
-by the Palisade NTP driver for asynchronous precision time transfer.
-<p>No user initialization of the receiver is required. This driver is compatible
-with the following versions of Palisade:
-<center>Event Input</center>
-<center>Trimble Part Number</center>
-<dl>Note: When using Palisade 26664-00, you must set fudge flag2 to 1 in
-See <a href="#Configuration">configuration</a>.</dl>
-<font size=+1>GPS&nbsp;<a NAME="Installation"></a>Installation</font></h3>
-A location with unobstructed view of the horizon is recommended. Palisade
-is designed to be securely mounted atop standard 3/4 inch threaded pipe.
-<p>The 12 conductor (dia. 10 mm)&nbsp; power and I/O cable must be routed
-from the rooftop site to the NTP server and properly strain relieved.
-<font size=+1>GPS&nbsp;<a NAME="Connection"></a>Connection</font></h3>
-The Palisade is equipped with dual (A &amp; B) RS-422 serial interfaces
-and a differential TTL PPS output. An RS-232 / RS-422 Interface Module
-is supplied with the Palisade NTP Synchronization Kit. Palisade <a href="#PortA">port
-A</a> must be connected to the NTP host server. Maximum antenna cable length
-is 500 meters. See the <a href="#Pinouts">pinouts</a> table for detailed
-connection Information.
-<p>Palisade's <a href="#PortB">port B</a> provides a TSIP (Trimble Standard
-Interface Protocol) interface for diagnostics, configuration, and monitoring.
-Port B and the PPS output are not currently used by the Palisade NTP reference
-clock driver.
-<font size=+1>O/S Serial Port Configuration</font></h2>
-The driver attempts to open the device <b><tt><a href="#REFID">/dev/palisade<i>u</i></a></tt></b>
-<b><i>u</i></b> is the NTP refclock unit number as defined by the
-LSB of the refclock address.&nbsp; Valid refclock unit numbers are 0 -
-<p>The user is expected to provide a symbolic link to an available serial
-port device.&nbsp; This is typically performed by a command such as:
-<blockquote><tt>ln -s /dev/ttyS0 /dev/palisade0</tt></blockquote>
-Windows NT does not support symbolic links to device files. COM<b>x</b>:
-is used by the driver, based on the refclock unit number, where unit 1
-corresponds to COM<b>1</b>: and unit 3 corresponds to COM3:
-<a NAME="Configuration"></a><font size=+1>NTP Configuration</font></h2>
-Palisade NTP configuration file <b><tt>"ntp.conf"</tt></b> with event polling:
-<br><tt># The Primary reference</tt>
-<br><tt>server # Trimble Palisade GPS Refclock Unit #0</tt>
-<br><tt>peer # internet server</tt>
-<br><tt># Drift file for expedient re-synchronization after downtime or
-<br><tt>driftfile /etc/ntp.drift</tt>
-<p>Configuration without event polling:
-<br><tt># The Primary reference</tt>
-<br><tt>server # Trimble Palisade GPS (Stratum 1).</tt>
-<br><tt># Set packet delay</tt>
-<br><tt><a href="#time1">fudge time1 0.020</a></tt>
-<br><tt># and set flag2 to turn off event polling.</tt>
-<br><tt><a href="#flag2">fudge flag2 1</a></tt>
-<a NAME="TimeTransfer"></a><font size=+1>Time Transfer and Polling</font></h2>
-Time transfer to the NTP host is performed via the Palisade's comprehensive
-time packet output. The time packets are output once per second, and whenever
-an event timestamp is requested.
-<p>The driver requests an event time stamp at the end of each polling interval,
-by pulsing the RTS (request to send) line on the serial port. The Palisade
-GPS responds with a time stamped event packet.
-<p>Time stamps are reported by the Palisade with respect to UTC time. The
-GPS receiver must download UTC offset information from GPS satellites.
-After an initial UTC download, the receiver will always start with correct
-UTC offset information.
-<font size=+1>Run NTP in Debugging Mode</font></h2>
-The following procedure is recommended for installing and testing a Palisade
-NTP driver:
-Perform initial checkout procedures. Place the GPS receiver outdoors; with
-clear view of the sky. Allow the receiver to obtain an UTC almanac.</li>
-Verify presence of timing packets by observing the 1 Hz (PPS) led on the
-interface module. It should flash once per second.</li>
-Connect Palisade's port A to the NTP host.</li>
-Configure NTP and the serial I/O port on the host system.</li>
-Initially use <tt><a href="#flag2">fudge flag2</a></tt> in <b><a href="#Configuration">ntp.conf</a>,</b>
-to disable event polling (see configuration).</li>
-Run NTP in debug mode (-d -d), to observe Palisade_receive events.</li>
-The driver reports the <a href="#TrackingStatus">tracking status of the
-receiver</a>. Make sure it is tracking several satellites.</li>
-Remove fudge flag2 and restart <b>ntpd</b> in debug mode to observe palisade_receive
-If event polling fails, verify the <a href="#Pinouts">connections</a> and
-that the host hardware supports RTS control.</li>
-<font size=+1>Event Logging</font></h2>
-System and Event log entries are generated by NTP to report significant
-system events. Administrators should monitor the system log to observe
-NTP error messages. Log entries generated by the Palisade NTP reference
-clock driver will be of the form:
-<pre>Nov 14 16:16:21 terrapin ntpd[1127]: Palisade #0: <i>message</i></pre>
-<font size=+1>Fudge Factors</font></h2>
-<a NAME="time1"></a><tt><font size=+1><a href="#Configuration">time1 <i>time</i></a></font></tt></dt>
-Specifies the time offset calibration factor, in seconds and fraction,
-with default 0.0. If event capture is not used, time1 should be set to
-20 milliseconds to correct serial line and operating system delays incurred
-in capturing time stamps from the synchronous packets.</dd>
-<tt><font size=+1>stratum <i>number</i></font></tt></dt>
-Specifies the driver stratum, in decimal from 0 to 15, with default 0.</dd>
-<tt><font size=+1><a href="#REFID">refid <i>string</i></a></font></tt></dt>
-Specifies the driver reference identifier, <b>GPS</b>.</dd>
-<a NAME="flag2"></a><tt><font size=+1><a href="#Configuration">flag2 0
-| 1</a></font></tt></dt>
-When set to 1, driver does not use hardware event capture. The synchronous
-packet output by the receiver at the beginning of each second is time stamped
-by the driver. If triggering the event pulse fails, the driver falls back
-to this mode automatically.</dd>
-<font size=+1>DEFINEs</font></h2>
-The following constants are defined in the driver source code. These defines
-may be modified to improve performance or adapt to new operating systems.
-<center><table BORDER >
-<td>Default Value</td>
-<td>The serial port device to be used by the driver</td>
-<td>Accuracy of time transfer</td>
-<td>1 microsecond</td>
-<td>Valid GPS - UTC offset</td>
-<td>Host RS-232 baud rate</td>
-<td>Minimum polling interval</td>
-<td>5 (32 seconds)</td>
-<td>Maximum interval between polls</td>
-<td>7 (128 seconds)</td>
-<a NAME="DataFormat"></a><font size=+1>Data Format</font></h2>
-Palisade port A can output two synchronous time packets. The NTP driver
-can use either packet for synchronization. Packets are formatted as follows:
-<b><font size=+0>Packet 8F-AD (Primary NTP Packet)</font></b></h3>
-<td>Sub-Packet ID</td>
-<td>Subcode 0xAD</td>
-<td>1 - 2</td>
-<td>Event Count</td>
-<td>External event count recorded (0 = PPS)</td>
-<td>3 - 10</td>
-<td>Fractional Second</td>
-<td>Time elapsed in current second (s)</td>
-<td>Hour (0 - 23)</td>
-<td>Minute (0 - 59)</td>
-<td>Second (0 - 59; 60 = leap)</td>
-<td>Date (1 - 31)</td>
-<td>Month (1 - 12)</td>
-<td>16 - 17</td>
-<td>Year (4 digit)</td>
-<td>Receiver Status</td>
-<td>Tracking Status</td>
-<td>UTC Flags</td>
-<td>Leap Second Flags</td>
-<td>Contains 0xFF</td>
-<td>Contains 0xFF</td>
-Leap Second Flag Definition:</h4>
-Bit 0:&nbsp; (1) UTC Time is available
-<br>Bits 1 - 3: Undefined
-<br>Bit 4:&nbsp; (1) Leap Scheduled: Leap second pending asserted by GPS
-control segment.
-<br>Bit 5:&nbsp; (1) Leap Pending: set 24 hours before, until beginning
-of leap second.
-<br>Bit 6:&nbsp; (1) GPS Leap Warning: 6 hours before until 6 hours after
-leap event
-<br>Bit 7:&nbsp; (1) Leap In Progress. Only set during the leap second.
-<a NAME="TrackingStatus"></a>Tracking Status Flag Definitions:</h4>
-<center><table BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH="712" >
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="5%">Code</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="59%">Meaning</td>
-<td>Receiver Mode</td>
-<td>Receiver is Navigating</td>
-<td>+/- 1 us</td>
-<td>Self Survey</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="5%">1</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="59%">Static 1 Sat. Timing Mode&nbsp;</td>
-<td>+/- 1 us</td>
-<td>1-D Timing</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="5%">2</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="59%">Approximate Time</td>
-<td>20 - 50 ms</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="5%">3</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="59%">Startup</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="5%">4</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="59%">Startup</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="5%">5</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="59%">Dilution of Position too High&nbsp;</td>
-<td>5 ppm</td>
-<td>Self Survey</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="5%">6</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="59%">Static 1 Sat. Timing: Sat. not usable</td>
-<td>5 ppm</td>
-<td>1-D Timing</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="5%">7</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="59%">No Satellites Usable</td>
-<td>Self Survey</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="5%">8</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="59%">Only 1 Satellite Usable</td>
-<td>20 - 50 ms</td>
-<td>Self Survey</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="5%">9</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="59%">Only 2 Satellite Usable</td>
-<td>20 - 50 ms</td>
-<td>Self Survey</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="5%">10</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="59%">Only 3 Satellites Usable</td>
-<td>20 - 50 ms</td>
-<td>Self Survey</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="5%">11</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="59%">Invalid Solution</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="5%">12</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="59%">Differential Corrections&nbsp;</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="5%">13</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="59%">Overdetermined Fixes</td>
-<td>+/- 100 ns</td>
-<td>Timing Steady State</td>
-<b><font size=+0>Packet 8F-0B (Comprehensive Timing Packet)</font></b></h3>
-<center><table BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 >
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="9%">Byte</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="27%">Item</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="16%">Type</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="48%">Meaning</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="9%">0</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="27%">Sub-Packet ID</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="48%">Subcode 0x0B</td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP WIDTH="9%">1 - 2</td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP WIDTH="27%">Event Count</td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP WIDTH="48%">External event count recorded (0 = PPS)</td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP WIDTH="9%">3 - 10</td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP WIDTH="27%">UTC / GPS TOW</td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP WIDTH="48%">UTC / GPS time of week (seconds)</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="9%">11</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="27%">Date</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="48%">Day of Month</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="9%">12</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="27%">Month</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="48%">Month of Event</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="9%">13 - 14</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="27%">Year</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="48%">Year of event</td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP WIDTH="9%">15</td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP WIDTH="27%">Receiver Mode</td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP WIDTH="16%">BYTE</td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP WIDTH="48%">Receiver operating dimensions:&nbsp;
-<br>0: Horizontal (2D)&nbsp;
-<br>1: Full Position (3D)&nbsp;
-<br>2: Single Satellite (0D)&nbsp;
-<br>3: Automatic (2D / 3D)&nbsp;
-<br>4: DGPS reference&nbsp;
-<br>5: Clock hold (2D)&nbsp;
-<br>6: Over determined Clock</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="9%">15 - 17</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="27%">UTC Offset</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="48%">UTC Offset value (seconds)</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="9%">18 - 25</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="27%">Oscillator Bias</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="48%">Oscillator BIAS (meters)</td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP WIDTH="9%">26 - 33</td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP WIDTH="27%">Oscillator Drift Rate</td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP WIDTH="48%">Oscillator Drift (meters / second)</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="9%">34 - 37</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="27%">Bias Uncertainty</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="48%">Oscillator bias uncertainty (meters)</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="9%">38 - 41</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="27%">Drift Uncertainty</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="48%">Oscillator bias rate uncertainty (m / sec)</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="9%">42 - 49</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="27%">Latitude</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="48%">Latitude in radians</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="9%">50 - 57</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="27%">Longitude</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="48%">Longitude in radians</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="9%">58 - 65</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="27%">Altitude</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="48%">Altitude above mean sea level, in meters</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="9%">66 - 73</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="27%">Satellite ID</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="48%">SV Id No. of tracked satellites</td>
-<a NAME="Pinouts"></a><font size=+1>Pinouts</font></h2>
-<a href="#Connection">The following connections are required when connecting
-Palisade with a host:</a>
-<td><a NAME="PortA"></a><b>Port A</b></td>
-<td><u>Palisade Pin</u></td>
-<td>Receive Data&nbsp;</td>
-<td>Green / Blue</td>
-<td>8 (T-) &amp; 10 (T+)</td>
-<td>Request to Send</td>
-<td>Gray / White</td>
-<td>6 (R-) &amp; 7 (R+)</td>
-<td>Signal Ground</td>
-<td>9 (GND)</td>
-<td><a NAME="PortB"></a><b>Port B</b></td>
-<td>Receive Data&nbsp;</td>
-<td>Brown / Yellow</td>
-<td>4 (T-) &amp; 5 (T+)</td>
-<td>Transmit Data</td>
-<td>Orange/ Violet</td>
-<td>2 (R-) &amp; 3 (R+)</td>
-<td>Signal Ground</td>
-<td>9 (GND)</td>
-<blockquote>Note: If driving the RS-422 inputs on the Palisade single ended,
-i.e. using the Green and Gray connections only, does not work on all serial
-ports. Use of the Palisade NTP Synchronization Interface Module is recommended.</blockquote>
-<blockquote>The 12 pin connector pinout definition:
-<br>Face the round 12 pin connector at the end of the cable, with the notch
-turned upwards.
-<br>Pin 1 is to the left of the notch. Pins 2 - 8 wrap around the bottom,
-counterclockwise to pin 9 on the right of the notch. Pin 10 is just below
-the notch. Pins 10 (top), 11 (bottom left) and 12 (bottom right) form a
-triangle in the center of the connector.</blockquote>
-<blockquote><a NAME="SIM"></a>Pinouts for the Palisade NTP host adapter
-(Trimble PN 37070) DB-25 M connector are as follows:</blockquote>
-<center><table BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH="682" >
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="12%">DB-25M</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="31%">Conductor&nbsp;</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="16%">Palisade</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="41%">Description</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="12%">1&nbsp;</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="31%">Red</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="16%">1</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="41%">Power</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="12%">7&nbsp;</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="31%">Black</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="16%">9</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="41%">Ground</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="12%">9</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="31%">Black/White</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="16%">12</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="41%">PPS -</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="12%">10&nbsp;</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="31%">Green</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="16%">8</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="41%">Transmit Port A (T-)</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="12%">11&nbsp;</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="31%">Brown</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="16%">4</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="41%">Transmit Port B (T-)</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="12%">12&nbsp;</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="31%">Gray</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="16%">7</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="41%">Receive Port A (R+)</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="12%">13</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="31%">Orange</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="16%">3</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="41%">Receive Port B (R+)</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="12%">21</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="31%">Orange/White</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="16%">11</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="41%">PPS +</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="12%">22</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="31%">Blue</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="16%">10</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="41%">Transmit Port A (T+)</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="12%">23</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="31%">Yellow</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="16%">5</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="41%">Transmit Port B (T+)</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="12%">24</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="31%">White</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="16%">6</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="41%">Receive Port A (R-)</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="12%">25</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="31%">Violet</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="16%">2</td>
-<td VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="41%">Receive Port B (R-)</td>
-<p>Questions or Comments:
-<br><a href="">Sven Dietrich</a>
-<br><a href="">Trimble Navigation Ltd.</a>
-<p>(last updated July 29, 1999)
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