path: root/contrib/llvm/utils/vim
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/llvm/utils/vim')
4 files changed, 426 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/utils/vim/README b/contrib/llvm/utils/vim/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bca25bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/utils/vim/README
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+-*- llvm/utils/vim/README -*-
+These are syntax highlighting files for the VIM editor. Included are:
+* llvm.vim
+ Syntax highlighting mode for LLVM assembly files. To use, copy `llvm.vim' to
+ ~/.vim/syntax and add this code to your ~/.vimrc :
+ augroup filetype
+ au! BufRead,BufNewFile *.ll set filetype=llvm
+ augroup END
+* tablegen.vim
+ Syntax highlighting mode for TableGen description files. To use, copy
+ `tablegen.vim' to ~/.vim/syntax and add this code to your ~/.vimrc :
+ augroup filetype
+ au! BufRead,BufNewFile *.td set filetype=tablegen
+ augroup END
+If you prefer, instead of making copies you can make symlinks from
+~/.vim/syntax/... to the syntax files in your LLVM source tree. Apparently
+this did not work with older versions of vim however, so if this doesn't
+work you may need to make actual copies of the files.
+Another option, if you do not already have a ~/.vim/syntax directory, is
+to symlink ~/.vim/syntax itself to llvm/utils/vim .
+Note: If you notice missing or incorrect syntax highlighting, please contact
+<llvmbugs [at]>; if you wish to provide a patch to improve the
+functionality, it will be most appreciated. Thank you.
+If you find yourself working with LLVM Makefiles often, but you don't get syntax
+highlighting (because the files have names such as Makefile.rules or
+TEST.nightly.Makefile), add the following to your ~/.vimrc:
+ " LLVM Makefile highlighting mode
+ augroup filetype
+ au! BufRead,BufNewFile *Makefile* set filetype=make
+ augroup END
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/utils/vim/llvm.vim b/contrib/llvm/utils/vim/llvm.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acebc20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/utils/vim/llvm.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: llvm
+" Maintainer: The LLVM team,
+" Version: $Revision: 112382 $
+if version < 600
+ syntax clear
+elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+syn case match
+" Types.
+" Types also include struct, array, vector, etc. but these don't
+" benefit as much from having dedicated highlighting rules.
+syn keyword llvmType void float double
+syn keyword llvmType x86_fp80 fp128 ppc_fp128
+syn keyword llvmType type label opaque
+syn match llvmType /\<i\d\+\>/
+" Instructions.
+" The true and false tokens can be used for comparison opcodes, but it's
+" much more common for these tokens to be used for boolean constants.
+syn keyword llvmStatement add fadd sub fsub mul fmul
+syn keyword llvmStatement sdiv udiv fdiv srem urem frem
+syn keyword llvmStatement and or xor
+syn keyword llvmStatement icmp fcmp
+syn keyword llvmStatement eq ne ugt uge ult ule sgt sge slt sle
+syn keyword llvmStatement oeq ogt oge olt ole one ord ueq ugt uge
+syn keyword llvmStatement ult ule une uno
+syn keyword llvmStatement nuw nsw exact inbounds
+syn keyword llvmStatement phi call select shl lshr ashr va_arg
+syn keyword llvmStatement trunc zext sext
+syn keyword llvmStatement fptrunc fpext fptoui fptosi uitofp sitofp
+syn keyword llvmStatement ptrtoint inttoptr bitcast
+syn keyword llvmStatement ret br indirectbr switch invoke unwind unreachable
+syn keyword llvmStatement malloc alloca free load store getelementptr
+syn keyword llvmStatement extractelement insertelement shufflevector
+syn keyword llvmStatement extractvalue insertvalue
+" Keywords.
+syn keyword llvmKeyword define declare global constant
+syn keyword llvmKeyword internal external private
+syn keyword llvmKeyword linkonce linkonce_odr weak weak_odr appending
+syn keyword llvmKeyword common extern_weak
+syn keyword llvmKeyword thread_local dllimport dllexport
+syn keyword llvmKeyword hidden protected default
+syn keyword llvmKeyword except deplibs
+syn keyword llvmKeyword volatile fastcc coldcc cc ccc
+syn keyword llvmKeyword x86_stdcallcc x86_fastcallcc
+syn keyword llvmKeyword signext zeroext inreg sret nounwind noreturn
+syn keyword llvmKeyword nocapture byval nest readnone readonly noalias
+syn keyword llvmKeyword inlinehint noinline alwaysinline optsize ssp sspreq
+syn keyword llvmKeyword noredzone noimplicitfloat naked alignstack
+syn keyword llvmKeyword module asm align tail to
+syn keyword llvmKeyword addrspace section alias sideeffect c gc
+syn keyword llvmKeyword target datalayout triple
+syn keyword llvmKeyword blockaddress
+" Obsolete keywords.
+syn keyword llvmError getresult begin end
+" Misc syntax.
+syn match llvmNoName /[%@]\d\+\>/
+syn match llvmNumber /-\?\<\d\+\>/
+syn match llvmFloat /-\?\<\d\+\.\d*\(e[+-]\d\+\)\?\>/
+syn match llvmFloat /\<0x\x\+\>/
+syn keyword llvmBoolean true false
+syn keyword llvmConstant zeroinitializer undef null
+syn match llvmComment /;.*$/
+syn region llvmString start=/"/ skip=/\\"/ end=/"/
+syn match llvmLabel /[-a-zA-Z$._][-a-zA-Z$._0-9]*:/
+syn match llvmIdentifier /[%@][-a-zA-Z$._][-a-zA-Z$._0-9]*/
+" Syntax-highlight dejagnu test commands.
+syn match llvmSpecialComment /;\s*RUN:.*$/
+syn match llvmSpecialComment /;\s*PR\d*\s*$/
+syn match llvmSpecialComment /;\s*END\.\s*$/
+syn match llvmSpecialComment /;\s*XFAIL:.*$/
+syn match llvmSpecialComment /;\s*XTARGET:.*$/
+if version >= 508 || !exists("did_c_syn_inits")
+ if version < 508
+ let did_c_syn_inits = 1
+ command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
+ else
+ command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
+ endif
+ HiLink llvmType Type
+ HiLink llvmStatement Statement
+ HiLink llvmNumber Number
+ HiLink llvmComment Comment
+ HiLink llvmString String
+ HiLink llvmLabel Label
+ HiLink llvmKeyword Keyword
+ HiLink llvmBoolean Boolean
+ HiLink llvmFloat Float
+ HiLink llvmNoName Identifier
+ HiLink llvmConstant Constant
+ HiLink llvmSpecialComment SpecialComment
+ HiLink llvmError Error
+ HiLink llvmIdentifier Identifier
+ delcommand HiLink
+let b:current_syntax = "llvm"
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/utils/vim/tablegen.vim b/contrib/llvm/utils/vim/tablegen.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11a4d80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/utils/vim/tablegen.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: TableGen
+" Maintainer: The LLVM team,
+" Version: $Revision: 97271 $
+if version < 600
+ syntax clear
+elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+" May be changed if you have a really slow machine
+syntax sync minlines=100
+syn case match
+syn keyword tgKeyword def let in code dag field include defm
+syn keyword tgType class int string list bit bits multiclass
+syn match tgNumber /\<\d\+\>/
+syn match tgNumber /\<\d\+\.\d*\>/
+syn match tgNumber /\<0b[01]\+\>/
+syn match tgNumber /\<0x[0-9a-fA-F]\+\>/
+syn region tgString start=/"/ skip=/\\"/ end=/"/ oneline
+syn region tgCode start=/\[{/ end=/}\]/
+syn keyword tgTodo contained TODO FIXME
+syn match tgComment /\/\/.*$/ contains=tgTodo
+" Handle correctly imbricated comment
+syn region tgComment2 matchgroup=tgComment2 start=+/\*+ end=+\*/+ contains=tgTodo,tgComment2
+if version >= 508 || !exists("did_c_syn_inits")
+ if version < 508
+ let did_c_syn_inits = 1
+ command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
+ else
+ command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
+ endif
+ HiLink tgKeyword Statement
+ HiLink tgType Type
+ HiLink tgNumber Number
+ HiLink tgComment Comment
+ HiLink tgComment2 Comment
+ HiLink tgString String
+ " May find a better Hilight group...
+ HiLink tgCode Special
+ HiLink tgTodo Todo
+ delcommand HiLink
+let b:current_syntax = "tablegen"
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/utils/vim/vimrc b/contrib/llvm/utils/vim/vimrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f314c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/utils/vim/vimrc
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+" LLVM coding guidelines conformance for VIM
+" $Revision: 112982 $
+" Maintainer: The LLVM Team,
+" WARNING: Read before you source in all these commands and macros! Some
+" of them may change VIM behavior that you depend on.
+" You can run VIM with these settings without changing your current setup with:
+" $ vim -u /path/to/llvm/utils/vim/vimrc
+" It's VIM, not VI
+set nocompatible
+" A tab produces a 2-space indentation
+set softtabstop=2
+set shiftwidth=2
+set expandtab
+" Highlight trailing whitespace and lines longer than 80 columns.
+highlight LongLine ctermbg=DarkYellow guibg=DarkYellow
+highlight WhitespaceEOL ctermbg=DarkYellow guibg=DarkYellow
+if v:version >= 702
+ " Lines longer than 80 columns.
+ au BufWinEnter * let w:m0=matchadd('LongLine', '\%>80v.\+', -1)
+ " Whitespace at the end of a line. This little dance suppresses
+ " whitespace that has just been typed.
+ au BufWinEnter * let w:m1=matchadd('WhitespaceEOL', '\s\+$', -1)
+ au InsertEnter * call matchdelete(w:m1)
+ au InsertEnter * let w:m2=matchadd('WhitespaceEOL', '\s\+\%#\@<!$', -1)
+ au InsertLeave * call matchdelete(w:m2)
+ au InsertLeave * let w:m1=matchadd('WhitespaceEOL', '\s\+$', -1)
+ au BufRead,BufNewFile * syntax match LongLine /\%>80v.\+/
+ au InsertEnter * syntax match WhitespaceEOL /\s\+\%#\@<!$/
+ au InsertLeave * syntax match WhitespaceEOL /\s\+$/
+" Enable filetype detection
+filetype on
+" Optional
+" C/C++ programming helpers
+augroup csrc
+ au!
+ autocmd FileType * set nocindent smartindent
+ autocmd FileType c,cpp set cindent
+augroup END
+" Set a few indentation parameters. See the VIM help for cinoptions-values for
+" details. These aren't absolute rules; they're just an approximation of
+" common style in LLVM source.
+set cinoptions=:0,g0,(0,Ws,l1
+" Add and delete spaces in increments of `shiftwidth' for tabs
+set smarttab
+" Highlight syntax in programming languages
+syntax on
+" LLVM Makefiles can have names such as Makefile.rules or TEST.nightly.Makefile,
+" so it's important to categorize them as such.
+augroup filetype
+ au! BufRead,BufNewFile *Makefile* set filetype=make
+augroup END
+" In Makefiles, don't expand tabs to spaces, since we need the actual tabs
+autocmd FileType make set noexpandtab
+" Useful macros for cleaning up code to conform to LLVM coding guidelines
+" Delete trailing whitespace and tabs at the end of each line
+command! DeleteTrailingWs :%s/\s\+$//
+" Convert all tab characters to two spaces
+command! Untab :%s/\t/ /g
+" Enable syntax highlighting for LLVM files. To use, copy
+" utils/vim/llvm.vim to ~/.vim/syntax .
+augroup filetype
+ au! BufRead,BufNewFile *.ll set filetype=llvm
+augroup END
+" Enable syntax highlighting for tablegen files. To use, copy
+" utils/vim/tablegen.vim to ~/.vim/syntax .
+augroup filetype
+ au! BufRead,BufNewFile *.td set filetype=tablegen
+augroup END
+" Additional vim features to optionally uncomment.
+"set showcmd
+"set showmatch
+"set showmode
+"set incsearch
+"set ruler
+" Clang code-completion support. This is highly experimental!
+" A path to a clang executable.
+let g:clang_path = "clang++"
+" A list of options to add to the clang commandline, for example to add
+" include paths, predefined macros, and language options.
+let g:clang_opts = [
+ \ "-x","c++",
+ \ "-Iinclude" ]
+function! ClangComplete(findstart, base)
+ if a:findstart == 1
+ " In findstart mode, look for the beginning of the current identifier.
+ let l:line = getline('.')
+ let l:start = col('.') - 1
+ while l:start > 0 && l:line[l:start - 1] =~ '\i'
+ let l:start -= 1
+ endwhile
+ return l:start
+ endif
+ " Get the current line and column numbers.
+ let l:l = line('.')
+ let l:c = col('.')
+ " Build a clang commandline to do code completion on stdin.
+ let l:the_command = shellescape(g:clang_path) .
+ \ " -cc1 -code-completion-at=-:" . l:l . ":" . l:c
+ for l:opt in g:clang_opts
+ let l:the_command .= " " . shellescape(l:opt)
+ endfor
+ " Copy the contents of the current buffer into a string for stdin.
+ " TODO: The extra space at the end is for working around clang's
+ " apparent inability to do code completion at the very end of the
+ " input.
+ " TODO: Is it better to feed clang the entire file instead of truncating
+ " it at the current line?
+ let l:process_input = join(getline(1, l:l), "\n") . " "
+ " Run it!
+ let l:input_lines = split(system(l:the_command, l:process_input), "\n")
+ " Parse the output.
+ for l:input_line in l:input_lines
+ " Vim's substring operator is annoyingly inconsistent with python's.
+ if l:input_line[:11] == 'COMPLETION: '
+ let l:value = l:input_line[12:]
+ " Chop off anything after " : ", if present, and move it to the menu.
+ let l:menu = ""
+ let l:spacecolonspace = stridx(l:value, " : ")
+ if l:spacecolonspace != -1
+ let l:menu = l:value[l:spacecolonspace+3:]
+ let l:value = l:value[:l:spacecolonspace-1]
+ endif
+ " Chop off " (Hidden)", if present, and move it to the menu.
+ let l:hidden = stridx(l:value, " (Hidden)")
+ if l:hidden != -1
+ let l:menu .= " (Hidden)"
+ let l:value = l:value[:l:hidden-1]
+ endif
+ " Handle "Pattern". TODO: Make clang less weird.
+ if l:value == "Pattern"
+ let l:value = l:menu
+ let l:pound = stridx(l:value, "#")
+ " Truncate the at the first [#, <#, or {#.
+ if l:pound != -1
+ let l:value = l:value[:l:pound-2]
+ endif
+ endif
+ " Filter out results which don't match the base string.
+ if a:base != ""
+ if l:value[:strlen(a:base)-1] != a:base
+ continue
+ end
+ endif
+ " TODO: Don't dump the raw input into info, though it's nice for now.
+ " TODO: The kind string?
+ let l:item = {
+ \ "word": l:value,
+ \ "menu": l:menu,
+ \ "info": l:input_line,
+ \ "dup": 1 }
+ " Report a result.
+ if complete_add(l:item) == 0
+ return []
+ endif
+ if complete_check()
+ return []
+ endif
+ elseif l:input_line[:9] == "OVERLOAD: "
+ " An overload candidate. Use a crazy hack to get vim to
+ " display the results. TODO: Make this better.
+ let l:value = l:input_line[10:]
+ let l:item = {
+ \ "word": " ",
+ \ "menu": l:value,
+ \ "info": l:input_line,
+ \ "dup": 1}
+ " Report a result.
+ if complete_add(l:item) == 0
+ return []
+ endif
+ if complete_check()
+ return []
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return []
+endfunction ClangComplete
+" Uncomment this to enable the highly-broken autocompletion support.
+"set omnifunc=ClangComplete
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