path: root/contrib/llvm/utils/TableGen/DFAPacketizerEmitter.cpp
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1 files changed, 515 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/utils/TableGen/DFAPacketizerEmitter.cpp b/contrib/llvm/utils/TableGen/DFAPacketizerEmitter.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ad25a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/utils/TableGen/DFAPacketizerEmitter.cpp
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+//===- DFAPacketizerEmitter.cpp - Packetization DFA for a VLIW machine-----===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This class parses the file and produces an API that can be used
+// to reason about whether an instruction can be added to a packet on a VLIW
+// architecture. The class internally generates a deterministic finite
+// automaton (DFA) that models all possible mappings of machine instructions
+// to functional units as instructions are added to a packet.
+#include "CodeGenTarget.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
+#include "llvm/TableGen/Record.h"
+#include "llvm/TableGen/TableGenBackend.h"
+#include <list>
+#include <map>
+#include <string>
+using namespace llvm;
+// class DFAPacketizerEmitter: class that generates and prints out the DFA
+// for resource tracking.
+namespace {
+class DFAPacketizerEmitter {
+ std::string TargetName;
+ //
+ // allInsnClasses is the set of all possible resources consumed by an
+ // InstrStage.
+ //
+ DenseSet<unsigned> allInsnClasses;
+ RecordKeeper &Records;
+ DFAPacketizerEmitter(RecordKeeper &R);
+ //
+ // collectAllInsnClasses: Populate allInsnClasses which is a set of units
+ // used in each stage.
+ //
+ void collectAllInsnClasses(const std::string &Name,
+ Record *ItinData,
+ unsigned &NStages,
+ raw_ostream &OS);
+ void run(raw_ostream &OS);
+} // End anonymous namespace.
+// State represents the usage of machine resources if the packet contains
+// a set of instruction classes.
+// Specifically, currentState is a set of bit-masks.
+// The nth bit in a bit-mask indicates whether the nth resource is being used
+// by this state. The set of bit-masks in a state represent the different
+// possible outcomes of transitioning to this state.
+// For example: consider a two resource architecture: resource L and resource M
+// with three instruction classes: L, M, and L_or_M.
+// From the initial state (currentState = 0x00), if we add instruction class
+// L_or_M we will transition to a state with currentState = [0x01, 0x10]. This
+// represents the possible resource states that can result from adding a L_or_M
+// instruction
+// Another way of thinking about this transition is we are mapping a NDFA with
+// two states [0x01] and [0x10] into a DFA with a single state [0x01, 0x10].
+// A State instance also contains a collection of transitions from that state:
+// a map from inputs to new states.
+namespace {
+class State {
+ public:
+ static int currentStateNum;
+ int stateNum;
+ bool isInitial;
+ std::set<unsigned> stateInfo;
+ typedef std::map<unsigned, State *> TransitionMap;
+ TransitionMap Transitions;
+ State();
+ State(const State &S);
+ bool operator<(const State &s) const {
+ return stateNum < s.stateNum;
+ }
+ //
+ // canAddInsnClass - Returns true if an instruction of type InsnClass is a
+ // valid transition from this state, i.e., can an instruction of type InsnClass
+ // be added to the packet represented by this state.
+ //
+ // PossibleStates is the set of valid resource states that ensue from valid
+ // transitions.
+ //
+ bool canAddInsnClass(unsigned InsnClass) const;
+ //
+ // AddInsnClass - Return all combinations of resource reservation
+ // which are possible from this state (PossibleStates).
+ //
+ void AddInsnClass(unsigned InsnClass, std::set<unsigned> &PossibleStates);
+ //
+ // addTransition - Add a transition from this state given the input InsnClass
+ //
+ void addTransition(unsigned InsnClass, State *To);
+ //
+ // hasTransition - Returns true if there is a transition from this state
+ // given the input InsnClass
+ //
+ bool hasTransition(unsigned InsnClass);
+} // End anonymous namespace.
+// class DFA: deterministic finite automaton for processor resource tracking.
+namespace {
+class DFA {
+ DFA();
+ ~DFA();
+ // Set of states. Need to keep this sorted to emit the transition table.
+ typedef std::set<State *, less_ptr<State> > StateSet;
+ StateSet states;
+ State *currentState;
+ //
+ // Modify the DFA.
+ //
+ void initialize();
+ void addState(State *);
+ //
+ // writeTable: Print out a table representing the DFA.
+ //
+ void writeTableAndAPI(raw_ostream &OS, const std::string &ClassName);
+} // End anonymous namespace.
+// Constructors and destructors for State and DFA
+State::State() :
+ stateNum(currentStateNum++), isInitial(false) {}
+State::State(const State &S) :
+ stateNum(currentStateNum++), isInitial(S.isInitial),
+ stateInfo(S.stateInfo) {}
+DFA::DFA(): currentState(NULL) {}
+DFA::~DFA() {
+ DeleteContainerPointers(states);
+// addTransition - Add a transition from this state given the input InsnClass
+void State::addTransition(unsigned InsnClass, State *To) {
+ assert(!Transitions.count(InsnClass) &&
+ "Cannot have multiple transitions for the same input");
+ Transitions[InsnClass] = To;
+// hasTransition - Returns true if there is a transition from this state
+// given the input InsnClass
+bool State::hasTransition(unsigned InsnClass) {
+ return Transitions.count(InsnClass) > 0;
+// AddInsnClass - Return all combinations of resource reservation
+// which are possible from this state (PossibleStates).
+void State::AddInsnClass(unsigned InsnClass,
+ std::set<unsigned> &PossibleStates) {
+ //
+ // Iterate over all resource states in currentState.
+ //
+ for (std::set<unsigned>::iterator SI = stateInfo.begin();
+ SI != stateInfo.end(); ++SI) {
+ unsigned thisState = *SI;
+ //
+ // Iterate over all possible resources used in InsnClass.
+ // For ex: for InsnClass = 0x11, all resources = {0x01, 0x10}.
+ //
+ DenseSet<unsigned> VisitedResourceStates;
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < sizeof(InsnClass) * 8; ++j) {
+ if ((0x1 << j) & InsnClass) {
+ //
+ // For each possible resource used in InsnClass, generate the
+ // resource state if that resource was used.
+ //
+ unsigned ResultingResourceState = thisState | (0x1 << j);
+ //
+ // Check if the resulting resource state can be accommodated in this
+ // packet.
+ // We compute ResultingResourceState OR thisState.
+ // If the result of the OR is different than thisState, it implies
+ // that there is at least one resource that can be used to schedule
+ // InsnClass in the current packet.
+ // Insert ResultingResourceState into PossibleStates only if we haven't
+ // processed ResultingResourceState before.
+ //
+ if ((ResultingResourceState != thisState) &&
+ (VisitedResourceStates.count(ResultingResourceState) == 0)) {
+ VisitedResourceStates.insert(ResultingResourceState);
+ PossibleStates.insert(ResultingResourceState);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// canAddInsnClass - Quickly verifies if an instruction of type InsnClass is a
+// valid transition from this state i.e., can an instruction of type InsnClass
+// be added to the packet represented by this state.
+bool State::canAddInsnClass(unsigned InsnClass) const {
+ for (std::set<unsigned>::const_iterator SI = stateInfo.begin();
+ SI != stateInfo.end(); ++SI) {
+ if (~*SI & InsnClass)
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+void DFA::initialize() {
+ assert(currentState && "Missing current state");
+ currentState->isInitial = true;
+void DFA::addState(State *S) {
+ assert(!states.count(S) && "State already exists");
+ states.insert(S);
+int State::currentStateNum = 0;
+DFAPacketizerEmitter::DFAPacketizerEmitter(RecordKeeper &R):
+ TargetName(CodeGenTarget(R).getName()),
+ allInsnClasses(), Records(R) {}
+// writeTableAndAPI - Print out a table representing the DFA and the
+// associated API to create a DFA packetizer.
+// Format:
+// DFAStateInputTable[][2] = pairs of <Input, Transition> for all valid
+// transitions.
+// DFAStateEntryTable[i] = Index of the first entry in DFAStateInputTable for
+// the ith state.
+void DFA::writeTableAndAPI(raw_ostream &OS, const std::string &TargetName) {
+ DFA::StateSet::iterator SI = states.begin();
+ // This table provides a map to the beginning of the transitions for State s
+ // in DFAStateInputTable.
+ std::vector<int> StateEntry(states.size());
+ OS << "namespace llvm {\n\n";
+ OS << "const int " << TargetName << "DFAStateInputTable[][2] = {\n";
+ // Tracks the total valid transitions encountered so far. It is used
+ // to construct the StateEntry table.
+ int ValidTransitions = 0;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < states.size(); ++i, ++SI) {
+ assert (((*SI)->stateNum == (int) i) && "Mismatch in state numbers");
+ StateEntry[i] = ValidTransitions;
+ for (State::TransitionMap::iterator
+ II = (*SI)->Transitions.begin(), IE = (*SI)->Transitions.end();
+ II != IE; ++II) {
+ OS << "{" << II->first << ", "
+ << II->second->stateNum
+ << "}, ";
+ }
+ ValidTransitions += (*SI)->Transitions.size();
+ // If there are no valid transitions from this stage, we need a sentinel
+ // transition.
+ if (ValidTransitions == StateEntry[i]) {
+ OS << "{-1, -1},";
+ ++ValidTransitions;
+ }
+ OS << "\n";
+ }
+ OS << "};\n\n";
+ OS << "const unsigned int " << TargetName << "DFAStateEntryTable[] = {\n";
+ // Multiply i by 2 since each entry in DFAStateInputTable is a set of
+ // two numbers.
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < states.size(); ++i)
+ OS << StateEntry[i] << ", ";
+ OS << "\n};\n";
+ OS << "} // namespace\n";
+ //
+ // Emit DFA Packetizer tables if the target is a VLIW machine.
+ //
+ std::string SubTargetClassName = TargetName + "GenSubtargetInfo";
+ OS << "\n" << "#include \"llvm/CodeGen/DFAPacketizer.h\"\n";
+ OS << "namespace llvm {\n";
+ OS << "DFAPacketizer *" << SubTargetClassName << "::"
+ << "createDFAPacketizer(const InstrItineraryData *IID) const {\n"
+ << " return new DFAPacketizer(IID, " << TargetName
+ << "DFAStateInputTable, " << TargetName << "DFAStateEntryTable);\n}\n\n";
+ OS << "} // End llvm namespace \n";
+// collectAllInsnClasses - Populate allInsnClasses which is a set of units
+// used in each stage.
+void DFAPacketizerEmitter::collectAllInsnClasses(const std::string &Name,
+ Record *ItinData,
+ unsigned &NStages,
+ raw_ostream &OS) {
+ // Collect processor itineraries.
+ std::vector<Record*> ProcItinList =
+ Records.getAllDerivedDefinitions("ProcessorItineraries");
+ // If just no itinerary then don't bother.
+ if (ProcItinList.size() < 2)
+ return;
+ std::map<std::string, unsigned> NameToBitsMap;
+ // Parse functional units for all the itineraries.
+ for (unsigned i = 0, N = ProcItinList.size(); i < N; ++i) {
+ Record *Proc = ProcItinList[i];
+ std::vector<Record*> FUs = Proc->getValueAsListOfDefs("FU");
+ // Convert macros to bits for each stage.
+ for (unsigned i = 0, N = FUs.size(); i < N; ++i)
+ NameToBitsMap[FUs[i]->getName()] = (unsigned) (1U << i);
+ }
+ const std::vector<Record*> &StageList =
+ ItinData->getValueAsListOfDefs("Stages");
+ // The number of stages.
+ NStages = StageList.size();
+ // For each unit.
+ unsigned UnitBitValue = 0;
+ // Compute the bitwise or of each unit used in this stage.
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < NStages; ++i) {
+ const Record *Stage = StageList[i];
+ // Get unit list.
+ const std::vector<Record*> &UnitList =
+ Stage->getValueAsListOfDefs("Units");
+ for (unsigned j = 0, M = UnitList.size(); j < M; ++j) {
+ // Conduct bitwise or.
+ std::string UnitName = UnitList[j]->getName();
+ assert(NameToBitsMap.count(UnitName));
+ UnitBitValue |= NameToBitsMap[UnitName];
+ }
+ if (UnitBitValue != 0)
+ allInsnClasses.insert(UnitBitValue);
+ }
+// Run the worklist algorithm to generate the DFA.
+void DFAPacketizerEmitter::run(raw_ostream &OS) {
+ // Collect processor iteraries.
+ std::vector<Record*> ProcItinList =
+ Records.getAllDerivedDefinitions("ProcessorItineraries");
+ //
+ // Collect the instruction classes.
+ //
+ for (unsigned i = 0, N = ProcItinList.size(); i < N; i++) {
+ Record *Proc = ProcItinList[i];
+ // Get processor itinerary name.
+ const std::string &Name = Proc->getName();
+ // Skip default.
+ if (Name == "NoItineraries")
+ continue;
+ // Sanity check for at least one instruction itinerary class.
+ unsigned NItinClasses =
+ Records.getAllDerivedDefinitions("InstrItinClass").size();
+ if (NItinClasses == 0)
+ return;
+ // Get itinerary data list.
+ std::vector<Record*> ItinDataList = Proc->getValueAsListOfDefs("IID");
+ // Collect instruction classes for all itinerary data.
+ for (unsigned j = 0, M = ItinDataList.size(); j < M; j++) {
+ Record *ItinData = ItinDataList[j];
+ unsigned NStages;
+ collectAllInsnClasses(Name, ItinData, NStages, OS);
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Run a worklist algorithm to generate the DFA.
+ //
+ DFA D;
+ State *Initial = new State;
+ Initial->isInitial = true;
+ Initial->stateInfo.insert(0x0);
+ D.addState(Initial);
+ SmallVector<State*, 32> WorkList;
+ std::map<std::set<unsigned>, State*> Visited;
+ WorkList.push_back(Initial);
+ //
+ // Worklist algorithm to create a DFA for processor resource tracking.
+ // C = {set of InsnClasses}
+ // Begin with initial node in worklist. Initial node does not have
+ // any consumed resources,
+ // ResourceState = 0x0
+ // Visited = {}
+ // While worklist != empty
+ // S = first element of worklist
+ // For every instruction class C
+ // if we can accommodate C in S:
+ // S' = state with resource states = {S Union C}
+ // Add a new transition: S x C -> S'
+ // If S' is not in Visited:
+ // Add S' to worklist
+ // Add S' to Visited
+ //
+ while (!WorkList.empty()) {
+ State *current = WorkList.pop_back_val();
+ for (DenseSet<unsigned>::iterator CI = allInsnClasses.begin(),
+ CE = allInsnClasses.end(); CI != CE; ++CI) {
+ unsigned InsnClass = *CI;
+ std::set<unsigned> NewStateResources;
+ //
+ // If we haven't already created a transition for this input
+ // and the state can accommodate this InsnClass, create a transition.
+ //
+ if (!current->hasTransition(InsnClass) &&
+ current->canAddInsnClass(InsnClass)) {
+ State *NewState = NULL;
+ current->AddInsnClass(InsnClass, NewStateResources);
+ assert(NewStateResources.size() && "New states must be generated");
+ //
+ // If we have seen this state before, then do not create a new state.
+ //
+ //
+ std::map<std::set<unsigned>, State*>::iterator VI;
+ if ((VI = Visited.find(NewStateResources)) != Visited.end())
+ NewState = VI->second;
+ else {
+ NewState = new State;
+ NewState->stateInfo = NewStateResources;
+ D.addState(NewState);
+ Visited[NewStateResources] = NewState;
+ WorkList.push_back(NewState);
+ }
+ current->addTransition(InsnClass, NewState);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Print out the table.
+ D.writeTableAndAPI(OS, TargetName);
+namespace llvm {
+void EmitDFAPacketizer(RecordKeeper &RK, raw_ostream &OS) {
+ emitSourceFileHeader("Target DFA Packetizer Tables", OS);
+ DFAPacketizerEmitter(RK).run(OS);
+} // End llvm namespace
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