path: root/contrib/llvm/utils/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/llvm/utils/')
1 files changed, 836 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/utils/ b/contrib/llvm/utils/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1b48168
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,836 @@
+use POSIX qw(strftime);
+use File::Copy;
+use File::Find;
+use Socket;
+# Program:
+# Synopsis: Perform a series of tests which are designed to be run nightly.
+# This is used to keep track of the status of the LLVM tree, tracking
+# regressions and performance changes. Submits this information
+# to where it is placed into the nightlytestresults database.
+# where
+# OPTIONS may include one or more of the following:
+# -config LLVMPATH If specified, use an existing LLVM build and only run and
+# report the test information. The LLVMCONFIG argument should
+# be the path to the llvm-config executable in the LLVM build.
+# This should be the first argument if given. NOT YET
+# -nickname NAME The NAME argument specifieds the nickname this script
+# will submit to the nightlytest results repository.
+# -nouname Don't include uname data (machine will be identified by nickname only).
+# -submit-server Specifies a server to submit the test results too. If this
+# option is not specified it defaults to
+# This is basically just the address of the
+# webserver
+# -submit-script Specifies which script to call on the submit server. If
+# this option is not specified it defaults to
+# /nightlytest/NightlyTestAccept.php. This is basically
+# everything after the
+# -submit-aux If specified, an auxiliary script to run in addition to the
+# normal submit script. The script will be passed the path to
+# the "sentdata.txt" file as its sole argument.
+# -nosubmit Do not report the test results back to a submit server.
+# BUILD OPTIONS (not used with -config):
+# -nocheckout Do not create, checkout, update, or configure
+# the source tree.
+# -noremove Do not remove the BUILDDIR after it has been built.
+# -noremoveresults Do not remove the WEBDIR after it has been built.
+# -noclean Do not run 'make clean' before building.
+# -nobuild Do not build llvm. If tests are enabled perform them
+# on the llvm build specified in the build directory
+# -release Build an LLVM Release+Asserts version
+# -release-asserts Build an LLVM Release version
+# -disable-bindings Disable building LLVM bindings.
+# -with-clang Checkout Clang source into tools/clang.
+# -compileflags Next argument specifies extra options passed to make when
+# building LLVM.
+# -use-gmake Use gmake instead of the default make command to build
+# llvm and run tests.
+# -llvmgccdir Next argument specifies the llvm-gcc install prefix.
+# -notest Do not even attempt to run the test programs.
+# -nodejagnu Do not run feature or regression tests
+# -enable-llcbeta Enable testing of beta features in llc.
+# -enable-lli Enable testing of lli (interpreter) features, default is off
+# -disable-pic Disable building with Position Independent Code.
+# -disable-llc Disable LLC tests in the nightly tester.
+# -disable-jit Disable JIT tests in the nightly tester.
+# -disable-cbe Disable C backend tests in the nightly tester.
+# -disable-lto Disable link time optimization.
+# -test-cflags Next argument specifies that C compilation options that
+# override the default when running the testsuite.
+# -test-cxxflags Next argument specifies that C++ compilation options that
+# override the default when running the testsuite.
+# -extraflags Next argument specifies extra options that are passed to
+# compile the tests.
+# -noexternals Do not run the external tests (for cases where povray
+# or SPEC are not installed)
+# -with-externals Specify a directory where the external tests are located.
+# -parallel Run parallel jobs with GNU Make (see -parallel-jobs).
+# -parallel-jobs The number of parallel Make jobs to use (default is two).
+# -parallel-test Allow parallel execution of llvm-test
+# -verbose Turn on some debug output
+# -nice Checkout/Configure/Build with "nice" to reduce impact
+# on busy servers.
+# -f2c Next argument specifies path to F2C utility
+# -gccpath Path to gcc/g++ used to build LLVM
+# -target Specify the target triplet
+# -cflags Next argument specifies that C compilation options that
+# override the default.
+# -cxxflags Next argument specifies that C++ compilation options that
+# override the default.
+# -ldflags Next argument specifies that linker options that override
+# the default.
+# CVSROOT is ignored, it is passed for backwards compatibility.
+# BUILDDIR is the directory where sources for this test run will be checked out
+# AND objects for this test run will be built. This directory MUST NOT
+# exist before the script is run; it will be created by the svn checkout
+# process and erased (unless -noremove is specified; see above.)
+# WEBDIR is the directory into which the test results web page will be written,
+# AND in which the "index.html" is assumed to be a symlink to the most recent
+# copy of the results. This directory will be created if it does not exist.
+# LLVMGCCDIR is the directory in which the LLVM GCC Front End is installed
+# to. This is the same as you would have for a normal LLVM build.
+# Getting environment variables
+my $HOME = $ENV{'HOME'};
+$SVNURL = '' unless $SVNURL;
+my $TestSVNURL = $ENV{"TestSVNURL"};
+$TestSVNURL = '' unless $TestSVNURL;
+my $BuildDir = $ENV{'BUILDDIR'};
+my $WebDir = $ENV{'WEBDIR'};
+# Calculate the date prefix...
+use POSIX;
+@TIME = localtime;
+my $DATE = strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S", localtime());
+# Parse arguments...
+$SUBMITSCRIPT = "/nightlytest/NightlyTestAccept.php";
+$SUBMIT = 1;
+my $TESTFLAGS="";
+if ($ENV{'LLVMGCCDIR'}) {
+ $CONFIGUREARGS .= " --with-llvmgccdir=" . $ENV{'LLVMGCCDIR'};
+else {
+while (scalar(@ARGV) and ($_ = $ARGV[0], /^[-+]/)) {
+ shift;
+ last if /^--$/; # Stop processing arguments on --
+ # List command line options here...
+ if (/^-config$/) { $CONFIG_PATH = "$ARGV[0]"; shift; next; }
+ if (/^-nocheckout$/) { $NOCHECKOUT = 1; next; }
+ if (/^-noclean$/) { $NOCLEAN = 1; next; }
+ if (/^-noremove$/) { $NOREMOVE = 1; next; }
+ if (/^-noremoveatend$/) { $NOREMOVEATEND = 1; next; }
+ if (/^-noremoveresults$/){ $NOREMOVERESULTS = 1; next; }
+ if (/^-notest$/) { $NOTEST = 1; next; }
+ if (/^-norunningtests$/) { next; } # Backward compatibility, ignored.
+ if (/^-parallel-jobs$/) { $PARALLELJOBS = "$ARGV[0]"; shift; next;}
+ if (/^-parallel$/) { $MAKEOPTS = "$MAKEOPTS -j$PARALLELJOBS"; next; }
+ if (/^-parallel-test$/) { $PROGTESTOPTS .= " ENABLE_PARALLEL_REPORT=1"; next; }
+ if (/^-with-clang$/) { $WITHCLANG = 1; next; }
+ if (/^-release$/) { $MAKEOPTS = "$MAKEOPTS ENABLE_OPTIMIZED=1 ".
+ "OPTIMIZE_OPTION=-O2"; next;}
+ if (/^-release-asserts$/){ $MAKEOPTS = "$MAKEOPTS ENABLE_OPTIMIZED=1 ".
+ "OPTIMIZE_OPTION=-O2"; next;}
+ if (/^-enable-llcbeta$/) { $PROGTESTOPTS .= " ENABLE_LLCBETA=1"; next; }
+ if (/^-disable-pic$/) { $CONFIGUREARGS .= " --enable-pic=no"; next; }
+ if (/^-enable-lli$/) { $PROGTESTOPTS .= " ENABLE_LLI=1";
+ $CONFIGUREARGS .= " --enable-lli"; next; }
+ if (/^-disable-llc$/) { $PROGTESTOPTS .= " DISABLE_LLC=1";
+ $CONFIGUREARGS .= " --disable-llc_diffs"; next; }
+ if (/^-disable-jit$/) { $PROGTESTOPTS .= " DISABLE_JIT=1";
+ $CONFIGUREARGS .= " --disable-jit"; next; }
+ if (/^-disable-bindings$/) { $CONFIGUREARGS .= " --disable-bindings"; next; }
+ if (/^-disable-cbe$/) { $PROGTESTOPTS .= " DISABLE_CBE=1"; next; }
+ if (/^-disable-lto$/) { $PROGTESTOPTS .= " DISABLE_LTO=1"; next; }
+ if (/^-test-opts$/) { $PROGTESTOPTS .= " $ARGV[0]"; shift; next; }
+ if (/^-verbose$/) { $VERBOSE = 1; next; }
+ if (/^-teelogs$/) { $TEELOGS = 1; next; }
+ if (/^-nice$/) { $NICE = "nice "; next; }
+ if (/^-f2c$/) { $CONFIGUREARGS .= " --with-f2c=$ARGV[0]";
+ shift; next; }
+ if (/^-with-externals$/) { $CONFIGUREARGS .= " --with-externals=$ARGV[0]";
+ shift; next; }
+ if (/^-configure-args$/) { $CONFIGUREARGS .= " $ARGV[0]";
+ shift; next; }
+ if (/^-submit-server/) { $SUBMITSERVER = "$ARGV[0]"; shift; next; }
+ if (/^-submit-script/) { $SUBMITSCRIPT = "$ARGV[0]"; shift; next; }
+ if (/^-submit-aux/) { $SUBMITAUX = "$ARGV[0]"; shift; next; }
+ if (/^-nosubmit$/) { $SUBMIT = 0; next; }
+ if (/^-nickname$/) { $nickname = "$ARGV[0]"; shift; next; }
+ if (/^-gccpath/) { $CONFIGUREARGS .=
+ " CC=$ARGV[0]/gcc CXX=$ARGV[0]/g++";
+ $GCCPATH=$ARGV[0]; shift; next; }
+ else { $GCCPATH=""; }
+ if (/^-target/) { $CONFIGUREARGS .= " --target=$ARGV[0]";
+ shift; next; }
+ if (/^-cflags/) { $MAKEOPTS = "$MAKEOPTS C.Flags=\'$ARGV[0]\'";
+ shift; next; }
+ if (/^-cxxflags/) { $MAKEOPTS = "$MAKEOPTS CXX.Flags=\'$ARGV[0]\'";
+ shift; next; }
+ if (/^-ldflags/) { $MAKEOPTS = "$MAKEOPTS LD.Flags=\'$ARGV[0]\'";
+ shift; next; }
+ if (/^-test-cflags/) { $TESTFLAGS = "$TESTFLAGS CFLAGS=\'$ARGV[0]\'";
+ shift; next; }
+ if (/^-test-cxxflags/) { $TESTFLAGS = "$TESTFLAGS CXXFLAGS=\'$ARGV[0]\'";
+ shift; next; }
+ if (/^-compileflags/) { $MAKEOPTS = "$MAKEOPTS $ARGV[0]"; shift; next; }
+ if (/^-llvmgccdir/) { $CONFIGUREARGS .= " --with-llvmgccdir=\'$ARGV[0]\'";
+ $LLVMGCCPATH = $ARGV[0] . '/bin';
+ shift; next;}
+ if (/^-noexternals$/) { $NOEXTERNALS = 1; next; }
+ if (/^-nouname$/) { $NOUNAME = 1; next; }
+ if (/^-use-gmake/) { $MAKECMD = "gmake"; shift; next; }
+ if (/^-extraflags/) { $CONFIGUREARGS .=
+ " --with-extra-options=\'$ARGV[0]\'"; shift; next;}
+ if (/^-noexternals$/) { $NOEXTERNALS = 1; next; }
+ if (/^-nodejagnu$/) { next; }
+ if (/^-nobuild$/) { $NOBUILD = 1; next; }
+ print "Unknown option: $_ : ignoring!\n";
+if ($CONFIGUREARGS !~ /--disable-jit/) {
+ $CONFIGUREARGS .= " --enable-jit";
+if (@ARGV != 0 and @ARGV != 3) {
+ die "error: must specify 0 or 3 options!";
+if (@ARGV == 3) {
+ if ($CONFIG_PATH ne "") {
+ die "error: arguments are unsupported in -config mode,";
+ }
+ # ARGV[0] used to be the CVS root, ignored for backward compatibility.
+ $BuildDir = $ARGV[1];
+ $WebDir = $ARGV[2];
+if ($CONFIG_PATH ne "") {
+ $BuildDir = "";
+ $SVNURL = $TestSVNURL = "";
+ if ($WebDir eq "") {
+ die("please specify a web directory");
+ }
+} else {
+ if ($BuildDir eq "" or
+ $WebDir eq "") {
+ die("please specify a build directory, and a web directory");
+ }
+if ($nickname eq "") {
+ die ("Please invoke with command line option " .
+ "\"-nickname <nickname>\"");
+$LLVMSrcDir = "$BuildDir/llvm" unless $LLVMSrcDir;
+$LLVMObjDir = "$BuildDir/llvm" unless $LLVMObjDir;
+$LLVMTestDir = "$BuildDir/llvm/projects/llvm-test" unless $LLVMTestDir;
+# Define the file names we'll use
+my $Prefix = "$WebDir/$DATE";
+my $SingleSourceLog = "$Prefix-SingleSource-ProgramTest.txt.gz";
+my $MultiSourceLog = "$Prefix-MultiSource-ProgramTest.txt.gz";
+my $ExternalLog = "$Prefix-External-ProgramTest.txt.gz";
+# These are only valid in non-config mode.
+my $ConfigureLog = "", $BuildLog = "", $COLog = "";
+my $DejagnuLog = "", $DejagnuSum = "", $DejagnuLog = "";
+# Are we in config mode?
+my $ConfigMode = 0;
+# Helper functions
+sub GetDir {
+ my $Suffix = shift;
+ opendir DH, $WebDir;
+ my @Result = reverse sort grep !/$DATE/, grep /[-0-9]+$Suffix/, readdir DH;
+ closedir DH;
+ return @Result;
+sub RunLoggedCommand {
+ my $Command = shift;
+ my $Log = shift;
+ my $Title = shift;
+ if ($TEELOGS) {
+ if ($VERBOSE) {
+ print "$Title\n";
+ print "$Command 2>&1 | tee $Log\n";
+ }
+ system "$Command 2>&1 | tee $Log";
+ } else {
+ if ($VERBOSE) {
+ print "$Title\n";
+ print "$Command > $Log 2>&1\n";
+ }
+ system "$Command > $Log 2>&1";
+ }
+sub RunAppendingLoggedCommand {
+ my $Command = shift;
+ my $Log = shift;
+ my $Title = shift;
+ if ($TEELOGS) {
+ if ($VERBOSE) {
+ print "$Title\n";
+ print "$Command 2>&1 | tee -a $Log\n";
+ }
+ system "$Command 2>&1 | tee -a $Log";
+ } else {
+ if ($VERBOSE) {
+ print "$Title\n";
+ print "$Command >> $Log 2>&1\n";
+ }
+ system "$Command >> $Log 2>&1";
+ }
+sub GetRegex { # (Regex with ()'s, value)
+ if ($_[1] =~ /$_[0]/m) {
+ return $1;
+ }
+ return "0";
+sub ChangeDir { # directory, logical name
+ my ($dir,$name) = @_;
+ chomp($dir);
+ if ( $VERBOSE ) { print "Changing To: $name ($dir)\n"; }
+ $result = chdir($dir);
+ if (!$result) {
+ print "ERROR!!! Cannot change directory to: $name ($dir) because $!\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+sub ReadFile {
+ if (open (FILE, $_[0])) {
+ undef $/;
+ my $Ret = <FILE>;
+ close FILE;
+ $/ = '\n';
+ return $Ret;
+ } else {
+ print "Could not open file '$_[0]' for reading!\n";
+ return "";
+ }
+sub WriteFile { # (filename, contents)
+ open (FILE, ">$_[0]") or die "Could not open file '$_[0]' for writing!\n";
+ print FILE $_[1];
+ close FILE;
+sub CopyFile { #filename, newfile
+ my ($file, $newfile) = @_;
+ chomp($file);
+ if ($VERBOSE) { print "Copying $file to $newfile\n"; }
+ copy($file, $newfile);
+# This function acts as a mini web browswer submitting data
+# to our central server via the post method
+sub WriteSentData {
+ $variables = $_[0];
+ # Write out the "...-sentdata.txt" file.
+ my $sentdata="";
+ foreach $x (keys (%$variables)){
+ $value = $variables->{$x};
+ $sentdata.= "$x => $value\n";
+ }
+ WriteFile "$Prefix-sentdata.txt", $sentdata;
+sub SendData {
+ $host = $_[0];
+ $file = $_[1];
+ $variables = $_[2];
+ if (!($SUBMITAUX eq "")) {
+ system "$SUBMITAUX \"$Prefix-sentdata.txt\"";
+ }
+ if (!$SUBMIT) {
+ return "Skipped standard submit.\n";
+ }
+ # Create the content to send to the server.
+ my $content;
+ foreach $key (keys (%$variables)){
+ $value = $variables->{$key};
+ $value =~ s/([^A-Za-z0-9])/sprintf("%%%02X", ord($1))/seg;
+ $content .= "$key=$value&";
+ }
+ # Send the data to the server.
+ #
+ # FIXME: This code should be more robust?
+ $port=80;
+ $socketaddr= sockaddr_in $port, inet_aton $host or die "Bad hostname\n";
+ socket SOCK, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname('tcp') or
+ die "Bad socket\n";
+ connect SOCK, $socketaddr or die "Bad connection\n";
+ select((select(SOCK), $| = 1)[0]);
+ $length = length($content);
+ my $send= "POST $file HTTP/1.0\n";
+ $send.= "Host: $host\n";
+ $send.= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\n";
+ $send.= "Content-length: $length\n\n";
+ $send.= "$content";
+ print SOCK $send;
+ my $result;
+ while(<SOCK>){
+ $result .= $_;
+ }
+ close(SOCK);
+ return $result;
+# Individual Build & Test Functions
+# Create the source repository directory.
+sub CheckoutSource {
+ die "Invalid call!" unless $ConfigMode == 0;
+ if (-d $BuildDir) {
+ if (!$NOREMOVE) {
+ if ( $VERBOSE ) {
+ print "Build directory exists! Removing it\n";
+ }
+ system "rm -rf $BuildDir";
+ mkdir $BuildDir or die "Could not create checkout directory $BuildDir!";
+ } else {
+ if ( $VERBOSE ) {
+ print "Build directory exists!\n";
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ mkdir $BuildDir or die "Could not create checkout directory $BuildDir!";
+ }
+ ChangeDir( $BuildDir, "checkout directory" );
+ my $SVNCMD = "$NICE svn co --non-interactive";
+ RunLoggedCommand("( time -p $SVNCMD $SVNURL/llvm/trunk llvm; cd llvm/projects ; " .
+ " $SVNCMD $TestSVNURL/test-suite/trunk llvm-test )", $COLog,
+ if ($WITHCLANG) {
+ RunLoggedCommand("( cd llvm/tools ; " .
+ " $SVNCMD $SVNURL/cfe/trunk clang )", $COLog,
+ }
+# Build the entire tree, saving build messages to the build log. Returns false
+# on build failure.
+sub BuildLLVM {
+ die "Invalid call!" unless $ConfigMode == 0;
+ my $EXTRAFLAGS = "--enable-spec --with-objroot=.";
+ RunLoggedCommand("(time -p $NICE ./configure $CONFIGUREARGS $EXTRAFLAGS) ",
+ $ConfigureLog, "CONFIGURE");
+ # Build the entire tree, capturing the output into $BuildLog
+ if (!$NOCLEAN) {
+ RunAppendingLoggedCommand("($NICE $MAKECMD $MAKEOPTS clean)", $BuildLog, "BUILD CLEAN");
+ }
+ RunAppendingLoggedCommand("(time -p $NICE $MAKECMD $MAKEOPTS)", $BuildLog, "BUILD");
+ if (`grep -a '^$MAKECMD\[^:]*: .*Error' $BuildLog | wc -l` + 0 ||
+ `grep -a '^$MAKECMD: \*\*\*.*Stop.' $BuildLog | wc -l` + 0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+# Run the named tests (i.e. "SingleSource" "MultiSource" "External")
+sub TestDirectory {
+ my $SubDir = shift;
+ ChangeDir( "$LLVMTestDir/$SubDir",
+ "Programs Test Subdirectory" ) || return ("", "");
+ my $ProgramTestLog = "$Prefix-$SubDir-ProgramTest.txt";
+ # Make sure to clean the test results.
+ $ProgramTestLog, "TEST DIRECTORY $SubDir");
+ # Run the programs tests... creating a report.nightly.csv file.
+ my $LLCBetaOpts = "";
+ RunLoggedCommand("$MAKECMD -k $MAKEOPTS $PROGTESTOPTS report.nightly.csv ".
+ "$TESTFLAGS TEST=nightly",
+ $ProgramTestLog, "TEST DIRECTORY $SubDir");
+ $LLCBetaOpts = `$MAKECMD print-llcbeta-option`;
+ my $ProgramsTable;
+ if (`grep -a '^$MAKECMD\[^:]: .*Error' $ProgramTestLog | wc -l` + 0) {
+ $ProgramsTable="Error running test $SubDir\n";
+ print "ERROR TESTING\n";
+ } elsif (`grep -a '^$MAKECMD\[^:]: .*No rule to make target' $ProgramTestLog | wc -l` + 0) {
+ $ProgramsTable="Makefile error running tests $SubDir!\n";
+ print "ERROR TESTING\n";
+ } else {
+ # Create a list of the tests which were run...
+ system "egrep -a 'TEST-(PASS|FAIL)' < $ProgramTestLog ".
+ "| sort > $Prefix-$SubDir-Tests.txt";
+ }
+ $ProgramsTable = ReadFile "report.nightly.csv";
+ ChangeDir( "../../..", "Programs Test Parent Directory" );
+ return ($ProgramsTable, $LLCBetaOpts);
+# Run all the nightly tests and return the program tables and the list of tests,
+# passes, fails, and xfails.
+sub RunNightlyTest() {
+ ($SSProgs, $llcbeta_options) = TestDirectory("SingleSource");
+ WriteFile "$Prefix-SingleSource-Performance.txt", $SSProgs;
+ ($MSProgs, $llcbeta_options) = TestDirectory("MultiSource");
+ WriteFile "$Prefix-MultiSource-Performance.txt", $MSProgs;
+ if ( ! $NOEXTERNALS ) {
+ ($ExtProgs, $llcbeta_options) = TestDirectory("External");
+ WriteFile "$Prefix-External-Performance.txt", $ExtProgs;
+ system "cat $Prefix-SingleSource-Tests.txt " .
+ "$Prefix-MultiSource-Tests.txt ".
+ "$Prefix-External-Tests.txt | sort > $Prefix-Tests.txt";
+ system "cat $Prefix-SingleSource-Performance.txt " .
+ "$Prefix-MultiSource-Performance.txt ".
+ "$Prefix-External-Performance.txt | sort > $Prefix-Performance.txt";
+ } else {
+ $ExtProgs = "External TEST STAGE SKIPPED\n";
+ if ( $VERBOSE ) {
+ print "External TEST STAGE SKIPPED\n";
+ }
+ system "cat $Prefix-SingleSource-Tests.txt " .
+ "$Prefix-MultiSource-Tests.txt ".
+ " | sort > $Prefix-Tests.txt";
+ system "cat $Prefix-SingleSource-Performance.txt " .
+ "$Prefix-MultiSource-Performance.txt ".
+ " | sort > $Prefix-Performance.txt";
+ }
+ # Compile passes, fails, xfails.
+ my $All = (ReadFile "$Prefix-Tests.txt");
+ my @TestSuiteResultLines = split "\n", $All;
+ my ($Passes, $Fails, $XFails) = "";
+ for ($x=0; $x < @TestSuiteResultLines; $x++) {
+ if (@TestSuiteResultLines[$x] =~ m/^PASS:/) {
+ $Passes .= "$TestSuiteResultLines[$x]\n";
+ }
+ elsif (@TestSuiteResultLines[$x] =~ m/^FAIL:/) {
+ $Fails .= "$TestSuiteResultLines[$x]\n";
+ }
+ elsif (@TestSuiteResultLines[$x] =~ m/^XFAIL:/) {
+ $XFails .= "$TestSuiteResultLines[$x]\n";
+ }
+ }
+ return ($SSProgs, $MSProgs, $ExtProgs, $All, $Passes, $Fails, $XFails);
+# Initialize filenames
+if (! -d $WebDir) {
+ mkdir $WebDir, 0777 or die "Unable to create web directory: '$WebDir'.";
+ if($VERBOSE){
+ warn "$WebDir did not exist; creating it.\n";
+ }
+if ($CONFIG_PATH ne "") {
+ $ConfigMode = 1;
+ $LLVMSrcDir = GetRegex "^(.*)\\s+", `$CONFIG_PATH --src-root`;
+ $LLVMObjDir = GetRegex "^(.*)\\s+", `$CONFIG_PATH --obj-root`;
+ # FIXME: Add llvm-config hook for this?
+ $LLVMTestDir = $LLVMObjDir . "/projects/test-suite";
+} else {
+ $ConfigureLog = "$Prefix-Configure-Log.txt";
+ $BuildLog = "$Prefix-Build-Log.txt";
+ $COLog = "$Prefix-CVS-Log.txt";
+if ($VERBOSE) {
+ if ($CONFIG_PATH ne "") {
+ print "INITIALIZED (config mode)\n";
+ print "WebDir = $WebDir\n";
+ print "Prefix = $Prefix\n";
+ print "LLVM Src = $LLVMSrcDir\n";
+ print "LLVM Obj = $LLVMObjDir\n";
+ print "LLVM Test = $LLVMTestDir\n";
+ } else {
+ print "INITIALIZED\n";
+ print "SVN URL = $SVNURL\n";
+ print "COLog = $COLog\n";
+ print "BuildDir = $BuildDir\n";
+ print "WebDir = $WebDir\n";
+ print "Prefix = $Prefix\n";
+ print "BuildLog = $BuildLog\n";
+ }
+# The actual NewNightlyTest logic.
+$starttime = `date "+20%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"`;
+my $BuildError = 0, $BuildStatus = "OK";
+if ($ConfigMode == 0) {
+ if (!$NOCHECKOUT) {
+ CheckoutSource();
+ }
+ # Build LLVM.
+ ChangeDir( $LLVMSrcDir , "llvm source directory") ;
+ $BuildStatus = "Skipped by user";
+ } else {
+ if (!BuildLLVM()) {
+ if( $VERBOSE) { print "\n***ERROR BUILDING TREE\n\n"; }
+ $BuildError = 1;
+ $BuildStatus = "Error: compilation aborted";
+ }
+ }
+# Run the llvm-test tests.
+my ($SingleSourceProgramsTable, $MultiSourceProgramsTable, $ExternalProgramsTable,
+ $all_tests, $passes, $fails, $xfails) = "";
+if (!$NOTEST && !$BuildError) {
+ ($SingleSourceProgramsTable, $MultiSourceProgramsTable, $ExternalProgramsTable,
+ $all_tests, $passes, $fails, $xfails) = RunNightlyTest();
+$endtime = `date "+20%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"`;
+# The last bit of logic is to remove the build and web dirs, after sending data
+# to the server.
+# Accumulate the information to send to the server.
+if ( ! $NOUNAME ) {
+ $machine_data = "uname: ".`uname -a`.
+ "hardware: ".`uname -m`.
+ "os: ".`uname -sr`.
+ "name: ".`uname -n`.
+ "date: ".`date \"+20%y-%m-%d\"`.
+ "time: ".`date +\"%H:%M:%S\"`;
+} else {
+ $machine_data = "uname: (excluded)\n".
+ "hardware: ".`uname -m`.
+ "os: ".`uname -sr`.
+ "name: $nickname\n".
+ "date: ".`date \"+20%y-%m-%d\"`.
+ "time: ".`date +\"%H:%M:%S\"`;
+# Get gcc version.
+my $gcc_version_long = "";
+if ($GCCPATH ne "") {
+ $gcc_version_long = `$GCCPATH/gcc --version`;
+} elsif ($ENV{"CC"}) {
+ $gcc_version_long = `$ENV{"CC"} --version`;
+} else {
+ $gcc_version_long = `gcc --version`;
+my $gcc_version = (split '\n', $gcc_version_long)[0];
+# Get llvm-gcc target triple.
+# FIXME: This shouldn't be hardwired to llvm-gcc.
+my $llvmgcc_version_long = "";
+if ($LLVMGCCPATH ne "") {
+ $llvmgcc_version_long = `$LLVMGCCPATH/llvm-gcc -v 2>&1`;
+} else {
+ $llvmgcc_version_long = `llvm-gcc -v 2>&1`;
+(split '\n', $llvmgcc_version_long)[1] =~ /Target: (.+)/;
+my $targetTriple = $1;
+# Logs.
+my ($ConfigureLogData, $BuildLogData, $CheckoutLogData) = "";
+if ($ConfigMode == 0) {
+ $ConfigureLogData = ReadFile $ConfigureLog;
+ $BuildLogData = ReadFile $BuildLog;
+ $CheckoutLogData = ReadFile $COLog;
+# Checkout info.
+my $CheckoutTime_Wall = GetRegex "^real ([0-9.]+)", $CheckoutLogData;
+my $CheckoutTime_User = GetRegex "^user ([0-9.]+)", $CheckoutLogData;
+my $CheckoutTime_Sys = GetRegex "^sys ([0-9.]+)", $CheckoutLogData;
+my $CheckoutTime_CPU = $CVSCheckoutTime_User + $CVSCheckoutTime_Sys;
+# Configure info.
+my $ConfigTimeU = GetRegex "^user ([0-9.]+)", $ConfigureLogData;
+my $ConfigTimeS = GetRegex "^sys ([0-9.]+)", $ConfigureLogData;
+my $ConfigTime = $ConfigTimeU+$ConfigTimeS; # ConfigTime = User+System
+my $ConfigWallTime = GetRegex "^real ([0-9.]+)",$ConfigureLogData;
+$ConfigTime=-1 unless $ConfigTime;
+$ConfigWallTime=-1 unless $ConfigWallTime;
+# Build info.
+my $BuildTimeU = GetRegex "^user ([0-9.]+)", $BuildLogData;
+my $BuildTimeS = GetRegex "^sys ([0-9.]+)", $BuildLogData;
+my $BuildTime = $BuildTimeU+$BuildTimeS; # BuildTime = User+System
+my $BuildWallTime = GetRegex "^real ([0-9.]+)", $BuildLogData;
+$BuildTime=-1 unless $BuildTime;
+$BuildWallTime=-1 unless $BuildWallTime;
+my %hash_of_data = (
+ 'machine_data' => $machine_data,
+ 'build_data' => $ConfigureLogData . $BuildLogData,
+ 'gcc_version' => $gcc_version,
+ 'nickname' => $nickname,
+ 'dejagnutime_wall' => "0.0",
+ 'dejagnutime_cpu' => "0.0",
+ 'cvscheckouttime_wall' => $CheckoutTime_Wall,
+ 'cvscheckouttime_cpu' => $CheckoutTime_CPU,
+ 'configtime_wall' => $ConfigWallTime,
+ 'configtime_cpu'=> $ConfigTime,
+ 'buildtime_wall' => $BuildWallTime,
+ 'buildtime_cpu' => $BuildTime,
+ 'buildstatus' => $BuildStatus,
+ 'singlesource_programstable' => $SingleSourceProgramsTable,
+ 'multisource_programstable' => $MultiSourceProgramsTable,
+ 'externalsource_programstable' => $ExternalProgramsTable,
+ 'llcbeta_options' => $llcbeta_options,
+ 'passing_tests' => $passes,
+ 'expfail_tests' => $xfails,
+ 'unexpfail_tests' => $fails,
+ 'all_tests' => $all_tests,
+ 'dejagnutests_results' => "Dejagnu skipped by user choice.",
+ 'dejagnutests_log' => "",
+ 'starttime' => $starttime,
+ 'endtime' => $endtime,
+ 'target_triple' => $targetTriple,
+ # Unused, but left around for backwards compatability.
+ 'warnings' => "",
+ 'cvsusercommitlist' => "",
+ 'cvsuserupdatelist' => "",
+ 'cvsaddedfiles' => "",
+ 'cvsmodifiedfiles' => "",
+ 'cvsremovedfiles' => "",
+ 'lines_of_code' => "",
+ 'cvs_file_count' => 0,
+ 'cvs_dir_count' => 0,
+ 'warnings_removed' => "",
+ 'warnings_added' => "",
+ 'new_tests' => "",
+ 'removed_tests' => "",
+ 'o_file_sizes' => "",
+ 'a_file_sizes' => ""
+# Write out the "...-sentdata.txt" file.
+WriteSentData \%hash_of_data;
+if ($SUBMIT || !($SUBMITAUX eq "")) {
+ my $response = SendData $SUBMITSERVER,$SUBMITSCRIPT,\%hash_of_data;
+ if( $VERBOSE) { print "============================\n$response"; }
+} else {
+ print "============================\n";
+ foreach $x(keys %hash_of_data){
+ print "$x => $hash_of_data{$x}\n";
+ }
+# Remove the source tree...
+system ( "$NICE rm -rf $BuildDir")
+system ( "$NICE rm -rf $WebDir")
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud