path: root/contrib/llvm/tools/llvmc/examples/mcc16/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/llvm/tools/llvmc/examples/mcc16/')
1 files changed, 234 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/llvmc/examples/mcc16/ b/contrib/llvm/tools/llvmc/examples/mcc16/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f04196
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/llvmc/examples/mcc16/
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+//===- - PIC16 toolchain driver -------------------*- tablegen -*-===//
+// A basic driver for the PIC16 toolchain.
+include "llvm/CompilerDriver/"
+// Options
+def OptionList : OptionList<[
+ (switch_option "g",
+ (help "Enable Debugging")),
+ (switch_option "E",
+ (help "Stop after preprocessing, do not compile")),
+ (switch_option "S",
+ (help "Stop after compilation, do not assemble")),
+ (switch_option "bc",
+ (help "Stop after b-code generation, do not compile")),
+ (switch_option "c",
+ (help "Stop after assemble, do not link")),
+ (prefix_option "p",
+ (help "Specify part name")),
+ (prefix_list_option "I",
+ (help "Add a directory to include path")),
+ (prefix_list_option "L",
+ (help "Add a directory to library path")),
+ (prefix_list_option "K",
+ (help "Add a directory to linker script search path")),
+ (parameter_option "l",
+ (help "Specify a library to link")),
+ (parameter_option "k",
+ (help "Specify a linker script")),
+ (parameter_option "m",
+ (help "Generate linker map file with the given name")),
+ (prefix_list_option "D",
+ (help "Define a macro")),
+ (switch_option "X",
+ (help "Do not invoke mp2hex to create an output hex file.")),
+ (switch_option "O0",
+ (help "Do not optimize")),
+ (switch_option "O1",
+ (help "Optimization Level 1.")),
+ (switch_option "O2",
+ (help "Optimization Level 2.")),
+ (switch_option "O3",
+ (help "Optimization Level 3.")),
+ (switch_option "Od",
+ (help "Perform Debug-safe Optimizations only.")),
+ (switch_option "w",
+ (help "Disable all warnings.")),
+// (switch_option "O1",
+// (help "Optimization level 1")),
+// (switch_option "O2",
+// (help "Optimization level 2. (Default)")),
+// (parameter_option "pre-RA-sched",
+// (help "Example of an option that is passed to llc")),
+ (parameter_option "regalloc",
+ (help "Register allocator to use (possible values: simple, linearscan, pbqp, local; default=linearscan)")),
+ (prefix_list_option "Wa,", (comma_separated),
+ (help "Pass options to assembler (Run 'gpasm -help' for assembler options)")),
+ (prefix_list_option "Wl,", (comma_separated),
+ (help "Pass options to linker (Run 'mplink -help' for linker options)"))
+// (prefix_list_option "Wllc,",
+// (help "Pass options to llc")),
+// (prefix_list_option "Wo,",
+// (help "Pass options to llvm-ld"))
+// Tools
+class clang_based<string language, string cmd, string ext_E> : Tool<
+[(in_language language),
+ (out_language "llvm-bitcode"),
+ (output_suffix "bc"),
+ (command cmd),
+ (actions (case
+ (and (multiple_input_files),
+ (or (switch_on "S"), (switch_on "c"))),
+ (error "cannot specify -o with -c or -S with multiple files"),
+ (switch_on "E"), [(forward "E"),
+ (stop_compilation), (output_suffix ext_E)],
+ (and (switch_on "E"), (empty "o")), (no_out_file),
+ (switch_on "bc"),[(stop_compilation), (output_suffix "bc")],
+ (switch_on "g"), (append_cmd "-g"),
+ (switch_on "w"), (append_cmd "-w"),
+ (switch_on "O1"), (append_cmd ""),
+ (switch_on "O2"), (append_cmd ""),
+ (switch_on "O3"), (append_cmd ""),
+ (switch_on "Od"), (append_cmd ""),
+ (not_empty "D"), (forward "D"),
+ (not_empty "I"), (forward "I"),
+ (switch_on "O0"), (append_cmd "-O0"),
+ (default), (append_cmd "-O1")))
+// (sink)
+def clang_cc : clang_based<"c", "$CALL(GetBinDir)clang -cc1 -I $CALL(GetStdHeadersDir) -D $CALL(GetLowerCasePartDefine) -D $CALL(GetUpperCasePartDefine) -triple=pic16- -emit-llvm-bc ", "i">;
+//def clang_cc : Tool<[
+// (in_language "c"),
+// (out_language "llvm-bitcode"),
+// (output_suffix "bc"),
+// (cmd_line "$CALL(GetBinDir)clang-cc -I $CALL(GetStdHeadersDir) -triple=pic16- -emit-llvm-bc "),
+// (cmd_line kkkkk
+// (actions (case
+// (switch_on "g"), (append_cmd "g"),
+// (not_empty "I"), (forward "I"))),
+// (sink)
+// pre-link-and-lto step.
+def llvm_ld : Tool<[
+ (in_language "llvm-bitcode"),
+ (out_language "llvm-bitcode"),
+ (output_suffix "bc"),
+ (command "$CALL(GetBinDir)llvm-ld -L $CALL(GetStdLibsDir) -disable-licm-promotion -l std"),
+ (out_file_option "-b"),
+ (actions (case
+ (switch_on "O0"), (append_cmd "-disable-opt"),
+ (switch_on "O1"), (append_cmd "-disable-opt"),
+// Whenever O3 is not specified on the command line, default i.e. disable-inlining will always be added.
+ (switch_on "O2"), (append_cmd ""),
+ (switch_on "O3"), (append_cmd ""),
+ (default), (append_cmd "-disable-inlining"))),
+ (join)
+// optimize single file
+def llvm_ld_optimizer : Tool<[
+ (in_language "llvm-bitcode"),
+ (out_language "llvm-bitcode"),
+ (output_suffix "bc"),
+// FIXME: we are still not disabling licm-promotion.
+// -disable-licm-promotion and building stdn library causes c16-71 to fail.
+ (command "$CALL(GetBinDir)llvm-ld "),
+ (out_file_option "-b"),
+ (actions (case
+ (switch_on "O0"), (append_cmd "-disable-opt"),
+ (switch_on "O1"), (append_cmd "-disable-opt"),
+// Whenever O3 is not specified on the command line, default i.e. disable-inlining will always be added.
+ (switch_on "O2"), (append_cmd ""),
+ (switch_on "O3"), (append_cmd ""),
+ (default), (append_cmd "-disable-inlining")))
+// optimizer step.
+def pic16passes : Tool<[
+ (in_language "llvm-bitcode"),
+ (out_language "llvm-bitcode"),
+ (output_suffix "obc"),
+ (command "$CALL(GetBinDir)opt -pic16cloner -pic16overlay -f"),
+ (actions (case
+ (switch_on "O0"), (append_cmd "-disable-opt")))
+def llc : Tool<[
+ (in_language "llvm-bitcode"),
+ (out_language "assembler"),
+ (output_suffix "s"),
+ (command "$CALL(GetBinDir)llc -march=pic16 -disable-jump-tables -pre-RA-sched=list-burr -f"),
+ (actions (case
+ (switch_on "S"), (stop_compilation),
+// (not_empty "Wllc,"), (unpack_values "Wllc,"),
+// (not_empty "pre-RA-sched"), (forward "pre-RA-sched")))
+ (not_empty "regalloc"), (forward "regalloc"),
+ (empty "regalloc"), (append_cmd "-regalloc=linearscan")))
+def gpasm : Tool<[
+ (in_language "assembler"),
+ (out_language "object-code"),
+ (output_suffix "o"),
+ (command "$CALL(GetBinDir)gpasm -z -r decimal -I $CALL(GetStdAsmHeadersDir) -C -c -w 2"),
+ (actions (case
+ (switch_on "c"), (stop_compilation),
+ (switch_on "g"), (append_cmd "-g"),
+ (not_empty "p"), (forward "p"),
+ (empty "p"), (append_cmd "-p 16f1xxx"),
+ (not_empty "Wa,"), (forward_value "Wa,")))
+def mplink : Tool<[
+ (in_language "object-code"),
+ (out_language "executable"),
+ (output_suffix "cof"),
+ (command "$CALL(GetBinDir)mplink -e -k $CALL(GetStdLinkerScriptsDir) -l $CALL(GetStdLibsDir) intrinsics.lib stdn.lib"),
+ (actions (case
+ (not_empty "Wl,"), (forward_value "Wl,"),
+ (switch_on "X"), (append_cmd "-x"),
+ (not_empty "L"), (forward_as "L", "-l"),
+ (not_empty "K"), (forward_as "K", "-k"),
+ (not_empty "m"), (forward "m"),
+ (not_empty "p"), [(forward "p"), (append_cmd "-c")],
+ (empty "p"), (append_cmd "-p 16f1xxx -c"),
+// (not_empty "l"), [(unpack_values "l"),(append_cmd ".lib")])),
+ (not_empty "k"), (forward "k"),
+ (not_empty "l"), (forward "l"))),
+ (join)
+// Language map
+def LanguageMap : LanguageMap<[
+ (lang_to_suffixes "c", "c"),
+ (lang_to_suffixes "c-cpp-output", "i"),
+ (lang_to_suffixes "assembler", "s"),
+ (lang_to_suffixes "assembler-with-cpp", "S"),
+ (lang_to_suffixes "llvm-assembler", "ll"),
+ (lang_to_suffixes "llvm-bitcode", "bc"),
+ (lang_to_suffixes "object-code", "o"),
+ (lang_to_suffixes "executable", "cof")
+// Compilation graph
+def CompilationGraph : CompilationGraph<[
+ (edge "root", "clang_cc"),
+ (edge "root", "llvm_ld"),
+ (optional_edge "root", "llvm_ld_optimizer",
+ (case (switch_on "S"), (inc_weight),
+ (switch_on "c"), (inc_weight))),
+ (edge "root", "gpasm"),
+ (edge "root", "mplink"),
+ (edge "clang_cc", "llvm_ld"),
+ (optional_edge "clang_cc", "llvm_ld_optimizer",
+ (case (switch_on "S"), (inc_weight),
+ (switch_on "c"), (inc_weight))),
+ (edge "llvm_ld", "pic16passes"),
+ (edge "llvm_ld_optimizer", "pic16passes"),
+ (edge "pic16passes", "llc"),
+ (edge "llc", "gpasm"),
+ (edge "gpasm", "mplink")
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